Can I use my iphone 5 chargers/accessories with iphone 6

I currently have the iphone 5 and want to know if I'll need new accessories with iphone 6.  The car charger, sync cables, etc.
Thank you.

The new phone will, of course, come with a cable. However any genuine or certified cables and chargers that worked with your iPhone 5 should work with the iPhone 6.

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    Are you planning on paying full price for the phone?
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    If you old charger is a USB (+5V output) it will work. If it is a Firewire charger (+12V) then I think it will still work, but Apple has removed Firewire charging from most of the new iPod lines including the iPhone and 4th Generation Nano. However I think that the 120GB Classic may be the last iPod to still charge off Firewire chargers.
    It won't hurt anything to try it. If it doesn't work, you will get a screen display that states that the accessory is not supported or something to that effect.
    Good luck,

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