Can I store movie on icloud

I have the movie "Frozen" on my IPAD AIR.  Can I store it in the ICLOUD?

If it was purchased through itunes than it should be available in the store for re-download.
If a digital download froma DVD site etc, then no.
You can stream some itunes content from the cloud but it requires a stable wifi connection and I have not exactly figured out what the requirments are I simply have some content that streams and some that does not.
If you want to watch offline, (Airpland and such) then it must be available on your pad.

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    How can I store files on iCloud?

    Actually, I have found that this is very possible, combining several other tips from around the web, though perhaps not easy.  I am using Moutain Lion.  I am assuming that you have already activated and signed into iCloud previously.  Here are the steps for creating a cloud storage location that you can drage any file into, and access from any of your Macs:
    1) Create a new folder in the directory that is synced with iCloud.  Start by opening a Finder window, and going to the ~/Library/ directory.  Do this by typing Shift-Command-G while the Finder is open, and typing ~/Library in the goto window.  Next, open the directory "Mobile Documents".  Finally, Control-Click inside the Finder and select the "New Folder" option, naming it whatever you like -- I chose "iCloud".
    2) Step two is about creating a shortcut to this iCloud folder in the Finder.  You cannot directly drag the iCloud folder into the Favorites section of the Finder, but you can do this:  Control-Click on your new folder, and select "Make Alias".  Now, drag this alias over to your Favories panel in the finder.  You will be prompted whether you really want to move the Alias out of iCloud: Say "Yes".  Now, delete the Alias -- you don't need the original instance of it any more. (Alternatively, you can skip to the end of step 3 and drag the symbolic link into the Finder Favorites)
    3) Step three is about being able to access this iCloud folder from the Unix command line, and from the Desktop GUI.  Open a Terminal window (Launchpad => Other => Terminal).  By the way, I recommend putting the Terminal into your Taskbar, if it isn't already.  You should be in your home directory ... to verify, type "cd" and press Enter.  Now, create a Unix symbolic link (an Alias won't work for this) to the actual location of the iCloud folder:
    Type "ln -s ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud/ iCloud" and press enter.  The command should be entered precisely, I recommend cut and paste.  The first character is a lower case "L" and there is a space after the backslash between "Mobile" and "Documents".  You should now have a symbolic link to the iCloud folder created.  To view it in the Finder, go to your home directory: Shift-Command-G, and then enter "~/" into the window.  You should see a folder called "iCloud" there, with a little arrow animation in the corner.  You can drag this into the Taskbar to have a permanent clickable shortcut.  You can also access the contents of this folder through the terminal.  From your home directory, just type "cd iCloud" and press Enter.  You are now in the iCloud folder (or more properly, your local version of it), and can use the usual Unix tricks ... "ls" to list contents, "mkdir ABCD" to make a new directory called "ABCD", "mv a.txt b.txt" to rename a file "a.txt" into "b.txt", etc.
    4) Step four is about accessing this folder on other machines.  On a second Mac, repeat all of the steps above *EXCEPT* for creating the New Folder in step 1 ... it already exists, but you can get it into your finder bar, and create sym-links in the same way from there.
    The great thing about this is that when you work, you are editing a *local* copy of the file, so you can work offline if you like.  Then, whenever you have internet access, the *actual remote* cloud copy of any new or modified files is uploaded.  Likewise, updated files are downloaded from the cloud to get your local files into sync.  You have the benefit/safety of a local hard copy, AND the portability (and extra safety) of cloud storage.  It's exactly what I wanted, and it works like a dream.  Plus, time machine can back up your *local* copies, to maintain version history.  I'm not quite sure what happens if you try to simultaneously edit a file from two places, but don't do that.
    Hope that helps you!

  • HT4890 Can i store photos on icloud?

    Can i store photos on icloud?

    valariefromoakland wrote:
    I thought icloud was a storage cloud.
    Not really. iCloud provides backup for iOS devices (not Macs), movement of photos from one device to another (but not permanent storage), and storage for syncing of iWork documents. It doesn't provide general file storage in the manner of iDisk.

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    Music only. From HT4914
    iTunes Match is a feature of iTunes in the Cloud that allows you to access your personal music library from any authorized computer

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    Hi ken511,
    I see that you desire to have a way to store your music in the cloud and be able to play it remotely on multiple devices. There is such a feature, and it is called iTunes Match:
    Apple - iTunes - iTunes Match
    Take care, and thanks for visiting the Apple Support Communities.

  • Can i store photos in icloud

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    Don't use icloud to store photos, it's primarily for syncing photos.
    Photos should be regularly synced to a computer (like you store photos from a digital camera) using either USB via iTunes (on a mac use iPhoto or Aperture to move them to an album) or using photo stream. 
    If you want to put photos on icloud for others to see, then...
    There are two ways to present photos on iCloud:  a shared photo stream and photo journals that lets you share photos with others...
    How to create a shared photo stream, go to this link for a tutorial - ream-album-on-ios-6/
    In the iOS version of iPhoto there are photo journals. nals/

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    Unfortunately I don't use sugarsync myself, I have a dropbox account and it works slightly differently.
    As I understand it you can upload files to a folder in sugarsync from your computer without having them sync to any of your devices. You can access that folder from any of your devices, and although you would need to download them in order to play the video file, you could then delete them without deleting the files in the sugarsync folder in the cloud.

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    Would I have to download the movies to my PC or could I store them directly in the cloud?
    There is good news coming!
    Technology experts are working on a movie storage system where YOU have physical possession of the movie.
    This system stores the movie digitally on an optical disk system that will not be dependent upon a congested, complicated, and fragile network.
    Because all of the data is stored only a few feet from your television, all the bottlenecks are removed.  Performance and reliability are virtually flawless.
    Further, the system will not utilize any form of security codes, authentications, or passwords. Once the optical disc is purchased it can be moved around freely at will, and can even be lent or given to friends and neighbors with zero hassles.

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    That can only be realized with a third party app like Video Stream (

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    I'm not sure if I'm just not doing it right or if there's somethign wrong, but when I go to the movie, and click the little cloud to try to download, nothing happens: I can see it in my Library (with the little cloud icon), but I can't play it, I can't download it, I can't do anything! 
    SO frustrating.  Please help.  THanks.

    Some simple things to take try:
    1. Sign out and sign back into your Apple ID on iTunes: Menu Bar > Store > Sign Out (wait for iTunes to Delete Genius Results if any exist); then, Menu Bar > Store > Sign In > Enter credentials (use your Apple ID used to make those purchases)
    2. (Re)Authorize / Deauthorize-Authorize the computer to download and play past purchases
         a. Windows Instructions:
         b. Mac Instructions:
    3. Instead of clicking on the past purchased item's "Cloud" button in your library try an alternate download area within the iTunes Store:
    4. If you wish to have the purchases on your device in the end... a work around, download direct on your device:
         a. Open iTunes App > (iPad) Tap "Purchased on the bottom bar or (iPhone/iPod Touch) Tap "More" then tap "Purchased" > Select your category of media (Music/Movies/TV Shows) > Browse to the purchase alphabetically > Tap the "Cloud" button and wait for download to finish > Progress can be seen by tapping "Downloads" button on bottom bar of iTunes App (any device).

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    You don't.  
    Movies are streamed only with Netflix.

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    I am trying to share a short QT movie with my niece which I made using my iPhone 4.0 ios 6 to her iPod touch ios 6.1.6. I have succeeded in creating and sharing a folder to her via iCloud to her iPod as well as other Mac users and their ios devices, but my niece can't receive the movie. I can't send it thru Messinger or email since it is too big. I can send her pictures and others the movie.
    What's going on?

    Try using a Cloud service like DropBox

  • Can I store documents in iCloud? Other than those default ones.

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    Does anyone know if Apple is thinking of adding "Documents" to iCloud. So I can stuff anything in there? Silly question I know, but yhou never know who's reading this stuff :-)

    Definitely not a silly question.
    As far as I know iCloud does not have generic storage for any kind of document. Only the specific Apple apps that support it.
    For those other things, I like Dropbox, which does sync flawlessly with the Dropbox folder on my mac, and with my IOS devices.
    You are correct, that would be a nice feature. You can give feedback to Apple here: Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback

  • HT4847 can I and how can i upload movies to iCloud?

    Looking for some help with this.

    You can't.  icloud is not a storage service like Dropbox - it's more of a syncing service (and backup for iOS devices).

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