BAM and Jdeveloper

I have created Activity sensors and mapped it to BAM sensors actions.Before that I have created Data object in BAM Architect console. When i try to deploy the bpel process, i am getting the below error
[b][bpelc] Failed to load the JCE cipher "DESede/ECB/PKCS5Padding". Your environment may not be set correctly.
[b][bpelc] You must have the JCE library files installed in your JRE installation as an extension. Copy the jar files from "\install\java\jce1.2.2" to the "(jdk_path)\jre\lib\ext" directory (where jdk_path is your jdk installation directory).
I searched for jce1.2.2 in my machine. It is not available. Kindly help me to solve this issue.

From which location u got the above jars.
Please let us know the complete path.. we need to copy them to Jdev_home/ant/lib, right??
Please provide us the details at the earliest.
Appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance,

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    For integration between OAS components and BAM you can check BAM tech notes (
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    I am referring :

    To add system to solman:
    Go to SMSY and define:
    1) Server --> host name, IP etc
    2) DB --> DB details
    3) System --> R3, Netweaever etc, assign proper components, products
    4) define and assign logical components for the system defined in step 3
    5) generate RFC destionation to the satellite system
    6) Provided you have the necessary trusted authorization and if the RFCs are generated successfully then your task is done. Else you'll have to troubleshoot.
    Once this is done, you need to goto SOLUTION_MANAGER and define
    1) new solution
    2) make necessary inclusion in Solution Landscape Maintenance
    3) include logical component
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    For system monitoring using solman, refer:
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    Hi Varun,
    Please find the answers to your questions below:
    1) Could you please let me know how to use this system property -Dtangosol.coherence.override in my application so that I can coordinate between the cluster used by my application and the one started for using Coherence Node.
    You need to specify this property in the Java Options of your server or cache node startup script.
    2) I was trying to understand how to use this tangosol-coherence-override.xml but the document is pretty confusing. I am not able to understand that whether I am suppose to use it at server level or at application level.
    I would suggest extract the coherence.jar and you it would be important for you to have a look at the tangosol-coherence.xml and tangosol-coherence-override.xml. This file is used to override any of the properties specified in tangosol-coherence.xml for your cluster configuration for example, clustername, multicast ip and port or WKA for unicast, logging and so on.
    3) Another point is how to coordinate among tangosol-coherence-override.xml, coherence-cache-config.xml and -Dtangosol.coherence.override system property from my application
    Ideally you should specify in the java options of your application startup but you can also sepcify using System.setProperty("property", "value") in you code for specifying the various properties
    4) How to use the cache updating mechanisms from an application?
    I am not clear what do you mean by cache updating mechanisms? If you mean how you can update the cache from application then you can use simple Put, Entry Processor and so on. Refer NamedCache APIs to start with for operations but there many other ways to update the cache from within application or otherwise
    Hope this helps!

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