Button state change event

i need a simple way to check not the state of a button but i need a signal if the state is changed.
And is it possible i need the same to check if a number changed.

Typically, you would use a shift register, then compare the current with the previous value using "not equal". It will be true whenever the data has changed from the previous iteration.
You could also use an event strucure with "value changed". It will fire whenever the control is changed by the operator.
As an alternative, there is an openG tool has a "data changed?"  node  for this purpose. ( www.openg.org ).
LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    You will need to use a producer / consumer architecture.
    Here is something I did (its messy, sorry don't have the time to clean it up) to demonstrate what can be done. This is a good architecture for you to follow as it can address most of UI based applications efficiently.
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    Sharing bits of code? Try Snippets or LAVA Code Capture Tool
    Have you tried Quick Drop?, Visit QD Community.
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    {     var show_or_hide = html_RadioValue(pValue);
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    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

    DevonR wrote:
    Thanks for sending in the code.  Have you tried implementing an event structure?  With an event structure, you can set the event to, “Application Instance Close”, so that you can execute some code when a user executes the Quit LabVIEW function.  Please see attached screenshots.
    Devon R.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
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    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

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    This Flex n00b sincerely appreciates your time and assistance.

               Try to listen the this.addEventListener(StateChangeEvent.CURRENT_STATE_CHANGE,onStateChange) (Do this in the creation complete of the component which is changing the state)event, on handling this find out the current state something like
    function onStateChange(evt:StateChangeEvent):void{
    if(currentState == 'logoff'){
    //do logic
    }else if(currentState == 'login'){
    //do logic

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    Hi,thanks for the reply. Actually that was my third option, but not sure if it's very good also..
    Here is a simple scenario:
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    1) no volume -> sets variable volume=0 and selects the radio button (that is the normal use case)
    2) set volume -> opens up a pop up with a list that has a X button to close and 4 options: 25% volume, 50% volume, 75%, 100%
    At this point the set volume radio button should not be selected and the user has 2 choices:
    -> hit the X button to close - nothing changes and no volume radio button is still selected and volume is still = 0
    -> hit one of the volume % buttons -> the set volume radio button gets selected and the variable volume=25/50/75/100 depending on the button selected by the user.
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    So is there any other more convenient way to accomplish this scenario that you could recommend?

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    Hi Chet,
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  • [svn:osmf:] 14758: Fix FM-556: When MediaPlayer enters error state, capabilities should be set to false, and capability change events should be dispatched.

    Revision: 14758
    Revision: 14758
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-03-15 12:27:47 -0700 (Mon, 15 Mar 2010)
    Log Message:
    Fix FM-556: When MediaPlayer enters error state, capabilities should be set to false, and capability change events should be dispatched.  Also fixed typo in one of the capability change event names.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Well, I can tell you that this kind of error is not OS related, but rather a HW thing.  It happens where there is a general detection of something going wrong.  Sometimes it can happen randomly and might not be an indication of a problem.  But sometimes it can be caused by things that are improperly functioning within the system like bad capacitors. 
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    I was thinking that the pages specific to the nav buttons (Home, Contact, etc) can not have the nav bar in the SSI and it must be in the main file.  If the design is changed in the future the pages containing specific nav button states must be changed individually.
    Thanks for any input.

    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryDOMUtils.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    This links to the file that is required for the Spry Element Selector
    function InitPage(){
    Spry.$$('#MenuBar1 li').forEach(function(node){
        var a=node.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; // finds all a elements inside the li, but we only want the first so [0]
        if(a.href == window.location){
    This function checks the list items (li) within div ID MenuBar1 and retrieves the the link within the anchor (a) element. If the link (a.href) is the same as the URL (window.location) then add a class called activeMenuItem to the list item.
    When the page loads, this will trigger the function
    .activeMenuItem a {
        background:#a59a84 !important;
        color:#ffffff !important;
    We need to add style rules for the anchor element within the list item with the class of activeMenuItem.

  • Javascript embedded in button pl/sql event handler not being executed

    Javascript calls not working from pl/sql button event handler. What am I missing? Are specific settings needed to execute javascript from pl/sql proceedures?
    Example: Want to toggle target='_blank' off and on in a button pl/sql event handler to open url call in new window & then reset when processing submit is done & the app returns to the form.
    portal form button's pl/sql submit handler:
    htp.p('<script language=JavaScript>') ;
    htp.p('this.form.target="_blank"') ;
    htp.p('</script>') ;
    PORTAL.wwa_app_module.set_target('http://www.oracle.com') ;
    htp.p('<script language=JavaScript>') ;
    htp.p('this.form.target="_blank"') ;
    htp.p('</script>') ;
    end ;
    Putting the following in the button's javascript on_click event handler works great:
    to force opening new window with a call in the button's submit pl/sql code via:
    PORTAL.wwa_app_module.set_target('http://www.oracle.com') ;
    but then the target='_blank' is left on when the submit is done & we return to the form.
    putting the above javascript as a function (called fcn_newpage) elsewhere (e.g., after form opens) & calling in the submit pl/sql with
    htp.p('fcn_newpage') ;
    also doesn't work.
    Metalink thought this was an application issue instead of a bug, so thought I'd see if anyone knows what's going wrong here. (Portal

    thanks for your discussion of my post.
    Please clarify:
    "htp.p('fcn_newwindow') sends a string":
    What would you suggest the proper syntax for a function fcn_newwindow() call from a pl/sql javascript block that differs from
    htp.p('<script language="Javascript">') ;
    or more simply
    htp.p('fcn_newwindow') ;
    More generally, what I'm trying to figure out is under what conditions javascript is executed, if ever, in the pl/sql of a button (either the submit or custom event handler, depending on the button).
    I've seen lots of posts asking how to do a simple htp.p('alert("THIS IS TROUBLE")') ; in a pl/sql event handler for a button on a form, but no description of how this can be done successfully.
    In addition to alerts, in my case, I'd like to call a javascript fcn from a pl/sql event handle that would pass a URL (e.g., http://www.oracle.com) where the javascript fcn executed
    window.open(URL). The API call to set_target(URL) in pl/sql has no ability to open in a new window, so calling that is inadequate to my needs and I must resort to javascript.
    Its clear in the PL/SQL of a button, you can effect form components since p_session..set_target & p_session.get_target set or get the contents of form components.
    So to see if javascript ever works, I tried to focus on something simple that only had to set what amounts to an enviromental variable when we returned to the form after a post. I chose to try to change the html value of TARGET from javascript in the PL/SQL button because it doesn't need to be implemented until we finish the post and return to the form.
    So I focused on a hack, setting this.form.TARGET='_blank' in the on_click event handler that forced every subsequent URL call or refresh of the form to be a new window. I then wanted to turn off opening new windows once I'd opened the URL call in a new window by setting TARGET='' in the portal form. I can achieve what I want by coding this.form.TARGET='' in the javascript (on_focus, on_change, or on_mousedown, ...) of every form component that might refresh the form. However, that is a ridiculous hack when a simple htp.p('<script>') ; htp.p('this.form.target=""') ; htp.p('</script>') ; at the end of the button's pl/sql event handle should do the same thing reliably if javascript ever works in the pl/sql event handler.
    If we didn't have access to form components through p_session calls, I'd assume it was a scope issue (what is available from the pl/sql event handler). But unless my syntax is just off, when, if ever, can javascript be used in a portal form's pl/sql event handler for a button?
    if I code a javascript funtion in the forms' pl/sql before displaying form:
    htp.p('<script language="JavaScript">') ;
    htp.p('function fcn_new_window(URL)') ;
    htp.p('window.open(URL)' ) ;
    htp.p('</script>') ;
    the function can be called from a button's on_click javascript event handler:
    but from the same button's pl/sql submit event handler this call doesn't work: htp.p('fcn_new_window("http://www.oracle.com")')
    So my questions remain: Is there other syntax I need, or does javascript ever work properly from the pl/sql of a form button's event handler? If it doesn't work, isn't this a bug that should be fixed by Oracle?
    I can probably figure out hacks to make things work the way I need, but executing javascript from pl/sql event handlers seems to be the expected way to affect portal html pages (forms, reports, ...) and it seems not to work as expected. I don't feel I should have to implement hacks for something as simple as calling a javascript function from pl/sql when almost every example I've found in metalink or the forums or Oracle Press's "portal bible" suggests using javascript from pl/sql via the utility htp.p() to effect web page components in portal.
    My TAR on the subject, while still open, returned the result basically: "We can reproduce your situation. Everything looks okay to us, but we can't explain how to use javascript where you want or point you to any documentation that would solve your problem or expain why it should not work the way you want it to. We don't feel its a technical issue. Why don't you post the problem on the portal applications forum."
    I'm hoping I'm just missing something fundamental and everything will work if I implement it a little differently. So if anyone sees my error, please let me know.
    by the way, not sure this is germain, but in reference to your comment:
    "redirections in pl/sql procedures give a peculiar result. in a pl/sql procedure, usually, portals give the last redirection statement and ignore anything else coming after it."
    if I try to raise an alert:
    htp.p('alert("you screwed up")');
    in a pl/sql event handler, it still doesn't raise the alert, even though its the last thing implemented in the event handler. But if I set the value of a text box using p_session..set_value_as_string() at the same spot, it correctly sets the text box value when I return to the form.

  • Possible bug - Missing click event when handling change event

    Using Flex 4.5 SDK, I have a spark ComboBox and a Button next to it for applying a filter according to ComboBox selection.
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    Is this a bug or a correct behavior? Am I missing something here?
    Any workaround suggestions?
    (I thought of listening also to mouse-down or mouse-up on the button instead, but haven't tried it yet...)
    *** UPDATE ***
    When using the Button's mouseDown event the behavior is as expected, so there's a simple workaround.
    However, it seems to me like there's a bug with the Button's click event listener or something...
    *** UPDATE #2 ***
    I created a test application for that and couldn't reproduce the problem.
    Then I figured out the problem and solved it.
    It's a bit emmbarrasing, but I actually disabled the button (enabled=false) as in a child method of the change handling code...
    (If there is no value, don't allow applying the filter - It makes sense! )
    Anyway... No issue after all.
    However, I choose to leave this post (and not delete it) as an example of identifying and resolving a strange behavior in a complex application.

    There's no need.
    Please read the section UPDATE #2.

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