Bug? could not access through external browser

Trying to execute a html page within sun one but now and then it says cannot execute throught the external browser, check settings in tools, and check external browser.
I have checked that and it seems correct pointing to Microsoft Internet Explorer, so i was wondering is this a bug? Or how can i remove this error message.
The page sometimes loads up, when this error message appears.

Thank you for the feedback.
Yeap it seems to be doing that, the first attempt it does not appear to load the requested page getting the error message check external browsers, but Microsoft Internet Explorer does load up. The second attempt it appears to work.
Not sure if this is because of having installed the new sun one JAVA update 1, and left the old settings in c:\documents and settings\user. I dont think s1 has an uninstaller, so I simply renamed c:\Sun to c:\Sun.old and installed the update.

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    With my WRT54G2 V1 with the latest Linksys/Cisco firmware, it will drop the wireless signal the moment I boot either of my two wired computers (Windows XP and Windows Vista). Any computers connected wirelessly would loose the connection and would no longer see the SSID name of the router when scanning for local wireless networks.
    The workaround was to either power cycle the router once either of my two wired computers finished booting. Or with one of the wired computers log into the router and go to the Basic Wireless Settings page and hit the Save Settings button. After hitting the Save Settings button then the wireless signal would come back online and wireless devices would resume their connection.

  • When i try to install i tunes it goes so far down the installation process then i get a message ' could not access network location %APPDATA%\.  Can any one help.

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    Can anyone please help?

    These kind of messages can often be cleared by using the Microsoft Installer cleanup Utility.
    Here is a method for cleanup of your old iTunes installation and reinstall.
    == uninstall with cleanup ==
    Download a fresh copy of iTunes and the stand alone version of Quicktime (the one without iTunes)
    Save the files on your PC.
    Download and install Microsoft Installer cleanup utility, there are instructions on the page as well as the download. Note that what you download is the installer not the program – you have to run it to install the program. The installer doesn't give any message to confirm the installation.
    (To run the program – All Programs>>Windows Install)
    Now use the following method to remove iTunes and its components:
    Vista or Win 7
    *If you hit a problem with one of the uninstalls don't worry*, carry on with the deleting of files and folders as directed in the method.
    When you get to deleting Quicktime files in the system32 folder as advised in the method, you can delete any file or folder with Quicktime in the name.
    Restart your PC.
    Run the Microsoft Installer Cleanup Utility. (Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up)
    Remove any references you find to the programs you removed - strictly speaking you only need to worry about those programs where the uninstall failed.
    If you don’t see an entry for one of the programs that did not uninstall, look out for blank entries or numeric entries that look like version numbers e.g. 7.x for Quicktime or 1.x for Bonjour.
    restart your PC
    Install the stand alone Quicktime and check that it works.
    If it does, install iTunes.

  • Trying to update itunes on XP keep getting message "could not access network location iTunes\." Any ideas?

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    Any ideas

    "could not access network location iTunes\."
    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • Could not access network location :. help please!

    I cannot get APPLE MOBILE DEVICE SUPPORT  uninstalled from my system,when I try to remove it from add/remove programs this is what I get:
    Could not access network location :.
    All other apple Itunes products I can remove,but not AMDS.
    Also when I try to install a fresh copy of itunes it cannot be completed because of the aforementioned issue crops up when trying to install.

    That's suggesting damage to the installation database in the AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi (or related installation configuration information), sheena.
    Unfortunately, this sort of trouble has gotten more complicated to deal with ever since Microsoft pulled the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from their Download Center on June 25 2010. First we have to find a copy of the utility.
    Let's try Googling. (Best not to use Bing, I think.) Look for a working download site for at least version 3.0 of the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (The results from mydigitallife and Major Geeks are worth checking.)
    After downloading the utility installer file (msicuu2.exe), scan the file for malware, just in case. (I use the free version of Malwarebytes AntiMalware to do single-file scans for that.)
    If the file is clean, to install the utility, doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file you've downloaded.
    Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any Apple Mobile Device Support entries and click "Remove".
    Quit out of CleanUp. Restart the PC, and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • Install Problem: "Could not access network location %APPDATA%\."

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    Similar problem..."Could not access network location ." went through all the microsoft repairs for a 1606 error. No resolve. My itunes used to work perfectly then when I went through an itunes initiated update, then my itunes would bring up the error whenever I tried to update. I uninstalled itunes then tried to reinstall without any success. Still get the error. And now I dont have itunes. Has anyone figured this out yet or do I need to abandon and go to droid?

  • TS3212 Could not access network location

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    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • Newsfeed error - The operation failed because the server could not access the distributed cache.

    Recently installed SharePoint 2013 RTM, on the newsfeed page an error is displayed, and no entries display in the following or everyone tabs.
    "The operation failed because the server could not access the distributed cache."
    Reading through various posts, I've checked:
    - Activity feeds and mentions tabs are working as expected.
    - User Profile Service is operational and syncing as expected
    - Search is operational and indexing as expected
    - The farm was installed based on the autospinstaller scripts.
    - Don't believe this to be a permissions issue, during testing added accounts to the admin group to verify
    Any suggestions are welcomed, thanks.
    The full error message and trace logs is as follows.
    SharePoint returned the following error: The operation failed because the server could not access the distributed cache. Internal type name: Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.MicrofeedException. Internal error code: 55. Contact your system administrator
    for help in resolving this problem.
    From the trace logs there's several messages which are triggered around the same time:
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-AU/library/System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.TraceHandledException.aspxHandling an exception. Exception details: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.FeedCacheFault]: Unexpected exception in
    FeedCacheService.GetPublishedFeed: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.FeedCacheFault)./LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT/d71732192b0d4afdad17084e8214321e-1-129962393079894191System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.FeedCacheFault,
    Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c]], System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089Unexpected exception in FeedCacheService.GetPublishedFeed: Object
    reference not set to an instance of an object..  
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.FeedCacheService.Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.IFeedCacheService.GetPublishedFeed(FeedCacheRetrievalEntity fcTargetEntity, FeedCacheRetrievalEntity fcViewingEntity, FeedCacheRetrievalOptions fcRetOptions)
     at SyncInvokeGetPublishedFeed(Object , Object[] , Object[] )    
     at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SyncMethodInvoker.Invoke(Object instance, Object[] inputs, Object[]& outputs)    
     at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.DispatchOperationRuntime.InvokeBegin(MessageRpc& rpc)    
     at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage5(MessageRpc& rpc)    
     at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage31(MessageRpc& rpc)    
     at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageRpc.Process(Boolean isOperationContextSet)System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.FeedCacheFault]: Unexpected exception in FeedCacheService.GetPublishedFeed: Object reference not
    set to an instance of an object.. (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.FeedCacheFault).
    SPSocialFeedManager.GetFeed: Exception: Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.MicrofeedException: ServerErrorFetchingConsolidatedFeed : ( Unexpected exception in FeedCacheService.GetPublishedFeed: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. ) : Correlation
    ID:db6ddc9b-8d2e-906e-db86-77e4c9fab08f : Date and Time : 31/10/2012 1:40:20 PM    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.SPMicrofeedThreadCollection.PopulateConsolidated(SPMicrofeedRetrievalOptions retOptions, SPMicrofeedContext context)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.SPMicrofeedThreadCollection.Populate(SPMicrofeedRetrievalOptions retrievalOptions, SPMicrofeedContext context)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.SPMicrofeedManager.CommonGetFeedFor(SPMicrofeedRetrievalOptions retrievalOptions)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.SPMicrofeedManager.CommonPubFeedGetter(SPMicrofeedRetrievalOptions feedOptions, MicrofeedPublishedFeedType feedType, Boolean publicView)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.SPMicrofeedManager.GetPublishedFeed(String feedOwner, SPMicrofeedRetrievalOptions feedOptions, MicrofeedPublishedFeedType typeOfPubFeed)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialFeedManager.Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.ISocialFeedManagerProxy.ProxyGetFeed(SPSocialFeedType type, SPSocialFeedOptions options)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialFeedManager.<>c__DisplayClass4b`1.<S2SInvoke>b__4a()
    Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialFeedManager.GetFeed: Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.MicrofeedException: ServerErrorFetchingConsolidatedFeed : ( Unexpected exception in FeedCacheService.GetPublishedFeed: Object reference not set to an instance of
    an object.. ) : Correlation ID:db6ddc9b-8d2e-906e-db86-77e4c9fab08f : Date and Time : 31/10/2012 1:40:20 PM    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.SPMicrofeedThreadCollection.PopulateConsolidated(SPMicrofeedRetrievalOptions retOptions, SPMicrofeedContext context)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.SPMicrofeedThreadCollection.Populate(SPMicrofeedRetrievalOptions retrievalOptions, SPMicrofeedContext context)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.SPMicrofeedManager.CommonGetFeedFor(SPMicrofeedRetrievalOptions retrievalOptions)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.SPMicrofeedManager.CommonPubFeedGetter(SPMicrofeedRetrievalOptions feedOptions, MicrofeedPublishedFeedType feedType, Boolean publicView)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.SPMicrofeedManager.GetPublishedFeed(String feedOwner, SPMicrofeedRetrievalOptions feedOptions, MicrofeedPublishedFeedType typeOfPubFeed)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialFeedManager.Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.ISocialFeedManagerProxy.ProxyGetFeed(SPSocialFeedType type, SPSocialFeedOptions options)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialFeedManager.<>c__DisplayClass4b`1.<S2SInvoke>b__4a()    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialUtil.InvokeWithExceptionTranslation[T](ISocialOperationManager target, String name, Func`1 func)
    Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialFeedManager.GetFeed: Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialException: The operation failed because the server could not access the distributed cache. Internal type name: Microsoft.Office.Server.Microfeed.MicrofeedException.
    Internal error code: 55.    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialUtil.TryTranslateExceptionAndThrow(Exception exception)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialUtil.InvokeWithExceptionTranslation[T](ISocialOperationManager target, String name, Func`1 func)    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialFeedManager.<>c__DisplayClass48`1.<S2SInvoke>b__47()    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialUtil.InvokeWithExceptionTranslation[T](ISocialOperationManager target, String name, Func`1 func)

    Thanks Thuan,
    I've restarted to the Distrubiton Cache servicem and the error is still occuring.
    The AppFabric Caching Service is running under the service apps account, and does appear operational based on:
    > use-cachecluster
    > get-cache
    CacheName            [Host]
    DistributedActivityF [SERVER:22233]
    eedLMTCache_1e9f4999 LMT(Primary)
    DistributedLogonToke [SERVER:22233]
    nCache_1e9f4999-0187 Default_Region_0538(Primary)
    -40e8-aa92-f8308d47d Default_Region_0004(Primary)
    6e9                  Default_Region_0451(Primary)

  • Cannot open pfd files error 1606 could not access network location %APPDATA%/

    Error 1606 could not access network location %APPDATA%/
    I have adobe reader 8.1.3 installed and cannot uninstall it as i get the same error message as when i try to open files or download the new version. When I type %appdata% into run nothing comes up. I have been through lots of other threads and cannot find a solution so ive made my own please help!

    You can download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility from here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290301/ - run the downloaded installer, then start the
    program from Start | Programs | Windows Install Clean Up.  Select Adobe Reader, then click 'Remove'.
    N.B. I've heard that this program can cause problems if Office 2007 is installed; don't use it if you have Office 2007!
    The above tool helps you to uninstall Adobe Reader, but it will not fix the basic problem with the corrupt %APPDATA% environment variable.  You can try to fix it with http://fixitcenter.support.microsoft.com/
    P.S. this software is still beta; I strongly recommend to make a System Restore Point before proceeding.  Let us know if you need any help with this (and please state your Windows version if you do).

  • Could not access SOAP header - sending sopa message using weblogic

    i am using saaj to send a SOAP message ,through weblogic, i am getting an error like below
    Could not access SOAP header
    what should i do for sending a soap message using weblogic

    You're going to have to provide many more details than that. If it's useful, you could go here and read all the documentation books covering web services.

  • Could not access blogs of SDN

    HI all,
    I want to learn more about CRM EHP1. But I could not access blogs of SDN.I am in china.
    May you have any suggestion about access it in china ?

    You have to bypass the firewall (so called GFW) by using VPN or any other tools to browse blogs of sdn.

  • TS3212 could not access network location iTunes\.  This is the message I keep getting when itunes tries to install. Please help

    I keep getting the following message after trying to install iTunes. Please help.  could not access network location iTunes\.

    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • HT204074 I have just changed my iPad mini password a day ago when trying to log on today it worked fine until about 4:30 (GMT) when I could not access the device using the correct password. I am absoloutley 100% sure it's correct. Any help?

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    Hello ConfusedLlama
    If the password is not working to get into your iPad mini, you would need to follow the steps to restore it. If you have a back up through iCloud or through iTunes, you can restore from that back up and it would not bring back the passcode unless it is encrypted.
    iOS: Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    -Norm G.

  • Could not access the digital certificate. could not load keystore file (password may be incorrect)

    I am trying to create my IPA, I have gone through all the steps to create my certificates etc from Apple but keep getting the above error message when I try to publish my file.  (I am using the Flash CS5 iphone packager, not the command line)  Mac OSX
    Here is the tutorial I am following: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/iphone/WS789ea67d3e73a8b2-240138de1243a7725e7-7ffc.html
    What are some things to try to troubleshoot?

    Hi All!
    I’ve just finished an application but I’m having problems generating the .BAR file that I want to submit to the AppWorld. These are the commands I’m executing
    First - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\blackberry-tablet-sdk-0.9.3\bin\blackberry-keytool" -genkeypair -keystore bbDevCertificate.p12  -storepass myPass -dname "cn=Company" -alias " Company "
    Second  - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\blackberry-tablet-sdk-0.9.3\bin\blackberry-airpackager" -package AppName_signed.bar AppName-app.xml blackberry-tablet.xml AppName.swf splash.png icons/icon128.png
    Finally  - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\blackberry-tablet-sdk-0.9.3\bin\blackberry-signer" -verbose -cskpass myCSKPass -keystore bbDevCertificate.p12  -storepass myPass AppName_signed.bar RDK
    My blackberry-tablet.xml is:
    The problem comes at the first step. I'm using Flash Professional CS5. When I generate the p12 certificate and I try to export my app using that certificate and the password that I've set, it gaves me the next error:
    "Error creating files.
    Could not access the digital certificate. unable to retrieve key (password may be incorrect)"

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    Trying to send a log to royb from apple but as you can see no effective response from my pc.
    C:\Documents and Settings\Silvia>itunessetup.exe\l*v C:\log.txt
    'itunessetup.exe\l*v' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    Can you give me a hand?..my network location apparently is in pluto!!!

    Try the following user tip:
    "Could not access network location %PUBLIC%\Desktop\" install errors

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