Bug or Feature? Different behavior after 1.6.0_02 in both Firefox & IE6/IE7

I have been testing a small java applet for a phpbb mod, named Proxy Revealer
Basically the java applet "phones home" (connects back to the http host serving the applet) via a Socket connection to establish a direct connection, then basically writes a custom HttpRequest string with some parameters passed to it from the php script's HTML, so it looks like:
GET /probe.php?mode=java&ip=initial_external_ip&extra=random_unique_identifier&local=LAN_IP&vendor=java_vendor&version=num&user_agent=browser
which would allow the php script on the host/site to verify the client's IP address, and compare it with the initial IP that requested the page which loaded the applet, as well as Internal LAN IP if user is behind a router/NAT
This allows the php script to unmask & log proxied users for security purposes, in case of spamming/trolling on the forum, in an attempt to thwart the average spammers/trollers at the least.
The applet and the code works as desired and in various browsers, but only on JRE 1.6.0_02 and earlier releases...
It seems ever since JRE 1.6.0_03, this has stopped working when the end-user has HTTP Proxy configured in the browser.
I tested latest JRE as of date, ver 1.6.0_07, with IE6, IE7 & Firefox and and it still exhibits this odd behavior.
This is what appears in Java Console when I try to visit the page serving this applet with an HTTP proxy configured in browser:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.net.SocketPermission xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:80 connect,resolve)
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the resolved IP of the server host that is hosting the applet, so basically the same origin....
If I disable the HTTP Proxy configured in the browser, the applet connects back fine. So it only happens when HTTP Proxy is configured in browser..
Is this a new feature or a bug??
Here's the java applet code:
// httpRequestor.java
// Copyright (c) MMVI TerraFrost
// Licensed under the GPL.
import java.applet.*;
import java.net.*;
public class HttpRequestor extends Applet
     public void start()
               String javaVendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor");
               String javaVersion = javaVendor.startsWith("Microsoft") ? System.getProperty("java.version") : System.getProperty("java.vm.version");
               Socket sock = new Socket(getParameter("domain"), Integer.parseInt(getParameter("port")));
               String path = getParameter("path")+"&local="+sock.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress()+
                    "&vendor="+URLEncoder.encode(javaVendor, "UTF-8")+
                    "&version="+URLEncoder.encode(javaVersion, "UTF-8")+
                    "&user_agent="+URLEncoder.encode(getParameter("user_agent"), "UTF-8");
               String httpRequest = "GET "+path+" HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: "+getParameter("domain")+"\r\n\r\n";
          catch (Exception e)
}and the relative portion from the probe.php script loading it:
          $java_url = $path_name . "probe.$phpEx?mode=java&ip=$client_ip&extra=$sid,$key";
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<applet width="0" height="0" code="HttpRequestor.class" codebase=".">
  <param name="domain" value="<?php echo $server_name; ?>">
  <param name="port" value="<?php echo $board_config['server_port']; ?>">
  <param name="path" value="<?php echo $java_url; ?>">
  <param name="user_agent" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); ?>">
</html>A barebone/proof-of-concept demo (also employing a couple other tricks to detect CGI proxies in the same page):
Another similar java applet code (with demo) is found towards the bottom of this page:
Both of these demos work with JRE versions 1.6.0_02 and older, but fail to work (in both IE & FF) with JRE 1.0.6_03 and newer - up to 1.0.6_07 which is latest as of date

Thought I might elaborate on the details of the bug report I made, perhaps someone needs to add to it or needs to understand the problem better.
Unsigned applets cannot connect back via Socket to the originating host (from codebase) when a Proxy is configured in user's browser (IE7/IE6//FF3/FF2 tested) and when origin host's IP address doesn't resolve back to the same hostname.
www.hostingsite.com resolves to
but, resolves back to
Affects JRE versions 1.6.0_03 - 1.6.0_07
This wasn't a problem in 1.6.0_02 or prior versions according to my tests.
An AccessControlException is thrown about SocketPermission:
I believe the security manager is doing unnecessary lookups, even after the resolved IP matches to the IP of the origin host. This is apparent from the fairly long delay before the ACE is thrown about SocketPermission.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Configure HTTP Proxy in browser (IE/Firefox)
2. visit an html page that embeds a simple applet that tries to connect back to origin host whose hostname resolves to an IP address but the IP address resolves to a different hostname. (example code below)
Expected Result:
Applet should be able to connect back to originating host via Socket connection or write (post) to a URL on origin host (which requires a new Socket connection back)
Actual Result:
Socket sock = new Socket(Proxy.NO_PROXY);
InetSocketAddress sockAddress = new InetSocketAddress(getCodeBase().getHost(), port);
sock.connect(sockAddress);The above snippet of code would throw an ACE about SocketPermission when applet tries to initiate sock.connect
URL urlRequest = new URL(this.getCodeBase()+path);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)urlRequest.openConnection(Proxy.NO_PROXY);
conn.getOutputStream();would also throw an ACE about SocketPermission when the applet tries to initiate Socket connection for the conn.getOutputStream() call.
Error Message(s):
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.net.SocketPermission x.x.x.x:80 connect,resolve)
     at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
     at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
     at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
     at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkConnect(Unknown Source)
     at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
     at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
     at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
     at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
     at HttpRequestor.start(HttpRequestor.java:16)
     at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
x.x.x.x being the resolved IP address of the origin server
Source code for an executable test case:
import java.applet.*;
import java.net.*;
public class HttpRequestor extends Applet
     public void start()
               Socket sock = new Socket(Proxy.NO_PROXY);
               InetSocketAddress sockAddress = new InetSocketAddress(getCodeBase().getHost(), Integer.parseInt(getParameter("port")));
               String path = getParameter("path")+"&local="+sock.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress();
               String httpRequest = "GET "+path+" HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: "+getCodeBase().getHost()+"\r\n\r\n";
          catch (Exception e)
The only possible workaround I could find is if the the applet can be loaded from IP-address in the codebase URL to avoid the unnecessary lookups by the SecurityManger.
This, however, maybe very difficult to use in most virtual-hosting environment, and IE browsers older than IE7 would most likely throw an error like "Class not found".
Example, if www.hostingsite.com resolves to
and goes to http://www.hostingsite.com
Change the codebase URL in the html embedding the applet, from:
I also forgot to mention in my bug report that this would also be quite a big problem in server farms, where the origin-hostname resolves to multiple IP addressses and when those IP addresses do not all resolve back to the same hostname.

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  • BUGS and FEATURES REQUESTED. Please add to it.

    I've been using the z10 for the past couple weeks and wanted to start a thread of comprehensive Bugs and Features Requested.
    I've labeled Bugs by letters (A,B,C...) and Features Requested by numbers (1, 2, 3...) so that others can add sequentially.
    (Not listed in any particular order)
    (A.) Contact App adds current date as birthday. When I edit my contact, the current date gets listed as the birthday in local contact.
    (B.) Duplicate telephone numbers listed. Telephone numbers show up twice in my Contacts (e.g.., if I have the contact's cell saved in (000) 123-4567 format and the person has the number listed in Facebook, I get a duplicate entry of +10001234567).
    (C.) Telephone numbers and emails are not actionable in Web pages. In webpages, I can't click on telephone number to call (e.g., I look up a phone number for a restaurant). I should be able to easily call or copy into the Phone App or E-mail App.
    (D.) Auto capitulation for words on the word substitution list is wrong. For example, when the word substitution contains more than one word. I have "ru" change to "are you" but if the first letter is capitalized (R) then both words become capitalized words (Are You). I used to have shortcuts like "mysig" to create email signatures with legal disclaimers but I can't do that now.
    (E.) Backspace delete doesn't work consistently. The Shift+Delete function seems only to work after moving the cursor. This feature is the Alt+Del action to delete words after the cursor.
    (F.) All Emoticons do not list. Emoticons do not all fit on the the two screens (lists) of emoticons. I.e., two columns are missing from view and can be seen when sliding (swiping) between the lists. Also, sometimes when I select an emoticon, it doesn't correspond with the picture of the one I intended. I believe this error is related. As a separate note, there should be a way to see the underlying symbols of the emoticon. (Often times, other people don't have BlackBerrys so I'd like to know what symbols would be sent--my prior 9800 would show the characters as i scrolled through them).
    (G.) BlackBerry keyboard doesn't always work in input fields. E.g., certain Web pages. (I found a work around; two finger swipe up from the bottom makes the keyboard appear)
    (H.) Sent messages stay unread. This seems to be an issue when an app sends an email (e.g., share article). The email with the sent indicator (checkmark) stays bold and I have listed 1 unread email. I can't mark as read/unread but if I delete the sent email, my unread message gets cleared.
    (I.) Contact already added but I get the option to add instead of view contact. For some contacts, I get the option to add to contacts in the action menu cascade when that person is already in my address book. This bug is for emails and text messages.
    (J.) Cannot call from text message. When I hold a text message and select call under the action menu cascade, the OS opens up the phone app but doesn't call.
    (K.) Composing messages by name. When composting messages, the input must be by first, middle and last name. It should be, instead, by string and include nickname. E.g., if the person's name is "Andrew B. Cameron" I must type the name in as such. I can't type in "Andrew Cameron" or "Andy Cameron."
    Features Requested and Suggestions for Improved User Experience
    (In no particular order)
    1)      Option to reply in different ways from the Call List. Be able to select a name in a call list and have options to call, text or email the person. The action menu allows calls to other numbers but I can't choose to text or email the contact instead. Sometimes, I missed a call and want to reply via text because I’m not able to talk. (Long hold on the Torch 9800 trackpad button brought up the action menu allowing me to call, text, view history, add to speed dial, e-mail, delete, etc.)
    2)      Option to reply in different ways from the Hub. Related to above, when selecting an item in the hub, have the option to contact the sender or caller with multiple different ways.
    3)      Only show number once in contacts application. Tap on the number to bring up the "action" cascade menu with options to call or text the number. Why is the same number listed twice (once to call and below again to text it)?
    4)      Timestamps for individual text messages. I can't tell exact time on individual text message if it comes in near the time of another text. All messages are in one "bubble."
    5)      Ability to select MMS or text for a message. Sometimes I write a text longer than 160 characters and I prefer it to be sent in one message (i.e., MMS mode) rather than being broken into one or more standard text messages. I had this ability with my 9800.
    6)      Send button should be moved for text messages!!! Why the heck is it right underneath the delete button?!? Or next to the period button? I often times have accidentally hit send when composing text. It's very annoying and embarrassing. (Also, what happened to the ability to hit enter for a return carriage to next line?)
    7)      Bigger magnifying glass. My finger is often over the area I need to place the cursor. I find it difficult and erratic to place the cursor.
    8)      Select all option. Add the option to select all text in action menu cascade.
    9)      E-mail recipients and message headers. Difficult to tell if you are one of many email recipients. Can we have a way to pull the email down to see the list of recipients rather than have to click to expand the header info? I know this request is a little picky, but that's how it was done in the previous BlackBerry OS which I preferred; it is easier and faster to pull the e-mail down and 'peek' to see which e-mail box received the message, message status, from and to fields. This change would be consistent with BB's flow/peek rather than click.
    10)   Browser navigation. Hold down back arrow to get a list of recently visited websites similar to a desktop browser.
    11)   Dark/Night mode. A night mode (maybe in the drop down menu) to change all the white and bright backgrounds to black or dark which would be helpful when reading/viewing things at night in bed/etc.
    12)   Number of contacts. Ability to see how many contacts I have.
    13)   What happened to groups or categories? I'd like to have back the ability to filter or see categories and also a way to contact everyone in a category. E.g., family or friends or coworkers, etc.
    14)   Shutter sound mute. I was at a wedding and wanted to take pictures during the ceremony but the shutter would was too loud.
    15)   East Asian Language Input. I bought my parents two Samsung Galaxy S3 phones over the weekend because they need Korean input (and the Kakao talk app). (BTW, S3 is a great phone but I prefer the Z10 after having the weekend to use the Android phones).
    16)   Ability to freely place icons on the homesreen. Currently, icons are forced top left-right-to-bottom. I prefer to space my icons out.
    17)   Add a contact to the homescreen. I'd like to place a shortcut (similar to a Webpage) to the homescreen for a contact which will open up the contact. Android allows this feature and so did my previous 9800.
    18)   Search Contacts by nickname. The contacts app doesn't allow me to search by, e.g., Andy, even if I have that as my contact's nickname. The previous OS allowed this type of search which was very helpful.
    Finally, as a note, I've been using the BlackBerry Z10 for the past 2 weeks and it's a great platform. I just bought two Samsung Galaxy S3 phones over the weekend for my parents so they could use the Korean language input and related features so I spent a lot of time with the Android platform, setting it up and teaching them how to use it. The S3 is a great phone too.
    I prefer, however, the way BlackBerry has done their OS 10 and the integrated management of messages.
    It's too bad that BB doesn't have Korean input and apps like Kakao Talk or I would have considered it for them.
    The BlackBerry 10 is a great platform and I look forward to the continual improvements that will only make the experience better.

    This is a great post.
    I couldn't have written it myself better.
    I'm also in dying need of Korean input as I can't communicate with my Korean friends.
    But I second every point.
    I hope the tech teams are reading this.

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    Assuming it's not unique to my configuration, is this a bug or "feature" ?

    From the Safari Menu Bar click Safari/Preferences then select the General tab.
    You can deselect: Open "safe" files after downloading.

  • Environment Transformer - Randomize Pitch ::: Bug or Feature (Article)

    There are quite many discussions lately about the Logic Environment Transformer "Randomize Note Pitch" operation. By default it does not work as expected passing thru the original Note events data. That's why many Logic users think that it is a bug. Unfortunately this FAQ has never been answered correctly in all Logic forums, PRO training books/workshops, articles etc. As a result, many Logic users contacted the Audiogrocery (which is specialized into Logic Environment & MIDI FX developments). Here is a step by step explanation:
    Bug or Feature?
    It is a Logic self-protection feature! The Environment Transformer object is a complex scripting tool which consists of heavy codes created by the genius Emagic developers more than 15 years ago. There are hundreds of combo settings you can use but a few ones are Protected! The Note Pitch Randomization is one of them - why?
    The example  (Fig.1) shows a triggering note D2 which passes thru the Transformer Pitch Randomizer (Pitch Condition) without any result. The programing reason which blocks that is [B]Note Hanging[/B]!
    Bear in mind that this Transformer setting randomizes ([B]in force Mode - see below[/B]) the Note ONs and the OFFs in a different way causing hanging notes. The factory Script: Note receiving (Condition) & Pitch Random (Scale Operation Assignments) is designed to block such Combo setting because it requires perfect Note ON randomizing registrations followed by proper Note OFFs - see the last Macro tool shown in this article below.
    Force Mode - Note to P-Press (Example)
    Let's force that limitation (Fig.2). In this test you can set the Operation "Status" to Control Change, Fader, P-press etc . In my scenario I have set the Operation Condition to "P-press" status, keeping the original Pitch Random Range "C3- G3".
    [B]Note[/B]: The Transformer is forced and works as expected now! However the Monitor object shows P-Press (ON event F3) and (OFF event E3) which do not match each other and will cause Note hanging for sure - see below!
    Force Mode - Note to P-Press & P-press to Note
    Let's patch/cable one more Transformer object which will transform back the forced "P-press" randomization into Note events (Fig.3).
    This image shows clearly that the source triggered Note (D2) is randomized into D#3 Note ON (according to the 1st Transformer "Rand" setting) while the Note OFF is randomized to E3 which does not match the Note ON! This Environment "Forcing" scheme will cause "Note Hanging"!
    The main purpose of this article is to show that this "issue" is a Logic self-protection feature! However there is a forcing method alternative which can put that into work. As I mentioned before you can patch/cable a few Transformers to register the Note ONs event numbers during the randomization and use that register scheme to send proper Note OFFs numbers to the Instrument. Such complex Environment setup takes no more than 5-6 Transformers which can be packed into a Macro (Fig4).
    As you see the Note Pitch Randomizer example Macro shown in Fig.4 sends proper Note OFFs Numbers to the Instrument device.

    Hi Mark,
    According to your description, my understanding is that the Article Date column displayed with the value based on GMT0 in the Refinement web part.
    Microsoft SharePoint stores date and time values in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, but also named GMT or Zulu) format, and almost all date and time values that are returned by members of the object model are in UTC format. So the value
    of the Article Date column stores the date and time in UTC format in the database, and the search indexes the UTC value of the Article Date column after crawling the database so that it displays the UTC value in Refinement web part.
    The list column values displayed in the lists that are obtained through the indexer for the SPListItem class are already formatted in the local time for the site so if you’re working on current context list item and fetch a datetime field
    like so SPContext.Current.ListItem["Your-DateTime-Field"] you’ll retrieve a DateTime object according the specified time zone in the regional settings.
    More references:
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • CopyPixles() performance: bug or feature ?

    As anyone who has tried, knows that the performance of copyPixels/Blitting is unacceptably slow under the current version of PFI, which is a shame as most high-end flash games use blitting for their rendering.
    However its not clear if this is a Bug, that can be expected to be fixed in the next version, as the current one out is still a 'preview 2' not a final, or a permanent feature of how the PFI conversion will impact projects in all future versions as well.
    I have my doubts, as i *Think* its NOT actually copyPixels() thats causing the problem, as in my test if our game is getting about 7FPS with about 150 copyPixels() operations per frame.
    When I've cut that down to 15 copyPixels/frame, its still only 8FPS! I think its actually the fact that we have a new 480x320 BitmapData filled every frame and uploaded to the GPU/stored in the Memory. So even if just a blank 'canvas' bitmapdata gets filled with a flat color it could be the same.
    I tried setting the export to CPU, and even explicitly setting the bitmapdata/Movieclip to cacheAsBitmap = false but it didn't improve the performance.
    So my question is obvious, is this  a 'normal' behavior? Or should we expect this to be fixed in the next version?
    I can imagine either way, as an architecture that relies on the GPU and assumes 3D applications might work differently to a PC, as in a 3D application you dont typically create/fill a new 480x320 Texture/Bitmapdata each frame, but have a singe set that you cache initially and never add anything new to that.
    Any Ideas ?

    Colin: you are welcome to test, This is pasted into an FLA's first frame set to 30FPS. Some of the sections are commented out, you can enable them to test different aspects. I also recommend testing both CPU and GPU.
    The time Delta is calculated in both cases the same way
    and you will see a that the Timer class uses a LOT of CPU. Where as if you use ENTER_FRAME you will get better performance
                // Initial Variables
                var gameTimer:Timer;
                // FPS and Debug Variables
                var FPS :int = 30;
                var _lastTimeUpdated:int;
                var fpstextField:TextField;
                var memoryField:TextField;
                // display Object
                var _canvasBD:BitmapData;
                var _canvasBitmap:Bitmap;
                _canvasBD = new BitmapData(480,320,false,0x06b111);
                _canvasBitmap = new Bitmap(_canvasBD);
                // Performance Monitoring text fields
                var debugLayer:Sprite;
                debugLayer = new  Sprite();
                fpstextField = new TextField()
                memoryField= new TextField()
                memoryField.textColor = 0xFF00CC;
                fpstextField.textColor = 0xFF00CC;
                fpstextField.width = 100;
                memoryField.width = 100;   
                memoryField.y = 75;
                fpstextField.y = 55;
                // Start Gameloop
                 gameTimer=new Timer(1000 / FPS);   
                _lastTimeUpdated = getTimer();  
                gameTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, render, false, 0, true);
                 // If you use Enter Frame performance will be better
                //this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render, false, 0, true);
    function render(e:TimerEvent):void  // e:Event):void // use this for ENTER_FRAME
    {    //trace("runing");
            // Render a flat color into a Bitmap. You can comment this out, so there is nothing on stage,
            // and still see poor performance when the timer is running
            var bitmapRect: Rectangle = new Rectangle (0, 0, 480, 320);
            _canvasBD.fillRect(bitmapRect, 0x06b111);
            // Calculate FPS and memory usage
            var currentTime:int = getTimer();
            var timeDeltaInSeconds:Number = (currentTime - _lastTimeUpdated) / 1000; 
            _lastTimeUpdated = currentTime;  
            var actualFPS:Number =  Math.round (1 / timeDeltaInSeconds );
            fpstextField.text = "FPS: " + actualFPS + " / " +  FPS;
            memoryField.text = "mem: " + Math.floor(System.totalMemory / (1024 * 1024) * 100) / 100;
        // Have an optional 2nd timer that does nothing other than running, to see performance degrade even further
        //var gameTimer2:Timer;
        //gameTimer2=new Timer(1000 / FPS);   
        //gameTimer2.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, doNothing, false, 0, true)
    //function doNothing(e:TimerEvent):void
    //{    //trace("run");
            // Render a flat color
    - This above does about 15 FPS, jumping to 29FPS. Its weird even if you disable the rendering the green block, it will still be bad, suggesting that its actually the timer that causes the performance problems
    In my book 24FPS is poor for a scrolling game, 30FPS+ is the minimum for something commercially acceptable ... You've seen the Unreal video I posted in the other thread, noone is going to tell me that if That is possible at 30FPS, then 24FPS ( in fact a lot less ), is the max Iphone 4 can do.

  • Some, but not all, podcasts existing on the iPod no longer appear in iTunes. Different podcasts have been affected at different times, after changes in the state of the iPod. Only podcasts are affected.

    I have not seen this precise issue addressed anywhere. I don’t know if it’s an iTunes or an iPod problem:
    - Some, but not all, podcasts existing on the iPod no longer appear in iTunes;
      this, after normal behavior for more than a year since purchase of the iPod.
    - Different podcasts have been affected at different times, after changes in the state of the iPod.
    - Only podcasts are affected.
    - This concerns an iPod nano 6th gen. and iTunes 11.0.2 (26) on System 10.6.8
    - The only change to iTunes, the Mac, or the iPod is that just before this condition began
      I’d begun syncing an iPhone via iTunes.
    I sync manually (“manually manage music and videos”). The first time this happened, I wanted to delete seventeen podcast episodes (all belonging to one podcast) existing on the iPod — but they didn’t show up in iTunes. I tried re-downloading them and re-syncing, to see if the new versions would somehow “re-link” to iTunes. They didn’t. Only one — new — episode appeared in iTunes.
    I ultimately reset the iPod and manually resynced all the podcasts I currently had on iTunes. That worked, though I had to painstakingly add in all the other content deleted by the reset.
    So: after that reset and manual sync, all podcasts and episodes on the iPod were visible to iTunes and I was able to delete the podcast and its — now 18 — episodes I’d wanted to get rid of to begin with. But the next time I connected the iPod, only 8 podcast episodes out of 21 episodes total existing on the iPod were visible to iTunes. These are different podcasts; I’d deleted the original “invisible” ones.
    By “visible,” I mean in the “Podcasts” list view under “[name]’s iPod” in the iTunes sidebar. If I select “[name]’s” iPod in the iTunes sidebar and the “Podcasts” tab, all podcasts and episodes are visible, though greyed out because I’m set to sync manually. It’s unclear to me if these are the podcasts on the iPod or those currently in iTunes, as they are currently the same. If I switch to syncing automatically, all content on the iPod will be lost again, so I’m not up to trying it at the moment.
    As I said,  this involves only podcasts. All other content on the iPod does appear in iTunes.

    I have the same problem- i see my movies in the ipod section in itunes and they even show as mpeg4 in the 'kind' section but they dont have that small TV icon next to them. if i play these in itunes, they play fine- but try playing them on the ipod and all you hear is the sound and no picture. All videos that i manually transfer work fine in the beginning- its when i hook up the ipod to the comp again and start itunes- they start showing up without the 'tv' icon!! i have to again transfer them from the itunes library to activate them as videos.
    Need Help!!!

  • Bug list/feature observations for BB10 on Z10

    1. CRITICAL granular control of notifcations/alerts e.g. a different sound/volume/vibration per mailbox or alert type has been completely removed in BB10 and needs to be reinstated as an urgency
    2. support for BBM and Calendar in Landscape mode is missing. A workaround for BBM can be found via the Hub, not the BBM icon.
    3. the sound alert for a text message sometimes doesn't play. It seems to vibrate okay, but every 5th or so text message, it doesn't play the alert sound.
    4. CRITICAL if you set the display format for your emails to 'conversation style' (so that messages on the same thread are grouped - very helpful) but a folder which one of the messages is in isn't synced, then fresh inbox replies to that chain won't get shown to you in the Hub. It transpires that /GOOGLEMAIL/SENT ITEMS is a sub folder that's affected by this. It means any chain you reply to using your Blackberry, subsequent replies will not be displayed in the Hub. "Solution" is to disable 'conversation style' for thread display.
    5. WhatsApp, Bloomberg Mobile (not the terminal login App) and BeBuzz should be top App conversion targets.
    6. when you click the Text Messages icon it should take you to your text messages, not the Hub (which is what happens if you have an email open).
    7. the lock screen currently has just one icon for emails - ALL emails, regardless of mailbox. It has a fairly generic number for unread messages in ALL of the boxes combined e.g. "200 emails" - this needs to be split our per mailbox.
    8. opening a tenth App closes a previously opened App. It should ask you before closing the other App as it's a pain if the App it kills is Skype, Voice, Maps etc
    9. the current battery icon is too small to tell the difference between 30% and 15% (for example) - touching it should display the %, or something similar.
    10. the screen rotation can be extremely slow. Often you can count 1.. 2.. 3.. 4 before the screen switches orientation. Given how often you'll switch between orientations during use, it quickly gets annoying. 
    11. when the screen finally rotates (see point 10) the position your cursor was in in the previous orientation is lost
    12. it's not quick to put a question/exclamation mark into text. Fine, have a sub menu for general punctuation - but not these extremely common marks (which is exactly why comma and full-stop (period) are full-time keys)
    13. the super-useful "delete from device OR delete from device & server" has been removed entirely!
    14. using the browser in Landscape mode means "open in new tab" is in a sub-menu. As it's one of the most used features in any browser, and unlike Apple iOS you can't just hold a press to activate 'open in new tab', it really slows you down.
    15. sometimes numbers are included in the on-screen keyboard, sometimes not. Can they be made permanent?
    16. twice now my 'enter password to unlock' screen has appeared without the keyboard, meaning I couldn't enter my password. About 2 times out of 200, or 1%
    17. new messages - have some small icons in the status bar at the top of the screen rather than require a swipe UP&RIGHT to see the Hub
    18. in the Hub, the icons for each message don't show if the message was successfully sent. To check if an email/text was sent okay, you have to go into the message (2 levels)
    19. you STILL can't see when a text message you received was actually sent by the other party. Quite a basic function.
    20. you STILL can't swap email accounts when forwarding a message
    21. Calendar reminders often don't trigger the red LED. In fact, the LED is generally pretty inconsistent, often not flashing, or flashing only for a short while.
    22. the device supplied ring tones/alert tones are pretty terrible and you cannot set variable volume levels (see point 1).
    23. you can select .mid files for your ringtone even though these aren't compatible (when someone calls, your phone will be silent).
    24. there's an awkward 3 second pause between clicking Send and a text message actually sending. Why awkward? Because you then have to wait/waste 3 seconds waiting to see if your click was registered, and if the message was sent.
    25. GMAIL - boring standard message in the Inbox, no labels or anything funky - Universal Search won't find it if it's more than 1 WEEK old?
    26. The power-user controls for Universal Search seem to have vanished? Indexing, Extended Search etc? All you can choose now is "source"?
    27. Weird one this. The phone stopped ringing! Checked and double-checked all Notification settings, even did a reboot but nope, phone will not ring for an incoming call! A fresh reboot finally fixed it - I was using a 206kb mp3 which may or may not be relevant
    28. I'd love to know why G Maps is missing (assume aggressive move from Google?)
    29. it's sometimes tricky to clear Missed Calls. I think you might have to go into the Missed Calls menu and then sub menu? Seems to be more effort than it should be - previously you just clicked the Dial button once to view and presto, missed call indicator cleared. Hardly a huge thing but then as with a lot on this list, it's all about saving a second here, a second there = a big saving over the day or week.
    30. Contentious I know, and certainly not a 'fault', but the charging points are gone so I can't get a desktop stand (ironic given the battery life is now more of an issue)
    31. when composing a text message you'd don't see the conversation history for that contact until you've sent the new message.
    edit: numbering

    CRITICAL:  You cant control the image size for pictures when sending as attachemtns in email. In previous Os 6 & 7 you could select, "smaller, mide size, large or original". These options are gone.

  • Is this BUG or Feature of APEX 4.0.1 - Any expert please help to answer

    Try this to stimulate the BUG or Feature
    - Development -
    1. Create Basic Master Detail with tabular form
    2. Create a basic LOV and display NULL -> RETURN NULL
    - Run -
    1. Run the Page click "ADD ROW"
    2. Do not enter any data into the tabular
    3. Click on Apply Changes
    Apex smart enough to know user do not want to add anything very nice....
    now... observe this
    - Development -
    1. Modify the LOV, remove the display NULL, so it will show first value of the LOV
    - Run -
    1. Run the Page click "ADD ROW"
    2. Do not enter any data into the tabular
    3. Click on Apply Changes
    Apex don't bother to test all validations straight to GIGO and end user see those ORA-.
    I have a page that the tabular form has a default value (not LOV but default value) the validation is not working, GIGO....
    Any expert please explain is this suppose how Apex work? or do we need to handle those default value.
    I try to debug the page with good one and bad one, I think I still have a lot to learn I don't understand the debug message. I guess is something about Branching....

    Unfortunately there isn't really much that could be done to work around this issue in 4.0.x. The validation logic treats these new rows as not having been touched by the user, hence they are ignored. But the DML (update/insert) logic thinks the data did change due to that default value, and thus attempts an insert for the new row. There might be a way to trick APEX into doing the right thing with some JavaScript, but I would advice against that, considering that this might break after a future upgrade.

  • Bug or feature: Finder's sidebar and shared drives

    I don't know if this is a bug or an incomplete feature.
    I have a Windows fileserver on the network. In Finder if I go to afp://<ipaddress> and authenticate with name and password I get a window with the list of available Apple shares. So far so good, just like Tiger. When I choose ONE drive I want, however, the Finder sidebar does not show the drive but shows the server itself and clicking the servername shows ALL available shares. I can click anyone I want and view the contents.
    If the Go To process didn't ask for which drive I wanted to connect to, that'd be great since the sidebar display them all anyways.
    It's a bit odd though. In list view there's no triangles to expand the folders, and it seems odd that the Go To process asks which drive to connect to but then give you all of them anyways. But I certainly like not having to choose which drives I want to connect to.
    Bug or feature? I'm rooting for feature.

    supersolenoid wrote:
    I've recently noticed some very strange behavior when I use exposé with windows minimized and applications hidden.
    When applications are hidden, their windows do not appear in exposé, which seems reasonable.
    But windows that were minimized before hiding the application continue to appear in exposé even while they are not shown in the dock.
    Is this normal behavior? It's irking the **** out of me.
    yes, it's normal behavior. minimized windows show up in exposé but are smaller than non minimized windows. Personally, I like it that way. and when you choose the option to minimize to the application this is the easiest way to unminimize them. but if you are not happy with this you can send apple feedback on the issue

  • Bug or feature? -- Unconditional branch using "Go To Page &P12_PREV_PAGE."

    I have used unconditional branch "Go To Page &P12_PREV_PAGE." successfully for updating a table record page and then returing to the previous page stored in the P12_PREV_PAGE item.
    But the same approach failed when I deleted a table record page. Although the P12_PREV_ITEM item stored the correct page number, after deletion the returned page was always Page 0.
    Is this a bug or feature?

    I tried to use application item like F36035_PREV_PAGE instead of page item P12_PREV_PAGE.
    The problem was solved.

  • Bug or Feature in 1.5.0?

    Bug or Feature in 1.5.0?
    My exsisting code behaves different in 1.4.x. and 1.5.0 Runtime environment.
    I have roughtly the following code:
    import java.util.*;
    // any java.sql.* is NOT importet
      Activitylog al = whatever... // init
      Date lastInvDate = al.getDate();
      Date invDate     = invoice.getInvoiceDate();
      if(lastInvDate.compareTo(invDate) < 0) {  // <- Exception hereException in thread "Thread-50" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.sql.Date
         at java.sql.Timestamp.compareTo(Unknown Source)
         at ***********.validateCancelledAccount(ValidateInvoice.java:1195)
    al.getDate() Sourcecode in Activitylog: public java.util.Date getDate() {
    but initial the Date inside Activitylog was created by
    java.sql.Resultset rs = whatever... // init
    Date date = rs.getTimestamp(3);With 1.4.X the Code works as i expected.
    lastInvDate.compareTo(invDate) < 0is calling java.util.Date.compareTo(java.util.Date)
    but with 1.5.0_04
    lastInvDate.compareTo(invDate) < 0 is calling java.sql.Timestamp.compareTo(java.sql.Timestamp) and leads
    to the ClassCastException
    Is it a bug or a feature of 1.5.0?

    Well it looks like your exact problem is listed on that incompatibility list:
    JDBC - As of 5.0, comparing a java.sql.Timestamp to a java.util.Date by invoking compareTo on the Timestamp results in a ClassCastException. For example, the following code successfully compares a Timestamp and Date in 1.4.2, but fails with an exception in 5.0:
    aTimeStamp.compareTo(aDate) //NO LONGER WORKS
    This change affects even pre-compiled code, resulting in a binary compatibility problem where compiled code that used to run under earlier releases fails in 5.0. We expect to fix this problem in a future release.
    For more information, see bug 5103041.
    Michael Bishop

  • Bug or feature?. Can`t input symbol in inputfield in webdynpro screen.

    Hi all.
    Sometimes in EP after open webdynpro sreen inputfield available for input (focused field is yellow), BUT cursor is not visible in field and i can`t write text.
    I try open screen without EP and can`t view this bug.
    Maybe couse in EP?
    SAP Netweaver 701 SP05

    a quick hack around the not-taking-null text might be an adapter property which does nothing but return an empty String if its value is null
    public class NullStringAdapter extends StringProperty {
         * @inherited <p>
        public String get() {
            String value = super.get();
            return value != null ? value : "";
    // usage
    StringProperty adapter = new NullStringProperty();
    textBox.rawTextProperty().bindBidirectional(adapter);not completely tested, got side-tracked by a quick test not working at all (see Bug or feature: "weak" bidirectional binding? Nasty: looks like the adapter has to be a field somewhere instead of a local member - otherwise the binding simply vanishes ...

  • Bug or feature: "weak" bidirectional binding?

    Just lost my last not-gray hair while quick-testing notification behaviour, the guts being binding a local (to the init method) property to the rawTextProperty of a textBox
    * Created on 06.07.2011
    package bug;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.TextBox;
    import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    // bind rawTextProperty
    public class TextRawTextBind2 extends Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        private HBox createParent() {
            TextBox modelInput = new TextBox();
            StringProperty property = new StringProperty("some text");
            ChangeListener l = new ChangeListener() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
                    System.out.println("from adapter: " + arg1 + arg2
                            + arg0.getClass());
            HBox hBox = new HBox();
            return hBox;
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
            HBox hBox = createParent();
            Scene scene = new Scene(hBox);
      }when typing into the textBox, I expect the listener to be notified - but nothing happens. Inline the createParent into the start method - the listener gets notified as expected (for your convenience, added that as well below).
    So what's the difference? The only thingy I can think of (after a whole afternoon of extensive testing of my code as well as textBox .. ) might be listener management in the binding: if the bound property is kept by a weak reference, then it might get garbage collected on method exit. Don't know though, never really cared much about weak references ...
    Comments please?
    here's the same as all-in-one
    * Created on 06.07.2011
    package bug;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.TextBox;
    import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    // bind rawTextProperty
    public class TextRawTextBind extends Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
          TextBox modelInput = new TextBox();
          StringProperty property = new StringProperty("some text");
          ChangeListener l = new ChangeListener() {
              public void changed(ObservableValue arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
                  System.out.println("from adapter: " + arg1 + arg2 + arg0.getClass()
          HBox hBox = new HBox();
          Scene scene = new Scene(hBox);

    reason for wanting such a loose hanging property is
    Bug or feature: TextBox can't handle null text
    textBox can't cope with null text (which is a valid value in the domain) so need to adapt somehow withouth being interested in the adapter at all, so keeping it around as a field is ... polluting code

  • Sequence behavior after importing via DataPump

    Hi Friends,
    I'm running Oracle DB on Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Servers and I faced a strange sequences behavior after importing a schema via Data Pump.
    The export is done this way:
    EXPDP userid/password dumpfile= logfile= directory= remap_dumpfile=y (no news)
    The import is done this way
    IMPDP userid/password dumpfile= logfile= directory= remap_schema=(old_one:new_one) remap_tablespace=(old_ones:new_ones, so on...)
    The import works fine. There are no errors and the sequences are as well imported with no warnings.
    The strange behavior is that the sequences seems to "reset". When we call a sequence the NEXTVAL is just lower than the values already stored in the Database, and we get ORA-00001 a lot. The sequence should know that vale. I don't have this problem when using exp/imp, just via DataPump.
    So that when we create an order that should receive the value of 100, as an example, because we have 99 orders on the system, Oracle suggest a value lower than 99 or even the number one value (01).
    We then wrote a script to check the CURVAL of the sequences on the base schema to recreate the sequences using this initial value on the new imported schema.
    Does anyone faced this problem before?
    Any suggestions?
    Tks a lot

    I've tried what you just said.
    Adding the parameter consistent=y makes Oracle to show a message like that at the beginning of the export
    "flashback_time=TO_TIMESTAMP('2013-09-03 12:18:12', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')"
    It warns me: Legacy Parameter CONSISTENT=TRUE, and replaces with flashback_time.
    Really, I did not know about this behavior with this "old" parameter. I'm very appreciated about your help.
    I was almost thinking it was a DataPump bug or something.
    Thanks a lot Richard. I'll now update my scripts and make lots of test.
    If you have more advices using this parameter please share us.

  • Swing locks up during event handling of a simple button... bug or feature?

    I have the following code:
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JToolBar;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    public class Test extends JFrame {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         private JButton button;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){public void run(){new Test();}});
         public Test()
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              JToolBar toolbar = new JToolBar();
              button = new JButton("button");
              button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { button.setEnabled(false);}});
              getContentPane().add(toolbar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              JPanel panel = new JPanel();
              panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,10000));
              for(int i=0;i<10000; i++) { panel.add(new JLabel(""+(Math.random()*1000))); }
              JScrollPane scrollpane = new JScrollPane();
              getContentPane().add(scrollpane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    }This code is lethal to swing: when pressing the button, for no identifiable reason the entire UI will lock up, even though all the event handler is doing is setting the button's "enabled" property to false. The more content is located in the panel, the longer this locking takes (set -Xmx1024M and the label loop to 1000000 items, then enjoy timing how long it takes swing to realise that all it has to do is disable the button...)
    Does anyone here know of how to bypass this behaviour (and if so, how?), or is it something disastrous that cannot be coded around because it's inherent Swing behaviour?
    I tried putting the setEnabled(false) call in a WorkerThread... that does nothing. It feels very much like somehow all components are locked, while the entire UI is revalidated, but timing revalidation shows that the panel revalidates in less than 50ms, after which Swing's stalled for no reason that I can identify.
    Bug? Feature?
    how do I make it stop doing this =(
    - Mike

    However, if you replace "setEnabled(false)" with "setForeground(Color.red)") the change is instant,I added a second button to the toolbar and invoked setEnabled(true) on the first button and the change is instant as well. I was just looking at the Component code to see the difference between the two. There are a couple of differences:
        public void setEnabled(boolean b) {
         * @deprecated As of JDK version 1.1,
         * replaced by <code>setEnabled(boolean)</code>.
        public void enable() {
            if (!enabled) {
                synchronized (getTreeLock()) {
                    enabled = true;
                    ComponentPeer peer = this.peer;
                    if (peer != null) {
                        if (visible) {
                if (accessibleContext != null) {
                        null, AccessibleState.ENABLED);
         * @deprecated As of JDK version 1.1,
         * replaced by <code>setEnabled(boolean)</code>.
        public void enable(boolean b) {
            if (b) {
            } else {
         * @deprecated As of JDK version 1.1,
         * replaced by <code>setEnabled(boolean)</code>.
        public void disable() {
            if (enabled) {
                synchronized (getTreeLock()) {
                    enabled = false;
                    if (isFocusOwner()) {
                        // Don't clear the global focus owner. If transferFocus
                        // fails, we want the focus to stay on the disabled
                        // Component so that keyboard traversal, et. al. still
                        // makes sense to the user.
                    ComponentPeer peer = this.peer;
                    if (peer != null) {
                        if (visible) {
                if (accessibleContext != null) {
                        null, AccessibleState.ENABLED);
        }The main difference appears to be with the KeyboardFocusManager. So instead of using a toolbar, I changed it to a JPanel (so the buttons are focusable). I then notice the same lag when I try to tab between the two buttons. So the problem is with the focus manager, not the setEnabled() method.

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