Can I use variables in mxml tags?

I want to control a lot of details in a layout.  I need to use variables to do this.  Of course I can use AS.  Is there a way to do it in the MXML tags?  See the code below.  I can do the "myLine.x = lineX" in AS.  But is there something like:  x="{lineX}" to use in a tag?  (This gives a warning, though it does work.)  It would make life faster if I could...   Is there a "right" way to do this?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
               xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
               initialize="init()" >
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
            internal var lineX:Number = 25;
            private function init():void {
                myLine.x = lineX + 50;       
    <s:Line id="myLine" xFrom="0" xTo="0" yFrom="50" yTo="300" >
            <s:SolidColorStroke color="0x0000ff" weight="2" />
    <s:Line id="myOtherLine" x="{lineX}" xFrom="0" xTo="0" yFrom="50" yTo="300" >
            <s:SolidColorStroke color="0xff0000" weight="2" />

Hmm, thanks, that's very useful to know.
I guess that means I should use AS.  It's not something I need to update often.  Rather, I have a whole bunch of groups of components/graphics that I want to line up based on each other--and when I change my mind about the size or position of one thing (possibly inside a container a level or two), I'd like to be able to just change one variable name rather than have to change them all by hand.  But AS can do it just fine.

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    //handle remote object fault
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    Edited by: RussellH-C on 26-Apr-2013 04:45

    You don't need to split the files. Create a Maxl with parameters and then call it in a bat file.
    In the bat you can then check for Error.
    essmsh -D "%HYP_MONTH_SCRIPTS_DIR%\Maxl_Files\HYP_ESS_Archive.msh" %DECRYPTKEY% Appname1 Dbname1
    call :archiveerrcheck
    essmsh -D "%HYP_MONTH_SCRIPTS_DIR%\Maxl_Files\HYP_ESS_Archive.msh" %DECRYPTKEY% Appname2 Dbname2
    call :archiveerrcheck
         SET FILE=%MAXLLOG_DIR%\Archive.log
         findstr /R "\<ERROR" %FILE% > ESSErrCheck
          for /F %%A in ("ESSErrCheck") do If %%~zA NEQ 0 (
            call :datestamp
            echo  Error in Archive Process......................... > %ESSLOG%
            copy %FILE% %HYP_MONTH_ERR_DIR%\Essbase\MaxL\Maxl_Error.log
            DEL /Q ESSErrCheck
            call :exit_process
           ) else (
                   echo  %DTSTMP%  Log Out Process was successfull......................... >> %ESSLOG%
                   call :remove_file ESSErrCheck

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    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-06-24 13:34:15 -0700 (Tue, 24 Jun 2008)
    Log Message:
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    Before I read this helpful post, I changed my Google search key words from "change location Firefox profiles" to "change path Firefox Profiles" and found this link: This brought me to the article "Moving Your Firefox Profile" which answered my question. Your suggested link would have ultimately led me to the same solution.
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    Your OrderFormBean class needs to implement a getNumOtaModulesSelected method for that to work. The expression language won't let you get at fields, you need to access it via JavaBeans properties.

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    The Syntax of the builtin HOST is :
    (system_command_string VARCHAR2);
    (system_command_string VARCHAR2,
    screen_action NUMBER);
    So , you can build the system_command_string as any VARCHAR2
    Example are provided in online help :

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    Generally, LV doesn't have variables in the same sense that most languages do. You can use indicators to perform the same function as variables, but as Adnan pointed out, you run the risk of having race condition and it creates data copies, which is a problem if you have a lot of data. In most cases, you should use wires to perform the function of variables, which is to store data and make it available to the different functions in your code. Instead of thinking about variables, you need to think about data (something like "I have the data coming out of this function. Where does it need to go?").
    Try to take over the world!

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              onClick='submitPage(''<c:out value='${buttonName}' />)' />
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    No. The details are given below:
    I have included the follwing line in web.xml file:
      </taglib>button.tld file
    </taglib> :
    public class ButtonTag extends TagSupport {
       private static final long serialVersionUID = 6837146537426981407L;
         * Initialise the logger for the class
        protected final transient Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ButtonTag.class);
         *  holds the Value of the button tag
        protected String onClick = null;
         *  holds message resources key
        protected String key = null;
         * The message resources for this package.
        protected static MessageResources messages =
          *  (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport#doStartTag()
         public int doStartTag() throws JspException {    
            StringBuffer label = new StringBuffer();         
            HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)pageContext.getRequest();
            try {             
                   log.debug("in doStartTag()");
                   Locale locale = pageContext.getRequest().getLocale();
                 if (locale == null) {
                     locale = Locale.getDefault();
                 label.append("<a border=\"0\" style=\"text-decoration:none;color:#FFFFFF\" href=\"JavaScript:");
                 label.append("\" >");
                   label.append("<table  onClick=\"");
                   label.append("\" ");
                   if(onmouseout!=null && !"".equalsIgnoreCase(onmouseout))
                    label.append(" onmouseout=\"");
                    label.append("\" ");
                   if(onmouseover!=null && !"".equalsIgnoreCase(onmouseover)){
                    label.append(" onmouseover=\"");
                    label.append("\" ");
                   if(title!=null && !"".equalsIgnoreCase(title)){
                    label.append(" title=\"");
                    label.append("\" ");
                   label.append("style=\"cursor:hand\" tabindex=\"1\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" background=\"");
                   label.append("background1.jpg\" > ");
                 label.append("<tr><td width=\"10\"><img  border=\"0\" src=\"");
                 label.append("leftcorner.jpg\" ></td> ");
                 label.append("<td valign=\"middle\"  style=\"padding-bottom:2px\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" style=\"");
                 label.append("<td width=\"10\" align=\"right\"><img src=\"");
                 label.append("rightcorner.jpg\" border=\"0\"  ></td>");
              } catch (Exception e) {               
                   log.error("Exception occured while rendering the button", e);
                   throw new JspException(e);
            return (SKIP_BODY);
         * Release all allocated resources.
        public void release() {       
    }In my JSP I have mentioned the taglib directive as
    <%@ taglib uri="/tags/button" prefix="ep"%>and
    <ep:button key="buttons.submit" name="submitBtn" styleClass="But"
         onClick='overwritePreApprovals('<c:out value='${transactionalDetails['inPrepList']}' />')' />Servlet.service() for servlet action threw exception
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /pages/pms/coordinator/Dashboard.jsp(325,48) Unterminated <ep:button tag

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    I wanted to add 10 to the variable if you choose the right answer. I wanted to give the incorrect answers a  value of -5. In other words. You could either end up with 10 points on a slide if you choose the correct answer or 0 points if you choose the 2 incorrect answers and the correct answer, or 5 points if you choose a incorrect and correct answer.
    At the end, I would like you come to a slide. this slide will be based on the value of that variable at the end. Either you have a 100 or lower depending on how you did.
    I hope this isn't too confusing.
    Any and all help is appreciated.

    You forgot one important detail: has the score to be transmitted to a LMS or is it only meant to be shown in the Captivate file?
    And which version are you using? The easiest way to achieve this is to use the partial scoring (and penalty) that is already available for MCQ slides with multiple correct answers.
    I have a lot of stuff on my blog about that type of scoring. Besides question slides, only interactive objects can have a score, everything you can find in the Advanced Interaction panel (F9). Here are some articles I wrote:
    Report Custom Questions - part 1 - Captivate blog
    Report Custom Questions - part 2 - Captivate blog

  • Can I use variables in Rules

    Hello OPA Expets: 1. I have calculation as below: the order line item depreciation total= ((the specified price per unit for the order line item + the order line item price after Transportation) - the order line item cash discount total) –((( the specified price per unit for the order line item + the order line item price after Transportation) - the order line item cash discount total) * (100-the depreciation rate)/100) how to use variable and simplify above rule to below: the order line item depreciation total= (x –(x * (100-the depreciation rate)/100) 2. I have created question screens for web determinations, but user input fields is around 30 fields. How to create input fields row by row instead of horizontal. 3. I have customized sumary screen, added label and substitued with %FieldName%. How to issue a page break?. now it is all in one line and users unable to find out how calculation logic applied as it is cluttered. Thanks a lot.

    Hello OPA Experts:
    1. I have calculation as below:
    the order line item depreciation total= ((the specified price per unit for the order line item + the order line item price after Transportation) - the order line item cash discount total) –((( the specified price per unit for the order line item + the order line item price after Transportation) - the order line item cash discount total) * (100-the depreciation rate)/100)
    how to use variable and simplify above rule to below:
    the order line item depreciation total= (x –(x * (100-the depreciation rate)/100)
    2. I have created question screens for web determinations, but user input fields is around 30 fields. How to create input fields row by row instead of horizontal.
    3. I have customized sumary screen, added label and substitued with %FieldName%. How to issue a page break?. now it is all in one line and users unable to find out how calculation logic applied as it is cluttered.
    Thanks a lot.

  • How can I use variable for a package filename and target file inODIFileMove

    I want to use a variable for paths so that when I migrate from Dev to QA to Prod I don't have to do a lot of editing.
    Specifically, I want a variable to be the first part of the path for the filename (\\sundev1\fnd1-hypd1) and join this with the rest (\update\log\*.log or specific filename) using several different objects like the ODIFileMove, ODI OS Command, OS Command, etc.
    Thank you!

    you could set up a database table holding processing parameters (i.e. Column1 - ParamName, Column2 - ParamValue).
    One row could then be ParamName = FilePath, ParamValue = \\<server>\folder\
    So, the refreshing query (attached to a logical schema) would be something like SELECT ParamValue FROM <your table> WHERE ParamName ='FilePath'
    Then, create a variable which can refresh from the database and in the package, drop the variable onto the flow and set it's type to 'Refresh Variable' in the properties.
    Hope this helps.

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    In my project data is fetched from the database and stored in the xml file. Data contains European characters as well. When I tried with UTF-8 it was giving error but when I changed the encoding to ISO-8859-1, XML generated.
    Well now I am stuck with a problem and as I don�t know much about XML, I am trying to get some knowledge from you.
    I have xml tag like: <Name&>Rohit</Name><employee#>78023</employee>.
    I am getting the error message �top level element must be defined.� This is because special characters are in TAG. But it doesn�t give error if I use special characters/European char in value( like Rohit*).
    I don�t know much about CDATA. Any help from your end will be greatly appreciated.Can this problem resolved if i use java function outformat.CDataElements(String[]) and pass the elements name.
    Rohit Dutt

    Client: I want this element name.
    You: The XML recommendation doesn't allow you to have that element name. If you make documents with that element name then no XML software will be able to read them. It just isn't going to work. Insisting on that would just be stupid and pointless. (Okay, you don't say that last sentence that way to your client but that's how it is. Explain it more nicely than that.)

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    object o = Parameters.Params[i];
    // Do something with o
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    call VarParams
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    Not only can you pass an array of different sizes but you can also make a parameter an empty container and fill it with any container.  The problem is you have to access it correctly within the subsequence.  I can see a practical use for the Array but not really for the container.
    Your last question regarding creating params dynamically: I would have a local variable that is in the Value for the parameter and then just change the local to what you want in the PreExpression.
    Hope this helps,
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

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    Hi Sebastian,
    Create a new selection in a structur in columns.
    In that selection, use characteristic 0CALWEEK and restrict it by single value, ready for input variable.
    When you restrict the characteristic 0calweek in the selection(right click and restrict), choose the option value range.
    Now in the left part of the window you would see 2 fields, for low and high vaue.Click on F4 help. Put in the same single value variable created before in both the low value and high value field.Now transfer your selection to the right side of the window.
    Then right click on the selection on the right side of the window and  choose set offset value.
    Put 1 in the first window and press ok and 8 in the second window and choose ok until u return to query designer.
    You can place the key figure structure below this structure.
    Hope this helps.

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