Building Attribute Dimensions in VB

I am writing a VB program to update an attribute dimension. I have followed the documented approach to populate the ESB_MBRINFO_T structure but continue to get errors 8 - ESB_OUTERROR2_ILLEGALDATATYPE and 64 = ESB_OUTERROR2_ATTRDIMNOTASSOCIATED.
The code is
Public Function esbMoveOrAddMember(rsChild As String, _
rsParent As String, _
rsAlias As String) As Integer
Dim sts As Long
Dim stsInfo As Long
Dim hChild As Long
Dim hCurrentParent As Long
Dim hParent As Long
Dim uNewMemInfo As ESB_MBRINFO_T
Dim szAlias As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN
esbMoveOrAddMember = 0
If esbFindMember(rsParent, hParent) Then 'Find Parent
If esbFindMember(rsChild, hChild) Then 'Find member
' Found parent and child so see if a move is needed
' Get the current parent handle
stsInfo = EsbOtlGetParent(mhOutline, hChild, hCurrentParent)
If hParent <> hCurrentParent Then
sts = EsbOtlMoveMember(mhOutline, hChild, hParent, ESB_NULL)
If sts <> 0 Then
esbMoveOrAddMember = 1
Call essGetAndDisplayMessage(sts)
End If
End If
'Good Parent, new member so add it
Call SetupAttributeMemberForAdd(rsChild, uNewMemInfo)
sts = EsbOtlAddMember(mhOutline, uNewMemInfo, ESB_NULL, hParent, hChild)
If sts <> 0 Then
esbMoveOrAddMember = 2
Call essGetAndDisplayMessage(sts)
End If
End If
esbMoveOrAddMember = 3
sts = 5
End If
'* Set the alias of the child member
If sts = 0 And hChild <> 0 And Len(rsAlias) > 0 Then
szAlias = rsAlias
sts = EsbOtlSetMemberAlias(mhOutline, hChild, "", szAlias)
If sts <> 0 And sts <> 1060023 Then
esbMoveOrAddMember = 4
Call essGetAndDisplayMessage(sts)
End If
End If
End Function
Sub SetupAttributeMemberForAdd(rsChild As String, uMemInfo As ESB_MBRINFO_T)
With uMemInfo
.szMember = rsChild
.usConsolidation = ESB_UCALC_NOOP
.fTwoPass = ESB_FALSE
.fExpense = ESB_FALSE
.usConversion = ESB_CONV_NONE
.usTimeBalance = ESB_TIMEBAL_NONE
End With
End Sub
Any help will be appreciated as Oracle support is none so far.

Your error "ESB_OUTERROR2_ILLEGALDATATYPE and 64 = ESB_OUTERROR2_ATTRDIMNOTASSOCIATED." indicates problem with attribute dimension association
kindly check is there any duplicate member in attribute dimension.
or same attribute dimension is associated with some other dimensions

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    2, "100-249"
    3, "250-499"
    4, "500-1000"
    5, "<1000"
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    Thx in Advance
    Edited by: SG on Jan 22, 2011 3:03 PM
    Edited by: SG on Jan 22, 2011 3:04 PM
    Edited by: SG on Jan 22, 2011 3:06 PM

    Could you get away with an underscore? I think that works. You will have _<100 which is not ideal but might be worth a try.
    Failing that, go with GT and LT. <--This is incredibly lame, but sometimes users go for the "computer is too stupid" answer. Which in this case, is sort of true.
    Cameron Lackpour

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    Have a read of the section :- Building Attribute Dimensions and Associating Attributes

  • Hierarchical attribute dimension with Essbase Studio

    Hi everybody,
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    I need to do this load with Essbase Studio but I do not known how to create the Product hierarchy in cube schema in order to load the hierarchical parent-child attributes. Documentation and tutorials only show examples for flat attributes. I thought of these two ways but not sure if will work:
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    case 2) Product hierarchy like this:
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    Any help will be very appreciate.
    Thank you,

    I've not tried it, but you should be able to build the attribute hierarchy within the product hierarchy. sort of like
    Parent Code
    ---member Code
    Brand Parent
    ---Brand Code
    -----Member Code.
    A couple of things
    1. Remember to create the self join between Parent_code and Member code
    2. IF this does not work, I suggest creating either a user defined table or a view that just gives you distinct brand parent and Brand Code. Join the Brand Code to the product table on brand_code = brand code and use that table to build that hierarchy.

  • Load hierarchical attribute dimensions with Integration Services?

    Hi everybody,
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    I have used in the past Integration Services but with flat attribute dimensions.
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    Thank you,

    This is definitely a supported feature in EIS/9.3.1/ASO. I have many models with this type of structure. How you set it up can vary. Usually my Attribute Hierarchies are not that deep, only two to three levels, maybe four in a rare case, so I don't usually use a parent child table to set up the hierarchy (I'm not saying that it won't work, it might, I haven't tried, but same steps should apply). In a typical model I will have my stock table which has a buyer field. Then in another table I will have my attribute structure which will have columns for buyer, teams, and categories.
    In EIS OLAP model, you add your attribute hierarchy table and use a join to link it to the main stock table, joining on the buyer field (you are now going from a "star" schema to a "snowflake". Go into the properties and make sure you define all the columns as "Attributes".
    Then in Metadata model, drag your categories attribute onto the outline, then drag the teams and set it as a child of categories and finally drag buyer and set as child of teams. You only set the attribute association for the buyer back to the base dimension.
    When you run your dim build it will set up your attribute dimension correctly.
    Some things to keep in mind, make sure you have a process that ensures for every stock code you have in the main table, you have a matching one in your attribute dim table.
    Sometimes, depending on how much manipulation I need to do, instead of joining the tables in EIS I will go back to relational source and create a view that joins the two tables together, then in my OLAP model, I have one table that has three attribute columns, one column for the buyer and then the other two for team and category, from that point setting up in metadata model is the same.
    Good luck, let me know if you run into trouble.

  • Attribute Dimensions with Integration Services

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    Is this possible, and if so any advice you can give as to how I achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    This is definitely a supported feature in EIS/9.3.1/ASO. I have many models with this type of structure. How you set it up can vary. Usually my Attribute Hierarchies are not that deep, only two to three levels, maybe four in a rare case, so I don't usually use a parent child table to set up the hierarchy (I'm not saying that it won't work, it might, I haven't tried, but same steps should apply). In a typical model I will have my stock table which has a buyer field. Then in another table I will have my attribute structure which will have columns for buyer, teams, and categories.
    In EIS OLAP model, you add your attribute hierarchy table and use a join to link it to the main stock table, joining on the buyer field (you are now going from a "star" schema to a "snowflake". Go into the properties and make sure you define all the columns as "Attributes".
    Then in Metadata model, drag your categories attribute onto the outline, then drag the teams and set it as a child of categories and finally drag buyer and set as child of teams. You only set the attribute association for the buyer back to the base dimension.
    When you run your dim build it will set up your attribute dimension correctly.
    Some things to keep in mind, make sure you have a process that ensures for every stock code you have in the main table, you have a matching one in your attribute dim table.
    Sometimes, depending on how much manipulation I need to do, instead of joining the tables in EIS I will go back to relational source and create a view that joins the two tables together, then in my OLAP model, I have one table that has three attribute columns, one column for the buyer and then the other two for team and category, from that point setting up in metadata model is the same.
    Good luck, let me know if you run into trouble.

  • Attribute dimension

    can we create groups in attribute dimension using rules file.
    we can do it by manually , but i wanna do using rules files.please throw some light .

    Yes you can, but you can't do in in the same rule that you assign the attributes to base dimensions in. You have to have a seperate rule to build the hierarchy

  • Attribute Dimension and association with multi level base members

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    First question - Is that possible ? Second how do I do that.
    I am building the dimensions(base and attribute) members first and then trying to associate.
    I get the following error message :
    Base member (xxxxxxx) association level does not match base dimension association level
    The base dimension looks like
    |-----Supplier Group
    |---------Supplier ID (Associate this member to an attrbiute dimension)
    |---------------Invoice Number
    Sometimes the Supplier ID may not have a Supplier Group or an Invoice Number (hence it can be a level 0 or directly under the dimension name - Gen2)
    The Attrbute Dimension looks like
    Supplier Value
    Edited by: 816875 on 30-Nov-2010 07:01

    First to clarify, base mambers by definition would all be level 0 members, but to your question, attributres can only be associated to a single level within a dimension. your problem is sometimes the supplier is level 0 and other times level 1. This can't be done.

  • Creating Attribute Dimensions

    I have a Cost Center dimension with 10,500 members. I want to quickly tag these cost centers with 2 attributes. 1st is the first 3 characters of the string(8 in total) as company and the 4th position as dept. How can I do this in an automated way since the dimesnion is already large and I dont want to have to tag them individually

    Open a new load rule, associate the outline, go to Options|Dimension Build Settings|Dimension Build Settings Tab and set the Cost Center dimension build method to 'level', I bieleve you will need to check Allow Property Changes, then click OK.<br><br>Go to File|Open Data File, and open your datafile. You may have to change the delimeter option in the load rule depending on how you saved the data file (to get the columns to populate the columns in the load rule editor).<br><br>Go to View|Dimension Building Fields.<br><br>Go To Field|Properties|Dimension Building Properties tab, and set the field properties..<br><br>The first column will be the Level 0 for Cost Center. The second column will be the attribute. <br><br>Validate and save the load rule.<br><br>Open the outline, and click File|Update Outline. Specify the load rule and the data file, then OK. ***verify the outline before saving it, and of course do all of this in a development copy of the database first**.<br><br><br>

  • Creating Attribute dimension

    Hi All,
    I have requirement to build a product dimension where I am thinking to opt for attribute dimension.
    I my current outline we have Products
    Product manfc
    Ex large
    Here Sizes small, medium are Level 0.
    Now we want Sizes not to be concatenated in the same dimension. So we thought of opting Attribute dimension. Is our approach correct??? Please Advice

    As Glenn pointed out, if a product can be more than one size then a single attribute dimension will not work.
    But if you are dealing with a small number of sizes then you can get away with making an attribute dimension for each size. Then you can assign any, none or all to each product as you need.
    Product (associated attributes: SizeA, SizeB, SizeC, SizeD)
    --Nike (attibutes: Small, Medium, Large)
    --Rbk (attributes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large)
    SizeA (attribute)
    SizeB (attribute)
    SizeC (attribute)
    SizeD (attribute)
    --Extra Large                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Attribute Dimensions and Excel Retrieves

    Dear All,<BR><BR>I have a cube that has a sparse dimension with attributes attached (all at the same level). When I retrieve using different attributes in the retrieve the results are not consistent i.e. some of the sparse members with the same attribute are left out of the result. It appears to happen when branches of the dimension in the same area are separated by a branch with an alternate attribute value (from the same attribute dimension). I have cured this by moving the affected branches next to each other, is this something that I need to watch out for on the design side i.e. to do with the way Essbase handles attribute dimensions? Any guidance would be appreciated.

    This is definitely a supported feature in EIS/9.3.1/ASO. I have many models with this type of structure. How you set it up can vary. Usually my Attribute Hierarchies are not that deep, only two to three levels, maybe four in a rare case, so I don't usually use a parent child table to set up the hierarchy (I'm not saying that it won't work, it might, I haven't tried, but same steps should apply). In a typical model I will have my stock table which has a buyer field. Then in another table I will have my attribute structure which will have columns for buyer, teams, and categories.
    In EIS OLAP model, you add your attribute hierarchy table and use a join to link it to the main stock table, joining on the buyer field (you are now going from a "star" schema to a "snowflake". Go into the properties and make sure you define all the columns as "Attributes".
    Then in Metadata model, drag your categories attribute onto the outline, then drag the teams and set it as a child of categories and finally drag buyer and set as child of teams. You only set the attribute association for the buyer back to the base dimension.
    When you run your dim build it will set up your attribute dimension correctly.
    Some things to keep in mind, make sure you have a process that ensures for every stock code you have in the main table, you have a matching one in your attribute dim table.
    Sometimes, depending on how much manipulation I need to do, instead of joining the tables in EIS I will go back to relational source and create a view that joins the two tables together, then in my OLAP model, I have one table that has three attribute columns, one column for the buyer and then the other two for team and category, from that point setting up in metadata model is the same.
    Good luck, let me know if you run into trouble.

  • Associating attribute dimensions with the standard dimension in EIS

    Hi... we need to bring 2 attribute dimensions in to the Metaoutline of EIS.These 2 attribute dimensions must be associated with lev 0 member of the standard to achieve in EIS?
    The current status: we did the olap model by mapping all the dimensional tables with the fact table and we are struck up how to bring the 2 attribute dimensions in to the model screen and association with standard dimesnion.
    The table structure for the standard dimension is
    column1/Gen-1     column2/Gen-2-Alis     consolidation     col3(Attr)     colu 4(Attri)
    Reason-1     Reason-1-extension               
    Reason-2     Reason-2-extension               
    Reason-3     Reason-3-extension          
    col3 and col4 are attributes to be associated with column2.
    Pls guide us the approach to be done in EIS..

    This is definitely a supported feature in EIS/9.3.1/ASO. I have many models with this type of structure. How you set it up can vary. Usually my Attribute Hierarchies are not that deep, only two to three levels, maybe four in a rare case, so I don't usually use a parent child table to set up the hierarchy (I'm not saying that it won't work, it might, I haven't tried, but same steps should apply). In a typical model I will have my stock table which has a buyer field. Then in another table I will have my attribute structure which will have columns for buyer, teams, and categories.
    In EIS OLAP model, you add your attribute hierarchy table and use a join to link it to the main stock table, joining on the buyer field (you are now going from a "star" schema to a "snowflake". Go into the properties and make sure you define all the columns as "Attributes".
    Then in Metadata model, drag your categories attribute onto the outline, then drag the teams and set it as a child of categories and finally drag buyer and set as child of teams. You only set the attribute association for the buyer back to the base dimension.
    When you run your dim build it will set up your attribute dimension correctly.
    Some things to keep in mind, make sure you have a process that ensures for every stock code you have in the main table, you have a matching one in your attribute dim table.
    Sometimes, depending on how much manipulation I need to do, instead of joining the tables in EIS I will go back to relational source and create a view that joins the two tables together, then in my OLAP model, I have one table that has three attribute columns, one column for the buyer and then the other two for team and category, from that point setting up in metadata model is the same.
    Good luck, let me know if you run into trouble.

  • Loading Planning attribute dimension alternate hierarchies with ODI

    Does anyone know how to load an attribute dimension alternate hierarchy via an ODI interface? I'm assuming that alternate hierarchies are allowed in attribute dimensions?
    Edited by: jayfin on Mar 28, 2011 5:59 PM

    If you are talking about created a shared hieararchy then no this is not possible as you shouldn't be able to do it in planning.
    If it is just another hierarchy in your attribute dimension then you should be able to load parent/child members to build it using ODI.

  • Attribute Dimension association

    Hello guys,
    Is there a way to associate just attribute members with the standard dimension using a rule file. Actually I have a lot of members which I need to associate with attributes & I cannot perform this manually through EAS. So can I create a rule to associate attributes to these members?
    Note: I don't have to build the dimension, I just need to associate attributes to the standard dimension members.
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes this is correct. You need to go into the dimension build setting dialog and on the dimensions tab make sure you double click on the dimension you are building to (you can tell if it work if the dimension name appears at the top of the list). In the attributes area, check the box for allow attribute changes and do not check the other box. the scroll down and set the build type (or whatever it says) to use levels.
    I'm making the assumption that you created the attribute dimension in advance and associated with the base dimension

Maybe you are looking for