Blinoz - Write to and read from memory address

How do I write to or read from a specific memory address such as Hex 378?

I may be wrong here but I think this cant be done in pure java.. The solution would be to use jni as you can do this sort of thing with c++....

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  • Java - Write And Read From memory Like CheatEngine ( Writing not working?)

    Hello Oracle Forum
    I came here some time ago to ask about javaFX , i solved all my issues and im right now waiting for javaFx tot ake over swing and hmm, im working on learning LIBGDX to create games in java.
    However, im in need to create an app to change values of memory to fix a bug in an old program that i have, and the only way until now is using cheatEngine, So i decided to take a tutorial and learn how to do that in java.
    Well, im able to read from the memory but the write isnt working somehow... Im posting the code here, if anyone can give me a hint, i would thank and a lot, because theres a community that really needs this app to automate the fix without using cheat engine.
    package MainStart;
    import com.sun.jna.Memory;
    import com.sun.jna.Native;
    import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
    import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
    public class Cheater {
        static Kernel32 kernel32 = (Kernel32) Native.loadLibrary("kernel32", Kernel32.class);
        static User32 user32 = (User32) Native.loadLibrary("user32", User32.class);
        static int readRight = 0x0010;
        static int writeRight = 0x0020;
        //static int PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = 0x0008;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Read Memory
            //MineSweeper = Campo Minado
            int pid = getProcessId("Campo Minado"); // get our process ID
            System.out.println("Pid = " + pid);
            Pointer readprocess = openProcess(readRight, pid); // open the process ID with read priviledges.
            Pointer writeprocess = openProcess(writeRight, pid);
            int size = 4; // we want to read 4 bytes
            int address = 0x004053C8;
            //Read Memory
            Memory read = readMemory(readprocess, address, size); // read 4 bytes of memory starting at the address 0x00AB0C62.
            System.out.println(read.getInt(0)); // print out the value!      
            //Write Memory
            int writeMemory = writeMemory(writeprocess, address, new short[0x22222222]);
            System.out.println("WriteMemory :" + writeMemory);
            Memory readM = readMemory(readprocess, address, size);
        public static int writeMemory(Pointer process, int address, short[] data) {
            IntByReference written = new IntByReference(0);
            Memory toWrite = new Memory(data.length);
            for (long i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                toWrite.setShort(0, data[new Integer(Long.toString(i))]);
            boolean b = kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(process, address, toWrite, data.length, written);
            System.out.println("kernel32.WriteProcessMemory : " + b); // Retorna false
            return written.getValue();
        public static Pointer openProcess(int permissions, int pid) {
            Pointer process = kernel32.OpenProcess(permissions, true, pid);
            return process;
        public static int getProcessId(String window) {
            IntByReference pid = new IntByReference(0);
            user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(user32.FindWindowA(null, window), pid);
            return pid.getValue();
        public static Memory readMemory(Pointer process, int address, int bytesToRead) {
            IntByReference read = new IntByReference(0);
            Memory output = new Memory(bytesToRead);
            kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(process, address, output, bytesToRead, read);
            return output;
    import com.sun.jna.Native;
    import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
    import com.sun.jna.Structure;
    import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.RECT;
    import com.sun.jna.ptr.ByteByReference;
    import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
    import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary.StdCallCallback;
    import com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIOptions;
    * Provides access to the w32 user32 library. Incomplete implementation to
    * support demos.
    * @author Todd Fast, [email protected]
    * @author [email protected]
    public interface User32 extends W32APIOptions {
        User32 INSTANCE = (User32) Native.loadLibrary("user32", User32.class, DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
        Pointer GetDC(Pointer hWnd);
        int ReleaseDC(Pointer hWnd, Pointer hDC);
        int FLASHW_STOP = 0;
        int FLASHW_CAPTION = 1;
        int FLASHW_TRAY = 2;
        int FLASHW_TIMER = 4;
        int FLASHW_TIMERNOFG = 12;
        public static class FLASHWINFO extends Structure {
            public int cbSize;
            public Pointer hWnd;
            public int dwFlags;
            public int uCount;
            public int dwTimeout;
        int IMAGE_BITMAP = 0;
        int IMAGE_ICON = 1;
        int IMAGE_CURSOR = 2;
        int IMAGE_ENHMETAFILE = 3;
        int LR_DEFAULTCOLOR = 0x0000;
        int LR_MONOCHROME = 0x0001;
        int LR_COLOR = 0x0002;
        int LR_COPYRETURNORG = 0x0004;
        int LR_COPYDELETEORG = 0x0008;
        int LR_LOADFROMFILE = 0x0010;
        int LR_LOADTRANSPARENT = 0x0020;
        int LR_DEFAULTSIZE = 0x0040;
        int LR_VGACOLOR = 0x0080;
        int LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS = 0x1000;
        int LR_CREATEDIBSECTION = 0x2000;
        int LR_COPYFROMRESOURCE = 0x4000;
        int LR_SHARED = 0x8000;
        Pointer FindWindowA(String winClass, String title);
        int GetClassName(Pointer hWnd, byte[] lpClassName, int nMaxCount);
        public static class GUITHREADINFO extends Structure {
            public int cbSize = size();
            public int flags;
            Pointer hwndActive;
            Pointer hwndFocus;
            Pointer hwndCapture;
            Pointer hwndMenuOwner;
            Pointer hwndMoveSize;
            Pointer hwndCaret;
            RECT rcCaret;
        boolean GetGUIThreadInfo(int idThread, GUITHREADINFO lpgui);
        public static class WINDOWINFO extends Structure {
            public int cbSize = size();
            public RECT rcWindow;
            public RECT rcClient;
            public int dwStyle;
            public int dwExStyle;
            public int dwWindowStatus;
            public int cxWindowBorders;
            public int cyWindowBorders;
            public short atomWindowType;
            public short wCreatorVersion;
        boolean GetWindowInfo(Pointer hWnd, WINDOWINFO pwi);
        boolean GetWindowRect(Pointer hWnd, RECT rect);
        int GetWindowText(Pointer hWnd, byte[] lpString, int nMaxCount);
        int GetWindowTextLength(Pointer hWnd);
        int GetWindowModuleFileName(Pointer hWnd, byte[] lpszFileName, int cchFileNameMax);
        int GetWindowThreadProcessId(Pointer hWnd, IntByReference lpdwProcessId);
        interface WNDENUMPROC extends StdCallCallback {
             * Return whether to continue enumeration.
            boolean callback(Pointer hWnd, Pointer data);
        boolean EnumWindows(WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, Pointer data);
        boolean EnumThreadWindows(int dwThreadId, WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, Pointer data);
        boolean FlashWindowEx(FLASHWINFO info);
        Pointer LoadIcon(Pointer hInstance, String iconName);
        Pointer LoadImage(Pointer hinst, // handle to instance
                String name, // image to load
                int type, // image type
                int xDesired, // desired width
                int yDesired, // desired height
                int load // load options
        boolean DestroyIcon(Pointer hicon);
        int GWL_EXSTYLE = -20;
        int GWL_STYLE = -16;
        int GWL_WNDPROC = -4;
        int GWL_HINSTANCE = -6;
        int GWL_ID = -12;
        int GWL_USERDATA = -21;
        int DWL_DLGPROC = 4;
        int DWL_MSGRESULT = 0;
        int DWL_USER = 8;
        int WS_EX_COMPOSITED = 0x20000000;
        int WS_EX_LAYERED = 0x80000;
        int WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = 32;
        int GetWindowLong(Pointer hWnd, int nIndex);
        int SetWindowLong(Pointer hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong);
        int LWA_COLORKEY = 1;
        int LWA_ALPHA = 2;
        int ULW_COLORKEY = 1;
        int ULW_ALPHA = 2;
        int ULW_OPAQUE = 4;
        boolean SetLayeredWindowAttributes(Pointer hwnd, int crKey,
                byte bAlpha, int dwFlags);
        boolean GetLayeredWindowAttributes(Pointer hwnd,
                IntByReference pcrKey,
                ByteByReference pbAlpha,
                IntByReference pdwFlags);
         * Defines the x- and y-coordinates of a point.
        public static class POINT extends Structure {
            public int x, y;
         * Specifies the width and height of a rectangle.
        public static class SIZE extends Structure {
            public int cx, cy;
        int AC_SRC_OVER = 0x00;
        int AC_SRC_ALPHA = 0x01;
        int AC_SRC_NO_PREMULT_ALPHA = 0x01;
        int AC_SRC_NO_ALPHA = 0x02;
        public static class BLENDFUNCTION extends Structure {
            public byte BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER; // only valid value
            public byte BlendFlags = 0; // only valid value
            public byte SourceConstantAlpha;
            public byte AlphaFormat;
        boolean UpdateLayeredWindow(Pointer hwnd, Pointer hdcDst,
                POINT pptDst, SIZE psize,
                Pointer hdcSrc, POINT pptSrc, int crKey,
                BLENDFUNCTION pblend, int dwFlags);
        int SetWindowRgn(Pointer hWnd, Pointer hRgn, boolean bRedraw);
        int VK_SHIFT = 16;
        int VK_LSHIFT = 0xA0;
        int VK_RSHIFT = 0xA1;
        int VK_CONTROL = 17;
        int VK_LCONTROL = 0xA2;
        int VK_RCONTROL = 0xA3;
        int VK_MENU = 18;
        int VK_LMENU = 0xA4;
        int VK_RMENU = 0xA5;
        boolean GetKeyboardState(byte[] state);
        short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);
    import com.sun.jna.*;
    import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary;
    import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
    // by deject3d
    public interface Kernel32 extends StdCallLibrary
        // description from msdn
        //BOOL WINAPI WriteProcessMemory(
        //__in   HANDLE hProcess,
        //__in   LPVOID lpBaseAddress,
        //__in   LPCVOID lpBuffer,
        //__in   SIZE_T nSize,
        //__out  SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten
        boolean WriteProcessMemory(Pointer p, int address, Pointer buffer, int size, IntByReference written);
        //BOOL WINAPI ReadProcessMemory(
        //          __in   HANDLE hProcess,
        //          __in   LPCVOID lpBaseAddress,
        //          __out  LPVOID lpBuffer,
        //          __in   SIZE_T nSize,
        //          __out  SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesRead
        boolean ReadProcessMemory(Pointer hProcess, int inBaseAddress, Pointer outputBuffer, int nSize, IntByReference outNumberOfBytesRead);
        //HANDLE WINAPI OpenProcess(
        //  __in  DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
        //  __in  BOOL bInheritHandle,
        //  __in  DWORD dwProcessId
        Pointer OpenProcess(int desired, boolean inherit, int pid);
        /* derp */
        int GetLastError();

    Hello there,
    this tutorial was exactly what I needed, so thank you.
    Your problem seems to be in this line:
    int writeMemory = writeMemory(writeprocess, address, new short[0x22222222]); 
    The problem is, you're creating a new short array with the length of 0x22222222. Which not only results in an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    but also, if it would work, would create an empty array with the length of 0x22222222.
    I think you want to write 0x22222222 as value in your address.
    Correctly stored the code you'd need to write would be:
    short[] sarray = new short[]{(short) 0x22222222};
    But because the value is too long for the short, the value stored in your array would be the number 8738.
    I think, what you want to do is to store the number 572662306, which would be the hex value, stored in an int variable.
    So first of all you need to strip down your hex-value to shorts:
    Short in Java uses 16 Bit = 2 Byte. 0x22222222 -> 0x2222 for your high byte and 0x2222 for your low byte
    So your array would be
    short[] sarray = new short[]{0x2222,0x2222};//notice, that sarray[0] is the lowbyte and sarray[1] the high byte, if you want to store 20 it would be new short[]{20,0} or if you use hex new short[]{0x14,0x00}
    The next part is your writeToMemory Method. If I'm right, the method in the tutorial is a little bit wrong. The right version should be this:
    public static int writeMemory(Pointer process, int address, short[] data) {
      IntByReference written = new IntByReference(0);
      int size = data.length*Short.SIZE/8;
      Memory toWrite = new Memory(size);
      for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      boolean b = kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(process, address, toWrite,
      size, written);
      return written.getValue();
    You need to calculate your offset right. And the size of your memory. Maybe you could write this method not with shorts, but with integers. But this should work.
    If you pass your new array to this function, it should write 0x22222222 to your adress. If you read out your toWrite value with toWrite.getInt(0) you get the right value.
    And there is one more thing. In order to write data to a process, you need to grant two access rights:
    A handle to the process memory to be modified. The handle must have PROCESS_VM_WRITE and PROCESS_VM_OPERATION access to the process.
    You have to grant the right to write data: PROCESS_VM_WRITE: 0x0020 and PROCESS_VM_OPERATION: 0x0008
    So your writeProcess needs to get initialized this way:
    Pointer writeprocess = openProcess(0x0020|0x0008,pid);
    I hope this works for you. Let me know.
    Because every data you write will be 1 byte to whatever count of byte I think the best way is to use the following method to write data to the memory:
    public static void writeMemory(Pointer process, long address, byte[] data)
      int size = data.length;
      Memory toWrite = new Memory(size);
      for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
      toWrite.setByte(i, data[i]);
      boolean b = kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(process, address, toWrite, size, null);
    You can see some changes. First I changed all address values from int to long, because some addresses are out of range. And with all, i mean all. Not only in writeMemory, but also in readMemory and in your kernel32 Class.
    Second I don't use the IntByReference anymore..
    To use this method you need to store your data the following way if you would write 4 Byte data:
    byte[] values = new byte[]{0x14,0x00,0x00,0x00};
    This value would be the number 20. Index 0 will be the lowest byte and index 3 will be the highest byte.
    And one more thing I wrote is an method which you can use to calculate your address if you have a baseAddress.
    If you restart your program/game your old addresses won't point at the same values of your game. With some research (I use CheatEngine) you can get the baseaddress. This one will alway be the same.
    To get from your baseaddress to the dynamic adress you use offsets.
    public static long findDynAddy(Pointer process, int[] offsets, long baseAddress)
      long pointer = baseAddress;
      int size = 4;
      Memory pTemp = new Memory(size);
      long pointerAddress = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++)
      if(i == 0)
      kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(process, pointer, pTemp, size, null);
      pointerAddress = ((pTemp.getInt(0)+offsets[i]));
      if(i != offsets.length-1)
      kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(process, pointerAddress, pTemp, size, null);
      return pointerAddress;
    This methods gets a process, an array of offsets (hex-values) and your baseadress and returns the dynamic address.
    For Solitaire the following code would give you the address to the score:
    long baseAddr = 0x10002AFA8L;
      int[] offsets = new int[]{0x50,0x14};
      long addr = findDynAddy(process, offsets, baseAddr);
    If somebody wants to get the whole code (user32, kernel32 and the cheater) just pm me and I will give you a link.

  • Write to and read from TCP/IP address using Flash and Actionscript

    I'm a bit of a newbie with flash and Actionscript. I have been programming for a number of years now, but I have only been messing around with flash since CS4. I have CS5 now, and need a bit of help. I have a wireless device that I have made, I wish to make a flash program (potentially adapted to iPhone or Android) that sends and receives data (in the form of Word or Byte sized variables) from an IP address assigned to the device. Is this achievable?
    Please help. Thank you

    Please! anyone! HELP

  • Problem with ArrayLists and writing and reading from a .dat file (I think)

    I'm brand new to this forum, but I'm sure hoping someone can help me with a problem I'm having with ArrayLists. This program was originally created with an array of objects that were displayed on a GUI with jtextFields, then cycling thru them via jButtons: First, Next, Previous, Last. Now I need to add the ability to modify, delete and add records. Both iterations of this program needed to write to and read from a .dat file.
    It worked just like it was suppose to when I used just the array, but now I need to use a "dynamic array" that will grow or shrink as needed: i.e. an ArrayList.
    When I aded the ArrayList I had the ArrayList use toArray() to fill my original array so I could continue to use all the methods I'd created for using with my array. Now I'm getting a nullPointerException every time I try to run my program, which means somewhere I'm NOT filling my array ???? But, I'm writing just fine to my .dat file, which is confusing me to no end!
    It's a long program, and I apologize for the length, but here it is. There are also 2 class files, a parent and 1 child below Inventory6. This was written in NetBeans IDE 5.5.1.
    Thank you in advance for any help anyone can give me!
    package my.Inventory6;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
    import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
    import java.awt.Insets;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import java.lang.IllegalStateException;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    // Class Inventory6
    public class Inventory6 extends javax.swing.JFrame {
    private static InventoryPlusColor[] inventory;
    private static ArrayList inList;
    // create a tool that insure the specified format for a double number, when displayed
    private DecimalFormat doubleFormat = new DecimalFormat( "0.00" );
    private DecimalFormat singleFormat = new DecimalFormat( "0");
    // the index within the array of products of the current displayed product
    private int currentProductIndex;
    /** Creates new form Inventory6 */
    public Inventory6() {
    currentProductIndex = 0;
    } // end Inventory6()
    private static InventoryPlusColor[] getInventory() {
    ArrayList<InventoryPlusColor> inList = new ArrayList<InventoryPlusColor>();
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(1, "Couch", 3, 1250.00, "Blue"));
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(2, "Recliner", 10, 525.00, "Green"));
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(3, "Chair", 6, 125.00, "Mahogany"));
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(4, "Pedestal Table", 2, 4598.00, "Oak"));
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(5, "Sleeper Sofa", 4, 850.00, "Yellow"));
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(6, "Rocking Chair", 2, 459.00, "Tweed"));
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(7, "Couch", 4, 990.00, "Red"));
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(8, "Chair", 12, 54.00, "Pine"));
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(9, "Ottoman", 3, 110.00, "Black"));
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(10, "Chest of Drawers", 5, 598.00, "White"));
    for (int j = 0; j < inList.size(); j++)
    InventoryPlusColor[] inventory = (InventoryPlusColor[]) inList.toArray
    (new InventoryPlusColor[inList.size()]);
    return inventory;
    } // end getInventory() method
    /** This method is called from within the constructor to
    * initialize the form.
    * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
    * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Code ">
    private void initComponents() {
    jPanel1 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    IDNumberLbl = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    IDNumberField = new javax.swing.JTextField();
    prodNameLbl = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    prodNameField = new javax.swing.JTextField();
    colorLbl = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    colorField = new javax.swing.JTextField();
    unitsInStockLbl = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    unitsInStockField = new javax.swing.JTextField();
    unitPriceLbl = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    unitPriceField = new javax.swing.JTextField();
    invenValueLbl = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    invenValueField = new javax.swing.JTextField();
    restockingFeeLbl = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    restockingFeeField = new javax.swing.JTextField();
    jbtFirst = new javax.swing.JButton();
    jbtNext = new javax.swing.JButton();
    jbtPrevious = new javax.swing.JButton();
    jbtLast = new javax.swing.JButton();
    jbtAdd = new javax.swing.JButton();
    jbtDelete = new javax.swing.JButton();
    jbtModify = new javax.swing.JButton();
    jbtSave = new javax.swing.JButton();
    jPanel2 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
    searchIDNumLbl = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    searchIDNumbField = new javax.swing.JTextField();
    jbtSearch = new javax.swing.JButton();
    searchResults = new javax.swing.JLabel();
    jbtExit = new javax.swing.JButton();
    jbtExitwoSave = new javax.swing.JButton();
    jPanel1.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), "Inventory Program"));
    IDNumberLbl.setText("ID Number");
    prodNameLbl.setText("Product Name");
    colorLbl.setText("Product Color");
    colorField.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    unitsInStockLbl.setText("Units In Stock");
    unitPriceLbl.setText("Unit Price $");
    invenValueLbl.setText("Inventory Value $");
    restockingFeeLbl.setText("5% Restocking Fee $");
    javax.swing.GroupLayout jPanel1Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(jPanel1);
    .addComponent(IDNumberField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 176, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(prodNameField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 176, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(colorField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 176, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(unitsInStockField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 176, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(unitPriceField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 176, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(restockingFeeField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 176, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(invenValueField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 176, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    .addComponent(IDNumberField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))
    .addComponent(prodNameField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))
    .addComponent(colorField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    .addComponent(unitsInStockField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    .addComponent(unitPriceField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    .addComponent(restockingFeeField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED, 10, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(invenValueField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    jbtFirst.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    jbtNext.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    jbtPrevious.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    jbtLast.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    jbtAdd.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    jbtModify.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    jbtSave.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    jPanel2.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), "Search by:"));
    searchIDNumLbl.setText("Item Number:");
    searchResults.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Tahoma", 1, 12));
    javax.swing.GroupLayout jPanel2Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(jPanel2);
    .addGap(259, 259, 259)
    .addComponent(searchResults, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 213, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))
    .addComponent(jbtSearch, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 83, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    .addComponent(searchIDNumbField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 143, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)))
    .addContainerGap(javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    .addComponent(searchIDNumbField, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))
    .addGap(32, 32, 32)
    .addComponent(searchResults, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 17, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))
    .addContainerGap(javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    jbtExit.setText("Save and Exit");
    jbtExit.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    jbtExitwoSave.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
    .addComponent(jPanel2, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 248, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED, 44, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING, false)
    .addComponent(jbtExitwoSave, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addComponent(jPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
    .addGap(12, 12, 12)
    layout.linkSize(javax.swing.SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL, new java.awt.Component[] {jbtFirst, jbtLast, jbtNext, jbtPrevious});
    layout.linkSize(javax.swing.SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL, new java.awt.Component[] {jbtAdd, jbtDelete, jbtModify, jbtSave});
    .addGap(21, 21, 21)
    .addGap(39, 39, 39)
    .addComponent(jPanel1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)))
    .addGap(15, 15, 15)
    .addComponent(jPanel2, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 80, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    }// </editor-fold>
    private void jbtExitwoSaveActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                             
    private void jbtSaveActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                       
    String prodNameMod, colorMod;
    double unitsInStockMod, unitPriceMod;
    int idNumMod;
    idNumMod = Integer.parseInt(IDNumberField.getText());
    prodNameMod = prodNameField.getText();
    unitsInStockMod = Double.parseDouble(unitsInStockField.getText());
    unitPriceMod = Double.parseDouble(unitPriceField.getText());
    colorMod = colorField.getText();
    if(currentProductIndex == inventory.length) {
    inList.add(new InventoryPlusColor(idNumMod, prodNameMod,
    unitsInStockMod, unitPriceMod, colorMod));
    InventoryPlusColor[] inventory = (InventoryPlusColor[]) inList.toArray
    (new InventoryPlusColor[inList.size()]);
    } else {
    private static void writeInventory(InventoryPlusColor i,
    DataOutputStream out) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I/O Exception writing data",
    "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    } //end writeInventory()
    private static DataOutputStream openOutputStream(String name) {
    DataOutputStream out = null;
    try {
    File file = new File(name);
    out =
    new DataOutputStream(
    new BufferedOutputStream(
    new FileOutputStream(file)));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I/O Error", "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    return out;
    } // end openOutputStream()
    private static void closeFile(DataOutputStream out) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I/O Exception closing file",
    "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    } // end closeFile()
    private static DataInputStream getStream(String name) {
    DataInputStream in = null;
    try {
    File file = new File(name);
    in = new DataInputStream(
    new BufferedInputStream(
    new FileInputStream(file)));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The file doesn't exist",
    "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I/O Error creating file",
    "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    return in;
    private static void closeInputFile(DataInputStream in) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "I/O Exception closing file",
    "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    } // end closeInputFile()
    private double entireInventory() {
    // a temporary double variable that the method will return ...
    // after each product's inventory is added to it
    double entireInventory = 0;
    // loop to control number of products
    for (int index = 0; index < inventory.length; index++) {
    // add each inventory to the entire inventory
    entireInventory += inventory[index].setInventoryValue();
    } // end loop to control number of products
    return entireInventory;
    } // end method entireInventory
    private void jbtLastActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                       
    currentProductIndex = inventory.length-1; // move to the last product
    // display the information for the last product
    private void jbtPreviousActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                           
    if (currentProductIndex != 0) // it's not the first product displayed
    currentProductIndex -- ; // move to the previous product (decrement the current index)
    } else // the first product is displayed
    currentProductIndex = inventory.length-1; // move to the last product
    // after the current product index is set, display the information for that product
    private void jbtNextActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                       
    if (currentProductIndex != inventory.length-1) // it's not the last product displayed
    currentProductIndex ++ ; // move to the next product (increment the current index)
    } else // the last product is displayed
    currentProductIndex = 0; // move to the first product
    // after the current product index is set, display the information for that product
    private void jbtFirstActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                        
    currentProductIndex = 0;
    // display the information for the first product
    private void colorFieldActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                          
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    private void jbtModifyActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                         
    private void jbtAddActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                      
    currentProductIndex = inventory.length;
    private void jbtExitActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                       
    DataOutputStream out = openOutputStream("inventory.dat");
    for (InventoryPlusColor i : inventory)
    writeInventory(i, out);
    private static InventoryPlusColor readProduct(DataInputStream in) {
    int idNum = 0;
    String prodName = "";
    double inStock = 0.0;
    double pric

    BalusC -- The line that gives me my NullPointerException is when I call the "DisplayProduct()" method. Its a dumb question, but with NetBeans how do I find out which reference could be null? I'm not very familiar with how NetBeans works with finding out how to debug. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.The IDE is com-plete-ly irrelevant. It's all about the source code.
    Do you understand anyway when and why a NullPointerException is been thrown? It is a subclass of RuntimeException and those kind of exceptions are very trival and generally indicate an design/logic/thinking fault in your code.
    SomeObject someObject = null; // The someObject reference is null.
    someObject.doSomething(); // Invoking a reference which is null would throw NPE.

  • Problem using the Write to SGL VI and Read from SGL VI

    Hello Sir, I have a problem using the Write to SGL VI. When I am trying to write the captured data using DAQ board to a SGL file, I am unable to store the data as desired. There might be some problem with the VI which I am using to write the data to SGL file. I am not able to figure out the minor problem I am facing. I am attaching a zip file which contains five files.
    1) -> This is the VI which I used to store my data using Write to SGL file.
    2) -> This is the VI which I used to Read from SGL file and plot it
    3) Binary_Capture -> This is the captured data using (1) which can be plotted using (2) and what I observed is the plot is different and also the time scare is not as expected.
    4) Unexpected_Graph.png is the unexpected graph when I am using Write to SGL and Read from SGL to store and retrieve the data.
    5) Expected_Graph.png -> This is the expected data format I supposed to get. I have obtained this plot when I have used write to LVM and read from LVM file to store and retrieve the data.
    I tried a lot modifying the sub VI’s but it doesn’t work for me. What I think is I am doing some mistake while I am writing the data to SGL and Reading the data from SGL. Also, I don’t know the reason why my graph is not like (5) rather I am getting something like its in (4). Its totally different. You can also observe the difference between the time scale of (4) and (5).
    Have a Good Day
    Attachments: ‏552 KB

    As already discussed a while ago, your binary data does not contain timing information. You need to tell it the scan rate so it can reconstruct the time axis correcty.
    From the data, it seems the sample file was recorded at 0.5MHz. Take the inverse and set the time increment. Voila!
    Your sample file is two column data with one colum all zero. You need to set the number of columns to two, to only get the good data in channel 1.
    Your acquisition program contains unecessary FOR loops, you can remove the inner loops without change in result.
    It makes no sense to convert to SGL if you initialize the shift registers with an empty DBL array. You need to initialize with an empty SGL array.
    (The code could be simplified quite a bit more, but this should give you some directions).
    The attached zip shows some ideas (LabVIEW 7.1).
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Attachments: ‏195 KB

  • Could we write and read from a external drive using a IPad?

    √could we write and read from a external drive using a IPad?

    No, the iPad doesn't work that way. The only thing you can access is camera cards (with the adaptor).

  • Open and read from text file into a text box for Windows Store

    I wish to open and read from a text file into a text box in C# for the Windows Store using VS Express 2012 for Windows 8.
    Can anyone point me to sample code and tutorials specifically for Windows Store using C#.
    Is it possible to add a Text file in Windows Store. This option only seems to be available in Visual C#.

    This is a simple sample for Read/Load Text file from IsolateStorage and Read file from InstalledLocation (this folder only can be read)
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Windows.Storage;
    using System.IO;
    namespace TextFileDemo
    public class TextFileHelper
    async public static Task<bool> SaveTextFileToIsolateStorageAsync(string filename, string data)
    byte[] fileBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
    StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
    var file = await local.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
    using (var s = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync())
    s.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length);
    return true;
    return false;
    async public static Task<string> LoadTextFileFormIsolateStorageAsync(string filename)
    StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
    string returnvalue = string.Empty;
    var file = await local.OpenStreamForReadAsync(filename);
    using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(file))
    returnvalue = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
    catch (Exception ex)
    // do somthing when exception
    return returnvalue;
    async public static Task<string> LoadTextFileFormInstalledLocationAsync(string filename)
    StorageFolder local = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current.InstalledLocation;
    string returnvalue = string.Empty;
    var file = await local.OpenStreamForReadAsync(filename);
    using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(file))
    returnvalue = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
    catch (Exception ex)
    // do somthing when exception
    return returnvalue;
    show how to use it as below
    async private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    string txt =await TextFileHelper.LoadTextFileFormInstalledLocationAsync("TextFile1.txt");
    在現實生活中,你和誰在一起的確很重要,甚至能改變你的成長軌跡,決定你的人生成敗。 和什麼樣的人在一起,就會有什麼樣的人生。 和勤奮的人在一起,你不會懶惰; 和積極的人在一起,你不會消沈; 與智者同行,你會不同凡響; 與高人為伍,你能登上巔峰。

  • Sybase ASE error - Attempted read from memory location...

    Hi all,
    i recently updated ASE 15.7 from SP 42 to SP 130.
    Everything was fine during update procedure. After the procedure terminated this error started appears (every five minutes) on the database log.
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  attempted read from memory location 0000000000000019 from instruction at location 0x0000000074AC346E
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise system exception (0xc0000005) generated by a storage access violation.
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  attempted read from memory location 0000000000000018 from instruction at location 0x0000000074AC346E
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AC346E vcwprintf_s+ 0x26ce (0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EDAB6D4, 0x000000000EDABBC0, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise system exception (0xc0000005) generated by a storage access violation.
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AA1AA3 sprintf+ 0x7b (0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000EDACBD0, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x0000000000000019)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AC346E vcwprintf_s+ 0x26ce (0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EEAB6D4, 0x000000000EEABBC0, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FC9C87 ex_stuffp+ 0x4f7 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000000EDABBC0, 0x000000000EDACBD0, 0x0000000000000061)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AA1AA3 sprintf+ 0x7b (0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000EEACBD0, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x0000000000000018)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB1FD ex__logprint+ 0x38d (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x00000000805CE000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FC9C87 ex_stuffp+ 0x4f7 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000000EEABBC0, 0x000000000EEACBD0, 0x0000000000000061)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB776 ex_logprint+ 0xe6 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x000000000000002B)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB1FD ex__logprint+ 0x38d (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000080EF2800, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6C31 proc_read__backout+ 0x1d1 (0x00000000812BF000, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000012, 0x000000005B0952A0)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB776 ex_logprint+ 0xe6 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x000000000000002B)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6A2E proc_handle+ 0x9e (0x000000005B0AD420, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000012, 0x0000000000BE633A)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6C31 proc_read__backout+ 0x1d1 (0x00000000812C9000, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000012, 0x000000005B0B2890)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE317 exc__raise+ 0x6c7 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000AF5)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6A2E proc_handle+ 0x9e (0x000000005B0CAA10, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000012, 0x0000000000BE633A)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE96E exc_raise+ 0x11e (0x000000000102523B, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000005, 0x0000000000000012)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE317 exc__raise+ 0x6c7 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000AF5)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BED3D4 proc_read+ 0xbe4 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000004ED2AAB0)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE96E exc_raise+ 0x11e (0x000000000102523B, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000005, 0x0000000000000012)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BEE1A7 proc_get+ 0x3f7 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BED3D4 proc_read+ 0xbe4 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000004E7F98B0)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000F3E97B s_getTreeOrPlan+ 0x19b (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000000EDAE810, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BEE1A7 proc_get+ 0x3f7 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EDE2D4 execproc+ 0x3a4 (0x00000000000000E0, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EDAED60, 0x00000000000000E0)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000F3E97B s_getTreeOrPlan+ 0x19b (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000000EEAE810, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EE4D02 s_execute+ 0x4692 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000080760960, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EDE2D4 execproc+ 0x3a4 (0x00000000000000E0, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EEAED60, 0x00000000000000E0)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EF7476 sequencer+ 0x1f86 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EE4D02 s_execute+ 0x4692 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x00000000806DD960, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000467406 tdsrecv_language+ 0x706 (0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000021)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EF7476 sequencer+ 0x1f86 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.72 kernel  pc: 0x000000000042BF87 conn_hdlr+ 0x2307 (0x00000000284ACB70, 0x00000000284ACB70, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000467406 tdsrecv_language+ 0x706 (0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000021)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  pc: 0x00000000013AFEF1 kpntwrapper+ 0x51 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  pc: 0x000000000042BF87 conn_hdlr+ 0x2307 (0x00000000284AD0B0, 0x00000000284AD0B0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  pc: 0x0000000077248FED CreateFiberEx+ 0x27d (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  end of stack trace, spid 152, kpid 18677903, suid 4
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  pc: 0x00000000013AFEF1 kpntwrapper+ 0x51 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  pc: 0x0000000077248FED CreateFiberEx+ 0x27d (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  end of stack trace, spid 153, kpid 18808976, suid 4
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  DUMP OF LOADED MODULES:-
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  DUMP OF LOADED MODULES:-
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sqlsrvr.exe loaded at 0000000000400000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sqlsrvr.exe]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sqlsrvr.exe loaded at 0000000000400000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sqlsrvr.exe]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ntdll.dll loaded at 0000000077360000 [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ntdll.dll loaded at 0000000077360000 [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  kernel32.dll loaded at 0000000077240000 [C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  kernel32.dll loaded at 0000000077240000 [C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  KERNELBASE.dll loaded at 000007FEFD5B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  KERNELBASE.dll loaded at 000007FEFD5B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  MSVCR100.dll loaded at 0000000074A70000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSVCR100.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  MSVCR100.dll loaded at 0000000074A70000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSVCR100.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybblk64.dll loaded at 0000000180000000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybblk64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybblk64.dll loaded at 0000000180000000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybblk64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybct64.dll loaded at 0000000000110000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybct64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybct64.dll loaded at 0000000000110000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybct64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybcs64.dll loaded at 00000000001E0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybcs64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybcs64.dll loaded at 00000000001E0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybcs64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybcomn64.dll loaded at 0000000000310000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybcomn64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybcomn64.dll loaded at 0000000000310000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybcomn64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybintl64.dll loaded at 00000000003E0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybintl64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybintl64.dll loaded at 00000000003E0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybintl64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ADVAPI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFDB50000 [C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ADVAPI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFDB50000 [C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  msvcrt.dll loaded at 000007FEFDAB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  msvcrt.dll loaded at 000007FEFDAB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sechost.dll loaded at 000007FEFE350000 [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sechost.dll loaded at 000007FEFE350000 [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  RPCRT4.dll loaded at 000007FEFDDB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  RPCRT4.dll loaded at 000007FEFDDB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  MSVCR80.dll loaded at 000000006F690000 [C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6229_none_88dcc0bf2fb1b808\MSVCR80.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  MSVCR80.dll loaded at 000000006F690000 [C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6229_none_88dcc0bf2fb1b808\MSVCR80.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybunic64.dll loaded at 0000000002E70000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybunic64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybunic64.dll loaded at 0000000002E70000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybunic64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybtcl64.dll loaded at 0000000002EF0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybtcl64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybtcl64.dll loaded at 0000000002EF0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybtcl64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  WS2_32.dll loaded at 000007FEFE430000 [C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  WS2_32.dll loaded at 000007FEFE430000 [C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  NSI.dll loaded at 000007FEFE420000 [C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  NSI.dll loaded at 000007FEFE420000 [C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  WSOCK32.dll loaded at 000007FEFA6B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  WSOCK32.dll loaded at 000007FEFA6B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  MSWSOCK.DLL loaded at 000007FEFCAE0000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSWSOCK.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  MSWSOCK.DLL loaded at 000007FEFCAE0000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSWSOCK.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  user32.dll loaded at 0000000077140000 [C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  user32.dll loaded at 0000000077140000 [C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  GDI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFF290000 [C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  GDI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFF290000 [C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  LPK.dll loaded at 000007FEFE410000 [C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  LPK.dll loaded at 000007FEFE410000 [C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  USP10.dll loaded at 000007FEFDEE0000 [C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  USP10.dll loaded at 000007FEFDEE0000 [C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  COMDLG32.dll loaded at 000007FEFD8E0000 [C:\Windows\system32\COMDLG32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  COMDLG32.dll loaded at 000007FEFD8E0000 [C:\Windows\system32\COMDLG32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  SHLWAPI.dll loaded at 000007FEFE1C0000 [C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  SHLWAPI.dll loaded at 000007FEFE1C0000 [C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  COMCTL32.dll loaded at 000007FEFA140000 [C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  COMCTL32.dll loaded at 000007FEFA140000 [C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  SHELL32.dll loaded at 000007FEFE480000 [C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  SHELL32.dll loaded at 000007FEFE480000 [C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  NETAPI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFAC60000 [C:\Windows\system32\NETAPI32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  NETAPI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFAC60000 [C:\Windows\system32\NETAPI32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  netutils.dll loaded at 000007FEFC770000 [C:\Windows\system32\netutils.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  netutils.dll loaded at 000007FEFC770000 [C:\Windows\system32\netutils.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  srvcli.dll loaded at 000007FEFCDC0000 [C:\Windows\system32\srvcli.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  srvcli.dll loaded at 000007FEFCDC0000 [C:\Windows\system32\srvcli.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  wkscli.dll loaded at 000007FEFAC40000 [C:\Windows\system32\wkscli.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  wkscli.dll loaded at 000007FEFAC40000 [C:\Windows\system32\wkscli.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  dbghelp.dll loaded at 000007FEF9FB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  dbghelp.dll loaded at 000007FEF9FB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  PSAPI.DLL loaded at 0000000077520000 [C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  PSAPI.DLL loaded at 0000000077520000 [C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  IPHLPAPI.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB6B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  IPHLPAPI.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB6B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  WINNSI.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB660000 [C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  WINNSI.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB660000 [C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  loadperf.dll loaded at 000007FEF3B30000 [C:\Windows\system32\loadperf.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  loadperf.dll loaded at 000007FEF3B30000 [C:\Windows\system32\loadperf.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ole32.dll loaded at 000007FEFDFB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ole32.dll loaded at 000007FEFDFB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  OLEAUT32.dll loaded at 000007FEFF300000 [C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  OLEAUT32.dll loaded at 000007FEFF300000 [C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sybcsi_core29.dll loaded at 0000000002F40000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_core29.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sybcsi_core29.dll loaded at 0000000002F40000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_core29.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sybcsi_profiler29.dll loaded at 0000000002FA0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_profiler29.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sybcsi_profiler29.dll loaded at 0000000002FA0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_profiler29.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sybcsi_propertiesconfig29.dll loaded at 0000000002FC0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_propertiesconfig29.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sybcsi_propertiesconfig29.dll loaded at 0000000002FC0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_propertiesconfig29.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sybcsi_openssl29.dll loaded at 0000000002FE0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_openssl29.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  sybcsi_openssl29.dll loaded at 0000000002FE0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_openssl29.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  MPR.dll loaded at 000007FEFA610000 [C:\Windows\system32\MPR.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  MPR.dll loaded at 000007FEFA610000 [C:\Windows\system32\MPR.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  IMM32.DLL loaded at 000007FEFF3E0000 [C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  IMM32.DLL loaded at 000007FEFF3E0000 [C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  MSCTF.dll loaded at 000007FEFE240000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  MSCTF.dll loaded at 000007FEFE240000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ntmarta.dll loaded at 000007FEFC3D0000 [C:\Windows\system32\ntmarta.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ntmarta.dll loaded at 000007FEFC3D0000 [C:\Windows\system32\ntmarta.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  WLDAP32.dll loaded at 000007FEFD860000 [C:\Windows\system32\WLDAP32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  WLDAP32.dll loaded at 000007FEFD860000 [C:\Windows\system32\WLDAP32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  SYBEVENT.DLL loaded at 0000000010000000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\dll\SYBEVENT.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  SYBEVENT.DLL loaded at 0000000010000000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\dll\SYBEVENT.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  DNSAPI.dll loaded at 000007FEFC960000 [C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  DNSAPI.dll loaded at 000007FEFC960000 [C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  dhcpcsvc6.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB330000 [C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  dhcpcsvc6.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB330000 [C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  dhcpcsvc.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB310000 [C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  dhcpcsvc.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB310000 [C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  icmp.Dll loaded at 0000000070890000 [C:\Windows\system32\icmp.Dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  icmp.Dll loaded at 0000000070890000 [C:\Windows\system32\icmp.Dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  wship6.dll loaded at 000007FEFCAD0000 [C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  wship6.dll loaded at 000007FEFCAD0000 [C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybaseldap64.dll loaded at 0000000005160000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybaseldap64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  libsybaseldap64.dll loaded at 0000000005160000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybaseldap64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  CRYPTSP.dll loaded at 000007FEFCB40000 [C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  CRYPTSP.dll loaded at 000007FEFCB40000 [C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  rsaenh.dll loaded at 000007FEFC840000 [C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  rsaenh.dll loaded at 000007FEFC840000 [C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  CRYPTBASE.dll loaded at 000007FEFD1A0000 [C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTBASE.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  CRYPTBASE.dll loaded at 000007FEFD1A0000 [C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTBASE.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  wshtcpip.dll loaded at 000007FEFC4C0000 [C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  wshtcpip.dll loaded at 000007FEFC4C0000 [C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  rasadhlp.dll loaded at 000007FEFA890000 [C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  rasadhlp.dll loaded at 000007FEFA890000 [C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  fwpuclnt.dll loaded at 000007FEFB460000 [C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  fwpuclnt.dll loaded at 000007FEFB460000 [C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  apphelp.dll loaded at 000007FEFD140000 [C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  apphelp.dll loaded at 000007FEFD140000 [C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ************************************
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ************************************
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  SQL causing error : declare @js_runid int
    declare @js_sjobid int
    select @js_runid = 460200
    select @js_sjobid = 2
    set chained on exec saptools..SP_DBH_ERRORLOG
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  SQL causing error : declare @js_runid int
    declare @js_sjobid int
    select @js_runid = 460199
    select @js_sjobid = 13
    set chained on exec saptools..SP_DBH_THREADS
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ************************************
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  ************************************
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 server  SQL Text: declare @js_runid int
    declare @js_sjobid int
    select @js_runid = 460200
    select @js_sjobid = 2
    set chained on exec saptools..SP_DBH_ERRORLOG
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 server  SQL Text: declare @js_runid int
    declare @js_sjobid int
    select @js_runid = 460199
    select @js_sjobid = 13
    set chained on exec saptools..SP_DBH_THREADS
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  curdb = 5 tempdb = 2 pstat = 0x10000 p2stat = 0x101000
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  curdb = 5 tempdb = 2 pstat = 0x10000 p2stat = 0x101000
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  p3stat = 0x80800 p4stat = 0x0 p5stat = 0x8 p6stat = 0x1 p7stat = 0x10000
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  p3stat = 0x80800 p4stat = 0x0 p5stat = 0x8 p6stat = 0x1 p7stat = 0x10000
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  lasterror = 2805 preverror = 0 transtate = 1
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  lasterror = 2805 preverror = 0 transtate = 1
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  curcmd = 224 program = JS Agent - sapsa             
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  curcmd = 224 program = JS Agent - sapsa             
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  extended error information: hostname:  login: sapsa
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  extended error information: hostname:  login: sapsa
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.73 kernel  pc: 0x0000000001403C58 os_get_cur_stk_desc+ 0xf8 (0x000000000EDA70F0, 0x000000000EDA70F0, 0x000000000EDA9080, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000001403C58 os_get_cur_stk_desc+ 0xf8 (0x000000000EEA70F0, 0x000000000EEA70F0, 0x000000000EEA9080, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000001382872 pcstkwalk+ 0x3e2 (0x0000000000000001, 0x00000000011D008F, 0x000000000000270F, 0x0000000077263566)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000001382872 pcstkwalk+ 0x3e2 (0x0000000000000001, 0x00000000011F0090, 0x000000000000270F, 0x0000000077263566)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000001383089 ucstkgentrace+ 0x339 (0x0000000000FAFEF1, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000FAFEF1)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000001383089 ucstkgentrace+ 0x339 (0x0000000000FAFEF1, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000FAFEF1)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x000000000138135F ucbacktrace+ 0xbf (0x00000000C0000005, 0x000000000EDAA370, 0x000000000EDAA370, 0x00000000284ACB70)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x000000000138135F ucbacktrace+ 0xbf (0x00000000C0000005, 0x000000000EEAA370, 0x000000000EEAA370, 0x00000000284AD0B0)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000409C4B terminate_process+ 0x1b3b (0x00000000011D008F, 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, 0x00000000284ACB70, 0x0000000074A70000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000409C4B terminate_process+ 0x1b3b (0x00000000011F0090, 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, 0x00000000284AD0B0, 0x0000000074A70000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x00000000013CEEFF kiexception+ 0x50f (0x00000000013AFEF1, 0x0000000077389B3E, 0x000000000EDAA470, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x00000000013CEEFF kiexception+ 0x50f (0x00000000013AFEF1, 0x0000000077389B3E, 0x000000000EEAA470, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000001CEC2F3 kpntwrapper$filt$0+ 0x13 (0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000000002B7, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000004000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000001CEC2F3 kpntwrapper$filt$0+ 0x13 (0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000000002B7, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000004000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AE12E3 _C_specific_handler+ 0x97 (0x000000000EDB0000, 0x000000000EDAFF80, 0x000000000EDAFF80, 0x0000000002E11F5C)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AE12E3 _C_specific_handler+ 0x97 (0x000000000EEB0000, 0x000000000EEAFF80, 0x000000000EEAFF80, 0x0000000002E11F5C)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000077389D0D RtlDecodePointer+ 0xbd (0x000000000EDB0000, 0x0000000002D87194, 0x00000000000CB3AC, 0x000000000026AC80)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000077389D0D RtlDecodePointer+ 0xbd (0x000000000EEB0000, 0x0000000002D87194, 0x00000000000CB3AC, 0x000000000026AC80)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x00000000773791AF RtlUnwindEx+ 0xbbf (0x000000000EDAAFB0, 0x000000000EDAAAC0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x00000000773791AF RtlUnwindEx+ 0xbbf (0x000000000EEAAFB0, 0x000000000EEAAAC0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x00000000773B1278 KiUserExceptionDispatcher+ 0x2e (0x000000000EDAB7B0, 0x000000000EDAB2E0, 0x000000000EDAB510, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x00000000773B1278 KiUserExceptionDispatcher+ 0x2e (0x000000000EEAB7B0, 0x000000000EEAB2E0, 0x000000000EEAB510, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AC346E vcwprintf_s+ 0x26ce (0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EDAB6D4, 0x000000000EDABBC0, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AC346E vcwprintf_s+ 0x26ce (0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EEAB6D4, 0x000000000EEABBC0, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AA1AA3 sprintf+ 0x7b (0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000EDACBD0, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x0000000000000019)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AA1AA3 sprintf+ 0x7b (0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000EEACBD0, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x0000000000000018)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FC9C87 ex_stuffp+ 0x4f7 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000000EDABBC0, 0x000000000EDACBD0, 0x0000000000000061)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FC9C87 ex_stuffp+ 0x4f7 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000000EEABBC0, 0x000000000EEACBD0, 0x0000000000000061)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB1FD ex__logprint+ 0x38d (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x00000000805CE000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB1FD ex__logprint+ 0x38d (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000080EF2800, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB776 ex_logprint+ 0xe6 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x000000000000002B)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB776 ex_logprint+ 0xe6 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x000000000000002B)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6C31 proc_read__backout+ 0x1d1 (0x00000000812BF000, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000012, 0x000000005B0952A0)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6C31 proc_read__backout+ 0x1d1 (0x00000000812C9000, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000012, 0x000000005B0B2890)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6A2E proc_handle+ 0x9e (0x000000005B0AD420, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000012, 0x0000000000BE633A)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6A2E proc_handle+ 0x9e (0x000000005B0CAA10, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000012, 0x0000000000BE633A)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE317 exc__raise+ 0x6c7 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000AF5)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE317 exc__raise+ 0x6c7 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000AF5)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE96E exc_raise+ 0x11e (0x000000000102523B, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000005, 0x0000000000000012)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE96E exc_raise+ 0x11e (0x000000000102523B, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000005, 0x0000000000000012)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BED3D4 proc_read+ 0xbe4 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000004ED2AAB0)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BED3D4 proc_read+ 0xbe4 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000004E7F98B0)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BEE1A7 proc_get+ 0x3f7 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BEE1A7 proc_get+ 0x3f7 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000F3E97B s_getTreeOrPlan+ 0x19b (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000000EDAE810, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000F3E97B s_getTreeOrPlan+ 0x19b (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000000EEAE810, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EDE2D4 execproc+ 0x3a4 (0x00000000000000E0, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EDAED60, 0x00000000000000E0)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EDE2D4 execproc+ 0x3a4 (0x00000000000000E0, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EEAED60, 0x00000000000000E0)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EE4D02 s_execute+ 0x4692 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000080760960, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EE4D02 s_execute+ 0x4692 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x00000000806DD960, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EF7476 sequencer+ 0x1f86 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EF7476 sequencer+ 0x1f86 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.75 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000467406 tdsrecv_language+ 0x706 (0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000021)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000467406 tdsrecv_language+ 0x706 (0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000021)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x000000000042BF87 conn_hdlr+ 0x2307 (0x00000000284ACB70, 0x00000000284ACB70, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x000000000042BF87 conn_hdlr+ 0x2307 (0x00000000284AD0B0, 0x00000000284AD0B0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x00000000013AFEF1 kpntwrapper+ 0x51 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x00000000013AFEF1 kpntwrapper+ 0x51 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000077248FED CreateFiberEx+ 0x27d (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000077248FED CreateFiberEx+ 0x27d (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  end of stack trace, spid 152, kpid 18677903, suid 4
    00:0007:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  end of stack trace, spid 153, kpid 18808976, suid 4
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  attempted read from memory location 0000000000000018 from instruction at location 0x0000000074AC346E
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise system exception (0xc0000005) generated by a storage access violation.
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AC346E vcwprintf_s+ 0x26ce (0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EEA7DC4, 0x000000000EEA82B0, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AA1AA3 sprintf+ 0x7b (0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000EEA92C0, 0x00000000812C9000, 0x0000000000000018)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FC9C87 ex_stuffp+ 0x4f7 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000000EEA82B0, 0x000000000EEA92C0, 0x0000000000000061)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB1FD ex__logprint+ 0x38d (0x00000000FFFFFFFF, 0x000007FEFCAE24A1, 0x000000000471F7A0, 0x000007FEFE4317C0)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB776 ex_logprint+ 0xe6 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000812C9000, 0x00000000812C9000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6C31 proc_read__backout+ 0x1d1 (0x00000000812C9000, 0x000000000EEA9899, 0x000000000EEAA370, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000428D85 kill_proc+ 0x1f5 (0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000C0000005, 0x000000000EEAA370, 0x00000000284AD0B0)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x000000000040A2B4 terminate_process+ 0x21a4 (0x00000000011F0090, 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, 0x00000000284AD0B0, 0x0000000074A70000)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  attempted read from memory location 0000000000000019 from instruction at location 0x0000000074AC346E
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  Adaptive Server Enterprise system exception (0xc0000005) generated by a storage access violation.
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x00000000013CEEFF kiexception+ 0x50f (0x00000000013AFEF1, 0x0000000077389B3E, 0x000000000EEAA470, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AC346E vcwprintf_s+ 0x26ce (0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EDA7DC4, 0x000000000EDA82B0, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000001CEC2F3 kpntwrapper$filt$0+ 0x13 (0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000000002B7, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000004000)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AA1AA3 sprintf+ 0x7b (0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000EDA92C0, 0x00000000812BF000, 0x0000000000000019)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AE12E3 _C_specific_handler+ 0x97 (0x000000000EEB0000, 0x000000000EEAFF80, 0x000000000EEAFF80, 0x0000000002E11F5C)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FC9C87 ex_stuffp+ 0x4f7 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000000EDA82B0, 0x000000000EDA92C0, 0x0000000000000061)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000077389D0D RtlDecodePointer+ 0xbd (0x000000000EEB0000, 0x0000000002D87194, 0x00000000000CB3AC, 0x000000000026AC80)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB1FD ex__logprint+ 0x38d (0x00000000FFFFFFFF, 0x000007FEFCAE24A1, 0x000000000471FE80, 0x000007FEFE4317C0)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x00000000773791AF RtlUnwindEx+ 0xbbf (0x000000000EEAAFB0, 0x000000000EEAAAC0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB776 ex_logprint+ 0xe6 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000812BF000, 0x00000000812BF000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x00000000773B1278 KiUserExceptionDispatcher+ 0x2e (0x000000000EEAB7B0, 0x000000000EEAB2E0, 0x000000000EEAB510, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6C31 proc_read__backout+ 0x1d1 (0x00000000812BF000, 0x000000000EDA9899, 0x000000000EDAA370, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AC346E vcwprintf_s+ 0x26ce (0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EEAB6D4, 0x000000000EEABBC0, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000428D85 kill_proc+ 0x1f5 (0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000C0000005, 0x000000000EDAA370, 0x00000000284ACB70)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AA1AA3 sprintf+ 0x7b (0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000EEACBD0, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x0000000000000018)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x000000000040A2B4 terminate_process+ 0x21a4 (0x00000000011D008F, 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, 0x00000000284ACB70, 0x0000000074A70000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FC9C87 ex_stuffp+ 0x4f7 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000000EEABBC0, 0x000000000EEACBD0, 0x0000000000000061)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x00000000013CEEFF kiexception+ 0x50f (0x00000000013AFEF1, 0x0000000077389B3E, 0x000000000EDAA470, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB1FD ex__logprint+ 0x38d (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000080EF2800, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000001CEC2F3 kpntwrapper$filt$0+ 0x13 (0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000000002B7, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000004000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB776 ex_logprint+ 0xe6 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x000000000000002B)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AE12E3 _C_specific_handler+ 0x97 (0x000000000EDB0000, 0x000000000EDAFF80, 0x000000000EDAFF80, 0x0000000002E11F5C)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6C31 proc_read__backout+ 0x1d1 (0x00000000812C9000, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000012, 0x000000005B0B2890)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000077389D0D RtlDecodePointer+ 0xbd (0x000000000EDB0000, 0x0000000002D87194, 0x00000000000CB3AC, 0x000000000026AC80)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6A2E proc_handle+ 0x9e (0x000000005B0CAA10, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000012, 0x0000000000BE633A)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x00000000773791AF RtlUnwindEx+ 0xbbf (0x000000000EDAAFB0, 0x000000000EDAAAC0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x00000000773B1278 KiUserExceptionDispatcher+ 0x2e (0x000000000EDAB7B0, 0x000000000EDAB2E0, 0x000000000EDAB510, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE317 exc__raise+ 0x6c7 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000AF5)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AC346E vcwprintf_s+ 0x26ce (0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EDAB6D4, 0x000000000EDABBC0, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE96E exc_raise+ 0x11e (0x000000000102523B, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000005, 0x0000000000000012)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000074AA1AA3 sprintf+ 0x7b (0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000EDACBD0, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x0000000000000019)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BED3D4 proc_read+ 0xbe4 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000004E7F98B0)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FC9C87 ex_stuffp+ 0x4f7 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000000EDABBC0, 0x000000000EDACBD0, 0x0000000000000061)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BEE1A7 proc_get+ 0x3f7 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.77 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB1FD ex__logprint+ 0x38d (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x00000000805CE000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000F3E97B s_getTreeOrPlan+ 0x19b (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000000EEAE810, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCB776 ex_logprint+ 0xe6 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000FFFF0000, 0x000000000000002B)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EDE2D4 execproc+ 0x3a4 (0x00000000000000E0, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EEAED60, 0x00000000000000E0)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6C31 proc_read__backout+ 0x1d1 (0x00000000812BF000, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000012, 0x000000005B0952A0)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EE4D02 s_execute+ 0x4692 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x00000000806DD960, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BE6A2E proc_handle+ 0x9e (0x000000005B0AD420, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000012, 0x0000000000BE633A)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EF7476 sequencer+ 0x1f86 (0x000000005B0B2890, 0x000000005B0B2890, 0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE317 exc__raise+ 0x6c7 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000AF5)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000467406 tdsrecv_language+ 0x706 (0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000021)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000FCE96E exc_raise+ 0x11e (0x000000000102523B, 0x000000000000001C, 0x0000000000000005, 0x0000000000000012)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x000000000042BF87 conn_hdlr+ 0x2307 (0x00000000284AD0B0, 0x00000000284AD0B0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  end of stack trace, spid 153, kpid 18808976, suid 4
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BED3D4 proc_read+ 0xbe4 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000004ED2AAB0)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  DUMP OF LOADED MODULES:-
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  sqlsrvr.exe loaded at 0000000000400000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sqlsrvr.exe]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000BEE1A7 proc_get+ 0x3f7 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  ntdll.dll loaded at 0000000077360000 [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  kernel32.dll loaded at 0000000077240000 [C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  KERNELBASE.dll loaded at 000007FEFD5B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  MSVCR100.dll loaded at 0000000074A70000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSVCR100.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000F3E97B s_getTreeOrPlan+ 0x19b (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000000EDAE810, 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybblk64.dll loaded at 0000000180000000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybblk64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybct64.dll loaded at 0000000000110000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybct64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EDE2D4 execproc+ 0x3a4 (0x00000000000000E0, 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000000EDAED60, 0x00000000000000E0)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybcs64.dll loaded at 00000000001E0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybcs64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybcomn64.dll loaded at 0000000000310000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybcomn64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EE4D02 s_execute+ 0x4692 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000080760960, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybintl64.dll loaded at 00000000003E0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybintl64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  ADVAPI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFDB50000 [C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  msvcrt.dll loaded at 000007FEFDAB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000EF7476 sequencer+ 0x1f86 (0x000000005B0952A0, 0x000000005B0952A0, 0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000000001)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  sechost.dll loaded at 000007FEFE350000 [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  RPCRT4.dll loaded at 000007FEFDDB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  MSVCR80.dll loaded at 000000006F690000 [C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6229_none_88dcc0bf2fb1b808\MSVCR80.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x0000000000467406 tdsrecv_language+ 0x706 (0x0000000000000021, 0x0000000000400000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000021)
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybunic64.dll loaded at 0000000002E70000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybunic64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybtcl64.dll loaded at 0000000002EF0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybtcl64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  WS2_32.dll loaded at 000007FEFE430000 [C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  pc: 0x000000000042BF87 conn_hdlr+ 0x2307 (0x00000000284ACB70, 0x00000000284ACB70, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000)
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  end of stack trace, spid 152, kpid 18677903, suid 4
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  NSI.dll loaded at 000007FEFE420000 [C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  DUMP OF LOADED MODULES:-
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  WSOCK32.dll loaded at 000007FEFA6B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  sqlsrvr.exe loaded at 0000000000400000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sqlsrvr.exe]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  MSWSOCK.DLL loaded at 000007FEFCAE0000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSWSOCK.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  ntdll.dll loaded at 0000000077360000 [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  user32.dll loaded at 0000000077140000 [C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  kernel32.dll loaded at 0000000077240000 [C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  GDI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFF290000 [C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  KERNELBASE.dll loaded at 000007FEFD5B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  LPK.dll loaded at 000007FEFE410000 [C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  MSVCR100.dll loaded at 0000000074A70000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSVCR100.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  USP10.dll loaded at 000007FEFDEE0000 [C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybblk64.dll loaded at 0000000180000000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybblk64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  COMDLG32.dll loaded at 000007FEFD8E0000 [C:\Windows\system32\COMDLG32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybct64.dll loaded at 0000000000110000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybct64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  SHLWAPI.dll loaded at 000007FEFE1C0000 [C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybcs64.dll loaded at 00000000001E0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybcs64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  COMCTL32.dll loaded at 000007FEFA140000 [C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybcomn64.dll loaded at 0000000000310000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybcomn64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybintl64.dll loaded at 00000000003E0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybintl64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  SHELL32.dll loaded at 000007FEFE480000 [C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  ADVAPI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFDB50000 [C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  NETAPI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFAC60000 [C:\Windows\system32\NETAPI32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  msvcrt.dll loaded at 000007FEFDAB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  netutils.dll loaded at 000007FEFC770000 [C:\Windows\system32\netutils.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  sechost.dll loaded at 000007FEFE350000 [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  srvcli.dll loaded at 000007FEFCDC0000 [C:\Windows\system32\srvcli.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  RPCRT4.dll loaded at 000007FEFDDB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  wkscli.dll loaded at 000007FEFAC40000 [C:\Windows\system32\wkscli.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  MSVCR80.dll loaded at 000000006F690000 [C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6229_none_88dcc0bf2fb1b808\MSVCR80.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  dbghelp.dll loaded at 000007FEF9FB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybunic64.dll loaded at 0000000002E70000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybunic64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  PSAPI.DLL loaded at 0000000077520000 [C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybtcl64.dll loaded at 0000000002EF0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybtcl64.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  IPHLPAPI.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB6B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  WS2_32.dll loaded at 000007FEFE430000 [C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  WINNSI.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB660000 [C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  NSI.dll loaded at 000007FEFE420000 [C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  loadperf.dll loaded at 000007FEF3B30000 [C:\Windows\system32\loadperf.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  WSOCK32.dll loaded at 000007FEFA6B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  ole32.dll loaded at 000007FEFDFB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  MSWSOCK.DLL loaded at 000007FEFCAE0000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSWSOCK.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  OLEAUT32.dll loaded at 000007FEFF300000 [C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  user32.dll loaded at 0000000077140000 [C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  sybcsi_core29.dll loaded at 0000000002F40000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_core29.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  GDI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFF290000 [C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  sybcsi_profiler29.dll loaded at 0000000002FA0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_profiler29.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  LPK.dll loaded at 000007FEFE410000 [C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  USP10.dll loaded at 000007FEFDEE0000 [C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  sybcsi_propertiesconfig29.dll loaded at 0000000002FC0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_propertiesconfig29.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  COMDLG32.dll loaded at 000007FEFD8E0000 [C:\Windows\system32\COMDLG32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  sybcsi_openssl29.dll loaded at 0000000002FE0000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\sybcsi_openssl29.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  SHLWAPI.dll loaded at 000007FEFE1C0000 [C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  MPR.dll loaded at 000007FEFA610000 [C:\Windows\system32\MPR.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  COMCTL32.dll loaded at 000007FEFA140000 [C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  IMM32.DLL loaded at 000007FEFF3E0000 [C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  SHELL32.dll loaded at 000007FEFE480000 [C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  MSCTF.dll loaded at 000007FEFE240000 [C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  NETAPI32.dll loaded at 000007FEFAC60000 [C:\Windows\system32\NETAPI32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  ntmarta.dll loaded at 000007FEFC3D0000 [C:\Windows\system32\ntmarta.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  netutils.dll loaded at 000007FEFC770000 [C:\Windows\system32\netutils.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  WLDAP32.dll loaded at 000007FEFD860000 [C:\Windows\system32\WLDAP32.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  srvcli.dll loaded at 000007FEFCDC0000 [C:\Windows\system32\srvcli.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  SYBEVENT.DLL loaded at 0000000010000000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\dll\SYBEVENT.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  wkscli.dll loaded at 000007FEFAC40000 [C:\Windows\system32\wkscli.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  DNSAPI.dll loaded at 000007FEFC960000 [C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  dbghelp.dll loaded at 000007FEF9FB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  dhcpcsvc6.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB330000 [C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  PSAPI.DLL loaded at 0000000077520000 [C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  dhcpcsvc.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB310000 [C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcsvc.DLL]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  IPHLPAPI.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB6B0000 [C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  icmp.Dll loaded at 0000000070890000 [C:\Windows\system32\icmp.Dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  WINNSI.DLL loaded at 000007FEFB660000 [C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  wship6.dll loaded at 000007FEFCAD0000 [C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  loadperf.dll loaded at 000007FEF3B30000 [C:\Windows\system32\loadperf.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  libsybaseldap64.dll loaded at 0000000005160000 [G:\sybase\DEV\ASE-15_0\bin\libsybaseldap64.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  ole32.dll loaded at 000007FEFDFB0000 [C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  CRYPTSP.dll loaded at 000007FEFCB40000 [C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll]
    00:0007:00000:00152:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  OLEAUT32.dll loaded at 000007FEFF300000 [C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll]
    00:0006:00000:00153:2014/11/18 11:10:00.78 kernel  rsaenh.dll loaded at

    i forgot to update the status, sorry!
    Opened a support incident; the upgrade procedure was not fine for saptools database because it was not able to enlarge automatically. Increased the size manually and restart the database.
    Upgrade was terminated fine and error in log file disappeared.

  • Hi , unfortunately i faced with a problem that i couldent open my audio note so i thought if i delet it and transfer the application from itunse from my pc i can have my files...but all of them deleted from both application and also from wifi address... I

    Hi , unfortunately i faced with a problem that i couldent open my audio note so i thought if i delet it and transfer the application from itunse from my pc i can have my files...but all of them deleted from both application and also from wifi address... Is it any solution for recovery the filew? I missed lots of important files , plz help me
    Tnx alot

    Hey Eric,
    Thanks for taking the time. Unfortunately no that does not solve it. Same as swipe it will get me there and it will show separate programs spaced out. The issue I am having is that all my open word files are bunched up in a pile on top of each other. I can see the edges of each one but I want them to be separated from each other enough that I can visually identify what file is what.
    Again, thanks for trying, it is appreciated.

  • Read from memory

    Hi Abapers,
    There is one checkbox on selection screen of a standard report. bsed on this checkbox, i need to add some logic in another standard function module.. how can i read the value of checkbox? can i use set/get parameter or import/export? please give your inputs on this..
    Does this affect performance anyway? kindly clarify.

           You can use the EXPORT  and IMPORT Commands to send To and Receive from Memory.
    In your Standard Function Module,
    IMPORT P_CHKBOX from Memory ID 'EXPMEM'.
    Check p_check eq space.
    It does not affect the Performance.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Venkat Phani Prasad Konduri

  • How to send msgs to tuxedo and read from tuxedousing jca adapter at jboss6

    Hi i had only Tuxedo ip and port number.i have to send messsages to tuxedo server and read from tuxedo server i did below changes at ra.xml and dmconfig.xml
    what are the services i have to use plz give me reply .Thanks in advance.
    my ra.xml is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <connector xmlns=""
    <display-name>Tuxedo JCA Adapter</display-name>
    <description>Tuxedo SALT license</description>
    and dmconfig.xml is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <LocalAccessPoint name="local_1">
    <RemoteAccessPoint name="e1tst_tdtux01">
    <Import name="TOUPPER">
    <Import name="ECHO">

    Hi todd Thanks for your reply
    iam using below java code in jsp ,iam not getting the response plz suggest me any changes
    <%@ page import ="javax.naming.Context,
    javax.resource.ResourceException,,,,," %>
    <h1>Tuxedo Test</h1>
    System.out.println("Check Connection JNDI");
    String result="";
    public String Toupper(String string_to_convert) throws TPException, TuxedoReplyException
    Context ctx;
    ConnectionFactory cf;
    Connection c;
    Interaction ix;
    TuxedoStringRecord inRec;
    TuxedoStringRecord outRec;
    TuxedoInteractionSpec ixspec;
    try {
    ctx = new InitialContext();
    cf = (ConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup("java:jca/tuxedo");
    c = cf.getConnection();
    ix = c.createInteraction();
         ixspec = new TuxedoInteractionSpec();
         inRec = new TuxedoStringRecord();
         outRec = new TuxedoStringRecord();
         ix.execute(ixspec, inRec, outRec);
         String returned_data = outRec.getString();
         return returned_data;
         catch (NamingException ne) {
         throw new TPException(TPException.TPESYSTEM,
         "Could not get TuxedoConnectionFactory"+ne);
         catch (ResourceException re) {
         throw new TPException(TPException.TPESYSTEM,
         "ResourceException occurred, reason: " + re);
    In tuxedo.lod at my jboo6/bin iam getting this informatin
    e property Security.
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[TuxedoAdapterSupervisor,createDefaultSessionProfile]TJA_0188:INFO: Use ON_STARTUP to create default session profile property ConnectionPolicy.
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[TuxedoAdapterSupervisor,createDefaultSessionProfile]TJA_0188:INFO: Use 60,000 to create default session profile property BlockTime.
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[TuxedoAdapterSupervisor,createDefaultSessionProfile]TJA_0188:INFO: Use false to create default session profile property Interoperate.
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[TuxedoAdapterSupervisor,createDefaultSessionProfile]TJA_0188:INFO: Use 60 to create default session profile property RetryInterval.
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[TuxedoAdapterSupervisor,createDefaultSessionProfile]TJA_0188:INFO: Use 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to create default session profile property MaxRetries.
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[TuxedoAdapterSupervisor,createDefaultSessionProfile]TJA_0188:INFO: Use 2,147,483,647 to create default session profile property CompressionLimit.
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[TuxedoAdapterSupervisor,createDefaultSessionProfile]TJA_0188:INFO: Use 0 to create default session profile property KeepAlive.
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[TuxedoAdapterSupervisor,createDefaultSessionProfile]TJA_0188:INFO: Use 10,000 to create default session profile property KeepAliveWait.
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[TuxedoAdapterSupervisor,createDefaultSessionProfile]TJA_0189:INFO: Default session profile created.
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[,]factory = null
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[,]name = TOUPPER
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[,]iname = TOUPPER
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[,]rsvc == null, create new ArrayList with key= TOUPPER
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[,]factory = null
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[,]name = ECHO
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[,]iname = ECHO
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[,]rsvc == null, create new ArrayList with key= ECHO
    4/30/12:2:59:09 AM:11:INFO[TuxedoAdapterSupervisor,createDefaultSession]TJA_0193:INFO: Default session created between LocalAccessPoint local_1 and RemoteAccessPoint e1tst_tdtux01.


    How can I read from a text file and then display the contents in a JTextArea??????
    Also how can I write the contents of a JTextArea to a text file.
    Extra Question::::::: Is it possible to write records to a text file. If you have not idea what I am talking about then ignore it.
    Manny thanks,
    your help is much appreciated though you don't know it!

    Do 3 things.
    -- Look through the API at the package.
    -- Search previous posts for "read write from text file"
    -- Search for information on the package.
    That should clear just about everything up. If you have more specific problems, feel free to come back and post them.

  • How can I write to port C and read from port A&B simultaneously using 6503 DIO-24

    I attempting to read from Port A and B which are grouped together and at the same time I want to write to Port C. The problem I having now is that every time I want to read from Port A and B, Port C seems to be effected. I have only used the easy dio's vi this may be the root of my prblem

    You will need to use the advanced digital VIs to accomplish what you are trying to do.
    The Easy DIO VI's are simply a combination of two DIO advanced VI, so you will use the same two advanced VI with a little different calling method. We want to call both PORT Config VI first to configure two ports for read and one port for write. Then we can simply read and write to the ports as desired, perhaps in a loop.
    The best place to start would be to look at the LabVIEW examples for Digital Input and Output operations. In LabVIEW, go to Search Examples then under I/O interfaces select DAQ (or Data Acquisition)-> Digital Input and Output->Immediate Digital Input and Output. From her you will want to look at the examples under the 8255 chip which is the chip on
    the DIO-24. I would recommend looking at Read from two digtial ports and the Write to one digital port VI's.
    From here you will simply need to combine the two together. One note: you will want to make sure that both port config VI are called before either Port Read or Port Write VIs.

  • Client-side Memory leak while executing PL/SQL and reading from a view

    Iam noticing memory leaks in OCCI while performing the following:
    Sample function()
    1. Obtain a connection
    2. Create a statement to execute a PL/SQL procedure
    3 Execute the statement created in step #2
    4. Terminate the statement created in step #2
    5. Create a statement to read from a view which was populated
    by executing stored procedure in step #3
    6. Execute the statement created in step #5
    7. Terminate the statement created in step #5
    8. Release the connection
    The PL/SQL populates a view with fixed 65,000 records for every execution. PL/SQL opens a cursor, loads 65000 records and populates the target view and closes the cursor at the end. If i invoke the above function it results in memory leak of 4M for every call. I tried several variants such as:
    1. Disabling statement caching
    2. Using setSQL instead of newly creating second SQL statement
    3. Obtaining two separate connections for these two activities (PL/SQL exec and View read)
    4. Breaking the sample function into two, one for each of these activities (PL/SQL exec and View read).
    All the combinations results in the same behaviour of 4M memory leak.
    Iam using Oracle 10g Client/Server
    Is there any known limitations in this area?

    Yes. Iam closing the result set and terminating the statement.
    My program contains layers of inhouse wrapper classes, which will take some time for
    me to present it in pure OCCI calls, to be posted here for your understanding.
    After some more debugging, i found that if the connection level statement caching is set to
    0, the memory leak is much lower than before.
    Message was edited by:

  • How to write to stdout and read from stdin using unix pipe = '|'

    How can I read the output written by 1 program to stdout as the input
    (from stdin) to another program?
    $java pgm1 | pgm2
    pgm1's output is of multiple lines with tab delimited words in each line. I need to know when each line ends as well.

    I tried reading from - using a Buffered reader and the readline() method as follows:
    BufferedReader buffIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    while(!(get= buffIn.readLine()).equalsIgnoreCase("")){
    but unless I explicitly use the keyboard (type), it doesn't seem to be able to read input.
    I also tried to use
    Properties.load( - which is really what I'd love to be able to do to reduce processing on my end - but no luck there either!
    Is there anything I need to set the or something?

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