BI Publisher Report for Archived OIM tables

We perfomed Request archival operation in our OIM DB using Now ARCH* tables are created and it has relevant details.
Now our requirment is to create a new report to read data from this archived tables using BI publisher. We are looking something similar to OOTB Attestation Request and Approval Reports -> Request Details in BI.
We created a new report called "Request Details from Archive tables" similar to the OOTB one in BI front end. Also modifed data template by replacing "request*" tables to "arch_request*" as below. When we try to gernerate report now it is not working as expected.
Do we need to change anything else ? Please advise
Modified data template for reference
<dataTemplate name="ArchRequestDetails" description="Each group that contains the logged in user as its direct user. All groups that are administered by the above set of groups are visible to the logged in user.">
          <parameter name="xdo_user_name" dataType="character"/>
          <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqFN" dataType="character"/>
          <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqLN" dataType="character"/>
          <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqUID" dataType="character"/>
          <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqID" dataType="character"/>
          <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqPID" dataType="character"/>
          <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqStatu" dataType="character"/>
          <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqTyp" dataType="character"/>
          <parameter name="p_ReqDtFrom" dataType="date"/>
          <parameter name="p_ReqDtTo" dataType="date"/>
          <parameter name="p_varchar_BenFN" dataType="character"/>
          <parameter name="p_varchar_BenLN" dataType="character"/>
          <parameter name="p_varchar_BenUID" dataType="character"/>
          <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_AllRequests">
               <![CDATA[ SELECT ReqID as RequestID, 
        decode(ReqAction, 'Create Entity', 'Self Registration', 'Add', 'Provision Resource', 'Disable',   'Disable Resource',   'Enable',   'Enable Resource',   'Revoke',   'Revoke Resource',   'Modify Entity',   'Modify Profile') as RequestType,   
        ReqUID as RequesterUserID,
        ReqDate as RequestDate, 
        CurStatus as RequestStatus,
        null as ParentRequestID
   FROM (select distinct
          req.req_key as ReqID,
          req.req_obj_action as ReqAction, 
          usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
          req.req_create as ReqDate,
          ost.ost_status as CurStatus
     from req left outer join rqu on req.req_key = rqu.req_key,
          usr usr2
    where rqu.usr_key = usr2.usr_key
      and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
      and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
      and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
      and usr2.act_key in (select aad.act_key
            from aad,usg,usr
            where usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
              and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key
              and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
              and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqStatu,' ')=' ' or upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
              and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqID,' ')=' ' or req.req_key like (:p_varchar_ReqID))
              and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
          req.req_key as ReqID,
          req.req_obj_action as ReqAction, 
          usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
          req.req_create as ReqDate,
          ost.ost_status as CurStatus
          req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
          and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
          and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
          and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
          and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
          and ost.ost_status != 'Request Complete'
        select req.req_key as ReqID,
          req.req_obj_action as ReqAction, 
          usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
          req.req_create as ReqDate,
          ost.ost_status as CurStatus
     from req,
          usr usr2,
    where req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
          and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
          and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
          and usr2.usr_login =(select upper(rqd.rqd_attr_value) from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID')
          and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
          and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
          and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
          and usr2.act_key in (select aad.act_key from aad,usg,usr
      where usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
        and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
        and ost.ost_status = 'Request Complete')
      SELECT distinct request.request_key as RequestID, 
        request.request_model_name as RequestType,
        usr1.usr_login as RequesterUserID,
        request.request_creation_date as RequestDate,
        request.request_status as RequestStatus,
        request.request_parent_key as ParentRequestID
   FROM usr usr1 JOIN request req1 ON usr1.usr_key = req1.requester_key,
        (select distinct req3.request_key rk,
          usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
          usr2.usr_last_name bln,
          usr2.usr_login buid
        from arch_request req3,
          arch_request_beneficiary reqb1,
          usr usr2
        where req3.request_key = reqb1.request_key
          and reqb1.beneficiary_key = usr2.usr_key
        select distinct req3.request_key rk,
          usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
          usr2.usr_last_name bln,
          usr2.usr_login buid
        from arch_request req3,
          arch_request_entities re1,
          usr usr2
        where req3.request_key = re1.request_key
          and re1.entity_key = usr2.usr_key)user1
        req1.request_key = request.request_key
        and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqFN, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_first_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqFN))
        and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqLN, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_last_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqLN))
        and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqUID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_login) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqUID))
        and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_key) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqID))
        and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqPID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_parent_key) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqPID))
        and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqStatu, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_status) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
        and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqTyp, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_model_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqTyp))
        and request.request_creation_date between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
        and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenFN, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.bfn) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenFN) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
        and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenLN, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.bln) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenLN) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
        and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenUID, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.buid) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenUID) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
ORDER BY RequestID ]]>
          <sqlstatement name="sql_L2_Approver_BPEL" dataSourceRef="BPEL JDBC">
SELECT distinct wfproductivity_view.username as ApproverUserID
FROM wfproductivity_view
WHERE identificationkey = :RequestID
          <sqlstatement name="sql_L2_Approver">
SELECT distinct usr.usr_login as ApproverUserID
FROM rqh join usr on rqh.rqh_createby = usr.usr_key
WHERE rqh.req_key = :RequestID
And rqh.rqh_status = 'Approved'
          <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_Beneficiaries">
               <![CDATA[  SELECT distinct
  FirstName as BenFName, 
  LastName as BenLName,
  userid as BenUserID,
  usr_emp_type as BenEmpType, 
  UsrStatus as BenUserStatus,
  OrgName as BenOrg
  (select distinct
    usr2.usr_login AS userid,    
    usr2.usr_last_name AS LastName,
    usr2.usr_first_name AS FirstName,    
    usr2.usr_emp_type AS usr_emp_type,
    usr2.usr_status AS UsrStatus,    
    act.act_name AS OrgName
  from req left outer join rqu on req.req_key = rqu.req_key,
    usr usr2
  where req.req_key = :RequestID
    and rqu.usr_key = usr2.usr_key
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
    and usr2.act_key in
      (select aad.act_key
      from aad,usg,usr
        usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
        and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key
        and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqStatu,' ')=' ' or upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqID,' ')=' ' or req.req_key like (:p_varchar_ReqID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID') AS userid,
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.Last Name') AS LastName,
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.First Name') AS FirstName,
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.Xellerate Type') AS usr_emp_type,
    null AS UsrStatus,    
    null AS OrgName
  from req,
  where req.req_key = :RequestID
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
    and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and ost.ost_status != 'Request Complete'
  select usr2.usr_login AS userid,
    usr2.usr_last_name AS LastName,
    usr2.usr_first_name AS FirstName,
    usr2.usr_emp_type AS usr_emp_type,
    usr2.usr_status AS UsrStatus,
    act.act_name AS OrgName
  from req,
    usr usr2,
  where req.req_key = :RequestID
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
    and usr2.usr_login =(select upper(rqd.rqd_attr_value) from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID')
    and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
    and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and usr2.act_key in
      (select aad.act_key
      from aad,usg,usr
        usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
        and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
    and ost.ost_status = 'Request Complete')
      SELECT distinct user1.bfn as BenFName, 
        user1.bln as BenLName,
        user1.buid as BenUserID, as BenEmpType, 
        user1.bus as BenUserStatus, as BenOrg
        (select distinct req3.request_key rk,
          usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
          usr2.usr_last_name bln,
          usr2.usr_login buid,
          usr2.usr_emp_type bet,
          usr2.usr_status bus,
          act.act_name bo
        from arch_request req3,
          arch_request_beneficiary reqb1,
          usr usr2,
        where req3.request_key = reqb1.request_key
          and reqb1.beneficiary_key = usr2.usr_key
          and usr2.act_key = act. act_key
          and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
          and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
          and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
        select distinct req3.request_key rk,
          usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
          usr2.usr_last_name bln,
          usr2.usr_login buid,
          usr2.usr_emp_type bet,
          usr2.usr_status bus,
          act.act_name bo
        from arch_request req3,
          arch_request_entities re1,
          usr usr2,
        where req3.request_key = re1.request_key
          and re1.entity_key = usr2.usr_key
          and usr2.act_key = act. act_key
          and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
          and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
          and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
        user1.rk = :RequestID                 
          <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_RequestDetails">
SELECT distinct
null as ReqDetailsName,
obj_name as ReqDetailsValue
req.req_key = :RequestID
and req.req_key = rqo.req_key
and obj.obj_key = rqo.obj_key
SELECT distinct reqdet.detname as ReqDetailsName,
reqdet.detval as ReqDetailsValue
(select req1.request_key rk,
rbe1.rbe_entity_name detval,
rbe1.rbe_entity_type detname
from arch_request_beneficiary_entities rbe1,
request req1
where rbe1.rbe_request_key = req1.request_key
select req1.request_key rk,
red1.entity_field_value detval,
red1.entity_field_name detname
from arch_request_entity_data red1,
arch_request_entities re1,
request req1
where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
and red1.entity_field_name != 'Organization'
and red1.entity_field_name != 'User Manager'
select req1.request_key rk,
act.act_name detval,
red1.entity_field_name detname
from arch_request_entity_data red1,
arch_request_entities re1,
request req1,
where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
and red1.entity_field_value = act.act_key
and red1.entity_field_name = 'Organization'
select req1.request_key rk,
usr3.usr_login detval,
red1.entity_field_name detname
from arch_request_entity_data red1,
arch_request_entities re1,
request req1,
usr usr3
where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
and red1.entity_field_value = usr3.usr_key
and red1.entity_field_name = 'User Manager') reqdet
reqdet.rk = :RequestID
          <group name="AllRequests" source="sql_L1_AllRequests">
               <element name="RequestID" value="RequestID"/>
               <element name="RequestType" value="RequestType"/>
               <element name="RequesterUserID" value="RequesterUserID"/>
               <element name="RequestDate" value="RequestDate"/>
               <group name="grp_AllApprovers" source="sql_L2_Approver_BPEL">
                    <element name="ApproverUserID" value="ApproverUserID"/>
               <group name="grp_AllApprovers" source="sql_L2_Approver">
                    <element name="ApproverUserID" value="ApproverUserID"/>
               <element name="RequestStatus" value="RequestStatus"/>
               <element name="ParentRequestID" value="ParentRequestID"/>
               <group name="Beneficiaries" source="sql_L1_Beneficiaries">
                    <element name="BenFName" value="BenFName"/>
                    <element name="BenLName" value="BenLName"/>
                    <element name="BenUserID" value="BenUserID"/>
                    <element name="BenEmpType" value="BenEmpType"/>
                    <element name="BenUserStatus" value="BenUserStatus"/>
                    <element name="BenOrg" value="BenOrg"/>
               <group name="RequestDetails" source="sql_L1_RequestDetails">
                    <element name="ReqDetailsName" value="ReqDetailsName"/>
                    <element name="ReqDetailsValue" value="ReqDetailsValue"/>

any help please ? if you need any more information to know more about the issue, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you.

Similar Messages

  • BI Publisher Report for Archived OIM

    We perfomed Request archival operation in our OIM DB using Now ARCH* tables are created and it has relevant details.
    Now our requirment is to create a new report to read data from this archived tables using BI publisher. We are looking something similar to OOTB Attestation Request and Approval Reports -> Request Details in BI.
    We created a new report called "Request Details from Archive tables" similar to the OOTB one in BI front end. Also modifed data template by replacing "request*" tables to "arch_request*" as below. When we try to gernerate report now it is not working as expected.
    Do we need to change anything else ? Please advise
    Modified data template for reference
    <dataTemplate name="ArchRequestDetails" description="Each group that contains the logged in user as its direct user. All groups that are administered by the above set of groups are visible to the logged in user.">
    <parameter name="xdo_user_name" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqFN" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqLN" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqUID" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqID" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqPID" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqStatu" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_ReqTyp" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_ReqDtFrom" dataType="date"/>
    <parameter name="p_ReqDtTo" dataType="date"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_BenFN" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_BenLN" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="p_varchar_BenUID" dataType="character"/>
    <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_AllRequests">
    <![CDATA[ SELECT ReqID as RequestID,
    decode(ReqAction, 'Create Entity', 'Self Registration', 'Add', 'Provision Resource', 'Disable', 'Disable Resource', 'Enable', 'Enable Resource', 'Revoke', 'Revoke Resource', 'Modify Entity', 'Modify Profile') as RequestType,
    ReqUID as RequesterUserID,
    ReqDate as RequestDate,
    CurStatus as RequestStatus,
    null as ParentRequestID
    FROM (select distinct
    req.req_key as ReqID,
    req.req_obj_action as ReqAction,
    usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
    req.req_create as ReqDate,
    ost.ost_status as CurStatus
    from req left outer join rqu on req.req_key = rqu.req_key,
    usr usr2
    where rqu.usr_key = usr2.usr_key
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
    and usr2.act_key in (select aad.act_key
    from aad,usg,usr
    where usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
    and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key
    and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqStatu,' ')=' ' or upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqID,' ')=' ' or req.req_key like (:p_varchar_ReqID))
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    req.req_key as ReqID,
    req.req_obj_action as ReqAction,
    usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
    req.req_create as ReqDate,
    ost.ost_status as CurStatus
    req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
    and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and ost.ost_status != 'Request Complete'
    select req.req_key as ReqID,
    req.req_obj_action as ReqAction,
    usr.usr_login as ReqUID,
    req.req_create as ReqDate,
    ost.ost_status as CurStatus
    from req,
    usr usr2,
    where req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
    and usr2.usr_login =(select upper(rqd.rqd_attr_value) from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID')
    and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
    and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and usr2.act_key in (select aad.act_key from aad,usg,usr
    where usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
    and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
    and ost.ost_status = 'Request Complete')
    SELECT distinct request.request_key as RequestID,
    request.request_model_name as RequestType,
    usr1.usr_login as RequesterUserID,
    request.request_creation_date as RequestDate,
    request.request_status as RequestStatus,
    request.request_parent_key as ParentRequestID
    FROM usr usr1 JOIN request req1 ON usr1.usr_key = req1.requester_key,
    (select distinct req3.request_key rk,
    usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
    usr2.usr_last_name bln,
    usr2.usr_login buid
    from arch_request req3,
    arch_request_beneficiary reqb1,
    usr usr2
    where req3.request_key = reqb1.request_key
    and reqb1.beneficiary_key = usr2.usr_key
    select distinct req3.request_key rk,
    usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
    usr2.usr_last_name bln,
    usr2.usr_login buid
    from arch_request req3,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    usr usr2
    where req3.request_key = re1.request_key
    and re1.entity_key = usr2.usr_key)user1
    req1.request_key = request.request_key
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqFN, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_first_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqFN))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqLN, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_last_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqLN))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqUID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(usr1.usr_login) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqUID))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_key) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqID))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqPID, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_parent_key) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqPID))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqStatu, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_status) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_ReqTyp, ' ') = ' ' or UPPER(request.request_model_name) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_ReqTyp))
    and request.request_creation_date between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenFN, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.bfn) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenFN) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenLN, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.bln) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenLN) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
    and (NVL(:p_varchar_BenUID, ' ') = ' ' or (UPPER(user1.buid) LIKE UPPER(:p_varchar_BenUID) and request.request_key = user1.rk))
    ORDER BY RequestID ]]>
    <sqlstatement name="sql_L2_Approver_BPEL" dataSourceRef="BPEL JDBC">
    SELECT distinct wfproductivity_view.username as ApproverUserID
    FROM wfproductivity_view
    WHERE identificationkey = :RequestID
    <sqlstatement name="sql_L2_Approver">
    SELECT distinct usr.usr_login as ApproverUserID
    FROM rqh join usr on rqh.rqh_createby = usr.usr_key
    WHERE rqh.req_key = :RequestID
    And rqh.rqh_status = 'Approved'
    <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_Beneficiaries">
    <![CDATA[ SELECT distinct
    FirstName as BenFName,
    LastName as BenLName,
    userid as BenUserID,
    usr_emp_type as BenEmpType,
    UsrStatus as BenUserStatus,
    OrgName as BenOrg
    (select distinct
    usr2.usr_login AS userid,
    usr2.usr_last_name AS LastName,
    usr2.usr_first_name AS FirstName,
    usr2.usr_emp_type AS usr_emp_type,
    usr2.usr_status AS UsrStatus,
    act.act_name AS OrgName
    from req left outer join rqu on req.req_key = rqu.req_key,
    usr usr2
    where req.req_key = :RequestID
    and rqu.usr_key = usr2.usr_key
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
    and usr2.act_key in
    (select aad.act_key
    from aad,usg,usr
    usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
    and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key
    and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqStatu,' ')=' ' or upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_ReqID,' ')=' ' or req.req_key like (:p_varchar_ReqID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID') AS userid,
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.Last Name') AS LastName,
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.First Name') AS FirstName,
    (select rqd.rqd_attr_value from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.Xellerate Type') AS usr_emp_type,
    null AS UsrStatus,
    null AS OrgName
    from req,
    where req.req_key = :RequestID
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
    and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and ost.ost_status != 'Request Complete'
    select usr2.usr_login AS userid,
    usr2.usr_last_name AS LastName,
    usr2.usr_first_name AS FirstName,
    usr2.usr_emp_type AS usr_emp_type,
    usr2.usr_status AS UsrStatus,
    act.act_name AS OrgName
    from req,
    usr usr2,
    where req.req_key = :RequestID
    and req.ost_key = ost.ost_key
    and req.req_createby = usr.usr_key
    and req.req_obj_action = 'Create Entity'
    and usr2.usr_login =(select upper(rqd.rqd_attr_value) from rqd where rqd.req_key = req.req_key and rqd.rqd_attr_name = 'Users.User ID')
    and usr2.act_key = act.act_key
    and upper(ost.ost_status) like upper(:p_varchar_ReqStatu)
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
    and req.req_create between :p_ReqDtFrom and :p_ReqDtTo
    and usr2.act_key in
    (select aad.act_key
    from aad,usg,usr
    usg.usr_key = usr.usr_key
    and aad.ugp_key = usg.ugp_key and usr.usr_key = (select usr.usr_key from usr where upper(usr.usr_login) = upper(:xdo_user_name)))
    and ost.ost_status = 'Request Complete')
    SELECT distinct user1.bfn as BenFName,
    user1.bln as BenLName,
    user1.buid as BenUserID, as BenEmpType,
    user1.bus as BenUserStatus, as BenOrg
    (select distinct req3.request_key rk,
    usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
    usr2.usr_last_name bln,
    usr2.usr_login buid,
    usr2.usr_emp_type bet,
    usr2.usr_status bus,
    act.act_name bo
    from arch_request req3,
    arch_request_beneficiary reqb1,
    usr usr2,
    where req3.request_key = reqb1.request_key
    and reqb1.beneficiary_key = usr2.usr_key
    and usr2.act_key = act. act_key
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
    select distinct req3.request_key rk,
    usr2.usr_first_name bfn,
    usr2.usr_last_name bln,
    usr2.usr_login buid,
    usr2.usr_emp_type bet,
    usr2.usr_status bus,
    act.act_name bo
    from arch_request req3,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    usr usr2,
    where req3.request_key = re1.request_key
    and re1.entity_key = usr2.usr_key
    and usr2.act_key = act. act_key
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenUID,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_login) like upper(:p_varchar_BenUID))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenFN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_first_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenFN))
    and (nvl(:p_varchar_BenLN,' ')=' ' or upper(usr2.usr_last_name)like upper(:p_varchar_BenLN))
    user1.rk = :RequestID
    <sqlstatement name="sql_L1_RequestDetails">
    SELECT distinct
    null as ReqDetailsName,
    obj_name as ReqDetailsValue
    req.req_key = :RequestID
    and req.req_key = rqo.req_key
    and obj.obj_key = rqo.obj_key
    SELECT distinct reqdet.detname as ReqDetailsName,
    reqdet.detval as ReqDetailsValue
    (select req1.request_key rk,
    rbe1.rbe_entity_name detval,
    rbe1.rbe_entity_type detname
    from arch_request_beneficiary_entities rbe1,
    request req1
    where rbe1.rbe_request_key = req1.request_key
    select req1.request_key rk,
    red1.entity_field_value detval,
    red1.entity_field_name detname
    from arch_request_entity_data red1,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    request req1
    where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
    and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
    and red1.entity_field_name != 'Organization'
    and red1.entity_field_name != 'User Manager'
    select req1.request_key rk,
    act.act_name detval,
    red1.entity_field_name detname
    from arch_request_entity_data red1,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    request req1,
    where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
    and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
    and red1.entity_field_value = act.act_key
    and red1.entity_field_name = 'Organization'
    select req1.request_key rk,
    usr3.usr_login detval,
    red1.entity_field_name detname
    from arch_request_entity_data red1,
    arch_request_entities re1,
    request req1,
    usr usr3
    where red1.request_entity_key = re1.request_entity_key
    and re1.request_key = req1.request_key
    and red1.entity_field_value = usr3.usr_key
    and red1.entity_field_name = 'User Manager') reqdet
    reqdet.rk = :RequestID
    <group name="AllRequests" source="sql_L1_AllRequests">
    <element name="RequestID" value="RequestID"/>
    <element name="RequestType" value="RequestType"/>
    <element name="RequesterUserID" value="RequesterUserID"/>
    <element name="RequestDate" value="RequestDate"/>
    <group name="grp_AllApprovers" source="sql_L2_Approver_BPEL">
    <element name="ApproverUserID" value="ApproverUserID"/>
    <group name="grp_AllApprovers" source="sql_L2_Approver">
    <element name="ApproverUserID" value="ApproverUserID"/>
    <element name="RequestStatus" value="RequestStatus"/>
    <element name="ParentRequestID" value="ParentRequestID"/>
    <group name="Beneficiaries" source="sql_L1_Beneficiaries">
    <element name="BenFName" value="BenFName"/>
    <element name="BenLName" value="BenLName"/>
    <element name="BenUserID" value="BenUserID"/>
    <element name="BenEmpType" value="BenEmpType"/>
    <element name="BenUserStatus" value="BenUserStatus"/>
    <element name="BenOrg" value="BenOrg"/>
    <group name="RequestDetails" source="sql_L1_RequestDetails">
    <element name="ReqDetailsName" value="ReqDetailsName"/>
    <element name="ReqDetailsValue" value="ReqDetailsValue"/>

    any help please ? if you need any more information to know more about the issue, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Thank you.

  • Report for Archived data by using exicutable program.

    In already existed Zreport data is fetching from table like below.
    SELECT belnr bewtp budat lfbnr lfpos FROM ekbe INTO TABLE it_ekbe
                                                   WHERE bewtp IN ('R' , 'Q') "Only IRs
                                                      AND budat IN s_date.
    Like the above in the report fetchnig data from somany tables so mant times.
    Now my requirment is the archived consultants archived old data. some table are archived some are not archived.
    So i need to fetch the old data also from the archived files. Achived consultants given below details.
    zarixmm3------------>zerox table for MM related tables after archived the data.
    I searched in google got some code to fetch the data from archived fiels. The below code.
    1. I fetched the key  archive key number from the zerox table.
    SELECT archivekey  FROM zarixmm3 INTO TABLE it_get
                                       WHERE budat IN s_date
                                         AND werks IN s_werks.
    CLEAR : wa_ekbe.
    LOOP AT it_get INTO wa_get.
      v_arcdoc = wa_get-archivekey+0(6).
      wa_arcindx1a-archivekey = wa_get-archivekey.
      wa_arcindx1a-v_arcdoc = wa_get-archivekey+0(6).
      CLEAR : wa_get.
      APPEND  wa_arcindx1a TO  it_arcindx1a.
    SORT it_arcindx1a BY v_arcdoc.
    REFRESH it_get.
    CLEAR: v_arcdoc.
    2. I passed the key in FMs.
    LOOP AT it_arcindx1a INTO wa_arcindx1a.
      v_key = wa_arcindx1a-archivekey+0(6).
          archive_document = v_key
    *     archive_name     = wa_arcindx1-archivekey
          object           = 'MM_EKKO'
          archive_handle   = lv_handle
          OTHERS           = 1.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
            archive_handle = lv_handle
            end_of_file    = 1.          "nur die Ausnahmen, auf die man
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.                "wirklich reagieren will
            archive_handle        = lv_handle
            record_structure      = 'EKBE'
            all_records_of_object = 'X'
            table                 = git_ekbe_temp
            end_of_object         = 0.
        LOOP AT git_ekbe_temp ASSIGNING <ls_ekbe>
                               WHERE bewtp = 'R' OR bewtp = 'Q'
                                AND budat IN s_date.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_ekbe> TO wa_ekbe.
          APPEND wa_ekbe TO it_ekbe.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_ekbe> TO wa_ekbee.
          APPEND wa_ekbee TO it_ekbee.
          CLEAR wa_ekbe.
          CLEAR wa_ekbee.
          archive_handle = lv_handle.
      CLEAR wa_arcindx1a.
    Like the above i diid for all tables wich are used in the Zreport.
    Please tell me i am going in right direction or not. The above logic taking time because it is reding entire data in the table.
    If new logic is there please provide me to improve performance of the zreport.
    Maruthi S

    Hi Friends,
    I am waiting for solution aobve.
    Maruthi. S

  • Create Object for archiving Custom Table

    Hi guru!!
    I have a problem, I must create a archiving object for custom table..
    I must create a report for READ, DELETE and ARCHIVING this type of table..
    colud you help me?
    thanks a lot guru!!!

    GO TO SE11
    Give the table name
    Press change..
    GIve the authorization group &NC&
    Choose the single step radio button..
    Give the screen number 1.
    Give the function group..Give the table name itself as the function group.
    Press create. button.
    Now the screen is generated..go to sm30 and maintain the table entries..

  • Stock report for Stationery or Table to use

    Hi SAP Gurus
    I would like to run a report for all stationery by plant and storage location.
    Use a table that can give me a detailed report of Stationery stock on hand

    you can get all the Stocks available at Storage by MMBE Tcode or you can use MARC or MARD tables to view material in Storage.
    Ninad Kshirsagar

  • How run the run the BI Publisher report for current/active/selected record

    I have one requirement to generate a BI Publisher report in Siebel, which will run on SR's List view. Report should fetch the active SR and its audit trial entities. I know this was achieved easily using Actuate (simply setting "current Recrod only" to true), but I need how to achieve this in BI publisher.
    This report we are creating is in Siebel-BI Publisher integrated environment, not connecting to database. Can body give share your valuble inputs.

    In my experience with Siebel 8.1.1 and BI Publisher when you generate a report from a Siebel View the report will show all data visible on the view. If you wish to have only a few particular records in the report you must query for them first in Siebel then generate the report again. There is useful article describing how to generate the report for the current record but it does require some config on the applet.

  • Pulling Signature into an XML Publisher report for Recruitment letters

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to create signed recruitment letters for the Talent Acquisition module and am not quite sure how to handle this technically.. I assume some customizations are in order...
    I guess some of the questions I have are:
    1) Is there OOTB functionality to handle Signatures in PS?
    2) Do i store the image in the database or on an accessible network/local drive location?
    3) Can XML Publisher handle this type of request?
    4) Is there any documentation out there to explain this in more detail?
    5) Any advice on how to proceed?
    I also have a company logo they want pulled into the XML Publisher Report.. i assume it would be a simliar effect.
    Anyway, I was hoping someone out there may have some advice on how to proceed.

    Below excerpt from Oracle XML Publisher Core Components Guide
    XML Publisher supports several methods for including images in your published document:
    Direct Insertion*
    Insert the jpg, gif, bmp, or png image directly in your template.
    URL Reference*
    1. Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2. In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the
    following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    url:{'http://image location'}
    For example, enter:
    You can also build a URL based on multiple elements at runtime. Just use the
    concat function to build the URL string. For example:

  • Can we use xml Publisher reporting for sql* Plus in EBS

    Hello All,
    The current report is designed in Sql* Plus Executable report and the output is in txt format, Now the requirement is to have the output in Excel format.
    So is it possible to use the xml reporting and make the output as Excel from the word template we design from MSword as we do for rdf(I have done few reports created in rdf to xml publisher reports in EBS and stand alone as well.).
    Do the same procedure will suit for Sql*Plus reports tooo or Is there any work around to achieve this.
    Thanks and Regards

    Thanks for the reply..
    I tried to do the follwoing
    1. changed the output to xml in the conc. prog.
    2. ran the same report but i am getting the follwoing error in the output file
    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource
    Other reports which are using the Oracle Reports(rdf) as source, i am able to generated the xml as expected....
    So my question is whether we can use sql* reports executable and generate xml in the conc.prog.
    if any one has used the sql*reports for xml publisher reporting... please let me know, so that if its possible i will check my sql needs some validation or tuning...
    thanks in advance

  • BI Publisher reports for Multilingual environment

    We have implemented ENU and FRA languages in our Siebel Enterprise - I have created the required rtf and xlf files ( an xlf each for ENU and FRA) and moved them to the BIP reports server. The issue I am facing is that the FRA report still shows all the LOVs in English.
    If I change the Language Code parameter for the XMLPReportServer component to FRA, then the English and French reports show LOV values in French.
    How do I get the correct LOVs to show up on the correct language reports. Any ideas ?

    same here.
    I have opened my first SR regarding this problem in May 2010.
    It's hard to understand how Oracle can introduce BIP as the official replacement for Actuate Reports while it is not even fully multilanguage capable.
    Check out Bug 12-1T12HOH: "BI Publisher Reports not showing the translated MLOV values in the report output" on MOS.

  • New report for Archiving data

    Hi to all,
    Can anybody kindly tell me how to solve the following:
    Due to the huge volume of records in the table ZMES_SEQ_DETAIL it required to archive the data based on the Date on which the record was created, which is 18 months older in the table ZMES_SEQ_DETAIL.
    Thanks in advance.

    SAP provides standard archive objects for standard tables. There is no archive object available to archive custom tables data (Z/Y tables). The option you have is to develop a custom archive object and related programs to archive data from the Z table.
    Checkout the following <a href="">link</a> for more details on developing archiving solutions.
    Hope this helps

  • Require a detail report for  archiving on FI_FICA in SARA

    Hello all,
    When I run the Transaction SARA for the object FI_FICA for the Write step, the report dsiplays only the summary of the results.
    I mean only the count of the number of the Objects that will be archived.
    But I want to display a detailed log of which are the objects that are flagged for archiving. I tried to find out any Enhancements or BADI's but unable to find out.
    Can somone please let me know if there is any scope to pull out the detailed report, by plugging in some custom code or if is there any other way to do that.
    Thanks in advance.
    Thanks & regards,
    Y Gautham

    Hi Gautham,
    I don't know if you have already tried this but what you can do in the variant that you have created for the write program, at the bottom there are several select for the logs. For the first one "Detail Log" select "Complete", for the second one "Log Output" select "List and Application Log", save the variant and run the write program again (in test mode if you just want to see the output that you'd get). This should give you the detailed report that you're looking for.
    Let me know if this works.

  • Add a Select List to a Report, for Updating a table.

    I am working on Apex 3.0. I had to allow the Report could update a table. I added two checkbox to the report, and now I should add a Select List. I've tried a lot of ways but I don't know how can I pass the value selected, related to the ID of the row. I've tried with a JavaScript but I couldn't. A process should update the row on the DB when the user change the value on the select list. There is a save button that perform the process. How I could pass the ID of the row and the value to a PL/SQL process?
    Many Thanks for your suggestions.
    apex_item.checkbox(1, FA.FOCUS_AREA_ID, DECODE(PFA.FOCUS_AREA_ID, null, ' ','checked="checked" ') ||
    'id="chk'||rownum||'"'|| ' onclick="checking(this)" ') as Focus_AREA_CHK,
    *'id="sl_'||FA.FOCUS_AREA_ID||' " ',*
    *DECODE(PFA.FOCUS_AREA_ID, null, 'disabled="disabled" ','' ) || ' --onchange="selectedElement(this)" ',*
    *)* "Type"

    Edited by: user4498053 on Dec 27, 2011 11:24 AM

  • How to Publish reports for endusers

    Hi All,
    How can I publish my webI report on server for endusers?

        For WEBI report, actually no need to publish report as it is already behaved as a publish report. If your user want to view their report then they can easily do it using the report server url (providing necessary credential). In this case you have to make sure that your user account has not administrative privilege. You can also schedule your report (output could be .xls, .pdf)  and automatically can send this report to the end users' email / inbox etc.
    Hope it will help you.

  • Template Builder (XML Publisher Report) for Open Office

    Do any body has any idea, if can have template builder for Open Office also, My company has un installed MS Office from my machine, and they dont have license now.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Nidhi Gupta

    Hi All,
    I think Oracle can provide a BI Publisher Software for the Open Office, since the licencing cost for MS Office is very high.
    "OpenOffice Writer" is a open source alternative to MS Word and can be used on Linux. If I am using Linux OS and have to work on BI Publisher templates then certainly I will have to install Windows or use WINE ( I donno how it works but heard of it)
    Other Oracle tools such as SQL Developer, etc are platform independent.. then why only BI Publisher is limited for windows/MS Office.
    Can you please answer..
    I think it should integrate with OpenOffice too!!
    - Ejaz
    [email protected]

  • How to automatically/programmatically "publish" reports for local users of Crystal Reports 2011?

      I'm not sure if I'm using the correct Crystal Reports terminology here, so apologies in advance.
      We've got Crystal Reports 2011 and are developing an application which comes with a number of report files (.rpt) as part of its installation. These reports are used to provide a view onto the database that our application writes to.
      Is it possible to automatically manage the collection of reports that are available to users of the Crystal Reports application? Ideally this would be done as part of our application's installation/upgrade procedure. In the case of upgrades, it is possible that some report files may be modified, some removed and others added. (i.e. as the application database's underlying schema is modified or new features added/deprecated).
      I believe this could be achieved manually by starting up Crystal Reports and adding and removing reports to/from the Workbench, but we'd like this list of reports to be available to all users on the PC (Crystal Reports is installed on the same PC as our application), and for the update procedure to be something that was automatically scriptable or programmable in something like .NET.
      I've read about the Repository (which sounds like a solution to making reports available for all users), but suspect that this is only usable after some other product(s) has been installed? I'm not entirely sure what products they would be.
      Could you please let us know whether this can be achieved with the version of Crystal Reports we've got, and if so, how?
      The version of Crystal we have is: SAP BusinessObjects, CR Developer, Version RTM, Product Type: Full
      Many thanks in advance,

    CR 2011 does not install any SDK... You can however download SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio, which is an SDK that will let you work with VS 2010 and 2012.
    You will then have to decide if you want to use the Crystal Reports SDK or the InProc RAS SDK.
    Samples are here:
    Crystal Reports for .NET SDK Samples - Business Intelligence (BusinessObjects) - SCN Wiki
    NET RAS SDK Samples - Business Intelligence (BusinessObjects) - SCN Wiki
    Dev Help files:
    SAP Crystal Reports .NET SDK Developer Guide
    SAP Crystal Reports .NET API Guide
    Report Application Server .NET SDK Developer Guide
    Report Application Server .NET API Guide
    Discussing your requirements with sales may not be a bad idea either: 866-681-3435
    Or, create a phone support incident here:
    Crystal Single Case Technical Support - SAP Business Objects US Online Store | SAP Online Store
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

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