Can I get full 1080 HD from my Mac?

Hi I am about to buy a plasma TV and am wondering whether to bother paying extra for a 1080p TV. I have a MBP 17inch, I went for the Hi res 1920-by-1200 version, so does this mean I can view HD film through my TV from the Mac. For instance if I downloaded a Blu Ray (hypothetically) movie file, or rented a HD movie/trailer from itunes would it be just like watching a blu ray/HD DVD? What connection would I need for this too is it a HDMI Cable. Sorry if this sounds stupid but I am new to this side of Mac stuff.
Thanks for any help

The MBP itself can support a 1080p television, but it depends a lot on the television whether things will work the way you expect them to. So if you have a particular television in mind, it will pay to do some research up front (possibly download the user manual on line) before your purchase to make sure the TV supports computer connections properly.
As far as getting 1080p content onto your Mac, that's not so easy today as there aren't many sources. Renting movies from iTMS will not result in 1080p. In fact, you can't even rent the 720p movies unless you use AppleTV. Some of the movie trailers are 1080p, but that's about it. And there is no legitimate way to copy a Blu-Ray disc to the hard drive, so that's not an option either.
All that said, I wouldn't discourage you from getting a full HD TV vs. the lower def ones. The full HD set will be more future proof. And a lot of content will look better on it, independent of having anything to do with computers.

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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
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              buttonsArr.add( new JButton( "second" ) );
              buttonsArr.add( new JButton( "third" ) );
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              ( (JButton) buttonsArr.get( 2 ) ).addActionListener( myListener );
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              panel.add( buttonsArr.get( 1 ) );
              panel.add( buttonsArr.get( 2 ) );
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              public MyListener() {}
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                   System.out.println( "hi!! " + e.getSource() );
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    hi! javax.swing.JButton[,140,5,60x25,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.5,
    I need this: "first" (from this part: "text=first" of the output above).
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    System.out.println( "hi!! " + ( (JButton) e.getSource() ).getText() );I think the problem is solved..If your need is to know the text of the button, yes.
    In a real-world application, no.
    In a RW application, a typical need is merely to know the "logical role" of the button (i.e., the button that validates the form, regardless of whether its text is "OK" or "Save", "Go",...). Text tends to vary much more than the structure of the UI over time.
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    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
              for (Enumeration e = config.getInitParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
              String str = config.getInitParameter("datasource");
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              // res.setContentType( );
              System.out.println("Got post request in XServlet");
              PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
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    String tempContextVar =
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    user570667 wrote:
    Hi 2 all,
    How can i get the source code from java concurrent program in R12? like , "AP Turnover Report" is java concurrent program, i need to get its source code to know its logic. how can i get its source code not the XML template?
    ZulqarnainDid you see old threads for similar topic/discussion? --

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    Believe it or not, the same FM worked for me in a dynpro. I will try to explain here how it works in custom screen and then you can do your work for other screens or program types. I am not going to write my actual work but will explain in general.
    I have 4 fields (FLD1, FLD2, FLD3, FLD4) and i made the search based on FLD2 and when user click on a line (could be any field), then this would bring the line on to the screens.
    There are like 3 steps.
    You have your value_tab for my fields FLD1, FLD2, FLD3 and FLD4. This is just the data that we pass into the FM. (data: IT_VALTAB type table of ZVAL_TABLE)
    Next map the screen fields into an internal table (data: It_dynpfld type table of dselc ). I also have other internal tables defined  (just to keep it straight, i will be putting here) data:  It_return type standard table of ddshretval.
    Next step is to call the function module. Make sure you have values in IT_VALTAB.
    call function 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST'
            retfield        = 'FLD2'
            value_org       = 'S'
            value_tab       = It_VALTAB
            return_tab      = It_return
            dynpfld_mapping = It_dynpfld
            parameter_error = 1
            no_values_found = 2
            others          = 3.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
          message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
          with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
          perform get_selected_fields tables It_return.
    The code within the perform GET_SELECTED_FIELDS  - We need to map the result fields after user selects it. The code goes like this. This is step is to update the dynpro fields.
    I need a internal table as well as a work area here. like,
    data: lt_fields type table of dynpread,
            la_fields type dynpread.
      field-symbols: <fs_return> type ddshretval.
    so fill out LT_FIELDS from the IT_RETURN table
    loop at lt_return assigning <fs_return>.
        la_fields-fieldname = <fs_return>-retfield.
        la_fields-fieldvalue = <fs_return>-fieldval.
        append la_fields to lt_fields.
        clear: la_fields.
    Call the FM to update the dynpro
    call function 'DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE'
          dyname               = sy-repid
          dynumb               = '1002' "This is my screen number. You could use 1000 for selection screen (hope so)
          dynpfields           = lt_fields
          invalid_abapworkarea = 1
          invalid_dynprofield  = 2
          invalid_dynproname   = 3
          invalid_dynpronummer = 4
          invalid_request      = 5
          no_fielddescription  = 6
          undefind_error       = 7
          others               = 8.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    good luck

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