Calling mx:Sequence from mx:Script?

I want to have a search form that has a "Show More Search
Options" and a "Show Less Search Options" and when this LinkButton
is clicked I do the following:
1) Fade in/out a grid of more search fields.
2) Lower/Raise the LinkButton to accommodate the space that
the grid takes up.
I could just move the button, but I'd like to add an effect
for the move and a pause, therefore I am using a mx:Sequence so I
can put in the pause because I want the button to move back up
after the grid has faded out (which is about 1 second).
I am brand new to Flex & AS3, so I may not be doing this
the best way but here is a snippet what I have so far.
public function showMoreOptions(btn:LinkButton):void{
if( btn.label == "Show More Options"){
grdMoreOpt.visible = true;
btn.label = "Show Less Options";
btn.move(btn.x, btn.y+50);
btn.label = "Show More Options";
grdMoreOpt.visible = false;
btn.move(btn.x, btn.y-50);
<mx:Sequence id="slideBtnUp">
<mx:Pause duration="1000"/>
<mx:Move xBy="0" duration="1000"
<mx:Move yTo="50" duration="1000"

I found the answer to my own question, this example does
exactly what I want.

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    Can anybody tell me How to call a subroutine from sap script .
    thanks n regards .

    Calling ABAP Subroutines: PERFORM 
    You can use the PERFORM command to call an ABAP subroutine (form) from any program, subject to the normal ABAP runtime authorization checking. You can use such calls to subroutines for carrying out calculations, for obtaining data from the database that is needed at display or print time, for formatting data, and so on.
    PERFORM commands, like all control commands, are executed when a document is formatted for display or printing. Communication between a subroutine that you call and the document is by way of symbols whose values are set in the subroutine.
    The system does not execute the PERFORM command within SAPscript replace modules, such as TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE or TEXT_INCLUDE_REPLACE. The replace modules can only replace symbol values or resolve include texts, but not interpret SAPscript control commands.
    Syntax in a form window:
    /: PERFORM <form> IN PROGRAM <prog>
    /: USING &INVAR1&
    /: USING &INVAR2&
    INVAR1 and INVAR2 are variable symbols and may be of any of the four SAPscript symbol types.
    OUTVAR1 and OUTVAR2 are local text symbols and must therefore be character strings.
    The ABAP subroutine called via the command line stated above must be defined in the ABAP report prog as follows:
    The values of the SAPscript symbols passed with /: USING... are now stored in the internal table IN_TAB . Note that the system passes the values as character string to the subroutine, since the field Feld VALUE in structure ITCSY has the domain TDSYMVALUE (CHAR 80). See the example below on how to access the variables.
    The internal table OUT_TAB contains names and values of the CHANGING parameters in the PERFORM statement. These parameters are local text symbols, that is, character fields. See the example below on how to return the variables within the subroutine.
    From within a SAPscript form, a subroutine GET_BARCODE in the ABAP program QCJPERFO is called. Then the simple barcode contained there (‘First page’, ‘Next page’, ‘Last page’) is printed as local variable symbol.
    Definition in the SAPscript form:
    /: USING &PAGE&
    / &BARCODE&
    Coding of the calling ABAP program:
    DATA: PAGNUM LIKE SY-TABIX, "page number
    NEXTPAGE LIKE SY-TABIX. "number of next page
    IF PAGNUM = 1.
    OUT_PAR-VALUE = ‘|’. "First page
    OUT_PAR-VALUE = ‘||’. "Next page
    IF NEXTPAGE = 0.
    OUT_PAR-VALUE+2 = ‘L’. "Flag: last page

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  • Calling stored procedure from php script.

    I have the following stored procedure in Oracle 8:
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure kunde_create
    (iname1 in varchar2,
    iname2 in varchar2,
    iname3 in varchar2,
    ianrede in number,
    istrasse in varchar2,
    iland varchar2,
    iplz in varchar2,
    iort in varchar2,
    iortsteil in varchar2,
    itelefon in varchar2,
    iemail in varchar2,
    itelefax in varchar2,
    imobil in varchar2,
    ianrufer in varchar2,
    izusinfo in varchar2,
    izusatz2 in varchar2,
    okdnr out varchar2)
    vkndnr number;
    vadrnr number;
    vkdnr varchar2(15);
    ikugru constant number:=4;
    minkdnr constant varchar2(15):='44000000';
    maxkdnr constant varchar2(15):='50000000';
    ..... SOME CODE ....
    end kunde_create;
    I am trying to call this SP from a php script, in this way:
    $connection = ora_logon("username@db", "password");
    $cursor = ora_open($connection);
    $cu=ora_parse($cursor, "begin KW.kunde_create ( :Sta_nameD, :Sta_name2D, :Sta_kugruD, :ianredeD, :Sta_straD, :Sta_landD, :Sta_plzD, :Sta_ortD, :Sta_ortsteilD, :Sta_telD, :Sta_mailD, :Sta_faxD, :Sta_tel2D, :Sta_anruD, :Sta_zusD, :Sta_zus2D ,:okdnr); end;");
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_nameD", $Sta_nameD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_name2D", $Sta_name2D, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":ianredeD", $ianredeD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_straD", $Sta_straD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_landD", $Sta_landD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_plzD", $Sta_plzD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_ortD", $Sta_ortD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_ortsteilD", $Sta_ortsteilD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_telD", $Sta_telD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_mailD", $Sta_mailD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_faxD", $Sta_faxD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_tel2D", $Sta_tel2D, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_anruD", $Sta_anruD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_zusD", $Sta_zusD, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":Sta_zus2D", $Sta_zus2D, 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, ":okdnr", $okdnr, 32, 2);
    ora_exec($cursor); //Line 93
    This code brings me back this error:
    Warning: Can't find variable for parameter in /www/vaillant/htdocs/www_tisweb/html/php/testdb/connect.php on line 93
    I tried nearlly everything, but it doesnt work :(
    Can anybody help me please.
    Thanx in advance,
    Ahmed Adaileh

    I had to make a few modifications to get your example to work. The
    biggest change was to the ora_bind syntax. I also found I had to
    define a variable to hold the OUT value before doing the ora_exec.
    Otherwise I got the error you saw. I'm not sure why defining it first
    is necessary. I didn't dig deeply into PHP's oracle.c code.
    My final script is below. It displays "okdnr is something_to_output".
    I tested using PHP 4.3.3 against Oracle 9.2.
    The best general suggestion I can make is to use PHP's oci8 driver
    unless you need to be compatible with existing PHP code. There is an
    example of using OUT binds in oci8 to call a stored procedure at
    PHP and serveroutput
    -- CJ
    // Changed connection details to suit my environment
    $connection = ora_logon("scott@MYDB", "tiger");
    $cursor = ora_open($connection);
    // Changed schema to SCOTT to match who I'd created the procedure as
    $cu=ora_parse($cursor, "begin SCOTT.kunde_create ( :Sta_nameD, :Sta_name2D, :Sta_kugruD, :ianredeD, :Sta_straD, :Sta_landD, :Sta_plzD, :Sta_ortD, :Sta_ortsteilD, :Sta_telD, :Sta_mailD, :Sta_faxD, :Sta_tel2D, :Sta_anruD, :Sta_zusD, :Sta_zus2D ,:okdnr); end;");
    // Allocated the IN parameter variables
    $Sta_nameD      = 'a';
    $Sta_name2D     = 'a';
    $ianredeD       = 1;
    $Sta_straD      = 'a';
    $Sta_landD      = 'a';
    $Sta_plzD       = 'a';
    $Sta_ortD       = 'a';
    $Sta_ortsteilD  = 'a';
    $Sta_telD       = 'a';
    $Sta_mailD      = 'a';
    $Sta_faxD       = 'a';
    $Sta_tel2D      = 'a';
    $Sta_anruD      = 'a';
    $Sta_zusD       = 'a';
    $Sta_zus2D      = 'a';
    $Sta_kugruD     = 'a';
    // Changed ora_bind syntax to match
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_nameD", ":Sta_nameD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_name2D", ":Sta_name2D", 32, 1);
    // Change ianredeD type to 2 to match procedure definition
    ora_bind($cursor, "ianredeD", ":ianredeD", 32, 2);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_straD", ":Sta_straD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_landD", ":Sta_landD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_plzD", ":Sta_plzD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_ortD", ":Sta_ortD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_ortsteilD", ":Sta_ortsteilD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_telD", ":Sta_telD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_mailD", ":Sta_mailD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_faxD", ":Sta_faxD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_tel2D", ":Sta_tel2D", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_anruD", ":Sta_anruD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_zusD", ":Sta_zusD", 32, 1);
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_zus2D", ":Sta_zus2D", 32, 1);
    // Changed okdnr type to 1 to match procedure definition
    ora_bind($cursor, "okdnr", ":okdnr", 32, 1);
    // Bound missing parameter
    ora_bind($cursor, "Sta_kugruD", ":Sta_kugruD", 32, 1);
    // Preallocated the output variable - I'm not sure why this is
    // necessary nor what size is needed.
    // When this line is commented out I get:
    //   Warning: Can't find variable for parameter in test01.php on line XX
    $okdnr = "a";
    print "okdnr is $okdnr";

  • Calling Java function from java script function

    I have a jsp in which on button click i am calling a java script function. now there is some data that i want to insert in a table on click of the same button. But in order to do that i need to write java code. but if i write java code inside the script function that is called on button click it doesnt work. what i understand is that i need to make a java function inside the jsp & call that from the script function. can someone tell me how to do that ?
    this is the code i have written
    function sendMail(iCount2)
         var eMailAddresses = "";
         var studRegId = "";
         for (var i=0; i <iCount2; i++)
              if(document.getElementById("chk" + i).checked)
                   eMailAddresses = eMailAddresses+document.frmQueryBuilder.hdnEmail.value+",";
                   studRegId = document.frmQueryBuilder.studRegId[i].value;
              <%     if(regTemp != "")
                        MakeConnection mc1 = new MakeConnection();
                        con1 = mc1.DBConnection();
                        String temp = "1";
                        System.out.println("inside the if loop for regTemp");
                        String query1 = "insert into studcompreg (studregid,compid) values(?,?)";
                        stmt1 = con1.prepareStatement(query1);
                        rsinst = stmt1.executeQuery();
         win ='BackupMail.jsp?eMailAddresses='+eMailAddresses);

    <%@ page import = "Utils.*" %>
    <%@ page import = "java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ page import = "java.lang.String.*"%>
    <%@ page import = "java.text.*" %>
    <%@ page import = "java.util.*"%>
         String insertValues[] = new String[10];
         String regTemp = "";
         java.sql.Connection con1 = null;
         java.sql.ResultSet rs1 = null;
         java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt1 = null;
         java.sql.Statement stmtinst = null;
         java.sql.ResultSet rsinst = null;
         java.sql.Connection con = null;
         java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt = null;
         java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
    <script language = "javascript">
    /*Client side validations go here*/
    function submitForm()
    function selectAll(iCount2)
         for (var i=0; i <iCount2; i++)
              document.getElementById("chk" + i).checked = true;
    function deselectAll(iCount2)
         for (var i=0; i <iCount2; i++)
              document.getElementById("chk" + i).checked = false;
    function sendMail(iCount2)
         var eMailAddresses = "";
         var studRegId = "";
         for (var i=0; i <iCount2; i++)
              if(document.getElementById("chk" + i).checked)
                   eMailAddresses = eMailAddresses+document.frmQueryBuilder.hdnEmail.value+",";
                   studRegId = document.frmQueryBuilder.studRegId[i].value;
                   document.frmQueryBuilder.temp.value ="newOne";
         win ='BackupMail.jsp?eMailAddresses='+eMailAddresses);
    int MaxCount = 15;
    int iCount1 = 0;
    int iCount2 = 0;
    int iCount3 = 0;
    String query = "";
    String eMailAddresses = "";
    StringBuffer sbMail = new StringBuffer();
    //String strValue[] = new String [MaxCount];
         String strCriteria [] = new String [10];
         String strCondition [] = new String [10];
         String strValue1 [] = new String [10];
         String strCombo [] = new String [10];
         for (iCount3 = 0; iCount3 < 10; iCount3 ++ )
              strCriteria[iCount3] = "";
              strCondition[iCount3] = "";
              strValue1[iCount3] = "";
              strCombo[iCount3] = "";
         if (request.getParameter ("txtAction") != null)
              //String nothing = request.getParameter("chk"+iCount2);
              //System.out.println("Value of checkbox : " +nothing);
              String strQuery[] = new String [MaxCount];     
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              String AccessQuery = "";
              String strTmpQuery = "";
              String strTmpRefType[] = new String [4];
              int QueryLen = 0;
              int ModifyLen = 0;
              int QueryLenNew = 0;
              String strTmpRefType1 = "";
              String strTmpRefType2 = "";
    String strTmpRefType3 = "";
         String strTmpRefType4 = "";
              for (iCount3 = 1; iCount3 < 11; iCount3 ++)
                   strCriteria[iCount3 - 1] = request.getParameter("criteria" + iCount1);
                   strCondition[iCount3 - 1] = request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1);
                   strValue1[iCount3 - 1] = request.getParameter("value" + iCount1);
                   strCombo[iCount3 - 1] = request.getParameter("combo" + iCount1);
                   if (!request.getParameter("criteria" + iCount1).equals("null"))
                        System.out.println("Started getting parameters");
                        strTmpRefType1 = request.getParameter("criteria" + iCount1);
                        if (request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1).equals("ANYWHERE"))
                                  System.out.println("Entered anywhere if of Anywhere");
                                  strTmpRefType2 = "LIKE";
                        else if (request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1).equals("STARTSWITH"))
                                       strTmpRefType2 = "LIKE";
                                  System.out.println("Anywhere & Startswith not selected");
                                  strTmpRefType2 = request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1);
                        if (request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1).equals("ANYWHERE"))
                                  strTmpRefType3 = "\'" + "%" request.getParameter("value" iCount1)+ "%" + "\'";
                        else if (request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1).equals("STARTSWITH"))
                                       strTmpRefType3 = "\'" request.getParameter("value" iCount1)+ "%" +"\'";
                             else if (request.getParameter("condition" + iCount1).equals("="))
                                            strTmpRefType3 = "\'" + request.getParameter("value" + iCount1)+ "\'";
                                            strTmpRefType3 = request.getParameter("value" + iCount1);
                        strTmpRefType4 = request.getParameter("combo" + iCount1);
                        System.out.println("Value of strTmpRefType2" +strTmpRefType2);     
                   strQuery[iCount3] = " upper(" strTmpRefType1 ") " strTmpRefType2 " upper(" strTmpRefType3 ") " strTmpRefType4 "";
                        System.out.println("Making Qyery"+iCount3);
                   if (request.getParameter ("txtAction") != null)
                             MakeConnection mc = new MakeConnection();
                             con = mc.DBConnection();
                             QueryLen = sb.length();                         
                             ModifyLen = strTmpRefType4.length();
                             QueryLenNew = (QueryLen - ModifyLen);
                             sb.delete(QueryLenNew, QueryLen);
                             AccessQuery = sb.toString();
                             stmt = con.prepareStatement (AccessQuery);
                             rs = stmt.executeQuery();
    <table width="563" >
    <tr><td><DIV CLASS="windowtitle">Student Search</DIV></td></tr>
    <tr><td><DIV CLASS="udGroupBoxHdrDiv">Enter Search Criteria</DIV></td></tr>
    <tr><td CLASS="bgcol">
    <FORM name=frmQueryBuilder METHOD='POST'>
    <INPUT TYPE=hidden Name='txtAction' value='S'>
    <table >
         for(iCount1 = 1; iCount1 < 11; iCount1++)
                   System.out.println (strCriteria[iCount1-1]);
                   if(iCount1 == 9)
    %>                         <TR valign=top>
    %>                          <TR>
    <TD width="47"><LABEL CLASS="assoctext">Criteria </LABEL></td><td width="150">
              <SELECT NAME='<%="criteria" + iCount1%>' size="1">
    <OPTION VALUE='null'>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -</OPTION>
         <OPTION VALUE='AGE' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("AGE")?"selected":""%>>AGE</OPTION>
         <OPTION VALUE='BRANCH' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("BRANCH")?"selected":""%>>BRANCH</OPTION>
         <OPTION VALUE='CPI' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("CPI")?"selected":""%>>CPI</OPTION>
         <OPTION VALUE='DEPARTMENT' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("DEPARTMENT")?"selected":""%>>DEPARTMENT</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE='DREAMCOMP' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("DREAMCOMP")?"selected":""%>>DREAM COMPANY</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE='PROGRAM' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("PROGRAM")?"selected":""%>>PROGRAM</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE='SKILLSET' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("SKILLSET")?"selected":""%>>SKILL SET</OPTION>
    <OPTION VALUE='WORKEX' <%=strCriteria[iCount1-1].equals("WORKEX")?"selected":""%>>WORK EX</OPTION>
         <TD width="88">
              <SELECT NAME='<%="condition" + iCount1%>'>
                   <OPTION VALUE='<=' <%=strCondition[iCount1-1].equals("<=")?"selected":""%>><=</OPTION>
                   <OPTION VALUE='>=' <%=strCondition[iCount1-1].equals(">=")?"selected":""%>>>=</OPTION>
                   <OPTION VALUE='=' <%=strCondition[iCount1-1].equals("=")?"selected":""%>>EXACT MATCH</OPTION>
                   <OPTION VALUE='ANYWHERE' <%=strCondition[iCount1-1].equals("ANYWHERE")?"selected":""%>>ANYWHERE</OPTION>
                   <OPTION VALUE='STARTSWITH' <%=strCondition[iCount1-1].equals("STARTSWITH")?"selected":""%>>STARTS WITH</OPTION>
    </TD><TD width="38"><LABEL CLASS="assoctext">Value </LABEL></TD>
    <TD width="186"><INPUT NAME=<%="value" + iCount1%> value='<%=strValue1[iCount1-1]%>' size="20" >
    <TD width="187"><SELECT NAME='<%="combo" + iCount1%>'>
                   <OPTION VALUE='AND' <%=strCombo[iCount1-1].equals("AND")?"selected":""%>>AND</OPTION>
                   <OPTION VALUE='OR' <%=strCombo[iCount1-1].equals("OR")?"selected":""%>>OR</OPTION>
    <tr><td align=center>
    <INPUT CLASS="butstyle" type="button" id="cmdSave" enableAlways = "0" value="Submit" onclick="return submitForm();" >
    <table width="698">
    <tr><td colspan = 6><DIV CLASS="udGroupBoxHdrDiv">Students Matching the Required Crieria</DIV></td></tr>
         <TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="50"></TD><TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="155">Student Name</TD>     <TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="150">Student
    Id</TD><TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="150">Program</TD><TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="150">Branch</TD><TD CLASS="tblhdr" width="62">CPI</TD>
    <%          int i = 0;
         if (request.getParameter ("txtAction") != null)
    <%                         System.out.println("Entered Output Loop"+ rs.getString("Name"));
                             System.out.println("Entered Output Loop.........."+ rs.getString("Email"));     
                             regTemp = rs.getString("STUDREGID");
                             System.out.println("student reg id........."+regTemp);
                             System.out.println("value of i........."+i);
                   <TR CLASS="bgcol">
                             <TD width="25"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME='<%="chk" + iCount2%>' id='<%="chk" + iCount2%>' VALUE=""></TD>
                             <TD width="155"><INPUT NAME=txtName size=20 value='<%=rs.getString("NAME")%>'></TD>
                             <TD width="150"><INPUT NAME=txtStudId size=20 value='<%=rs.getString("STUDID")%>'></TD>
                             <TD width="150"><INPUT NAME=txtProgram size=20 value='<%=rs.getString("PROGRAM")%>'></TD>
                             <TD width="150"><INPUT NAME=txtBranch size=20 value='<%=rs.getString("BRANCH")%>'></TD>
                             <TD width="62"><INPUT NAME=txtCpi size=4 value='<%=rs.getString("CPI")%>'></TD>
                             <INPUT type="hidden" NAME=hdnEmail value='<%=rs.getString("Email")%>'>
                             <INPUT type = "hidden" NAME = studRegId value = '<%=rs.getString("studRegId")%>'>
                             <INPUT type ="hidden" NAME =temp value ="">
         eMailAddresses = sbMail.toString();
                   if (con != null)
    //catch( Exception e)
              System.out.println ("ERROR " + e);
              if (con != null)
    <table width="698" align=center>
    <INPUT CLASS="butstyle" valign=top type="button" id="cmdSave" enableAlways = "0" value="Select All" onclick="return selectAll(<%=iCount2%>)" >
    <INPUT CLASS="butstyle" valign=top type="button" id="cmdSave" enableAlways = "0" value="Deselect All" onclick="return deselectAll(<%=iCount2%>)" >
    <INPUT CLASS="butstyle" valign=top type="button" id="cmdSave" enableAlways = "0" value="Send Mail" onclick="sendMail(<%=iCount2%>)" >
    <%     System.out.println("value inside hidden var temp"+request.getParameter("temp"));     
         if((request.getParameter("temp") != null) && (request.getParameter("temp").equals("newOne")))
         //if(regTemp != null)
              MakeConnection mc1 = new MakeConnection();
              con1 = mc1.DBConnection();
              String temp = "1";
              System.out.println("inside the if loop for regTemp");
              String query1 = "insert into studcompreg (studregid,compid) values(?,?)";
              stmt1 = con1.prepareStatement(query1);
              rsinst = stmt1.executeQuery();

  • How to call a procedure from  Shell Script

    How can i call a procedure from a shell script ? If any one know the answer , let me know immediately .
    Thanks in advance .

    We connect using SQLPlus commands on the Unix server:-
    Our code block is below:- We've got DBMS_OUTPUT in the procedure, hence the spooling. You don't need all this, but you do need the sqlplus directory, etc... in your profile.
    sqlplus -s <<EOF > ${CREATE_LOG_FLE}
    spool ${CREATE_LOG_FLE}
    EXECUTE $STORED_PROC(${Months}, ${DeleteRecords});
    Hope that helps

  • How to call java method from workflow script?

    I have a requirement of updating field value 'Document Status' based on review/approve of content from Workflow and hence need to update the version number. For that I need to call my java method from workflow during submit of review/approve condition. Please let me know how to call java method from workflow?
    Is there any alternative better way to achive this requirement from workflow? Please suggest.

    OK. So, I think we can all conclude that you don't need to call any Java method, can't we? And, that wfUpdateMetadata is the command that will update your metadata.
    Now, the question is what are its arguments. It has two - the first is the name of a custom metadata field to be updated (let's suppose that one field is called xMinorVersion, and the other xMajorVersion), the other is the new value, e.g. <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", "New value.")$>As for new value - do you insist on using strings? Since you want to increase the value, it would be more convenient to work with numbers. For instance, with integers you could go with <$wfUpdateMetaData("xMinorVersion", xMinorVersion + 1)$>With strings you will need to convert it to numbers and back to strings. Besides, what happens if you have more than 100 minor versions? (you mentioned you want to add 0.01, but that would finally increase the major version, wouldn't it?) So, I think these two numbers are independent (perhaps, with exception that increase on the major version set the minor version to .00).
    If you want to present it, you can use profiles that will construct for you the representation 2.304 out of MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 304

  • Calling the DTExec from Perl Script and need to get the Return Value (Sucess or Failure)

    I am able to execute the SSIS Package from Perl Script using DTExec. But i need to get the return code of the SSIS Execution. Is their any option available to get the Success or Failure information from Perl ?

    Exit codes returned from dtexec utility             
    When a package runs, dtexec can return an exit code. The exit code is used to populate the ERRORLEVEL variable, the value of which can then be tested in conditional statements or branching logic within a batch file. The following table lists
    the values that the dtexec utility can set when exiting.
    There's a wrinkle if the package is running in the SSIS Catalog:

  • Call ABAP program from Unix script passing dynamic filename

    Does anyone know if it is possible to call an ABAP program from a Unix script passing a dynamic filename to the ABAP program?
    We are receiving a file from an external company and on receipt of the file want to call an ABAP program passing the filename.  The filename is made up of File ID, Date and Time which we need to read in the ABAP program.  We usually use Events to trigger a program which is fine when the filename if static however since this filename will be dynamic we cannot do this.  In addition we cannot just rename the file to a static name in the Unix script as we need to know the value of the date and time from the file ID in the ABAP program.  I can change the ABAP program to check our /in directory for a Filename that starts with the fixed File ID however I thought there must be a better way of doing this.  We want the external company to put this information in a file header record but they don't want to change the file contents.  Any ideas would be appreciated.

    You could follow the following method
    1.Let the external file reside in the SAP application layer in a defined path e.g. /usr/sap/tmp/interface/working/
    2.Write an ABAP program which will include the following steps:-
       i) read all files in the file path using function module EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING
      ii) Read the data from files existing in the directory using OPEN_DATASET statement
    iii) After the files have been read move the files to another directory e.g. /usr/sap/tmp/interface/backup/ or you can delete the file.
    3.Schedule this program to be executed depending on the frequency of the external file being generated.

  • Calling oracle procedure from batch script

    i have a .bat file, in which i am using sqlldr to load into a staging table from csv file, and then using merge to insert / update into target table
    i have 2 doubts
    1) my first doubt is regarding batch to handle the errorlevels which are greater than 1?
    so generally speaking, how do i handle all the errors at once..and make sure the control goes to
    run_sqlldr0 always? and handle the error meaningfully if its other than 0 ?
    below is my batch script, and i get error
    goto run_sqlldr2
    the system cannot find the batch label specified - run_sqlldr2
    @echo on
    call oraenv.bat
    if not exist %mainpath% goto mainpath_def
    if not exist %scripts% goto scriptspath_def
    if not exist %logs% goto logspath_def
    if not exist %data% goto datapath_def
    goto x1
    goto run_sqlldr%ERRORLEVEL%
    echo run_sqlldr%ERRORLEVEL%
    if run_sqlldr%ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto run_sqlldr1
    echo "entering sqlldr"
    echo "entered sqlldr1"
    echo "some error"
    echo mergedata%ERRORLEVEL%
    echo "entered sqlldr0"
    sqlldr userid = scott/tiger@orcl control=%mainpath%\cm.ctl log=%logs%\cm.log discard=%logs%\cm.dsc bad=%logs%\cm.bad SILENT=(HEADER, FEEDBACK)
    goto mergedata%ERRORLEVEL%
    echo "entered mergedata1"
    echo cleandata%ERRORLEVEL%
    sqlplus -s scott/tiger@orcl @%scripts%\merge_stg.sql
    goto cleandata%ERRORLEVEL%
    echo "entered cleandata1"
    sqlplus -s scott/tiger@orcl @%scripts%\clean_stg.sql
    goto exit
    echo "entered cleandata0"
    echo "error in removing data"
    goto exit
    echo "mainpath not existing as specified %mainpath%, Please edit ORAENV with correct value"
    goto exit
    echo "scripts path not existing as specified %scripts%, Please edit ORAENV with correct value"
    goto exit
    echo "Logs path not existing as specified %logs%, Please edit ORAENV with correct value"
    goto exit
    echo "Data path not existing as specified %data%, Please edit ORAENV with correct value"
    goto exit
    2) my second doubt, is this the right way of calling the stored procedures merge_stg and clean_stg?
    in clean_stg, i use dynamic sql to truncate the staging table
    create or replace procedure trunstg is
    lsql varchar2(2000) := 'truncate table stg_ldrtest';
    execute immediate lsql;

    i have changed the code
    @echo on
    call oraenv.bat
    if not exist %mainpath% goto mainpath_def
    if not exist %scripts% goto scriptspath_def
    if not exist %logs% goto logspath_def
    if not exist %data% goto datapath_def
    goto x1
    goto run_sqlldr%ERRORLEVEL%
    echo run_sqlldr errorlevel: %ERRORLEVEL%
    if run_sqlldr%ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto run_sqlldr1
    echo "entering sqlldr"
    echo "entered sqlldr1"
    echo "some error"
    echo errorlevel: %errorlevel%
    echo mergedata%ERRORLEVEL%
    echo "entered sqlldr0"
    sqlldr userid = gautam/gautam@orcl control=%mainpath%\cm.ctl log=%logs%\cm.log discard=%logs%\cm.dsc bad=%logs%\cm.bad SILENT=(HEADER, FEEDBACK)
    goto mergedata%ERRORLEVEL%
    echo "entered mergedata1"
    goto end
    echo cleandata%ERRORLEVEL%
    sqlplus -s gautam/gautam@orcl @%scripts%\merge_stg.sql
    goto cleandata%ERRORLEVEL%
    echo "entered cleandata1"
    echo "cleaning error"
    goto end
    sqlplus -s gautam/gautam@orcl @%scripts%\clean_stg.sql
    goto end
    echo "mainpath not existing as specified %mainpath%, Please edit ORAENV with correct value"
    goto exit
    echo "scripts path not existing as specified %scripts%, Please edit ORAENV with correct value"
    goto exit
    echo "Logs path not existing as specified %logs%, Please edit ORAENV with correct value"
    goto exit
    echo "Data path not existing as specified %data%, Please edit ORAENV with correct value"
    goto exit
    so the error is ORA - 30926, unable to get a stable set of
    rows in the source tables
    my merge is
    MERGE INTO ldrtest D
    USING (SELECT code,id,row_name,col1,col2,col3,crt_tm,md_tm,crt_user,mod_usr FROM stg_ldrtest) S
    ON (d.code = s.code and = and d.row_name=s.row_name )
    WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET d.col1 = s.col1,
    d.col2 = s.col2,
    d.col3 = s.col3,
    d.crt_tm = s.crt_tm,
    d.md_tm = s.md_tm,
    d.crt_user = s.crt_user,
    d.mod_usr = s.mod_usr
    WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (d.code,,d.row_name,d.col1,d.col2,d.col3,d.crt_tm,d.md_tm,d.crt_user,d.mod_usr)
    VALUES (s.code,,S.row_name, s.col1,s.col2,s.col3,s.crt_tm,s.md_tm,s.crt_user,s.mod_usr);
    i did not understand what this error means..
    could anyone please help me out

  • Calling SQL statement from a script problem

    I have a script e.g
    sqlplus -s ${ORACLE_USER} << HIC
    set heading off
    set newpage none
    SELECT 'ALTER TABLE '||'TEST_TABLE'||' ADD PARTITION '||' P'|| TO_CHAR(TRUNC(sysdate+7), 'IYYY')||'W'|| TO_CHAR(TRUNC(sysdate+7), 'IW')||' VALUES LESS THAN(TO_DATE('''|| TO_CHAR(sysdate + 14, 'YYYYMMDD')||''',''YYYYMMDD''));' FROM DUAL;
    This will actually give me: ALTER TABLE TEST_TABLE ADD PARTITION P2010W46 VALUES LESS THAN(TO_DATE('20101122','yyyymmdd'));
    I am executing this output from the second script. e.g
    sqlplus ${ORACLE_USER} << EOF
    set serveroutput on size 1000000
    set heading off
    When I am running the 2nd script I am getting:
    SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> 2 ALTER TABLE test_table ADD PARTITION P2010W46 VALUES LESS THAN(TO_DATE('20101122','yyy
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
    I suspect that the output from the 1st script wraps to a second line, and it failes to execute properly.
    Oracle is 9i
    Please suggest a way to overcome this problem.
    Thank you in advance.

    If you are not passing in any variable values that you need the shell to substitute intot he source then placing the SQL into a separate .sql file and then just using start scriptname from the shell can simplify the code especially if any shell script meta-characters like '$' appear in the SQL. Otherwise you have to escape the meta-characters.
    sqlplus /nolog <<EOF
    start script_name
    It is also possible to write the sqlplus script to accept substitution variable from the caller so the line above would look like start script_name $var1 $var2
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Build a test sequence from a script

    Hello all,
    I want TestStand to build a sequence based on a pseudo code script. For example, the script would look like:
    Power on
    Voltage1 12
    Voltage2 24
    Circuit1 Short2Batt
    Circuit1 Open
    Circuit1 Normal
    Power off
    I want TestStand to build a sequence that would call some pre-build sub-sequences based on the script.
    I know this is possible, but I have no idea where to begin to look.

    Hi Bladhart,
    I did a similar stuff​sessions/Automotive_5_Automatische_Dodek.pdf.
    My script was done in XML. For creating the SequenceFile i have used the TS-API.
    My Maybe this threads could be interresting for you. They will show how to use these API Calls in Teststand itself. 
    On this Thread there is an example with Labview Adpater​​IEW-Step-dynamically/m-p/977348#M25792
    On this here with SequenceCall Adapter​​uence-Call-Step-using-TS-API/m-p/628857#M17591
    Hope this helps
    =s=i=g=n=a=t=u=r=e= Click on the Star and see what happens :-) =s=i=g=n=a=t=u=r=e=

  • Calling wlst commands from utility script?

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to write some utility functions to wrap things like create() and delete() with some error handling code. So I would have a module like and it would contain methods like myDelete(), myCreate(), etc. I would like them to then call WLST's delete() and create(). Then I would have a script that creates and deletes queues, for example, that would use utils.myDelete() etc. However this doesn't work and I can't figure out why.
    If I just reference the wlst commands directly, I get "Name Error: cd."
    If I import
    from import WLScriptContext as wlst
    WLST = wlst()
    I get "... Unknown error...Use dumpStack()..." But dumpStack()'s output is empty.
    If I extract from the jar file and try importing it, I get "no module named wlstModule."

    Hello John,
    Here are the steps you can follow to import wlst into other jython modules.
    Extract from the jar or you can also use the command writeIniFile(<file-path>) for WLST to write out the module file. Place in the directory where you are going to invoke jython from or where you have your other utility scripts. In your utility script you should import the module as
    import wlstModule
    And in the script wherever you would like to call any wlst commands you should use wlstModule.<command>. Also use straight jython while invoking the scripts as
    java org.python.util.jython instead of java weblogic.WLST.
    BEA Blog:

  • Calling SQL statements from Shell scripts

    I want to call external package procedures, declare some variables & do some oracle validations in the shell script.
    How SQL environment is set in shell script & is this one time process or I have to write few statements before every SQL statement.
    Please explain with an example.

    is this one time process Yes. Example :
    $ cat
    export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/base/OraHome10
    export ORACLE_SID=db102
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    sqlplus -s / as sysdba << EOF
    select to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') date_time
    from dual;
    sqlplus -s / as sysdba << EOF
    col global_name for a60
    select * from global_name;
    $ ./
    27/02/2008 11:11:27

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  • Debugging the "Pattern" functionality

    Hi,    Have a look at this:    /people/puru.govind/blog/2006/11/17/trick-debugging-insert-statement-screen    Is this the only way to achieve this? Regards, Pooja