Calendar mavericks client - snow leopard server

I am trying to connect calendar on a iMac running mavericks 10.9.5 to a Xserve running Snow Leopard 10.6.8
Where I have clients that I have upgraded from earlier versions of OSX to mavericks the calendar is still connected and is working correctly.
However this new system has been freshly installed with Mavericks and will not connect with errors such as:
Error Domain=CalSubscriptionErrorDomain Code=-1002 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CalSubscriptionErrorDomain error -1002.)"]
Calendar[570]: [] [Autodiscovery error: [Error Domain=CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain Code=404 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain error 404.)" UserInfo=0x6100004660c0 {CoreDAVHTTPHeaders=<CFBasicHash 0x610000466100 [0x7fff72d0cf00]>{type = immutable dict, count = 11,
The machine has been joined and bound to the "domain".
I have tried setting the calendar account to "Auto" - "Manual" and "Advanced"
I have configured it the same as other working systems - but still cannot connect
Can anyone advise of any workarounds or fixes for this issue please

The answer is to use the "advanced" setting for configuring the account - then enter the username in the format of
[email protected]
enter the server name in the server field
and I am now connected

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    "Will Lion clients authenticate to a snow leopard server?"
    Yes. Snow Leopard Server will support 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 Client OS.
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    Not_So wrote:
    I went to the AppStore and as I was running Snow Leopard Server it prompted me to purchase Lion Server which I didn't want.
    Luckily, I wasn't asked to purchase the 'Server' when I upgraded from SLS to Mountain Lion via the AppStore. I think your particular problem was mentioned in some other posts where the upgrade path to Lion became an infinite loop (hmmm... ). But that's all in the past now. Glad it all worked.

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    Can Mac OS X Server do this?  Sure. 
    You're going to be learning a whole lot about running a server, regardless.
    You really need to sort out what you have here and where you want to be, and how to upgrade or replace yor migrate your environment, and before you add the substantial increase in complexity of serving Windows from Mac.  If you can't get off of Office circa 2003 or similarly old software, what are you going to do when you find, say, an incompatibility, or a need to migrate mail clients?     Who are you going to call for help?
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    The "Trust, but verify" follows...
    Launch the MS-DOS command box on Microsoft Windows XP.
    Verify IP network connectivity with ping. Ping the Samba/CIFS server by IP, then by name. Ensure that the box you're connecting to is the one you think it is; that can be via telnet or web connections or otherwise; make sure your IP network is configured the way you believe it is, and you're getting to the host you think you're reaching.
    If the IP address connection works but the domain name (host name) does not, then debug the DNS validity with dig or nslookup, and ensure the client can get DNS translations.
    Verify that the [Windows registry settings|] allow access to Samba/CIFS shares.
    If you're not running Microsoft Windows 7 and the x86 gear here supports it, definitely upgrade. Windows 7 is a vast improvement over earlier releases, including over Windows XP.

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    +"Can I set up Snow Leopard Server so that the Outlook 2003 clients will be able to use contacts, calendars and mail etc from the mac (mini) that we would purchase for this?"+
    For mail yes. For calendars you will need 'assistance' using 3rd-party applications or helper utilities. The iCal Admin manual has more details of what is available:
    Page 12. For Addresses/Contacts consult the Address Book Server Admin Manual for more details:
    Page 12. I don't see anything specifically listed so you may have to search for these yourself unless someone else posts with something more specific that works?
    If you're expecting Exchange-like functionality you will be disappointed. If you really must have the functionality you're used but also want to move to the mac platform a better prospect (IMO) would be Kerio Mail Server:
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    Not_So wrote:
    I went to the AppStore and as I was running Snow Leopard Server it prompted me to purchase Lion Server which I didn't want.
    Luckily, I wasn't asked to purchase the 'Server' when I upgraded from SLS to Mountain Lion via the AppStore. I think your particular problem was mentioned in some other posts where the upgrade path to Lion became an infinite loop (hmmm... ). But that's all in the past now. Glad it all worked.

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    Thank You.

    I really don't know what are going wrong with my settings. As you said/write it must be an easy setup.
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    Is anyone else having this issue?  Any help would help me keep my sanity.

    Have you had any luck finding a solution to this?  The only thing I have found was to unbind and then bind without authentication.  Any help with progress on your end would be appreciated!

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    I don't want to install another third party VNC server onto our SL Server, and am looking for a VNC client for windows that will connect to our SL Server.
    Does anyone have any solutions?
    Re: Newbie: Connect Windows -> OSX Server
    Posted: Nov 4, 2009 9:26 AM in response to: Antonio Rocco
    I would politely disagree. Yes, definitely, the Mac 'Screen Sharing' app works a treat, and Apple Remote works as well, but I am coming from a Window's PeeCee.
    For me, connecting to my 10.5(.8) Server via tightvnc gives 'Server did not offer supported security type!". Using RealVNC to this machine states "No matching security types Do you wish to reconnect to ... ?" a telnet to this AppleVNCServer service (port 5900), shows RFB 003.889 *, or Remote Frame Buffer Major 3, minor 889.
    Also, connecting to multiple 10.6(.1) Clients with Tightvnc correctly asks for a password but then hangs at "Status: Security type requested". Using RealVNC opens, connects, asks for authentication, and exits. Telneting to this AppleVNCServer service (port 5900), also shows RFB 003.889 *.
    The Current Version of the protocol is supposed to be 3.8, that is Major version 3, minor version 8. Not 80 or 800 but Eight). and I believe that tightvnc only supports up to version 3.7.
    On each station I have installed the 'old' as a service (to a unique port). OSXVnc utilizes protocol 3.3 and I can control them successfully, but that is of my own doing because of this issue.
    Now JollysFastVNC works a treat to any machine I have EVER tried to connect to. I have not tried COTVNC or any of the others (too slow for me, when they wer e around)
    Also, I just noticed that RealVNC states that their free and personal version will not connect to Mac OSX (x86 and PPC) but the Enterprise one will. I just Dl'ed the Enterprise Viewer and it gave essentially the same thing ('protocol is not valid' message, even after it asks for a password). Anyway, I am not here to hijack this thread, just trying to keep the info flowing and open.
    Maybe I am the only one with these problems but the bottom line is I cannot use Real or Tight, or UltraVNC to administer my server or clients as long as AppleVNCServer gives out the 003.889 protocol version.
    * The ProtocolVersion message consists of 12 bytes interpreted as a string of ASCII characters in the format "RFB xxx.yyy\n" where xxx and yyy are the major and
    minor version numbers, padded with zeros.

    Searching on the net brought me to the same solution that Mr. Hoffman found as well, I was a bit skeptical at first but since he recommended it, and all my other attempts failed, it was a last resort and I have some additional notes of my own for a successful solution. Read the two links below first before doing anything, as they contribute to the solution in tandem.
    I should probably just create an entirely new post with all of the steps that worked for me, but it's rather straightforward nonetheless.

  • Snow Leopard server, Lion clients

    Good day I am running a 10.6.8 server (Mac Pro 2010) with 300 user account on it. At this time because out client computers needing compatibility with multiple applications upgrades we need to upgrade all out clients to 10.7.3. The decision has been made and I need to go with it. The server only runs user accounts, shared folders, Wiki and DNS. I am hesitant to upgrade the server to 10.7. I have attempted some quick searches for any issue with running 10.6.8 Server and 10.7 clients but it has not resulted in much.
    What is the biggest issue I am going to be running into?
    Will AFP still work with 10.7 clients?
    Should I upgrade the server to 10.7 also?
    What will I loose at this point upgrading everything?
    Looking forward to what I can learn.

    What is the biggest issue I am going to be running into?
    What issues will you run into if you upgrade your clients to Lion, but leave your server on Snow Leopard? none. That's entirely valid.
    Will AFP still work with 10.7 clients?
    Should I upgrade the server to 10.7 also?
    Not unless you specifically need some of the features in Mac OS X Lion Server, and absolutely not if you only have one server.
    What will I loose at this point upgrading everything?
    Probably several nights' sleep. Upgrading a server, and maintaining all the services without any downtime is a significant process. Snow Leopard Server doesn't stop running just because Lion is available, and it won't stop when Mountain Lion comes along, either.
    If your mandate is to upgrade the clients, then do that, and take your time planning your server upgrade/migration.

  • Lion clients with Snow leopard Server

    Are there known issues with a Snow Leopard Server Mananging Lion Clients.  I currently manage 40 IMacs in two labs
    all running Snow Leopard, the only services I use on the Mac Server are Open Directiory, Print Services, AFP, and FireWall services
    the Server is a Mac PRo with 2x3.2 Ghx quad-Core Intel Xeon Processor and 32. GB RAM

    Snow Leopard can't serve AFP devices to Lion clients out of the box.  There seems to be a workaround, but I haven't gotten it working myself yet.

  • Snow Leopard Client Dock Behavior & Binding to Snow Leopard Server

    I am at a loss on this issue. I am running a test server and client. I had bound my client to the server and was having difficulties with the dock settings on the client. I assumed it was a managed preferences issue on the server, so I checked all the ones I knew to check. It didn't appear that my client dock was being managed by my server. The problem was that the dock would switch from auto-hide to fixed and the preferences under dock could not be altered on the client.
    I've found that the only way to resolve this problem is to unbind the client from the server. Can anyone tell me what I need to be looking for within the server? Could there be an inherited preference from somewhere within the server?
    The other element to this is that this issue didn't arise until after I upgraded to 10.6.3. Prior the upgrade I was bound to the server, and the dock was fine. After the upgrade the dock preferences on the client were no longer able to be managed.
    I am new to server and need some help.

    So, when I click Join..., type in the server, and then click on the Set Up Services button, I enter the username and password for the account I created on Snow Leopard Server. It switches the sheet to show that it's "Joining the server", and then fails with: "kGotAuthenticationFailure". The Password Service Server Log shows that is actually succeeded: "AUTH2: {0x4b5897f87cada0f20000001500000015, diana} DIGEST-MD5 authentication succeeded".
    If I actually enter an incorrect password, it right away gives me an "Authentication failed" message right below the password dialog in red.
    The console on the Snow Leopard client shows:
    10-01-21 11:10:16 AM System Preferences[248] -[ODCOSXServerJoinController(XSServiceDiscoveryProtocol) gotServicesInfo:fromServer:error:]: got error kGotAuthenticationFailure
    I don't see any other messages on the server that might explain this. Any ideas?
    This server was upgraded from Leopard Server, if that matters...

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