Hi SAP Gurus,
for transaction FBS1. I am able to get the document No from this bapi.
when I am pasing this doc no in BKPF table I find an entry against that but
Reversal posting Date (STODT) and Reversal flag (XSTOV) is coming blank.
I didn't find where to pass STODT in bapi?
Or do I need to use any other function mod or BAPI by passing doc no.

Hi Krishna,
hi, there is no BAPI for FBS1 and BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST does not do it despite having the reversal reason as a header segment field! helpful... I think not.
The options are either BDC or RFBIBL00..
I wrapped the standard BAPI and within this either called the standard BAPI or called BDC code if the posting was to be an FBS1.

Similar Messages

  • Is there any BAPI for FBS1 Transaction

    Is there any BAPI for FBS1 transaction instead of using BDC.

    Hi Aravind ,
    I'm afraid that it's not possible to do it through BAPI ( because of he specificity of this txn ), you have to use either RFBIBL00 or your own BDC.
    Hope this helps,

  • Bapi for F-02

    i am trying to upload the data for TCODE F-02 using BAPI_ACC_GL_POSTING_POST   &     BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST in this bapi's all the fields are not available.
    HEADER fields which i have to upload are BLDATA, BUDAT, BUKRS, BLART , XBLNR , BKTXT AND WAERS.
    ITEM fields which i have to upload are
    NEWKO ,
    when i try with BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST  ,  below fields are not available in BAPI .
    ZTERM ( payment term) ,                            
    ZFBDT  (bline date),
    PERNR ( personnel number).
    could you please suggest me , if the above  bapi's will work or not.
    is there any other bapi / function module availbale TCode F-02 with the above fields.including header and item fields.
    Please elaborately explain.

    hi ester,
    check out this weblog
    hope this will be helpful.

  • BAPI for Open production orders

    Hi All,
    Any BAPI for open production orders?.... Using BAPI i want to upload open production orders informatiomations.... Please help
    Thanks & Regards

       Please check the following BAPI,
    Goto BAPI tcode, select hierarchical tab
      Production orders,ProductionOrder ,ProdOrdConfirmation , RCVPRORDCF and check the BAPIs

  • Bapi for open PO

    Can anyone let me know where to find the bapi for open po and how to use it in my report program.
    Thanks in advance.
    Note: Mr Anji Reddy vangala has answered me for which iam very much thankful to him, but i need to know about the concerned bapi.

    Refer the sample code below which creats PO using BAPI_PO_CREATE1.
    Hope this helps your querry.
    *& Report  YDM_PO_CREATE                                               *
    REPORT  ydm_po_create.
    *-- Input File Declaration
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_input_file,
           column1 TYPE char50,
           column2 TYPE char50,
           column3 TYPE char50,
           column4 TYPE char50,
           column5 TYPE char50,
           column6 TYPE char50,
           column7 TYPE char50,
           column8 TYPE char50,
           column9 TYPE char50,
           column10 TYPE char50,
           column11 TYPE char50,
           column12 TYPE char50,
           column13 TYPE char50,
           column14 TYPE char50,
           column15 TYPE char50,
           column16 TYPE char50,
           column17 TYPE char50,
           column18 TYPE char50,
    END OF ty_input_file.
    DATA: i_input_file  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_input_file,
          wa_input_file TYPE ty_input_file.
    CONSTANTS: c_path     TYPE char20 VALUE 'C:\',
               c_mask     TYPE char9  VALUE ',*.*,*.*.',
               c_mode     TYPE char1  VALUE 'O',
               c_filetype TYPE char10 VALUE 'ASC',
               c_x        TYPE char01 VALUE 'X'.
    PARAMETERS : p_fname   LIKE rlgrap-filename.
    *-- Browse Presentation Server
      PERFORM f4_presentation_file.
    *-- Read presentation server file
      PERFORM f1003_upload_file.
      IF NOT i_input_file[] IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM split_data.
    *&                  Form  f4_presentation_file
    *&                F4 Help for presentation server
    FORM f4_presentation_file .
          def_path         = c_path
          mask             = c_mask
          mode             = c_mode
          title            = text-001
          filename         = p_fname
          inv_winsys       = 1
          no_batch         = 2
          selection_cancel = 3
          selection_error  = 4
          OTHERS           = 5.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " f4_presentation_file
    *&                      Form  f1003_upload_file
    *&                         Upload File
    FORM f1003_upload_file .
      DATA: lcl_filename TYPE string.
      lcl_filename = p_fname.
          filename                = lcl_filename
          filetype                = c_filetype
          has_field_separator     = c_x
          data_tab                = i_input_file
          file_open_error         = 1
          file_read_error         = 2
          no_batch                = 3
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
          invalid_type            = 5
          no_authority            = 6
          unknown_error           = 7
          bad_data_format         = 8
          header_not_allowed      = 9
          separator_not_allowed   = 10
          header_too_long         = 11
          unknown_dp_error        = 12
          access_denied           = 13
          dp_out_of_memory        = 14
          disk_full               = 15
          dp_timeout              = 16
          OTHERS                  = 17.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " f1003_upload_file
    *&      Form  split_data
          Collect data for creating Purchase Order
    FORM split_data .
      DATA: i_poitem        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitem,
            i_poitemx       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitemx,
            i_poitem_sch    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedule,
            i_poitem_schx   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx,
            i_acct_***      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccount,
            i_acct_assx     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoaccountx,
            i_services      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesllc ,
            i_srvacc        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiesklc,
            i_return        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2,
            wa_header       TYPE bapimepoheader,
            wa_headerx      TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            wa_poitem       TYPE bapimepoitem,
            wa_poitemx      TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            wa_poitem_sch   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            wa_poitem_schx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            wa_acct_***     TYPE bapimepoaccount,
            wa_acct_assx    TYPE bapimepoaccountx,
            wa_services     TYPE bapiesllc,
            wa_srvacc       TYPE bapiesklc,
            wa_return       TYPE bapiret2,
            ws_po           TYPE bapimepoheader-po_number.
      break gbpra8.
      wa_services-pckg_no = 10.
      wa_services-line_no = 1.
      wa_services-outl_no = '0'.
      wa_services-outl_ind = c_x.
      wa_services-subpckg_no = 20.
      APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
      wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 10.
      wa_srvacc-line_no = 1.
      wa_srvacc-serno_line = 01.
      wa_srvacc-serial_no = 01.
      wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
      APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
      LOOP AT i_input_file INTO wa_input_file.
        IF wa_input_file-column2 EQ 'HD'.
          wa_header-doc_type = wa_input_file-column3.
          wa_header-creat_date = sy-datum.
          wa_header-created_by = sy-uname.
          wa_header-vendor = wa_input_file-column4.
          PERFORM conversion_output USING wa_header-vendor
                                    CHANGING wa_header-vendor.
          wa_header-comp_code = 'DE03'.
          wa_header-purch_org = 'DE03'.
          wa_header-pur_group = 'DE1'.
          wa_header-vper_start = wa_input_file-column9.
          wa_header-vper_end = wa_input_file-column10.
          wa_headerx-comp_code = c_x.
          wa_headerx-doc_type = c_x.
          wa_headerx-creat_date = c_x.
          wa_headerx-created_by = c_x.
          wa_headerx-vendor = c_x.
          wa_headerx-purch_org = c_x.
          wa_headerx-pur_group = c_x.
          wa_headerx-vper_start = c_x.
          wa_headerx-vper_end = c_x.
        IF wa_input_file-column2 EQ 'IT'.
          wa_poitem-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
          wa_poitem-short_text = wa_input_file-column6.
          wa_poitem-plant = wa_input_file-column8.
          wa_poitem-quantity = '1'.
          wa_poitem-tax_code = 'V0'.
          wa_poitem-item_cat = 'D'.
          wa_poitem-acctasscat = 'K'.
          wa_poitem-matl_group = wa_input_file-column7.
          wa_poitem-pckg_no = '10'.
          APPEND wa_poitem TO i_poitem .
          wa_poitemx-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
          wa_poitemx-po_itemx = c_x.
          wa_poitemx-short_text = c_x.
          wa_poitemx-plant = c_x.
          wa_poitemx-quantity = c_x.
          wa_poitemx-tax_code = c_x.
          wa_poitemx-item_cat = c_x.
          wa_poitemx-acctasscat = c_x.
          wa_poitemx-matl_group = c_x.
          wa_poitemx-pckg_no = c_x.
          APPEND wa_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
          wa_poitem_sch-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
          wa_poitem_sch-delivery_date = sy-datum.
          APPEND wa_poitem_sch TO i_poitem_sch.
          wa_poitem_schx-po_item = wa_input_file-column3.
          wa_poitem_schx-po_itemx = c_x.
          wa_poitem_schx-delivery_date = c_x.
          APPEND wa_poitem_schx TO i_poitem_schx.
          wa_acct_***-po_item = 10.
          wa_acct_***-serial_no = 01.
          wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
          wa_acct_***-co_area  = '1000'.
          wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
          APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
          wa_acct_***-po_item = 10.
          wa_acct_***-serial_no = 02.
          wa_acct_***-gl_account = '0006360100'.
          wa_acct_***-co_area  = '1000'.
          wa_acct_***-costcenter = 'KC010000'.
          APPEND wa_acct_*** TO i_acct_***.
          wa_acct_assx-po_item = 10.
          wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 01.
          wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
          wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
          wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
          wa_acct_assx-co_area  = c_x.
          wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
          APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
          wa_acct_assx-po_item = 10.
          wa_acct_assx-serial_no = 02.
          wa_acct_assx-po_itemx = c_x.
          wa_acct_assx-serial_nox = c_x.
          wa_acct_assx-gl_account = c_x.
          wa_acct_assx-co_area  = c_x.
          wa_acct_assx-costcenter = c_x.
          APPEND wa_acct_assx TO i_acct_assx.
          wa_services-pckg_no = 20.
          wa_services-line_no = 2.
          wa_services-service = wa_input_file-column9.
          wa_services-quantity = '100'.
          wa_services-gr_price = '100'.
          wa_services-userf1_txt = wa_input_file-column13.
          APPEND wa_services TO i_services.
          wa_srvacc-pckg_no = 20.
          wa_srvacc-line_no = 1.
          wa_srvacc-serno_line = 02.
          wa_srvacc-serial_no = 02.
          wa_srvacc-percentage = 100.
          APPEND wa_srvacc TO i_srvacc.
          poheader                     = wa_header
          poheaderx                    = wa_headerx
      POADDRVENDOR                 =
      TESTRUN                      =
      MEMORY_UNCOMPLETE            =
      MEMORY_COMPLETE              =
      POEXPIMPHEADER               =
      POEXPIMPHEADERX              =
      VERSIONS                     =
      NO_MESSAGING                 =
      NO_MESSAGE_REQ               =
      NO_AUTHORITY                 =
      NO_PRICE_FROM_PO             =
         exppurchaseorder             = ws_po
      EXPHEADER                    =
      EXPPOEXPIMPHEADER            =
         return                       = i_return
         poitem                       = i_poitem
         poitemx                      = i_poitemx
      POADDRDELIVERY               =
         poschedule                   = i_poitem_sch
         poschedulex                  = i_poitem_schx
         poaccount                    = i_acct_***
         poaccountx                   = i_acct_assx
      POCONDHEADER                 =
      POCONDHEADERX                =
      POCOND                       =
      POCONDX                      =
      POLIMITS                     =
      POCONTRACTLIMITS             =
         poservices                   = i_services
         posrvaccessvalues            = i_srvacc
      POSERVICESTEXT               =
      EXTENSIONIN                  =
      EXTENSIONOUT                 =
      POEXPIMPITEM                 =
      POEXPIMPITEMX                =
      POTEXTHEADER                 =
      POTEXTITEM                   =
      ALLVERSIONS                  =
      POPARTNER                    =
      break gbpra8.
      LOOP AT i_return INTO wa_return.
    ENDFORM.                    " split_data
    *&      Form  conversion_output
          Conversion exit input
    FORM conversion_output  USING    p_ip
                            CHANGING p_op.
          input  = p_ip
          output = p_op.
    ENDFORM.                    " conversion_output
    <b>Reward points if this helps.

  • BAPI for Open Sales Order

    I need a BAPI for list of Sales order against which the invoice has not been generated.  I need to pass date and bapi shall return list of sales order that are not invoiced.

    Hi Frederic
    Sure it does.
    Actually I want to send data from SAP to some .net application. I thought using BAPI would make the job easier.
    Anyways thanks.

  • PS: BAPI For Planned Progress and Actual Progress

    Dear All,
                  Is there any BAPI available for Planned Progress and Actual Progress for PS Project.

    Try using this report s_alr_87013532.
    Also for planned and actual progress the table is rpsqt. Could not find any bapi for the progress
    Hiren K.Chitalia

  • BAPIs for Vendor Balances

    I need a BAPI for extract the Vendor Balances and other for load the Vendor Balances.
    Do they exist?

    try to search in Se37
    BAPI_AP_ACC_GETBALANCEDITEMS   Vendor Account Clearing Transactions in a given Period
    BAPI_AP_ACC_GETCURRENTBALANCE  Vendor Account Closing Balance in Current Fiscal Year
    BAPI_AP_ACC_GETKEYDATEBALANCE  Vendor Account Balance at Key Date
    BAPI_AP_ACC_GETPERIODBALANCES  Posting Period Balances per Vendor Account in Current Fiscal Year

  • Function modules or BAPI for posting plan costs for WBS Element

    Hi all,
    Does anyone know, whether there exists a function module or BAPI for posting plan costs to a WBS Element? K_COSTS_PLAN_PS does not work, because RKP1 is not allowed.

    BAPI_COSTACTPLN_POSTACTINPUT   Activity Input Planning: Posting                
    BAPI_COSTACTPLN_POSTACTOUTPUT  Activity/Price Planning: Posting                
    BAPI_COSTACTPLN_POSTKEYFIGURE  Stat. Key Figure Planning: Postings             
    BAPI_COSTACTPLN_POSTPRIMCOST   Primary Cost Planning: Postings                 
    BAPI_PDTRANSCO_POSTPRIMCOST    Transfer of Planning Data: Post Primary Costs   
    K40C                           CO Actual Postings, Manual                      
    BAPI_ACC_PRIMARY_COSTS_POST    Accounting: Post Primary Costs                  
    BAPI_COPAACTUALS_POSTCOSTDATA  BAPI Operating Concern: Post Costing-Based Actua
    BAPI_PRIM_COST_CHECK_AND_POST  Primary Costs: Formal Parameter Check           

  • IDOC/BAPI for Production order creation from Legacy system

    Hi all
    We are using an interface to create Production orders from legacy to SAP. Would you recommend an IDOC or a BAPI to create Production orders. If IDOC or BAPI then could you please mention which one?
    thanks a bunch

    Hi John,
    For your purposes, please use BAPI for production order creation from legacy system. There is no standard inbound IDoc available to use. SAP has an IDoc for outbound interface only (message type LOIPRO).
    If there is an inbound IDoc available, I would recommend to use an IDoc.
    IDoc technology has excellent error handling and will allow you to reprocess an error (if any).
    BAPI is also good approach to use and fast in term of  processing.
    For BAPI approach, you can use BAPI BAPI_PRODORD_CREATE.
    Hope this will help.
    Ferry Lianto

  • Bapi for vendor payment with details of tunover and blocked payment

    Dear all
    I want to know whether any BAPI available for the details of vendor payment made and the open item with  blocked payment (with the reason for the blocked payment) and the turnover of the vendor for a particular fiscal year...................
    The client want to get the output as mentioned below.
    PO no : 45629810
    Inv.No : 73409 (Vendor's Invoice no.)
    Payment : Paid amt with date and details
    Payment : Outstanding (Due and Over Due with no.of days)
    Blocked Payment : Amt with the reason for blocking the payment.
    Turn Over : Total turn over for that fiscal year.
    This is an urgent req. from my client,i will be very grateful if any one can  help me over this issue ..............
    Appreciate for any relevant answers and suggestion ...........
    I am in ECC 6.0

    Hello Raj,
    Unfortunately there is no BAPI for payment detals and other company code data. The only possibility is via direct input (external data transfer).
    Please have a look at the following Easy-Access-path:
    SAP Menu
    -> Accounting
      -> Bank Applications
       -> Loans Management
        -> Environment
         -> External Data Transfer
    Within this menu entry you find diverse functions. Please start the function KCLJ to transfer data. Before you can do this you need to
    prepare the transfer by creating your own transfer structure and so on. You can get further information on what to do here by navigating to
    "Help   > Application help" within transaction KCLJ. From here you get to the right area of SAP library.
    Thanks Amber

  • Bapi for posting IR line item at a time

    Do we have a bapi for posting invoive receipt line item wise instead of posting the PO at a time......this wud be more precise for my requirement.....presently i'm using bapi_acc_document_post but this wud clear the document with single document number.....but i want it to be posted line item wise to see the amount individually item wise instead of combined one....similar to what we have in the IR which shows amount of individual items........

    This is an old bug that keeps popping up:

  • Help Rgd. BAPI for Creation of Inbound delivery Document

    Hi all,
    I need a Bapi to create inbound delivery document without using PO reference. I have seen the below BAPIs. i) BAPI_IBDLV_CREATE_FROM_OBDLV, 
    ii) BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE. I am not sure whether they are for creating inbound delivery document without using PO reference.
    It will be of great use if anyone can give me the BAPI for the purpose and the mandatory parameters or sample test data for the BAPI.
    Thanks in Advance,

    If you create the inbound delivery->check the purchase order in the tabstrip "Confirmations" on item level. There are three fields: "Confirmation control key", "Order acknowl." and "acknowl. required".
    Ckeck if there is a value in "confirmation control key".
    You should get the same error if you try to create VL31N in dialog mode, not only by using the bapi.

  • BAPI for changing delivery date and delivery time fields in LIKP table

    Hi All,
         Is there any BAPI or function module to change the delivery date and delivery time in LIKP table ?
    Please tell me experts if exists.
    Thank you,

    try these:
    BAPI/FM to update LIKP and VTTK tables

  • BAPI for J1IJ depot excise invoice required

    Hi All,
    Please let me know the BAPI to create depot excise invoice with J1IJ from a delivery.This require to automate the process.
    Please let me know the parameters also.
    Mukul Kumar

    Hi Mukul,
    CIN does not support any BAPIs for goods receipts and excise updates.
    However, CIN uses MB_MIGO_BADI definition and CIN_PLUG_IN_TO_MIGO implementation. You can create multiple implementations of this BAdI. You can use the same BAdI for single step capture and post of excise invoice in MIGO.

Maybe you are looking for

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