I m creating a BDC Programme for uploading OLD PO date from excel to SAP System.
All PO's are Service PO.
PO's date and Delivery Date is in back date.
My programme working fine.
But i have to press enter manually due to   PO  Date = back date and Delivery date is also back date.
SHDB unable to record this event.
How to record this event.
Is there any way to disable system messages during BDC Programme.
When I press enter two times my programme runs very well.
Kindly help me.
Its very much urgent.
Code is give below.
REPORT zbdcme21n
DATA : l_file TYPE rlgrap-filename.
DATA:   e_group_opened.
PARAMETERS session RADIOBUTTON GROUP ctu.  "create session
DATA : group(12).                      "group name of session
group = 'BDC'.
*PARAMETERS: user(12) DEFAULT sy-uname.     "user for session in batch
DATA : user(12).
user = sy-uname.
*DATA :  keep AS CHECKBOX.       "' ' = delete session if finished
DATA :  keep TYPE checkbox.
keep = 'X'.
*PARAMETERS: holddate LIKE sy-datum. "'X' = keep   session if finished
DATA : holddate LIKE sy-datum.
holddate  = sy-datum.
PARAMETERS ctu RADIOBUTTON GROUP  ctu.     "call transaction
DATA:   bdcdata LIKE bdcdata    OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
DATA : BEGIN OF i_tab OCCURS 0, "excel data stored in this file.
row TYPE alsmex_tabline-row,
col TYPE alsmex_tabline-col,
value TYPE alsmex_tabline-value,
END OF i_tab.
DATA : BEGIN OF wa_line1 OCCURS 0, "excel data stored in this file.
row TYPE alsmex_tabline-row,
col TYPE alsmex_tabline-col,
value TYPE alsmex_tabline-value,
srno TYPE i,
END OF wa_line1.
DATA : wa_line2 LIKE wa_line1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE .
DATA : wa_hdr1  LIKE wa_line1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE .
DATA : w_cnt TYPE i . "store total no of  pos
DATA : w_hdr_counter VALUE 1. "for header line count
DATA : w_line_counter VALUE 1. "for Line Item Counter.
w_cnt = 0.
PARAMETER: dataset TYPE rlgrap-filename OBLIGATORY.
  PERFORM upload_file.
*include bdcrecx1.
  PERFORM process_itab.
*include bdcrecx1.
  PERFORM open_group.
**********************start for header
  w_hdr_counter = 1.
  WHILE w_hdr_counter <= w_cnt.
    PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMM06E' '0100'.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 2 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'EKKO-LIFNR'
                                  wa_hdr1-value.            "'800000'.
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 3 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-BSART'
                                  wa_hdr1-value. "'ZS'.
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 4 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-BEDAT'
                                  wa_hdr1-value. " '14.01.2008'.
   PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-LPEIN'
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 13 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-EEIND'
                                  wa_hdr1-value.   "'14.01.2008'. "Delivery Date
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-LPEIN'
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 6 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'EKKO-EKORG'
                                  wa_hdr1-value. "'serv'.
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 7 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'EKKO-EKGRP'
                                  wa_hdr1-value. "'dce'. Purchase Group
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 8 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-EPSTP'
                                  wa_hdr1-value. "'d'. Item Category
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 9 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-KNTTP'
                                  wa_hdr1-value. "'p'. Account Asign Category
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 10 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-WERKS'
                                  wa_hdr1-value. "'1001'.Plant
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 11 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-LGORT'
                                  wa_hdr1-value. " '1101'. Store Location
    READ TABLE wa_hdr1 WITH KEY col = 12 srno = w_hdr_counter.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-MATKL'
                                  wa_hdr1-value. "'c003'. Material Group
    PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLMLSP' '0200'.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
********************end of Header Data*******************
data i type n value 1.
data bfield type string.
    LOOP AT wa_line1 WHERE col = 1 AND srno = wa_hdr1-srno.
    READ TABLE wa_line2 WITH KEY COL = 14 SRNO = wa_hdr1-srno ROW = wa_line1-ROW.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM11P-HEADTEXT'
                                    wa_line2-value. " 'Earthwork text'.
    concatenate 'ESLL-SRVPOS(' i ')' into bfield.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
                                   bfield.  " 'ESLL-SRVPOS(01)'. "increase counter
     PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM11P-NEW_ROW'
      READ TABLE wa_line2 WITH KEY COL = 15 SRNO = wa_hdr1-srno ROW = wa_line1-ROW.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING  bfield "'ESLL-SRVPOS(01)'
                                    wa_line2-value.  "'5000000000'.
    concatenate 'ESLL-MENGE(' i ')' into bfield.
      READ TABLE wa_line2 WITH KEY COL = 16 SRNO = wa_hdr1-srno ROW = wa_line1-ROW.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING   bfield "'ESLL-MENGE(01)' "qty
                                    wa_line2-value. "'15'.
      concatenate 'ESLL-MEINS(' i ')' into bfield.
      READ TABLE wa_line2 WITH KEY COL = 17 SRNO = wa_hdr1-srno ROW = wa_line1-ROW.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING bfield "'ESLL-MEINS(01)'
                                    wa_line2-value.  "'ft3'.
      concatenate 'ESLL-TBTWR(' i ')' into bfield.
      READ TABLE wa_line2 WITH KEY COL = 18 SRNO = wa_hdr1-srno ROW = wa_line1-ROW.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING   bfield  " 'ESLL-TBTWR(01)'
                                    wa_line2-value.  "'150'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE' "Manually added
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLMLSK' '0200'.
      concatenate 'ESKN-PS_PSP_PNR' i ')' into bfield.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'VRTKZ1'
      concatenate 'ESKN-SAKTO(' i ')' into bfield.
      READ TABLE wa_line2 WITH KEY COL = 19 SRNO = wa_hdr1-srno ROW = wa_line1-ROW.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'ESKN-SAKTO(01)' "GL Account No.
                                    wa_line2-value.  " '6010010'.
      concatenate 'ESKN-PS_PSP_PNR(' i ')' into bfield.
      READ TABLE wa_line2 WITH KEY COL = 20 SRNO = wa_hdr1-srno ROW = wa_line1-ROW.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'ESKN-PS_PSP_PNR(01)'
                                    wa_line2-value. " 'HR/KMP-KU'. "WBS Element
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLMLSK' '0200'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'VRTKZ1'
    PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLMLSP' '0200'.
    i = i + 1.
   PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
   PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'VRTKZ1'
   PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLMLSP' '0200'.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
*perform bdc_field       using 'RM11P-HEADTEXT'
                             'Earthwork text'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'             "Start Service Line 2
*perform bdc_field       using 'RM11P-NEW_ROW'
*perform bdc_field       using 'ESLL-SRVPOS(02)'
*perform bdc_field       using 'ESLL-MENGE(02)'
*perform bdc_field       using 'ESLL-MEINS(02)'
*perform bdc_field       using 'ESLL-TBTWR(02)'
*perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLMLSK' '0200'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
*perform bdc_field       using 'VRTKZ1'
*perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLMLSK' '0200'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
*perform bdc_field       using 'VRTKZ1'
*perform bdc_field       using 'ESKN-SAKTO(01)'
*perform bdc_field       using 'ESKN-PS_PSP_PNR(01)'
*perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLMLSK' '0200'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
*perform bdc_field       using 'VRTKZ1'
*perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLMLSP' '0200'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
*perform bdc_field       using 'RM11P-HEADTEXT'
                             'Earthwork text'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
*perform bdc_field       using 'RM11P-NEW_ROW'
*perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLMLSP' '0200'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
*perform bdc_field       using 'RM11P-HEADTEXT'
                             'Earthwork text'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
*perform bdc_field       using 'RM11P-NEW_ROW'
*perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMM06E' '0120'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
*perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
*perform bdc_field       using 'RM06E-EBELP'
    PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMM06E' '0120'.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
   PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-EBELP'
    PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMM06E' '0101'.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
*perform bdc_field       using 'EKKO-EKGRP'
*perform bdc_field       using 'EKKO-PINCR'
*perform bdc_field       using 'EKKO-UPINC'
*perform bdc_field       using 'EKKO-WAERS'
*perform bdc_field       using 'EKKO-WKURS'
                             ' 1.00000'.
    PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMM06E' '0103'.
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
    PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RM06E-LTEX1(01)'
                                  'Old PO no.'.
*perform bdc_transaction using 'ME21'.
    w_hdr_counter = w_hdr_counter + 1.
  PERFORM close_group.
FORM upload_file.
*def_filename = ' '
*def_path = ' '
*mask = ' '
  mode = '0'
  title = 'Choose the Appropriate excel sheet for service PO upload'
  filename = dataset
*inv_winsys = 01
*no_batch = 02
*selection_cancel = 03
*selection_error = 04
  l_file = dataset.
  PERFORM read_exceldata.
ENDFORM.                    "UPLOAD_FILE
*&      Form  READ_EXCELDATA
FORM read_exceldata.
  filename = l_file
  i_begin_col = 1
  i_begin_row = 2
  i_end_col = 25
  i_end_row = 4
  intern = i_tab
ENDFORM.                    "READ_EXCELDATA
  create batchinput session                                          *
  (not for call transaction using...)                                *
FORM open_group.
  IF session = 'X'.
    WRITE: /(20) 'Create group'(i01), group.
  open batchinput group
        client   = sy-mandt
        group    = group
        user     = user
        keep     = keep
        holddate = holddate.
    WRITE: /(30) 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP'(i02),
            (12) 'returncode:'(i05),
ENDFORM.                    "OPEN_GROUP
  end batchinput session                                             *
  (call transaction using...: error session)                         *
FORM close_group.
  IF session = 'X'.
  close batchinput group
    WRITE: /(30) 'BDC_CLOSE_GROUP'(i04),
            (12) 'returncode:'(i05),
    IF e_group_opened = 'X'.
      WRITE: /.
      WRITE: /(30) 'Fehlermappe wurde erzeugt'(i06).
      e_group_opened = ' '.
ENDFORM.                    "CLOSE_GROUP
*&      Form  BDC_DYNPRO
     -->PROGRAM    text
     -->DYNPRO     text
FORM bdc_dynpro USING program dynpro.
  CLEAR bdcdata.
  bdcdata-program  = program.
  bdcdata-dynpro   = dynpro.
  bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
  APPEND bdcdata.
ENDFORM.                    "BDC_DYNPRO
****bdc field************
FORM bdc_field USING fnam fval.
  CLEAR bdcdata.
  bdcdata-fnam = fnam.
  bdcdata-fval = fval.
  APPEND bdcdata.
ENDFORM.                    "BDC_FIELD
FORM process_itab.
  APPEND LINES OF i_tab TO wa_hdr  .
  DELETE wa_hdr WHERE col > 13 .
  APPEND LINES OF i_tab TO wa_line  .
  DELETE wa_line WHERE   col <> 1   AND col <  14 .
  DATA : w_sr TYPE i.
  w_sr = 0.
  LOOP AT wa_hdr.
    IF wa_hdr-col = 1.
      w_sr = wa_hdr-value.
    wa_hdr1-row = wa_hdr-row.
    wa_hdr1-col = wa_hdr-col.
    wa_hdr1-value = wa_hdr-value.
    wa_hdr1-srno = w_sr.
    APPEND wa_hdr1.
    w_cnt = wa_hdr-row.
  w_sr = 0.
  LOOP AT wa_line.
    IF wa_line-col = 1.
      w_sr = wa_line-value.
    wa_line1-row = wa_line-row.
    wa_line1-col = wa_line-col.
    wa_line1-value = wa_line-value.
    wa_line1-srno = w_sr.
    APPEND wa_line1.
  w_sr = 0.
  CLEAR wa_line2.
  LOOP AT wa_line1.
    wa_line2-row = wa_line1-row.
    wa_line2-col = wa_line1-col.
    wa_line2-value = wa_line1-value.
    wa_line2-srno = wa_line1-srno.
    APPEND wa_line2.
ENDFORM.                    "PROCESS_ITAB

Hi Pradeep
I find there is a problem in your code
When ever you use
you should follow it up with
PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING <prg name> <screen number>
Please find code below with changes from a part of your code
wa_hdr1-value. "'c003'. Material Group
* comment this statement is not needed now.
* PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPLMLSP' '0200'.
READ TABLE wa_line2 WITH KEY COL = 14 SRNO = wa_hdr1-srno ROW = wa_line1-ROW.
* Put the bdc_dynpro for the prg name and screen number (I might be wrong with prg name and
* Screen  number
PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPLMLSK' '0200'.
Reward points as this will definitely help you
Edited by: Sriram Chandran on Mar 15, 2008 4:39 PM

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                   f, "Button Activated!" );
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          robot.mouseRelease( InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK );
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          activateKey( KeyEvent.VK_ENTER );
          // this text should have a blank line above it..
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          activateKey( KeyEvent.VK_I );
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          robot.keyPress( KeyEvent.VK_TAB );
          robot.keyRelease( KeyEvent.VK_TAB );
          robot.keyRelease( KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL );
          robot.delay( 500 );
          // try activating the button..
          activateKey( KeyEvent.VK_SPACE );

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    1.I create 2 tabs in Modulepool Programming.
    2.In First Tab, I enter the data and when i click the SAVE button the data should be saved in my custom table ZDILEEP.
    3.In Second Tab,I put an Tablecontrol and DISPLAY the data what i have to save in first tab and i do 3 operations as DELETE,UPDATE,ADD A RECORD.
    4. I Create a button in Application Toolbar as FORM,whenever i click this button the SMARTFORM will be triggered.
    5.In SmartForm, I put an TableControl and display the data and i put SUM of SALARY.
    6.Now My Requirement is At run time, if i add a record or update a record that should be displayed in smartform,
       without clicking the pushbuttons UPDATE,ADD A RECORD i.e. without using custom table ZDILEEP the data
       should be displayed in smartform as of Tablecontrol.
    where I want to write these code....? and what code i want 2 write...?
    can anybody help me

    dileepbandla wrote:
    > Hi

    > 1.I create 2 tabs in Modulepool Programming.
    > 2.In First Tab, I enter the data and when i click the SAVE button the data should be saved in my custom table ZDILEEP.
    > 3.In Second Tab,I put an Tablecontrol and DISPLAY the data what i have to save in first tab and i do 3 operations as DELETE,UPDATE,ADD A RECORD.
    > 4. I Create a button in Application Toolbar as FORM,whenever i click this button the SMARTFORM will be triggered.
    > 5.In SmartForm, I put an TableControl and display the data and i put SUM of SALARY.
    > 6.Now My Requirement is At run time, if i add a record or update a record that should be displayed in smartform,
    >    without clicking the pushbuttons UPDATE,ADD A RECORD i.e. without using custom table ZDILEEP the data
    >    should be displayed in smartform as of Tablecontrol.
    You need to read the table control data along with Custom table data before you call the smartform and passing data to smartform.
    > where I want to write these code....? and what code i want 2 write...?
    In PAI. What code? - Probably, loop at table control and get the data into another internal table then pass this data into smartform interface.
    >  can anybody help me

  • Need help in the code for updating a record ( conditional update)

    all set
    Edited by: 871431 on Jul 9, 2011 6:30 PM

    871431 wrote:
    I am looking to update a table which contains approved & unapproved records, for that date & fund combination it should allow only one unapproved record.
    what I did is check if the record is U if the incoming value is Unapproved for that fund & date combination raise error, but if I need to update that Unapproved record it raises I need to update that record, and raise error if trying to insert another unapproved record.
    Hope I am clear....Not clear for me
    Help needed plsPlease realize & understand that everyone here speaks SQL
    please post DDL for table
    please provide sample/test data & then explain using actual test data what the results should be & why

  • Audition for Mac not recording

    I have just installed the new Audition for Mac on my iMac which has plenty of memory, is up to date and a good hard drive. I can edit pre-rec material without a problem BUT I cannot record anything from (e.g.) iTunes or YouTube! All I get is a blank edit screen. No error messages - just a request - Do I want to save? I can record OK via the built in mic.
    It looks like a conflict somewhere but I've no idea. Input and Output are set to Soundflower 2ch.
    Please can anyone help?

    I'm not a Mac user so a question for those who are:  if you're using dedicated manufacturer drivers, should Core Audio be involved at all?  On a PC based system, once you have the manufacturer drivers installed, they bypass the operating system sound drivers--but I'm not sure if Macs work this way.
    Also, the early versions of Mavericks (which I believe your 10.8.4) were known to be flakey in terms of audio use.  Many pro users were refusing to do the upgrade. Apple have rushed out a bug fix (10.9.1 from memory but check me) and, on the Focusrite page, I note that they have a new driver for the new Mavericks...I'd try upgrading both the OS and the drivers.

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