Can I restore my deleted administrator account?

I did something very very bad...I have 2 accounts on my macbook air, an administrator account which was set up by my sister when it was first bought, and a standard account that I created later on (admin is for work, standard is for my personal stuff). My sister named the admin account after herself, so whenever I logged in, her name would come up. I went into 'settings' and changed the name from hers to mine so it would show my own name when I would log in to the admin account.'s the bad part...I thought that by changing the administrator login name, it would be similar to duplicating a folder, changing the name of the duplicate folder, and deleting the original folder. In other words, I thought that changing the administrator/login name to my own name would automatically keep all of the documents, settings, etc, under the new/changed name. So, from my standard/personal account, I deleted a very very important folder under my sister's name, thinking it was now just a duplicate. Well it wasn't, because once I logged into my work/administrator account, EVERYTHING WAS GONE!!!!!!! All of the documents, everything. It was like it had been restored to factory settings. I took it to Simply Mac, who did some scans and found 3 folders of "recovered files," but it was all just folders stuffed into more folders of computer jibberish. None of my old documents or data were in there, and I expanded every single folder in the "recovered files" to make sure. That alone took me hours, and I tried clicking on every possible thing within every one of those folders, but...nothing... dad is saying there's still hope and wants me to take it into another data recovery place, but it's pricey. Before I pay, I was wondering if anyone who knows Macbook Airs REALLY well knows the probability of me getting any of my old documents back??

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    Hi jamendan, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
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    I have found a solution.
    You need to use Keychain Access on OS X. In the sidebar select iCloud. You can locate the entry by searching for the part after the @ in the email address of that entry. Right click it. Select "Delete". It will be deleted from that machine as well as any other device synced with iCloud keychain.
    I did this in Mavericks, but it should work on Yosemite as well.
    As far as I know there is yet no way to do this in iOS.
    I filed a radar as well rdar://18835323
    Hope this helps.

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