Can a MobileMe Gallery be a "Smart" Gallery?

I'm sure there must be a way, but I can't figure out how to do it!

Not directly. You have to add the images manually as long as you use the Web Gallery feature. However, what you can do, is to create a Smart Web Page and publish it to MobileMe.
Paul K

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    If you want Muse to "pass through" your images and not adjust, compress, crop etc - you need to place your images in the lightbox EXACTLY at the right size, pre-cropped and prepped in Photoshop.
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    Bark less, wag more - unless you are a Schnauzer

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    If you're a little familiar with Business Catalyst, you might find this widget helpful.
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    see this doc if needed
    A variable in SAPscript is called a symbol. There are the following types.
    • System symbol (e.g. the number of the current page)
    • Standard symbol (usable in any document)
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    goto any PAGEWINDOW's Text elements in Script (SE71)
    from the Menu-> INSERT-> Symbols
    you find all symbols here
    System symbols
    System symbols in a SAPscript form are comparable to system fields like SY-UZEIT in an ABAP program, and include these. The graphical editor offers three types of system symbol.
    1. General system symbols
    See the table TTSXY. PAGE is the most widely used. The list given in our BC460 training manuals is out of date.
    2. SAPscript system symbols
    See the dictionary structure SAPSCRIPT. SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES is the most widely used.
    3. ABAP system symbols
    For the ABAP system field SY-UNAME, say, the symbol is SYST-UNAME. http://SYST is the dictionary structure for ABAP system fields.
    Sample code:
    User: &SYST-UNAME&
    Standard symbols
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    Form Printout
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    Text symbols
    A text symbol is declared and assigned to within the SAPscript code, and so obviously applies only to the current document. The command DEFINE is used, requiring /: in the tag column, as in the following examples.
    /: DEFINE &COMP_NAME& = ‘University of Warwick’
    Reward points for useful Answers
    Shiva Kumar

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. No you can't because the web gallery is a separate entity from the smart album. Once the gallery is created in iPhoto you have to add photos to it manually and then click on the icon to update it online.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    Yes, you can add a QT movie file to an iPHoto Web Gallery. However, I would suggest you reduce the size of the file before importing into iPhoto and the gallery as they can become very large and very slow to load. QT Pro can do the job as well as VisualHub and some others. You might want to post over at the Quicktime forum on the best way to reduce the size and keep good quality. QuickTimeKirk is the reigning guru over there (IMO). Lots of smart QT users there.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Can I use CSS with PS Web Gallery Preset?

    Using DW CS4. I wanted to create a web gallery with captions under the thumbnail images. I could not get captions to show up using the workspace output tool in Bridge, so I used the web gallery plug-in and preset in Photoshop. The doc title and description from the metadata shows up with each thumbnail and large photo, which is what I wanted. I added an Iframe to make the gallery show up in my web page layout with all the links I wanted, and I re-wrote part of the preset html to eliminate some of the extra preset gallery text at the top of the gallery pages. I am using a transitional doc type.
    It all worked out just fine and the pages are working as planned.
    However, when I used DW to validate the gallery pages, the report showed errors because the font attributes for the gallery pages are controlled by html and not by CSS. There are two problems cited in the report:
    The tag "center" is not allowed within: <p>
    In HTML 4.0, FONT is deprecated... consider using style sheets instead.
    Questions: On the gallery pages generated by the PS plug-in and pre-set, is there a way to control font attributes with a style sheet instead of using the pre-existing html styling? Do I need to be concerned about the attributes being deprecated?
    If you need to look at the web gallery, you can see it at
    If you look, you can see why I am daylilybud!

    I used an iframe (as opposed to a frame) as suggested in an article by David Powers about embedding a gallery into a web page. He says the iframe is acceptable in html, and no problem with the iframe itself was indicated during validation, just the FONT attributes from the PS preset I used. You can read the article here:
    In my current gallery, thumbnail captions appear from the metadata for each photograph. For each large image, both the title and the description come from the photo's metadata.  This works well for my purpose, and I want to avoid re-entering each title and description. I guess my question could be better stated by asking if CSS can be added to the preset to apply to captions coming from the metadata of each photo.
    Regarding the lightbox approach you suggest, I looked at the example and do not see captions under the thumbnails. Can captions be added to the thumbnail images? (It is essential that my thumbnails have captions.)
    Customers need to see the name of each plant when they browse thumbnails in order to select items (daylily plants) of interest.
    Because I am dealing with hundreds of photos and will need to update frequently, I am looking for a solution that is efficient and fairly easy to maintain. So far, the PS web gallery preset meets my needs better than anything else I have found, but I thought I'd try to find out if I should and can fix the FONT attribute validation problem.

  • Can You Create a Fully-functional Web Gallery for a Non-.Mac Site?

    I love the idea of the web galleries that iPhoto '08 uses and would buy iLife '08 for that alone... but I don't have a ,Mac account and don't plan to. I have seen only one mention of this in these discussions, and it was only speculation. So here's the question:
    Can iPhoto '08 create web galleries with all the goodies involved--skimming over a gallery to see thumbnails of all the images for example--which will be fully functional on a private, non-.mac web site?
    If so, then count me in.

    this may seem other than your request, but I have a suggestion:
    just buy a darn .Mac account already. Personally, I've grown tired of hearning about how .Mac is unreasonably priced all these years. Well guess what, a basic account now gets you 10 gigs of space for about $90 if you pay the taxes. Thats an additional fee that you feel you shouldn't have to blah, blah, blah. -Sure, you can host to your own .com via iWeb and I'm sure we'll all hear about how to host other things without a .Mac account soon. But just pretend iLife costs an additional $90 and move on. It's worth it once you start to use it and you can say good buy to your concern. again, sorry for the indifference, but you can easily get past your issue. Think of it this way... there are many ways to upgrade to iLife '08 that will save you the same amount of money. If you're that cheap, go that route. If you're reasonable, like the rest of us that understand we need to pay (yes, unfortunately) for Apple's innovation, get on the boat and enjoy the ride.
    crucify me if you want... this ends my rant.

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    I want to sharpen all of my photos in a gallery at one time. How do I do this? In Lightroom, you can sync....can I do this on Aperture?

    I don't disagree ... .  I tested LR3, Ap3, and C1Pro5 for some large projects, and settled on Aperture because it's organization tools were a whole level deeper than LR's (at the time, C1P had none), and I prefered the interface.  I'm no wiz at LR, but I suspect the two are pretty much dead even photo developing tools.  I'm not at all tempted by LR, but I am drawn to C1P for photo developing.  If I didn't have so much time invested in Aperture -- and so many Images under management -- I would look again at C1P now that it claims to be fully integrated with a DAM.
    I think Aperture could be easily the best of the lot.  Like you, however, I don't see Apple aiming for "best".
    If you like Aperture and want to see it changed in any particular ways, send feedback.  Apple may not respond the way you want -- but they certainly won't respond to things they don't hear.

  • How can I make a "Youtube" style video gallery for offline, '.air' use?

    I work for a language company and we've put together a set of videos for use in computers, not online.  Currently we're using Apple's Keynote to present our videos to to the student.  This has the advantage of allowing us to put videos in a sequential order, with absolutely no work in the development department, and most importantly was easy for any student to control and navigate.
    Things have now changed.
    Keynote can no longer hold the size of our videos and we are constantly adding and changing videos all the time.  Now that CS5 is out, I would like to build a stand alone flash application for our system modeled after the same look and functionality of youtube. 
    Key features would be:
    • Main video player that links to our resident video files
    • Something that generates and displays a title for the current video
    • A text box below the main video player for notes and instructions
    • a side bar of thumbnails for all related videos, with titles displayed
    Future features would be an easy way for us to change videos in and out of the library (by "uploading" and "downloading" using a form for the videos, although not to the net, but again, on the resident computer).
    It looks like CS5 would make this possible.  My plan is to make a youtube-like site using flash catalyst.  I think I can do it myself since the first version only needs basic elements and design, but I know I'm going to run into some problems because I'm not sure the limitations of catalyst for this style of interactive video gallery. 
    What I'm looking for is someone to just quickly guide, tell, or yell me in the right direction, and I'm really keen (hell-bent?) on trying it out using Flash Catalyst... is this the way?
    Keeping in mind that my first draft only has to be a simple working version of the system, and I can play with the rest later, is any of what I said possible using flash catalyst?
    Thanks in advance to whoever can help me out!

    I doubt MU can do this.  It's pretty limited in scope &  I don't think it supports server-side code which you would need to parse feeds.  But feel free to post your question in the MU forum.  Maybe somebody there has a workaround.
    Nancy O.

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