Calling Tuxedo from java web service

i am new to tuxedo,i have developed web service in i want to call tuxedo server from my web service,please any one let me guide how to do such thing.
if any one have any related information please share with me.its urgent.
Thanking You

Thanks for valuable information and quick response.
I need more information on the same line. As all suggestion given by you required license assuming our component running in another JEE environment. Is there any option available which doesn't required any additional cost?
If not can you provide estimate cost of license for below option.
1. Jolt
2. Salt
3. JCA adapter of Tuxedo
Awaiting for your reply. Thanks in advance.
Kiran Sankpal
Edited by: user12023492 on Feb 9, 2010 10:08 PM
Edited by: user12023492 on Feb 9, 2010 10:08 PM

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    Any example/sample/tutorial on this?

    I've done something similar a few times, specifically using a standalone Java application to invoke a BPEL process (so that it can be called from a cron job, for instance).
    The thing to remember is that a BPEL process presents itself to the outside world as a Web service. If your Java Web service can communicate with other Web services (by sending a message of the appropriate format to the URL of the other Web service), then exactly the same technique can be used to call the BPEL process. You know what the input message has to look like, and you know where the process is located on your network, so set up the Java Web service to send the message to that address.

  • Call thirty party java web service but always return null

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    I used Tool Fiddler to monitor the traffic between my client and the web service server, it showed the return is not Null.
    Here is my code, please see if anything I do wrong.
    namespace CanOfficer_THQ_vs_IHQ.TestWebReferenceAppointment {
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Web.Services;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
    using System;
    using System.Xml.Serialization;
    /// <remarks/>
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Web.Services", "2.0.50727.5483")]
    [System.Web.Services.WebServiceBindingAttribute(Name="AppointmentServiceSoapBinding", Namespace="")]
    public partial class AppointmentService : Microsoft.Web.Services3.WebServicesClientProtocol {
    private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback deleteAppOperationCompleted;
    private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback importAppOperationCompleted;
    private System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback editAppOperationCompleted;
    private bool useDefaultCredentialsSetExplicitly;
    /// <remarks/>
    public AppointmentService() {
    this.Url = global::CanOfficer_THQ_vs_IHQ.Properties.Settings.Default.CanOfficer_THQ_vs_IHQ_TestWebReferenceAppointment_AppointmentService;
    if ((this.IsLocalFileSystemWebService(this.Url) == true)) {
    this.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
    this.useDefaultCredentialsSetExplicitly = false;
    else {
    this.useDefaultCredentialsSetExplicitly = true;
    public new string Url {
    get {
    return base.Url;
    set {
    if ((((this.IsLocalFileSystemWebService(base.Url) == true)
    && (this.useDefaultCredentialsSetExplicitly == false))
    && (this.IsLocalFileSystemWebService(value) == false))) {
    base.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
    base.Url = value;
    public new bool UseDefaultCredentials {
    get {
    return base.UseDefaultCredentials;
    set {
    base.UseDefaultCredentials = value;
    this.useDefaultCredentialsSetExplicitly = true;
    /// <remarks/>
    public event deleteAppCompletedEventHandler deleteAppCompleted;
    /// <remarks/>
    public event importAppCompletedEventHandler importAppCompleted;
    /// <remarks/>
    public event editAppCompletedEventHandler editAppCompleted;
    /// <remarks/>
    [return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("return", Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
    public string deleteApp([System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] int id) {
    object[] results = this.Invoke("deleteApp", new object[] {
    return ((string)(results[0]));
    /// <remarks/>
    public void deleteAppAsync(int id) {
    this.deleteAppAsync(id, null);
    /// <remarks/>
    public void deleteAppAsync(int id, object userState) {
    if ((this.deleteAppOperationCompleted == null)) {
    this.deleteAppOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OndeleteAppOperationCompleted);
    this.InvokeAsync("deleteApp", new object[] {
    id}, this.deleteAppOperationCompleted, userState);
    private void OndeleteAppOperationCompleted(object arg) {
    if ((this.deleteAppCompleted != null)) {
    System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs = ((System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs)(arg));
    this.deleteAppCompleted(this, new deleteAppCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
    /// <remarks/>
    [return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("return", Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
    public string importApp(
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] int person,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] string name,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] string territory,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] string location,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] bool primary,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] Nullable<System.DateTime> start,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] Nullable<System.DateTime> end,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("categories", Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] string[] categories) {
    object[] results = this.Invoke("importApp", new object[] {
    return ((string)(results[0]));
    /// <remarks/>
    public void importAppAsync(int person, string name, string territory, string location, bool primary, Nullable<System.DateTime> start, Nullable<System.DateTime> end, string[] categories) {
    this.importAppAsync(person, name, territory, location, primary, start, end, categories, null);
    /// <remarks/>
    public void importAppAsync(int person, string name, string territory, string location, bool primary, Nullable<System.DateTime> start, Nullable<System.DateTime> end, string[] categories, object userState) {
    if ((this.importAppOperationCompleted == null)) {
    this.importAppOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnimportAppOperationCompleted);
    this.InvokeAsync("importApp", new object[] {
    categories}, this.importAppOperationCompleted, userState);
    private void OnimportAppOperationCompleted(object arg) {
    if ((this.importAppCompleted != null)) {
    System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs = ((System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs)(arg));
    this.importAppCompleted(this, new importAppCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
    /// <remarks/>
    [return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("return", Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
    public string editApp(
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] int id,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] string name,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] string territory,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] string location,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] bool primary,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] Nullable<System.DateTime> start,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] Nullable<System.DateTime> end,
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("categories", Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] string[] categories) {
    object[] results = this.Invoke("editApp", new object[] {
    return ((string)(results[0]));
    /// <remarks/>
    public void editAppAsync(int id, string name, string territory, string location, bool primary, Nullable<System.DateTime> start, Nullable<System.DateTime> end, string[] categories) {
    this.editAppAsync(id, name, territory, location, primary, start, end, categories, null);
    /// <remarks/>
    public void editAppAsync(int id, string name, string territory, string location, bool primary, Nullable<System.DateTime> start, Nullable<System.DateTime> end, string[] categories, object userState) {
    if ((this.editAppOperationCompleted == null)) {
    this.editAppOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OneditAppOperationCompleted);
    this.InvokeAsync("editApp", new object[] {
    categories}, this.editAppOperationCompleted, userState);
    private void OneditAppOperationCompleted(object arg) {
    if ((this.editAppCompleted != null)) {
    System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs invokeArgs = ((System.Web.Services.Protocols.InvokeCompletedEventArgs)(arg));
    this.editAppCompleted(this, new editAppCompletedEventArgs(invokeArgs.Results, invokeArgs.Error, invokeArgs.Cancelled, invokeArgs.UserState));
    /// <remarks/>
    public new void CancelAsync(object userState) {
    private bool IsLocalFileSystemWebService(string url) {
    if (((url == null)
    || (url == string.Empty))) {
    return false;
    System.Uri wsUri = new System.Uri(url);
    if (((wsUri.Port >= 1024)
    && (string.Compare(wsUri.Host, "localHost", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0))) {
    return true;
    return false;
    /// <remarks/>
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Web.Services", "2.0.50727.5483")]
    public delegate void deleteAppCompletedEventHandler(object sender, deleteAppCompletedEventArgs e);
    /// <remarks/>
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Web.Services", "2.0.50727.5483")]
    public partial class deleteAppCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
    private object[] results;
    internal deleteAppCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object userState) :
    base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
    this.results = results;
    /// <remarks/>
    public string Result {
    get {
    return ((string)(this.results[0]));
    /// <remarks/>
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Web.Services", "2.0.50727.5483")]
    public delegate void importAppCompletedEventHandler(object sender, importAppCompletedEventArgs e);
    /// <remarks/>
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Web.Services", "2.0.50727.5483")]
    public partial class importAppCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
    private object[] results;
    internal importAppCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object userState) :
    base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
    this.results = results;
    /// <remarks/>
    public string Result {
    get {
    return ((string)(this.results[0]));
    /// <remarks/>
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Web.Services", "2.0.50727.5483")]
    public delegate void editAppCompletedEventHandler(object sender, editAppCompletedEventArgs e);
    /// <remarks/>
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Web.Services", "2.0.50727.5483")]
    public partial class editAppCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs {
    private object[] results;
    internal editAppCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object userState) :
    base(exception, cancelled, userState) {
    this.results = results;
    /// <remarks/>
    public string Result {
    get {
    return ((string)(this.results[0]));

    I used Fiddler to monitor the process, and it showed the request sent thru web service worked and returned a value, but in my .Net application the return captured as NULL. Could you please look into the code above and the result from Filddler and see if
    you can help.
    thank you.
    POST HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MS Web Services Client Protocol 2.0.50727.4252)
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    SOAPAction: ""
    Content-Length: 1589
    Expect: 100-continue
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:types="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsa="">
    <wsse:Security mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
    <wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="">
    [email protected]
    <wsse:Password Type="">
    <soap:Body soap:encodingStyle="">
    <person xsi:type="xsd:int">
    <name xsi:type="xsd:string">
    Corps Officer (Cahul-Russia) Test12
    <territory xsi:type="xsd:string">
    <location xsi:type="xsd:string">
    <primary xsi:type="xsd:boolean">
    <start xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">
    <end xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">
    <categories href="#id1" />
    <soapenc:Array id="id1" soapenc:arrayType="xsd:string[1]">
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
    Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 232
    Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:45:22 GMT
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <ns2:importAppResponse xmlns:ns2="">

  • Reading XML file from java web service

    I am developing web service using Netbeans and the application server is glassfish.
    but I am facing a problem
    I have folder called "config" which will include the xml files. What I need to do setting path into that folder
    but it will read from another location when I am deploying it
    How to set our own path ?
    DPL5306:Servlet Web Service Endpoint [NewWebService] listening at address []
    deployed with moduleid = WebApplication2 /root/MyWorks/glassfish-v2/domains/domain1/config/OSconfig/MConfig.xml (No such file or directory)
    at Method)
    My "conifg" folder, i have put in to working directory but it will read from "/root/MyWorks/glassfish-v2/domains/domain1/config/OSconfig/MConfig.xm"
    below method is used for getting its contain value
    public String getMainCofig() {
                String v ="";
              DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
              DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
              Document doc = docBuilder.parse(new File("OSconfig/MConfig.xml"));
              NodeList listOfSPRMs = doc.getElementsByTagName("MainConfig");
              Node firstSPRMNode = listOfSPRMs.item(0);
              if (firstSPRMNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                   Element firstSPRAMElement = (Element) firstSPRMNode;
                   // Getting platform
                   NodeList server_port = firstSPRAMElement
                   Element server_port_el = (Element) server_port.item(0);
                   NodeList server_port_List = server_port_el.getChildNodes();
                    v= ((Node) server_port_List.item(0))
            }catch (Exception e){
                    return v;

    I didn't quite get what the problem is but if the the desired file is in custom directory why don't you just use absolute path to reference it?
    Like: "/home/my/OSconfig/MConfig.xml"

  • Call rfc from Java Web application.

    I am new to SAP Java programming.
    I am developing a java web application on SAP NW SP16.
    I need to call a rfc and process the data to be displayed on a jsp page.
    I have few questions...
    1) Can I use the JCO destination created in thru wed dynpro content administrator, to connect to sap and execute the rfc/bapi?
    2) How would I create and access the model (rfc)?
    3) Are the required jar and dll(rfc32.dll ... ) files available on the server?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

       See the follwoing links which contains sample code to ceate JCO and execute BAPI.
    Kind Regards,

  • Unable to call HttpSevlet from java web server

    Hi , I have followed the tutorial given in jdeveloper,creating a Httpservlet. I followed the steps and tried calling the sevlet. I got 404 error. Can any one clarify how to view the web page outside Jdeveloper and how to configure JavaWebServer.

    U may require WindowsNT for this. Had similar problems with 98/95. Works well with NT.

  • Calling normal java web service from bpel

    i want to call a normal java web service (which has been deployed in an application server) and not a bpel process from my .bpel file.
    i see that while creating a partner link , i have to specify the wsdl file location.
    there are two options.
    from local bpel server and
    from local file system.
    since the web service is not a bpel prcess, it can not be deployed in the bpel process manager and i have to choose the wsdl file location from local file system.
    now there are some major differences in the two type of wsdl file, i.e., that of a java web service and a bpel process.
    let me give u all a concrete example.
    let i have a hello world web service which takes a name as input , concatenates the name with "hello" and outputs.
    i created a partner link to this web service.
    after creating the partner link, a local copy of the wsdl file is added into my bpel project which only contains definition import and partnerlink statements.
    but i can not progress any further.
    can any one help me out of this problem.
    also i will be helpful if any one can suggest a tutorial where bpel is used to orchestarate between normal java web services deployed in some other application server and not mere bpel processes.
    thanks & regards.

    Hi Sudipto,
    Just to add to the options. There are three options.
    1 and 2 as mentioned by you.
    3 you can give the hosted wsdl location directly in the text box. (i.e. somthing like
    This in turn will create a local wsdl which has partnerLink info and an import of the original wsdl.
    once you have this select the appropreate Partner Link Type and Partner Role.

  • Calling a java web service from R/3 6.0

    hi experts,
    can anyone please tell me how to call a java web service from R/3 6.0?
    i found some answers to this question but all those were for 6.4 or 6.2 but not for 6.0.
    i want to generate a outbound flow from ERP system. so please tell me something about web service in that context.
    Thanks in advance,

    I would do this scenario as a synchronous one:
    [SAP R/3][ABAP proxy objects] <-> [XI]<->[SOAP Adapter]<--->[external java app]
    In your ABAP transaction you will have to execute ABAP proxy method to send a message to XI. If it's not your transaction, you can use user-exit.
    BTW, I have an experience with XI 2.0, not with 3.0, so I used a XI 2.0 terminology.
    Andrzej Filusz

  • Calling a java class from a java web service

    I have deployed a web service to weblogic 8.1 SP5 and now i want to call a simple java class from that web service.How can i do it.

    Hi jazz123,
    There's an example in the [*Java Web Services Tutorial*|] : see Chapter 1: Building Web Services with JAX-WS - A Simple JAX-WS Client.

  • Error when calling Java Web Services from ABAP.

    Hello experts:
        In my project, I will call Java Web Services with ABAP coding. With WSDL, I generated a proxy class and created a HTTP connection (t-code: SM59) and a logical port (t-code:lpconfig) for this proxy class. But when running, I would receive the folllowing errors:
       SOAP:1.023 SRT: Processing error in Internet Communication Framework: ("ICF Error when receiving the response: HTTP COMMUNICATION FAILURE")
       If I used HTTPS, there is no problem.

    Hi Bob,
    It might be the possibility that your java web server is configured to listen only on HTTPS.
    If your HTTPS is working fine, then first check with your JAVA server for HTTP connectivity, then try it calling through ABAP.

  • Java stored proc from proxy Java classes generated from a web service?

    Hi gurus,
    I have searched "Java Stored Procedure" on this forum but could not find what I am looking for, so I have to post again.
    I need to use a web service and my client app is written in PowerBuilder 11 (Sybase), which claims that it will create a datawindow from a web service. Well, it turned out that PB can only handle simple stuff (it works with a very simple wsdl from the internet) but can't handle more complex ones that we need to use. So I am thinking about using Oracle JDeveloper(JDev) to create the web service proxy for the web service and then load it into Oracle as a Java stored procedure so that PowerBuilder can call the procedure. JDev succsfully generated the proxy and a few Java classes. My question is, do I need to load all the classes into the database? If yes, will the reference to the package work? For example, in a JDev generated class (the soap client class), it has package MyJdev.proxy; at the top. Or, will it work if I load all the classes included in package /MyJdev/proxy into the database?
    Thank you very much for any help.

    For the java stored proc called from pl/sql, the example above that uses dynamic sql should word :
    TYPE Ref_Cursor_t IS REF CURSOR;
    FUNCTION get_good_ids RETURN VARCHAR2 ;
    FUNCTION get_plsql_table_A RETURN Ref_Cursor_t;
    END MyPackage;
    NAME 'MyServer.getGoodIds() return java.lang.String';
    FUNCTION get_plsql_table_A RETURN Ref_Cursor_t
    IS table_cursor Ref_Cursor_t;
    good_ids VARCHAR2(100);
    good_ids := get_good_ids();
    OPEN table_cursor FOR 'SELECT id, name FROM TableA WHERE id IN ( ' &#0124; &#0124; good_ids &#0124; &#0124; ')';
    RETURN table_cursor;
    END MyPackage;
    public class MyServer{
    public static String getGoodIds() throws SQLException {
    return "1, 3, 6 ";

  • Call report from java with deployment of java web start

    I need call report from java,the call function is:execURL ( String pURL )
    pURL is a url link to call report from report services .
    such as :
    public static void execURL ( String pURL )
    String tempstr = new String();
    int posIdx = 0;
    if ( (System.getProperty("").equals("Windows NT"))||
    (System.getProperty("").equals("Windows 2000")) )
    posIdx = pURL.indexOf("&");
    while ( posIdx > 0 )
    tempstr = pURL.substring(0,posIdx)+"^"+pURL.substring(posIdx);
    pURL = tempstr;
    posIdx = pURL.indexOf("&",posIdx+2);
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start "+pURL);
    catch (Exception e1) {System.out.println(e1.getMessage()); }
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("start "+pURL);
    catch (Exception e2)
    It's run with no problem with deployment of simple jar.
    But when i call report with deployment of java web start,it can not.
    I think it's java secuity problem,so i add
    Permission "c://winnt//system32//cmd.exe", "execute";
    in java.policy file in client(windows 20000).However ,it can not too.
    Who can help me,Thanks in Advance!

    In your code, 'cmd' is invoked as Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start "+pURL);
    but in your policy file you specify
    Permission "c://winnt//system32//cmd.exe", "execute";
    Before creating a new process, the security manager checks for FilePermission(cmd,"execute")
    if cmd is an absolute path, otherwise it calls checkPermission with
    FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>","execute"). Try specifying
    FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>","execute") in your policy file.
    But, I believe using exec, may not be the right solution as it may not work on
    other platforms. Also you will have to expect the client m/c to relax security
    Did you consider using class instead to access the report
    service URL?

  • 401 Unauthorized Error When calling a SharePoint REST web service from SharePoint 2013 Workflow

    We have our Workflow Manger installed on the same server as our SharePoint 2013 WFE development environment. When creating a SharePoint 2013 Workflow all Calls to a SharePoint 2013 REST web service results in a 401 Unauthorized error.
    As an example I created a simple workflow that should return a JSON result. The REST Url returns the results in the browser without error.
    Set Variable:webServiceUrl to https://<hostnamedsitecollection>/_vti_bin/client.svc/web/lists/getbytitle('ISR%20Approvers')/Items?$select=Title&$filter=Title%20eq%20%27General%27
    then Build{...} Dictionary (Output to Variable:requestHeaders)
    then Call [%Variable:webServiceUrl%] HTTP web service with request (ResponseContent to Variable:responseContent |ResponseHeaders to responseHeaders | ResponseStatusCode to Variable:responseCode)
    The RequestHeader is set to the requestHeaders variable though the web service call properties
    then Log Variable:responseCode to the workflow history list
    After manually running the workflow in SharePoint on a list item in the ISR Approvers list it Logs "Unauthorized" in the Workflow History Log. It does this with every SharePoint REST web service call that I have tried through the workflow.
    It doesn't have anything to do with the Workflow Manger being installed on the same machine as the SharePoint WFE does it?
    Thank You for any insight

    According to your post, my understanding is that you had 401 Unauthorized Error when calling a SharePoint REST web service from SharePoint 2013 Workflow.
    Please make sure you use the ‘Call HTTP Web Service’ correctly.
    You can enter the URL into the brower to check whether it is correctly.
    You need to
    create the Request header requestHeaders
    using a Dictionary:
    Accept : application/json;odata=verbose
    Content-Type : application/json;odata=verbose
    To associate the
    requestHeaders variable, select the Call action
    property, set the RequestHeaders property to
    Please refer to the following articles:
    Working with Web Services in SharePoint 2013 Workflows using SharePoint Designer 2013
    Calling the SharePoint 2013 Rest API from a SharePoint Designer
    In addtion, you need to make sure you install the workflow manager correctly.
    More information:
    Install and configure workflow for SharePoint Server 2013
    Known Issues in Workflow Manager 1.0
    Troubleshooting Workflow Manager 1.0 Management and Execution
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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  • InDesign CS5.5 Installation parameter for serial

    Hello, I created a .msi install pack for InDesign CS5.5. The silent installation works fine, but I need to set the serial key after creating the .msi file, during the installation. Is ther a parameter or something for that? Thanks    

  • Select field BZTXT from T171 or V_T171

    Hi, I need a help. I need use the content of field BZTXT of table T171. At SE11 the table T171 haven't the field but if i see in SE16 the field appears. Then I try to use V_T171 but when I check my program appears "V_T171" is not defined in the ABAP

  • Initializi​ng menu ring elements in array

    I know that it is possible to initialize the elements of a menu ring using the property STRINGS[]. I have an array of 16 menu rings for labeling DAQ channels, and need to initialize the rings based of the set of available sensors (ie some sensors are