ByteBuffer's static "wrap" method -- managing memory

I have a function which will be called many, many times over:
     public static ByteBuffer byteArr2ByteBuff(byte[] data, int off, int len) {
          byte[] subData = new byte[len];
          try {
               System.arraycopy(data, off, subData, 0, len);
          } catch (Exception e) {
          // TODO find out if null'ing out subData works? Curious if this helps efficiency? This function will get called a LOT...
          ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.wrap(subData);
          subData = null;
          return out;
My question this:
At the end of my code, I null out the "subData" array manually since I am not sure if the "wrap()" method will cause the subData to be held on, or get garbage collected.
Now, its not easy for me to test this out in my current system since I am actually using this on the Android platform (min API 8). Preferably, I would just "return ByteBuffer.wrap(subData);" and be done with it, but since this function will get calls 100's of thousands of times, I want to be doubly sure its efficent.

Thanks for the reply, let me give you some background information as to why the function will be called many times. I am creating an app on Android that works with Bluetooth and will accept streaming data. The data that is coming in is binary, so I need to cut the data into its chunks and feed it into a float, or short, or int, etc.
For example, after it comes out the "return ByteBuffer.wrap(..)" I take that output and do a .order(null).getFloat() on it, depending on the byte order.
As much as I wish I could have used JavaStruct (see GoogleCode) or the C/C++ style Structs to feed in data a-la #pragma(push), I don't see any other way to handle this kind of data. I am hoping that ByteBuffer is very memory efficient and fast.
Also, as for the "System.arraycopy()" usage, I could look into making that more efficient, however that would require all other methods calling byteArr2ByteBuff to modify how it sends data to this function.
Thanks for clearing the air on how Null doesn't have any effect though. If you have other ideas on how to handle the parsing of binary packets coming in through a socket, I am definitely all ears!
PS. I'd rather using Arrays.copyrange instead of the System.arraycopy method, but since I am making this app work for Android API8+, I am limited on the Arrays methods.
Edited by: 1000047 on Apr 17, 2013 11:42 PM
For example, here is an example of the usage (sorry not sure how to properly format in sans-serif on this forum yet!)
          public void unpack(byte[] data) {
               int i = -fSize; //fSize == 4
               accx = Streams.byteArr2ByteBuff(data, i += fSize, fSize).order(null).getFloat();
               accy = Streams.byteArr2ByteBuff(data, i += fSize, fSize).order(null).getFloat();
               accz = Streams.byteArr2ByteBuff(data, i += fSize, fSize).order(null).getFloat();
               gyrox = Streams.byteArr2ByteBuff(data, i += fSize, fSize).order(null).getFloat();
               gyroy = Streams.byteArr2ByteBuff(data, i += fSize, fSize).order(null).getFloat();
               gyroz = Streams.byteArr2ByteBuff(data, i += fSize, fSize).order(null).getFloat();
               temp = Streams.byteArr2ByteBuff(data, i += fSize, fSize).order(null).getFloat();
Edited by: 1000047 on Apr 17, 2013 11:45 PM

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    Region Name     Objects
    CAO                   ienumerable<caos>
    Exposures           ienumerable<exposures>
    Limits                ienumerable<limits>
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    @Naimesh Patel
    So you recommend to use instance class/methods even though method logic is just self-executable. Right?
    <h4>Instance option</h4>
    CLASS zcl_class DEFINITION.
      METHODS add_1 IMPORTING i_input type i EXPORTING e_output type i.
      METHODS subtract_1 IMPORTING i_input type i EXPORTING e_output type i.
      METHOD add_1.
        e_output = i_input + 1.
      METHOD subtract_1.
        e_output = i_input - 1.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_object.
      exporting i_input = 1
      importing e_output = lv_output ).
      exporting i_input = 2
      importing e_output = lv_output2 ).
    <h4>Static option</h4>
    CLASS zcl_class DEFINITION.
      CLASS-METHODS add_1 IMPORTING i_input type i EXPORTING e_output type i.
      CLASS-METHODS subtract_1 IMPORTING i_input type i EXPORTING e_output type i.
      METHOD add_1.
        e_output = i_input + 1.
      METHOD subtract_1.
        e_output = i_input - 1.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_object.
      exporting i_input = 1
      importing e_output = lv_output ).
      exporting i_input = 2
      importing e_output = lv_output2 ).
    So which option is best? Pros and Cons?

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    Good !!! I expected this question from you.
    Instantiation and Initialization are different.
    A class or interface type T will be initialized immediately before the first occurrence of any one of the following:
    1) T is a class and an instance of T is created.
    2) T is a class and a static method declared by T is invoked.
    3) A static field declared by T is assigned.
    4) A static field declared by T is used and the reference to the
    field is not a compile-time constant. References to
    compile-time constants must be resolved at compile time to
    a copy of the compile-time constant value, so uses of such a
    field never cause initialization.

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    I would take a different take here. Sure you can do it but there are some ramifications from a best practices perspective. f you think of a class as a proper object, then making a method static or not is simple. the static variables and methods belong to the class while the non-static variables and methods belong to the instance.
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    you should not modify the state of the class object (the static variables) within the instance (non-static) method - rather, relegate that to the class's methods.
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    Could You help me to solve this? thanks alot
    does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point

    Hi bkshn,
    This error is caused by the missing "Main" method in your project. it is the entry point of your project.
    If you want to create a EF project, you could follow the way in the aricle below.
    The Main method is like below.
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    using (var db = new BloggingContext())
    // Create and save a new Blog
    Console.Write("Enter a name for a new Blog: ");
    var name = Console.ReadLine();
    var blog = new Blog { Name = name };
    // Display all Blogs from the database
    var query = from b in db.Blogs
    orderby b.Name
    select b;
    Console.WriteLine("All blogs in the database:");
    foreach (var item in query)
    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");
    And you could start to learn the EF from the following MSDN blogs.
    If you have any other concern regarding this issue, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Youjun Tang
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Projectname.exe' does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point .

    I'm developing a blog reader for windows 8 store app. It was perfectly worked before. But because of some miss behave my coding i get below error. No other errors there.
    Error    1    Program 'c:\Users\.........\Desktop\Blog_Reader\Blog_Reader\obj\Release\intermediatexaml\Blog_Reader.exe' does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point    C:\Users\..........\Desktop\Blog_Reader\Blog_Reader\CSC  
    Please help me to figure this.
    Thank You!

    Go to your App.Xaml and R-Click Go to Properties
    Check whether the Build Action is ApplicationDefinition
    If not change it to ApplicationDefinition. Clean the code (solution ) and Deploy..

  • Solution for Windows Store app "projectname.exe" does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point . Error.

    I'm developed a blog reader for windows 8 store app. It was perfectly worked before. But suddenly it started to miss behave and I got an
    error. No other errors were there other than that.
    Program c:\Users\.........\Desktop\Blog_Reader\Blog_Reader\obj\Release\intermediatexaml\Blog_Reader.exe' does not contain a static 'Main'
    method suitable for an entry point. 
    C:\Users\..........\Desktop\Blog_Reader\Blog_Reader\CSC    Blog_Reader
    But I found the solution while I fixing it.
    Solution for that is like below.
    Go to your App.Xaml and Right-Click thenGo to Properties
    Check whether the Build Action is
    If not change it to ApplicationDefinition.
    Clean the code (solution) and Deploy
    Now the error is fiexed.

    Hi Robana, 
    Good sharing on the Technet. 
    This will definitely benefit other who may encounter the same issue as yours.
    Thanks for your sharing again. 
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    I have a problem in OSB. Unable to see any java methods when loading java callout. I have checked the java classes in the .jar file and they are all non-static java methods.
    Is there any way where OSB is able to see this non-static java methods?
    Need help urgently!

    Technical standpoint: Do you know why OSB is not able to call non-static methods?
    This is by design. Ability to call non-static methods require Object creation which adds additional complexity. eg How to pass variables in constructor?. How/where to store created object for use across across pipeline instance?. Object life cycle (when and how to create object) etc. To avoid above complexites static methods are only supported.
    "a lot of non-static method to call" just for my understanding what are the number involved?. If number is too high you can always request for a enhancement.

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    Dear all,
    1. Is the oracle shared server mode assign equal memory each session?
    And where i can find the document about managing memory of shared server mode ?
    Thks for advance

    Thanks hsawwan
    I cannot find the documents
    Note: 461063.1 - HR and Financials Applications Installed as Full Instead of Shared
    Note: 461063.1 - Changing Oracle Human Resources Installation from FULL HR/FULL Payroll Install to SHARED HR/SHARED Payroll Install
    in Metalink. Do you have any idea if thos documents still available?
    Those documents change HRMS from Install to Shared Mode when the application is already installed.
    Is any way to install HRMS in shared mode before install the application?

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    I would like to maintain a hashmap of these classes keyed to the ID's however I am not sure how to have some interface of abstract parent class that requires each of these classes to implement these static methods.
    What I was hoping to do was something like this>>>
         public interface MyClasses{
              static MyClasses createInstance(byte[] data);
         HashMap<Integer, MyClasses> map;
         public void init() {
              map = new HashMap<Integer, MyClasses>();
              map.put(Class1.getId(), Class1.class);
              map.put(Class2.getId(), Class2.class);
         public void createInstance (int id, byte[] data) {
         }Is there some way I could do this?

    What about something like this?
    public interface Initializable
         public void initialize(byte[] data);
    public class Factory
         private final Map<Integer, Initializable> map = new HashMap<Integer, Initializable>();
            public void registerClass(int id, Class klass)
                    if (! Initializable.class.isAssignableFrom(klass))
                             // you may also want to ensure the class declares a parameterless constructor
                             throw new IllegalArgumentException("duff class");
                    if (
                             throw new IllegalArgumentException("duff id");
    , klass);
         public Initializable createInstance(int id, byte[] data)
                    // need some exception handling of course
              Initializable i = map.get(id).newInstance();
                    return i;

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    javanewbie80 wrote:
    Great. Thanks. This whole explanation made a lot of sense to me.Cool, glad I was able to help!
    Probably I was just trying to complicate things unnecessarily.It's a classic case of complexity inversion. It seems simpler to say something like "synchronization locks the class" or "...locks the method" than to give my explanation and then extrapolate the implications. Just like the seemingly simpler, but incorrect, "Java passes objects by reference," vs. the correct "Java passes references by value," or Java's seemingly complex I/O vs. other languages' int x = readInt(); or whatever.
    In the seemingly complex case, the primitive construct is simpler, but the higher level construct requires more assembly or derivation of the primitive constructs, making that case seem more complicated.
    Okay, I just re-read that, and it seems like I'm making no sense, but I'll leave it, just in case somebody can get some meaning out of it. :-)

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    why we use static factory methods, instead of constructor.
    Apart from Singleton class , what is use of static factory methods ?
    Thanks in Advance,

    One reason for using factories is that they simplify creating instances of immutable classes that might otherwise have messy constructors with lots of arguments.

  • Static abstract methods - how can I avoid them?

    Hi everybody,
    just found out that java doesn't allow static abstract methods nor static methods in interfaces. Although I understand the reasons, I can't think of how to change my design to gain the required behavior without the need of static abstract methods.
    Here's what I want to do and how my thoughts lead to static abstract methods:
    ClassA provides access to native code (c-dll, using jna). The path to the dll can be set programmatically. Here's a draft of the class:
    public ClassA {
       private static String path;
       public static void setRealtivePath(String path) {
          //check if path exists and is not null -> get absolute path
       public static void setPath(String absolutePath) {
          this.path = path;
      //code to provide access to native lib
    }There is some more classes which provide access to different dlls (therefore the code for accessing the dlls differs from ClassA). Although this works, the setRelativePath method has to be implemented in each class. I thought it would be nice to put this method into a abstract super class that looks like this:
    public abstract class superClass {
       public static void setRelativePath(String path) {
          //check if path exists and is not null -> get absolute path
       //force inherting class to implement a static method
       public static abstract void setPath(String absolutePath);
    }thus simplifying ClassA and it's look-a-likes:
    public ClassA {
       private static String path;
       public static void setPath(String absolutePath) {
          this.path = path;
      //code to provide access to native lib
    }Since static abstract methods (and overriding static methods) is not allowed, this doesn't work.
    I hope someone can catch my idea ;). Any suggestions how to do this in a nice clean way?
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: morty2 on Jul 22, 2009 2:57 AM

    First of all, thanks a lot for your answer.
    YoungWinston wrote:
    Actually, you can "override" static methods (in that you can write the same method for both a subclass and a superclass, providing the superclass method isn't final); it's just that it doesn't work polymorphically. The "overriding" method masks the overridden one and the determination of what gets called is entirely down to the declared type.Yes, I know that. There's one problem: Your suggestion means that I simply have to drop the abstract modifier in the super classes setPath method. However, since the super class calls the setPath method (and not the inherting classes!) it will always be the super classes' method being called.
    YoungWinston wrote:
    Why are you so concerned with making everything static? Seems to me that the simplest solution would be to make all the contents instance-based.I want ClassA and it's look-a-likes to be set up properly at application start up, be accessible quite anytime and easily, they don't do anything themselves except for setting the path and calling into the native library which does the math. (Compareable to how you call e.g. Math.cos()). Therefore I don't think that an instance-based solution would be a better approach.
    YoungWinston wrote:
    Furthermore, you could make the class immutable; which might be a good thing - I'm not sure I'd want someone being able to change the pathname after I've >set up a class like this.Thanks for that!
    PS: As mentioned in my first post, I do have a working solution. However, I'm really corious about finding a nicer and cleaner way to do it!

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    Any way to simplify vector objects in a PDF file? I have a page with complex maps. This PDF is placed in InDesign, scaled, and then I export to create a new PDF. Either at the source (linked PDF) or the final PDF, I'd like to simplify the vector map

  • This line give me error Map fillParams = new HashMap(); for calling ireport

    hi master sir i flow this link step by step when i us this step Double-click the View Report button to display the Java source for the viewReportBtn_action method. Add the followin