Can I downgrade to adobe X?

We have a really old program that is not compatible with adobe XI. Can I downgrade to adobe X?

Hi natalia,
If you own Acrobat 10 license then as ~graffiti suggested you can uninstall Acrobat 11 and install Acrobat 10 and use it.
If not then the only way this is possible is if you purchase volume license for Acrobat11
Please refer our backward licensing policy at:
You need to contact our customer support for more details.

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    Moving this discussion to the Adobe Creative Cloud forum.
    LarryLilac please contact our support team directly at Contact Customer Care if you wish to modify your annual plan.  If you are on a month to month plan then you can cancel your current membership at any time.  You can find more details at Cancel your membership or subscription | Creative Cloud.

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    Hi hytech14,
    This is possible only if you have purchased volume license for Acrobat11.
    Please refer our backward licensing policy at:
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    Hi jason epstein,
    Customers who have already joined a Creative Cloud Single App membership for Photoshop at the £7.14/month level (or corresponding local pricing matching the pricing provided in the question above) will be automatically transitioned to this new program when it ships in a few weeks, with the additional benefits and lower ongoing price. All other Creative Cloud members who meet the qualification requirements may contact Adobe Customer Service once the new offer is shipping in a few weeks, to discuss transitioning their membership to this new offer.
    Please refer the kb: for more information.
    Romit Sinha

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    I think the FAQ has a link leading to how to manage your account
    But, you may need to contact Adobe directly
    OR, the Next link has a "Chat Now" button near the bottom

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    Absolutely not. You are misinterpreting things. The activation check never happens when just running the installer, only much later. It means what it says - there is another "install" pending/ active on your system, meaning somewhere there is an (invisible) process still blocking things. Either way, since you haven't provided any real technical info, we can't advise specifically. if you are on Windows, you may want to check your task manager and terminate any setup.exe and msiexec.exe processes plus potentially may need to manually fix/ delete some registry keys. For anything beyond that you will have to be much more specific.

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    You should not have to uninstall Premiere Elements 12/12.1 in order to install and run Premiere Elements 13 on the same computer unless your computer is overloaded and the computer resources are compromised. Just use one program at a time.
    Can you still use 12/12.1 on this same computer that will not let you use 13?
    What specific Window operating system are you using?
    Let us go through the usual drill...
    1. Does the problem exist with and without the antivirus and firewall(s) disabled?
    2. Are you using a pen and tablet device instead of a mouse?
    3. Did you install the program with antivirus and firewall(s) disabled?
    4. Disable the SLCache Folder found in Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit
    Local Disk C
    Program Files (x86)
    Common Files
    and in the Adobe Folder should be the SL Cache Folder that you delete or disable by renaming the Folder
    from SLCache to SLCacheOLD.
    5. Are you running the program as Administrator and is the latest version of QuickTime installed on the same
    computer as Premiere Elements 13?
    Let us start here and then decide what next.
    Thank you.

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    Can you please go through the following past forum posting:
    Hope that the info helps.
    With regards,

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    Well the method to do this with TinyUmbrella only works if you have saved your SHSH blobs before you upgraded. And for the record nothing about downgrading requires jailbreaking. And it's not risky to try whatsoever.
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    It can be a bit annoying that we can't downgrade either iOS like going from 7 to 6 or downgrade any apps, specially if the update app you downloaded is not what you expected. It can be unfair and wrong. Some of us may look at either an iOS or an app, and like it, download it, then later when we do the update, we sometimes find the next version had changed too much and is not what we wanted in the first place.
    It is not easy when it comes to iOS, but when it comes to an app, you can have two options, never update if you're really happy with the current version, or update only direct to iPad but don't sync to iTunes. Try out the app and if it is not what you paid for, you can delete it from iPad as long as you have not updated the app in your iTunes library, and sync the earlier version from iTunes back to iPad.



    I am not clear on what you mean by "register" but if you mean you want to install it on another machine then you just need to install it the same way you did for the first machine.

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    Hello Jannette92
    You can authorize to play his and your content but you are going to want to stay away from singing in and out each others Apple ID in the same iTunes library as that can lock out one of the Apple ID’s for 90 days. The best way to handle that is to create a separate user and have it just for his stuff and then use your user for just your iPhone.
    Authorize or deauthorize your Mac or PC
    iTunes Store: Associating a device or computer to your Apple ID
    How to use multiple iPhone, iPad, or iPod devices with one computer
    -Norm G.

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