Calling Oracle Functions and Procedures in Java

I've looked online for a blurb on using Oracle SQL functions and
procedures in Java, but I haven't found anything. Can someone
either give me a quick crash course on this, or point me to the
best source of information for this?

From the SQLJ FAQ.
Within your SQLJ statements, you can use PL/SQL anonymous blocks
and call PL/SQL stored procedures and stored functions, as in the
following examples: Anonymous
#sql {
n := 1;
WHILE n <= 100 LOOP
INSERT INTO emp (empno) VALUES(2000 +
n := n + 1;
Stored procedure call (returns the maximum
deadline as an output parameter into an output host expression):
#sql { CALL MAX_DEADLINE(:out maxDeadline) };
Stored function call (returns the maximum
deadline as a function return into a result expression):
#sql maxDeadline = { VALUES(GET_MAX_DEADLINE)
Of course, you can also use JDBC code to achieve the same - the
standard JDBC escape sequences for stored function and procedure
calls are supported, using for example:
"{call MAX_DEADLINE(?)}"
and for the rest of the details, get that JDBC crash course...

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  • Calling Oracle function and Procedure using OCCI with in C++ code

    Could any body send me the sample code to create and execute Oracle function and Procedure using OCCI concept in C++?.
    Edited by: 788634 on Aug 16, 2010 4:09 AM

    Hi Vishnu,
    Yes, sure, you can create a PL/SQL procedure, function, package, package body, etc. from within an OCCI application. I would say that, generally, this is not the sort of activity a typical client application would perform unless there is some initialization/installation processes that need to happen. In any case, here is a simple demo showing how to create a stand alone procedure (in a real application I would use a package and body) that returns a ref cursor. The ref cursor is just a simple select of two columns in the hr.countries sample table. Of course, there is no error handling, object orientation, etc. in this demo - I wanted to keep the code as short and as simple as possible to illustrate the concept.
    #include <occi.h>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace oracle::occi;
    int main(void)
      // occi variables
      Environment *env;
      Connection  *con;
      Statement   *stmt;
      ResultSet   *rs;
      // database connection information
      string user = "hr";
      string passwd = "hr";
      string db = "orademo";
      // sql to create the procedure which returns a ref cursor as out parameter
      // should be run as hr sample user or in a schema that has select privilege
      // on the hr.countries table and a synonym (countries) that points to the
      // hr.countries table
      string sqlCreate =
        "create or replace procedure get_countries(p_rc out sys_refcursor) as "
        " open p_rc for"
        " select country_id, country_name from countries order by country_name; "
      // pl/sql anonymous block to call the procedure
      string sqlCall = "begin get_countries(:1); end;";
      // create a default environment for this demo
      env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
      cout << endl;
      // open the connection to the database
      con = env->createConnection(user, passwd, db);
      // display database version
      cout << con->getServerVersion() << endl << endl;
      // create statement object for creating procedure
      stmt = con->createStatement(sqlCreate);
      // create the procedure
      // terminate the statement object
      // now create new statement object to call procedure
      stmt = con->createStatement(sqlCall);
      // need to register the ref cursor output parameter
      stmt->registerOutParam(1, OCCICURSOR);
      // call the procedure through the anonymous block
      // get the ref cursor as an occi resultset
      rs = stmt->getCursor(1);
      // loop through the result set
      // and write the values to the console
      while (rs->next())
        cout << rs->getString(1) << ": " << rs->getString(2) << endl;
      // close the result set after looping
      // terminate the statement object
      // terminate the connection to the database
      // terminate the environment
      // use this as a prompt to keep the console window from
      // closing when run interactively from the IDE
      cout << endl << "ENTER to continue...";
      return 0;

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    you can use CallableStatement interface of JDBC to execute any DBMS triger,stored procedure ....
    refer any of the JDBC book for extra help
    hope you got it
    Azeem Ahmed

  • JAVA Calling Oracle Function and Returning OBJECT

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    I am facing one issue:
    I need to call Oracle function from java code. Oracle User define function is residing in oracle package and returning Object which contains data.
    Can you please help me
    With Best Regards

    golduniya wrote:
    I need to call Oracle function from java code. Oracle User define function is residing in oracle package and returning Object which contains data.
    Can you please help meIt requires a great deal of Oracle jdbc driver specific code.

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    You should just be able to call the "imp" and "exp" executables ($ORACLE_HOME/bin) using the Runtime class. You can setup the various parameters for export / import in a parameter file.

  • Call stored function / stored procedure from JAVA/JPA and pass array

    I fail calling a plsql function from java with jpa - it works perfect without the array but its not working with the array:
    PLSQL Function:
    function getHtml(pWhere VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    pColSort HTP.STRINGARRAY) return clob is
    errorhndl.Log(pMessage => 'called');
    htp.prn('das ist der test
    for i in 1 .. pColSort.count loop
    pColSort['||i||']: '||pColSort(i));
    end loop;
    <table> <tr> <td> max1.0 </td> <td> max2.0 </td> </tr>');
    htp.prn('<tr> <td> max1.1 </td> <td> max2.1 </td> </tr> </table>');
    htp.prn('test ende');
    return htp.gHtpPClob;
    when others then
    end getHtml;
    PLSQL TYPE: (in HTP package - self created - but could be anywhere else too)
    type STRINGARRAY is table of varchar2(256) index by binary_integer;
    public class ShowReportDOAImpl implements ShowReportDOA {
    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
    private SimpleJdbcCall procShowReport;
    public void setJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
    this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;
    procShowReport = new SimpleJdbcCall(this.jdbcTemplate)
    new SqlParameter("pWhere", Types.VARCHAR),
    new SqlParameter("pColSort", Types.ARRAY, "HTP.STRINGARRAY"),
    new SqlOutParameter("RETURN", Types.CLOB)
    public String readReport(Long id, ParameterHelper ph) {
    String[] sortCol = {"max", "michi", "stefan"};
    String pWhere = "fritz";
    MapSqlParameterSource parms = new MapSqlParameterSource();
    parms.addValue("pWhere", pWhere);
    parms.addValue("pColSort", sortCol, Types.ARRAY, "HTP.STRINGARRAY");
    parms.addValue("pColSort", Arrays.asList(sortCol), Types.ARRAY, "HTP.STRINGARRAY");
    Clob clob = procShowReport.executeFunction(Clob.class, parms);
    String clobString = "";
    try {
    System.out.println("length: "+new Long(clob.length()).intValue());
    clobString = clob.getSubString(1, new Long(clob.length()).intValue());
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    return clobString;
    org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: CallableStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [{? = call SHOW_REPORT.GETHTML(?, ?)}]; SQL state [null]; error code [17059]; Konvertierung zu interner Darstellung nicht erfolgreich: [max, michi, stefan]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Konvertierung zu interner Darstellung nicht erfolgreich: [max, michi, stefan]
    root cause
    java.sql.SQLException: Konvertierung zu interner Darstellung nicht erfolgreich: [max, michi, stefan]
    Please help!!
    Please help!!

    user8374822 wrote:
    PLSQL Function:
    function getHtml(pWhere VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    pColSort HTP.STRINGARRAY) return clob is
    end getHtml;
    PLSQL TYPE: (in HTP package - self created - but could be anywhere else too)
    type STRINGARRAY is table of varchar2(256) index by binary_integer;
    new SqlParameter("pColSort", Types.ARRAY, "HTP.STRINGARRAY"),I don't know much (??) java and can't understand your error messages as they are not in english.
    But I have a feeling that the error is because either
    a) "Types.ARRAY" in Java world probably does not map to an index-by table in oracle or
    b) the array must be created as a SQL TYPE and not as a package variable or
    c) both of the above
    You may want to try following approaches
    1) Change the array type declaration to nested table i.e. use "type STRINGARRAY is table of varchar2(256)"
    2) If the above does not work, then create a sql type (using CREATE TYPE statement) to create STRINGARRAY as a SQL type of varchar2(256)
    Hope this helps.

  • How to call package function and procedure by PL/SQL

    Dear all,
    I created a package and I want test it by a select statement. e.g. select packagename.function(1, 'A') . However, there is an error message. "ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query ".
    In the package, there is a function and I passed two parameters to the function and return a number. These two parameters will be used in the cursor select statment. Is there sth wrong that I use the cursor with the parameters? What can I do then?
    On the other hand, I want to test the package procedure by using select statement in SQL Plus. How can I call it (with parameter)?
    Remark: I am using Oracle 8i.
    Thanks for advance!!

    I don't know why it is not running in ur computer. Pls check the script --
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace package pack_test
      2  is
      3    function try_test(eno in number,depno in number)
      4    return number;
      5* end;
    SQL> /
    Package created.
    SQL> create or replace package body pack_test
      2  is
      3    function try_test(eno in number,depno in number)
      4    return number
      5    is
      6      saln number(10);
      7    begin
      8      select sal
      9   into saln
    10   from emp
    11   where empno = eno
    12   and deptno = depno;
    14   return saln;
    15    end;
    16  end pack_test;
    17  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> select pack_test.try_test(7777,30) from dual;
                           3456-it is working fine in my system.
    Satyaki De.

  • Can SQL Developer control versioning of stored functions and procedures?

    Hi all. I have a problem with my project, for developing Oracle functions and procedures. My team want to control versioning of that.
    I found that Oracle SQL Developer support versioning features with CVS and Subversion. But I think it just about the files not functions and procedures.
    We don't want to control version of files and copy it to stored somethings..
    Do you have any idea?
    Thanks for reading this post.

    Since K asked :)
    Both SQL Navigator and Toad for Oracle support controlling PL/SQL at the FILE and DATABASE level.
    [Controlling Objects in the Database with Toad|]

  • Oracle Form functions and procedures in APEX, how?

    I am working to recreate in APEX, already existing Read Only Forms in Oracle Forms. APEX Interactive Report functionality among other things, makes it worth while as well as targetting a different audience than the one that utilizies the Oracle Form versions. Oracle Forms versions use lots of pre and post query triggers, PLSQL Functions.
    In Oracle Forms one of the places those functions can be located is in the "Program Units" section of the Form. A typical function of this sort, based on a specific Mission ID Itinerary, collects scheduled passengers last names, formats them with a comma and space after each one, into a single string that is returned and displayed as the passenger list of one row.
    I have all this code written so I can move most of the main query of the Oracle Form into an Interactive Report. These functions and triggers called from within the Form, from the "Program Units" section of the Oracle Form rather than being stored in the Database schema in a package, where would they go inside APEX? Can I create a "Shortcut" in APEX and call it from the Interactive Report "Region Source"? Can I create the PLSQL function at the page level or region level of the Interactive Report? Or, is my best bet creating a package stored in the database, of all these functions and/or proecedures I may need from the original Oracle Form?
    Some advice would be greatly appriciated.

    RLBickham wrote:
    I don't think I have been clear enough in describing the specific thing I want to do, it simply does not reach the level of forms to APEX conversion. It is basically a PLSQL Function problem.
    I have an Interactive Report that is currently getting 90 percent of what I want however, each row, representing a Mission may have multiple legs. Each Leg has two locations or ICAO codes attached to it. Based on the Mission number, I want to loop through the leg table, collect all the ICAO codes for that Mission, put them all into 1 variable separated by a coma and add that variable to the column display of that Interactive Report as the last column.
    In Oracle Forms I have a function saved to the database that is called within the main query. Maybe I am asking a question that does not need to be asked but in any case my question is can I put that function currently in the database somewhere in the confines of the Interactive Report and reference it via Http somehow or should I just stick with putting functions and procedures in packages stored in the database and called the conventional way?You could move the function to the database and call it from the report query, but it sounds as if it's superfluous. In the report query use whatever form of Re: 4. How do I convert rows to columns? is appropriate to your (unspecified) database version.
    When you have a problem you'll get a faster, more effective response by including as much relevant information as possible upfront. This should include:
    <li>Full APEX version
    <li>Full DB/version/edition/host OS
    <li>Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener/host OS)
    <li>Browser(s) and version(s) used
    <li>Region/item type(s) (making particular distinction as to whether a "report" is a standard report, an interactive report, or in fact an "updateable report" (i.e. a tabular form)
    With APEX we're also fortunate to have a great resource in where we can reproduce and share problems. Reproducing things there is the best way to troubleshoot most issues, especially those relating to layout and visual formatting. If you expect a detailed answer then it's appropriate for you to take on a significant part of the effort by getting as far as possible with an example of the problem on before asking for assistance with specific issues, which we can then see at first hand.

  • RoR Calling Oracle Function/Procedure

    Has anyone got experience of calling an Oracle Function or Procedure from RoR?

    Hello for calling function/procedure at RoR in Oracle I write muself classes and use they.
    module SQLStatement
    class NoTypeResult < StandardError
    end # class
    class SQLProc
    attr_accessor :name, :arguments
    def initialize( args = nil )
    @name = args[:name] unless args[:name].nil?
    @arguments = args[:arguments] unless args[:arguments].nil?
    @conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection
    end # def initialize
    def exec( args = nil )
    unless args.nil? || ( !args.is_a? Hash )
    args.each { |k, v| @arguments[k.to_s.intern] = args[k] }
    end # unless
    func_args = ''
    @arguments.each { |k, v| func_args += "#{func_args == '' ? '' : ', '}#{k.to_s} => :#{k.to_s}"}
    sql = "BEGIN {#@name}( #{func_args} );END;"
    cursor = @conn.parse( sql )
    @arguments.each do |k, v|
    cursor.bind_param( ":#{k.to_s}", v )
    end # each
    end # def exec
    end # class SQLProc
    class SQLFunc < SQLProc
    attr_reader :result
    attr_accessor :result_type
    def initialize( args = nil )
    @result_type = args[:result_type] unless args[:result_type].nil?
    super( args )
    end # def
    def exec( args = nil )
    if @result_type.nil?
    raise NoTypeResult, 'No type for result setting', caller
    end # if
    unless args.nil? || ( !args.is_a? Hash )
    args.each { |k, v| @arguments[k.to_s.intern] = args[k] }
    end # unless
    func_args = ''
    @arguments.each { |k, v| func_args += "#{func_args == '' ? '' : ', '}#{k.to_s} => :#{k.to_s}"}
    sql = "BEGIN :result := #{@name}( #{func_args} );END;"
    cursor = @conn.parse( sql )
    @arguments.each do |k, v|
    cursor.bind_param( ":#{k.to_s}", v )
    end # each
    cursor.bind_param( ":result", nil, @result_type )
    @result = cursor[':result']
    end # def exec
    end # class
    end # module SQLStatment
    Example of use:
    function =
    :name => 'f_test_ins',
    :result_type => Fixnum,
    :arguments => {
    :login =>'asdf',
    :password => 'asdf',
    :email => '[email protected]'
    raise function.result.inspect

  • Calling oracle export and import utilities in java

    can someone help me, i have to call oracle export and import utilities through my java application, can anyone guide me, how i can do it..

    can someone help me, i have to call oracle export and
    import utilities through my java application, can
    anyone guide me, how i can do it..You mean the command line ones? Use Runtime.exec();

  • Calling oracle function in OMB script

    Can anyone please tell me how can i get the returned value of an oracle function in OMB script. or how can i get the value into OMB variable and use it.
    Basically i want to set the properties of OWB mapping via OMB script.
    Following OMB code sets the max error limit of a mapping.
    i dont want to hard code the value 100 rather i want this value to be returned from a function.
    If it is not possible then plz tell me how can i set MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_ERRORS property of OWB mapping via sql or pl/sql.
    Any type of clue will be highly appreciated.
    Best Regards

    Here is my bare-bones OMB SQL Library to allow you to do pure SQL calls from within OMB+. All I have ever used it for is to run queries, so I don't have a library procedure for calling a function, however if your function is SQL-callable (e.g. select my_func() from dual) then it would work. Either that or you'll want to augment this library to build a procedure that will call and return the results from a java preparedStatement. It's something I've been meaning to do, but haven't got around to it yet.
    All you should need to do is save this as it's own tcl file and then source it at the top of your own script, or embed it into your script.
    EDIT: Here is a page with some sample code on using java.sql.CallableStatement to call a Pl/SQL procedure from Java which should certainly do the trick for you in conjunction with the basic session control in my library.
    package require java
    #file omb_sql_library.tcl
    proc oracleConnect { serverName databaseName portNumber username password } {
       # import required classes
       java::import java.sql.Connection
       java::import java.sql.DriverManager
       java::import java.sql.ResultSet
       java::import java.sql.SQLWarning
       java::import java.sql.Statement
       java::import java.sql.CallableStatement
       java::import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
       java::import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
       java::import java.sql.Types
       java::import oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData
       # load database driver .
       java::call Class forName oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
       # set the connection url.
       append url jdbc:oracle:thin
       append url :
       append url $username
       append url /
       append url $password
       append url "@"
       append url $serverName
       append url :
       append url $portNumber
       append url :
       append url $databaseName
       set oraConnection [ java::call DriverManager getConnection $url ]
       set oraDatabaseMetaData [ $oraConnection getMetaData ]
       set oraDatabaseVersion [ $oraDatabaseMetaData getDatabaseProductVersion ]
       puts "Connected to: $url"
       puts "$oraDatabaseVersion"
       return $oraConnection
    proc oracleDisconnect { oraConnect } {
      $oraConnect close
    proc oraJDBCType { oraType } {
      #translation of JDBC types as defined in XOPEN interface
      set rv "NUMBER"
      switch $oraType {
         "0" {set rv "NULL"}
         "1" {set rv "CHAR"}
         "2" {set rv "NUMBER"}
         "3" {set rv "DECIMAL"}
         "4" {set rv "INTEGER"}
         "5" {set rv "SMALLINT"}
         "6" {set rv "FLOAT"}
         "7" {set rv "REAL"}
         "8" {set rv "DOUBLE"}
         "12" {set rv "VARCHAR"}
         "16" {set rv "BOOLEAN"}
         "91" {set rv "DATE"}
         "92" {set rv "TIME"}
         "93" {set rv "TIMESTAMP"}
         default {set rv "OBJECT"}
      return $rv
    proc oracleQuery { oraConnect oraQuery } {
       set oraStatement [ $oraConnect createStatement ]
       set oraResults [ $oraStatement executeQuery $oraQuery ]
       # The following metadata dump is not required, but will be a helpfull sort of thing
       # if ever want to really build an abstraction layer
       set oraResultsMetaData [ $oraResults getMetaData ]
       set columnCount        [ $oraResultsMetaData getColumnCount ]
       set i 1
       #puts "ResultSet Metadata:"
       while { $i <= $columnCount} {
          set fname [ $oraResultsMetaData getColumnName $i]
          set ftype [oraJDBCType [ $oraResultsMetaData getColumnType $i]]
          #puts "Output Field $i Name: $fname Type: $ftype"
          incr i
       # end of metadata dump
       return $oraResults
    # SAMPLE CODE to run a quick query and dump the results. #
    #set oraConn [ oracleConnect myserver orcl 1555 scott tiger ]
    #set oraRs [ oracleQuery $oraConn "select name, count(*) numlines from user_source group by name" ]
    #for each row in the result set
    #while {[$oraRs next]} {
      #grab the field values
    #  set procName [$oraRs getString name]
    #  set procCount [$oraRs getInt numlines]
    #  puts "Program unit $procName comprises $procCount lines"
    #$oraRs close
    #oracleDisconnect $oraConnEdited by: zeppo on Nov 25, 2008 7:19 AM

  • Exact difference between function and procedure

    exact difference between function and procedure(real time diff.....not like return value, dml....) and function do some work at the same time that work also do procedure..why function

    ranitB wrote:
    1. Function is called Inline a query. A return value is must.
    But, procedure may/may not contain a return value.Not true.
    A function may be called in a query providing it meets certain limitations (no DDL, or transactional statements such as commit/rollback etc.).
    A function does not have to be called from a query, it can be called from other PL/SQL code or from other external applications.
    Regular functions must return a value, though pipelined functions do not...
      2  /
    Type created.
      2      l_idx    PLS_INTEGER;
      3      l_list   VARCHAR2(32767) := p_list;
      4      l_value  VARCHAR2(32767);
      5    BEGIN
      6      LOOP
      7        l_idx := INSTR(l_list, p_delim);
      8        IF l_idx > 0 THEN
      9          PIPE ROW(SUBSTR(l_list, 1, l_idx-1));
    10          l_list := SUBSTR(l_list, l_idx+LENGTH(p_delim));
    11        ELSE
    12          PIPE ROW(l_list);
    13          EXIT;
    14        END IF;
    15      END LOOP;
    16      RETURN;
    17    END SPLIT;
    18  /
    Function created.
    SQL> SELECT column_value
      2  FROM TABLE(split('FRED,JIM,BOB,TED,MARK',','));
    MARK... whilst the definition of the function shows a return type, the return statement inside the function simply returns, without a value. That's because the data is passed back through a special "pipeline", and you can write code to show that the data is available to a query as soon as it's piped, and before the function has completed (reached the return statement) if you like.
    A procedure does not return a value (And no an OUT parameter is not a "returned" value, it's a writeable parameter, there's a difference)
    2. There are some limitations in functions which is possbl through procedures.
    Like - Oracle doesn't support DML in functions called in Select queries (using PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION will help).Not strictly true. and SQL query is considered to be DML, so a function could perform a query and then be used inside another query...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace function f_dname(p_deptno in number) return varchar2 is
      2    v_dname varchar2(10);
      3  begin
      4    select dname into v_dname
      5    from   dept
      6    where  deptno = p_deptno;
      7    return v_dname;
      8* end;
    SQL> /
    Function created.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1* select empno, ename, f_dname(deptno) as dname from emp
    SQL> /
         EMPNO ENAME      DNAME
          7369 SMITH      RESEARCH
          7499 ALLEN      SALES
          7521 WARD       SALES
          7566 JONES      RESEARCH
          7654 MARTIN     SALES
          7698 BLAKE      SALES
          7782 CLARK      ACCOUNTING
          7788 SCOTT      RESEARCH
          7839 KING       ACCOUNTING
          7844 TURNER     SALES
          7876 ADAMS      RESEARCH
          7900 JAMES      SALES
          7902 FORD       RESEARCH
          7934 MILLER     ACCOUNTING
    14 rows selected.It's been discussed many times on the forum... my favourite here...
    Edited by: BluShadow on 17-Sep-2012 09:22

  • Function and Procedure

    Hi Friends,
    My Question is : At what time we will use function and Procedure.? How i can prefer it?

    Functions are normally used for computations where as procedures
    are normally used for executing business logic.
    there can be many difference between stored procedures and functions
    main are
    1. function can be used in the SQL statements anywhere in the WHERE/HAVING/SELECT section where as Stored procedures cannot be.
    If you have a function in which there are DML statements only then you can not call this function in a SQL query
    for example
    For example, if you have a function that is updating a table, you cannot call that function from a SQL query.
    - select myFunction(field) from sometable; will throw error.
    But you can do it through procedure.
    I hope it is clear

  • Double quotes in function and procedure names when using impdp

    When viewing a function in the original database, it looks like:
    After doing an expdp and impdp to restore a development database, it now looks like
    and also has 2 blank lines at end of function.
    This causes us problems when trying to use various utilites to compare differences in production and development. Now every function and procedure shows up as being different.
    Can someone please explain why and what can be done to avoid this from happening?
    Edited by: user6116705 on Jun 15, 2010 7:52 AM

    from old exp, here is the first line of the create procedure statement:
    You can see the double quotes. I don't understand why you wouldn't see the same compare issue with old exp. I was wondering what you were using for compare since it would let me know where to look for anything that has changed from the original create to the create performed by data pump. I remember there being an issue in this area. I just don't remember if it was extra spacing, upcasing, or something else or multiple changes. You could contact Oracle support to see if there is a fix and if it is backported to your version.
    The only other way you can possibly fix this (and it would be a huge pain) would be to run impdp with a sqlfile and then edit the sqfile to remove the double quotes and to remove any extra spacing/extra lines. A patch from Oracle would certainly be easier if one was available.

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