Best string samples for LP X

Hey all,
I've been trying to record some string parts with LPX, but I'd like to get something more realistic, especially as far as expression is concerned (like vibrato).
I saw many different options on the market from people like EastWest, Spitfire, 8dio, etc. Before I go ahead and choose the one that sounds best to my ears, can you guys tell me whether they will all work in LPX?
Do they need to be compatible with EXS24 or will other formats work too?
Basically: what are my options?
Thanks a lot!
P.S. If you feel like mentioning what you consider to be the best sounding ones to your ears, I'll gladly check them out!

The ones you listed are mainly Kontakt Libraires... (The exception being the EW's, that use their own interface/program called Play but frankly I don't care that interface on a Mac... its a bit too buggy for my liking.) so you will need to purchase NI's Kontakt first before you could buy and use those K5 libraries...
One of the best string libraries that you didn't mention is L.A.S.S...... though I also find the Spitfire libraries to be very good too.... depending on the type of string parts you wish to re-create of course...
Again, Kontakt 5 is required to use LASS....
If cost is no problem then check out the VSL range......which have their own interface/host program...  though I will say even though I love VSL... i still find myself more often than not.. using LASS and Spitfire  as my 'go to' string sounds.. again, depending on the style and sound Im looking for..

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    Message was edited by: Weslie

    Dry vs lush implies questions of reverb and room size, the size of the ensemble, the amount of vibrato the players are using to be expressive. Many string patches use slow attack and release times and are intended for pads (remember the 80's?) which you would consider too lush for authentic string writing. Solo strings, which combined would create the sound of a quartet, are an altogether different sound and can also be either dry, lush, and everything in between. Or you might like string ensemble sounds that use fewer players, aren't too reverberent, have reasonable quick attacks and not too much vib. Even if you don't need big and lush, there's still a very wide assortment of string sounds you'd need if you want to incorporate strings into your music.
    For $400-500 consider the Vienna Special Edition, which includes all orchestral instruments, and can be expanded incrementally with more sounds and articulations. LASS is indeed great, but any small subset of their library is liable to be (very) hit or (very) miss, depending on the music at hand. For the same $$$, Kontakt is your best bet. Comes with a wide variety of good string sounds and articulations, as well as a wide variety of everything else. And it's a very flexible sampler/sound mangler, reading Akai and Giga collections you might have laying around.

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    Any suggestions what I can do to fix the problem?
    Best regards,

    I finally got the time to sit down and tackle the problem. This happened to me after a hard drive replacement by Apple. For whatever reason (and there seems to be many). Certain samples and instruments don't re-load under the later Logic Pro 9 updates. Here's how I fixed it. Brute force.
    1. Download a freeware program called Pacifist. It allows you to extract contents from packages. Open the jampaks with the missing files (2 and 4 are the big ones with missing samples... 1 and 3 have a few).
    2. This is tedious. Most missing instruments are from Jampak 2. Use pacifist to open Jampak 2 and copy the missing sample files back into HD=>Application Support=>Garage Band=>Instrument Library=>Sampler=>Sampler Files
    3. Copy over the other jampaks as you see fit.
    You can copy the entire contents or do like I did and replace the missing folders or patches. For some reason all the legato samples and the "RS" samples (articulations, i suppose) won't replace themselves EVEN IF YOU RE-INSTALL THE JAMPAKs in their entirety.
    It ain't pretty, but it works. Good Luck!

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    The iBook plays best with the original DVD output MPEG-2 file and playing back in QT Pro or VLC... but I already have 180 GB's of MPEG-2 files now and my little HD is almost full. I don't have enough room to convert all the iPhone 4 counterparts. If I use Compressor 3.5.3, what is the optimal setting for iBook and iPhone .m4v or .mp4 files that can play on both devices? So far 720x400-480 widescreen videos @ 29fps works great on my iPhone, Apple TV 2, and other computers but seems to murder my poor iBook if encoded with high profile (and still choppy on simple profiles). 640x480 (adding black matte bars to my videos) plays fine in MPEG-2 but drops frames or goes to black screen if I convert it to mp4 (and looks bad on the iPhone 4 because of the matte). But if I convert on any of the simple profiles, it looks terrible on my iPhone 4 and a blocky on the iBook.
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    Update: The iBook can play any 480p video and higher if I encode them with DivX and in AVI format. But of course this is not compatible with my iPhone 4. At least I can shrink my library now and get away from the full MPEG-2s. I don't get why I can't use Apple's h264 though. There has to be a setting I am missing. The sample Apple h264 videos from the days of Tiger worked flawlessly on my iBook when it was new so the CPU must be capable of decoding it. I really can't understand this.
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    Is there an easier way?

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    First, return to 32-bit mode. 64 bit still has some ß-issues and some features that are not working/disabled, and the only perk of 64-bit is that Logic can adress more than 4 GB RAM, which you don't have anyway.
    Samples on the startup drive is not a problem, unless you start using really big third party sample libraries, or zillions of EXS instruments. Some of the Logic content insists on residing on the startup disk anyway, better leave that where it is.
    If you have an external, use that to store your Logic projects, or, in other words, make it your recording disk (as recordings are stored in the project folder). You do record audio too, I assume? Anyway, if you get an external, make it a FireWire one, not USB. FireWire is much easier on the CPU, and +for audio (and sample-) streaming+ more reliable and faster than USB.
    If dropouts you hear during playback also show up in the (offline?) bounce, it is probably not a buffer issue, as the buffer is irrelevant for bouncing offline.
    So how many tracks and what kind of tracks in this project? Which plugins and how many instances of them?

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    elrathia wrote:
    Hi Ben,
    I haven't much idea of how override works and when you would use it and why. I'm the newest of the new here. 
    Good. At least you will not be smaking with a OPPer dOOPer hammer if I make some gramatical mistake.
    You may want to look at this thread in the BreakPoint where i trie to help Cory get a handle on Dynamic Dispatching with an example of two classes that inherit from a common parent and invoke Over-ride VIs to do the same thing but with wildly varying results.
    The example uses a Class of "Numeric"  and a sibling class "Text" and the both implement an Add method.
    It is dirt simple and Cory did a decent job of explaining it.
    It just be the motivation you are looking for.
    have fun!
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • XSLT samples for XML- ABAP mapping

    Hi all,
    Does anyone have a XSLT samples for XML->ABAP mapping ?

    first create XSLT program by copy pasting the below given code and give the program name as "Y_TEST"
    <b>XSLT code</b>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
      <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
      <xsl:output indent="yes"/>
      <xsl:template match="NewDataSet">
        <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
              <xsl:for-each select="Table">
                    <xsl:value-of select="AirportCode"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="CityOrAirportName"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="Country"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="CountryAbbrviation"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="CountryCode"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="GMTOffset"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="RunwayLengthFeet"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="RunwayElevationFeet"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="LatitudeDegree"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="LatitudeMinute"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="LatitudeSecond"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="LatitudeNpeerS"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="LongitudeDegree"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="LongitudeMinute"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="LongitudeSeconds"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select="LongitudeEperW"/>
    <b>just create a type 1 program and paste the below given code.</b>
    report y_consume_webservice .
    data: wf_user type string .
    data: wf_password type string .
    types: begin of outtab1 ,
       airportcode(6)  ,
       country(30)  ,
       countrycode(6)  ,
       gmtoffset(10)  ,
       latitudedegree(10)  ,
       latitudeminute(10)  ,
       latitudesecond(10)  ,
       latitudenpeers(10)  ,
       longitudedegree(10)  ,
       longitudeminute(10)  ,
       longitudeseconds(10)  ,
       longitudeeperw(10) ,
       end of outtab1 .
    data: outtab type  table of outtab1.
    data: wf_o like line of outtab .
    data: g_okcode like sy-ucomm .
    data: my_container   type ref to cl_gui_custom_container .
    data: g_dock type ref to cl_gui_docking_container .
    data: mygrid type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid .
    data: wf_field_cat type lvc_t_fcat .
    data: wf_field_cat_wa like line of wf_field_cat ,
          wf_is_layout type lvc_s_layo .
    data: wf_fld_cat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv .
    data: wf_fld_cat_wa like line of wf_fld_cat .
    data: wf_repid like sy-repid .
    data: int_tab_name type slis_tabname .
    data: xslt_err type ref to cx_xslt_exception .
    * encoding for download of XML files
    encoding     type string value 'utf-8' .
    data: rlength type i,
          txlen type string  .
    data: http_client type ref to if_http_client .
    data: wf_string type string .
    data: wf_string1 type string .
    data: wf_proxy type string ,
          wf_port type string .
    selection-screen: begin of block a with frame .
    parameters: uri2(132) type c lower case .
    selection-screen skip 1.
    parameters: user(50) lower case,
                password(50) lower case ,
                p_proxy(100) lower case default '' ,
                p_port(4) default '80'.
    selection-screen: end of block a .
    at selection-screen output.
      loop at screen.
        if screen-name = 'PASSWORD'.
          screen-invisible = '1'.
          modify screen.
    start-of-selection .
    clear wf_string .
    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
    '<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">'
    '<GetAirportInformationByCountry xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET">'
    '<country>' uri2 '</country>'
    into wf_string .
    clear :rlength , txlen .
    rlength = strlen( wf_string ) .
    move: rlength to txlen .
    clear: wf_proxy, wf_port .
    move: p_proxy to wf_proxy ,
          p_port to wf_port .
    call method cl_http_client=>create
        host          = ''
        service       = '80'
        scheme        = '1'
        proxy_host    =  wf_proxy
        proxy_service =  wf_port
        client        = http_client.
    http_client->propertytype_logon_popup = http_client->co_disabled.
    wf_user = user .
    wf_password = password .
    call method http_client->authenticate
        proxy_authentication = 'X'
        username             = wf_user
        password             = wf_password.
    call method http_client->request->set_header_field
        name  = '~request_method'
        value = 'POST'.
    call method http_client->request->set_header_field
        name  = '~server_protocol'
        value = 'HTTP/1.1'.
    call method http_client->request->set_header_field
        name  = '~request_uri'
        value = '/airport.asmx'.
    call method http_client->request->set_header_field
        name  = 'Content-Type'
        value = 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'.
    call method http_client->request->set_header_field
        name  = 'Content-Length'
        value = txlen.
    call method http_client->request->set_header_field
        name  = 'SOAPAction'
        value = 'http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetAirportInformationByCountry'.
    call method http_client->request->set_cdata
        data   = wf_string
        offset = 0
        length = rlength.
    call method http_client->send
        http_communication_failure = 1
        http_invalid_state         = 2.
    call method http_client->receive
        http_communication_failure = 1
        http_invalid_state         = 2
        http_processing_failed     = 3.
    clear wf_string1 .
    wf_string1 = http_client->response->get_cdata( ).
    replace all occurrences of
        '<' in wf_string1 with '<' .
    replace all occurrences of
    '>' in wf_string1 with '>' .
    replace all occurrences of
    'xmlns=' in wf_string1 with 'xmlns:xsl=' .
    try .
        call transformation (`Y_TEST`)
                source xml wf_string1
                result     outtab = outtab.
      catch cx_xslt_exception into xslt_err.
        data: s type string.
        s = xslt_err->get_text( ).
        write: ': ', s.
    endtry .
    break-point .
    Try this and give me your feedback.

  • Best audio settings for mp3?

    Hi everyone,
    I was wondering what are the best audio settings for an mp3 to import into C4?

    Yes Tina,
    I had this issue before. here is what i found:
    Record at Sample rate 44100 Hz, 16 bit, high quality publish as MP3
    Captivate settings at near CD bitrate 96 kbps,
    encoding speed 0,
    44.100 KHz encoding frequency

  • HDV: best export format for client viewing?

    I am working on a project in HDV 1080i (1440).
    What is the best export format to create a sample for a client to view- one that will give the proper aspect ratio.
    I've tried everything I can think of, and the export is still squashed 1440 and not full 1920
    I am a pretty experienced Motion user.....please give me the video and the output settings.

    hemmster- thanks I really appreciate the specific info
    I dont mean to be dense but....I don't see those buttons anywhere in Motion 4. When I go to File>export what I see is:
    Export: (quicktime)
    Use: set to current project
    When I click on the "options" button I am taken to the export options window with 2 tabs: "Video/audio" and "output"
    Can you please translate your settings into those parameters....? I am assuming that under "video/audio" that compressor is H.264. The advanced button lets me set the data rate.
    The Output tab lets you choose from a full range of resolutions. I could select "Custom" and set to 1280. No options for deinterlacing to be seen. Interlacing is a big problem with this project....
    I have read the complete manual (twice) and the peachpit books. There is little info on this subject to be found there, so I am depending on the kindness of strangers
    Thanks, you are awesome........!

  • [svn:osmf:] 15983: Updating VideoQoSPluginMetadataSynthesizer to create comma separated string values for all of the available keys .

    Revision: 15983
    Revision: 15983
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-05-10 04:47:46 -0700 (Mon, 10 May 2010)
    Log Message:
    Updating VideoQoSPluginMetadataSynthesizer to create comma separated string values for all of the available keys.
    Modified Paths:

    "but the sad thing is, that managers will most likely respond with a "This used to be fast in MSSQL, but now it isn't any more in Oracle. Oracle is so slow ...""
    On the bright side, it sounds like most of the database calls are implemented as stored procedures, so there is an opportunity to do it right (in Oracle terms) in the stored procedures.
    I did a similar conversion a while back, converting bad SQLServer procedures to good Oracle procedures. Everyone said "Oracle is much faster that SQLServer"

  • Byte to String conversion for encryption and decryption

    Hi Friends ,
    I am trying to encrypt a password string and then decrypt it .
    The thing is i need to convert the encrypted String which is a byte array to a string . While decrypting i need to convert the encrypted string to a Byte .
    I tried using String.getBytes() for converting a string to byte array , but this is giving an exception
    javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple of 8 when decrypting with padded cipherPlease find below my code
    import javax.crypto.Cipher;
    import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
    import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
    import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
    * @author rajeshreddy
    public class Encrypt
        public static void main(String[] args)
            BASE64Encoder en = new BASE64Encoder();
            BASE64Decoder en1 = new BASE64Decoder();
                String password = "S_@!et";
                KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DESede");
                Key key = kg.generateKey();
                Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede");
                cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
                // Encrypt password
                byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(password.getBytes());
                String e = new String(encrypted);
                byte[] toDecrypt  = e.getBytes();
                // Create decryption cipher
                cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
                byte[] decrypted = cipher.doFinal(toDecrypt);
                // Convert byte[] to String
                String decryptedString = new String(decrypted);
                System.out.println("password: " + password);
                System.out.println("encrypted: " + encrypted);
                System.out.println("decrypted: " + decryptedString);
            } catch (Exception ex)
    }I cab use sun.misc.BASE64Decoder and sun.misc.BASE64Encoder which avoids this error, but this packages are sun proprietery packages so there is a chance of removing these in future releases.
    Please suggest me the best way to tackle this

    1) The "Jakarta Commons Codec" project has Base64 and Hex encoders that are well tested and well regarded. Google is your friend.
    2) Since this is a new project, you should use AES rather than DESede.
    3) The defaults when generating the Cipher object using
    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede");
                is for ECB block mode with PKCS5 padding. ECB is not a good block mode since it allows some limited forgery though splicing of ciphertext. Use one of the feedback modes such as CBC.
    4) Why are you encrypting passwords rather than just hashing them? While there are situations where encryption rather than hashing is required, it is not the norm and does normally require justification.
    5) Converting encrypted or hashed data to a String is not normally required. What are you doing with that requires this?
    Edited by: sabre150 on Dec 29, 2008 7:44 AM

  • Best design idea for parallel DAQ (via GPIB), PID control and watchdog system

    I am a starter programmer in LabView, I already understand the basic ideas, and design patterns, like producer/consumer, events state machine, functional global variables, and so on, so the basics...
    I started a project a few weeks ago, and first I wrote and tested all of the necessary subvi-s for my project, like the ones initializing my GPIB devices (a Keithley mux and a dvm), controlling/reading out the measured voltage/resistancy values from them, subvi for my Static Analog Output card (I have to drive 7 analog output channels, 4 has to be PID controlled regarding to some of the measured values from the GPIB devices), and another subvi for the analogue card, sending TTL watchdog signals out to my experiment in every 2 seconds.
    Any idea is welcomed about suggesting the best design pattern for my project.
    The main features of my program would be:
    After starting the user interface the program starts with a start-up state, initializes the DAQmx channels and the GPIB devices. The program starts to read out different values from the GPIB devices, including 4 temperature values in every 3 seconds.
    In the same loop (?), using PID control, the program sets the DC voltage values of 4 channels (3 to heating wires, 1 to a Peltier-heat pump) on the Static Waveform Analogue output card, the remaining 3 values are constants.
    I have to send digital TTL watchdog signal to some relays from the same output card, changing its state in every 2 seconds (not the same rate as the GPIB values are read out).
    When the 4 temperatures and the power values regarding to the heating wires are equilibrated after a few hours, the program goes into another state, and signals to the user, that the measurement can be started. During a measurement, I write out all of the measured values to a TDMS file, and there is also some basic calculations "on the fly", like a moving average.
    After the measurement done, the user can swap samples, and the program goes into the above state, waiting for equilibration . and so on...
    Do you think I should use a Producer/Consumer pattern with events? Or someone would recommend me a better design idea?
    Thanks very much!
    ps.: I read out lots of values from the Keithleys, so I put them in a cluster. I made a small test vi (attached without the GPIB comm subvi-s), just to test the GPIB comm. So this is the recent state of my project. (all other subvi-s tested and ready to use as I wrote above, like the DAQmx output part)
    Attachments: ‏284 KB

    I think it is a better approach if I work first, and after I ask
    I go with small steps. For first, now I just want to make a DAQ analog output loop, and parallel a watchdog loop sending out TTL in every 2 seconds.
    The main loop in my project will iterate with approx. 10-15 seconds.
    I want to check in my watchdog loop, if my main loop hangs up (in that case the PID control stops, but the danger is if the output voltages stay on).
    After some readings, I have decided to use a functional global variable.
    I have attached the vi, can someone give me advice, what would be the good solution for this purpose?
    (I know it is a bit silly what I messed up with the shift registers in the bottom loop, it was some experimenting).
    Thanks in advance!
    Attachments: ‏12 KB
    Global ‏4 KB ‏57 KB

  • What is the best RAID configuration for a MacPro as a Logic User?

    There ought to be a universal answer to this question: what is the best RAID configuration for Logic Mac Pro users? I will be more specific.
    I use Logic Studio, Reason, Ableton, and Motu Symphonic Instrument simultaneously.
    I want to fail safe my precious audio files and improve performance as the system reads/writes data from multiple files, from audio tracks to digital samples.
    I want to run video files simultaneously to do nifty audio soundtracking to video.
    Here is the configuration I have in mind.
    HD 1: OS and Logic Studio, Reason/Ableton samples etc. software (non-raid) (250 GB)
    HD 2/3: MIrrored RAID set for AUDIO FILES (500 Gb identical pair)
    HD 4: Video files / Bouncing (1 TB)
    Makes sense right? A disk for reading software. A pair of 500 GB disks for reading/writing audio files and sessions in mirrored array. A 1 TB disk for video and bouncing. The main question I have is, for audio files only, is striped or mirrored better? 64K blocks the best? And are there any more details. I assume to do this in Disk Utility.

    Well, both Mirrored and Striped have their pros and cons. If you use mirrored, it will offer no better performance than the spec'ed drive along with it's sata bus speed. The plus point is, if one drive goes down, you have the second as a backup as the complete contents of one drive are mirrored on the other.
    With striped you will get a performance boost because all files (for example a single project) will get written across both drives and hence split the load on the drives and the SATA busses. The drawback is that you'll have to make sure you have a good, regular backup schedule in place because when one of the drives goes to drive heaven, you're going to be stuffed without a full backup of both drives.
    Exactly what performance boost you'd get will depend on your project, number of files, size of files, fragmentation of files, track count etc. You may find it would be easier to use the 3 drives straight, with no raid and have:
    HD 1: OS and Apps. No samples at all.
    HD2: Audio Files for Logic projects
    HD3: Reason, Ableton, Logic etc instrument sample library
    HD4: Video and bouncing.
    Which is what I ended up doing although I use HD4 as an interchangeable backup for HD1 and 2.
    There is no universal answer to this as each must make their own choice based on their preferences and needs. Mirrored will give you full backup but on-site, in machine backup. Not much good if something untoward and drastic happens to the physical machine. I think a few people toy with striped RAID but fall on the side of using the drives straight, as in their projects they don't see a big enough gain over splitting the data across your 3 remaining drives without RAID. Studios that seriously consider raid often go out and get a dedicated raid that can offer more variations than raid 0 or raid 1 (Striped and Mirrored) and better throughput.
    I hope this helps a little and not just added to the dilemma.

  • DHCP SCOPE Option 67 string value for OS deployment

     I am completely new to OS Deployment and very less knowledge on dhcp. We are using SCCM2012 in our environment.  I am confused on  what should be the string value for DHCP 67 OPTION . Does the \ back slash make any
    difference when setting a string value. for example- \\smsboot\x64\ or \smsboot\x64\ or would i need to specify the complete path where  remote install folder is located  for example \\server name\c$\remoteinsall\smsboot\x64\
     .I cant test myself due to restrictions in our organization as the DHCP servers are handled by other team . Appreciate your help!!!

    >>what should be the string value for DHCP 67 OPTION
    The Option 67 should be SMSBoot\x86\
    Best Regards,
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  • What is the Best Safari Version for OS 10.9.5 Maverick on a MacBookPro, 2.4Ghz, 8 GB Mem.?

    What is the best Safari Version for OS 19.9.5 Maverick on a MacBook Pro. 2.4 Ghz, with 8 gb memory?

    The best version for Mavericks, in fact the only version, is an integral part of OS X. In other words you already have it.
    Its version number is 7.1.5.
    Keep OS X up to date: Update OS X and App Store apps on your Mac - Apple Support

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