Calling UNIX Shell from WLST

I am using wlst 10g R3 on solaris 10 and need to make a series of calls to various shell scripts. when I use the os.system call the control is not returned to the wlst script :-( Any way to be able to call a script and let it run in the background then continue with the wlst script?

os.system is part of jython. You may want to ask in the jython-users email list from

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    In the package window, put "OS Command" from the toolbox.
    Provide the command parameters to this tool in form of "/path/to/script/"

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    v_txt varchar2(32000);
    i integer := 0;
    v_cd_modulo int;
    v_arqlog text_io.file_type;
    cursor c_evento is
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    (select e.cd_evento || e.cd_edicao codigo
    ,nm_evento nome
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    v_txt := '<BR>' || htf.formSelectOpen('P_EV_EDICAO', 'Evento: ');
    :p_file := '/u03/SCAWEB/repout/' || :sca_module_name || '_' ||
    pk_sca.sca_encrypt(:AUTHID || to_char(systimestamp, 'ss.ff'));
    v_arqlog := text_io.fopen (:p_file, 'A');
    text_io.put_line (v_arqlog, v_txt);
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    if i = 1 then
    v_txt := '<OPTION SELECTED VALUE="' || reg.codigo || '">' || reg.nome;
    v_txt := '<OPTION VALUE="' || reg.codigo || '">' || reg.nome;
    end if;
    text_io.put_line (v_arqlog, v_txt);
    end loop;
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    text_io.put_line (v_arqlog, v_txt);
    text_io.fclose (v_arqlog);
    rt := RUNTIME.GetRuntime();
    proc := RUNTIME.exec(rt,'rm ' || :p_file);
    return (TRUE);
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  • Call Unix Shell Script From OBIEE

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    I dont think so but we can go for it instead of BI side. Try to port the same functionality on shell script side, so that the script can identify your report using tail of nqquery log and execute the rest of your lines in shell script.
    This can doable and works as expected. If at all you are going with my suggestion you can go for a small key word to identify your report instead of that lengthy logical query.
    Pls mark if helps

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    Thanks Avinash,
    That on was very useful.
    When I try to execute I got the following error.
    Could you let me now What privileges are required?
    dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name => 'myjob',
    job_type => 'executable',
    job_action => '/home/rananto/',
    enabled => TRUE,
    auto_drop => TRUE);
    / 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-27486: insufficient privileges
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 99
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 262
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    SQL> exec dbms_scheduler.run_job('myjob');
    BEGIN dbms_scheduler.run_job('myjob'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-27475: "CRDM.MYJOB" must be a job
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 150
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 441
    ORA-06512: at line 1

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    throws CalloutDomainException, CalloutSystemException {
    try {
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    String outputFile = "/home/orasoad/digitalsign/output/test.txt.gpg";
    File outFile = new File(inputFile);
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    fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
    Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(fos);
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    String line;
    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {              
    CalloutMessage cmOut = new CalloutMessage(sb.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new CalloutDomainException(e);
    We were able to execute the unix shell script from standalone java class with same code. But some how it is not working as expected while invoking the B2B java callout.
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    Please give inputs.

    Though it's not a good idea to invoke shell scripts from java callout but technically it will work.
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    v_config_file=`find $FND_TOP -name LCTFILE
    FNDLOAD apps/s0ccer@$dxbs1 0 Y DOWNLOAD $v_config_file /home/bir4163/RPT33/bin/menu.ldt MENU MENU_NAME='AR_NAVIGATE_GUI'
    if [ $? != 0 ];then
    echo "$DATE $0 FNDLOAD DOWNLOAD Failed!" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
    echo "SUCCESS" | tee -a $LOG_FILE
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test_dbms_scheduler
    v_text VARCHAR2 (255) := 'AR_NAVIGATE_GUI';
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('I am in Procedure');
    DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
    job_name => 'test_dbms_scheduler',
    job_action => '/home/bir4163/RPT33/bin/',
    number_of_arguments => 1,
    job_type => 'executable',
    start_date => SYSDATE,
    repeat_interval => 'FREQ=SECONDLY; INTERVAL=1',
    enabled => FALSE,
    auto_drop => FALSE,
    comments => 'run shell script'
    DBMS_SCHEDULER.set_job_argument_value (job_name => 'test_dbms_scheduler',
    argument_position => 1,
    argument_value => v_text);
    DBMS_SCHEDULER.enable ('test_dbms_scheduler');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('I am back in Procedure');
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    Register your Shell Script as a concurrent program, Executable execution method "Host", then use fnd_request.submit_request to submit the program.

  • Accessing values between unix shell and WLST

    I am calling WLST script from a Unix shell script. I am passing some arguments to the WLST script. Upon error condition in WLST I am exiting from the WLST. But I want to capture that error condition in the shell script as well and exit from the unix script. Is this possible to achieve. Any lights out appreciated.

    You can use the native Python exit with a numeric return code. I believe that's system.exit(1) for example, to return 1 to the shell.

  • Calling Unix-Script from within Oracle and store stdout/stderr in table

    What I want to do is:
    1. Calling a UNIX script (e.g. (from inside the Database)
    echo “Hello World!“
    2. and get the stdout/stderr output back in my Database in a table (e.g. temp_back)
    table temp_back
    ID     stdout          stderr
    1     Hello World!
    I think Number 1 isn’t a big problem, but how to get stdout back in DB?
    Any solution?
    I searched a bit in this Forum and found this Post.
    re:Calling Host Command Through Database  Procedures or Triggers
    This may be what I am searching for, but can’t access the Link
    Since I am not really fit with UNIX and packages/procedures in Oracle it would be nice if you could post a very detailed answer.
    (Please no java)
    -What packages do I need? (heard DBMS_OUTPUT would be useful)
    -example PL/SQL script
    Thanks a lot!
    Oracle 9.2.0 DB

    Marcus, if you opened the Java sandbox to access any o/s file, you can call any Unix command, shell script, or program, that the Oracle o/s user has exec privs on.
    Just remember that there's a very basic Unix environment when you make the call - the settings in the .profile does not apply. Thus PATH for example is not set. When making the call make sure that the complete path is given. As for the environment, that is a problem as you cannot set that and make the call at the same time.
    In that case it is much simpler to rather write a Unix shell script that does all for you. Set the environment. Run the command(s). Format output. Etc.
    Then you call that Unix script, via Java, from SQL or PL/SQL. Treat the Unix scripts like the Unix-version of stored procedures for your Oracle application.
    Some technical details. When you connect to Oracle, a Unix process services you. This can be either a dedicated server process (servicing only your Oracle session) or a shared server process (from the shared service pool of processes).
    In either case, it is a Unix process running as a background process (thus detached from any tty device). PL/SQL and SQL are executed by this process. The Oracle JVM created by your session also lives in this process. When you therefore make o/s calls, these calls are made by this process.
    Therefore you are limited to what this process can and can't do. E.g. it runs as the oracle o/s user and will fail on accessing paths and commands does the oracle user does not have privs on. Etc.

  • User defined workflow calling unix shell script

    I have defined a workflow in OWB 10GR2 which calles a user defined object before calling the actual mapping.
    The user defined object calls a unix shell script which sets things right in the shell before the mapping can run.
    When executing the shell script from a unix shell myself it does exactly what I want
    However if I call the same script from workflow it does not recognize any of the commands not even internal shell commands like ls, touch.
    I've created a small script
    #! /bin/bash
    ls -l > listing.txt
    Created a flow with a user_defined object of which property is set:
    COMMAND.Value /home/oracle/
    If I then deploy and start the flow get the following:
    PF_WEB_00:TEST Success
    /home/oracle/ line 2: ls: command not found
    Anyone has any clue why this is or what I'm doing wrong?

    Hi Lew,
    Thanks for the reply.
    This basically confirms what I've figured out so far.
    I noticed I was able to get my script running by using absolute paths everywhere, after which my only problem was it could not resolve the TNS.
    To bypass this I ended up copying all the path settings out of the .profile of my oracle user into my script after which the script ran fine.
    At least now I know for sure what's causing it and that by making my scripts a bit more extensive then usual I can do what I please :)

  • Calling Unix shell script for some GUI interface

    I'm preparing a shell script, which would check for the syntax of a bteq script.
    I want this shell script to be called from a GUI interface...
    Is it possible to call this shell script from any GUI interface..
    If yes, could you please help me out.

    Harshad (user524171) wrote:
    I'm not aware of OEM grid control. Can i use it without Oracle or Oracle is must for this...Er.. this is an Oracle forum... and if you are not using Oracle s/w then why are you using Oracle support forums?
    I'm using teradata database and unix here...And what part of ORACLE Database General Forum+ do you not understand that makes you ask Teradata questions here?
    Teradata is not Oracle. Oracle is not Teradata. Please use the correct forum for your subject matter.

  • Calling Unix command from the plsql

    Hi ,
    I am executing java code from the UNIX Shell script. Before executing this command i want to write plsql code to and pass the files to java command.
    In the plsql code i want to select request id's using the cursor and find the .out files for each request id in the outfile path. once the file is found i want to copy that .out file to the current directory where the java command is going to execute.
    Please suggest me how to use UNIX Command (in my case "cp") to copy the .out file from the outfile path to current directory after opening the cursor.

    If I understand you correctly, you want to generate a log of request id's from the database and send this to the operating system whereby you will execute the following:
       <font face="courier">java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -XSL combinedfsg.xsl -OUT output.xml</font>
    If that is correct, then you should be able to perform all of this w/ PL/SQL by generating the log from the database and write it to the O/S w/ UTIL_FILE. If you want to execute the java code at this point, you should be able to utilize Tom's method with the following:
       <font face="courier">exec rc('java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -XSL combinedfsg.xsl -OUT output.xml');</font><p>

  • Calling UNix Script from portal Form

    Has anyone conquered this issue through jav or plsql. I need to call a unix script from the portal form when I select the insert button.

    I have several very convoluted ways which all work, but I have always thought there should be more straightfwd ways. Fundamentally the easiest way to call something from the Insert button is to add some PL/SQL code before (or after) the "doInsert();" call in the Insert Button event handler.
    What seems to be lacking is the ability to get from pl/sql to the o/s. So until we know how to do that you have to call a method in Java to execute o/s commands - specifically you can use Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); where Runtime is a class in java.lang, and cmd is the actual o/s command (script or whatever).
    How to call this Java is then where you have several options:
    1. Compile this piece of Java into the Oracle DB as a SP.
    2. Deploy this piece of Java within a Java servlet on a 9iAS instance. Then have another SP call this servlet using the utl_http package (begin_request and other sp's within package).
    Which options would depend on several factors including your preference but most importantly whether you have a DB or a 9iAS instance on the machine where you want to execute the script. If you have neither you have a problem. In such cases I have used a standalone OC4J container which has a very small footprint.
    As I said these methods are all quite convoluted and if anyone else has anything better I would like to know (but they work quite reliably).

  • Call Unix Script from JSP.

    I need to run a unix script from a JSP page.
    JSP pages reside on a different machine.
    How can i call the unix script resides on different machine from JSP.

    yah. I can access that machine telnet and having all credentials of that system.
    Can you please share the code needed for this.

  • Remote execution of unix shell from Windows ?

    I have a question related to distributed computing.
    I want to invoke Bash Script in a remote unix machine from my Windows 2000 computer. I hope in DOS environment of my Windows computer, I can run like this:
    Then the DOS batch file will automatically connect to a remote computer running Unix and invoke one bash script, for example, "" to do the job in the unix environment. In the file, for example, I just want to show "Hello World!". (echo "Hello World !").
    In Windows computer, if I use telnet to the unix machine, I have to enter username,password, and run the shell script manually. Is there a way to do it automatically?
    How can I do that? RMI ? IDL? or something else? Can someone explain in details?
    Thank you very much!

    You could try to use OutputStream object for the process object and write to it after opening the telnet session. This way your output will be to the telnet window and you could pass your telnet login info to it.
    I have seen code that does similar thing. Check in the forum with runtime.exec()

Maybe you are looking for