C# Playing Video From A Memory Stream Using DirectShow (quartz.dll).

I have a C# Visual Studio WinForms app that plays video using the QuartzTypeLib (quartz.dll). With the code I've written, I can play any video file from the hard drive. Here's the code at the top that executes when the app starts:
        public const int WS_CHILD = 0x40000000;
        public const int WS_CLIPCHILDREN = 0x2000000;
        public QuartzTypeLib.IMediaControl mc;
        public QuartzTypeLib.IVideoWindow videoWindow = null;
        IMediaPosition mp = null;
And here's the code that opens the video file:
        private void openMediaToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Open a media file.
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.Filter = "Video Files|*.mpg;*.avi;*;*.wmv;*.mov";
            ofd.FilterIndex = 1;
            if (DialogResult.OK == ofd.ShowDialog())
                // Stop the playback for the current movie if a video is currently playing.
                if (mc != null)
                if (pbVideoDisplay.Image != null)
                    pbVideoDisplay.Image = null;
                // Load the movie file.
                FilgraphManager graphManager = new FilgraphManager();
                mp = graphManager as IMediaPosition;
                mc = (IMediaControl)graphManager;
                tsbtnPlay.Enabled = tsbtnPause.Enabled = tsbtnStop.Enabled = true;
                // Attach the view to the picture box (pbVideoDisplay) on frmMain.
                    videoWindow = (IVideoWindow)graphManager;
                    videoWindow.Owner = (int)pbVideoDisplay.Handle;
                    videoWindow.WindowStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN;
                catch //(Exception Ex)
                    // I'll write code for this when I have a need to.
                // Now we convert the video to a byte array.
                FileStream fs = new FileStream(ofd.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    // Here we convert the video to Base 64.
                    VideoInBytes = new byte[fs.Length];
                    VideoInBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ofd.FileName);
                    VideoInBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(VideoInBytes);
                catch //(Exception Ex)
                    //throw new Exception("Error in base64Encode" + Ex.Message); Worry about this later.
Notice that I have code that converts the video to a Base64 string. I'd like to add code that will allow me to play a video from a memory stream or any other type of stream that might work better. Is that even possible and if so, what code would I need to add
and where would I put it?

You should be able to do it by developing a plug-in for the existing DShow filter. For instance, wmv files are being opened/read with the "WM ASF Reader" filter. You can register your own protocol and implement your own plug-in for that protocol
(e.g. you could name it 'memory', and your URL would look like
memory://something.wmv). You can register your protocol under the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\memory\Extensions] by creating a new string value with the file extension as a name (.wmv). The value is the WM ASF Readers's
GUID ({187463A0-5BB7-11D3-ACBE-0080C75E246E}).
You also need to register your plugin that will be used for a wmv file when used with the 'memory' protocol.
In [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Media\WMSDK\sources] create a new string value with the protocol name and the value is a path to you DLL plug-in. Your plug-in must implement the IStream interface. The plugin DLL exports a single function:
HRESULT WMCreateStreamForURL( LPCWSTR pwszURL, BOOL *pfCorrectSource, IStream **ppStream )
MSDN can provide more info on WMCreateStreamForURL() and plugins in general.
Once you do that, what will happen is this: each time you open a file like "memory://myfile.wmv", the WM ASF Reader filter will load your plugin, call WMCreateStreamForURL() and it will use your custom IStream object for all read/write operations.

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    Hi Mwengil,
    You are asking questions about third-party library. It’s out of our support range.
    Please refer to check the API documentation.
    http://docs.phonegap.com/en/4.0.0/index.html or try to contact library official site.
    Thank you for understanding. If you have any questions about windows phone development, you are always welcome posting here.
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    Have you tried dropping the .flv from the source url string? I think if the FLVPlayback component sees .flv it thinks it is a progressive download instead of a stream.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Unfortunately that's not possible.

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    // Fig. 22.1: SimplePlayer.java
    // Opens and plays a media file from
    // local computer, public URL, or an RTP session
    // Java core packages
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    // Java extension packages
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.media.*;
    public class SimplePlayer extends JFrame {
         // Java media player
         private Player player;
    // visual content component
    private Component visualMedia;
    // controls component for media
    private Component mediaControl;
    // main container
    private Container container;
    // media file and media locations
    private File mediaFile;
    private URL fileURL;
    // constructor for SimplePlayer
    public SimplePlayer()
    super( "Simple Java Media Player" );
    container = getContentPane();
    // panel containing buttons
    JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
    container.add( buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH );
    // opening file from directory button
    JButton openFile = new JButton( "Open File" );
    buttonPanel.add( openFile );
    // register an ActionListener for openFile events
    // anonymous inner class to handle openFile events
    new ActionListener() {
    // open and create player for file
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    mediaFile = getFile();
    if ( mediaFile != null ) {
    // obtain URL from file
    try {
    fileURL = mediaFile.toURL();
    // file path unresolvable
    catch ( MalformedURLException badURL ) {
    showErrorMessage( "Bad URL" );
    makePlayer( fileURL.toString() );
    } // end actionPerformed
    } // end ActionListener
    ); // end call to method addActionListener
    // URL opening button
    JButton openURL = new JButton( "Open Locator" );
    buttonPanel.add( openURL );
    // register an ActionListener for openURL events
    // anonymous inner class to handle openURL events
    new ActionListener() {
    // open and create player for media locator
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    String addressName = getMediaLocation();
    if ( addressName != null )
    makePlayer( addressName );
    } // end ActionListener
    ); // end call to method addActionListener
    // turn on lightweight rendering on players to enable
    // better compatibility with lightweight GUI components
    Manager.setHint( Manager.LIGHTWEIGHT_RENDERER,
    Boolean.TRUE );
    } // end SimplePlayer constructor
    // utility method for pop-up error messages
    public void showErrorMessage( String error )
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, error, "Error",
    JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
    // get file from computer
    public File getFile()
    JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
    JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
    int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog( this );
    if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
    return null;
    return fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
    // get media location from user input
    public String getMediaLocation()
    String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
    this, "Enter URL" );
    // if user presses OK with no input
    if ( input != null && input.length() == 0 )
    return null;
    return input;
    // create player using media's location
    public void makePlayer( String mediaLocation )
    // reset player and window if previous player exists
    if ( player != null )
    // location of media source
    MediaLocator mediaLocator =
    new MediaLocator( mediaLocation );
    if ( mediaLocator == null ) {
    showErrorMessage( "Error opening file" );
    // create a player from MediaLocator
    try {
    player = Manager.createPlayer( mediaLocator );
    // register ControllerListener to handle Player events
    new PlayerEventHandler() );
    // call realize to enable rendering of player's media
    // no player exists or format is unsupported
    catch ( NoPlayerException noPlayerException ) {
    // file input error
    catch ( IOException ioException ) {
    } // end makePlayer method
    // return player to system resources and
    // reset media and controls
    public void removePlayerComponents()
    // remove previous video component if there is one
    if ( visualMedia != null )
    container.remove( visualMedia );
    // remove previous media control if there is one
    if ( mediaControl != null )
    container.remove( mediaControl );
    // stop player and return allocated resources
    // obtain visual media and player controls
    public void getMediaComponents()
    // get visual component from player
    visualMedia = player.getVisualComponent();
    // add visual component if present
    if ( visualMedia != null )
    container.add( visualMedia, BorderLayout.CENTER );
    // get player control GUI
    mediaControl = player.getControlPanelComponent();
    // add controls component if present
    if ( mediaControl != null )
    container.add( mediaControl, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
    } // end method getMediaComponents
    // handler for player's ControllerEvents
    private class PlayerEventHandler extends ControllerAdapter {
    // prefetch media feed once player is realized
    public void realizeComplete(
    RealizeCompleteEvent realizeDoneEvent )
    // player can start showing media after prefetching
    public void prefetchComplete(
    PrefetchCompleteEvent prefetchDoneEvent )
    // ensure valid layout of frame
    // start playing media
    } // end prefetchComplete method
    // if end of media, reset to beginning, stop play
    public void endOfMedia( EndOfMediaEvent mediaEndEvent )
    player.setMediaTime( new Time( 0 ) );
    } // end PlayerEventHandler inner class
    // execute application
    public static void main( String args[] )
    SimplePlayer testPlayer = new SimplePlayer();
    testPlayer.setSize( 300, 300 );
    testPlayer.setLocation( 300, 300 );
    testPlayer.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
    testPlayer.setVisible( true );
    } // end class SimplePlayer

    somebody? anybody? I know there are some JMF professionals in here, any ideas?
    I was reading the Sun documentation and it said something about increasing the JVM memory buffer or something? Well, i'm just clueless at this point.
    Help a brotha out!

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    Is it possible? 
    If possible what are the technologies i can use?
    Thanks for the help in adavance

    i have made a few test with Flash Lite 3.0 and Flash Media Server 3  and I have to say that it is pretty easy to stream FLV Video files and  Live Video from local web camera to mobile phone. Here are a quick  instructions how to do it in Windows (I will publish Linux version  later).
    Play FLV-video from Flash Media Server 3:
    Install Flash Media Server 3 (download developer version)
    There are a few sample FLV files in applications/vod/media folder, so you can use one of them for testing
    Create a new Flash Lite 3.0 file in Flash
    Add a new Video symbol to library
    Drag this Video symbol to Stage and give instance name to it: video
    Type following programming to timeline:
    // make a new video-object
    var video:Video;
    // make a new NetConnection-object
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    // check connection status from server
    nc.onStatus = function(info:Object):Void {
      if (info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") {
    // start streaming video to phone
    function startStreaming() {
      ns = new NetStream(nc);
      // play sample.flv from server
    // show info to user
    status_txt.text = "Connecting server...";
    // connect FMS 3 video on demand service (default port 1935)
    Go to Publish Settings...
    Set Local playback security: Access network only
    Publish your SWF-file
    Send your SWF-file to your phone
    Test and you should see FLV-video playing in your phone
    Play live video from Flash Media Server 3:
    Install Flash Media Server 3 (download developer version)
    Install Flash Media Encoder 2 (Windows only)
    Start Flash Media Encoder 2
    You should see your live camera in Input screen
    Press Start-button to start sending live video to Flash Media Server 3
    Create a new Flash Lite 3.0 file in Flash
    Add Video symbol and programming as you did earlier
    Modify your programming:
    // in startStreaming()-function
    // Flash Media Encoder 2 publish stream name is "livestream"
    // start connection to Flash Media Server 3
    // Flash Media Encoder 2 publishes Flash Media Server's default
    // live publishing point, so connect it
    Publish, test and enjoy
    box office movies

  • Play video from memory/cache

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    Thanks a lot!

    If you mean "can I play a video file's video part via AppleTV and the audio part via the Macbook" then the answer is no.
    You could probably play the video on AppleTv and also play it on the Macbook and output the audio, but you would have to do this manually, and 2 applications accessing the same video file might cause stuttering playback issues. Additionally you'd have to manually sync the audio and lip sync problems are annoying at the best of times.
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    You may want to take a look at this:
    I developed a similar implementation of this for a client and it works fine. It's based on using a sequential InputStream as a DataSource for the media player. As you may already know, the Java Media Framework does not seem to support URLDataSource and/or sequential InputStreams.
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  • Play video from video capture device

    I tried fixing my running of out memory for the video buffers problem but could find a fix. I have tried code from a book and it doesn't work. I can only get the video feed to display the video from the capture device using JMStudio, so the device works fine. Maybe my coding methodology/process is incorrect.
    Is there anyone out there that knows of some working code that plays live video in a window from a video capture device. Any other help regarding to displaying capture video would help. Please help.
    Thanks in advance.

    I am using the Belkin USB VideoBus II and it uses the video for windows drivers (vfw), so yet it is supported. And it works when I use JMStudio to play the live feed from the capture device. Thanks for the suggestion.
    I also ran the code suggested above and I still get the same errors. Thanks for your suggestions. Any other help or suggestions would be appreciated.

  • How do I play video from my macbook pro to my tv?

    How do I play video from my macbook pro to my tv?

    What model MacBook Pro do you have? On my late 2011, I used to use a Mini DisplayPort/Thunderbolt to HDMI adapter to get video and audio from my Mac to my television. I used this adapter from Monoprice. Worked great - I just no longer use it because I bought a 27" monitor.
    You can also use AirPlay mirroring if you've the right MBP and an Apple TV - but the wired method works, too.

  • Is there a software like flash player for ipad.what software do I exactly need in order to play videos from websites?

    Is there a software like flash player for ipad.what software do I exactly need in order to play videos from websites?

    There may be a couple Apps that may help, but I understand they don't work very well.  The best solution would be to contact the owners of the websites and let them know they need to update their site.
    The alternative I use, is to download the problem video onto my computer, and convert it to M4V or MP4 format using a program like HandBrake <HandBrake>.  Then it can be added to iTunes and synced with the iPad.

  • Easy fix to play video from itunes on PC

    OK Everyone who has the same problem of playing videos on a PC, and after a couple of seconds, your computer either crashes, or freezes/plays choppy, here is a very easy fix. I actually found it by reading other posts, and I can not remember who tried it first, so sorry to who it is that I can't give you credit, but thank you very much. All you need to do is have an external hard drive like what I am using (WD 160gig Passport). Copy your movie/tv shows files from your itunes file folder in your music folder on your computer harddrive to the external harddrive. Then just play it FROM your external harddrive using Quicktime, and it will work flawlessly! I don't know why it will not play from your computer, but it works with all videos from the external drive. Now go watch some movies!

    Buy yourself a small set of speakers that plug into the headset jack of your iPod. Lots of options out there. It's simple and straightforward.

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    Home sharing isn't working either
    Which is why you can not use the remote app.  Did you turn on home sharing on your computer and on ATV?
    eve though they have the same Apple ID.
    Did you enter the ApplieID in the home sharing login though?  Or just in for the iTunes store, or iCloud, or photo sharing, or something else?
    Home sharing isn't working either, I can't play or transmit any video from my iPad to the Apple TV because it doesn't recognize it
    That would be AirPlay, not homesharing.  THey are not related.  Did you enable air play on all the devices?
    Have you run the network test tools on ATV?  Can ATV access the iTunes store, Netflix, etc?

Maybe you are looking for

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