Broadcast Event to all objects

I'd like to broadcast an event to all loaded modules. If I
understand bubbling correctly events can bubble up, but not across.
Lets say that a user logs out of the application. How do I pass
this "event" to all loaded modules.

When in doubt, I use the system's root "dispatchEvent and
Here's an example:
SystemManager.getSWFRoot(this).dispatchEvent( new
ModulesEvent( ModulesEvent.MODULE_DATA_EVENT) );
onDataArrival, false, int.MAX_VALUE);

Similar Messages

  • Broadcast events between classes (objects)

    I'm can't figure out how to broadcast an event to another
    In actionscript 2 I created 2 classes. The first class called
    the second class to load a file from an url. When the file was
    loaded I used dispatchEvent({type: "fileLoaded", target: this,
    filename: sFilename})
    In the first I simply wrote addEventListener("fileLoaded",
    But with AS3 this no longer works.
    Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this? Because I can't
    find a clear example and I don't know how to do this.

    In the defintion of your custom event I miss the isEnabled
    part (don't know if that has anything to do with the issue though).
    Below a custom event that works for me
    package Components {
    public class ZoomEvent extends Event
    public var isEnabled:Boolean;
    public static const ZOOM:String = 'zoom';
    public var vertical:Boolean = true;
    public var minvalue:Number = 0;
    public var maxvalue:Number = 0;
    public var zoomfactor:Number = 0;
    public function ZoomEvent(type:String,
    isEnabled:Boolean=false) {
    this.isEnabled = isEnabled;
    public override function clone():Event {
    return new ZoomEvent(type, isEnabled);
    Furthermore I have somewhere read in the documentation that
    using custom event should go together with adding an embedded
    statement like: [Event(name="update",
    type="Components.UpdateEvent")] in the class where you use the
    event, but for me it also works without this embedding code (???)
    And is your class XMLData a subclass from a class that
    supports dispatchEvent. I do not know what classes support
    dispatchEvent, maybe all. Then this remark makes no sense.
    Good Lcuk

  • AS3 - 1) Countdown Timer to the designated Date for Live-Broadcast-Event yet to take place; 2) Detect End of Live Stream on FLVPlayback with FLVPlayback.isLive = true - ActionScript 3 - flash cs3 cs4

    Hi folks,
    Ronny's here again on forums, having particularly 2 (two) questions/problems to resolve:
    1) Countdown Timer to the designated Date for Live-Broadcast-Event yet to take place
    2) Detect End of Live Stream on FLVPlayback with FLVPlayback.isLive = true
    attached is the .zip file (as3_Countdown Timer_ver 1.0.1_by Ronny with all flash source files containing:
    a) The FLash Source (file: timer_module.fla) - (FLA flash source file - Flash CS3 Professional, Flash Player 9, actionscript 3.0)
    b) com.othenticmedia.utils.dateAndTimeManagement package including 2 .as actionscript 3.0 Class files.
           i) com.othenticmedia.utils.dateAndTimeManagement.DateAndTimeManager Class in the said package. (file:
           ii) com.othenticmedia.utils.dateAndTimeManagement.CountdownTimer Class in the package. (file:
    c) The compiled SWF file version of this Application's blueprint. (file: timer_module.swf).
    What i need to confirm is: ........................................................ see the next post of mine. (for Problems  need to be Resolved)

    Problems to Resolve:
    Problem#1) - Countdown Timer to the designated Date for Live-Broadcast-Event yet to take place.
    Problem#2) - Detect End of Live Stream on FLVPlayback with FLVPlayback.isLive = true;
    Problem#1 Description:
    I need to pinpoint the Logical TimeSync Exception, i am still unable to figure out. That is I'm using a webservice in my Application to Synchronize the Time with the actual ET (eastern time) with accomodation of auto-adjustment for EDT GMT-4 (eastern daylight time) & EST GMT-5 (eastern standard time), times. I am using the zipcode: "10012" to pass it to the Web Service in urlRequest object, to retrieve the Current ET eastern time according to EDT & EST time settings for Manhattan/Brooklyn areas or others within  New York, NY 10012.
    Currently the Web Service is returning accurate date/time based on local EDT GMT-4 daylight time.
    Is there some defined set of dates for EDT & EST times for New York region that I can check for to ensure the correct Dates/Times for Eastern Time in New York area ??? I am using NY zipcodes because i am sure to get correct ET values.
    The Major Problem Part: is I need to correct the time by 2 seconds or approx. 2 secs, some millisecs.
    When I retrieve the Time Value from WebService, it lags behind for 2 seconds as compared to DateObj i create using computer's local time, on my Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Automatic Updates turned-on. And I'm sure about my Windows will be having latest updates for Time Management already installed. I also added the 2 secs. to the TimeSync(ed) Date to make correction to this Date obj.
    I call my custom fucntion addSeconds(dateObj:Date, secs:int) to add 2 seconds to the Date by Converting Seconds to Milliseconds.
    Please comb through the as code in files attached and Help Me Out !!!
    Problem#2 Description:
    Secondly I need to Detect the End of Stream state while using FLVPlayback component, an rtmp:// live Stream from FLASH MEDIA SERVER.
    I need to Play a YuMe Post-Roll Ad when Steam Finishes/Ends.
    Live Broadcast Stream Event starts every night on Wednesdays & Saturdays exactly  at 10:59 PM EDT GMT-4.
    Live Events only Streams/Broadcasts the stream for 50secs. exactly. When [playback stopped] it plays a PostRoll Ad and after the CountdownTimer again comes back to life. The Next upcoming Event is calculated & the Countdown begins until Next Event's time/date is reached.
    Here is the  code on the frame 1 on the MainTimeline: (rest of the params like source, volume, skinAutoHide are Set using Property Inspector for FLVPlayback instance on Stage)
    //myStream instance of FLVPlayback is on the Stage
    myStream.isLive = true;// Frame 1 Actions in the FLA
    myStream.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, onEndOfStream);
    myStream.addEventListener(VideoEvent.STATE_CHANGE, onState);
    myStream.addEventListener(String(VideoError.NO_CONNECTION), onStreamError);
    myStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
         trace("tracy: "+myStream.state);
    } else if(myStream.state == VideoState.STOPPED){
         trace("tracy: "+myStream.state);
    function onStreamError(event:VideoError) {
         trace(event.code + "\n\t" + event);
    function onState(event:VideoEvent) {
         trace(event.state + "\n\t" + event.toString());
    function onEndOfStream(event:VideoEvent) {
         trace(event.state + "\n\t" + event.toString());
    function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
         switch ( {
              case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
              case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound":
                   trace("Stream not found: "/* + myStream.source*/);

  • Events in Abap Objects

    What are events. how to create and handle this events.

    By triggering an event, an object or a class announces a change of state, or that a certain state has been achieved.Events link objects or classes more loosely than direct method calls do. Method calls establish precisely when and in which statement sequence the method is called. However, with events, the reaction of the object to the event is determined by the triggering of the event itself.
    Events are most often used in GUI implementations.Other external object models, such as COM, ActiveX Controls etc, also provide events.
    At the moment of implementation, a class defines its instance events (using the statement EVENTS) and static events (using the statement CLASS-EVENTS)
    Classes or their instances that receive a message when an event is triggered at runtime and want to react to this event define event handler methods.
    Every object that has defined events has an internal table: the handler table. All objects that have registered for events are entered in this table together with their event handler methods.Objects that have registered themselves for an event that is still “live” also remain “live”. The methods of these objects are called when the event is triggered, even if they can no longer be reached using main memory references.
    If several objects have registered themselves for an event, then the sequence in which the event handler methods are called is not defined, that is, there is no guaranteed algorithm for the sequence in which the event handler methods are called.
    If a new event handler is registered in an event handler method for an event that has just been triggered, then this event handler is added to the end of the sequence and is then also executed when its turn comes.
    If an existing event handler is deregistered in an event handler method, then this handler is deleted from the event handler method sequence.
    Events are also subject to the visibility concept and can therefore be either public, protected or private. Visibility establishes authorization for event handling :
         all users
         only users within that class or its subclasses
         only users in that class.
    Event handler methods also have visibility characteristics. Event handler methods, however, can only have the same visibility or more restricted visibility than the events they refer to.
    The visibility of event handler methods establishes authorization for SET-HANDLER statements: SET HANDLER statements can be made
         in that class and its subclasses
         only in that class
    Balaji Reddy G
    **Rewards if answers are useful

  • Event Bubbling Custom Object not inheriting from control

    One of the new things flash flex and xaml have are ways which
    the event easily bubbles up to a parent that knows how to handle
    the event. Similar to exceptions travel up until someone catches
    My goal is to use the frameworks event system on custom
    objects. My custom objects are:
    through composition contains:
    SecurityCollection which contains many or no SecurityElements
    FileSystemCollection.cs which contains many or no
    FileSystemElement objects
    ect ect basically defining the following xml file with custom
    <hardwareinterface type="Ethernet">
    <ethernet localipaddress="" localport="5555"
    remoteipaddress="" remoteport="5555" />
    <serial baudrate="115200" port="COM1" />
    <timing type="InternalClock" />
    <add id="location.scriptfiles" value="c:\\" />
    <add id="location.logfiles" value="c:\\" />
    <add id="location.configurationfiles" value="c:\\" />
    <add id="name1" value="secret1" />
    <add id="name2" value="secret2" />
    <logging EnableLogging="true"
    LogApplicationExceptions="true" LogInvalidMessages="true"
    CreateTranscript="true" />
    basically these custom objects abstract the xml details of
    accessing attributes, writing content out of the higher application
    These custom objects hold the application configuration which
    contains the users options. The gui application uses these
    parameters across various windows forms, modal dialog boxes ect.
    The gui has a modal dialog that allows the user to modify these
    parameters during runtime.
    basically i manage: load, store, new, edit, delete of these
    configuration files using my custom objects.
    Where would event propagation help in custom objects like
    described above?
    ConfigurationSingleton.getInstance().ApplicationConfiguration.CommunicationElement.Hardwar eInterfaceElement.EthernetElement.RemoteIPAddress
    The EthernetElement should propagate a changed event up to
    the parent ApplicationConfiguration which would persist this to the
    registry, db, file or whatever backend.
    currently this logic is maintained else where. I serialize
    the root node which compositely serializing the nested nodes and i
    check of the serialization is different from that in the backend
    … This tells me if the dom was modified. It works but i would
    like an event driven system.
    how should i implement bubbling using custom objects?
    3 implementation ideas:
    1) A simple way is to implement a singleton event manager:
    I like this idea but how can you tell which object is nested
    in who… this way the event can be stopped and discontinue
    2) If i use binders as discussed in Apress’s book:
    Programming Taking Events to the Limit
    basically a binder connects the events between seperate
    objects together… although it would work for my app, I would
    like a more generalized approach so i can reuse the event system on
    future project.
    3) how does flash flex handle this.. xy.html#getComplexProperty()
    >Provides a place for subclasses to override how a complex
    property that needs to be either proxied or daisy chained for event
    bubbling is managed.
    how does these systems all work....? Reflection ?
    this way i can simulate this on my own custom classes.

    I have a strong sensation that the OSMF project is quite dead.
    no new submits since 2010, the contact form on the offical OSMF
    project website
    returns a PHP error.
    and many unanswered questions about OSMF in this forum.
    i think it would be wise to not use OSMF if possible, although
    I'm also stuck with it since we are utilizing HDS/PHDS
    protocols which are utilized in the framework.
    otherwise its quite a head-ache.
    I'm unable to get to a video element coming from a proxied element
    that is being produced via an HDS connection.
    and haven't found any solution that works.

  • Why and how to use events in abap objects

    Dear all,
      Please explain me why and how to use events in abap objects with real time example
    pankaj giri

    Hi Pankaj,
    I will try to explain why to use events... How to use is a different topic.. which others have already answered...
    This is same from your prev. post...
    Events :
    Technically speaking :
    " Events are notifications an object receives from, or transmits to, other objects or applications. Events allow objects to perform actions whenever a specific occurrence takes place. Microsoft Windows is an event-driven operating system, events can come from other objects, applications, or user input such as mouse clicks or key presses. "
    Lets say you have an ALV - An editable one ...
    Lats say - Once you press some button  you want some kind of validation to be done.
    How to do this ?
    Raise an Event - Which is handled by a method and write the validation code.
    Now you might argue, that I can do it in this way : Capture the function code - and call the validate method.
    Yes, in this case it can be done.. But lets say .. you change a field in the ALV and you want the validation to be done as soon as he is done with typing.
    Where is the function code here ? No function code... But there is an event here - The data changed event.
    So you can raise a data changed event that can be handled and will do the validation.
    It is not user friendly that you ask the user to press a button (to get the function code) for validation each time he enters a data.
    The events can be raised by a system, or by a program also. So in this case the data changed event is raised by a system that you can handle.
    Also, Lets say on a particular action you want some code to trigger. (You can take the same example of validation code). In this case the code to trigger is in a separate class. The object of which is not available here at this moment. (This case happens very frequently).
    Advantage with events : Event handlers can be in a separate class also.
    e.g : In the middle of some business logic .. you encounter a error. You want to send this information to the UI (to user - in form of a pop up) and then continue with some processing.
    In many cases - A direct method call to trigger the pop up is not done. Because (in ideal cases) the engine must not interact with UI directly - Because the UI could be some other application - like a windows UI but the error comes from some SAP program.
    So - A event is raised from the engine that is handled in the UI and a pop up is triggered.
    Here -- I would have different classes (lets say for different Operating Systems). And all these classes must register to the event ERROR raised in application.
    And these different classes for different Operation systems will have different code to raise a pop-up.
    Now you can imagine : If you coded a pop-up for Windows (in your application logic) .. it will not work for Mac or Linux. But of you raise a event.. that is handled separately by a different UI classes for Win, Linux or Mac  they will catch this event and process accordingly.
    May be I complicated this explanation .... but I couldn't think of a simpler and concrete example.

  • Receiving Events from all nodes

    I have a cluster which contains n nodes.Each node contains a partitioned
    cache service with a cache called CacheA. If an object is inserted it is inserted to any one
    of the n nodes based upon some distribution algorithm and registered event listeners for that
    particular cache are triggered on that node.
    But is there a way to trigger an event in all n nodes irrespective of the physical location of insertion?
    If so, how to go about it? Any documents or help regarding this will be helpful to me.
    Thanks ,

    Hi Mark,
    AFAIK the guarantees for listeners are the following:
    Listeners registered inside the TCMP cluster (full-fledged cluster nodes, not in an *Extend client):
    - sychronous listeners (listeners implementing MapListenerSupport.SynchronousListener or those wrapped in MapListenerSupport.WrapperSynchronousListener) guaranteed to get notifications before the thread executing the triggering cache operation (if there was one) returns from the cache operation. I am not 100% sure, but I strongly believe that the cache operation returning also means that the synchronous listeners also completed, judging from the documentation of SynchronousListener, which would also mean that an ack for synchronous listeners is only sent back from the listener node once all synchronous listeners completed.
    - asynchronous listeners are guaranteed to be notified but this notification will not be guaranteed to happen before the triggering cache operation completed
    The only exception to that is if the listener node drops out of the cluster according to the owner of the entry which changed, or if the service for some reason dies on the listener node; about both you will get a notification so that you know that you are no more receiving events.
    In both cases (sync/async) the entry owner notifies the node the listener is registered on, and I believe it will retry sending the event until it is ack-ed to be received. I don't know whether the ACK comes from the TCMP layer or from the particular service in the async case, I would guess the service.
    The listener node will do duplicate detection on the delivered events per listener so that it will find out if it already invoked the listener once with the same event.
    No transactions are provided for listeners, so even if an exception happens in a synchronous listener, it won't roll back the entry change.
    For *Extend clients, I believe there are no guarantees for delivering events arriving while the client failed over after a broken connection.
    For the staying connected case, and I don't know what the situation is, but I would expect synchronous listeners are not supported over *Extend, and async exactly one notification seems possible (again, while the client is connected), but I am not sure about this.
    Best regards,

  • Event for ABAP Objects

    Dear All,
    Would you mind tell me the concept of the event in the ABAP objects.

    Triggering and Handling Events
    In ABAP Objects, triggering and handling an event means that certain methods act as triggers and trigger events, to which other methods - the handlers - react. This means that the handler methods are executed when the event occurs.
    This section contains explains how to work with events in ABAP Objects.  For precise details of the relevant ABAP statements, refer to the corresponding keyword documentation in the ABAP Editor.
    Triggering Events
    To trigger an event, a class must
    ·        Declare the event in its declaration part
    ·        Trigger the event in one of its methods
    Declaring Events
    You declare events in the declaration part of a class or in an interface. To declare instance events, use the following statement:
    EVENTS ) TYPE type ..
    To declare static events, use the following statement:
    CLASS-EVENTS ... ...
    It links a list of handler methods with corresponding trigger methods.  There are four different types of event.
    It can be
    ·        An instance event declared in a class
    ·        An instance event declared in an interface
    ·        A static event declared in a class
    ·        A static event declared in an interface
    The syntax and effect of the SET HANDLER depends on which of the four cases listed above applies. 
    For an instance event, you must use the FOR addition to specify the instance for which you want to register the handler.  You can either specify a single instance as the trigger, using a reference variable ...
    The registration applies automatically to the whole class, or to all of the classes that implement the interface containing the static event.  In the case of interfaces, the registration also applies to classes that are not loaded until after the handler has been registered.
    Timing of Event Handling
    After the RAISE EVENT statement, all registered handler methods are executed before the next statement is processed (synchronous event handling).  If a handler method itself triggers events, its handler methods are executed before the original handler method continues. To avoid the possibility of endless recursion, events may currently only be nested 64 deep.
    Handler methods are executed in the order in which they were registered.  Since event handlers are registered dynamically, you should not assume that they will be processed in a particular order. Instead, you should program as though all event handlers will be executed simultaneously.

  • Can I show a color bar instead of a color bullet in iCal Monthly view for all my events in all calendars?

    In the Monthly view of iCal the only events that show a color bar in the event is the Birthday Calendar. All other events in all my other calendars only show a color bullet next to the event (unless I click on that event which then shows as a color bar). I would like to know if it is possible for all the calendar events to have a color bar in the monthly view instead of just that tiny color bullet.

    Greetings Judith,
    Before making any attempts at deleting calendar data, backup what you have just in case:
    Click on each calendar on the left hand side of iCal one at a time highlighting it's name and then going to File Export > Export and saving the resulting calendar file to a logical location for safekeeping.
    iCal has an automated function located in iCal > Preferences > Advanced > Delete events "X" days after they have passed.  By typing in a value for days you can tell iCal to delete all events before that time frame.
    Today is 4-16-2012.
    If I wanted to delete all events prior to 1 year ago (4-16-2011) I would type in "365" for the number of days.
    Once you type in the number of days you want kept in iCal, close the preferences and then quit iCal.
    Re-open iCal and check to see if the events are gone.  If not you may want to leave it open for several minutes and then quit again.
    Once the events are removed go back to  iCal > Preferences > Advanced > Delete events "X" days after they have passed and make sure the check mark is removed to prevent future deletion.
    Hope that helps.

  • Determine all objects that a group has been assigned to

    I am trying to determine all objects that a group has been assigned to. For example, I would like to know what communities and portletes a group has been assigned to.
    I can retrieve the information directly from the plumtree database, however, I have not been able to determine how to accomplish this via the api.
    I have tried the following
    IPTObjectManager ptObjMng = ptSession.GetCommunities();
    for(inti = 0; i<3;i++)
    filter[i] = newObject[1];
    filter[1][0] = PT_FILTEROPS.PT_FILTEROP_EQ;
    filter[2][0] = 1634; //group id for my group
    IPTQueryResult ptResult = ptObjMng.Query(PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_ALL,-1,PT_PROPIDS.PT_PROPID_NAME,0,-1,filter);
    I have verified that the group has been assigned to the community, however, this query returns no records.
    How can I retrieve all communities or group that a specific group has been assigned too?
    thanks in advance

    This sure would be a handy feature! iTunes has it so that you can easily tell which playlists a song is in. It would be convenient for iPhoto as well.

  • How to delete all objects in a package?

    I've seen a similar question here. But is there a tool or a smart way to delete all objects in a dev class or a transport request?
    Best Regards

    These are really 3 questions??
    1. To delete objects in a request there are a number of ways, here is one:
    Position cursor on modifiable request.
    Double click on request and choose 'Objects' tab
    Choose object line you want to delete and click 'Delete'
    Save your changes.
    2. To delete objects in a Dev Class:
    Go to work bench --> edit object, Class and give your class name, you will see delete option at the bottom of the screen.
    3. How to delete all objects in a package:
    here is a link with the steps you need for this:

  • Hello, 2 questionss here is it possible or is there a way to convert all object s outlines in all frames to fills at once and not frame by frame? and why sometimes erases the outline instead of converting it to fill?

    Hello, 2 questionss here>is it possible or is there a way to convert all object s outlines in all frames to fills at once and not frame by frame? and why sometimes erases the outline instead of converting it to fill?

    Hello, 2 questionss here>is it possible or is there a way to convert all object s outlines in all frames to fills at once and not frame by frame? and why sometimes erases the outline instead of converting it to fill?

  • How to select the all object at a time while installing business content

    Hi All,
    how to select the all object at a time while installing business content Please let me know if nay document is there
    Thanks Ahmed Pasha

    Please check out the below links
    [Business content Installation| ]
    [BI Content|]
    Hope it helps.

  • Undable to drop tablespace ORA-01561: failed to remove all objects in the

    i am unable to drop table tablespace how can i do that??
    please advise
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01561: failed to remove all objects in the tablespace specified
    Thanks in advance

    Have you tried dropping the objects individually? You can see which objects still belong to this tablespace by using the DBA_SEGMENTS view as shown below:

  • When releasing a transp. req.not all object in the request could  be locked

    When trying to release a transport request I get error message that "not all object in the request could  be locked. Do you want to release them anyway"
    I found an unreleased request (from someone else) containing few objects from my request. However I do not know the owner of that request (and I can not felete it). What to do?
    If I release the transport anyway what could happen?

    Hi Tina,
    If ur sure that u only want to release object which u have created and not the other objects then proceed in following way.
    1. Go to SE10 and click on create button
    2. u will get a popup select the 3rd radio button(ToC)
    3 Give the decsription of the Tp
    4. u will get  anext screen here in menu select request
    task->object lise ->Include object (new screen) here u select radio button freely selet obkect -> then new screen then selected the radio button selected objet. Here u give ur object and those object will be store in the created request then u can transport
    Anees Ahned

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