Bug? draw line object front of image

Post Author: Hamid
CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
who can draw a line front of an image? or it s a missed bug?

Post Author: Hamid
CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
dose anybody have this problem?

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  • Image in report header appears in front of underlaying section line objects

    I am trying to simulate a company letter header with company logo in page header.  I have added line objects in the underlaying sections so the user can see when the detail data/section ends.
    I have inserted an image into a report header
    I have set the page header to 'Underlay Following Sections'
    when I preview the report, line objects in underlying sections appear behind the page header image
    when I preview the report, text objects in underlying sections appear in front of the page header image
    Has anybody any ideas or better ways of achieving same results please?
    Ta very much.
    Edited by: KDHarrison on Mar 20, 2011 8:13 PM
    text objects are not behaving the same way, as a workaround I have set the top/bottom/left/right border property to single and used these instead of boxes or lines.

    Hi Keith,
    Thanks for your patience while this was being investigated. So the way Crystal Report's layout was designed was that items are put in a stack of multiple objects with the ability to move forward and back as needed. For some technical reason lines and boxes were left out of this which means they will always be in the back. Unfortunately we don't know the technical reasons that this was done as it goes back to some of our earliest versions, we are investigating this though.
    The difficulty know is trying to find the reason for this, and determining if this can be changes with out breaking backwards compatibility. In the mean time the developer has suggested a work around and are wondering if this would work for you?
    1. Insert a text object and enter nothing.
    2. Change the size (the height matches the line width) and background (background color matches the line color).
    3. Right click on the text object and select Move | To Front. And then the "line" will be on top of the picture.
    Kind Regards,

  • Drawing lines, rectangles and circles as objects onto a JPanel.

    Hi. I have to complete a task in school. The work is to create some simple 2D graphical editor. I'm new to java and I have some problems with this job, so I'm looking for help where it is possible...
    I created a JFrame and using it as a window. Into this JFrame I've added a toolbox (JToolBox) and "drawpad" - a JPanel. The toolbox wasn't any problem, but I aim to use the JPanel for drawing 2D objects. I tought about creating some container of objects, where I could put lines, rectangles or circles, each one with its properties (color, [x; y] coordinates on the scene, filling and drawing width) and then, draw this scene onto the JPanel.
    It should be something like windows Paintbrush. Can be simplier, but including the possibility to move and change properties of drawn objects.

    Well, there are two approaches to this that come to mind:
    1. Create an image. If this program is supposed to be like Windows Paint, the tools you are describing are only there for the sake of modifying a two dimensional image. In that case, I would recommend using a BufferedImage.
    The JPanel can contain a single JLabel. The JLabel is constructed in the following fashion:
    JLabel image_label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(bufferedImage));...where bufferedImage is the image on which you will be storing the data. You can use bufferedImage.getGraphics() to get an object which will quite happily draw geometric shapes for you. Then, after each draw, you tell the panel to repaint itself.
    2. Store the shapes and create a component to draw them for you. You'd create a new JComponent class that would accept objects representing geometric shapes. You then override the paintComponent method on this new class to have it render itself according to the contents of the geometry objects. It would also probably be advisable to have all of these classes implement a common interface (which you would also create) so the rendering component could treat them identically.

  • Saving Image Files on Disk after drawing lines on the Image

    Hi guys,
    I am presently working on a swing project in which I need to draw lines on a image and then store the modified image in .gif, .jpg or .bmp file format.
    I can't seem to find an documentation dealing with this situation.
    Any help will be highly appreciated

    Ive just been looking for the same. Theres an article (and a class) on javaworld on subject of saving bitmap-files, and in another thread in this forum, a guy described how to make jpg. with the jdk1.4 .... Like this:
    int w = comp.getWidth();
    int h = comp.getHeight();
    BufferedImage im = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics2D g2 = im.createGraphics();
    ImageIO.write(im, "jpeg", new File("foo.jpeg"));
    Im just referring, havent tried it yet. Good luck.

  • How to draw lines in FCPX ?

    Hi there,
    I would like to have a simple Effects that will draw lines in various shape such as circle, ellipse or rectangle. How do I do it ?
    I need it because I want to have an effect that is drawing an ellipse over the text.
    Any ideas ?

    ok... hmmm...
    You can create control points for a line but you cannot animate the control points in FCPX. If you're okay with that, then here are the basics:
    Create a new top level group. Name it OSCs.
    In the Inspector, select the group and in the Group tab of the inspector, select Fixed Resolution. (It should already be set to 2D - if not - set 2D)
    In the Properties > Timing pane, set the length (Duration) of the group to at least as long as your project. (this step is not important in Motion but absolutely necessary for FCPX!)
    With the new group selected, add the filters you will use as control points. In general, every starts with Filters > Distortion > Poke. You will need two of them. For each Poke filter, select Publish OSC in the inspector. (I recommend renaming each filter - startOSC, endOSC for example.)
    Create another new group.
    Go into the Library > Content and search for Crosshair -- there's three of them, use Crosshair-Minute (they're the smallest ones.) Add two of them. (It's not necessary that they're in their own group -- just more convenient.) Rename the crosshairs: keeping with the OSCs, I recommend start and end, for example.
    Draw a Line.
    To the shape (line), add two Behaviors > Shape > Track Points.
    Rename the Track Points: Start and End.
    In the Behaviors inspector for the Track Points, drag the start Crosshair image into the Source well of the Start track points and the end Crosshair image into the End Track Points. The behavior parameters will change and you'll see a bunch of new stuff. Down at the bottom, you'll see Track 1 and Track 2 — leave one checked for one of the behaviors and the other one checked for the second behavior (that's 1 track 1 and 1 track 2.) You'll also see that the Transform is set to Mimic Source.  What you need to do is click the reset button on the Checked Track of each behavior and THEN change the Transform to Attach to Source. Once you do that, the line ends will snap to crosshair images (use Properties Transform X to move the crosshairs apart temporarily.)
    Next step:
    Select the start crosshair and in the Inspector > Properties, dial down the Position to reveal the XYZ parameters. Right click on the X and select Add Parameter Behavior > Link.  Repeat this step for the Y parameter (you cannot link Position.All for this step.)
    In the Behaviors inspector, for the start crosshair:
          For the Source Object, drag the OSCs group into the well.
    for the X parameter
          For the Source Parameter, set Filters.startOSC.Center.X for the Position.X
                                                 and set Filters.startOSC.Center.Y for the Position.Y
    You will notice the line end disappear off the screen. This is normal. To correct this, at the bottom of each behavior, set the X (or Y) offset to -0.5.
    Repeat for the end crosshair.
    You can turn off the crosshairs (uncheck the layers.)
    To test your OSCs, select *both* startOSC and endOSC (command select each layer) -- both Poke OSCs will appear and you can drag them around the canvas. The line should follow as you would expect if you've set everything up correctly.
    Publish the template.
    A couple of explanations:
    2D fixed resolution for the OSC group:  Groups in Motion that are not fixed resolution can dynamically change their boundaries. There are no fixed points of reference for Motion to calulate. If you forget to set Fixed Resolution, you can repair the condition by setting the Fixed Resolution option and then go into the Filters pane and reset the Center parameters for each Poke OSC.
    Offsets of -0.5:  All resolutions in the Canvas are calculated by the resolution of the X and Y dimensions of the project times the fractional position of objects (from 0.0 on the left side for X and on the bottom for Y — to 1.0 on the right side for X and on the top for Y.) The center of the canvas is 0, 0 in pixels of whatever the resolution is.  To adjust the fractional position used by the OSCs (and others) to the center pixel, the value needs to be moved by 1/2 of that distance.
    Clear as mud?  Once you've done it a few times, it will all become second nature.
    One more thing: you can publish curves... complex ones. But they have to be B-spline (you track all the points in a similar manner outlined above) and not Bezier. There's no way to control the handles for bezier curves.

  • Line objects not showing in pdf output in xmlp 5.6.1

    Is there a bug or just a version issue when trying to produce pdf output using xmlp 5.6.1 Enterprise Edition from a template built in xmlp 5.6.2 stand alone? Different versions of pdf too. The xmlp 5.6.1 EE uses Adobe 7.0.7 and I use 7.0.0 for my dpf output. The issue is that the template built using 5.6.2 has line objects in the rtf file. When this template is registered in xmlp 5.6.1 EE and the report is generated the lines don't show up in the pdf.
    Any one?

    I opened a TAR and here is the answer. My template definition was wrong because I directly used my data template xml file to define my template using template builder.
    Here are all the steps to use XML data template under apps.
    To use data templates, do the following:
    1- Create the data template similar to the following structure
    2- Login to responsibility "XML PUBLISHER ADMINISTRATOR" -> Data Definition
    2.1 upload the data template (that is made in step1)
    2.2 Insert a new code that is not find the concurrent request short name.
    3- Login to system administrator -> concurrent -> program -> define (define a new concurrent request as following)
    3.1 use execute XDODTEXE (it takes the data definition in step 2 and shall execute the query to obtain XML output)
    3.2 Output format = XML
    3.3 request short name as that defined in step (2.2)
    4- Add the request to a request group
    5- The the concurrent request and get the created XML output
    6- Use the created XML Output in (step 5) to create your template layout using Template builder vers
    ion 5.5
    7- After creating the template go to responsibility "XML PUBLISHER ADMINISTRATOR" -> Templates
    7.1 define a new template
    7.2 use the same data definition that you created at (step 2)
    7.3 Use the same code as in step (2.2)
    After all the above steps you shall get the output as you wish. The main link between Data template and the concurrent request that execute the data template to generate the XML output is the request short name and the data template code.
    request short name = data template code.

  • MS Publisher 2013 - Guide lines on top of images

    I am trying to edit a brochure that has a background image and several text and images objects on top.   I am unable to see the guild lines once the background image is added.
    This problem has been around since Publisher 2007 (maybe has always been this way), however, most other design software will allow you to see the guide lines as you work.
    Are there any plans to add this feature to publisher?  
    I found a few articles on the subject and the designers are not happy and switching to other software.   So it may not be a bad idea to add what appears to be a simple improvement to retain and attract users.

    I am trying to edit a brochure that has a background image and several text and images objects on top.   I am unable to see the guild lines once the background image is added.
    This problem has been around since Publisher 2007 (maybe has always been this way), however, most other design software will allow you to see the guide lines as you work.
    Are there any plans to add this feature to publisher?  
    I found a few articles on the subject and the designers are not happy and switching to other software.   So it may not be a bad idea to add what appears to be a simple improvement to retain and attract users.

  • Adding "black" lines and text to image scans

    I'm currently running Acrobat 9 Pro, under XP.
    I scan documents as black-and-white PDF image files. They usually contain handwritten text. OCR is not applicable (at least, as far as I know there's little if anything that currently exists that's realistic for doing OCR on hand-written text).
    I just leave them as images of the handwritten text, and that's generally okay for my purposes.
    However, I often want to go in and "edit" a little bit of that handwritten text -- just a few words here and there -- either by sometimes crossing things out or sometimes deleting them (or whiting them out, or covering them with a white box), and adding a text box with new typed text either over or between existing handwritten text..
    I know how to do most of that (well, I could use a few pointers on deleting or whiting out handwritten words), but I don't know how to make it all "black" so it tends to blend better with the color of the scan itself. Currently, lines I draw and text I enter appear red. How do I make them appear black so it blends better?
    Can I do that?
    Or do I need to upgrade to be able to do that?

    I'm not sure we're on the same page. I already have no probelm drawing a white box to cover existing text (remember, this is all "images" since I'm just scanning in handwritten pages and not using OCR on them at all) and I can already draw a text frame to enter text into, just as I can already draw lines to cross things out that I don't want to just cover with a white box. I'm just looking for a way to make that text and those lines black instead of red (and for anything else that might make the process more elegant).

  • White lines appear around placed images in printing.

    A native Illustrator document with placed Photoshop (both CS6) images produces whites lines around the placed images when printed.  The Illustrator document does not show white lines on screen.  Nor does the PDF (Acrobat X Pro) generated from the IA doc show white lines when viewed on screen.  When the document goes to press, the printed product show the white lines:
    See upper left image and lower right image-note: other images are not affected.  Both both are native Photoshop images, placed on a gradient in IA.  Perhaps the PDF settings: "Adobe PDF Preset" or "Standard" are not chosen correctly?  Why the white lines?

    You screenshot shows a modified Illustrator Default preset with Compatability to Acrobat 4. That setting always flattens transparency which is what I would suggest avoiding first.
    Note the Warnings summary alerts that transparency will be flattened.
    garlic541 wrote:
    2.That same initial 'Save Adobe PDF' widow allows for three settings: Adobe PDF Preset (12 choices); Standard (6 choices), and Compatibility (5 choices).  Note how the window signals a Warning (Warnings: Saving this file with Compatibilty set to Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) requires items with transparency to be flattened.)  Could this be a warning that produces the stitch lines in the actual printing? 
    garlic541 wrote:
    After researching....
    Discussion seems to indicate seeing 'stiching lines' on screen; sometimes in the designing application; or in the generated PDF.  My instances are visible only in printing-in two of the four images.
    1. Transparency.  Is this an automatic occurence in generating the PDF?  Can I turn it on/off? (The 'Save Adobe PDF' window that allows changes to: General, Compression, Marks & Bleeds,Output,, Advanced.....)
    Transparency is part of some design and all Effects. Note that you can change a color by using a tint or by setting it's transparency. Many times a tint will suffice. It looks the same and has the same values.
    Your original screenshot apears to use images with clipping paths. (Full disclosure - I should know this, but don't...I expect) clipping paths require/invoke the transparent background to place the images within the colored area.
    You cannot get around transparency but flattening converts vector objects to raster objects (when transparency touches/abuts/interacts with raster images).
    You should be able to use the Illustrator Default, High Quality Print or PDFX-4 to maintain live transparency
    2 very old (2004) Adobe white papers, not too legnthy which I can shed some light. Note - PDFX-4 superceeds all of these.
    Transparency in Adobe Applications: A Print Production Guide
    A Designer's Guide to Transparency for Print Output

  • Append front panel image crashes in 7.0

    I'm trying to use append front panel image.vi in
    Labview 7.0 and when called Labview crashes in the
    standard report case calling invoke node for IReportData > AppendPictureFromFile. Labview just
    quits. What's weird is it appears to work on a
    system w/ a local printer but not one w/ a network
    priner. Any ideas?

    try to generate an HTML report first, and then print that. Some printers are worse than other at printing (what looks like) a simple object.
    Otherwise, I would do some basic trouble shooting, like can you print a simpler front panel image (say two numerics) to the printer. Next, I would try to print to a different networked printer.

  • Displaying lines or inserting narrow images as lines

    I want to insert lines into my Captivate animations, to
    divide up slides into differnet sections. I've actually got to
    questions around this:
    1. Is it possible to draw lines directly on a Captivate
    2. I couldn't find a way to do draw lines, so I created very
    long, narrow (1 pixel wide) image files and inserted them into my
    project. However, when I do this, Captivate resizes them - I can
    not get them to display at 1 pixel wide, even if I change the size
    properties of them after inserting them. This isn't after
    publishing the project, this is when I'm still editing it.
    Does Captivate have a minimum size (in pixels) for image
    files? Can anyone think of a way to display straight, narrow lines
    of varying lengths on a Captivate slide?
    Hope this makes sense, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi BovisLL and welcome to our community
    Hmmm, are you using Captivate 1? I thought Captivate 2
    allowed sizing smaller than 10 pixels. At any rate, I'd create the
    line on perhaps something 20 pixels wide. Place the one pixel line
    in the middle and leave the background a solid color. If you do
    this, it should make the line easier to grab onto and move and
    resize as needed. The background color should be rendered
    Cheers... Rick

  • Unable to install supporting objects(custom CSS/Images) through SQL

    Hi there,
    we have a Apex app which uses custom CSS/images loaded into shared objects CSS and image folders respectively. I followed the steps
    Now, this works fine when we manually import the application through application builder, it "prompts" if we want to install supporting objects, when yes is selected, everything gets installed.
    MY problem is we have an automated patching process where the .sql application file gets installed but the supporting objects are not. So I tried bundling the supporting object as a separate .sql file but got an error
    Testing options PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. declare * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20001: Package variable g_security_group_id must be set. ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_IMAGE_API", line 11 ORA-06512: at "APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_IMAGE_API", line 31 ORA-06512: at
    The supporting object is a button. Do I need to set the application id or security group id or something else?
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table := wwv_flow_api.empty_varchar2_table;
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(1) := '89504E470D0A1A0A0000000D494844520000009600000051080600000030EC5FEE000000097048597300000B1300000B1301009A9C1800000A4D6943435050686F746F73686F70204943432070726F66696C65000078DA9D53775893F7163EDFF7650F56';
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(2) := '42D8F0B1976C81002223AC08C81059A21092006184101240C585880A561415119C4855C482D50A489D88E2A028B867418A885A8B555C38EE1FDCA7B57D7AEFEDEDFBD7FBBCE79CE7FCCE79CF0F8011122691E6A26A003952853C3AD81F8F4F48C4C9BD80';
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(3) := '021548E0042010E6CBC26705C50000F00379787E74B03FFC01AF6F00020070D52E2412C7E1FF83BA50265700209100E02212E70B01905200C82E54C81400C81800B053B3640A009400006C797C422200AA0D00ECF4493E0500D8A993DC1700D8A21CA908';
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(4) := '008D0100992847240240BB00605581522C02C0C200A0AC40222E04C0AE018059B632470280BD0500768E58900F4060008099422CCC0020380200431E13CD03204C03A030D2BFE0A95F7085B8480100C0CB95CD974BD23314B895D01A77F2F0E0E221E2C2';
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(5) := '6CB142611729106609E4229C979B231348E7034CCE0C00001AF9D1C1FE383F90E7E6E4E1E666E76CEFF4C5A2FE6BF06F223E21F1DFFEBC8C020400104ECFEFDA5FE5E5D60370C701B075BF6BA95B00DA560068DFF95D33DB09A05A0AD07AF98B7938FC40';
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(6) := '1E9EA150C83C1D1C0A0B0BED2562A1BD30E38B3EFF33E16FE08B7EF6FC401EFEDB7AF000719A4099ADC0A383FD71616E76AE528EE7CB0442316EF7E723FEC7857FFD8E29D1E234B15C2C158AF15889B850224DC779B952914421C995E212E97F32F11F96';
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(7) := 'FD0993770D00AC864FC04EB607B5CB6CC07EEE01028B0E58D27600407EF32D8C1A0B91001067343279F7000093BFF98F402B0100CD97A4E30000BCE8185CA894174CC608000044A0812AB041070CC114ACC00E9CC11DBCC01702610644400C24C03C1042';
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(8) := '06E4801C0AA11896411954C03AD804B5B0031AA0119AE110B4C131380DE7E0125C81EB70170660189EC218BC86090441C8081361213A8811628ED822CE0817998E04226148349280A420E988145122C5C872A402A9426A915D4823F22D7214398D5C40FA';
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(147) := 'A514B7B6B6EA5AADA60B8582EAECEC54511471BD5EE7BEBE3EBF4E108FCA58FE9601580A68199FDAF12F8D1DDB5E3386221ADD8E3AF3CEC772A73505D60820C32BF0238E6DAF5D508DBAFFF2CFACE20C3E9A03E2789F3430B68D6DAF641BF33D8D6D63C0';
    wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table(148) := '1ADBC68035B68D016B6C1BDBC68035B6BD46B6FF3B0074B1DD40306DC6CD0000000049454E44AE426082';
        l_name   varchar2(255);
        l_name := 'logo.png';
         p_name=> l_name,
         p_varchar2_table=> wwv_flow_api.g_varchar2_table,
         p_mimetype=> 'image/png',
         p_location=> 'WORKSPACE',
         p_nlang=> '0',
         p_mode=> 'CREATE_OR_REPLACE',
         p_type=> 'IMAGE');

    Thanks Fac586! I did follow the process on those lines and was able to successfully get the images, application installed. The CSS which just had
    body {
    }Was also applied. However, it for some reason does not work. Looks like the CSS is not getting loaded. When I delete the CSS and upload it again through the shared components->CSS folder, it works fine. Not sure what the solution is!
    Oh and by the way, thanks a ton for helping everyone!

  • How can get a Graphics to draw line on screen?

    How can get a Graphics to draw line on screen?
    Now, I can get a Graphics to draw line based on component. For example JPanel, but I want to get a Graphics to draw line on screen.

    By drawing on the screen, I assume you mean drawing outside the bounds of a top-level window like
    JFrame or JDialog. You can't do that. At least, without going native and even then that's a dodgey thing
    for any platform to let you do. One thing you can do is simulate it with a robot's screen capture:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class X {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            Rectangle bounds = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getMaximumWindowBounds();
            BufferedImage image = new Robot().createScreenCapture(bounds);
            Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics();
            g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(20));
            g2.drawLine(0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height);
            g2.drawLine(bounds.width, 0, 0, bounds.height);
            JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(image));
            label.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
                public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
            JFrame f = new JFrame();

  • I wanna draw line chart

    hi, i wanna draw line chart for some analysis of an image.
    how can i do that?? plz help me in that, code would be more
    better.thank u.

    Yes, you can use the code for free and you can include it in your application for free. JFreeChart is and will always be free software.
    What's not free is the JFreeChart Developer Guide (a 300 page Acrobat PDF document) and access to the JFreeChart Priority Support Forum. You have to pay for these, if you want them, the idea being that a well-funded project will progress faster than one that relies solely on volunteers.
    I get some criticism for taking this "commercial" approach, but I am 100% certain that it has made JFreeChart a better product, so I don't care...
    Dave Gilbert
    JFreeChart Project Leader

  • Draw a rectangle on an image in an applet

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    Does anyone have an idea of a method that would be able to replace a paint method?
    Any help would be appreciated

    Have you thought about using one of your button to get the action done? You could use the Graphics method to create your object rectangle.
    Don't know if it would work but seems like a good idea to try.

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