Bex Broadcasting error in SAP BW7.4

We have upgraded from BW7.1 to BW7.4. When we try to broadcast Bex report with values restricted in filter it works fine. But when the variable input option is given then while broadcasting fails & a dump is generated.The output transferred on mail is garbage.
Please help in identifying why the variable input option is not working in BW7.4 environment when the same has been working for many years on 7.1 environment
The message transmitted is as below
Body { background-color:#F2F2F2; font-size:0.7em; font-style:normal; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight:normal; scrollbar-base-color:#E8F1F8; scrollbar-face-color:#DDEAF5; scrollbar-3dlight-color:#306898; scrollbar-arrow-color:#303047; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#E8F1F8; scrollbar-shadow-color:#306898; scrollbar-track-color:#E8F1F8 } table { font-size:small } body .SAPBEXBrdCrAct,body .SAPBEXBrdCrDiv,body .SAPBEXBrdCrIna,body .SAPBEXBrdCrIna:link,body .SAPBEXBrdCrIna:visited,body .SAPBEXBrdCrIna:hover,body .SAPBEXCalMonth,body .SAPBEXCalNoDay,body .SAPBEXCalWeek,body .SAPBEXCalWeekday,body .SAPBEXMapLgdHeading2,body .SAPBEXMapLgdLegend,body .SAPBEXMapLgdMinmax,body .SAPBEXMapLgdBorder,body .SAPBEXBrdCrAct,body .SAPBEXCalCurrentDate,body .SAPBEXCalCurrentMonth,body .SAPBEXCalDay,body .SAPBEXCalDaySat,body .SAPBEXCalDaySelectedNormal,body .SAPBEXCalDaySelectedSat,body .SAPBEXCalDaySelectedSun,body .SAPBEXCalDaySun { font-size:87% } td { font-size:0.7em } td .SAPBEXTxtFldright,td .SAPBEXTxtFld,td .SAPBEXTxtFldDsbl,td .SAPBEXTextArea,td .SAPBEXTicker,td select { font-size:100% } td .SAPBEXBrdCrAct,td .SAPBEXBrdCrDiv,td .SAPBEXBrdCrIna,td .SAPBEXBrdCrIna:link,td .SAPBEXBrdCrIna:visited,td .SAPBEXBrdCrIna:hover,td .SAPBEXCalMonth,td .SAPBEXCalNoDay,td .SAPBEXCalWeek,td .SAPBEXCalWeekday,td .SAPBEXMapLgdHeading2,td .SAPBEXMapLgdLegend,td .SAPBEXMapLgdMinmax,td .SAPBEXCalCurrentDate,td .SAPBEXCalCurrentMonth,td .SAPBEXCalDay,td .SAPBEXCalDaySat,td .SAPBEXCalDaySelectedNormal,td .SAPBEXCalDaySelectedSat,td .SAPBEXCalDaySelectedSun,td .SAPBEXCalDaySun,td .SAPBEXMapLgdBorder { font-size:87% } td.SAPBEXBrdCrAct,td.SAPBEXBrdCrDiv,td.SAPBEXBrdCrIna,td.SAPBEXBrdCrIna:link,td.SAPBEXBrdCrIna:visited,td.SAPBEXBrdCrIna:hover,td.SAPBEXCalMonth,td.SAPBEXCalNoDay,td.SAPBEXCalWeek,td.SAPBEXCalWeekday,td.SAPBEXMapLgdHeading2,td.SAPBEXMapLgdLegend,td.SAPBEXMapLgdMinmax,td.SAPBEXCalCurrentDate,td.SAPBEXCalCurrentMonth,td.SAPBEXCalDay,td.SAPBEXCalDaySat,td.SAPBEXCalDaySelectedNormal,td.SAPBEXCalDaySelectedSat,td.SAPBEXCalDaySelectedSun,td.SAPBEXCalDaySun,td.SAPBEXMapLgdBorder { font-size:0.6em } .sapBdyStd { background-color:#F2F2F2 } .sapPreviewBdyStd { font-size:0.7em; font-style:normal; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight:normal } .SAPBEXaggData { background-color:#FFFB8C; color:#000000; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; margin:0 1px 0 1px; padding:1px 3px 1px 3px; text-align:right } .SAPBEXaggData:link { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXaggData:visited { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXaggData:hover { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:underline } .SAPBEXaggDataEmph { background-color:#FFFB8C; color:#000080; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; margin:0 1px 0 1px; padding:1px 3px 1px 3px; text-align:right } .SAPBEXaggDataEmph:link { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:none; color:#000080 } .SAPBEXaggDataEmph:visited { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:none; color:#000080 } .SAPBEXaggDataEmph:hover { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:underline; color:#000080 } .SAPBEXaggItem { background-color:#FFFB8C; color:#000000; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; margin:0 1px 0 1px; padding:1px 3px 1px 3px; text-align:left; vertical-align:top } .SAPBEXaggItem:link { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXaggItem:visited { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXaggItem:hover { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:underline } .SAPBEXAlertHead { background-color:#AFC8DE; color:#000000; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; vertical-align:top; padding:1px 3px 1px 3px; font-style:normal } .SAPBEXAlertHead:link { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXAlertHead:visited { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXAlertHead:hover { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:underline } .SAPBEXAlertItem { background-color:#D4D4D4 ; color:#000000; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; padding:1px 3px 1px 3px; text-align:left } .SAPBEXAlertItem:link { margin:0; padding:0; text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXAlertItem:visited { margin:0; 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text-decoration:underline; font-style:normal; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif } .SAPBEXBtnEmph { background-color:#FFC54E; background-image:url(../Icons/Tradeshow_6x1_btn_emph.gif); background-position:top left; background-repeat:repeat-y; border-width:1px ; border-style:solid ; border-color:#676E75 #676E75 #676E75 #676E75; color:#000000; cursor:hand; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; height:14px; padding:0 4px 0 5px; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; white-space:nowrap } .SAPBEXBtnEmph:link { text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXBtnEmph:visited { text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXBtnEmph:hover { background-image:url(../Icons/Tradeshow_6x1_btn_emph_hover.gif); background-position:top left; background-repeat:repeat-y; border-color:#000000 #000000 #000000 #000000; color:#000000; text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXBtnEmphDsbl { background-color:#F2ECD9; background-image:url(../Icons/Tradeshow_6x1_btn_emph_dsbl.gif); background-position:top left; 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border-color:#000000 #000000 #000000 #000000; color:#000000; text-decoration:none; background-color:#FFC54E } .SAPBEXBtnStdNextStepDsbl { background-color:#F2ECD9; border-color:#8B959C #8B959C #8B959C #8B959C; border-style:solid ; border-width:1px ; background-image:url(../Icons/Tradeshow_BtnNextStepDsbl.gif); background-position:center right; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-decoration:none; color:#79848C; padding:0 16px 0 3px; font-weight:normal; height:14px; cursor:default } .SAPBEXBtnStdPrevStep { background-color:#F2E1AF; border-color:#676E75 #676E75 #676E75 #676E75; border-style:solid ; border-width:1px ; background-image:url(../Icons/Tradeshow_BtnPrevStep.gif); background-position:center left; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-decoration:none; color:#000000; padding:0 3px 0 16px; cursor:hand; font-weight:normal; height:14px } .SAPBEXBtnStdPrevStep:hover { background-image:url(../Icons/Tradeshow_BtnPrevStepHover.gif); border-color:#000000 #000000 #000000 #000000; color:#000000; background-color:#FFC54E; text-decoration:none } .SAPBEXBtnStdPrevStepDsbl { background-color:#F2ECD9; border-color:#8B959C #8B959C #8B959C #8B959C; border-style:solid ; border-width:1px ; background-image:url(../Icons/Tradeshow_BtnPrevStepDsbl.gif); background-position:center left; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-decoration:none; color:#79848C; padding:0 3px 0 16px; font-weight:normal; height:14px; cursor:default } .SAPBEXTbsTab a,.SAPBEXTbsTab a:hover { text-decoration:none; color:#000000 }

Note 1899396 - Patch Level 0 for BI Java Installation - Detailed Information
If you missed to apply the latest patches for the current BI-JAVA stack you will encounter all kinds of errors.
New Installation of SAP BI JAVA 7.30 - Options, Connectivity and Security
Note 1961111 - BW ABAP/JAVA SPS dependencies for different NetWeaver release and BI JAVA patch updating relevant
Note 1512355 - SAP NW 7.30/7.31/7.40: Schedule for BI Java Patch Delivery
Best Regards Roland

Similar Messages

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    Hello Everybody,
    When i go to Business Explorer - Web Application Designer - Publish and click on In BEx Broadcaster ,an error message is displayed when this is loaded saying :
    <b>Error loading template 0BROADCASTING_TEMPLATE</b>
    When I tried installing 0BROADCASTING_TEMPLATE an error message was displayed as :
    <b>Object Web Template Name 0BROADCASTING_TEMPLATE is not available in version D</b>
    This means that 0BROADCASTING_TEMPLATE is not available in delivered version .
    Is this any other way to install this template or can this template be separately installed,if yes plz tell me how to do it.If this template cannot be installed separately then,is there no other way to activate BEx broadcasting functionality in BW .Kindly revert back at earliest as I am suffering with this issue since many Email Id is [email protected] .

    Sorry for bothering you - see SAP Note 861803 if of any help.
    In a BW 3.5 system, you want to define the Standard Web Templates and you call Transaction RSCUSTV11 to do this, however the system displays only the fields "Style sheet" and "Template properties".
    Other terms
    In a BW 3.5 system, use Transaction RSCUSTV21 to maintain the Standard Web Templates.

  • BEx Broadcasting Error

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    An Active RFC Server could not be found.
    Error occurred during processing of framework class CL_RSRD_PRODUCER_EXCEL, type PROD.
    I've checked the system landscape and the connection to the ABAP BI system tests out ok.  The ABAP BI system is also showing up in the SLD.  I've also seen a couple notes that say this is a build error and is fixed in service packs, but we are way beyond that service pack (currently on SPS11).
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Michael,
    Check this link
    Publishing BW Workbooks into Portal

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    does anyone have an idea what is wrong when i get the following error when i execute BEx broadcaster to send me a report via email:
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    The steps i took to get to this error:
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    Most likely the email addresses that are maintained in the settings are incorrect. They do not exist or the is a spelling mistake or the convention is wrong i.e missing '@' symbol or has ',' instead of '.'
    This is particularly common in bursting where it is not immediately obvious that the email address is wrong so in this case check the email addresses maintained in the master data of the characteristic.
    I hope this helps.

  • BEx Broadcaster Error

    An active RFC server could not be found 
    Error occurred during processing of framework class CL_RSRD_PRODUCER_EXCEL, type PROD  
    Processing setting MERR_TEST completed with errors  
    Job step for user XXXXXXX, language EN ended with errors  
    Any idea about this error .I got this while trying to schedule in BEx in the Distribute Workbook settings.

    Hi guys, any get work BroadCasting and Workbook precalcule ?
    We have problem CL_RSRD_PRODUCER_EXCEL then the note 855220 was aplicate.
    Inside Class : CL_RSR_PREC_SERVER
    IF i_requestedtype <> 'M'.
    Added this is in SP14 to strip router information.
    In code call Function :
    Start Call to RFC-Server
    DESTINATION p_destination
    EXPORTING i_requestedtype = i_requestedtype
    i_transprinter = l_printer
    i_sessionid = l_session_id-id
    i_variant = i_variant
    TABLES c_t_bin_file = l_t_xstring
    i_t_var = l_t_var
    I_T_SERVERPROPERTIES = i_t_serverproperties
    I_T_WORKBOOKPROPERTIES = l_t_wb_properties
    The function in SE37 : RS_PREC_PRECALCULATE
    Have this :
    ""Lokale Schnittstelle:
    *" TABLES
    This is rigth ?
    search l_host for '/H/'.
    if sy-subrc > 0. exit. endif.
    shift l_host by sy-fdpos places.
    shift l_host by 3 places.
    Is rigth search l_host for '/H/'. ??
    lstring = l_progid.
    concatenate 'SAP.BusinessExplorer.Analyzer\BW_PRECALC\Servers\' i_logsys into l_regkey.
    ROOT = 0
    KEY = l_regkey
    VALUE = lstring
    rc = l_rc
    others = 1.
    I not found that Folders in may PC :
    concatenate 'SAP.BusinessExplorer.Analyzer\BW_PRECALC\Servers\'
    Any idea the problem ?

  • Error connecting SAP BW7.00/BI7.03 to R/3 4/7/6.20

    We recently installed SAPNW2004s from ERP2005 package with BI7.03 addon. Right now we are configuring the system to connect to R/3 system which is a 4.7 appl with 6.20 basis. I am getting below error on RFC connection setting via RSA1 t-code.
    "RFC user logon failed. Check the connection.
        Message no. R3077
        You tried to logon to BW using the RFC user. This action failed.
    System Response
        service 'sapgw01' unknown / CPI-C error CM_PRODUCT
        On the following screen, check the destination from the source system into BW. Make sure you entered the correct password."
    But I was able to reach R/3 system from bw system via ping test and viceversa. I know its not a password or user-id issue.
    We were successfully able to do the same setup  in SAPBW 3.5/BI 3.3
    Was there any compatibility issue here between SAPBW7.0 WITH R/3 4.7/6.20 ? OR AM I missing some thing. Pls help.

    Please check an entry in the /etc/services file for sapgw01.
                                                             sapgw01    3302/tcp 
    Best regards,

  • Error when clicked BEx broadcaster

    Hi All.
    We have enterprise portal only JAVA server SPS 10 patch 10
    This server integrated with SAP BW  system 7.0 version.
    when we try to click on BEx broadcaster link from portal we are getting the error.
    Portal runtime error.
    An exception occurred while processing your request. Send the exception
    ID to your portal administrator.
    Exception ID: 07:51_16/03/11_0035_37094450
    Can you please let me know how can i go forward with the resolution of this error.
    Thanks in advace,

    More detailed log of the above exception.
    Exception ID:06:00_21/03/11_0001_37094450
    com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error in service call of Portal Component
    Component : pcd:portal_content/
    Component class : com.sapportals.portal.sapapplication.SAPApplicationIntegratorComponent
    User : rkotla
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.handlePortalComponentException(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
         at Method)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at Method)
    Caused by: com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: Exception in SAP Application Integrator occured: Unable to parse template &#39;&lt;System.Access.WAS.protocol&gt;://&lt;System.Access.WAS.hostname&gt;/sap/bw/BEx?sap-client=&lt;System.client&gt;&amp;sap-language=&lt;Request.Language&gt;&amp;accessibility=&lt;User.Accessibility[SAP_BOOL]&gt;&amp;style_sheet=&lt;LAF.StylesheetUrl[url_ENCODE]&gt;&amp;&lt;TrayInformation[IF_true PROCESS_RECURSIVE]&gt;&amp;&lt;Authentication&gt;&amp;&lt;Report&gt;&amp;&lt;BusinessParameters&gt;&#39;; the problem occured at position 82. Cannot process expression &lt;System.client&gt; because Invalid System Attribute:
    System:    &amp;#39;SAP_LocalSystem&amp;#39;,
    Attribute: &amp;#39;client&amp;#39;.
         at com.sapportals.portal.appintegrator.AbstractIntegratorComponent.doContentPass(
         at com.sapportals.portal.appintegrator.AbstractIntegratorComponent.doContent(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
    Category:  /System/Server

  • BEx Analyzer :SAPLOGON_ID 'SAP BW7' not found in saplogon.ini

    The  BEx Analyzer can't connect to my BW System , I got the following error:
    Error Group
    SAPLOGON_ID 'SAP BW7' not found in saplogon.ini
    The following is the copy of saplogon.ini:

    I had the same issue with SAP Logon 7.30 patch 11,  have looked in everything: internet, SAP Notes (1709502 for version 7.30), reinstall SAP from scracth, applied all patches available (11 so far) and nothing.
    In the end I just removed the 'incorrect' entry and create again from scratch and voila, no more error.

  • Run time error in Bex broadcasting with pdf as output format.

    In bex broadcasting settings:bursting by e-mail with out put type as pdf format,the out put of query is coing as well up to 3000 records in query output.If number of records in query output is greaterthan 3000,then an runtime error is coming.
    If there is an output option as HTML format with "as zip file check box" by default.
    But user wants output in "pdf format" only.
    Can you suggest if any settings can be made in bex broadcasting settings.
    Thnaks in advance.

    this might be of timeout error..
    plz make timeout settings as per this SAP Note Number: 934275 and try

  • Error: Bex broadcaster from Portal

    Whenever  I try to send an email through Bex broadcaster from Portal I get the following error message after executing the broadcast settings.

    check this sap note 1025835
    reward points if helpful

  • BEx Broadcaster --HTML error

    Hello All...
    I am having many issues with BEx Broadcaster when it comes to scheduling.  Thought someone may be able to give me some advice here.
    Ok, so I am scheduling about 20 web templates to output into PDF and be broadcasted over to the portal inbox of the user.  Its working in many cases...however several are giving me errors.  The errors seem to be found in rsrd_admin when I go to 
    'display logs'.  The error sort of looks like this.
    "RED CIRLCE HERE"      11/24/2009  17:21:20  AKSALVI       00000000000001568463
       ""GREEN CIRLCE HERE"     Explicit scheduling of setting DPHARBOR
       ""GREEN CIRLCE HERE"     1 packages for 03 available processes created
       ""GREEN CIRLCE HERE"     Starting parallel processing of package 1 (1 settings)...
      ""RED CIRLCE HERE"   Processing package with 1 settings (AKSALVI EN)
      ""RED CIRLCE HERE"   Processing setting DPHARBOR
      ""RED CIRLCE HERE"   Error while generating HTML
    What could this error while generating HTML be and come from????
    Any thoughts.
    Thanks in advance.

    Check this link it may help you

  • Error in Execution of Bex Broadcaster

    Dear Gurus,
    We are facing an issue where we have install are the required templates but when we try to execute BEx Broadcaster via Bex Query Designer 7.0 we face error (Portal runtime error.) however we are able to execute BEx Broadcaster via BEx Query Designer 3.x. Also, BEx Broadcaster via Bex Query Designer 7.0 is working fine in Dev and Test env. Facing trouble in Prod only.
    Pls suggest.

    Hi Dhruv,
    Please check default trace to get more information. It could be permission problem, etc. PRT error is a very generic message thrown by portal, which doesn't really tell much until you dig into the default trace.
    Best Regards,
    Zhi Liang

  • BEx broadcasting in PDF format only error

    Hi Gurus
    I have a problem in sending a query as a mail using broadcaster in PDF format. from portal
    i am able to send 'current data as a link' ' html' 'mhtml' but unable to send in pdf format
    i was able to do it before. i dont know what changes happened.
    can any one tell what is the problem?
    Error to reproduce
    Broadcast and Export>Broad cast E-Mail> PDF
    >continue>paper size/orientation-->email address
    ---> Execute -->   * Error: *
    i am using NW7.0 SP14stack
    Thanks & Regards

    Dear gurus
    solved with the ADSUSER password expiry time  the default  value is 90 days.
    for that i did the changes in portal
    select the ADSUSER > modify> security ->change to technical users> save.
    it will work fine.

  • Error on Variable Screen of BEx Broadcasting

    Hi guys ....i have a problem.....when i open the variable assignment for execute BEx Broadcasting i got a screen with strange characters, the screen is like a text file in HTML screen without styles and color.....and the problem is that there are some strange characters in some characteristics... and give an error when execute....
    I hope somebody could help me

    Try maintaining Text for the InfoObjects on which you are creating variables.
    Say like you have crated variable P on InfoObject company code...then maintain text for that InfoObject.

  • Bex Broadcaster webtemplate Error SSO :  call FM RSRD_X_GET_INFO_PROX

    I've applied note 972514.
    Our call for Bex Broadcaster since our portal, are working well for queries, but when we choose (open) a webtemplate and decide to schedule it (by creating  new settings )
    we have the error message :"     Java system error: call FM RSRD_X_GET_INFO_PROXY to ProgId LIL178UX_PORTAL_FW9 on host LIL178UX with SSO not authorized: Authentication failed.
    Error     Cannot generate broadcast setting for current context"
    I've checked the logs (same error message)
    SSO seems to be configured well (RSPORT_SETUP+Support Desk Tools are ok)
    Help would be grateful and reward.

    Does the authorisation user in the broadcast setting has authorization to broadcast?
    Because that's exactly what you get when the authorization user is missing the broadcast-auth.
    You can test this by putting a SAP_ALL user in the authorization user and test it.

Maybe you are looking for