Calling PL/SQL API from OAF

Hi all,
i have a stored procedure(xyz) in a package (abc) as below:
procedure xyz
(p_validate in boolean default false
,p_ptnl_ler_for_per_id out nocopy number
,p_csd_by_ptnl_ler_for_per_id in number default null
,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt in date default null
,p_trgr_table_pk_id in number default null
,p_ptnl_ler_for_per_stat_cd in varchar2 default null
,p_ptnl_ler_for_per_src_cd in varchar2 default null
,p_mnl_dt in date default null
,p_enrt_perd_id in number default null
,p_ler_id in number default null
,p_person_id in number default null
,p_business_group_id in number default null
,p_dtctd_dt in date default null
,p_procd_dt in date default null
,p_unprocd_dt in date default null
,p_voidd_dt in date default null
,p_mnlo_dt in date default null
,p_ntfn_dt in date default null
,p_request_id in number default null
,p_program_application_id in number default null
,p_program_id in number default null
,p_program_update_date in date default null
,p_object_version_number out nocopy number
,p_effective_date in date) is
In oaf i am calling this stored procedure in a function as below:
public String callToApi(String event_date, String event_name, String person_id) {
int ler_pk = 0;
int ovn = 0;
LifeEventIdVOImpl LifeEventIdVOObj = getLifeEventIdVO1();
LifeEventIdVOObj.setWhereClauseParam(0, event_name);
String ler_id = LifeEventIdVOObj.first().getAttribute("LerId").toString();
try {
OracleCallableStatement oracleCallableStatement = null;
OADBTransactionImpl txn =
String statement =
"BEGIN" + "" +
" p_validate => :1" +
" ,p_ptnl_ler_for_per_id => :2" +
" ,p_csd_by_ptnl_ler_for_per_id => NULL" +
" ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt => :3" +
" ,p_trgr_table_pk_id => NULL" +
" ,p_ptnl_ler_for_per_stat_cd => 'DTCTD'" +
" ,p_ptnl_ler_for_per_src_cd => NULL" +
" ,p_mnl_dt => NULL" +
" ,p_enrt_perd_id => NULL" +
" ,p_ler_id => :4" +
" ,p_person_id => :5" +
" ,p_business_group_id => 0" +
" ,p_dtctd_dt => :6" +
" ,p_procd_dt => NULL" +
" ,p_unprocd_dt => NULL" +
" ,p_voidd_dt => NULL" +
" ,p_mnlo_dt => NULL" +
" ,p_ntfn_dt => :7" +
" ,p_request_id => NULL" +
" ,p_program_application_id => NULL" +
" ,p_program_id => NULL" +
" ,p_program_update_date => NULL" +
" ,p_object_version_number => :8" +
" ,p_effective_date => :9);" + " END;";
java.util.Date sysdate = new java.util.Date();
java.sql.Date today_date = new java.sql.Date(sysdate.getTime());
java.sql.Date life_event_date = new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date(event_date).getTime());
oracleCallableStatement = (OracleCallableStatement)txn.createCallableStatement(statement, DBTransaction.DEFAULT);
oracleCallableStatement.setBoolean(1, Boolean.FALSE);
oracleCallableStatement.registerOutParameter(2, Types.INTEGER);
oracleCallableStatement.setDate(3, life_event_date);
oracleCallableStatement.setInt(4, Integer.parseInt(ler_id));
oracleCallableStatement.setInt(5, Integer.parseInt(person_id));
oracleCallableStatement.setDate(6, today_date);
oracleCallableStatement.setDate(7, today_date);
oracleCallableStatement.registerOutParameter(8, Types.INTEGER);
oracleCallableStatement.setDate(9, today_date);
ler_pk = oracleCallableStatement.getInt(2);
ovn = oracleCallableStatement.getInt(8);
catch (Exception e) {
return(ler_pk + "/" + ovn);
But i am getting an error as:
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'xyz' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
But i think i have provided the right set of inputs...
Please have a look and let me know where i am wrong....
its urgent.. please reply asap

Use below code & let us know whether still throws the same error.
      Connection conn = getOADBTransaction().getJdbcConnection();
      CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall
      ("{call xyz  (:1, :2, :3)}");
      System.out.println("1" + Id);
      cstmt.setString(1,  IjpId);
      System.out.println("2" + EmpNum);
      cstmt.setString(2, EmpNum );
      System.out.println("3" + EmpPositionTitle);
      cstmt.setString(3, EmpPositionTitle );
      System.out.println("before calling");
      System.out.println("after calling");
      catch(Exception e)
         String message = "Error in Data Saving: " + e;
         throw new OAException(message, OAException.ERROR);

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    thanks for ur reply but where were u a month ago,i really started to think that my question was enough stupid not to be answered.At present i have done with jdbc and pl/sql calls ,current concern is for sessions as i see that session id remains same when one user logs out and another logs in(if browser is not closed), same sessionid persists in my java portlet for both users.Is this an expected behaviour?? but yes new session id appears if browser is closed.
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    once again thx

  • How to call pl/sql function from oaf

    Dear  Friends,
    I am trying to call a function from oaf page .but iam getting error like
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    THis is my function  ,,callable statement
                                    ,P_DEDUCTION_START_DATE IN DATE
                                    ,P_DEDUCTION_END_DATE IN DATE
                                    ,P_LOAN_VALUE IN NUMBER
          l_message                 VARCHAR2(100);
          l_contract_type           VARCHAR2(50);
          l_loan_eligible_date      DATE;
          l_grade                   VARCHAR2(15);
          l_old_loan_end_date       DATE;
          l_max_loan_end_date       DATE;
          l_remaining_amount        NUMBER;
          l_eligible_amt            NUMBER;
                SELECT --papf.person_id,
                       (SELECT meaning
                          FROM hr_lookups
                         WHERE lookup_type = 'ADTC_CONTRACT_TYPE'
                           AND lookup_code = attribute3) contract_type,
                       ADD_MONTHS (papf.original_date_of_hire, 11) loan_eligible_date,
                       DECODE (paaf.ass_attribute2,
                               'Chairman', 'Chairman',
                               SUBSTR (ass_attribute2, INSTR (ass_attribute2, '.', 1, 1) + 1,
                              ) grade,
                       (SELECT nvl(MAX (deduction_end_date),null)
                          FROM xxadtc_car_loan_request
                         WHERE person_id = p_person_id) old_loan_end_date,
                       to_date(ADD_MONTHS (p_deduction_start_date, 47)) max_loan_end_date
                       --to_date(ADD_MONTHS (sysdate, 47)) max_loan_end_date
                  INTO  l_contract_type
                  FROM per_all_people_f papf, per_all_assignments_f paaf
                 WHERE SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
                   AND papf.business_group_id = 81
                   AND papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
                   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
                   AND papf.person_id =P_PERSON_ID;
                WHEN others THEN
                    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error ');
            -- get Previous Car loan amount --
                SELECT to_number(prrv.result_value)
                  INTO l_remaining_amount
                  FROM per_all_people_f papf,
                       per_all_assignments_f paaf,
                       pay_assignment_actions pac,
                       pay_run_results prr,
                       pay_run_result_values prrv,
                       pay_element_types_f petf,
                       pay_input_values_f pivf,
                       pay_element_classifications pec,
                       pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                       per_time_periods ptp
                 WHERE SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
                   AND papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
                   AND papf.business_group_id = 81
                   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
                   AND paaf.assignment_id = pac.assignment_id
                   AND pac.assignment_action_id = prr.assignment_action_id
                   AND prr.run_result_id = prrv.run_result_id
                   AND prr.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
                   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN petf.effective_start_date AND petf.effective_end_date
                   AND prrv.input_value_id = pivf.input_value_id
                   AND SYSDATE BETWEEN pivf.effective_start_date AND pivf.effective_end_date
                   AND pivf.NAME = 'Remaining Amount'
                   AND petf.classification_id = pec.classification_id
                   AND pac.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                   AND ppa.time_period_id = ptp.time_period_id
                   AND TO_CHAR (ptp.pay_advice_date, 'Mon-YYYY') =
                                                                 TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'Mon-YYYY')
                   AND petf.element_name = 'Motar Ahlami Loan'
                --and     employee_number='10185'
                   AND papf.person_id = p_person_id;
                WHEN no_data_found THEN
                   --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR: No data!');
                WHEN others THEN
                    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error ');              
               select   GET_CAR_LOAN_ELIGI_AMT(P_PERSON_ID)
               into     l_eligible_amt
               from     dual;
               IF l_contract_type NOT IN ('Permanent') THEN
                    l_message := 'Contract Type Is not valid';
               END IF;
               IF l_loan_eligible_date < SYSDATE THEN
                    l_message:= 'Date of Join is less then one year';
               END IF;
               IF l_grade IN ('US','00','AUS','EM') THEN
                    l_message:= 'Your are not Eligible Grade';
               END IF;
               IF l_old_loan_end_date < SYSDATE THEN
                    l_message:= 'Previous Loan Duration is not completed';
               END IF;
               IF l_max_loan_end_date > P_DEDUCTION_END_DATE THEN
                    l_message:= 'Maxinum number of monthly payment of 48 month';
               END IF;
               IF l_remaining_amount >0 THEN
                    l_message:= 'Previous Car Loan amount is pending till';
               END IF;
               IF l_eligible_amt < p_loan_value THEN
                    l_message:= 'Please check Eligible Amount ';
               END IF;
          RETURN nvl(l_message,'S');
             RETURN 'Error';
          if(pageContext.getParameter("Submit")!=null) {
             OAViewObject vo2 = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("XxadtcCarLoanRequestEOVO1");
                   vo1.getCurrentRow().setAttribute("LoanStatus","Pending Approval");
                   int xxpersonId = pageContext.getEmployeeId();
                   String xxDeductionStartDate = vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("DeductionStartDate").toString();//pageContext.getParameter("DeductionStartDate").toString();
    //                SimpleDateFormat dateFormat1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/mm/dd");
    //                Date convertedDate1 = dateFormat1.parse("xxDeductionStartDate");
                   String xxDeductionEndDate = vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("DeductionEndDate").toString();//pageContext.getParameter("DeductionEndDate").toString();
    //                SimpleDateFormat dateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/mm/dd");
    //                Date convertedDate2 = dateFormat2.parse("xxDeductionEndDate");
                   String xxLoanValue = vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("LoanValue").toString();//pageContext.getParameter("LoanValue").toString();
                    int iLoanValue = Integer.parseInt(xxLoanValue);
                    System.out.println("Entered into submit loop");
                    System.out.println("xxpersonId id is:"+xxpersonId);
                    System.out.println("xxDeductionStartDate id is:"+xxDeductionStartDate);
                    System.out.println("xxDeductionEndDate id is:"+xxDeductionEndDate);
                    System.out.println("xxLoanValue id is:"+xxLoanValue);
                  OADBTransaction txn = am.getOADBTransaction();
                  String sql ="BEGIN :1 :=XXADTC_CAR_LOAN_REQUEST_PKG.CAR_LOAN_VALIDATION(:2,:3,:4,:5); END;";
                  CallableStatement cs =  txn.createCallableStatement(sql,1);
                  String outputval = null;//  int outputval = 0;
                  try {
                      System.out.println("Entered in try loop of callable funtion validation");
                        System.out.println("cs setInt(2,xxpersonId);is executed");
                        System.out.println("cs.setString(3,xxDeductionStartDate is executed);");
                        System.out.println("cs.setString(4,xxDeductionEndDate is executed);");
    //                              cs.setDate(3,xxDeductionStartDate);
    //                              cs.setDate(4,xxDeductionEndDate);
                  cs.registerOutParameter(1,Types.VARCHAR);//  cs.registerOutParameter(1,Types.NUMERIC);
                  outputval = cs.getString(1);// txn.commit();
                             throw new OAException("Organization name is:"+outputval,OAException.INFORMATION);
                        catch(Exception sqle){
                        try {
                        catch (Exception e)
                        throw OAException.wrapperException(e);
                        throw OAException.wrapperException(sqle);
    Please help .where is the error is.
    please help
    let me know for any clarification.

    Hi Arvinda,
    Refer Below code.
    // In Controller
    java.sql.Date DeductionSDate; //declare variable
    //In PFR
      String xxDeductionStartDate = vo2.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("DeductionStartDate");
       OADBTransaction txn = am.getOADBTransaction();
                java.sql.Date startDate= txn.getOANLSServices().stringToDate(xxDeductionStartDate);
                DeductionSDate = startDate;
        Set this to cs.setDate(3,DeductionSDate);

  • Calling PL/SQL procedure from OAF

    I have a button in a page ,which on click executes a java script function.
    The java script function needs to call a package procedure . This package procedure uses a HTP.P package to write html content for the page
    HTP.P('<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Oracle iProcurement: ...</TITLE>');
    now can I use do with the above package+function name to display the html content of the package procedure in a new window ?
    Thanks for your help

    Hi Gyan,
    Thanks for your reply
    I was actually refering to a page in 11i which I'm trying to migrate to R12
    the page has a button, on click of the button the following java script will be executed
    url = "/pls/" + url + "/CLOSE_ORDER.SHOW_FORM?ILINEID=" +lineid;,'close','height=375,width=435,left=25,top=25,scrollbars=0,resizable=0');
    CLOSE_ORDER.SHOW_FORM contains some html tags
    I'm not sure how we can execute CLOSE_ORDER.SHOW_FORM using java script. When I tried the same code in destination uri of button it opens a new page but it says page cannot be displayed

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    We have checked the setup and found it is proper. We invoked the pl/sql API from sql developer and we are able to insert the data. So we are facing this issue only when calling the api from oracle apps adapter.
    In the invoke call we have set these properties -
    Based on our analysis till now it is looking like a security context setup issue, but we are not really sure what properties to set.
    Any help in getting this through will be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Vijay,
    We have created the apps adapter with default settings as 'apps' user and set the properties Responsibility, RespApplication, Username of <invoke>. Other than that no other settings has been changed.
    Are we missing anything?
    This adapter is able to hit the database in case of 'Field Service' but it is failing for 'Depot Repair'.
    Edited by: 927382 on Apr 13, 2012 2:19 AM

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    <X_MSG_DATA  xsi:nil="true"/>
    Can anybody help me here? do anybody know what's going on?

    The best way to deal this would be to first call the Order API standalone with the same input which you are using from BPEL process.
    You can test Order API from Toad or any other PL/SQL tool and see if it returns the same response. Else write out the exact steps how you are trying to call the API.

  • Calling pl/sql api through multiple java threads

    Hi All,
    I need to call a pl/sql api from multiple java threads simultaneously and all thread will use same db connection.
    I want to know if all the threads will simultaneously call the pl/sql api then will the local variable inside pl/sql procedure be shared between them or they will get separate instances of variables.

    You cannot make multiple parallel client calls over the same Oracle session handle. There is a single non-threaded/non-fibre serialised server process servicing client requests for that session. (physical process on Linux/Unix, thread in the oracle.exe process on Windows).
    Each thread on the client side, needs its very own Oracle session. Thus each thread will have a server process footprint on the server. Which could be problematic if 10 clients each starts 10 threads - as it means a 100 processes on the server are needed to service these client threads.
    Have a look at Overview of OCI Multithreaded Development in the Oracle® Call Interface Programmer's Guide for how to use the threading call interface of the OCI - as oppose to rolling your own where each thread manually needs to deal with is OCI session context.

  • Call PL/SQL procedure from JDeveloper

    Is that possible to call PL/SQL procedure from JDeveloper?
    What's the setup and coding requirements?
    Thanks for any input.

    This is the Code:_
    package oracle.e1.bssv.J594101;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
    import javax.sql.*;
    public class CallSQLProcedure3 {
    public CallSQLProcedure3() {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // try {
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    // env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,
    // env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ormi://localhost:23791");
    // env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "oc4jadmin");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome");
    Context ctx3 = null;
    try {
    ctx3 = new InitialContext(env);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
    // TODO
    // Context ctx = null;
    try {
    // NamingEnumeration n= ctx3.list("ormi://localhost:23791");
    // System.out.println(n.hasMore());
    Hashtable h = ctx3.getEnvironment();
    // while(h.elements().hasMoreElements())
    System.out.println(" name " +
    // InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
    // javax.sql.DataSource ds =
    // javax.sql.DataSource ds =
    // javax.sql.DataSource ds =
    javax.sql.DataSource ds =
    java.sql.Connection conn;
    try {
    conn = ds.getConnection();
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    // TODO
    // ctx = new InitialContext();
    Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
    Context envCtx = (Context)initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
    // Hashtable h = envCtx.getEnvironment();
    // while(h.elements().hasMoreElements())
    // System.out.println(" name " + h.elements().nextElement().toString());
    DataSource ds2 = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup("DBConnection1DS");
    // Connection conn;
    // try {
    // conn = ds.getConnection();
    // } catch (SQLException e) {
    // TODO
    // } catch (NamingException e) {
    // // TODO
    // DataSource dataSource = null;
    // } catch (NamingException ne) {
    // try {
    // dataSource = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/DBConnection1DS");
    // } catch (NamingException e) {
    // e.printStackTrace();
    // String myError1="Error occured with Initial Context";
    Connection conn2;
    try {
    conn2 = ds2.getConnection();
    // conn = ds.getConnection();
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    // TODO
    } catch (NamingException e) {
    // TODO
    System.out.println("Error looking up " +e);
    This is the Error:_
    error message from executing a code ds.getConnection();
    D:\oracle\jdevstudio10133\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath
    name com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
    Process exited with exit code 1.

  • How to call a SQL function from an XSL expression

    In R12, in Payroll Deposit adivce/Check writer, We need to sort the earnings tag <AC_Earnings> in to two different categories as regular and other earnings. In the DB and form level of element defintiion we have a DFF which differentiates between the two kinds of earnings. But the seeded XML that is gerneated by the check writer does not have this field.
    The seeded template displays all the earnings in one column. How can we achieve this in the template without modifying the seeded XML.
    The one approach i have is to write a function and based on the return value sort the data. For this I need to know :
    1) How to call a SQL function from an XSL expression that is allowed in BI template.
    If anyone ahs faced similar requirements please share your approach.

    Thank u..
    but i'd seen that link wen i searched in google..
    Is it possible without using any 3rd party JARs and all?
    and more importantly plz tell me what should be preferred way to call a javascript function?
    Do it using addLoadEvent() or Windows.Load etc
    Call it thru Xsl? (I donno how to do dis)
    Thanks in Advance..
    Edited by: ranjjose on Jun 3, 2008 8:21 AM

  • How to call a Web Api from from a Visual webpart code behind?

    I am trying to create a visual web part in sharepoint 2013 with data received from another Web API.
    I followed the below steps.
    1. Created a Visual Web part.
    2. In the code behind(.cs) file I wrote the following code.
     async private void GetResult()
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8080/");
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                    var response = await client.GetAsync("api/Tfs/OpenEnquiriesCount");
                    var content = response.Content;
    3. When I run the application, I get security exception in the line await
    What is the way to achieve this? How to call a web api from share point visual web part?
    Thank you in advance.

    Thanks for your sharing.
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to call a jsp page from oaf and run in jDeveloper

    Hi all,
    I created sample jsp and then tried.
    String temp = "sample.jsp?";
    It worked.
    But when i tried with one of the custom page that i downloaded from server it is giving error.
    But now i need to call that page.
    Its Code is given on below link:
    Re: how to call a jsp page from oaf
    Please help me to do this.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hope you have placed the custom jsp page (which you have downloaded from server) under "jdevhome\jdev\myhtml\OA_HTML" directory ?
    2. Try to run the custom jsp page from Jdeveloper directly and check whether its working properly or not ?
    (i.e. add jsp page to any project in Jdeveloper then right click on jsp page and select Run xxx.jsp)
    3. If page errors out then custom jsp page seems require few parameters to run it successfully. Pass all requied parameters and test.
    4. There is no problem in the way you are calling jsp page from OAF page.

  • How to call pl/sql function from element values

    XMLP 5.6.3
    I noticed that the output of the rdf-to-data template conversion process makes use of an undocumented feature of data templates, and I would like to get input from experts as to which situations this feature is usable.
    The closest thing I can find in the documentation is a sample in the user guide. There is a "General Ledger Journals Data Template Example" that has a <dataStructure> section that contains <element> nodes which are NOT children of a <group> node. I can't find any explanation of this in the user guide.
    I've noticed from converted templates that in these un-grouped elements you can make calls to PL/SQL functions in the "value" attribute, like this:
      <group name="G_LINES" source="Q_MAIN">
        <element name="Line_Num"           value="Line_Num"/>
      <element name="C_CALCULATED_VALUE" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.SOME_FUNCTION"/>
    </dataStructure>Has anyone had any success being able to call PL/SQL functions from grouped elements? Whenever I try, it doesn't seem to work.
    When I try something like this:
      <group name="G_LINES" source="Q_MAIN">
        <element name="Line_Num"           value="Line_Num"/>
        <element name="some_calculation"   value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.SOME_FUNCTION"/>
        <element name="some_calculation_b" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.SOME_FUNCTION_B(:Line_Num)"/>
      <element name="C_CALCULATED_VALUE" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.SOME_FUNCTION"/>
    </dataStructure>The <SOME_CALCULATION/> and <SOME_CALCULATION_B/> nodes come out empty in the output data xml file, but <C_CALCULATED_VALUE> would have a value as desired.

    ah - perfect. That makes sense. Thank you for the response!
    But what about when we need to pass parameters to those functions whos values are the results of aggregate element values?
    This happens a lot in the converted data templates, where pl/sql package functions are meant to replace formula columns from the original Oracle Report. Take this example from the conversion of ARXAGMW.rdf (Aging Report, 7 Buckets):
    (note the function call in the value of "Set_Percent_Inv_Inv" is using aggregate results from subgroups)
      <group name="G_INV_INV" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Invoice">
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_Amt" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Amt_Due_Rem_Inv"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B0" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B0"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B1" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B1"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B2" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B2"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B3" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B3"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B4" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B4"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B5" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B5"/>
        <element name="Total_Inv_Inv_B6" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_Invoice.C_Inv_B6"/>
        <element name="Set_Percent_Inv_Inv"  dataType="number"  value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.set_percent_inv_invformula(:Total_Inv_Inv_Amt, :Total_Inv_Inv_B0, :Total_Inv_Inv_B1, :Total_Inv_Inv_B2, :Total_Inv_Inv_B3, :Total_Inv_Inv_B4, :Total_Inv_Inv_B5, :Total_Inv_Inv_B6)"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B0_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B0_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B1_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B1_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B2_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B2_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B3_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B3_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B4_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B4_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B5_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B5_Inv_p"/>
        <element name="Sum_Percent_B6_Inv" dataType="number" value="XX_CUSTOMPROCS.XXC_ARXAGMW.Sum_Percent_B6_Inv_p"/>
        <group name="G_Cust_Inv" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Invoice">
          <group name="G_Site_Inv" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Invoice">
            <group name="G_1" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Invoice">
              <group name="G_Invoice" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Invoice">
                <element name="C_Amt_Due_Rem_Inv" dataType="number" value="C_Amt_Due_Rem_Inv"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B0" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B0"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B1" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B1"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B2" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B2"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B3" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B3"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B4" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B4"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B5" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B5"/>
                <element name="C_Inv_B6" dataType="number" value="C_Inv_B6"/>
      ...All of these groups and sub-groups are based on one single query, so I am not sure how I would move the function call into the query without changing the results of the function.
    In the example above, elements Sum_Percent_B0_Inv through Sum_Percent_B6_Inv grab the results of the calculation done in set_percent_inv_invformula. Here is the essence of that function:
      sum_percent_b0_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b0 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b1_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b1 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b2_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b2 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b3_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b3 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b4_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b4 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b5_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b5 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);
      sum_percent_b6_inv := ROUND ((total_inv_inv_b6 / total_inv_inv_amt) * 100, 2);The only solution I can think of is to have separate queries, one for each subgroup, that do the "sum" in sql; but that seems terribly inefficient.

  • Calling PL/SQL procedures from a Windows CMD script

    I am writing a Windows CMD script. From this script I want to call procedures from a PL/SQL package which selects, inserts or deletes rows from the database.
    How do I go about logging into the database from the cmd script and calling PL/SQL procedures from there?
    Does anyone have any examples of such scripts? Thanks in advance.

    No, it is not a job that needs to be scheduled.
    The script will be used when needed to select info from a certain table and also to insert or delete certain info into/from this table (so, it is just simple sql statements which I have put into a package), but I'm sure how to log into the database and execute the procedures from this package in a cmd script.

  • Calling a SQL script from the PL/SQL block.

    Hello All,
    I am using oracle 11g database.
    My requirment is as follows. I have a SQL script to alter the table. But before alter the table I need to test some condition , if the condition satisfy then I have to alter the table through the SQL script. For the checking the condition I have to use the plsql block and inside I need to call the SQL script.
    Can I call a SQL script from PL/SQL block, if yes then how?
    I am tring to use START, RUN and @ command but it is throughing error.

    [PL/SQL manual|] Ctrl-F start, finds nothing. [SQLPlus manual|] Ctrl-F start finds this. Isn't it wonderful that Oracle documents this stuff so we don't have to guess.
    Can I call a SQL script from PL/SQL block, if yes then how? No.
    You could call the stored procedure in a SQL*Plus script before the alter table and have it raise an exception if the condition is not met and have the script quit when there is an error.

  • Is there any way to call a sql file from a pl/sql block

    I want to call a sql file from a pl/sql block.
    the pl/sql block has an exception handler. The pl/sql block will execute the sql file and in case it throws error then the exception handler will take care of it.
    The sql file will be a master file and it will itself call other sql files.
    is it possible to call any sql file from pl/sql block ?

    When you say "sql file", what precisely do you mean? Do you have a file that has just SQL statements? Or do you have SQL*Plus scripts?
    Where are the files stored? Are they on your client machine? Or the database server?"which in turn calls other sql files" seems to imply that the answer to the first question is that you have SQL*Plus scripts. If you have SQL*Plus scripts, you need SQL*Plus to execute them. PL/SQL is running in the Oracle database, SQL*Plus is a client application. It is not practical to have PL/SQL call SQL*Plus. Since you've already ruled out the best of the bad options, it appears that the answer is no, you can't have your PL/SQL run these files.
    As Alex points out, that's probably a good thing. It sounds like your application has been designed incorrectly. If you need PL/SQL, you should be creating stored procedures and functions and calling those from PL/SQL. Having PL/SQL depend on code in flat files outside the database is not a good idea.

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