Button triggers a lightbox

is there a possibility to create a button that when clicked activates a portfolio lightbox (the button states are not a part of the lightbox images!)

Hi IK,
The best way to achieve this is to use the Composition Lightbox. You can add your own image to the composition trigger, which when clicked, will open a lightbox display.

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    You can use a Composition widget for the purpose and have videos hosted at your site (if not an online service) play using HTML5 video tag. A similar thread here on the usage of this HTML tag - http://forums.adobe.com/message/5210727.

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    Take a look at these built in javascript function
    they should give you what you want.
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    Lightbox can only be activated using the Triggers. You can use Lightbox widget under Composition section of Widgets and place your content (Text/Image/Button) and  place it in the trigger container and place anything you want in the target container (which you want to come up with Lightbox effect).

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    Thank you

    Thanks for the info.
    Interesting, that they work fine in Preview and on set-top player. I do not have/know WinDVD, so I'm not sure of what problems it might have. I happen to use other software DVD players, and so far, they all work like my set-tops and Preview.
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    Thanks in adv

    Thanks Shant....
    for those who might need ....
    the final form field code is as follows
    <Field button='true'>
    <Display class='Button'>
    <Property name='label' value='Print Results'/>
    <Property name='onClick' value='javascript:window.print()'/>
    On clicking the "Print Results" button - triggers the Print Function .
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    Is there any way to remove the continue button from the Quiz Results page?
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    Vikas Sharma

    Removing the Continue button from the Quiz Results slide is NOT a good idea in my experience.  Clicking the Continue button triggers functions in Captivate to terminate the quiz and commit the score to the LMS.  If this button is not clicked, Captivate may not be sure the person has decided they're done with the quiz and wants their score to be captured by the LMS at that point.  There are often other buttons on the Quiz Results slide to offer the user the option of Retaking or Reviewing the Quiz.  Only the Continue button is designed to take them further beyond the Quiz Result slide.
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