Best method to transfer photos from laptop to desk computer

I typically download most of my photos from my camera to my laptop.  My laptop currently has 8,800 photos that takes up 65GB of space.  The laptop hard drive is rapidly approaching its max.  I want to transfer my laptop photos to my desktop computer and free up some laptop disk space.  What is the most efficient method of doing this?

OK, as I understand it, you have the 8,000 photos on your laptop computer and are using the Organizer on the laptop to access the photos.  You want to wind up with all your photos on your desktop computer's hard drive and also have the Organizer catalog on the desktop computer.  You do not want to access the moved files through the Organizer on your laptop computer, only through the Organizer on your desktop computer.  Do I have it right?
If so, the key question is:
Right now, in the Organizer on your laptop computer, have you attached keyword tags to the photos and/or organized them into albums?
If the answer is Yes, then get an external drive large enough to hold all the photos and the catalog and use Organizer's File...Backup Catalog to CD, DVD or Hard Drive to make a full backup to the external drive.  Then, from your desktop computer, use Organizer's File...Restore Catalog to restore that backup onto your desktop's hard drive.
If the answer is No, (you do not have any keyword tags or albums you want to keep), simply use Windows to move the photos onto an external drive and then onto your desktop computer.  Then create a new catalog in Organizer on the desktop computer and import the photos into it.
Here's the Help file for Backup: f50_WIN.html
and the Help file for Restore: f4d_WIN.html

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    If all she wants are photos, she has to have the photos on her PC, not just on the old phone.  The old iPhone backup doesn't save the actual photos, just the setting pointing to where the photos came from.
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