Beginner Xcelsius Questions

Hi all,
I have been tasked with investigating Xcelsius and BO XI 3.1 within our organisation.
I originally installed Xcelsius and played with all the examples, it looked great and i saw the Save to Enterprise option so expected the same type of feature as Crystal Reports, i.e. i save the dashboard into the enterprise system, then browse and run to it via the infoview.
When I installed BO XI 3.1 I noticed the Dashboard option there. I expected to run the Xcelsior objects from there. Obviously not, its a Google homepage thing where i can add widgets and stuff (working that out is another weeks task!)
Anyway back to the Xcelsior Dashboards - i can browse to them in the various folders of the infoview but i cant run the Dashboards.
Can someone please give me some insight into how Xcelsior Dashboards link into BO XI? At the moment my impression is that they are almost stand alone swf's created and sent to people. If so why cant i save to the repository or run them?? Do they only work embeded in something else??
Any guidance or further links of hints and tips will be great.

When you export Xcelsius dashboard to Enterprise it creates a swf file which is a flash file.
You do not have an option to modify or schedule the swf file so you just see the properties link.
While if you a publish a Crystal Report to Enterrise you can modify the data source and edit the prompts and rights and even schedule it. Thats why you see mulitple options as in modify, schedule.. in Crystal Report.
You need to have flash player installed to view the swf file.
Hope this helps.
Kameshwari Singh

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    1. I gather from looking at Font Book that when I'm
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    It does not look like Palatino is in any other
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    Yes, you can just put it in Users/username/Library/Fonts (or Library/Fonts for all users).

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    enableLookups="false" redirectPort="443" acceptCount="100"
    debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
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    keystoreFile=".IRRS_keystore" keystorePass="thepassword"/>
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    Are you intentionally leaving a connector for port 80 open? If you don't need anything to be non-ssl enabled then you should comment out the port 80 connector and just have a connector for port 443. You should then be able to access any of your stuff via https://whatever/whathaveyou...
    this is an obvious question but you didn't mention it so just in case - you did create a self signed server certificate and import that into the keystore right? (or use a commercial certificate and import that and the CA chain into your trust store)
    Message was edited by:

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    1. No you do not need anything other than J2SE 1.3.1 and J2EE SDK 1.3 J2EE SDK 1.3 includes a reference implementation that you can use to do pretty much everything that is J2EE platform standard.
    Products such as WebLogic, WebSphere are comercial implementations of J2EE platform specifications. And you would use them for commercial/production quality applications.
    See Especially the questions about using reference implementation.
    2. You as a developer write the deployment descriptor and the deployment engineer customizes it if required at deployment time.
    3. You can use JDBC-ODB driver to work with Microsoft Access databse.
    4. No. The files go to the right place at deploy time.
    5. No. If you have J2SE 1.3.1 and J2EE SDK 1.3, you arealready on your way to achieving EJBs.

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    Question 1:
    1. Launch Disk Utility (in your Applications/Utility folder.
    2. Click the "erase" tab
    3. Select your entire WD disk on the sidebar (the uppermost icon).
    4. Format: "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)"
    5. Name the Disk
    6. Click on "erase"
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    Follow the steps here. It will accomplish both Q1 & Q2.
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    -ejb-tier request object will be of type com.mycompany.ejb.MyRequest
    -web-tier results object will be of type com.mycompany.web.MyResults
    -ejb-tier results object will be of type com.mycompany.ejb.MyResults
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    As far as the new project is concerned I am trying to design the application as well as possible and your comments are therefore useful. Better getting the design right before starting coding.
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    Thanks in advance,

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    The question is still unanswered!
    Let me give some details and break up the problem
    in more specific questions:
    - In Designer 8.1 I click new data binding --> wsdl -->
    A message box comes up and says "cannot load wsdl file"
    ==> 1. Question:
    Why maybe refuses Designer to load the http-wsdl,
    although this option is explicitly allowed?
    - When I save the wsdl to a file, Designer loads it
    without any problems. The web service uses two input parameters
    (CountryName and CityName) and returns an xml-string GetWeatherResult)
    like the one in my first posting. I drag these fields from the binding view to my form, and it runs ok!
    ==> 2. Question:
    How to extract xml element fields from wsdl output into a form?
    - I tried with eclipse and XmlSpy to build a modified wsdl file
    with structured output definition, so that the specific element fields
    show up in the data binding view and are usable to my form,
    and the modified wsdl maps consistently to the web service result string.
    So far without success: In the PDF -preview or Reader-
    when the wsdl-binding is executed and the web service output
    should show up in the result fields, just nothing happens.
    ==> 3. Question:
    Can this strategy to provide a "modified wsdl" possibly succeed,
    and how?
    ==> 4. Question:
    Is is possible -and how?- to check whether an xml string
    is valid as web service output against the wsdl-definition?
    ==> 5. Question:
    How to debug a web service connection with Designer?
    - Finally I tried to find a way to load the result xml-string
    into a local var in the script editor and parse it, much like:
    var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
    ==> 6. Question:
    Is it possible -and how?- to use a framework like dotnet?
    How to utilize SAX or DOM in Designer?
    Many thanks and appreciations for your help!!

  • Submitting a PDF form via HTTP Post: Beginner's Questions

    I am completely new to PDF forms, so I have been finding the documentation and options overwhelming.
    I am hoping to get pointed to the documentation/tutorials/examples I really need.
    I would like to build a "proof of concept" for my boss.  I would like to include a screen in our Java ( JSP & Spring ) webapp where either a PDF form is embedded or is accessed via a link.
    I have
    Adobe Acrobat Distiller X standard license
    Adobe Acrobat X Standard
    Microsoft Office 2010
    I made a small, 3 field Microsoft Word form.  I then converted it via DIstiller into a PDF form.
    I then found this document about how to submit a PDF form to a server side component:
    My big problem with this document it doesn't have an example nor an example showing what is going on in a full HTML page.   As I result I have some questions:
    Can I see such an example somewhere?
    Does the call to the javascript function doc.SubmitForm(urlToMyServerSideComponent) go in a script tag on the HTML page like other javascripts?
    Can I execute that submit function from an HTML button or do I need to put a "submit" button on the PDF form?
    Do I need Adobe LiveCycle in order to create a PDF form with a "submit" button?  Free versions?
    Can I send via HTTP POST ?
    Do I need Adobe LiveCycle to crate a PDF form with a digital signature?
    Is there a document/tutorial that fits where I am starting off from? ( Please no books, I am tyring to show my boss that this is something that can be done, in a reasonable amount of time, not time to get and go through a book ).
    Thanks in advance for any tips that get me pointed in the right direction

    To answer some of your specific questions:
    2, 3. The submit form button needs to be on the PDF. You can either configure a Submit Form action or use the submitForm JavaScript method.
    4, 6: No to both questions. You can create the form in Acrobat. Such forms are knows as Acroforms, as opposed to XFA forms that are created with LiveCycle Designer. Acroforms have wider support.
    5: Yes, that's the method that's used when submitting to a web server. You have your choice of formats. The "HTML Form" option causes the form data to be submitted in the same format as an HTML form, so the same type of server-side code can be used to process the data. As Dave's tutorial shows, the server should return an FDF as the response, however, as opposed to HTML content.
    It's a mistake to try to embed the PDF in a web page. So much depends on the user's browser, PDF viewer, and how both are configured. PDF forms can be submitted directly from Adobe Reader/Acrobat, so it's not necessary for them to be viewed in a browser. Note that Adobe Reader for iOS/Android don't yet support submitting to a web server (apart from FormsCentral), but that's is supposedly being worked on.
    Since you mentioned digital signatures, be aware that for Reader users to be able to sign, the document has to be Reader-enabled, either with Acrobat Pro or LiveCycle Reader Extensions (which is not the same as LiveCycle Designer). Digital signatures in PDF forms are not yet supported on mobile devices. Also, you will want to submit the entire PDF, as opposed to just the form data, when submitting a digitally signed form.

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    Thank you!

    I dont believe that... If you're trying to get a response InputStream, or the response formatted as some object, for a request to an HTTP server, and you are just now writing Socket connection stuff, then you can just replace that with URLConnection and let it do the work given a URL.
    Otherwise, you should already have a class which uses Sockets internally to get what you want, and you shouldn't be asking us this question because it should take a URL and make the connection and give you what you want...
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    i started to work with labview newly, the task im tryin to do is the following : i have a microcontroller and i wanna know if it is alive or not .. simply am tryin to open a port (com) and to ping the microcontroller using the functions (.dll provided).
    as it could be seen from the attached file i have tow functions, the first opens a port (to the microcontroller) and returns a handle to the second function which pings the module (microcontroller). i tried to see if the functions return something but it looks like they don't.
    am really stuck, i tried to read some manules but i didnt get what i want out of them!!
    in all cases thx in advance .
    Attachments: ‏10 KB

    As Dennis mentioned without additional details no one will be able to accurately answer your questions. However, based on what you have provided I am not sure you will need the .dll at all. Basic serial communication is very easy in LabVIEW. There are several examples that ship with LabVIEW that you can look at. You would use VISA to open a serial connection and to read or write data on that connection. The second function call you specified may be a bit more challenging to implement in LabVIEW without a full understanding of exactly what the function is doing. A basic ping sounds fairly straightforward though and would probably be easy to reverse engineer what that function is doing. A serial port monitor would show you what was being sent and received. From there you should be able to implement it directly in LabVIEW.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

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    eaolson wrote:
    BigDaddyLoveHandles wrote:
    This is obviously a homework question. Please don't expect anyone here to do your homework for you.Well, if you notice, he's asking for "guidance" and for people to "point him in the right direction". He's not stating a problem and demanding a solution like so many others. If you ask me, he's asking for help with homework in exactly the right way.
    For the first question, I would suggest reviewing this section and the following ones of the Java Tutorials:
    I don't understand what the second question is asking for.In reply #2 the OP tried to clarify the second question:
    Well, I'm tasked wtith stating "what type of input the progragms requires and in what order the input must be provided" for the program I stated. >Beyond that, I'm not sure either and that's why I'm looking for help. "Looking for help", eh?

  • XSLT Beginner's question

    One XML documents should be inserted as a subnode of the another one. Both are strings in ABAP. How to do this simple ? Thanks"!

    Hi Boskovic
    I think you try to transform ABAP data to XML. If so I suggest following way to set nodes in XLM file.
    1. Create class with the required format.
       For example you can put Sales Order Header information in one parent node in XML.
       Then you can put all sales order item information as sub nodes for the parent node.
       To do so you have to declare 2 itabs in your class. One for header and second is for items.
    2. Populate itabs in class implementation.
    3. create object reference for your class now.
    4. CALL TRANSFORMATION statement with your class object reference.
       Now source is ABAP data. Result is XML.
    5. I think this will meet your requirement.
    If not Please explain your question more next.
    Note: Award points in helpful.

  • Getting started ... Help!!! (A TRUE beginner's question)

    I suspect EVERYONE in the world understands what I'm about to ask, but ... I don't.
    I just received my new ThinkPad T410i.
    The instructions say, "1. Install the battery pack. 2. Connect to power."
    BUT ... in the battery pack bay, so to speak, there's this little plastic tag, with arrows, indicating that I'm either suppose to pull this out or push it in. There's a small cardboard or plastic insert in the slot--which comes part way out when you pull on the plastic tag. And then you can take it the rest of the way out or slip it back in.
    WHAT IS THIS??????????? And ... what am I supposed to do with it? Just put the battery in over the little plastic push/pull tag and pretend it's not there?!?
    My apology: I've lived in the desktop world since ... I don't know ... 35 years ago? Something like that. Sooooo, laptops are COMPLETELY new to me.
    And, if I can say this, the instructions should be far, far clearer for folks like me.

    I think you are refering to the slot for the SIM Card which is used for WWAN connection. If you are not using the 3G connection, ignore the plastic tag and leave it in there.
    Check out the Community Knowledge Base for hints and tips.
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"!
    X240 | 8GB RAM | 512GB Samsung SSD

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    One more doubt. After download how should i configure the Oracle server. Please send any link explaining about the same.

    Go and install the express edition from:
    Its a straight away installation and all the information about the installation guides is also available there.

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