Calling a method in a different class?

How do you call a method from a differnt class into the class you are working on?

Class and method were just generic names. You should insert the names of your classes and methods.
class OtherClass {
    public static void one() {
        System.out.println("Static method")l;
    public void two() {
        System.out.println("Non-static method");
class MainClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {;
        OtherClass oc = new OtherClass();

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    Odd, you've extended the class, so there should be no problem in calling the method. We would need to see more, such as the implementation of the method (i.e. what it does) to find out more, but in theory, you should have no problem. Did you declare the method public?

  • Problems calling a method from a different class

    Like many programmers, I'm having a go at making my own chat room. All has been going well so far, however I am having trouble calling the method which connects the client to the server, from the method which actually starts the server.
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    public static void serverStart () throws IOException {
            new Thread () {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    ServerSocket serverSock = new ServerSocket (client.serverPort);
                while (true) {
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        }The part of interest is the "connectTo.start()" line, as this is the one which calls a method in the class connectToMethod which tells the client to connect to this newly started server. Now for the client connection code:
    public synchronized void start () throws IOException {
          if (listener == null) {
              Socket socket = new Socket (client.serverAddr, client.serverPort);
              try {
                  dataIn = new DataInputStream
                          (new BufferedInputStream (socket.getInputStream ()));
                  dataOut = new DataOutputStream
                          (new BufferedOutputStream (socket.getOutputStream ()));
              } catch (IOException ex) {
              socket.close ();
              throw ex;
          listener = new Thread (this);
          listener.start ();
      }Now when the server starts, it should automatically start the connection method "start()" and connect to itself. However I am getting a NullPointerException error at the line "connectTo.start();" from the server code. The server and connection client actually work separately, just not when I try to connect from the server itself. I have tried a few ways of getting around this problem, all without success. If anyone could give some input on what might be wrong, or a possible way to fix it, I'd be very grateful.

    Sorry, connectTo comes from:
    connectToMethod connectTo = new
    That doesn't necessarily mean this variable reference is the same one as in the code where the NullPointerException was thrown though.
    Or the exception was thrown inside the start() method. The runtime isn't lying to you. You have a null reference (pointer) where it says you do.

  • Calling a method from a different class?

    I been trying for hours... but im stumped.
    How can I get this to work?
    (Note: I cut this code down from over 600+ lines of code.. I left in a REALLY raw framework that shows where the basic problem is.)
    public class Client extends JPanel implements Runnable {
    // variable declarations...
        Socket connection;
        BufferedReader fromServer;
        PrintWriter toServer;
        public Client(){
    // GUI creation...
    // Create the login JFrame
        Login login = new Login()
        public void connect(){
        try {
                //Attempt to connect to the server
                connection = new Socket(ip,port);
                fromServer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
                toServer = new PrintWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
                //Launch a thread here to read incoming messages from the server
                //so I dont block on reading
                new Thread (this).start();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        public void run(){
            // This keeps reading lines from the server
            String s;
            try {
                //Read messages sent from the server - add them to chat window
                while ((s=fromServer.readLine()) != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {}
        public static void main(String args[]){
            // some init frame stuff
            frame = new JFrame();
            frame.getContentPane().add(new Client(),BorderLayout.CENTER);
    class Login extends JFrame {
        JPanel pane;
        public Login() {
         pane = new JPanel();
         JButton cmdConnect = new JButton("Connect");
         cmdConnect.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
              // I want to connect to the server when this button is pressed.
              // How can I call the connect method in the Client class?

    Your posted code shows Login as an inner class. So one way to solve your problem is.
    1. Make an instance variable to hold the instance. For example, after "PrintWriter toServer;" add "private Client client;"
    2. In the Client constructor, add a line "client = this;"
    3. In the Login actionPerformed(), use "client.connect();"
    Another way is to have Login keep a reference to the Client that created it.
    1. Add an instance variable to Login "private Client client;"
    2. Change the Login constructor "public Login(Client c) {"
    3. Add a line in the constructor "client = c;"
    4. In the actionPerformed() "client.connect();"

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    Well, this sort of depends on how the methods are overridden.
    public class SuperFoo {
      public void foo() {
         //do something;
      public void bar(){
         //do something
    public class SubFoo extends SuperFoo {
       public void foo() {
          //do something different that overrides foo()
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          bar(); //calls superclass method
          foo(); //calls method in this (sub) class
; //calls method in superclass
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    Hi Vlad,
    The service has not been changed since i have generated the proxy.
    I tried calling the service from soapUI and I am getting the following error now.
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:uri="" xmlns:uri1="">
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <faultstring>org.xml.sax.SAXException: WSWS3279E: Error: Unable to create JavaBean of type Missing default constructor? Error was: java.lang.InstantiationException: Message being parsed:</faultstring>

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    -(void)addCard:(MyiCards *)card{
    [card insertNewCardIntoDatabase];
    //This works 2
    -(IBAction) addNewCard:(id)sender{
    //stuff -- I want to call [card insertNewCardIntoDatabase];
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    Can you explain more about what you are trying to do? IBAction is just a 'hint' to Interface Builder. It's just a void method return. And it's unclear what method is where from your code snippet below. is addNewCard: in another class? And if so, does it have a reference to the 'card' object you are sending the 'insertNewCardIntoDatabase' message? Some more details would help.

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    TF1.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
    A a=new A();
    can i call the method like this?

    yeah.. i got it.. i just passed that KeyEvent object to the method
    but i did declare that as a char in that method like,
    chkSalary(e) // e is the KeyEvent reference
    and the method is
    chk(char e);
    thats it.
    thank you yaar.

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    Method1 is called per every record of internal table. I need to set up certain parameters tha are the sme for all the calls  (populate the range , to fill the internal table , etc). This should be done only once.
              I = parameter1
              O = parameter2.
    Loop at ....
       <itab>-record1 = parameter2
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    Can somebody tell me how to do it within class?

    Instance methods (as opposed to static methods) are called on an object, which is an instance of a class. Broadly, think of the class as a template for the creation of objects. The objects created from the class take the same form as the class, but have their own state -- their own attribute values. In pseudo-ABAP (this won't even close to compile), let's say you have the following class:
    CLASS cl_class.
         STATICS static_attr TYPE string.
         DATA attr1 TYPE string.
         DATA attr2 TYPE i.
         CLASS-METHOD set_static_attr
              IMPORTING static_attr TYPE string.
              cl_class=>static_attr = static_attr.
         METHOD constructor
              IMPORTING attr1 TYPE string
                                 attr2 TYPE i.
              me->attr1 = attr1.
              me->attr2 = attr2.
         METHOD get_attr1
              RETURNING attr1 TYPE string.
              attr1 = me->attr1.
    When you create an instance of the class (with CREATE OBJECT oref), the constructor is implicitly called. You can pass parameters to the constructor using: CREATE OBJECT oref EXPORTING attr1 = 'MyString' attr2 = 4.
    You then call methods on the instance you have created. So, oref-&gt;get_attr1( ) would return 'MyString'.
    The constructor is called when the object is created (so, when you call CREATE OBJECT). At this time, the setup is done, and any subsequent methods you call on the object will be able to use the attributes you set up in the constructor. Every object has its own state. If you had another object, oref2, changing its instance attribute values would not affect the values of oref.
    Static methods and attributes are different. A static attribute exists only once for all instances of the class -- they share a single value (within an internal session, I think. I'm not sure of the scope off-hand.) You also call static methods on the class itself, not on instances of it, using a different selector (=&gt; instead of -&gt;). So, if you called cl_class=&gt;set_static_attr( static_attr = 'Static string' ), 'Static string' would be the value of static_attr, which belongs to the class cl_class, and not instances of it. (You can also set up a class constructor, which is called when the class is loaded, but that's another subject.)
    To answer your question more succinctly: no, the constructor is not called before each method. It is only called when you create the object. Any subsequent methods called on the object can then access its attributes.
    Please have a look at [] for a more thorough treatment of basic object concepts. (The rest of that documentation is very thin, but it'll get you started. Also, it doesn't appear to deal with statics. You'll have to look elsewhere for that.)

  • Using main class's methods from a different class in the same file

    Hi guys. Migrating from C++, hit a few snags. Hope someone can furnish a quick word of advice here.
    1. The filename is, so test is the main class. This code and the topic title speak for themselves:
    class SomeClass
         public void SomeMethod()
    public class test
         public static void main(String args[])
              SomeClass someObject = new SomeClass();
         public static String SomeOperation()
              return "SomeThing";
    }The code works fine. What I want to know is, is there some way to use test.SomeOperation() from SomeClass without the test.?
    2. No sense opening a second topic for this, so second question: Similarly, is there a good way to refer to System.out.println without the System.out.? Like the using keyword in C++.

    pfiinit wrote:
    The code works fine. What I want to know is, is there some way to use test.SomeOperation() from SomeClass without the test.?Yes you can by using a static import, but I don't recommend it. SomeOperation is a static method of the test class, and it's best to call it that way so you know exactly what your code is doing here.
    2. No sense opening a second topic for this, so second question: Similarly, is there a good way to refer to System.out.println without the System.out.? Like the using keyword in C++.Again, you could use static imports, but again, I don't recommend it. Myself, I use Eclipse and set up its template so that when I type sop it automatically spits out System.out.println(). Most decent IDE's have this capability.
    Also, you may wish to look up Java naming conventions, since if you abide by them, it will make it easier for others to understand your code.
    Much luck and welcome to this forum!

  • Need help calling a method from an immutable class

    I'm having difficulties in calling a method from my class called Cabin to my main. Here's the code in my main              if(this is where i want my method hasKitchen() from my Cabin class)
                        System.out.println("There is a kitchen.");
                        System.out.println("There is not a kitchen.");
                   }and here's my method from my Cabin class:public boolean hasKitchen()
         return kitchen;

    You should first have an instance of Cabin created by using
       Cabin c = ....
       if (c.hasKitchen()) {
         System.out.println("There is a kitchen.");
       } else {
            System.out.println("There is not a kitchen.");

  • Calling a method from an abstract class in a seperate class

    I am trying to call the getID() method from the Chat class in the getIDs() method in the Outputter class. I would usually instantiate with a normal class but I know you cant instantiate the method when using abstract classes. I've been going over and over my theory and have just become more confused??
    Package Chatroom
    public abstract class Chat
       private String id;
       public String getID()
          return id;
       protected void setId(String s)
          id = s;
       public abstract void sendMessageToUser(String msg);
    Package Chatroom
    public class Outputter
    public String[] getIDs()
         // This is where I get confused. I know you can't instantiate the object like:
            Chat users=new Chat();
    I have the two classes in the package and you need to that to be able to use a class' methods in another class.
    Please help me :(                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    I have just looked over my program and realised my class names are not the most discriptive, so I have renamed them to give you a clearer picture.
    package Chatroom
    public abstract class Chatter
    private String id;
    public String getID()
    return id;
    protected void setId(String s)
    id = s;
    I am trying to slowly build a chatroom on my own. The Chatter class is a class that will be used to represent a single logged in user and the user is given an ID when he logs in through the setId and getID() methods.
    package Chatroom;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class Broadcaster
    private Vector<Chatter> chatters = new Vector<Chatter>();
    public String[] getIDs()
    // code here
    The Broadcaster class will keep a list of all logged-in users keeps a list of all the chats representing logged-in users, which it stores in a Vector.I am trying to use the getIDs() method to return an array of Strings comprising the IDs of all logged-in users, which is why im trying to use the getID() method from the Chat class.
    I apologise if I come across as clueless, it's just I have been going through books for about 4 hours now and I have just totally lossed all my bearings

  • Calling a Method in a Parent Class

    I have Class A that instantiates Class B which in turn instantiates Class C. Is there a way to call a method in Class A from Class C without having to pass a reference of A all the way down to C? Is there thread stack information that I can access that will allow me to get Class A's 'handle'?

    tpaulsz wrote:
    The OP is not confusing instantiates with inherits.
    Class A is class that's exposing web service methods.
    Class B represents a group of business rule classes.
    Class C is transaction handler class that is responsible for checking out connections from a db connections pool.
    The web services all require user information, for auth and auth purposes, and they've not been required outside of Class A - until now. I now have to provide RLS on the database information so I need the user information for the Oracle Proxy User connection property.
    This is a very mature application with many Class A and Class B classes so passing the user information from class to class would be a big job. Furthermore, there are some non-user processes that will also be calling on Class C that don't need RLS. Since the StackElements are available through Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(), I was hoping that there was another stack that I could traverse to eventually find a Class A class that's been set up with an with interface that has a getUserInfo method.Any you wanted to extract the user info for every single database operation even when a single business rule calls more than one?
    Or when a single web service operation calls more than one business rule?
    If you don't do that then how did you plan on letting method B know that method A has already done it?
    You might be able to stick the data in a ThreadLocal if there is in fact only one thread of execution.
    Myself I always considered attempting to manage web users of a business application via a a database or OS authentication to be more trouble than it was worth.

  • Call a method/Functio in a class using MouseOver StaticText - Please help!!

    Hello, I have an array of unknown size of Static Text component's of the type com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.StaticText, They're named "st_utp_1", "st_utp_2", "st_utp_3".... so forth.
    I have a class called "Page1.class" in this class I have a Method(or function, please correct me on that). called declared as:
    public void utp(int utv) {
    }When I mouse over a particular StaticText box, I would like it to call the method "utp(x);" where x is the last number in the StaticText ID. for example, If I mouseOver "st_utp_23" I would like it to call the method "utp(23);", If I then mouseOver "st_utp_107" I would like to call the method as "utp(107);".
    Currently I can't get any StaticText to call any method in my class file with a mouseOver function. I can however call my method successfully from within the class file itself.
    Please, can anyone help me?
    Looking forward to the response. Cheers

    Cheers, thanks for the quick response
    I imagine you mean something like this
    public void init() {
          st_utp_1.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
              public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
    }The problem is that the statiicText componet "st_utp_1" is of type "com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.StaticText"
    It comes up with the error:
    symbol : method addMouseListener(<anonymous java.awt.event.MouseAdapter>)
    location: class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.StaticText
    st_utp_1.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
    If I create a new Jlabel called "jl_utp_1" and write the same code:
    public void init() {
          jl_utp_1.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
              public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
    }it executes without a problem, I believe it's the type of StaticText compnent I'm using.
    Any more help would be appreciated.

  • How to call a method of an Action class from JSP on load?

    Hi guys
    Due to bad design pattern, i am forced to do something which i have not tried before.
    I need to call a method of a struts action class which invalidated the user session FROM the JSP itself on load. Which means it would not require user input.
    We have a subclass of a DispatchAction that handles all the incoming .dos.
    So http://blarblarblar:7001/blar/blar/ will dispatch to an Action class called DoSomething, into a method called logout().
    So when the webapp throws an exception, the ActionMapping actually displays an error.jsp and i have to invalidate the user at this stage.
    I can't change the most top level code in the base action class so i got to do it this way.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    hi :-) DispatchAction is quite cool ;-)
    dont get much of your question but hope
    the suggestion below could help.
    A. use redirect?
    B. autosubmit the form
    1. create your form in a jsp
       <html:form action="/doSomething" />
         <html:hidden name="method" value="logout" />
       </html:form>2. auto submit the form with method = logout
    put the function autosubmit in the "onLoad" event of the body
         function autosubmit(){
         var form = document.yourformname;

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