Calling a VXML from another VXML

I have a VXML application configured in our Cisco 3925. Is it possible to do (one of) the following things:
1) Call another VXML from a VXML and pass in a value?
2) Using the <transfer> tag, pass a value to the destination the call is being transferred to. In my case, the destination is a VXML application inside the same router, but configured under a different dial-peer.
What I'm basically trying to do is pass the ANI from the first VXML to another one.

It's hard when there is not scneario or sample data or test case posted, check this example and see if you can use it in your case
   v_date   VARCHAR2 (12);
   SELECT   TO_CHAR (i_date, 'DY') INTO v_date FROM DUAL;
   v_1   DATE;
   v_2   VARCHAR2 (12);
   v_1 := TO_DATE ('20070203', 'YYYYMMDD');
   youschema_name.proc1 (v_1, v_2);
   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Day for ' || v_1 || ' = ' || v_2);

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    URL url = new URL(urlString);
    HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
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    Sweep is correct about requestDispatcher being another approach for inter-servlet delegation; the only issue that i recall with this approach is that it defaults the method of the destination servlet to the one it was called from...for example, calling servlet2 from within resulted in the dispatcher attempting to utilize - i believe that i searched for a parameterize solution to no avail :( (ended up handling the request by placing a "fake" doPost() in servlet2 that simply called servlet2.doGet())
    however, if your application is functioning correctly on your pc/webserver then the problem may be external to servlet communication (e.g. client webserver's ports not configured or blocked, missing runtime classes, etc.)
    my suggestion would be to set aside the programmatic concerns for the moment - what is the response if you open a browser on a client's machine and access the URL in question (i.e. http://clientserver:port/stefanoServlet)? If it will not respond to access in this manner then it certainly won't when your application calls for it.
    It's possible that there is a coding error but, given the info supplied, i'd start examining the environment, first. Let us know if you have any luck with the test i recommended or not (please provide abundant detail). Or, if you've found the solution then you may want to post back with a quick blub so the next person knows how to escape the trap.

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    Try to call report from report by a button in the calling report:
    1     In the Layout Model view, click in the tool palette. Note
    2     Click and drag a rectangle.
    3     Double-click the button object to display the Property Palette.
    4     Under the Button Label node, set the Label Type property to either Text or Icon:
    n     If the button label is text, set the Text property to the text you want to appear on the button.
    n     If the button label is an icon, set the Icon Name property to the name of the file containing the icon (the file must reside in the directory specified by the UI_ICON environment variable).
    5     Under the Button Behavior node, set the Type property to PL/SQL.
    6     Double-click the PL/SQL Trigger property value field.
    7     In the PL/SQL Editor, define the PL/SQL for the action trigger or format trigger when the button is clicked in the formatted report.
    8     Set other properties as desired.
    9     To activate the button, run the report, then display it in the Runtime Previewer.

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    Try to call report from report by a button in the calling report:
    1     In the Layout Model view, click in the tool palette. Note
    2     Click and drag a rectangle.
    3     Double-click the button object to display the Property Palette.
    4     Under the Button Label node, set the Label Type property to either Text or Icon:
    n     If the button label is text, set the Text property to the text you want to appear on the button.
    n     If the button label is an icon, set the Icon Name property to the name of the file containing the icon (the file must reside in the directory specified by the UI_ICON environment variable).
    5     Under the Button Behavior node, set the Type property to PL/SQL.
    6     Double-click the PL/SQL Trigger property value field.
    7     In the PL/SQL Editor, define the PL/SQL for the action trigger or format trigger when the button is clicked in the formatted report.
    8     Set other properties as desired.
    9     To activate the button, run the report, then display it in the Runtime Previewer.

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    I think you should open that Another SWF (FLA),
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    first keyframe:
    "FredZimmerman" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ftnjas$mj5$[email protected]..
    > How do I call one .SWF from another. I built a very
    beefy base .SWF, and
    > want
    > to add music overlay, and an intro slide show to the
    exsting Flash
    > animation,
    > but put it in a second .FLA/.SWF file. How do I call one
    from the other?
    > This will be embedded in an HTML file but I assume this
    is superfluous to
    > my
    > question.
    > F.Z.

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    Submitting a report using ranges for select-options
    * Define range for ltak-tanum
    RANGES: r_tanum FOR ltak-tanum.                                                                               
    * Read values from database tabel into the range
    * These values are later used for select-options in the report
    SELECT * FROM ltak                                                   
      WHERE lgnum =  w_lgnum AND           "Warehouse number/complex    
            vbeln = w_screen1000-io_vbeln.       "Transfer order number
      MOVE ltak-tanum TO r_tanum-low.                                    
      MOVE 'I' TO r_tanum-sign.                                          
      MOVE 'EQ' TO r_tanum-option.                                       
      APPEND r_tanum.                                                    
    * Submit report with range                  
    SUBMIT zmm00100 WITH p_tanum IN r_tanum.   
    Submitting a report from ABAP with selection criterias
      TYPES: tt_selection TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsparams.
      DATA: l_iblnr        TYPE st_iblnr,
    *     Define internal table and work area for select-options
            l_selection    TYPE rsparams,
            li_selection   TYPE tt_selection.
    * Create selectIon table
      LOOP AT gi_iblnr INTO l_iblnr.
        CLEAR l_selection.
        l_selection-selname  = 'IM_IBLNR'.    "Option name
        l_selection-kind     = 'S'.           "S= select options P=Parameters
        l_selection-sign     = 'I'.           "Sign
        l_selection-option   = 'EQ'.          "Option
        l_selection-low      = l_iblnr-iblnr. "Value
        APPEND l_selection TO li_selection.
    * Submit report
      SUBMIT rm07idif WITH SELECTION-TABLE li_selection AND RETURN.

  • Calling a method from another file

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    "cannot find symbol" <===referring to limit and sieve i believe.
    The method name is "sieve" the file name is "PrimeSieve2008" and "limit" is the variable in brackets in the real method.
         public static void main (String [] args) {
    final int [] PRIMES;
    int sieve = PrimeSieve2008.sieve(limit);
         PRIMES = sieve(getValidInt());
              for (int j = 0; j<PRIMES.length; j++) {
                   System.out.println("Prime[" + j + "] = " + PRIMES[j]);
    Is "int sieve = PrimeSieve2008.sieve(limit)" the wrong way to call a file?
    Thanks a million,
    Edited by: Simplistic2099 on Apr 3, 2008 7:47 PM
    Edited by: Simplistic2099 on Apr 3, 2008 7:49 PM

    Simplistic2099 wrote:
    the other method runs fine:
    "public static int[] sieve(final int limit){
    int candidate; // possible prime
    int count; // no. of primes found
    boolean[] mayBePrime = new boolean[limit+1];
    // remaining possibilities
    final int[] PRIMES; // array to return
    // initialize mayBePrime
    for ( int j = 0 ; j <= limit ; j++ ) {
    mayBePrime[j] = true;
    mayBePrime[0] = mayBePrime[1] = false;
    // apply sieve, and count primes
    candidate = 2;
    count = 0;
    while ( candidate <= limit ) {
    if ( mayBePrime[candidate] ) {
    for ( int j = 2 * candidate ; j <= limit ; j += candidate ) {
    mayBePrime[j] = false;
    } // end for
    } // end if
    } // end while
    // fill up new array with the primes found
    PRIMES = new int[count];
    count = 0;
    for (int j = 2 ; j <= limit ; j++ ) {
    if ( mayBePrime[j] ) {
    PRIMES[count] = j;
    } // end if
    } // for
    return PRIMES;
    } // sieve
    I really am clueless this one you are passing in limit.
    in the other one you are getting limit from somewhere outside of main.

  • Calling a method from another class... that requires variables?

    I'm calling a method from another class to change the date (its a date object) in another class.
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    public int changeDate()
    }I'm guessing I need to pass 3 parameters (day, month, year), but I'm not sure how! I have tried, but then I get errors such as ')' expected?
    Any ideas! :D

    f1d wrote:
    I'm calling a method from another class to change the date (its a date object) in another class.
    I keep getting the error 'setDate(int,int,int) in Date cannot be applied to ()'
    My code is:
    public int changeDate()
    }I'm guessing I need to pass 3 parameters (day, month, year), seems that way from the error you posted
    but I'm not sure how!
    setDate(16, 6, 2008);
    I have tried, but then I get errors such as ')' expected?
    Any ideas! :Dyou need to post your code if you're getting specific errors like that.
    but typically ')' expected means just that, you have too many or not enough parenthesis (or in the wrong place, etc.)
    i.e. syntax error

  • Help on Calling a method from another class

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    Class A has 3 methods
    i just want to call only one of these 3 methods into my another class.
    How can I do that.

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    A a=new A;
    Its calling all the methods from class A. I just want
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    A a=new A();
    Its calling all the methods from class A. I just want to call a specfic method.How can it be done?

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    1. Should be new_form, call_form and open_form
    2. The command is run_product
    3. There is a property 'Menu Module' in form, just change it to your menu file name
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    I should have seen it from your previous post :(
    Code of Servlet 1:
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response) throws
    ServletException, IOException
    RequestDispatcher rDispatch = null ;
    rDispatch = getServletConfig
    ("/Servlet2") ;
    rDispatch.forward(request, response) ;
    System.out.println("Back in 1");
    I assume Servlets 1and 2 are in same web app and you've mapped your servlet2 to /Servlet2 in your web.xml
    make it as
    rDispatch = request.getRequestDispatcher("/Servlet2");
    Nothin's wrong with yer servlet2

  • Regarding calling 1 report from another

    Hello Friends,
       Can u plz tell me how to call one report from another report.

    Use SUBMIT program statement
    chk this.
    *Code used to populate 'select-options' & execute report 
    DATA: seltab type table of rsparams,
          seltab_wa like line of seltab.
      seltab_wa-selname = 'PNPPERNR'.
      seltab_wa-sign    = 'I'.
      seltab_wa-option  = 'EQ'.
    load each personnel number accessed from the structure into
    parameters to be used in the report
      loop at pnppernr.
        seltab_wa-low = pnppernr-low.
        append seltab_wa to seltab.
      SUBMIT zreport with selection-table seltab
                                    via selection-screen.
    *Code used to populate 'parameters' & execute report 
    SUBMIT zreport with p_param1 = 'value'
                    with p_param2 = 'value'.
    Other additions for SUBMIT
    *Submit report and return to current program afterwards
    SUBMIT zreport AND RETURN.
    *Submit report via its own selection screen
    *Submit report using selection screen variant
    *Submit report but export resultant list to memory, rather than
    *it being displayed on screen
    Once report has finished and control has returned to calling
    program, use function modules LIST_FROM_MEMORY, WRITE_LIST and
    DISPLAY_LIST to retrieve and display report.
    \[removed by moderator\]
    Edited by: Jan Stallkamp on Jul 29, 2008 5:25 PM

  • How to call a BSP from another BSP?

    Hi All,
    I've created a BSP for hiring new employees.  I have a situation whereby when the user presses a button a pop window will be displayed listing all the positions in the company.  The user selects the correct position, which then populates an input box on the originating page and the pop up window closes.
    This pop up window is a page in another bsp which goes off and gets the positions and stores the selection in a cookie.
    Now my problem is how do i call this 'get postions' bsp from my originating bsp?
    I've tried using the <%@ include file="/sap/bc/bsp/sap/z_hr_org_model"%> but i get the error only page fragments can be included.
    So how do i call one bsp from another??
    Any help would be much appreciated,
    Kind Regards,

    Look at the below [link|http://****************/Tutorials/BSP/F4Help/Tutorial.htm]
    The only difference in your case is, you need to call the popup from different BSP Application.
    To do that, just add the full path when you call the
    For example,"/sap/bc/bsp/sap/z_hr_org_model/", ............)



    Balraj wrote:
    HOW TO CALL A FORM FROM ANOTHER FORM [local machine]The way you asked question is this bit of request or order?
    Secondly, you used capital latters which are being treated as Shouting Language. So, always try to switch off the Capslock of your keyboard.
    Thirdly, you are very lazy to serach on forum or google for your problem instead of waiting someone to anwer your question.
    Your should seriously have a look at FAQ.
    Also here.
    Please read documentation for the initial questions.

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