Best place to enter enhancement requests

If I would like to provide feedback about a particular java.*.class where is the best place to do so? It is somewhat difficult to navigate effectively from the sun developer homepage.
Edited by: crokusek2 on Aug 3, 2010 4:43 PM

The [Bug Database|] *(<- link).* The Bug DB is for both bugs & RFEs.
Unfortunately it seems a bit 'sleepy' at the moment. I have been trying to access a specific bug for several days without success.

Similar Messages

  • Bug/Enhancement Request

    When creating a new Form on a Table with Report, when you are Defining the report page, if you change the Page Name and Region Title and then select breadcrumbs, your changes are lost. The page number remains but the name and title revert back to the default.
    Also, we have a standard naming convention for the Page Name and Region Title. Can we setup our standard in the APEX Administration some place? If not, that would be a nice enhancement.

    The 'trendy place' to file enhancement requests is here -
    Enhancement Request Thread : Post 3.1

  • Where is the best place for suggestiong requesting features?

    Where is the best place for suggesting/requesting features?
    If something like this already exists, please let me know.
    I often wish when I select a word to right click and choose dictionary to to find out the meaning of the word. Currently I have to copy, go to a dictionary web page, paste and search. And I spent a lot of time for that. I'm not that technically oriented to suggest how this can be achieved but just as an idea, may be Mozilla can partner with dictionary web sites by making a plug ins or include a dictionary with Firefox itself

    I am sure there are Extensions that do this.
    DictionarySearch -
    Add-on search for Dictionary -
    Feedback -

  • Enhancement requests do seem to be worthwhile in the end...

    Having requested the continuous/shuffle music video playback several times in the last 18 months or so, and urged people to do so via... has finally been implemented and I'm chuffed to bits.
    Well done Apple, this is a superb enhancement though why so long to implement ?
    Personally I feel this was a huge oversight for AppleTV ever since it was realeased, and seriously hindered both use of AppleTV as a media extender and obviated the point of buying music videos unless you watch them on portable devices which I don't.
    I had become increasingly negative about the prospect of ever seeing this feature
    appear - this cat doesn't wear a hat so I'll have to eat something else instead!
    I am now likely to spend a fair amount on music videos at iTunes Store having vowed not to do so again as having to select each one manually to play was tedious to say the least.
    Really baffles me how Apple have missed the opportunity for revenue from music video sales via AppleTV, particularly when iPods had the shuffle feature.
    As I commented a few weeks ago I think perhaps priorities since 2.0 update have been to get the store up and running properly before implementing enhancement requests or new features.
    Very pleased Apple have finally implemented this extremely useful feature, it may not be pointless in using the link above, it just takes time.
    So the next thing we should do is think of things to officially lobby for in future updates.
    My top 3 would be:
    1 - Allowing connection via USB to rescue data from AppleTV for users who've had hard drive accidents/msihaps and haven't backed up recently - fact of life it happens even if you're careful! Files with DRM are safe from unauthorised use and those without DRM are no less secure than they were before anyway. This could even be done by only allowing AppleTV to dump media to an external USB device instead of allowing an external connection to AppleTV itself, and could be controlled from say a backup menu option. Alternatively full manual bidirectional drag and drop of media via iTunes to/from AppleTV could be implemented with a mode to prevent a new sync library connection wiping existing content.
    What's in it for Apple? Huge boost in consumer confidence that Apple allow them to easily recover their personal files in the event of a problem - there should be no need to hack or dismantle AppleTV just to get at your data. Just think of all those people saying thank heaven I had an appleTV as my Macbook died and I'd forgotten to backup those wedding photos etc. We see examples of frustrated users almost daily with this problem.
    2 - Additional codec support - it's all very well saying h264 is the best thing since sliced bread and the current Apple/Apple Store standard, but the limited video codec support is probably the biggest hindrance to AppleTV becoming an extremely popular media device. It has the slickest interface of commercial products but many prospective customers have files in long established older formats that are incompatible without prior time consuming and quality degrading transcoding. Locking down AppleTV in this way alienates many potential users. The argument about the source of files in other formats may have some validity, but it is not Apple's job to infer that a user's file is of dubious origin simply for not being in h264 format. I am not condoning filesharing/torrents etc merely saying that most people have older files in older formats they want to use without conversion. Many DVD players allow playback of DivX (never use it myself), and if there's a licensing issue offer playback as a per device plugin option paid for by the user in the same way the QT MPEG2 pluging is offered.
    What's in it for Apple? Happy customers who would simply use something else like a PS3 to view their files and not buy AppleTV. New customers who would not have purchased otherwise. Happy customers who no longer need to trasncode files to watch. You'd be happy with being able to use older files, but would also get the benefit of using iTunes Store for new things.
    The overhwelming thing would be a sense of 'fair play' gained by the consumer. For me personally since 2.0+ the device's overwhelming iTunes Store based menu design sticks in the craw and has relegated MY content to the bottom of menus. Give us the best of both worlds - an iTunes Store top level section for purchases and separate simple top level sections for combined personal/purchased media as in software 1.0/1.1. In essence declutter the menu system for playback lumping all the purchasing/preview/search options together.
    3 - Tricky. Most useful would be an AppleTV SDK and 3rd party plugins/apps via iTunes paid and/or free similar to the iPhone model - I can live without widgets/visualisers/social networking plugins etc but they would be valuable to many users. As far as I know the iPhone Apps have been a huge success - no reason why not on AppleTV too, though commiting to this pathway would probably be very expensive in terms of developing a secure/sandboxed environment for running apps/plugins unless they could port the iPhone software fairly simply.
    Anyhow, once again delighted Apple have added the music video feature - I will start buying music videos from iTunes music store again. Bad for my wallet but good for Apple and AppleTV. Perhaps I should be thankful and consider how much I've saved not buying music videos in the last 18 months or so.....
    What would you like to see? Some things will be impossible/hardware limited, others quite feasible.
    Discuss, but also use the formal feedback link to give enhancements any chance to appear!
    Let's all help make AppleTV a success, and hopefully the media extender to beat!
    typos - Message was edited by: Alley_Cat

    Chenks wrote:
    to be honest, adding playlists (or whatever it is) for just music videos is of no use to me.
    it is playlists for tv shows that i need. ie the capability of playing episode 1 to 5 of a particular season back to back.
    Funny isn't it, how we all do things differently, have different preferences, enhancement wishes etc.
    For me it's not really a big chore to watch an episode then to manually start the next assuming I or Mrs AC are still awake!
    For episodes of short duration say 5-15 minutes I appreciate this could get annoying, and for longer episodes I suppose we are used to Play All type options on DVDs.
    If these are iTunes TV Shows you're stuck at the moment, but if they're say 'home recordings converted for AppleTV' you could theoretically get round it by setting their types to Music Video. Clumsy but it should work.
    I'm sure you can see the benefit of playlists/shuffling for music videos that may be 3-4 minutes each on average. I rediscovered dozens of iTunes Store music video purchases last night and thought 'yes, this is one of the big reasons why I bought AppleTV initially' - it did not say anywhere that AppleTV could not do this somewhat logical task - assumptions are dangerous though and invariably you only find out the full capabilities of products when using them.
    additional codec support ? i would say there is no chance of this. x264 is pretty standard theses days (if you discount the pirate industry). x264 is even used for HD TV in the UK.
    I agree, there's more chance of Tony Blair making a comeback!
    Piracy is rife and I do not support it.
    My views on fair use of media you personally own are quite different.
    It's not the codec/container that's the issue it's how the material was acquired in the first place - it may simply be your home videos, digitised off-air recordings etc that is in a 'legacy' format that you don't want to transcode. We know from the modders that most other SD formats are playable on the current hardware so that's not the issue.
    Take say an Elgato EyeTV device - I can record anything off-air, edit and transcode for AppleTV or just transcode unedited automatically. How much more sensible it woudl be if AppleTv simply supported the MPEG-2 transport stream playback rather than wasting time and computing/power resources doing the transcode.
    I have some some standard video-CDs I made on a PC in the late 1990's, how nice it would be to be able to play the MPEG-1 content back without fiddling - it's not as though converting to h264 will do anything for the quality!

  • OWB 10gR2 - some enhancement requests

    Hi, I've been working with OWB 10gR2 for approximately a week now, and I've come across a few (minor) bugs, as well as a list of enhancements that I think would make the tool better. I'd like to surface these in this forum so they can be either disagreed with or have workarounds suggested, as well as getting this list in front of Oracle. Also I'm new to the tool, so maybe there are ways to accomplish what I want.
    p.s. as a side note - please don't take these as criticisms of the tool. I'm actually very impressed with OWB 10gR2, but just want to surface some ideas that I think would make the tool better.
    1.     If I enter a quote character in one of the business description fields (i.e. for a cube or dimension), it causes the DDL scripts to blow up. It probably mentions the list of valid characters in the users guide somewhere - but if a character isn't legal, it should be flagged when I try to enter it originally – not when deploying
    2.     I can enter illegal strings in an expression operator that fail validation there, but the whole map still passes validation. For instance, I put in an expression (for a varchar2 field) using a single quote at the start, but mistakenly with a double quote at the end. I didn’t bother to validate this within the expression. The whole map validated fine, but (of course) blew up with the illegal syntax when generating the code.
    3.     I get the following error when trying to browse a cube (ROLAP, not MOLAP) through OWB, but I'm able to pull the cube up fine using either the excel add-in or biBeans: CubeDV_OLAPSchemaConnectionException_ENT_06952???
    ---Enhancement Requests:
    1.     Add a “deploy” button in control center next to the to “default actions” and “reset actions” buttons
    2.     Allow an option to have dimensions and cube defaults set to either “deploy all”, “deploy data only”, “deploy catalog only”, “deploy aggregations” (for cubes). Also, why is the default set to “deploy data only”? Does deploying the CMW2 metadata involve huge performance impacts or something? It seems like the CMW2 is almost “free” – so it should be turned on by default. Its a pain to use the dimension wizard, but then have to go in to each dimension afterwards to set this option.
    3.     When using “configure” on dims and cubes in control center, the first time the “configuration properties” dialog pops up, everything is fine. However, when you try to configure the 2nd object, the “background focus” switches from control center back to design center. This makes navigation very slow if you have lots of items to change. I've noticed this behavior in a few other places as well.
    4.     Some dialogs do not have maximize buttons (i.e. dimension wizard dialogs), and default to a very small size. It is possible to have size of dialogs dynamically scaled to screen resolutions, and attempt to size columns so they fit properly. Or better yet, have each dialog remember how large it was last time, and automatically open up to that size?
    5.     When generating the “autobind” relational table while creating a dimension, it seems to be “randomizing” the order of the attributes within a level (although it does sort the “top level” attributes first, followed by lower level attributes), at least when using the dimension wizard. It would be nice if the attributes in the relational table came out sorted in the same order as they are specified in the attributes tab.
    6.     When using a “unmapped” display set– there doesn’t seem to be a way to refresh the set (i.e. remove the items that have since been mapped) unless you select “all” and then “unmapped” again. Would be nice if you could simply choose “unmapped” again and have it refresh the object
    7.     While doing a mapping, right click on canvas allows option to “generate”. Would be nice to also add the “validate” option to this menu
    8.     Validating mappings takes a decent amount of time – would be nice if a “busy” icon was displayed to let user know that OWB hasn’t locked up.
    9.     default size of “job details” dialog is too small, and even if I maximize I still have to go through and manually adjust the size of each pane. Similar to enhancement #4
    10.     Horizontal size of operators in mapping seems to be determined by the length of the operator name, instead of tying directly to the icon. Looks strange. Very minor
    11.     When displaying dimension objects in a mapping:
    a.     For the “surrogate key” columns – add an icon to indicate this attribute is a surrogate key. Likewise, since its not legal to map anything to this column, remove the little “arrow” next to it (the one that turns gray when something is mapped to a column), or perhaps don't even show this column at all.
    b.     For the “business key” columns – add some type of icon to show which attributes represent the business natural key (or make color different, etc.)
    12.     Similar to #11, for the cube operator in a mapping:
    a.     For the “surrogate key” columns – if they can’t be mapped to, then don’t show them
    b.     For the “business key” columns – add some type of icon to show which attributes represent the business natural key
    c.     Separate the “measure” columns from the dimension columns
    13.     For the “Aggregation” operator – can you move the “<None>” default operator to the top of the list. At the bottom, it means you always have to scroll to use the most common operations (which are at the top of the list), i.e. sum and avg, etc.
    14.     In the log on prompt, if I choose SQL*Net connection, every time I start it up it defaults to the details being shown (even when I chose no detail last time), with cursor in the “host” box. I should be able to have the details hidden, and this dialog should ALWAYS default to having the active cursor in the password box on startup
    15.     When printing in a mapping, the “page setup” print dialog is very slow. Also, the “print setup” dialog shows margins, but you can’t adjust them. It would be nice if this could be changed here
    16.     Add a “print preview” icon to all of the toolbars. Printer icon is there, print preview should also be.
    17.     In the dimension attributes, we need a way to tag an attribute as being the “insert record” date or the “update record” date. The corresponding MERGE SQL should be updated to use these attributes.
    18.     It would be nice if the mapping canvas defaulted to an unlimited size…i.e. when I want to add new operators and the screen is already full, I either need to shrink the zoom factor down to the point where I can’t read the icons anymore, or I have to pick up the new operator and “drag” at the bottom / right side until it scrolls enough to drop it where I want. If the canvas had an unlimited size, I could simple use the scroll bars to scroll to where I want.
    19.     Scroll wheel functionality to zoom in / out (and have it zoom in around the currently selected object)
    20.     Option to have operations automatically resize when longer attribute names are added to them (can workaround by mimimizing and then maximizing, but would be better to have the operators automatically adjust size to fit)
    21.     Ability to sort output attributes in an operator (just like table column sort functionality). If I create a new operator, it would be nice to group it with related operators instead of always having it at bottom.
    22.     re: column sort functionality – drag and drop instead of up/down arrows would be nice
    23.     It would be nice if, when adding output attributes to (for example) the expression operator, it would choose the default data type the same way the dimension attribute wizard works (i.e. if it sees “ind” in name, automatically choose char(1)
    24.     Change the “zoom in” button so that it zooms in on the currently selected operator – i.e. if I click on a particular table and then hit the zoom in button, it should keep the table I selected centered
    25.     When in a mapping, clicking on a line should highlight the attributes on both the source and target operators (to allow easier visual ID of where data is coming from / going to)
    26.     AWM has a feature where table attributes can be sorted so that mappings between them don't have "crossed" lines. Similar functionality in OWB would be very appreciated. It may be harder to automate this, but even manual drag and drop of attributes within an operator would be nice.

    if you could copy/paste this whole thing into the submission form (see feedback option under the numbers menu). The more people that request these features, the more likely we are to see them in an update or the next version.

  • Enhance request: Tag poeple in your photos

    I sent an enhancement request to Apple, but maybe there's a plugin or something that already do this?
    My request:
    "It would be really, really great if you had the possibility to tag people in your photos with the people that are in your address book!
    You select the "Tag" function, and the cursor turns into a transparent rectangle. You place the rectangle over the face/body that you want to tag. A popupmenu appears where you can choose people from your address book.
    This can be used in many ways, for example from the Address Book application, like "Show photos in iPhoto containing this person".
    Great, right!?
    (FaceBook have a function like this, but to have it directly in iPhoto would be perfect (especially since I don't like FaceBook))"

    I use Events simply as big buckets of Photos: Spring 08, July - Nov 06 are typical Events in my Library. I use keywords and Smart Albums exensively. I title the pics broadly.
    I keyword on a
    Where basis (The When is in the photos's Exif metadata). I also rate the pics on a 1 - 5 star basis.
    Using this system I can find pretty much find any pic in my 25k library in a couple of seconds.
    So, for example, I have a batch of pics titled 'Seattle 08' and a typical keywording might include: John, Anne, Landscape, mountain, trees, snow. With a rating included it's so very easy to find the best pics we took at Mount Rainier.
    File -> New Smart Album
    set it to 'All"
    title contains Seattle
    keyword is mountain
    keyword is snow
    rating is 5 stars
    Or, want a chronological album of John from birth to today?
    New Smart Album
    Keyword is John
    Set the View options to Sort By Date Ascending
    Want only the best pics?
    add Rating is greater than 4 stars
    The best thing about this system is that it's dynamic. If I add 50 more pics of John to the Library tomorrow, as I keyword and rate them they are added to the Smart Album.
    Keywording takes time to set up, there's no doubt about it. I use Keyword Manager as it's much more powerful than the inbuilt system, and adds the possibility of nested keywords. So, for instance, if I add John to a photo it also adds 'Family'. Now I can add many keywords to a pic quickly.
    In the end, organisation is about finding the pics. The point is to make locating that pic or batch of pics findable fast. This system works for me.

  • Enhancement Request - comments

    I've recently demonstrated the SQL Workshop within HTMLDB to a number of users of varying experience, and the response has been very positive indeed. However, a common complaint was that there is very little table and column specific (i.e. metadata) available through the object browser and the query builder. One way that this type of information might be held is through table and column comments (e.g. user_tab_comments and user_col_comments) however comments are not displayed in the object browser or query builder.
    Also, Although there's a table comment report in the utilities in the SQL Workshop, there is no easy (i.e. other than writing SQL) way of putting comments on tables, columns etc.
    Thus the main enhancement request is for comments on tables and columns displayed in the object browser and the query builder, and a follow up would be for the GUI to provide a method of maintaining that information.
    Alternatively, if a some links (i.e. on the table and individual columns) could be added to the object browser/query builder which linked to a customisable application (something akin to the security models), then metadata could be served through a custom built application. This would, IMHO, be the best approach - in fact the display of column and table comments could be the default, but allow an over-ride for a custom app.

    Thanks for this feedback. We will take it into consideration.

  • Enhancement request for more fine-grained templates

    JHeadstart version :
    I like to have the possibility to define templates on the level of table rows. If I am correct, currently the 'lowest' level of a .jtt template is the $FORM_ITEMS$ token. According to the userguide this token "is used to indicate the place where a form must be generated". My question is now: How can I influence this generation process? For example, I want to embed text-items within <c:if's in order to conditionally set a text-item attribute. Am I right to conclude that on this "deeper" level of a jsp (for instance table-row level), it is not possible to define templates?
    If so, I want to request an enhancement for a further 'fine-graining' of the templating technique.
    Thanks and greetings, Erik
    Message was edited by:

    Yes, this is not possible in he current release.
    Your enhancement request has already been implemented for the JDev10.1.3/Faces release. We will the support two kinds of tokens, one that outputs all items as it is today ($FORM_ITEMS$ or $TABLE_ITEMS$), and one token that refers to an individual item. This reference can be bpoth on index number and name:
    FORM_ITEM_1 or
    This will allow you to layout the items exactly as you want.
    Note that in the 10.1.3 release, we will also support item-level templates where you can add code to conditonally render items.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

  • OAUG Enhancement Request System (ERS) Pilot Program

    OAUG Enhancement Request System (ERS) Pilot Program
    The OAUG Board of Directors and Oracle® Corporation have previously announced the Pilot Program for the OAUG Enhancement Request System (ERS). This system has been collaboratively designed to achieve objectives that are mutually beneficial to Oracle customers, the OAUG, and Oracle Corporation:
    * Provide a centralized and standardized solution for Oracle customers to submit, validate and have OAUG members vote on Oracle® Applications Enhancement Requests
    * Provide Oracle® Product Development with direct access to user input and requirements that may provide direction for future versions of the Oracle® Products
    * Create an enhancement related communication channel between end users, Special Interest Group (OHUG) Chairs, OHUG Enhancement Coordinators and Oracle® Product Management
    The goal of the OAUG ERS Pilot Program is to comprehensively test the new system with live enhancement data from two specific product areas:
    - Self Service Human Resources
    - Oracle Order Management
    Oracle® customers interested in entering enhancements for either product are encouraged to do so by logging into MetaLink, selecting "News & Events" from the navigation bar, selecting "OAUG Enhancement Request System (ERS) Pilot Program" from the articles listed, and choosing "LOGIN to the OAUG ERS" from the article text (use your OAUG LoginID and Password at this point, not your MetaLink credentials).
    Step-by-Step Instructions -
    Through Oracle's MetaLink:
    1. Log into using your MetaLink credentials.
    2. Click on the "News and Events."
    3. Click on the OAUG ERS Pilot Program link.
    4. Click the "Login to the OAUG ERS" link and enter your OAUG member login and password.
    5. Search for Enhancements within the Self-Service HR product (leave all other fields blank for a complete list).
    6. Drill down into the detail of any enhancement and scroll down to vote!

    Hi Sue,
    As i understood so far,Sales order is an auto generated number pre-configured by the SD consultant to fall within that number range...
    The following are only my suggestions .....
    (1)to check if it is possible through  configurations for having a number range similar to the external number provided these 2 are directly linked and that there is always a Sales order linked to every external number..........
    (2) we have a field called PO refernce number in the header.We can fill this field in the user exit of the include MV45AFZZ in userexit for move field to vbak and then in all the custom reports and programs link this field and standard VBELN number so that SAP flow is not affected.
    (3) check for enhancement spots wherein the vbeln field is overwritten immediatly after number generation...Please note that overwriting the standard field is a tiring task.,especially a key field..because we need to clearly understand which all tables are being updated with this if the field vbeln has a parameter name(press F1 on Vbeln field and you will get the detail list ,with one field called "parameter name" ) assigned to it overwrite it with the required number so that all standard tables are relected with this number....(use F1 helo set/Get parameters to learn more)..try filling this parameter using set parameter statement  OR check for badis and user exits
    If I come across a possible exit ,will update you
    Hope it helps

  • Feedback from JHeadstart Workshop - Enhancement Requests

    We at AMIS just finished a six-day workshop on JHeadstart in combination with UIX & (primarily) JSP and BC4J & (primarily) Toplink. We have discovered a lot of things we can do rather easily using JHeadstart and the related frameworks and we feel pretty confident about using JHeadstart in the real world. In fact, in hindsight we feel that one of our recent projects could have been substantially accelerated had we been using JHeadstart with Struts and JSPs.
    Of course we have also discovered quite a number of things we would like to see improved in JHeadstart. Below I will list just a few that we would really like to see made part of the product.
    * Support for distinct display properties in VO Attributes for find/table/form-page
    * Generate Struts submodules
    * A strategy document outlining the best approach for (re-)generating later on in the project after having made manual changes (it seems we could not get the Application Generator to not overwrite the struts-config.xml even for groups that we explicitly excluded from regeneration of controller-logic); it seems that the main stumbling block for using JHeadstart in a serious project - or at least the generation capabilities- is not being able to deal with regeneration
    * Good explanation of the extension points of JHeadstart; Struts has very well defined and documented extension points; JHeadstart (generated) applications are somewhat less clearly extensible.
    * Better documentation on how to change the look&feel of the generated application - the pointers in the Developer's Guide are really quite meagre for this task.
    * Extend property persistentAttribute in VO Attributes to override the persistentAttribute property currently generated in Form Bean as always equal to the VO att name (you can override the DataObjectImpl.getAttribute() and allow different patterns to be passed for persistentAttribute, such as manager.department.location to get hold of the name of the department of the manager of the current employee
    * Support a diplay type of Image for Attributes (type BLOB or RAW) that contain Images; such images should be displayed as IMG where the src-attribute refers to a download action in the Struts-Controller.
    * Support a diplay type of File for Attributes (type CLOB, BLOB or RAW) that contain contents to be downloaded as file; such files should be displayed as download button or link where the href-attribute refers to a download action in the Struts-Controller.
    * Support a display type of Hyperlink for Attributes that contain a URL; in display only mode this attribute should be displayed as hyperlink, in insert/update mode the field should be accompanied by a small icon that allows navigation.
    * Allow the JAG to generate Resource Bundels for multiple languages at once, rather than rerunning several times for each language
    * Generate Breadcrumbs in JSPs
    * Generate Regions in JSPs
    * Allow static values for query type arguments to be provided - in struts config as action properties (for example for poplist population) - compare example Choosing Custom Query from Poplist in Tutorial where the page needs to provide the queryType bindparameter value; currently the value for the bindparameters used in the queryType need to be set in the session (typically from a form-field in the posted form); however, a queryType that can support for example all Domains in CG_REF_CODES with only the domain name bindparameter making the difference is very useful for populating poplists before displaying pages. It would be very handy if I can just specify the domainName as bindparameter in the getDataObjectSet action along with the queryType instead of forcing the value of the domainName into the Session.
    * generate lookup (hyperlink/navigation to (popup with) details for the indicated record (for example: navigate to departments details by clicking on the Departments name in the Employees(Table)Page
    * generate navigation buttons - new childtype in Application Structure file along with Regions: Navigation (Button); properties: targetGroup, possible page (table/form/child) and primary key of dataobject in target to be passed
    Thanks for implementing any of these suggestions!
    "The JHeadstart Team at AMIS!"

    Thanks you very much for the useful feedback.
    The good news is that many of your enhancement requests are already on our radar screen.
    Your comments on the documentation are well taken. There is always room to improve the doc. If you have any specific topics/customizations that should be documented first, that would help us setting priorities on improving the doc.
    Here are more detailed comments on some of your suggestions:
    * Support for distinct display properties in VO Attributes for find/table/form-page
    Not sure about this one. You can already get this by using resource bundles, we generate sperate keys for table and form items
    * Generate Struts submodules
    We will generate forwardPattern="$P" in the next patch.
    * Support a diplay type of Image for Attributes (type BLOB or RAW) that contain Images; such images should be displayed as IMG where the src-attribute refers to a download action in the Struts-Controller.
    The runtime support for this is done. We hope to include generation of images in the patch release schduled for November.
    * Support a diplay type of File for Attributes (type CLOB, BLOB or RAW) that contain contents to be downloaded as file; such files should be displayed as download button or link where the href-attribute refers to a download action in the Struts-Controller.
    Same status as images.
    * Support a display type of Hyperlink for Attributes that contain a URL; in display only mode this attribute should be displayed as hyperlink, in insert/update mode the field should be accompanied by a small icon that allows navigation.
    Good idea, easy to do in read only mode.
    * Allow the JAG to generate Resource Bundels for multiple languages at once, rather than rerunning several times for each language
    Nice to have, not a top priority in our view.
    * Generate Breadcrumbs in JSPs
    Yes, not easy to do, but is already on our list for next major release.
    * Generate Regions in JSPs
    Same status as breadcrumbs.
    * Allow static values for query type arguments to be provided - in struts config as action properties (for example for poplist population) - compare example Choosing Custom Query from Poplist in Tutorial where the page needs to provide the queryType bindparameter value; currently the value for the bindparameters used in the queryType need to be set in the session (typically from a form-field in the posted form); however, a queryType that can support for example all Domains in CG_REF_CODES with only the domain name bindparameter making the difference is very useful for populating poplists before displaying pages. It would be very handy if I can just specify the domainName as bindparameter in the getDataObjectSet action along with the queryType instead of forcing the value of the domainName into the Session.
    Understand the value, we could do this by using single quotes to indicate constants within the attributeNames property.
    * generate lookup (hyperlink/navigation to (popup with) details for the indicated record (for example: navigate to departments details by clicking on the Departments name in the Employees(Table)Page
    We have designed a simple but powerful way to link groups, which effectively provides you the ability of unlimited nesting of groups. Design is ready, implementation has to start, but we very much would like to include this in the patch release. No promises though...
    * generate navigation buttons - new childtype in Application Structure file along with Regions: Navigation (Button); properties: targetGroup, possible page (table/form/child) and primary key of dataobject in target to be passed
    This is included in the design as mentioned in the previous item.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team

  • Code editor enhancement request

    I would like to be able to do the following in the Code Editor:
    Type in a call to a method that does not exist.
    For example:
    String s = getSomeUnknownMethodResult(5, "foo");The Code Editor would of course highlight this as a semantic error. At this point I would like to be able to type some special keystroke (a la Alt+Enter) and have an empty method generated for me in the current class:
    public String getSomeUnknownMethod(int p0, String p1) {
      return null;
    }Or perhaps a dialog could appear allowing me to customize the call before it's generated: protected instead of public, parameter and return types, parameter names, etc.
    This isn't quite the same as the Extract Method feature, since it's the method call that we're starting from, not the method implementation.

    Sounds reasonable.
    I went ahead and logged an enhancement request for this.

  • Best avenue to send feature requests to BlackBerry?

    As the title states, what would be the best avenue to send feature requests to BlackBerry outside of today's event? Thanks!
    Go to Solution.

    Hi @Zeridialous 
    The best place to leave feedback at the moment is within these forums so I can collect it and share it internally.
    Two tips when submitting feedback, set the subject to Feature Request XYZ and include a use case, in other words why is this feature valuable, how can it help you accomplish more. 
    Did someone help you? Click Like! Did a post solve your issue? Click Accept as Solution!
    Follow me on Twitter or Google+ and subscribe to the Inside BlackBerry Help Blog

  • Enhancement request for VAT Report of Customer and Vendor.

    Hello SAP Gurus,
    Have enhancement request for adding new fields in existing VAT report of Customer and Vendor like user id, GL account etc.
    As I am fresher, can you please help me that how I need to approach. Thanks for your support.

    Hello Saleem,
    Almost all fields required for VAT reporting are available in standard tax report
    S_ALR_87012357 .
    You have to configure the layout from the selection screen as below

  • All that comes up when I open Firefox are my toolbars and a place to enter a URL, but there is no window. I have to enter full screen mode to view websites.

    Something happened with Firefox where all that comes up when I open Firefox are my toolbars and a place to enter a URL, but there is no window. I have to enter full screen mode to view websites. How do I get back to a regular browsing window? I have no idea how this even happened.

    The Reset Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information.
    Note: ''This will cause you to lose any Extensions, Open websites, and some Preferences.''
    To Reset Firefox do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > Help > Troubleshooting Information.
    #Click the "Reset Firefox" button.
    #Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is done, it will show a window with the information that is imported. Click Finish.
    #Firefox will open with all factory defaults applied.
    Further information can be found in the [[Reset Firefox – easily fix most problems]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

  • Enhancement Request: Viewlink based on an Association

    one highly repetitive task is creating associations and then creating a view link which in 99% of cases is an exact representation of the association. An enhancement that I would find useful is a create Viewlink from association context menu. Ie. right click on an Association and select "New View Link from Association". All of the relations from the association would then populate the view link properties.
    I know that these can be generated from PK/FK relations but the business components from tables doesn't allow you to specify Association, View Link names or their location, resulting in a big bucket of ADF objects all in one level (this is is probably another enhancement request).

    does anyone else feel this would be of benefit?
    After months and months spent solidly developing in JDeveloper this is the single most repetitive (and trivial) task i have had to do.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi all !! When using standard filter (F4) on ALV grid (called with fm 'Reuse_alv_grid_display') it is genreated the choosing-list. But values on that list are shorter than should be. For example: for char value 'ABCDEFGHIJ' diplayed on alv list, only

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    I can't download free apps I keeps taking me to my debt card information idk why when. It's a free app help

  • What version is your CS3 Flash.exe?

    If you have Acrobat 8 Professional/CS3 and are up to date, what version number is your flash.exe file?  Not to be confused with flashplayer.  Thanks.