BPEL - For Each

I need to do a for each on the repetitive part of the xml in BPEL, since there is no for - each in this version..any idea on how to achieve this

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  • For Each example using XSLT in BPEL

    I need a sample How to use For Each in BPEL using XSLT. Like I am getting an array and need to iterate the target XSD accordingly.

    start reading this:
    after that read this:

  • Xsl for-each  not working in BPEL

    My input xml would contain the attribute @SourceModified at many places. In a xsl, for each occurence of that attribute I need to assign a set of values and then invoke a partnerlink.
    My code is
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="//@SourceModified">
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(..)"/>
    Say if my input xml has the @SourceModified at 3 places, 3 different sets of values should get assigned to
    When I test the xsl in jdeveloper, i can see <db:InputParameters> coming 3 times. But when I deploy and test the BPEL process, only for the first occurence of @SourceModified, <db:InputParameters> is getting assigned in the transform.
    Please let me know how to fix this.

    I am sending multiple @SourceModified elements. Also, i could not see any <list><db:InputParameters></list>.
    Only 1 set of value for <db:InputParameters> is getting assigned.
    I achieved the requirement in another way.
    1. counted the occurence of @SourceModified using ora:countNodes & assigned a variable count = 0
    Inside a while loop, while count<ora:countNodes(@SourceModified)
    1. i tempCountVar = count + 1
    2. pass the tempCount variable to my xsl using passing parameters to xsd.
    3. Inside the xsl, add a if condition
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="//@SourceModified">
    *<xsl:if test select="position() = tempCountVar>*
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(..)"/>
    4. increment the count
    This worked for me. I am able to get different values of <db:InputParameters>

  • How to use For-Each Structure with Multiple node XML structure

      How to use for-each (BPEL 2.0) construct for Multinode XML structure.
    Here is the easy case: I have list of suppliers specified by supplier
    Now there is a web service http://hostname/getsupplierdetails/wsdl which accepts one supplier at a time.
    reponse object is
    <message> notfound/found </message>
    But how can I use for each of XML node to call this service and collect the result like
            <message> not found</message>
            <message> not found</message>

    For looping you use foreach loop and , loop for the number of occurences and when constructing response, adding a new element you have to use bpelx:append.  Good sample at Enterprise Integration: Oracle SOA Suite 11g: Populating a list or an array in BPEL without using XSLT.

  • How to use 'for-each' in transform

    I have created a BPEL process which transforms '.csv' to '.xml'
    The input .csv looks like this
    2,01011030,J100246,00051779J1002460903,30032008,46.20,LUTON PRIME
    2,01011030,J100246,00051779J1002461603,30032008,46.20,LUTON PRIME
    2,01011030,J100246,00051779J1002462303,30032008,46.20,LUTON PRIME
    so the line which starts with '1' is the header
    the line which starts with '2' is the voucher
    the line which starts with '3' is the detail
    and the input.xsd file looks like this
    <xsd:element name="Root-Element">
    <xsd:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" nxsd:choiceCondition="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy=",">
    <xsd:element name="Header" nxsd:conditionValue="1">
    <xsd:element name="Voucher" nxsd:conditionValue="2">
    <xsd:element name="Detail" nxsd:conditionValue="3">
    I am facing problem when I use transform activity and transform this input .csv to .xml file having i/p and o/p xsd as same type of xsds.
    Using for-each on Root-element copies the entire i/p and using for-each on Individual elements does loop individually.
    Can anyone please help me

    Can you explain in detail, where exactly your stucked?

  • XSLT construct "for each" not working in transformation

    Hi everyone I am using for each inside a transformation it was working fine until added parameters.After included parameters "for each" is not happening the db is invoked only once even if there are muliple nodes.
    can anyone help me on this issue. How to perform for each if paramaters are included

    This is the transform I am using the element used for for each is of unbounded type (typens:getRoutingAndFrameJumpersResponse/typens:oServFrmJmprInfo/typens:oFrmJmpr/typens:item)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <source type="WSDL">
    <schema location="x.wsdl"/>
    <rootElement name="getRoutingAndFrameJumpersResponse" namespace="x.NetworkInstallations"/>
    <target type="XSD">
    <schema location="IROBO_PR_UPDATE_INSERT_JUMPER_INFO.xsd"/>
    <rootElement name="InputParameters" namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/IROBO/PR_UPDATE_INSERT_JUMPER_INFO/"/>
    <!-- GENERATED BY ORACLE XSL MAPPER 070615.0525) AT [TUE MAY 19 09:16:31 GMT+05:30 2009]. -->
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
    exclude-result-prefixes="xsl wsdl typens ns0 soap wsdlns db bpws ehdr hwf xp20 xref ora ids orcl">
    <xsl:param name="MigrationId"/>
    <xsl:param name="LineNumber"/>
    <xsl:param name="DN"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select=*"/typens:getRoutingAndFrameJumpersResponse/typens:oServFrmJmprInfo/typens:oFrmJmpr/typens:item"*>
    <xsl:value-of select="$MigrationId"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="$DN"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="typens:frameTermID1"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="typens:reformattedTermID1"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="typens:locationIn"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="typens:frameTermID2"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="typens:reformattedTermID2"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="typens:locationOut"/>
    <xsl:value-of select='substring-after(../../../typens:e2EData,"q=")'/>
    <xsl:value-of select="position()"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="$LineNumber"/>

  • Last() not returning correct value within for-each-group

    I've found inconsistent results between JDeveloper and SOA Suite using the xslt 2.0 for-each-group construct.
    &lt;xsl:for-each-group select="Po/PoLine" group-by="itemId"&gt;
    &lt;xsl:if test="position()=1"&gt;
    &lt;xsl:value-of select="last()"/&gt;
    What I expect is the function last() to give me the number of groups which is the unique number of itemIds.
    In JDeveloper, testing this construct gives me what I expect.
    At run-time (deployed to SOA Suite), the value returned is the total number of records, not the number of groups.
    For example, given the following XML
    Grouping by <strong>itemId</strong>, last() should return 2 as there are two groups (001 and 002). JDeveloper does this.
    When deployed to SOA Suite, last() returns 3.
    Any ideas?

    if JDeveloper is doing the right thing then this issue should be reported to the SOA Suite forum or BPEL BPEL , what do you think ?

  • OSB:Publish to business service with for each in osb proxy message flow

    I have an external application that will make a call to my web-service and post a message to my queue "A" and i need to model my osb component such that it picks the message from that queue " A"and posts it to another queue "B". All this is done without any BPEL involved.
    for publishing the message i have created a business service that publishes a msg to the queue A and my proxy service is modelled such that it subscribes to this same queue A and publishes the msg to another business service (that posts it to a queue B).
    Everything is working fine but i have an issue in modelling my proxy message flow. If an external application sends a bulk msg i need to post the message one by one to my queue B. I have used for-each and Publish to BS but the msg doesn't get posted one by one. i know i am missing something please help me out.
    SOA Suite Version -

    Are you sure that your for-each definition is correct? Does the flow within the for-each get executed multiple times?
    You can check this by logging the variable to which you assign the message in the for-each. Don't forget to put the log level to Error, so you're sure that it's logged.
    Let's say you get a list of persons like the following xml in a variable personList
    Your for-each definition should be the following.
    For each variable: person
    XPath: +./Person+
    In Variable: personList
    You don't mention the Persons element in the XPath expression since it is the root element of the XML. The root element is represented by . (dot).
    In the for-each, the variable person can be used like any other variable.

  • Lookup Data For Each Record of Result Set

    I'm trying to determine if the following task is possible in BPEL and how to implement it.
    Assume I have two DB Adapters returning data from two different databases.
    The first excepts no inputs returns 5 records in a collection looking somewhat like the following.
    Order ID, Item ID
    1, 2
    2, 1
    3, 1
    4, 2
    5, 3
    The second accepts an Item ID as input and returns the description for that item.
    I would like the output of the BPEL Process to look like this.
    Order ID, Item ID, Item Desc
    1, 2, Computer
    2, 1, Desk
    3, 1, Desk
    4, 2, Computer
    5, 3, Lamp
    I'm new to BPEL and I'm assuming this will involve invoking the first db adapter link and then iterator through the result set calling the second db adapter link for each record but I'm not sure where to start. I'm hoping someone can give me a simple example that I can play with. I've looked at How to iterate through multiple records read from a file adapter? and How to pass a single element in an array to XSL from BPEL but I'm getting lost.

    I just got it working in the BPEL for-each loop by creating a variable of type Order which I then assigned the results from that loop and then appended them to my output variable. I'd be interested in seeing how I could do that within a transformation if its quicker. How do I append in a transformation so that I can add the row after each loop.
    Here is the BPEL so far.
    I will note that I think just fetching a complete copy of both data sources and merging wouldn't be ideal as my items table could contain a million records or more and I'm only wanting to fetch the ones I'm interested in.
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
      Oracle JDeveloper BPEL Designer
      Created: Thu Dec 19 10:16:29 CST 2013
      Author:  shawn.c.weeks.ctr
      Type: BPEL 2.0 Process
      Purpose: Synchronous BPEL Process
    <process name="Lookup_Orders"
        <import namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Order_Lookup/Sales_System/Lookup_Orders" location="Lookup_Orders.wsdl" importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"/>
            List of services participating in this BPEL process              
          The 'client' role represents the requester of this service. It is
          used for callback. The location and correlation information associated
          with the client role are automatically set using WS-Addressing.
        <partnerLink name="lookup_orders_client" partnerLinkType="client:Lookup_Orders" myRole="Lookup_OrdersProvider"/>
        <partnerLink name="get_orders" partnerLinkType="ns1:get_orders_plt"
        <partnerLink name="get_items" partnerLinkType="ns4:get_items_plt"
          List of messages and XML documents used within this BPEL process
        <!-- Reference to the message passed as input during initiation -->
        <variable name="inputVariable" messageType="client:Lookup_OrdersRequestMessage"/>
        <!-- Reference to the message that will be returned to the requester-->
        <variable name="outputVariable" messageType="client:Lookup_OrdersResponseMessage"/>
        <variable name="Invoke1_get_ordersSelect_InputVariable"
        <variable name="Invoke1_get_ordersSelect_OutputVariable"
        <variable name="Invoke2_get_itemsSelect_InputVariable"
        <variable name="Invoke2_get_itemsSelect_OutputVariable"
        <variable name="Output_Row" element="ns2:OrderCollection"/>
         ORCHESTRATION LOGIC                                              
         Set of activities coordinating the flow of messages across the   
         services integrated within this business process                 
      <sequence name="main">
        <!-- Receive input from requestor. (Note: This maps to operation defined in Lookup_Orders.wsdl) -->
        <receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="lookup_orders_client" portType="client:Lookup_Orders" operation="process" variable="inputVariable" createInstance="yes"/>
        <!-- Generate reply to synchronous request -->
        <invoke name="Invoke1" bpelx:invokeAsDetail="no" partnerLink="get_orders"
                portType="ns1:get_orders_ptt" operation="get_ordersSelect"
        <forEach parallel="no" counterName="ForEach1Counter" name="ForEach1">
          <scope name="Scope1">
            <sequence name="Sequence1">
              <assign name="Assign2">
              <invoke name="Invoke2" bpelx:invokeAsDetail="no"
                      partnerLink="get_items" portType="ns4:get_items_ptt"
              <assign name="Assign3">
              <assign name="Assign4">
        <reply name="replyOutput" partnerLink="lookup_orders_client" portType="client:Lookup_Orders" operation="process" variable="outputVariable"/>

  • XML INVOICE Report RAXINV, Taxline is repeating for each invoice line

    Hi Tim
    Thanks a lot for your blog
    Greeting !!
    I have successfully created XML report for AR invoice Printing learning from your blog but stuck to a problem , whenever Invoice is having multiple lines ,say 20, then for each invoice line there is tax line printing 20 times like this:
    A123 | 34 WELD-ROD | 52 | 22 |
    Tax Exempt @ 0.00
    A234 | 238-AL WIER | 63 | 55 |
    Tax Exempt @ 0.00
    ........ Assume there are 20 lines then tax line also repeating 20 times which i don't want .It should get printed only once if it is same
    pls help me to achieve this

    Thanks Tim for Your Instant reply.
    I have gone through your duplicate line elimination but my requirement is not this
    I'll explain it, I am using LINE_DESCRIPTION tag for printing item description and this tag have two value for it, when the LINE_TYPE =LINE then LINE_DESCRIPTION tag is printing the line description and if LINE_TYPE =TAX
    then LINE_DESCRIPTION tag is printing the taxline information. Now if I have 20 lines in Invoice then the tax line will also repeat for 20 times, and if i use duplicate line elimination logic and I have same item it'll not print that item, some times whole invoice become blank.
    So I want to print 20 lines and out of that 15 lines are have same tax rate then it should print once at the end of 15th line and for remaining 5 lines if tax rate is different for each line then it should print at the end of each line (5lines)
    In the linetreevariable i used <xsl:variable xdofo:ctx="incontext" name="invLines" select=".//G_LINES [LINE_TYPE!='FREIGHT']"/> i.e. I want only line type=LINE and TAX

  • How can I open another iCloud account for each devices with the same apple id

    my family has 2 iPhones 1 iPad 1 Macbook and 1 iMac. I had all the devices set up with one iCloud under 1 Apple ID. Now things are getting so mixed up with pictures, videos, calendar, notes and reminders etc. 1 iPhone is also unable to sync due to not having enough storage for all our devices. Someone from Genius Bar said we can have iCloud for each device under 1 Apple ID. I backed up all pics. videos notes important docs to my iMac and MacBook then I turned off all iCloud in all of the devices now I need help to create a new iCloud account at least for my 3 mobile devices to end all the confusion. every time I try to click the button "set up iCloud on this device" I always go back to apple site with step by step by step instruction but I keep going around in a loop. Please help

    I'm not sure what they told your at the Apple store, but each Apple ID can only create a single iCloud account.  If you want separate accounts for all these devices, they will have to be created using separate IDs.  Note: you can do this and still share the same ID for other services such as your iTunes store account.  The iCloud ID does not need to be the same as the ID used for other services.
    To create an account, go to Settings>iCloud and sign in with a different Apple ID.  If you want to migrate a copy of the current iCloud data to the different accounts, start by saving any photo stream photos that you want to keep to your camera roll (unless already there) by opening your my photo stream album, tapping Select, tapping the photos, tap the share icon (box with upward facing arrow), then tapping Save to Camera Roll.  If you are syncing notes with iCloud that you want to keep, you'll need to open each of your notes and email them to yourself so you can later copy and paste the text into new notes created in your new account.  Then go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account (which only deletes it from this device, not from iCloud; the devices keeping the current account will not be effected by this), provide the password to turn off Find My iDevice and choose Keep on My iDevice when prompted.  Then sign back in with a different Apple ID to create your new account and choose Merge to upload your data.

  • HT204053 I have one apple ID that my entire family has been using.  How do I create new apple ID's for each of us and move the appropriate content to each new ID from the original apple ID now that we all have our own devices?

    I have been using one apple ID for 4 family members.  Up until now it hasn't been a problem but now that we all have our own devices how do I create new apple ID's for each of us and them move the approprioate things from the original apple ID account to the new ones for each of us?

    stuartx4 wrote:
    Thanks Csound1, wish I have seperated everything from the beginning but when your kids are little and start buying music etc it just didn't seem like an issue.
    That has a familiar ring to it

  • My family has multiple iOS devices, all with 1 Apple ID. With iCloud coming, should I create separate Apple IDs for each member of my family?

    Between my family, we have 2 iPhones, multiple computers, iPads, and an Apple TV ALL tied in to the same Apple ID (the one I created when I got my first device). With iCloud coming, I wanted to know if I need to create separate Apple IDs for each family member (for emails, contacts, calendars, etc.). For instance, I would like to share certain contacts and a calendar with only my wife, all media between all family members, and have home sharing so that I can play/stream content on my Apple TV. Will there be a way to have multiple and distinct me.com accounts and yet share the same Apple ID?
    Apologies for being verbose — just wanted to give ample info/background.

    I happened to stop at the Apple store yesterday for a separate issue and had a discussion about iCloud. Seems like this is how iCloud works (also, there's another thread on this forum that explains it well).
    Each member of the family can have their own iCloud ID, which will be used for Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Apps, Bookmarks, Media, Photos, etc. and having this content synced automatically with a Mac (computer). The iCloud IDs work in tandem with the associated Apple ID — so while you cannot have multiple Apple IDs, you can certainly have multiple iCloud IDs tagged with a certain Apple ID.
    While all this makes sense from the iOS device standpoint, I'm unclear on how things will sync with a Mac computer, especially if the family uses a single iMac with multiple login IDs for various members. For instance, I currently have an iMac and iTunes content resides in my Public folder, which my wife can still access when she logs in with her login ID. I'm guessing that I'll be able to set up her iCloud ID using her login, set up my iCloud ID using my login, while both our iMac logins will retain the same Apple ID. This would take care of syncing Photos, Contacts, Calendars, etc.
    Another (not sure if unique) problem I face is our Address Book — right now, we have one GIANT address book with different groups set up. Certain groups sync to her iPhone, while others to mine. Some contacts are common between both of us. I'm hoping that if she/I updates a common contact, then the change will be reflected in both our groups of contacts. I hope this makes sense — for instance, I update a contact named Joe, and he's on my group of contacts in my iPhone. Hope iCloud updates the master contact card for Joe on the iMac, which would then automatically trigger the update on my wife's group of contacts—that Joe also belongs to— leading to an update on her iOS device as well.
    Apologies for the lengthy response..

  • How to create one primary key for each vendor

    Hi all
    i am doing IDOC to jdbc scenario
    i am triggering idoc from R/3 and the data is going into DB table vendor through XI.
    structures are as follows:
    sender side: ZVendorIdoc (this is a customized IDOC , if i triger IDOC for multiple vendors then it triggers only 1 idoc with multiple segment )
    Receiver side:
                action UPDATE_INSERT
                access                     1:unbounded
                    cVendorName         1
                    cVendorCode        1
                    fromdate                1
                    todate                    1
                    cVendorName         1
    if i trigger idoc for multiple vendors ,for example vendor 2005,2006 and 2010 . then i can see that the only key comes from the very first field (2005) and the whole record for vendor 2005,2006 and 2010  goes into the table with this(2005) as a primary key
    now again if i send data for these three vendor 2005, 2006 , 2010, in which record for the vendor 2005 is same and for 2006 and 2010 are different than it takes 2005 as a primary key and it does not update the data in the table.
    my requirement is like this:   for each vendor there should be one unique key assigned.
                                              for above said example there should come three keys one for each vendor .
    could you please help me how to do this???????????

      In Mapping Make the statement is 0-unbounded.For each vendor create a statement.This will solve your problem.

  • If you registrate one Apple ID for each iPhone/iPad, you'll get 5GB on iCloud for each Apple ID, right? I have two iPhones and one iPad  with the same Apple ID, why can't I get 5 GB fo each of them?

    If you registrate one Apple ID for each iPhone/iPad, you'll get 5GB on iCloud for each Apple ID, right? I have two iPhones and one iPad  with the same Apple ID, why can't I get 5 GB fo each of them?

    Actually, everyone missed one point, when a device is priced, the cost of icloud storage space for that device is also included in it that is why they are able to give you 5gb each for each user ID, in nutshell there is nothing free coming with apple device purchase, it is paid for.  What they are trying by giving only 5gb per user ID irrespective of the number of devices used is pure broadlight looting, they take money from you when you buy each device and give you nothing, This is a case of goods and services bought but not fully deliverd ie apple can be suied for discreminatory treatment towards it's users. I wonder why no one tried this yet in America where everyone sue everyone for petty things..... there is no one to take up this issue? . if tim got any love for the guys who shell out money for the devices his company makes, he should be implimenting this as priority before someone wake up from sleep and sue him.

Maybe you are looking for