BT Cloud - Sync problem ...

Every 3 weeks I add my Outlook .PST email database to BT Cloud Sync & it has failthfully uploaded .... being just over a Gig, one can see it incrementing the '% complete' upload for a short while .....
However since yesterday it just sits at 0% forever ..... any known issues ?
This is performed using the Web page after Login - the PC App has never worked ....

well, I've left it 50 mins and its just ticked over 2% !
Considering I'm on Infinity 2, with 19 Meg upload, whats happening this weekend ?

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    For each device, backup first, then on the device use Settings > General > Software Update. Each one still has to download the update individually, but they are smaller files so should download more reliably.

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    I said "solved" because you provided full answer. Unfortunately negative
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    File>Devices>Transfer Purchases will transfer the itunes purchases to your ocmputer.
    You should sync your ipod to your computer regularly.

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    Hope that helps.

    Hi im having the same problem. I use outlook 2003 on windows xp and until recently my sync (using usb) was working fine. Now it would seem that calendar items are no longer syncing. can you give any further details of the calendar entry which was causing your problem? im wondering if it was added on a certain date perhaps.
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    How is your iPod configured to sync content from your iTunes library? Any error messages during the sync process? 
    You may want to reset warnings on the device by right->clicking on it under Devices and choosing Reset Warnings.  Then resync the iPod to see if any alerts appear.
    Is this the same computer you normally sync the Nano with?

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    To solve the sync problem I’m following advice and detaching sound from all of the 100 or so short clips.  This operation has been stalled by the spinning ball. Shut down restart has not helped.
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    What to do to resume repairs to the audio sync problem and so successfully share for youtube upload?

  • ICal Print List Hang / Font Issue / Sync Problems...

    Okay, here's a couple issues all wrapped up into one thread/post - reason is cause I suspect they may all be tied together somehow, but am not sure.
    Sync Problems...
    Regarding the Syncing problems, you can find an ongoing thread about @
    In short, some of us are having issues with events syncing to our Palm to the wrong timezone, causing them to be an hour off (usually within the new & old DST date change). Yes, all the usual fixes have been tried - pls read the thread noting "adairnet" and ymatto" postings.
    Also, in addition to this time issue, I have iCal events that I've deleted in iCal still show up on the Palm after one-way syncing!
    Print List Hang...
    Every week I print a "list" of events from a certain calendar. The past couple weeks I noticed some lines in the notes field printing on top of each other. Twas odd indeed, but I hadn't had the time to look into the reason. Then this week I was going thru my usual printing proceedure and now iCal locks up, hangs up, crashes, forcing me to force-quit the program. It's usually after I extend the dates beyond 2 or 3 days, but I've not been able to find a consistency. I've redone events thinking they were corrupt with no success.
    Font Problems...
    After the Print List issue above, I opened my Console program to see if it was reporting anything. At first it indicated that it could not find Helvetica Neue and would substitute it for Helvetica. This put me in touch with some font corruption - so I got rid of those bad fonts and activated Helvetica Neue which got rid of that message. But made me wonder if there are more font problems causing the print hanging & syncing problems. I have FontAgent Pro and do have some font issues that I'm trying to work out.
    But the Console is displaying another string of messages every time the Print List proceedure hangs up which I cannot figure out...
    2007-04-24 16:24:54.151 iCal[28975] NSATSGlyphStorage inconsistency. Cannot find run storage for character range {138 67} for CTRun 0xDBE87D0. Ignoring the run...
    2007-04-24 16:24:55.175 iCal[28975] -[NSMutableStringProxyForMutableAttributedString replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:] called with out-of-bounds range. For apps linked on Tiger this will raise an exception. For earlier apps it will produce this one-time warning and continue with existing behavior (which is undefined).
    2007-04-24 16:24:55.176 iCal[28975] * NSThread: ignoring exception '* -[NSMutableStringProxyForMutableAttributedString replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:]: Range or index out of bounds' that raised during delayed perform of target 0xdde58d0 and selector 'renderPreview'
    So, all of this is causing me to wonder if the iCal or SyncServices database is corrupt. Is there a way to dig into the iCal db and check for corruption &/or fix it?
    Or does anybody have any further suggestions on any of these issues?

    The SyncServices folder should be avoided like "a swarm of bees". This article discusses some of the issues that can arise when the SyncServices folder is deleted or modified:
    Data loss and Data corruption can result from deleting or modifying the SyncServices folder, and that data loss or corruption can be propogated to devices, .Mac, and other applications that sync with SyncServices.
    If you have isolated an issue with the other steps in your post, I would recomend speaking with AppleCare before removing that folder.
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

  • Ipod syncing problems...?

    Im having several ipod syncing problems. I have an Ipod touch, 4th gen with the standard USB cable that comes with to charge it and sync it with. Today, i plugged it into my computer like normal to sync some new songs onto it from itunes. But, it started acting up. First, it kept syncing on and off, and the sync sound wouldnt stop- it wouldnt stay synced. then, later, when it finally did, not long after it said "this device does not support charging," and itunes didnt recognize my ipod anymore, so i couldnt sync my songs. is there any way i can fix this? thanks in advance.

    - See:      
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    - Try another cable. Some 5G iPods were shipped with Lightning cable that were either initially defective or failed after short use.
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                          

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