Build and clean plus deployment

Hi. I am writing Web application on NetBeans 6.9.1. I store css and javascript files in build folder. The contents of build folder is needed deploying application on server, src folder is not included. But when I clean and build the application on IDE, the css and javascript folders are deleted. So where should I put css and javascript folder that running clean and build they are not deleted and still suitable for deployment.
Or does that mean that each time before cleaning project I need to copy-paste those files somewhere else and then put it back for deployment?

As I understand it, you should not be manually putting any files (javascript, css) under the build folder. Your ant (or maven) will do that automatically. When you run ant again, the contents of that file are empty and ant repopulates it from files external to build.
You can read up on ant via this link:
Here is a layout I cobbled together based on the references below. Its for a MVC design that uses a single control servlet rather than a framework such as Struts or Spring. No doubt its far from perfect but it should get you going.
References for this tomcat folder layout:
MyProjectName  (the root)
   docs     (any documentation for the project goes into this folder)
   web     (folder holding static content of project: html, jsp, javascript, css, and images)
      html   (all html files go here. Create subfolders if necessary)
      jsp     (the presentation layer in MVC)
         master          (this is the outer jsp file that you embed any of the
                              following jsp pages in via an include statement)
          person         (this person.jsp page includes two jsf files to generate itself)
      javascript  (supports the jsp pages)
           master              (javascript files specific to the master.jsp page only)
           login             (javascript files specific to the login.jsp page only)
           welcome          (javascript files specific to the welcome.jsp page only)
           person             (javascript files specific to the person.jsp page only)
           customer          (javascript files specific to the customer.jsp page only)
            utility            (javascript used by more than one jsp page)
           master             (css specific to the master page only)
            login             (css specific to the login page only)
            welcome         (css specific to the welcome page only)
            person             (css specific to the person page only)
            customer          (css specific to the customer page only)
            master            (gifs specific to the customer page only)
            login             (gifs specific to the customer page only)
            welcome         (gifs specific to the customer page only)
            person            (gifs specific to the customer page only)
          classes  (this folder is populated and cleaned  by the ant build file. Don’t put any code here)
           dist     (when you execute the ant dist target, this directory will be populated. 
                                 Don’t put any code here)
           property     (put any property files under this folder)
           lib  (all your jar files go here)
          src          (this is a source folder, not an ordinary folder)
                  com   (this is a java package)
                        myCompanyName  (from the url of your company’s web site)
                             myProjectName  (the name of one of the web sites in your company)
                                  dao               (the database layer in MVC)
                                   model   (the model layer in MVC. Represents object graphs of database tables)
                                               (these are database layer objects)
                                    bean      (the beans for populating the JSP pages.
                                                                Each JSP has one or more beans put in
                                                                 request or session scope by the controler to populate itself.
                                                                 These are presentation layer objects)
                                  servlet   (this is the control layer in MVC. It typically contains only one servlet) 
                                  business   (the business layer in MVC. These objects take bean objects, perform
                                                  business logic their data, and populate bean objects
                                                  for use by the JSP pages)
          test                           (this is a source folder, not an ordinary folder.
                                               Directory structure matches that of the src folder.
                                               It contains all the junit tests. Not all classes in src need junit
                                               testing therefore some folders may be in src but not in test folder)
                                   dao         (the database layer in MVC)
                                   business         (the business layer in MVC)
                web.xml  (the configuration file. its directly under the WEB-INF folder)
   build.xml  (this is your ant file. Its directly under the root folder)disclaimer:

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    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x>ant install
    Buildfile: build.xml
    Trying to override old definition of task copy
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\${
    build.home}\thirdparty\ant-contrib\0.6\ant-contrib-0.6.jar to copy.
    [echo] Ant Contrib successfully loaded.
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\${
    build.home}\components\INTERNAL\ptanttasks\115250\cust\ptanttasks.jar to copy.
    [echo] Using ANT built-in compass loader
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\${
    build.home}\components\RECENT\compass\LATEST\java-loader\compass-loader.jar to c
    [echo] Could not fine Socrates build location. Setting compass to
    [echo] offline mode.
    [comp-loader] -----------------------------------------------------
    [comp-loader] Compass Loader: <186756> (06/01/2005 12:52 PM)
    [comp-loader] Storing loaded properties in System
    [comp-loader] Stored 67 properties
    [comp-loader] Loaded Compass ( 0 file(s) copied, 17 task(s) defined )
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 24 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_ptwebui ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 24 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 15 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_ptwebui_dotnet ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 15 component(s)
    Duplicated project name in import. Project global defined first in D:\plumtree_u
    i_source\portalui\6.1.x\_buildcommon\scripts\ant\common\include\global.xml and a
    gain in D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\_buildcommon\scripts\ant\commo
    Trying to override old definition of task uri://
    Trying to override old definition of task uri://
    Trying to override old definition of task uri://
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\thirdparty\ant-contrib\0.6\ant-contrib-0.6.jar to copy.
    [echo] Ant Contrib successfully loaded.
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\components\INTERNAL\ptanttasks\115250\cust\ptanttasks.jar to co
    [echo] Using ANT built-in compass loader
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    to copy.
    [echo] Could not fine Socrates build location. Setting compass to
    [echo] offline mode.
    [comp-loader] -----------------------------------------------------
    [comp-loader] Compass Loader: <186756> (06/01/2005 12:52 PM)
    [comp-loader] Already loaded
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_nopull ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_java ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_dotnet ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_noarch ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_win32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_solaris32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_linux32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_aix32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [delete] Deleting directory D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\build
    [ant] Parent project doesn't contain any reference 'compass.loader'
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\thirdparty\ant-contrib\0.6\ant-contrib-0.6.jar to copy.
    [echo] Ant Contrib successfully loaded.
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\components\INTERNAL\ptanttasks\115250\cust\ptanttasks.jar to co
    [echo] Using ANT built-in compass loader
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    to copy.
    [echo] Could not fine Socrates build location. Setting compass to
    [echo] offline mode.
    [comp-loader] -----------------------------------------------------
    [comp-loader] Compass Loader: <186756> (06/01/2005 12:52 PM)
    [comp-loader] Already loaded
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\build\registe
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\build\feature
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\build\install
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_nopull ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_java ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_dotnet ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_noarch ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_win32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_solaris32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_linux32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_aix32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [echo] The property BuildEnvironment.IA_HOME either is not set
    [echo] in your file or is set to an incorrect
    [echo] location. You will be unable to build an installer. This
    [echo] does not affect developer installations. Developers can
    [echo] ignore this warning.
    [echo] Current value: ${BuildEnvironment.IA_HOME}
    [echo] Environment variables necessary for versioning not set. BUILD_MAJOR
    , BUILD_MINOR, BUILD_SERVICEPACK, and BUILD_HOTFIX must be set in order to get a
    ccurate version information.
    [devinstall] install-portalui-java
    [fastmarshall] Parent project doesn't contain any reference 'compass.loader'
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\thirdparty\ant-contrib\0.6\ant-contrib-0.6.jar to copy.
    [echo] Ant Contrib successfully loaded.
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    .x\${build.home}\components\INTERNAL\ptanttasks\115250\cust\ptanttasks.jar to co
    [echo] Using ANT built-in compass loader
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1
    ss-loader.jar to copy.
    [echo] Could not fine Socrates build location. Setting compass to
    [echo] offline mode.
    [comp-loader] -----------------------------------------------------
    [comp-loader] Compass Loader: <186756> (06/01/2005 12:52 PM)
    [comp-loader] Already loaded
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_nopull ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_java ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 29 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_dotnet ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 14 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_noarch ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_win32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 2 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_solaris32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_linux32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] Version: <206776> (11/15/2005 11:59 AM)
    [comp-props] [ general ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [comp-props] [ customer-repo_aix32 ]
    [comp-props] Created Properties for 1 component(s)
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\build\warbuil
    Trying to override old definition of task comp-collate
    Trying to override old definition of task comp-stage
    [comp-collate] Version: <null> (null)
    [comp-collate] Collate [java-portalui]
    ortalui-dev.xml:34: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\devinstall.xml:1177: The following err
    or occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\devinstall.xml:652: The following erro
    r occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\devinstall.xml:733: The following erro
    r occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalproduct\6.1.x\devinstall.xml:478: The following erro
    r occurred while executing this line:
    No File: D:\bea\alui\_customer_repository\portalui\6.1.x\local\java-ptwebui\jav
    Total time: 1 minute 15 secondsa

    Thanks for the help! It started building after commenting the DTD tag include in the xml.
    But build failed with few warnings and errors.
    two of the warnings are as follows (FYI I've compass folder as you suggested in other thread)
    [copy] Warning: Could not find file D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\pt
    b-0.6.jar to copy.
    Could not fine Socrates build location. Setting compass to
    offline mode.
    AND the ERROR message is as given below
    [javac] Compiling 154 source files to D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\ptwebui\portalpages\build\x86\classes\java
    [javac] D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\ptwebui\portalpages\java\prod\src\com\plumtree\portalpages\condition\conditiontypes\ compareTo(java.lang.String) in java.lang.String cannot be applied to
    [javac] if ("*".compareTo(arIPAddress) != 0 && ((XPConver
    t.ToInteger(arIPAddress[i]) < 0) || ((i == 0) && (XPConvert.ToInteger(arIPAddres
    s[i]) == 0)))) {
    [javac] ^
    [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    [javac] 1 error
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\build_core.xml:103: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\ptwebui\build_core.xml:80: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\_buildcommon\scripts\ant\common\include\default-build.xml:142: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\plumtree_ui_source\portalui\6.1.x\_buildcommon\scripts\ant\common\antlib\java.xml:35: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

  • Building and Deploying Within a Directory ?

    Hi Guys,
    Iv just been going through the "Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Users Guide, Release 2 (9.0.2)" pdf and have juts gone through the Building and Deploying within a directory.
    This is something, as a developer I would love or even demand to be able to do as createing war , jar and ear files each time I make a change is a total time nightmare...
    Unfortunately I was'nt able to get the above working with a very simple app.
    Before trying the app I made sure I could deploy it normally as a an ear file which worked.
    Below follows a description of the dir structure plus info added to relavent .xml files ( gods theres so many )..
    application.xml ( not the one in config dir but the one in the above dir struct, ear application.xml) :-
    server.xml ( in j2ee/home/config )
    <application name="BM" path="../applications/BalanceManager" auto-start="true" />
    <web-app application="BM" name="BalanceManager/WebModule" root="/BM" />
    The above files have been edited as of the document above, which can also be found at
    When I start up OC4J the application gets deployed ( dos prompt ):-
    C:\devenv\oc4j\j2ee\home>java -jar oc4j.jar
    Auto-deploying BM (New server version detected)...
    Copying default deployment descriptor from archive at C:
    directory C:\devenv\oc4j\j2ee\home\application-deploymen
    Auto-deploying BaEJBModule (No previous deployment found
    Auto-deploying file:/C:/devenv/oc4j/j2ee/home/applicatio
    odule/ (New server version detected)...
    Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE initialized
    and also a BM dir is created in the application-deployements dir.
    So everything looks great, but when I navigate to -
    I get http 500 error page cannot be displayed.
    So it looks like the context root BM did'nt get added to the servers web context,
    but why??
    Obviously AccountHolders.jsp is the jsp in the WebModule dir.
    Iv been tweaking this and that and obviously tweaking never seems to work so if any ones got any ideas or suggestions on how to setup and deploy within dirs instead of ears please reply to me asap.
    Look forward to your answers,

    The entry in the http-web-site.xml should be:
    <web-app application="BM" name="WebModule" root="/BM" />
    This should be the name of the web-module in the application (EAR).
    Debu Panda

  • How to automate the build and deploy?

    Is there any way to build and deploy component to UCM using command line? such as ant script? or is there anyway to run "component wizard" in a command line without GUI? I'm looking for a way to automate the build and deploy process.

    Here is link for build script using ant
    there are some videos in you tube also

  • Building and deploying J2EE apps ?  Now there is a solution for production root cause analysis.

    Is your organization building and deploying J2EE apps? If so, Halo
    can help solve one of the toughest issues facing enterprises today:
    Finding the root cause of software faults.
    "Halo monitors, pinpoints, reports on and provides a source-code level
    root cause of software faults in deployed J2EE apps. Halo is unique
    because it's the only technology that can give you a root cause
    diagnosis in a fully deployed, live production application. Halo has
    such low performance overhead that customers deploy their final,
    production versions of their applications with Halo enabled.
    Used with Web Application Servers like WebLogic, Halo helps ensure
    that deployed code is reliable and able to be quickly fixed if
    problems turn up. Most important, because Halo is an "always on"
    technology, you get all the information you need to rapidly solve a
    problem on the first fault. Problem replication and bug reports are
    obsolete with Halo
    "Halo has a unique ability to provide a root cause diagonosis and
    of software problems in production systems, without needing to
    replicate the
    Test on WebLogic proved that Halo runs with extremely low overhead and
    is suitable for use in deployed production systems"
    Andrew Sliwkowski, Software Engineer
    BEA Systems, Inc.
    The key is Halo's high performance, low overhead TraceBack
    instrumentation technology. Based on technology out of MIT and proven
    in the field, TraceBack enables you to instrument JARs, EARs and WARs
    within minutes, without touching source code.
    Halo is useful throughout the entire application life cycle, from
    development through test, beta and deployment.
    If you have interest in learning more visit our website at or email me directly at [email protected] (Rick Martin)

    I have two questions. We have just started developing apps using jdev9i, 9iAS v2 and are new to the j2ee environment so my questions may be very easy ones.
    Question 1: We have set up Oracle pooling connection to our databases. We have a development, test and production database. When I deploy my application, it includes the connections. This is preventing me from moving the EAR files from dev to test to prod without modification and re deploying to my EAR file. Is there a way or a place that I can put my database connections that will not be included in my EAR files and the application still find them?datasources.xml is where the info regradings connection to databases is licated. If you're using 9iAS
    you can use EM to create datasource entry at the global level. In OC4J standalone you could use admin.jar
    or edit the file. Check out the standalone user's guide at
    Also, you will othe OC4J docs on OTN.
    Question 2: I have a stand alone oc4j set up for our developers to use while testing their applications. The applications include libraries supplied in jdev such as xml parser v2. I do not want to deploy those lib files with the app because I will have to redeploy all my apps if I upgrade jdev. I just want to be able to upgrade the libraries, test the apps and not have to redeploy everything. I can do this by coping the jdev lib to 9iAS but I can't seem to find the right place to put the lib for the stand alone oc4j instance. You can use the library tag within application.xml for server wide availability. Check out the article specifically class loading in OC4J section
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • "Need Weblogic Integartion" + "Build and Deployment Samples"

    Hi All,
    If all I m very new to Weblogic Integration. If any one of you have the experience
    of building and deploying weblogic integration application please throw some light
    on this and please tell me the best approach of build and deploy weblogoc integration
    application. Please help me
    If you have any sample integration application please send it to me
    Awaiting for your reply

    Here's an example that's specific to AIR: html

  • Cross Farm Continuous build and deployment practice

    Hi All,
    What is the best practice to move the wsp deployments and content deployment from dev server to test server 
    and then test server to production? 
    powershell commands is one of the solution , but for continuous build and deployment is their any better practice?
    Is there any tool which keeps track of the deployments (similar to cruise control for build)
    Thanks and Regards,
    SP Page: SP Blog:

    I think this is one of the way of doing this
    SP Page: SP Blog:

  • Build and Deployment Automation

    What are the best ways to Automate the build and deployment process to reduce time and increase accuracy. are there any recommendations to make the Build & Deployment process effective?
    Thanks & Regards

    For the builds you can use TFS builds (if you are using VSO hosted build services), and use VS 2013 Release Management to create release pipelines through different stages (For VSO use release management services).
    You can get details from below links
    I just provided general information. If you have more questions when implementing, ask here and we will support you.

  • Build and Deployment Tools

    Hi All,
    Are there automated build and deployment tools available? are there any recommendations?

    user11138361 wrote:
    Is there one which does both
    1. Automatic Build
    2. Automatic DeploymentYes, lots of them. Search for 'Continuous Integration' tools. We use Jenkins in our shop.

  • Getting Java error when build and deploy through eclipse designer.

    My while activity looks like this -
    <while condition="bpws:getVariableData(&quot;integer&quot;)&lt;=count(bpws:getVariableData('GetRCItem-GetItemResponse', 'parameters', '/schemattwebservices:GetItemResponse/schemattwebservices:return/schemattwebservices:extendedFieldList[schemattwebservices:name=&quot;LIST_OF_TASKS&quot;]')/schemattwebservices:values)" name="ProcessRCTasks">
    It passes the validation but fails when I click on build and deploy.
    D:\dev\admin.console.trunk\workspace\ServiceFlow\temp\bpelc42058.tmp\BPEL-INF\src\bpel\p0\ ';' expected.
    [bpelc] return "bpws:getVariableData("integer")<=count(bpws:getVariableData('GetRCItem-GetItemResponse', 'parameters', '/schemattwebservices:GetItemResponse/schemattwebservices:return/schemattwebservices:extendedFieldList[schemattwebservices:name="LIST_OF_TASKS"]')/schemattwebservices:values)" ;
    Please let me know what is wrong here and why is it giving me that java error? It should be better in reporting error and give it in BPEL terms.
    - Meghana

    I switched my compiler to use Oracle's bundled jre but I still get following 2 errors -
    [bpelc] D:\dev\admin.console.trunk\workspace\ServiceFlow\temp\bpelc33065.tmp\BPEL-INF\src\bpel\p0\ ';' expected.
    [bpelc] return "bpws:getVariableData("integer")<=count(bpws:getVariableData('GetRCItem-GetItemResponse', 'parameters', '/schemattwebservices:GetItemResponse/schemattwebservices:return/schemattwebservices:extendedFieldList[schemattwebservices:name="LIST_OF_TASKS"]')/schemattwebservices:values)" ;
    [bpelc] ^
    [bpelc] D:\dev\admin.console.trunk\workspace\ServiceFlow\temp\bpelc33065.tmp\BPEL-INF\src\bpel\p0\ ';' expected.
    [bpelc] return "bpws:getVariableData("index2")<=count(bpws:getVariableData('GetRCTaskItem-GetItemResponse', 'parameters', '/schemattwebservices:GetItemResponse/schemattwebservices:return/schemattwebservices:extendedFieldList[schemattwebservices:name="ZMF_PACKAGES"]')/schemattwebservices:values)" ;
    [bpelc] ^
    [bpelc] 2 errors
    Any idea? I have already pasted my while condition which has this condition on it. Second while is similar to first one.
    Thank you.
    - Meghana

  • Libraries and JAR files in netbeans... how to build and deploy a project??

    Hi guys,
    I'm having a problem deploying my project. I have created a project structure as so:
    CLOGE 1.0
    |_Source Packages
    |  |_rdemo
    |    | [main]
    |    |
       |_Swing Layout Extensions - swing-layout-1.0.jar
       |_C:\CLOGE\JRclient [folder structure of classes]
       |  |_META-INF
       |  |_org.rosuda.JRclient
       |_C:\CLOGE\svgSalamander-tiny [folder structure of classes]
       |  |_META-INF
       |  |_com.kitfox.svg
       |  |_...
       |_JDK 1.6 (Default)
    Now I can build and run the project in Netbeans (version 5.5) and everything operates as it should. However, if I navigate to the dist folder of the project to the CLOGE_1.0.jar file via the Windows XP Command Prompt and execute "java -jar "CLOGE_1.0.jar", I get this error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/rosuda/JRclient/RSrvException<br/>
      at rdemo.ClogeGUI.clogeRScript(<br/>
      at rdemo.ClogeGUI.main(<br/>
    What do I have to do, so I can simply double-click the CLOGE_1.0.jar file and the project runs?
    Many thanks,<br/>
    Edited by: raistrick on Oct 12, 2007 4:49 AM

    Wasn't contracted. Wasn't paid. Wasn't the main focus of the software ;) - I was asked to do it for my technical expertise in statistics and bioinformatics... anyone else here mind giving me some hints other than this unspeakably pathetic excuse for a programmer.
    (by the way "jwenting", if you call yourself a professional and take that attitude to other programmers you won't be in a company very long! Don't jump to assumptions and don't use the internet as some portal to exercise anger that women don't find you attractive and all you have to be cocky about is programming, it's pathetic. Grow up please.
    What I am trying to work out about the answer above, is why. It could mean (1) that you don't know the answer and shunning me so is some poor attempt to save your diminishing ego, which from reading your other posts may be true. It could mean (2) you can't be arsed, which is more likely the case, but then one has to ask why the hell you came on here in the first place. Do you get a kick out of this? Is this your claim to fame - a java forum silver member?? It's not like I wasn't polite or clear in my explanation. Did some unqualified individual steal your job from you once upon a time so all "newbies" thereafter were a target for your pent up aggression? If so, don't worry I am not gunning for your position at all!)
    Many thanks to anyone who can provide a solution. I doubt this is a hard problem to solve and I'd be very grateful if anyone could point me in the direction of an answer. jwentig is quite right, I am not capable of such a task. I'm not a liar, however.
    Edited by: raistrick on Oct 12, 2007 7:25 AM

  • I have added photos to a portfolio website I'm building and a lot of them look VERY grainy when you click on them. They are nice clean large files and can print bat high res way over 16" x 20" so whats happened to them in iWeb?

    I have added photos to a portfolio website I'm building and a lot of them look VERY grainy when you click on them. They are nice clean large files and can print bat high res way over 16" x 20" so whats happened to them in iWeb?

    When you are dealing with websites, image file size is a trade off between quality and download speed. There's not a lot of point to having high quality images if they take too long to download in the browser.
    Nowadays we also have to consider the device that the end user is viewing the images on. An image that is optimized for viewing on a large screen is total overkill and unsuitable for those using mobile devices.
    Really we should be supplying different versions of media files for different devices using @media rules in the stylesheet but this is rather outside of the scope of iWeb. If you use the built in image optimizer and the iWeb Photo template with slideshow, the application will optimize the images according to the way in which you set this function in preferences and the slideshow size will be automatically reduced for those viewing it on smaller screens.
    If you want to give your viewers the opportunity to view large, high quality images, you can supply them as a download.

  • How to build and deploy EJB3.0 jar on JBoss Server

    I want to create web service using EJB3.0.
    For that first i have created EJB project,in that i add following code:
    package com.ejb;
    import javax.ejb.Stateless;
    import javax.jws.WebService;
    public class TemperatureConverter {
         public double celsiusToFarenheit(double temp){
              return ((temp*1.8) + 32);
         public double farenheitToCelsius(double temp){
              return ((temp-32)/1.8);
    }Now i want to build and deploy the jar on server.
    How can i do this?
    Thank You.

    Hi AnupDesai,
    I suggest you to have a read of the [*JBoss EJB3 Documentation*|].

  • How to build and deploy ejb in j2ee!!

    HI there!!
    Newbie Question. I know this is very rude to ask a question "How to build and deploy ejb in j2ee server??", but please help me. I just learned some servlets worked with tomcat. Now I want to learn more about ejb, could anyone suggest me any online tutorial or book where in it is explained step by step builiding and deploying ejb's in j2ee server, please help me. I would be grateful to you.

    A good book to start with is Enterprise JavaBeans by Monson-Haefel (O'Reilly press). It covers deployment of EJBs on J2EE servers. Also check out sites specific to your server, sometimes they have specific requirements (like Weblogic).

  • How to Build and Deploy Flex application in EP6

    Hi All,
    Can anyone tell how to build and deploy Flex application in EP6.
    I want to build a normal application in flex and present it through iviews. How do I configure my Iiview to have flex component running in Portal Environment.

    A good book to start with is Enterprise JavaBeans by Monson-Haefel (O'Reilly press). It covers deployment of EJBs on J2EE servers. Also check out sites specific to your server, sometimes they have specific requirements (like Weblogic).

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