Bottom line - no way for 08 to keep proper clip dates?

Right? I just need a definite "no" so I can download iMovie HD and install FinalCutExpress and start using these instead. Same clips in HD keep the recorded project in 08, all clips have imported date. Absolutely insane. This has GOT to be a serious bug. Why on earth would Apple engineers think it's good wipe out all the date info? When would that ever be good?
So, does anyone know for certain there's no way to keep the clip date? I can not re-import off of tape. The tapes were imported in iMovie HD (06).

wow, what an incredible time waster that would be! If one project has 40-50 clips, I'm supposed to get info on each one, write down the date, open another probram or whatnot, manually change it, then go into 08?
Wow! What an incredible waste of time capturing/importing files into one application and then re-writing the files to a second application that creates a totally new file container with totally new data written by a totally different set of routines.
All kidding aside, I believe the original import/capture module reads the date-time group from the device media and uses it as the "file creation" date for the digital file written to your hard drive during capture. Unfortunately, the finder file writing routines are programmed to look at the current system time and use that as the "file creation date" any time you duplicate or copy a file. Thus, any attempt to import your files via the finder will run into this same problem. I see only two possibilities and I don't know if either will work.
1) The first would be to create some sort of XML that would allow direct access of the original file in its original container from iMovie '08. I can't think of a method of doing this compatible with iMovie '08.
2) The other would be to try a "pseudo" import. If you have the originally captured files still in the original project (i.e., they are not copies or duplications AND you have an active "iMovie Events" folder or can create one on the same volume of the same hard drive as the original iMovie '06 project package, then you might try the following:
a) Close iMovie '08
b) Create a named event folder within the "iMovie Events" folder on the same volume of the same drive as your original iMovie '06 project package
c) With only your originally imported clips in the "bin" or the timeline (i.e., no "rendered" clips created), open the original iMovie '06 project package
d) Open the "Media" folder
e) "Drag 'n Drop" all files from the now open "Media" folder to the new named event folder you just created
f) When done, open iMovie '08, sit back, and be prepared to wait
Hopefully, as iMovie '08 performs its initialization scan, it will locate your "pseudo" imported files and begin to generate thumbnails as though the the application had just captured/imported them from a camcorder. Be advised that this could take some time depending on the volume of data moved. Since the files were never actually copied but their pointers simply rearranged within the hard drive Volume Table of Contents, the file containers are not modified and still contain their original file creation Date/Time information which I hope includes whatever you want/need. If all goes well, the thumbnails will show up in your iMovie '08 "Events" window properly arranged in date-time sequence with the named event now showing under the proper calendar year in the Event Library List.

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    I have an order processing application which listens for Order objects to be inserted in a cache. If I want Java, C# and C++ apps to be able to submit orders to that cache, what's the best way to set up that Order object? Orders currently have many Enum member variables. What happens when a C# or C++ app needs to put an Order object in the cache? how would it set those java enums? Also, the java Enum classes have a lot of Java specific code in 'em for convenience. I imagine for cross platform simplicity it might have been best if the Order object were just an array of Strings or a Map of Strings to values but I have too much code depending on the Order object being how it is currently. Should I extract an Order Interface? What about the Enums? My java enums aren't simple {RED,GREEN,BLUE} type enums, they contain references to other Enums, etc. - see below...
    A portion of my Order class looks like:
    public class Order implements Cloneable, Comparable, {
      private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Order.class);
      private boolean clearedFromOpenOrdersTable = false; 
      private boolean trading_opened = false;
      private static Random generator = new Random();
      private static int nextID = generator.nextInt(1000000); //just for testing
      private int quantity = 0;
      private int open = 0;
      private int executed = 0;
      private int last = 0;
      private int cancelPriority = 0;
      private Integer sendPriority = 0;
      private OrderSide side = OrderSide.BUY;
      private OrderType orderType = OrderType.MARKET;
      private OrderTIF tif = OrderTIF.DAY;
      private OrderStatus orderStatus = OrderStatus.PENDING_NEW;
      private OrderExchange orderExchange = null;
      private OOType ooType = OOType.NOTOO;
      private OOLevel ooLevel = OOLevel.NONE;
      private Float limit = new Float(0);
      private Float stop = null;
      private float avgPx = 0.0f;
      private float lastPx = 0.0f;
      private String account = null;
      private String symbol = null;
      private long submitTimestamp;
      private long fillTime = 0;
      private long ackTime = 0;
      private Timestamp submitSqlTimestamp;
      public /*final*/ static NamedCache cache;
      private ArrayList<OrderStatusChangeListener> statusChangeListeners =
        new ArrayList<OrderStatusChangeListener>();
      transient private Format formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss a");
      public static void connectToCache() {
        cache = CacheFactory.getCache("orders");
      public void send() {
        this.submitTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() ;
        this.submitSqlTimestamp = new Timestamp(submitTimestamp);
        cache.put(this.ID, this);
      public void setCancelCount(int i) {
        cancelCount = i;
      public int getCancelCount() {
        return cancelCount;
      public static class CancelProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
        public Object process(InvocableMap.Entry entry) {
          Order o = (Order)entry.getValue();
          if (o.cancelCount == 0) {
            o.cancelCount = 1;
          } else {
  "ignoring dup. cancel req on " + o.symbol + " id=" + o.ID);
          return o.cancelCount;
      public void cancel() {
          // cache.invoke(this.ID, new CancelProcessor() ); // must this be a 'new' one each time?
          Filter f = new EqualsFilter("getCancelCount", 0);
          UpdaterProcessor up = new UpdaterProcessor("setCancelCount",new Integer(1) );
          ConditionalProcessor cp = new ConditionalProcessor(f, up);
          cache.invoke(ID, cp);
      NumberIncrementor ni1 = new NumberIncrementor("CancelCount", 1, false);
      public void cancelAllowingMultipleCancelsOfThisOrder() {
        System.out.println("cancelAllowingMultipleCancelsOfThisOrder symbol=" + symbol + " id=" + ID);
        cache.invoke(this.getID(), ni1);
      public Timestamp getSubmitSqlTimestamp(){
        return submitSqlTimestamp;
      boolean isWorking( ) {
           // might need to write an extractor to get this from the cache atomically
           if (orderStatus != null &&
                (orderStatus == OrderStatus.NEW || orderStatus == OrderStatus.PARTIALLY_FILLED ||
                    // including PENDING_CANCEL breaks order totals from arcadirect
                    // because they send a pending cancel unlike foc
                    // os.getValue() == OrdStatus.PENDING_CANCEL ||
                    orderStatus == OrderStatus.PENDING_NEW ||
                    orderStatus == OrderStatus.PENDING_REPLACE)) {
              return true;
            } else {
              return false;
      public long getSubmitTimestamp(){
        return submitTimestamp;
      private void fireStatusChange( ) {
              for (OrderStatusChangeListener x:statusChangeListeners) {
                    try {
                         x.dispatchOrderStatusChange(this );
                    } catch (java.util.ConcurrentModificationException e) {
                         logger.error("** fireStatusChange: ConcurrentModificationException "+e.getMessage());
      public Order() {
          ID = generateID();
          originalID = ID;
      public Object clone() {
          try {
            Order order = (Order)super.clone();
            return order;
          } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
          return null;
        class ReplaceProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
          // this is executed on the node that owns the data,
          // no network access required
          public Object process(InvocableMap.Entry entry) {
            Order o = (Order)entry.getValue();
            int counter=0;
            float limit=0f;
            float stop=0f;
            int qty=o.quantity;
            boolean limitChanged=false, qtyChanged=false, stopChanged=false;
            for (Replace r:o.replaceList) {
              if (r.pending) {
                if (r.limit!=null) {limit=r.limit; limitChanged=true;}
                if (r.qty!=null) {qty=r.qty; qtyChanged=true;}
                if (r.stop!=null) {stop=r.stop; stopChanged=true;}
            if (limitChanged) o.limit=limit;
            if (qtyChanged) o.quantity=qty;
            if (stopChanged) o.stop=stop;
            if (limitChanged || qtyChanged || stopChanged)
            return counter;
      public void applyPendingReplaces() {
         cache.invoke(this.ID, new ReplaceProcessor());
      private List <Replace>replaceList;
      public boolean isReplacePending() {
        if (replaceList==null) return false; 
        for (Replace r:replaceList) {
          if (r.pending==true) return true;
        return false;
      class ReplaceAddProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
        // this is executed on the node that owns the data,
        // no network access required
        Replace r;
        public ReplaceAddProcessor(Replace r){
        public Object process(InvocableMap.Entry entry) {
          Order o = (Order)entry.getValue();
          if (o.replaceList==null) o.replaceList = new LinkedList();
          return replaceList.size();
      public void replaceOrder(Replace r) {
          //  Order.cache.invoke(this.ID, new ReplaceAddProcessor(r));
          Order o = (Order)Order.cache.get(this.ID);
          if (o.replaceList==null) o.replaceList = new LinkedList();
          Order.cache.put(this.ID, o);
      public boolean isCancelRequestedOrIsCanceled() {
        // change to cancelrequested lock, not ack lock
        if (canceled) return true;
    //  ValueExtractor extractor = new ReflectionExtractor("getCancelCount");
    //  int cc = (Integer)cache.invoke( this.ID , extractor );
        Order o = (Order)cache.get(this.ID);
        int cc = o.getCancelCount();
        return cc > 0 || o.isCanceled();
        class Replace implements Serializable{
        boolean pending=true;
        public Float limit=null;
        public Float stop=null;
        public Integer qty=null;
        public Replace() {
      }and then a portion of my Enum looks like this:
    class SymbolPair implements {
      String symbol;
      String suffix;
      SymbolPair(String symbol, String suffix) {
        this.symbol = symbol;
        this.suffix = suffix;
      public boolean equals(Object o) {
        SymbolPair x = (SymbolPair)o;
        return (this.symbol == x.symbol && this.suffix == x.suffix);
      public int hashCode() {
        return (symbol + "." + suffix).hashCode();
      public String toString() {
        if (suffix == null)
          return symbol;
        return symbol + "." + suffix;
    public enum OrderExchange implements {
      SIM("S", false, '.', OrderTIF.DAY) {
        public String getStandardizedStockSymbol(String symbol, String suffix) {
          return symbol + "." + suffix;
        public SymbolPair getExchangeSpecificStockSymbol(String symbol) {
          return new SymbolPair(symbol, null);
      TSX("c", false, '.', OrderTIF.DAY) {
        public String getStandardizedStockSymbol(String symbol, String suffix) {
          String x = externalSymbolPairToInternalSymbolMap_GS.get(new SymbolPair(symbol, suffix));
          return x == null ? symbol : x;
        public SymbolPair getExchangeSpecificStockSymbol(String symbol) {
          SymbolPair sa = internalSymbolToExternalSymbolPairMap_GS.get(symbol);
          return sa == null ? new SymbolPair(symbol, null) : sa;
      NYSE("N", false, '.', OrderTIF.DAY) {
        public String getStandardizedStockSymbol(String symbol, String suffix) {
          String x = externalSymbolPairToInternalSymbolMap_GS.get(new SymbolPair(symbol, suffix));
          return x == null ? symbol : x;
        public SymbolPair getExchangeSpecificStockSymbol(String symbol) {
          SymbolPair sa = internalSymbolToExternalSymbolPairMap_GS.get(symbol);
          return sa == null ? new SymbolPair(symbol, null) : sa;
      ARCA("C", false, '.', OrderTIF.GTD) {
        public String getStandardizedStockSymbol(String symbol, String suffix) {
          String x = externalSymbolPairToInternalSymbolMap_GS.get(new SymbolPair(symbol, suffix));
          return x == null ? symbol : x;
        public SymbolPair getExchangeSpecificStockSymbol(String symbol) {
          SymbolPair sa = internalSymbolToExternalSymbolPairMap_GS.get(symbol);
          return sa == null ? new SymbolPair(symbol, null) : sa;
      public abstract String getStandardizedStockSymbol(String symbol, String suffix);
      public abstract SymbolPair getExchangeSpecificStockSymbol(String symbol);
      private static Map<SymbolPair, String> externalSymbolPairToInternalSymbolMap_GS = new HashMap<SymbolPair, String>();
      private static Map<SymbolPair, String> externalSymbolPairToInternalSymbolMap_ARCA = new HashMap<SymbolPair, String>();
      private static Map<String, SymbolPair> internalSymbolToExternalSymbolPairMap_GS = new HashMap<String, SymbolPair>();
      private static Map<String, SymbolPair> internalSymbolToExternalSymbolPairMap_ARCA = new HashMap<String, SymbolPair>();
      private static Object[] toArrayOutputArray = null;
      static {
        String SQL = null;
        try {
          Connection c = MySQL.connectToMySQL("xxx", "xxx", "xxx", "xxx");
          Statement stmt = c.createStatement();
          ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL);
          while ( {
            String symbol = rs.getString("symbol");
            if (rs.getString("ARCASYMBOL") != null) {
              if (!symbol.equals(rs.getString("ARCASYMBOL")) || rs.getString("ARCASYMBOLSUFFIX") != null) {
                String suffix = rs.getString("ARCASYMBOLSUFFIX");
                SymbolPair sp = new SymbolPair(rs.getString("ARCASYMBOL"), suffix);
                internalSymbolToExternalSymbolPairMap_ARCA.put(symbol, sp);
                externalSymbolPairToInternalSymbolMap_ARCA.put(sp, symbol);
        } catch (Exception e) {
      static {
      static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OrderExchange.class);
      private static HashMap<String, OrderExchange> symbolToDestination = new HashMap<String, OrderExchange>();
      private final String tag100;
      private final boolean usesSymbolSuffixTag;
      private final char symbolSuffixSeparator;
      private final OrderTIF defaultTif;
      private static final String soh = new String(new char[] { '\u0001' });
      private OrderExchange(String tag100, boolean usesSymbolSuffixTag, char symbolSuffixSeparator, OrderTIF defaultTif) {
        this.tag100 = tag100;
        this.defaultTif = defaultTif;
        this.usesSymbolSuffixTag = usesSymbolSuffixTag;
        this.symbolSuffixSeparator = symbolSuffixSeparator;
      public OrderTIF getDefaultTif() {
        return defaultTif;
      public String getTag100() {
        return tag100;
      public char getSymbolSuffixSeparator() {
        return symbolSuffixSeparator;
      public static OrderExchange getOrderExchangeByExchangeName(String name) {
        for (OrderExchange d : OrderExchange.values()) {
          if (d.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(name.trim())) {
            return d;
        return null;

    Hi Andrew
    The only way to serialize object, so that they can be used by other languages than Java is to use the Portable Object Format.
    The implementation of this requires you to implement the PortableObject interface in Java. PortableObject defines two methods
    public void readExternal(PofReader reader);
    public void writeExternal(PofWriter writer);
    Also you need to add a POF config file that ties the type to a type id.
    In C++ each type needs two template methods implemented to seralize and deserialize. But first it needs to register the data type with the same type id as for the Java type using the COH_REGISTER_MANAGED_CLASS macro.
    Secondly analogs to Java implement the serializer stubs
    template<> void serialize<Type>(PofWriter::Handle hOut, const Type& type);
    template<> Type deserialize<Type>(PofReader::Handle hIn);
    For C# your serializable types need to implement IPortableObject, with it's two methods:
    void IPortableObject.ReadExternal(IPofReader reader);
    void IPortableObject.WriteExternal(IPofWriter writer);
    Similar to Java C# uses a POF configuration file, the same type id should bind to the corresponding C# type.
    For more information see
    POF Configuation:
    Hope that helps!
    Edited by: Charlie Helin on Apr 30, 2009 12:31 PM

  • I need a quick way for extracting 100's of clips.

    I have 90 min of video that we used for an old show and I need to pull out 100's of 3- 10 second clips and loops for use in another program called Arkaos. What is a good technique for grabbing and exporting quickly?

    Is the video already on your computer in a Quicktime file? Me, I would use MpegStreamclip (free) using in and out points (i and o keys) and export that clip. Fewest clicks, highest quality, quickest. Just put a folder on your desktop for the clips to go to.
    Is the video in already in iMovie HD? You can select that small clip and export making sure you check off the box that says to export only the selected clip. But 100s of clips, that is a lot of selecting and exporting in iMovie HD. IMovie 09 is built for that, but still, the fastest and easiest way that this non-expert knows is to make it into the highest quality quicktime movie I need, and then select and export using Streamclip.
    But iMovie HD experts may differ. Lot of different techniques out there is my guess.

  • Is there a way for me to import movie clips into i movie?

    I am trying to make a small video for my fire department using imovie 09. I have a bunch of video's loaded on my computer but I am unable to import them into imovie. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas?

    See if you can open your videos with QuickTime Player. If they will play in QuickTime Player, click Window/Inspector in QuickTime Player, and let us know what audio and video codecs are in your videos.
    When a video will not import, it either means
    1) that iMovie cannot edit this codec - so the solution is to convert it to a supported codec.
    2) that it is a supported codec, but contains extra tracks like chapters, closed captioning, etc, that iMovie cannot edit. The solution is to delete these extra tracks.

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    My pinned tab for Firefox 4, for Window 7 keeps creating new windows when I click it. When it never used to. Why is it making another window when I already have a tab at the bottom?

    Hmmm, mine stack up over the pinned icon as you would expect (Win7Pro x64). Is there anything special about the way you're starting up Firefox? Security sandbox? Using any command-line switches?

  • I came up with a way to increase the bottom line and increase public opinion of Verizon.

    When the Verizon customer service staff read script to customers all day, they know all the details... all the small details.  The average user does not.   Some people use Verizon email for important email, and then other email accounts for less important messages.  There should be an option to pay a fee if the average user does not see any reason that Verizon would turn off email.  Other companies have email.
    Look at the ads for the Discover card in the subway.  They read - Discover IT is New, IT is Different, IT is Human.  Talk to a real person anytime you want.  It will change the way you feel about ________.
    What if Verizon changed.  What if all the staff of Verizon, knowing that their Midyear reviews are coming suggested change.  What if they could say "I came up with a multi-million dollar way to increase revenue."  I came up with a way to increase the bottom line and increase public opinion of Verizon.
    Give the customer a choice to pay $200 for a one time transfer of email.  Then Verizon is a hero and makes money too.  Multipy $200 by the number of people who had to give up internet this month and that number has to be big!  Put that message on your midyear review.  Nobody can tell where it came from.  They will only know that you are trying to think of ways to increase the bottom line.  Who knows... maybe there will be a raise in it for you!  Good luck.

    Oh yes, this is great – At last, I can see what I’m trying to do at least.  Appreciate your input so rapidly.  I jump on the link so rapidly that I failed to notice if there might be a set half this much.  I might be able to see it half this much increase like 100% instead of 200%?  Oh don’t get me wrong.  I’m not complaining, was just wondering – what if…

  • HT4623 i just bought an iPad from a friend. I think is generation 1 or 2 not sure where to look for this. Bottom line, I would like to update it to iOS7. Is this possible?  It does not have the option for software update.

    i just bought an iPad from a friend. I think is generation 1 or 2 not sure where to look for this. Bottom line, I would like to update it to iOS7. Is this possible?  It does not have the option for software update.

    Identify Your iPad
    If you have an iPad 1, the max iOS is 5.1.1. For newer iPads, the current iOS is 7.0.4. The Settings>General>Software Update only appears if you have iOS 5.0 or higher currently installed.
    You can no longer update to iOS 6.x, or down grade the iOS.
    iOS 5: Updating your device to iOS 5 or Later
    How to install iOS 6
    iOS: How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    If you are currently running an iOS lower than 5.0, connect the iPad to the computer, open iTunes. Then select the iPad under the Devices heading on the left, click on the Summary tab and then click on Check for Update.
    Tip - If connected to your computer, you may need to disable your firewall and antivirus software temporarily.  Then download and install the iOS update. Be sure and backup your iPad before the iOS update. After you update an iPad (except iPad 1) to iOS 6.x, the next update can be installed via wifi (i.e., not connected to your computer).
    Tip 2 - If you're updating via wifi, place your iPad close to your router to preclude getting a corrupted download.
    How to Upgrade to iOS 7
    The iOS 7.0 update requires around 2.5 GB of storage space, so if your iPad is almost full, you may need to clear up some space. You can check your available space in Settings -> General -> Usage.
    There are two ways to upgrade to iOS 7: You can use your Wi-Fi connection, or you can connect your iPad to your PC and update through iTunes. We'll go over each method.
    To upgrade using Wi-Fi:
    Note: If your iPad's battery is under 50%, you will want to plug it into your charger while performing the update.
    Go into the iPad's Settings.
    Locate and tap "General" from the menu on the left.
    The second option from the top is "Software Update". Tap this to move into the update settings.
    Tap "Download and Install". This will start the upgrade, which will take several minutes and will reboot your iPad during the process. If the Download and Install button is grayed out, trying clearing up some space. The space required by the update is mostly temporary, so you should gain most of it back after iOS 7 is installed.
    Once the update is installed, you may have to run through the initial steps of setting up your iPad again. This is to account for new features and settings.
    To upgrade using iTunes:
    First, connect your iPad to your PC or Mac using the cable provided when you purchased your device. This will allow iTunes to communicate with your iPad.
    You will also need the latest version of iTunes. Don't worry, you will be prompted to download the latest version when you launch iTunes. Once it installs, you may be asked to setup iCloud by logging into your iTunes account. If you have a Mac, you may be prompted on whether or not you want to enable the Find my Mac feature.
    Now you are ready to begin the process:
    If you upgraded iTunes earlier, go ahead and launch it. (For many, it will launch automatically when you plug in your iPad.)
    Once iTunes is launched, it should automatically detect that a new version of the operating system exists and prompt you to upgrade to it. Choose Cancel. Before updating, you will want to manually sync your iPad to make sure everything is up to date.
    After canceling the dialog box, iTunes should automatically sync with your iPad.
    If iTunes doesn't automatically sync, you can manually do it by selecting your iPad within iTunes, clicking on the File menu and choosing Sync iPad from the list.
    After your iPad has been synced to iTunes, select your iPad within iTunes. You can find it on the left side menu under Devices.
    From the iPad screen, click on the Update button.
    After verifying that you want to update your iPad, the process will begin. It takes a few minutes to update the operating system during which time your iPad may reboot a few times.
    After updating, you may be asked a few questions when your device finally boots back up. This is to account for new settings and features.
     Cheers, Tom

  • I have one apple ID for multiple devices in my family.  I'd like to keep it that way for itunes/app purchases.  I would like a simple step 1, step 2, step 3 response on what I need to do to separate all other features like imessage, contacts, emails, etc.

    I have one apple ID for multiple devices in my family.  I'd like to keep it that way for itunes/app purchases.  I would like a simple step 1, step 2, step 3 response on what I need to do to separate all other features like imessage, contacts, emails, etc.
    I have been reasearching how to do this on the internet, but I haven't found an easy explanation yet.  My family is going crazy over each others imessages being sent to others in the family and not being able to use FaceTime because of conflicting email addresses.  I have read that if each person gets their own iCloud account, this would work.  However, I need to know what to do after I set everyone up with their own iCloud account.  Do I make that the default email address to be contacted or can they still use their hotmail email addresses.  Any help- with easy explanation- would be much appreciated!!

    We do this in my family now.  We have one account for purchases, so it is used to share music and apps (I think that is in Settings/iTunes & App Stores).  Each iDevice has this configured.
    Then, each of us has our own iCloud account that is configured under Settings/iCloud.  That then allows us to have our own Mail/Contacts/Calendars/Reminders/Safari Bookmarks/Notes/Passbook/Photo Stream/Documents & Data/Find My iPhone/and Backup.  That Backup piece is pretty sweet and comes in handly if you replace your iDevice.  You can just restore from it.
    So we all share the Apple Store account but we all have our own iCloud accounts to keep the rest seperate or things like you mentioned are a nightmare.
    In answer to what iCloud does for you:
    Think of it as an internet based ("cloud") area for all of those items listed in my response.  What you need to remember is photo stream only maintans the last 1000 pictures so don't count it as a complete backup solution for your pictures.  Even though I rarely sync with a computer these days, I do still try to sync my phone with iPhoto (I have an iMac) so that I have copies of all of my pictures.  1000 may not stretch as far as it sounds.
    Message was edited by: Michael Pardee

  • TS2755 I have 3 phones on one Icloud account. It has been this way for over a year with no issues. After and update on of the lines started getting text messages from all 3 phones. We fixed the send and receive and it was fixed. It is doing it again.

    I have 3 phones on one Icloud account. They have been this way for over a year. After an update last week one of the phones started getting messages for all of the other lines. We fixed this under the send and receive under settings. It was fine for a few days. Suddenly it started happening again. Yesterday after two hours on the phone I changed my apple id and it is still happening. Before that Verizon had told me to turn off my imessage when that happened I could not get any texts at all from other Iphone users.

    Make 3 different iCloud accounts and use ONLY for iMessage.   That will permanently fix your issue.

  • What is the best way to create a SSRS 2005 Line Chart Report for a 12 month period?

    I'm looking for advice on how to create a SQL Server 2005 query and line chart report for SSRS 2005.
    I need to display the peak number of patients assigned to a medical practice each month for a 12 month period based on the end-user selecting a
    single month and year.
    I've previously created a report that displays all patients assigned to the practice for any single month but I’m looking for advice on how to
    how to produce a resultset that shows the peak number of patients each month for a 12 month period. I thought about creating a query that returns the peak count for each month (based on my previously created report which displays all patients assigned to the
    practice for any single month) and then use a UNION statement to join all 12 months but I'm sure that isn't the most efficient way to do this. The other challenge with this approach (twelve resultsets combined via a UNION) is that the end-user needs to be
    able to select any month and year for the parameter and the report needs to display the 12 month period based on the month selected (the month selected would be the last month of the 12 month period).
    For the report I’ve previously created that displays all patients assigned to the practice for any single month, the WHERE statement filters the
    resultset on two fields:
    Start Date - The date the patient was assigned to the practice. This field is never null or blank.
    End Date - The date the patient left the practice. This field can be null or blank as active patients assigned to the practice do not have an End Date. When the patient
    leaves the practice, the date the patient left is populated in this field.
    Using these two fields I can return all patients assigned to the practice during Nov 2012 by looking for patients that meet the following criteria:
    start date prior to 11/30/2012 (using the last day of the month selected ensures patients added mid-month would be included)
    end date is null or blank (indicates the patient is active) OR the end date is between 11/1/2012 -11/30/2012 (returns patients that leave during the month
    Regarding the query I need to create for the report that displays the peak count each month for 12 months, I'm looking for advice on
    how to count patients for each month the patient is assigned to the practice if the patient has been assigned for several months (which applies to most patients). Examples are:
    John Doe has a start date of 6/01/2012 and an End Date of 10/07/2012
    Sally Doe has a start date of 8/4/2012 and no End Date (the patient is still active)
    Jimmy Doe has a  start of 7/3/2012 and an End Date of 9/2/2012
    Given these examples how would I include John Doe in the peak monthly count each month for May - October, Sally Doe in the peak monthly count for
    August - December and Jimmy Doe in the peak monthly count for July – Sept if the end-user running the report selected December 2012 as the parameter?
    Given the example above and the fact I'm creating a line chart I think the best way to create this report would be a resultset that looks like
    Patient Name              
    Months Assigned
    John Doe
    June 2012
    John Doe                     
    John Doe                     
    Aug 2012
    John Doe                     
    Sept 2012
    John Doe
    Oct 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Aug 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Sept 2012
    Sally Doe
    Oct 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Nov 2012
    Sally Doe
    Dec 2012
    Jimmy Doe                  
    July 2012
    Jimmy Doe
    Aug 2012
    Jimmy Doe
    Sept 2012
    From the resultset above I could create another resultset that would count\group on month and year to return the peak count for each month:
    June 2012 - 1
    July 2012 – 2
    Aug 2012 - 3
    Sept 2012 - 3
    Oct 2012 - 2
    Nov 2012 - 1
    Dec 2012 - 1
    The resultset that displays the peak count for each month would be used to create the line chart (month would be the X axis and the count would
    be the y axis).
    Does this sound like the best approach?
    If so, any advice on how to create the resultset that lists each patient and each month they were assigned to the practice would be greatly appreciated.
    I do not have permissions to create SPs or Functions within the database but I can create temp tables.
    I know how to create the peak monthly count query (derived from the query that lists each patient and month assigned) as well as the line chart.
    Any advice or help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the replies. I reviewed them shortly after they were submitted but I'm also working on other projects at the same time (hence the delayed reply).
    Building a time table and doing a cross join to my original resultset gave me the desired resultset of the months assigned between dates. What I can't figure out now is how to filter months I don't want. 
    Doing a cross  join between my original resultset that had two dates:
    and a calendar table that has 24 rows (each month for a two year period)
    my new resultset looks like this:
    I need to filter the rows in yellow as the months assigned for stage 3 that started on 8/27/2010 should stop when the patient was assigned to stage 4 on 10/24/2011.
    You'll notice that Jan - Sept 2011 isn't listed for Stage 4 assigned on 10/24/2011 as I included a filter in the WHERE clause that states
    the Months Assigned value must be greater than or equal to the date assigned value.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

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    Hi SAP Gurus
    I need a big favour, I am trying to map serach string with internal order, my search string is MV-38610573 which I have mapped with posting rule 'GENT' which  debits bank account and credit revanue accounts but this revanue account requires assignment with internal order, so I have created another 3 search string with same search string 'MV-38610573' and mapped with BSEG-ASUFNR,60000LC ( internal order),3 (bdc account type) respectively, also maintained three entries in search string use which is for BDC FIELD NAME1, BDC FIELD VALUE 1 & BDC ACCOUNT TYPE 1,
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