Call Template Editor in LabVIEW

Is it possible to call template editor in LV? I searched around and found using command prompt is asolution, but is there any VIs or a combination of VIs that can realize this function in new version Labview?
Following is the link that calling template editor using command prompt:
Thanks for your kind help!

you can open the tempate editor via the command prompt.
Save the templates on disk and read them in your Labview program.
Best regards,
"Kudos: Users may give one another Kudos on the forums for posts that they found particularly helpful or insightful."

Similar Messages

  • Call template editor

    Hi all!
    I have been using NI Template Editor for a long time. It is a very very useful program, and it can be called form VA / VBA. Thats the reason why it is so useful. I would like to know how should I use this function/program from my own code. ( call parametrized Template Editor  e.g. form my pattern matcher program like in VBA/VA - for current Image.) 
    I used system execute vi- which run standard *.exe files , but in this case, image file must be selected.
    I would like to know how should I use T.E. in my own program, as flexible as possible like, VA/VBA - for current image!
    Thank you very much!!!
    +++ In God we believe, in Trance we Trust +++
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Durnek,
    As far as I understand, you want to develop an application in LV which does Pattern Matching.
    For this, you need a Template which you define in Template Editor.
    In delopyed applications, the templates are predefined, in which case Template Editor is a great tool, but does not need to be called with every run.
    Still, We have encountered similar requests, and we also have a product suggestion to embedd Template Editor in LV, just like VA.
    We are hoping this feature will be available in the future.
    Until then here are some parameters that could be called
     /newath -pm -gpm -gpm2 -d
    launches the editor and opens the image located at the specified path.
    The parameters -pm -gpm -gpm2 and -d are optional and allow to create a template of type pattern matching, geometric matching (legacy), new geometric matching and defect inspection respectively.
    You can combine those parameters to create a template of the desired type. Only the specified tabs will be enabled. If you don't specify any optional parameters, all tabs are available.
    edits the template located at the specified path.
    This is the responsibility of the user to save the template manually within the interface, since the training interface is called by command line and there is no way for the calling application to know if the user OKs or cancels the editor.
    One important point regarding calling the template using a command line: if the path contains a space, you need to use quotes, so that the exec knows that this is only one parameter.
    For instance:
    "Path to template Editor\NI Vision Template Editor.exe" "/new:\Images\8 bit\image.tif" -pm -gpm -d
    Please reply if this fits your application needs 
    Best regards,

  • XML-23002: (Error) internal xpath error while calling template

    I have used call-template named Chemloop in my xslt in the following way as attached in the xsl file. But when I am testing this xsl file through the bpel transformation, getting the error XML-23002: (Error) internal xpath error. Using this xslt I am converting a flat file into a xml file. My xslt except the call template part is working fine. Please suggest me if I m doing anything wrong.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <source type="WSDL">
    <schema location="../ReadASNNAEbizAlcanFileAdapter.wsdl"/>
    <rootElement name="SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice" namespace=""/>
    <target type="WSDL">
    <schema location="../ReadASNNAEbizAlcanFileAdapter.wsdl"/>
    <rootElement name="ShipNotice" namespace=""/>
    <!-- GENERATED BY ORACLE XSL MAPPER 111214.0600.1553) AT [TUE FEB 12 21:05:56 GMT+05:30 2013]. -->
    <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
    exclude-result-prefixes="xsi xsl pc alcebo plnk wsdl jca xsd alcabcs aia bpws xp20 bpel bpm ora socket mhdr oraext dvm hwf med ids xdk xref ldap">
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:value-of select="/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D1DP1_1000/alcebo:BILL_OF_LADING_1000"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D1DP1_1000/alcebo:TRIP_NAME_1000"/>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:value-of select="/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D1DP1_1000/alcebo:DEPARTURE_DATE_1000"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:SHIP_METHOD_CODE_EXT4_1010"/>
    <xsl:when test='/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:SHIP_METHOD_CODE_EXT1_1010 = "R"'>
    <xsl:value-of select="/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:SHIP_METHOD_CODE_EXT3_1010"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:SHIP_METHOD_CODE_EXT1_1010"/>
    <xsl:when test='/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:SHIP_METHOD_CODE_EXT1_1010 = "R"'>
    <xsl:value-of select="/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:SHIP_METHOD_CODE_EXT3_1010"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:SHIP_METHOD_CODE_EXT1_1010"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="substring(/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:SHIP_METHOD_CODE_EXT2_1010,1.0,1.0)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:RTIN1_1030/alcebo:ROUTING_INSTRUCTIONS1_1030)"/>
    <xsl:when test='normalize-space(/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:SHIP_METHOD_CODE_EXT1_1010) = "R"'>
    <xsl:value-of select="concat(/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:A1DL1_3600[1]/alcebo:DELIVERY_ATTRIBUTE1_3600,/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:A2DL2_3610[1]/alcebo:DELIVERY_ATTRIBUTE5_3610)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:EQUIPMENT_NUMBER_1010)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D2DP2_1010[1]/alcebo:EQUIPMENT_SEAL_1010)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select='sum(/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:UnpackedOrder/alcebo:UnpackedItemDetail/alcebo:I3IT3_4520/alcebo:SHIPPED_QUANTITY_4520) + sum(format-number(/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:UnpackedOrder/alcebo:P1PO1_4000/alcebo:FREIGHT_TERMS_CODE_EXT3_4000,"##############0.00"))'/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:D3DP3_1015[1]/alcebo:DELIVERY_TARE_WEIGHT_UOM_EXT1_1015)"/>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:for-each select="/alcebo:SynchAdvancedShipmentNotice/alcebo:AdvanceShipmentNotice/alcebo:ASNShipmentLevel/alcebo:UnpackedOrder">
    <xsl:value-of select='concat(substring("0000",1.0,4.0 - string-length(string(position()))),string(position()))'/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(alcebo:P1PO1_4000/alcebo:PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER_4000)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(alcebo:UnpackedItemDetail/alcebo:I2IT2_4510[1]/alcebo:CUST_PO_LINE_NUM_4510)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(alcebo:UnpackedItemDetail/alcebo:I1IT1_4500[1]/alcebo:BUYER_PART_NO_4500)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(alcebo:UnpackedItemDetail/alcebo:I1IT1_4500[1]/alcebo:SUPPLIER_PART_NUMBER_4500)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="sum(alcebo:UnpackedItemDetail/alcebo:I3IT3_4520/alcebo:SHIPPED_QUANTITY_4520)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(alcebo:UnpackedItemDetail/alcebo:I3IT3_4520[1]/alcebo:ORDER_QUANTITY_UOM_INT_4520)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select='format-number(alcebo:P1PO1_4000/alcebo:FREIGHT_TERMS_CODE_EXT3_4000,"##############0.##")'/>
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(alcebo:UnpackedItemDetail/alcebo:I3IT3_4520[1]/alcebo:ORDER_QUANTITY_UOM_INT_4520)"/>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:for-each select="alcebo:UnpackedItemDetail">
    <xsl:value-of select="alcebo:DeliveryDetail/alcebo:LSDET_5500[1]/alcebo:LOT_NUMBER_5500"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="alcebo:DeliveryDetail/alcebo:EX02_5591[1]/alcebo:DSNO_LEV06_EXT09_5591"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="alcebo:I3IT3_4520[1]/alcebo:SHIPPED_QUANTITY_4520"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="alcebo:I3IT3_4520[1]/alcebo:ORDER_QUANTITY_UOM_INT_4520"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="alcebo:DeliveryDetail/alcebo:EX02_5591[1]/alcebo:DSNO_LEV06_EXT10_5591"/>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no"></xsl:text>
    <!-- User Defined Templates -->
    <xsl:call-template name="Chemloop">
    <xsl:with-param name="i">1</xsl:with-param>
    <xsl:template name="Chemloop">
    <xsl:param name="i"/>
    <xsl:variable name="ChemRow"
    <xsl:variable name="ChemBlock"
    <xsl:if test="$ChemBlock!=' '">
    <xsl:value-of select="substring($ChemBlock,1,5)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="substring($ChemBlock,6,15)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="substring($ChemBlock,21,2)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="substring($ChemBlock,23,3)"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="substring($ChemBlock,26,8)"/>
    <xsl:if test="($ChemBlock=' ') and $i=1">
    <xsl:message terminate="yes">No Chemical data found</xsl:message>
    <xsl:if test="$i &lt;= 26">
    <xsl:call-template name="Chemloop">
    <xsl:with-param name="i">
    <!-- Increment index-->
    <xsl:value-of select="$i + 1"/>

    I can't get what are you trying to achieve by a construction like bellow...
    Remember XSLT is not a procedural language... a selector like /alcebo:DeliveryDetail[position() = $var] or just /alcebo:DeliveryDetail[$var] would make more sense...

  • XSLT Mapping - problem with prefixes when calling template

    Hi all,
    I am having a problem with using an XSLT mapping in XI to combine various fields from 2 input messages of different structures into a single output message.  I understand that XI puts a wrapper around the 2 input messages so the structure of the XML I am mapping is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns2:Messages xmlns:ns2="">
    <ns:(root of first message)>
    </ns:(root of first message)>
    <ns:(root of second message)>
    </ns: (root of second message)>
    Currently my XSL looks like the following:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:javamap="java:systemDate.CurrentDate" version="2.0">
    <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"/>
    <xsl:param name="inputparam"/>
    <xsl:template match="ns2:Messages">
    ...<xsl:calltemplate name="FormattingTemplate"/>
    <xsl:template name="FormattingTemplate">
    When I test the mapping it works fine until it calls the FormattingTemplate.  Then it throws out a "transformer exception" error saying the prefix 'ns2' is not mapped to a namespace.
    If anyone could tell me where I am going wrong I would be very grateful.

    Hi Udo,
    Thanks for your reply.
    When testing the stylesheet locally with XMLSpy, it works fine, but I have just noticed that it adds information in the root tag of the target message as follows:
    <(root of target message) xmlns:javamap="java:systemDate.CurrentDate" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns2="">
    I checked the root tag of the target message in XI and it does not automatically add this information. Thus I added it in my stylesheet so the information above is projected in the target message, but the same error message appears when the call template function is called.  Do you know if I need to somehow add a namespace to templates other than the main one? If so, do you know how I go about doing that?

  • Application crashes when calling DLL built with LabVIEW 2011

    Hello everybody,
    Our application calls DLLs built with LabVIEW 2010 SP1. We installed LabVIEW 2011 and built some DLLs. So far so good. If we start our application and run 2010 DLLs it still works fine. If we run a 2011 DLL just once no error happens, but if we try to run the same 2011 DLL our application crashes reporting the error below. I saved the code for 2010 version and built a DLL and it works fine. Does anyone know why?
    Thank you in advance.
    #Date: Fr, 16. Sep 2011 16:25:25
    #OSName: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3
    #OSVers: 5.1
    #OSBuild: 2600
    #AppName: PasTA
    #Version: 11.0f2 32-bit
    #AppKind: AppLib
    #LabVIEW Base Address: 0x30000000
    16.09.2011 16:25:26.181
    Crash 0x0: Crash caught by NIER
    File Unknown(0) : Crash: Crash caught by NIER
    minidump id: 8a779b3f-51d7-4864-8e4d-6ab0195cd158
    ExceptionCode: 0xC0000005
    0x3072C804 - lvrt <unknown> + 0
    0x3072CBB8 - lvrt <unknown> + 0
    0x7C864191 - KERNEL32 <unknown> + 0
    0x7C83AB50 - KERNEL32 <unknown> + 0
    0x00000000 - PasTA <unknown> + 0
    error.PNG ‏11 KB

    On that note, you should be able to create DLLs in 2010 and run them with 2011, correct??  In my case, I have a 2010 built DLL (talking to sbRIO), most of the functions work when run in 2011, but a couple of them lock up LabVIEW on the desktop (but not the sbRIO), no lock ups happen with 2010 on the desktop.

  • How to make custom Metadata accessible in Text Template Editor ?

    Hi all.
    I used Lightroom SDK to create a plugin generating custom set of Metadata (for LR5) to manage images as produced items (printed and framed photos).
    In order to be able to create usefull lists of items, I would need to be able to print this metadata fields on contact Sheets.
    This is the only functionality that prevents me from using Lightroom as a database for produced artworks, beeing able to manage exhibitions, stock locations, sales etc...
    Guess this means I have to make those new fields accessible in the Text Template Editor that allows user to compose an aggregated text from various type of metadata for printing or slideshows.
    But seems that only the original sets of metadata appears in Text Template Editor, not the one created by my plugin.
    Is there a way to add this functionnality to my plugin ?
    Thank you very much.

    First let me say I have no idea what you mean by Text Template Editor.
    mbrch wrote:
    Is there a way to add this functionnality to my plugin ?
    3 ways:
    1. If metadata definitions are available in metadata provider module without running plugin initialization function (i.e. as on-the-fly compilable lua), then Jeffrey Friedl's Metadata Viewing Preset Editor will support it. (this is the normal case, the other case would be if plugin init computes a global variable that is returned by metadata provider module instead).
    2. You can edit a metadata viewing preset manually, by placing a .lrtemplate file in 'Metadata Field Lists' folder - in with your other presets (is that what you meant by text template editor?). - see example below.
    3. Define a tagset factory for your plugin and return the metdata viewing preset options from the tagset factory implementation file - there are instructions in the programmer's guide.
    Example below:
    return {
       items = {
             formatter = "com.adobe.label",
             label = "File/Folder"
             formatter = "com.adobe.label",
             label = ""
          'com.robcole.developSettings.ProcessVersion', -- individual develop settings can be included like this.
          'com.robcole.developSettings.CameraProfile', -- individual develop settings can be included like this.
             formatter = "com.adobe.label",
             label = ""
             formatter = "com.adobe.label",
             label = "Exif Metadata"
          -- add more here...
          'com.robcole.exif.' -- "help" item - remove this item once you've got the hang of this...
       title = "Exif Select",
       id = "Exif_Select_382790710"

  • Problem with xsl:template and call-template

    in XSQL i am getting one row like this
    <REASON_FOR_REJECTION>1.Overhead line is not existing in front of the premises,2.The distance from the pole to the serice is more than 30 meters.,3.Another service is existing in the same premises with arrears.</REASON_FOR_REJECTION>
    In the above String for every comma i want to put <br>
    the output should come like this:
    1.Overhead line is not existing in front of the premises
    2.The distance from the pole to the serice is more than 30 meters.
    3.Another service is existing in the same premises with arrears
    i have written xsl like this;i am getting this error;
    XSQL-011: Error processing XSLT stylesheet: ../xsl/CMS48_RejectionLetter1.xsl
    (Error) Template 'ROWSET/ROW/REASON_FOR_REJECTION' invoked but not defined.
    wat's wrong with this code?
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    xmlns:java="" exclude-result-prefixes="java" version="1.0">
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <body Class='Ecrm_Body'>
    <xsl:template match="ROW">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="REASON_FOR_REJECTION"/>
    <xsl:template match="REASON_FOR_REJECTION">
         <xsl:param name="REASON_FOR_REJECTION"/>
    <xsl:variable name="year"
    <xsl:when test="string-length($year) > 0">
    <td><xsl:value-of select="$year"/></td>
         <xsl:call-template name="ROWSET/ROW/REASON_FOR_REJECTION">
    <xsl:with-param name="REASON_FOR_REJECTION">
              <xsl:value-of select="substring-after($REASON_FOR_REJECTION,',')"/>
    <td><xsl:value-of select="$REASON_FOR_REJECTION"/></td>

    <xsl:call-template name="ROWSET/ROW/REASON_FOR_REJECTION">
    This looks for a template defined like this:
    <xsl:template name="ROWSET/ROW/REASON_FOR_REJECTION">
    not one defined like this:
    <xsl:template match="ROWSET/ROW/REASON_FOR_REJECTION">

  • NameSpace not recognized in Call-template

    I have declared name space
    as part of the stylesheet element.
    When I use this name space in calculating a variables value XSLT processor picks up properly. But when used as part of Call-template with-param element name space is not recognised and we get XSLT exception XSL-1008 (Name space prefix StringUtils used but not declared).
    This error does not come when we use oraxsl but comes when we use oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLProcessor.processXSL
    Jar file being used
    xmlparserv2.jar came as part of Oracle8.1.7.
    We have a work around for now, but any Idea why It won't recognize the name space when used as part of the with-param element.
    Syntax of with-param
    with-param name="pXYZ" select="StringUtils:multiply($pvalue1,100)"/>
    Ramu Vavilala

    I need a help from the same problem.
    I am getting the same error ie: Namespace prefix 'http' used but not declared
    Actually the error is obtained when i use
    " in one the variables in xsl Or if
    i pass a param with "" like this.
    String plsql_ret_url = "http:/"
    g_gx_xsl.setParam("p_url", plsql_ret_url);
    In the xsl sheet it is defined as: <xsl:param name="p_url" />
    Do we need to do some modification to the url to use
    in xsl stylesheets.
    Can you please help me how to solve this.
    thanks a lot in advance

  • Xslt problem call-template

    I have a problem with call-template. I have passed some parameter with call-template tag and used that parameter in the conditional check tag <xsl:if> i am getting the error. Can any body tell how to use this? I actuall want to dynamically pass the tag name as the parameter and check the attribute value of the tag passed in the if condition and then i want to person some action. How can i do it?
    Here is the call-template code:
    <xsl:call-template name="selected-unselected">
    <xsl:with-param name="currentTag">motor-carrier</xsl:with-param>
    Here is the template definition:
    <xsl:template name="selected-unselected">
         <xsl:param name="currentTag">Quick-Quote</xsl:param>
         <xsl:if test="./{$currentTag}/@selected='true'">
         <xsl:if test="./{$currentTag}/@selected='false'">
    Here is the sample xml code:
    <motor-carrier selected="true"/>
    <motor-truck selected="false"/>
    <sched-mobile-equip selected="false"/>
    Here instead of writing the condition check for every tag i want to write it once and dynamically pass the tag name as parameter to the template. If the attribute of the tag has value true then one message should be displayed otherwise a different message should be displayed.

    I have a problem with call-template. I have passed
    sed some parameter with call-template tag and used
    that parameter in the conditional check tag <xsl:if>
    i am getting the error. Can any body tell how to use
    this? I actuall want to dynamically pass the tag name
    as the parameter and check the attribute value of the
    tag passed in the if condition and then i want to
    person some action. How can i do it?
    Here is the call-template code:
    <xsl:call-template name="selected-unselected">
    ram name="currentTag">motor-carrier</xsl:with-param>
    Here is the template definition:
    <xsl:template name="selected-unselected">
    m name="currentTag">Quick-Quote</xsl:param>
         <xsl:if test="./{$currentTag}/@selected='true'">
         <xsl:if test="./{$currentTag}/@selected='false'">
    Here is the sample xml code:
    <motor-carrier selected="true"/>
    <motor-truck selected="false"/>
    <sched-mobile-equip selected="false"/>
    Here instead of writing the condition check for every
    tag i want to write it once and dynamically pass the
    tag name as parameter to the template. If the
    attribute of the tag has value true then one message
    should be displayed otherwise a different message
    should be displayed.try this:
    <xsl:template name="selected-unselected">
         <xsl:paramm name="currentTag">Quick-Quote</xsl:param>
         <xsl:if test="./*[name()=$currentTag]/@selected='true'">
         <xsl:if test="./*[name()=$currentTag]/@selected='false'">

  • Xsl:import and xsl:call-template errors for xslt in mediator (ORAMED-03601)

    I decided for performance issues with bpel execution to use a mediator instead.
    In my requester i have a mediator that justs recieves an xml message, uses an xsl transformation (version 2) on that message and then sends it to the EBS.
    The xsl file that's works correctly when used in a bpel process has both <xsl:import..../>and <xsl:call_template.../> tags.
    When i tried and used the same xsl in the mediator i get an ORAMED-03601 error:
    ORAMED-03601:[Invalid transformer configuration]Unable to create transformer. It could be because of transformation file or configuration issues. Reason : "xsl/Xform_PriceListListABMReqMsg_to_PriceListEBMReqMsg.xsl"Possible Fix:Check log file for any exceptions and contact Oracle Support Services for further help
    It works correctly again if i comment/remove all the imports and call-template and incorporate them in the xsl file itself.
    Do anyone know if there are some limitations using xsl in a mediator instead of a bpel?

    I have a problem with call-template. I have passed
    sed some parameter with call-template tag and used
    that parameter in the conditional check tag <xsl:if>
    i am getting the error. Can any body tell how to use
    this? I actuall want to dynamically pass the tag name
    as the parameter and check the attribute value of the
    tag passed in the if condition and then i want to
    person some action. How can i do it?
    Here is the call-template code:
    <xsl:call-template name="selected-unselected">
    ram name="currentTag">motor-carrier</xsl:with-param>
    Here is the template definition:
    <xsl:template name="selected-unselected">
    m name="currentTag">Quick-Quote</xsl:param>
         <xsl:if test="./{$currentTag}/@selected='true'">
         <xsl:if test="./{$currentTag}/@selected='false'">
    Here is the sample xml code:
    <motor-carrier selected="true"/>
    <motor-truck selected="false"/>
    <sched-mobile-equip selected="false"/>
    Here instead of writing the condition check for every
    tag i want to write it once and dynamically pass the
    tag name as parameter to the template. If the
    attribute of the tag has value true then one message
    should be displayed otherwise a different message
    should be displayed.try this:
    <xsl:template name="selected-unselected">
         <xsl:paramm name="currentTag">Quick-Quote</xsl:param>
         <xsl:if test="./*[name()=$currentTag]/@selected='true'">
         <xsl:if test="./*[name()=$currentTag]/@selected='false'">

  • Issue with Capturing Long text using CALL METHOD EDITOR- GET_TEXT_AS_STREAM

    HI Experts,
    Standard Long text is capturing using CALL METHOD EDITOR->GET_TEXT_AS_STREAM
         but not working for Custom Long text – Only changes
    Here is the Issue:
    1)      Created Custom Long text in TAB. --> Good
    2)      Entered few lines in custom Long text  --> Good
             Click on Standard Tab , Leaving Custom tab and Custom Long text-->Good
    4)      In PAI of Custom Tab – Changes captured using CALL METHOD 1 ( See below Code 1)--> Good
    5)      Entered few lines in Standard Long text in Standard Tab -->Good
    6)      Click another Standard Tab
    7)      In PAI of Standard Tab – Changes captured using CALL MEHTOD 2 ( See Below Code 2)-->Good
    8)      Come back to Standard Tab / Standard Long Text , Enter few more lines.
    9)      Change the Tab , IN PAI of Standard Tab/Standard Text , Changes Captured using CALL METHOD2 ( See Below CODE 3) --> Good
    10)   Go to Custom Tab , Custom Long text , Entered few more lines--> Good
    11)   Click on any other tab, Triggered again PAI of Custom tab / Custom Long text using Call Method1 ( See Below Code 4) -->Good triggered PAI same CALL METHOD TEXT_EDITOR1->GET_TEXT_AS_STREAM.
    12)   But additional lines are not captured , saying ZERO LINES in Internal Table and IF_MODIFIED = NO  -->Issues lies here.
    CODE1 ( Custom Long text entry capturing – First Few Lines )
    Custom Long text Entries are stored in LS_OUTTAB-TEXT first time when entered few lines and LV_MOD is 1.
    PAI of Custom tab
              TEXT                                       = LS_OUTTAB-TEXT ( FIlled with Lines entered in custom long text )
              IS_MODIFIED            = LV_MOD ( Value 1 , Modified )
              ERROR_DP               = 1
              ERROR_CNTL_CALL_METHOD = 2
              OTHERS                 = 3
    CODE2 ( Standard Long Text Entry Capturing – First Few Lines )
    Standard Long text Entries are stored in SELECTED_TEXT first time when entered few lines and FLAG_MODIFIED is 1.
    PAI of Standard tab
            ONLY_WHEN_MODIFIED = YTRUE ( Value 1 , Modified )
            TEXT                               = SELECTED_TEXT ( FIlled with Lines entered in standard long text )
            IS_MODIFIED        = FLAG_MODIFIED.
    CODE 3 ( Standard Long Text Entry Capturing – Second time Few Lines )
    Standard Long text Entries are stored in SELECTED_TEXT  second  time when entered few lines and FLAG_MODIFIED is 1.
    PAI of Standard tab
            TEXT                               = SELECTED_TEXT ( FIlled with Lines entered in standard long text )
            IS_MODIFIED        = FLAG_MODIFIED. ( Value 1 , Modified )
    CODE4 ( Custom Long text entry capturing – Second Time Few Lines )
    Custom Long text Entries are not stored in LS_OUTTAB-TEXT Second Time when entered few lines and LV_MOD is 0.
    PAI of Custom tab
              TEXT                                       = LS_OUTTAB-TEXT  ( ZERO ENTRIES )
              IS_MODIFIED            = LV_MOD   ( NOT MODIFIED Flag )
              ERROR_DP               = 1
              ERROR_CNTL_CALL_METHOD = 2
              OTHERS                 = 3
    Can anyone help me out of this.
    With Regards,
    Bala M

    Excellent Eitan,
    Here is what I am trying to Achieve.
    In Create Notification IW21 , They need 5 Long Text in Custom Tab ( Say Tab Name is MBR ).
    TAB1 NOTIFICATION Standard Information , TAB2 REFERENCE OBJ , TAB 3 MalFunction , Breakdown Standard one...... TAB 7 ( Custom Tab ).
    In Custom Tab , I added 5 LONG TEXT ( its 5 WHY Concept ).
    When the User enters data in 5 Long text , it should store long text along with Notification number when save.
    But Notification number will be generated @ the time of SAVE , but before that its just shows as
    %0000000001 ( and Number will be generated 1000065479) at Save.
    How to achive this .
    I did this:
    Added 5 Custom Container. and In PBO / PAI
    IN PBO
       CALL METHOD TEXT_EDITOR1->SET_TEXT_AS_R3TABLE ,    CALL METHOD TEXT_EDITOR2->SET_TEXT_AS_R3TABLE .. Like wise 5 , So when the user Click on Custom Tab ( MBR ).
    It give 5 Long text.
    When he click tab1 or tab2 or tab3 .. and again tab MBR , still data is available.
    How to store this data for future retrival ( IW22 or IW23 ) ?
    Its working fine when I enter first time and goes here and there and finall save .
    IN SAVE BADI , I imported the Long text and created Standard Text SO10 with Notification Number with LONG1 , LONG2 .. means 1000065479LONG1 as standard text.
    But not working when I entered first time and go to tab1 and tab2 and then to MBR tab and added few more lines , its not exporting full lines and in IMPORT ( SAVE BADI ) giving ZERO Lines.
    Please help and thanks for your quick response.

  • Can I call a built in LabVIEW function remotely?

    I would like to call a bunch of LabVIEW's built in GPIB functions on a
    remote computer to talk to a device attached to that computer. I was
    able to do this using VI server and by wrapping the GPIB function in a
    custom vi (this vi was just GPIB Write with controls and indicators)
    Is there a way to avoid making a "wrapper" VI for built in functions
    such as GPIB Write? i.e Open a VI reference to built-in LabVIEW
    functions remotely using VI server?
    Sent via
    Before you buy.

    That is one of the built-in functions and not a stand-alone VI and the best way to call it is to create a VI with it on the block diagram.

  • I am trying to call a function with LABVIEW developed in CCS compiler

    I used MPLAB (CCS compiler) to develop c code that is used to transmit and receive messages to and from an automotive display. It works great as a stand alone. I would like to call this function from LABVIEW but am having difficulty doing so. Does anyone have experience calling a MPLAB developed project from LABVIEW? Thanks in advance.

    PTE wrote:
    I used MPLAB (CCS compiler) to develop c code that is used to transmit and receive messages to and from an automotive display. It works great as a stand alone. I would like to call this function from LABVIEW but am having difficulty doing so. Does anyone have experience calling a MPLAB developed project from LABVIEW? Thanks in advance.
    MPLab is for programming PICs if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure how you would want to call a function compiled in MPLab from LabVIEW directly. MPLab will create binary code for execution on PICs and there is no LabVIEW that could run on a PIC. On the other hand I didn't think you could create standard Windows DLLs, Mac shared libraries or similar in MPLab at all.
    You will have to recompile your code in a C compiler that can create the standard shared library format for the plaform you want to call it from LabVIEW.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Supporting drilldowns in BIP reports defined in Web Layout Template Editor

    Hi Experts,
    We have a requirement to show a table in a BIP Report defined in a web layout template editor and within this report, if there is drilldown on one of the columns, we would want to display more details in an additional column to be displayed afresh. Also, we have a requirement to display the same whenever there is a selection from a report prompt. In addition, is such a drill down feasible from within a graph? Is this achievable? We know this is feasible in OBIEE - not sure about BIP. Any pointers in this direction is appreciated!

    Hi Sripathy, I can't thank you enough for the help !!! We looked for all kinds of documentation and was never able to find exact information.
    Also, do you mind if we email you if we run into more problems ? We are new to this. If you think it's ok, my email is [email protected] If not, thanks again, at least this will get me started.

  • Can i call winmain function in labview

    hello everyone,
    Well i have written a C++ code that uses the  winmain function (windows function). i want to convert this code into dll and call that dll into labview.
    Is it possible to  call winmain function as one of the functions in labview. Please let me know as soon as possible.
    Thank you.
    Royal  tiger......

    You didn't say what development environment you're using, so I'm assuming Visual Studio. It sounds like you created a Win32 app (as opposed to an MFC app). This has a "WinMain" function. The prototype for WinMain is geared towards it being called by the OS when you run the executable. You could just add the __declspec(export) directive in front of the return type, but you also need to change some build functions in Visual Studio to get a DLL. You probably also don't need all the arguments that WinMain uses. You're probably better off by starting with a new DLL project in order to get the framework for a DLL, and then copy and past the function code. That's what I would do.
    I would also strongly suggest that you crack open the "Using External Code in LabVIEW" manual that gets installed when you installed LabVIEW. It's in the "manuals" directory, filename of "lvexcode.pdf".

Maybe you are looking for

  • Darn, I missed the Great iPod Giveaway when you buy an Apple Computer

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  • Vendor Balance certification in CR

    Hi Experts, I want to develop the Vendor Balance due certificate as below. Note: If am giving range of Vendor Code From and To. It should develop the statement for all the vendor's in seperate page. A-ONE CARRIERS E-101, KAILASH ESPLANDE OPP.SHREYAS

  • DVD player audio volume

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  • SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence

    Hi All, <o:p></o:p> I read and watched a couple of TechNet vidoes and some external websites about SP2013 Business Intelligence. Most of websites used AdventureWorks Database to show the BI capabilities.<o:p></o:p> However, we have our own Excel file

  • CS6 design and web premium minimum requirements

    I have a lenovo t400 laptop with 4gb of installed ram and a n intel duo core P8400 2.26ghz processor.  It is running windows vista business.  Will this meet the requirements to run CS6 design and web premium?