Calling Javascript function from PL/SQL Process

I am new to APEX and Javascript so please forgive my question.
I have a process on page which successfully runs a few procedures etc. but now, as part of this process, I want to call a javascript function I have typed into the HTML Header.
My question is how can I call the javascript function from my process? Is it possible?
Many thanks
ps. as an example my javascript looks like:
<script language="JavaScript">
function test(){
var decision = confirm("Click a button below and watch what pops up next.");

See: How to call a javascript function from pl/sql?

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    I have a requirement to call Javascript function inside a After Submit Process.
    clear requirement below:
    1. User selects set of check boxes [ say user want to save 10 files and ticks 10 checkboxes]
    2. user clicks on "save files" button
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  • Call javascript functions from PL/SQL

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    I just want to know if it is possible to call a javascript function from a PL/SQL procedure. If yes, anybody can explain me the syntax ?

    You can call Java Script - kind of.
    PL/SQL has a "web browser" called UTL_HTTP. It allows you to make HTTP calls to a web server. This includes a function that can be used from SQL too (with a size limitation).
    SQL> select UTL_HTTP.Request( 'http://some-web-server' ) as HTML_PAGE from dual;
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 Strict//EN" "">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="1;URL=http:/some-web-server:7777/index">
    <html xmlns="">
    <img src="images/Wave.gif">
    Redirecting.. please standby..
    SQL>The call to the web browser can be to execute and load, for example, a JSP page.
    However, if the page containts client-side Java script, i.e. code for the web browser to execute, than UTL_HTTP will merely return the contents & code of that page.
    Client-side Java Script requires an engine in the browser. The JS language is used to manipulate the rendering engine of the browser.
    The PL/SQL "web browser" does not have a display device to show a web page. Thus it is without a web browser rendering engine and therefore also cannot execute Java Script either.

  • Calling Javascript function from PL/SQL Page Process

    Hi All,
    So far I have seen many threads that answered the question: Calling a PL/SQL from a Javascript function. I would like to know if it's posiible to do the reverse process as follows:
       v_name APPLICANTS.NAME%Type;
       v_surname APPLICANTS.SURNAME%Type;
       v_idNumber APPLICANTS.ID_NUMBER%Type;
       select name, surname
       into v_name, v_surname
       from APPLICANTS
       where id_number = :P2_ID_NUMBER;
       //Javascript function call Syntax is what i'd like find out
    END;& Javascript function to shiow applicant's details is:
    function show_Name(item1,item2){
       alert('Applicant's Name is: '  + item1 + ' & Surname is: ' + item2);

    Hi Dinesh, Thanks for the response!
    I've also tried doing the following without success:
       v_name APPLICANTS.NAME%Type;
       v_surname APPLICANTS.SURNAME%Type;
       v_idNumber APPLICANTS.ID_NUMBER%Type;
       select name, surname
       into v_name, v_surname
       from APPLICANTS
       where id_number = :P2_ID_NUMBER;
       htp.p('<script type="text/javascript">');
                alert('Applicant's Name is: '  + v_name + ' & Surname is: ' + v_surname);
       htp.p('<script type="text/javascript">');
    END;Do you know why this is not working?

  • Call JavaScript function from Acrobat Plugin

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    I want to call JavaScript function from Acrobat Plugin? Where is to write JavaScript function in Acrobat SDK? Please reply..
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    Hi Malkyt,
    Thanks.. where is to write JavaScript code in the application..
    function GetWelcome()
    this above code. how to use this javascript code to plugin application.
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVPageViewMouseClick (AVPageView pageView, AVDevCoord xhit, AVDevCoord yhit, AVFlagBits16 flags, AVTCount clickNo, void *data)
    char jsscript[200];
    AFExecuteThisScript (pddoc, jsscript, NULL);
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    htp.p('<script type="javascript">');
    htp.p('function MsgBox(message){');
    htp.p('See if it works');
    I have verified in plain html that my syntax is fine. Even the syntax rendered by portal is correct:
    <script type="javascript">
    function MsgBox(message){
    See if it works
    Despite this, you will get a javascript error that an Object is expected, MsgBox not defined. Clearly from the script above MsgBox is defined.
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    See if it works
    Anyone know how I can call a user defined javascript function in a Portal Report Customization form?

    Try changing the code
    htp.p('<script type="javascript">');
    htp.p('<script language="javascript">');

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    <select name="ddl_EmailSubType" class="Menu" onclick="onEmailSubTypeChange();" id="ddl_EmailSubType" >
    <xsl:for-each select="./SubTypeFields/FieldGroup">
    <xsl:if test="@SubTypeGroup != 'All'">
    <xsl:attribute name="value">
    <xsl:value-of select="@SubTypeGroup"/>
    <xsl:if test="@SubTypeGroup = $SelectedSubContentType">
    <xsl:attribute name="selected">selected</xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:value-of select="@SubTypeGroup"/>
    here the function onEmailSubTypeChange() is present in an external js file, all the other functions from this files are executed successfully except the ones which are defined in the xsl document.
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    Is there a way in which i can achieve this ?
    any helps appreciated.
    Thanks in advance
    Vikas Mestry.

    you can use this example VI
    Aurélien J.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> Du 30 juin au 25 août, embarquez pour 2 mois de vidéo-t'chat ! Prenez place pour un voyage au coe...
    browser ‏23 KB

  • ADF Question: call javascript function from backing bean?

    Hi all,
    I am running JDeveloper with ADF BC.
    Heres my situation:
    I have a table, and after inserting a new row, then committing, I want to call a javascript function. I tried using the onkeyup javascript to force a click of the save button, and then call my function after that. However, I really only want the second function to be called AFTER the commit has occurred.
    I have tried putting a setTimeout on the second function, but this never executes then. Is there some way that I can call the second javascript function from the backing bean? Is there a better workaround for this? Here is some code:
            function submitCreate(e) {
                var _event = (window.event) ? event : e;
                var KeyID = _event.keyCode;
                switch (KeyID)
                    case 13:
            function doAjax() {
                var item = document.getElementById("form1:inputText3").innerHTML;
                getAjax(item, "FULL");

    Maybe try adding an af:script block in your jsp as a partial target in your backing bean when you commit to the database? We are doing something similar when we get a tab DisclosureEvent but the principle should be the same.
    In our jsp we have:
    <af:script id="scriptID" text="alert('javascript here');"/>
    In the backing bean we have:
    method(DisclosureEvent de) {
    // get a component somehow or the component, we get it from the disclosure event
    // but you could use a binding also. if you don't have the exact script element you need
    // to find it like we do below.
    UIComponent c = de.getComponent();
    // Find our real script component
    UIComponent target = c.findComponent(":scriptID");
    // get the adf context
    AdfFacesContext adfContext = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    // add the script as a partial target.
    if(target != null) {
    This relies on PPR though, which you may not be doing. If you are navigating to a new page you could set an indication in a backing bean and then access that in an <af:script> block in the new page or even generate the Javascript you want depending on your logic and access all of it via an EL binding on the af:script tag:
    <af:script id="scriptID" text="#{bbean.generatedScript}"/>
    Hope this helps!

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    How can I call this function from my servlet to retrieve an integer result ?
    Look for Java to JavaScript communication.

  • Calling javascript function from applet

    Can anyone pl help me with the syntax for calling a javascript function from applet.

    Try this url:
    It also provides some examples.

  • ADF: Can i call javascript function from java clsss method in ADF?

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    or I need to use Java 6 feature directely?

    private void writeJavaScriptToClient(String script)
    FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExtendedRenderKitService erks = Service.getRenderKitService(fctx, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
    erks.addScript(fctx, script);
    StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
    script.append( "var popup = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('p1');");
    script.append("if(popup != null){"); script.append(";"); script.append("}");

  • Calling JS function in pl/sql process

    I have a js function defined in 'HTML Header' :
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function disp_alert()
    alert("Data is invalid! Correct the data and click CONFIRM again.")
    I also have a pl/sql process on this page. I want to call disp_alert function in a following way:
    if ... then call function
    else dbms_output.put_line('...');
    end if;
    How can I call this js function in 'if'??

    There ARE ways to accomplish something like this, but they're much more complex.
    You must create a JavaScript that uses APEX's built in AJAX components; a form button will call the JavaScript, which will in turn call a PL/SQL procedure saved as an "On Demance Shared Application Process." This procedure can run any checks you like against the DB, and return data to the Javascript to display in an alert.
    You can see an example of this in use at an APEX page I created:
    This isn't the same thing, but is accomplishing what it does through an APEX form, a javascript call on the text field to a PL/SQL Process that returns rows from the database dynamically...thus allowing the client side JavaScript to call server side PL/SQL.

  • Call JavaScript Function in PL/SQL

    Hello All,
    I need to call a JS function to open a popup, I'm in the middle of a PL/SQL Process that I use:
       V_ERRO_VALIDACAO := 'S';
        HTP.p ('<script type="text/javascript">');
        HTP.p ('javascript:popUp2(''f?p=&APP_ID.:21:&SESSION.::NO::'', 700, 400);');
        HTP.p ('</script>');
      END IF;
      --But it's not working.
    It's hard coded for testing purposes
    Is there a way to call the popup in the process?
    Alan Martini.

    If you want to combine PLSQL and JS code, rely on Dynamic Actions with true actions of different types executed based on their sequence (PLSQL ,JavaScript and possibly some set Item process to pass values between JS - PLSQL ).
    For example
    **True Action 1 : PLSQL code
    **True Action 2 : Set Item value (fetches from DB after last change )
    **True Action 3: Run JS code based on page item
    **True Action4: Run PLSQL based on JS action
    If you want more flexibility to pass around values, use Ajax(callback process and javascript) but you would loose the declarative coding style and probably end up making the code difficult to maintain.

  • Calling javascript function from actionscript

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    youtube as3 chromeless player functions from an AIR app?

    Yes. You have to load and call them in the context of an
    HTMLLoader object. The usual sandbox considerations apply.

  • Calling C functions from PL/SQL. (without OCI )

    hi all,
    We are trying to call and external C routine (stored in a .so file) from a PL/SQL procedure.
    The error obtained is ORA-28576 ( which occurs after connection to the external routine has been established successfully.)
    , which states that the problem may lie in:
    a) Abnormal Termination of external C routine.(i.e a case of coredump, memory fault etc).
    b) Network Problems.
    c) Internal Logic Error in the RPC transfer code.
    We tried calling the C .so functions from a C executable and it is working fine. Also there doesn't appear to a problem in the network connections too.....
    The environment we are working on is Digital Unix 4.0 F. and we are using Oracle 8.0.6
    Please advise,

    There have been reported problems with specific compiler versions. Check with oracle as see if there is a specific compiler version number you need for a specific database release.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by krishg:
    hi all,
    We are trying to call and external C routine (stored in a .so file) from a PL/SQL procedure.
    The error obtained is ORA-28576 ( which occurs after connection to the external routine has been established successfully.)
    , which states that the problem may lie in:
    a) Abnormal Termination of external C routine.(i.e a case of coredump, memory fault etc).
    b) Network Problems.
    c) Internal Logic Error in the RPC transfer code.
    We tried calling the C .so functions from a C executable and it is working fine. Also there doesn't appear to a problem in the network connections too.....
    The environment we are working on is Digital Unix 4.0 F. and we are using Oracle 8.0.6
    Please advise,

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