Can Java be used to parse Microsoft Word(.doc) files?

Hi guys ,
I want to know whether Java can be used to parse Microsoft Word(.doc) files for searching a string or for checking for grammatical errors, etc
Thanks in advance.

Hey man, anything and every thing can be done these days.
About ur question doc is like all other normal text files with some extra features and extra character supports and other stuffs.
If u neglect those parts and if u consider it to be a normal text file then its a much simpler job.
Here is a code that searches for the key word in all the doc files, txt files, pdf files and html files
in the mentioned folder and sub folders. Any way its a servlet u can change it to a normal program.
It first check the file to know whether they are doc, pdf, html or txt files if yes then it will read the file and
store the contents in the vector and parse the vector for the search string and display the result.
Along with the result the below code will also display the time taken and the number of search string found in the document
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class search_local extends HttpServlet
     public void service( HttpServletRequest _req, HttpServletResponse _res ) throws ServletException, IOException
          long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();          
          File RootDir     = new File( _req.getRealPath( "/docs/" ) );
          if ( RootDir.isDirectory() == false )
               System.out.println( "Invalid directory" );
               _res.setStatus( HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT );
          Vector kList = new Vector( 3 );
          StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( _req.getParameter( "search_text" ), "+" );
          while ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
               kList.addElement( st.nextToken().trim() );
          //- Run through list
          Vector toBeDone     = new Vector( 10 );
          Vector found     = new Vector( 10 );
          String dir[] = RootDir.list( new htmlFilter() );
          cDirInfo tX = new cDirInfo( RootDir, dir );
          toBeDone.addElement( tX );
          while (  toBeDone.isEmpty() == false )
               tX = (cDirInfo)toBeDone.firstElement();
                    int x = 0;
                    for ( ;; )
                         File newFile = new File( tX.rootDir, tX.dirList[x] );
                         if ( newFile.isDirectory() )
                              File t = new File( tX.rootDir, tX.dirList[x] );
                              String a[] = newFile.list( new htmlFilter() );
                              toBeDone.addElement( new cDirInfo( t, a ) );
                              int freq = searchFile( kList, newFile );
                              if ( freq != 0 )
                                   found.addElement( new cPage( freq, newFile ) );                              
               catch( ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException E ){}
               dir     = null;
          long totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis()     - startTime;
          formatResults( found, kList, totalTime, _req.getRealPath( "/docs" ), _res );
     private void formatResults( Vector _fList, Vector _kList, long time, String _root, HttpServletResponse _res ) throws IOException
          PrintWriter Out = new PrintWriter( _res.getOutputStream() );
          Out.println( "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Search results</TITLE></HEAD>" );
          Out.println( "<BODY><H3>Search Results</H3><BR>" );
          Out.println( "Keywords:<B> " );
          Enumeration E = _kList.elements();
          while ( E.hasMoreElements() )
               Out.println( (String)E.nextElement() + " : " );
          Out.println( "</B><BR><BR><CENTER><HR WIDTH=100%></CENTER><BR>" );
          E = _fList.elements();
          cPage sPage;
          String link;
          while ( E.hasMoreElements() )
               sPage = (cPage)E.nextElement();
               link  = sPage.cFile.toString();
               link  = "http://localhost/BugFix/docs/" + link.substring( link.indexOf( _root )+_root.length(), link.length() );
               Out.println( "<FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF=" + link + ">" + sPage.cFile.getName() + "</A></FONT>" );
               Out.println( "<FONT SIZE=-2>(" + sPage.freq + ")</FONT><BR>" );
          if ( _fList.size() == 0 )
               Out.println( "<I><B>No sites found!</I></B><BR>");
          Out.println( "<BR><CENTER><HR WIDTH=100%></CENTER>" );
          Out.println( "<BR><FONT SIZE=-1>Time to complete: " + ((double)time/1000) + " seconds</FONT>" );
          Out.println( "</BODY></HTML>" );
     private int searchFile( Vector _klist, File _filename )
          //- Links the file
          int     frequency=0;
               DataInputStream In     = new DataInputStream( new FileInputStream( _filename ) );
               String LineIn, token;
               boolean bValid = true;
               Enumeration E;
               cLineParse lp;
               while ( (LineIn = In.readLine()) != null )
                    lp = new cLineParse( LineIn.toUpperCase() );
                    while ( (token=lp.nextToken()) != "" )
                         if ( token.indexOf( "<" ) != -1 && (
                               token.indexOf( "<A" ) != -1 ||
                               token.indexOf( "<HE" ) != -1 ||
                               token.indexOf( "<APP" ) != -1 ||
                               token.indexOf( "<SER" ) != -1 ||
                               token.indexOf( "<TEX" ) != -1  ))
                              bValid  = false;
                         else if (     token.indexOf( "<" ) != -1 && (
                                        token.indexOf( "</A" ) != -1 ||
                                        token.indexOf( "</HE" ) != -1 ||
                                        token.indexOf( "</APP" ) != -1 ||
                                        token.indexOf( "</SER" ) != -1 ||
                                        token.indexOf( "</TEX" ) != -1  ))
                              bValid  = true;
                         else if ( bValid )
                              E = _klist.elements();
                              String key;
                              while ( E.hasMoreElements() )
                                   key     = ((String)E.nextElement()).toUpperCase();
                                   if ( token.indexOf( key ) != -1 )
          catch( IOException E ){}
          return frequency;
class cPage extends Object
     public int     freq;
     public File cFile;
     public cPage( int _freq, File _cFile )
          freq = _freq;
          cFile = _cFile;
//- End of file
//----- Supporting classes
class htmlFilter implements FilenameFilter
     public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
          File tF     = new File( dir, name );
          if ( tF.isDirectory() )
               return true;
          int indx = name.lastIndexOf( "." );
          if ( indx == -1 )
               return false;
          String Ext = name.substring( indx+1, name.length() ).toLowerCase();
          if ( Ext.equals( "html" ) ||
                Ext.equals( "pdf" ) ||
                Ext.equals( "txt" ) ||
                Ext.equals( "doc" ) )
                return true;
          return false;
class cDirInfo
     public File     rootDir;
     public String[] dirList;
     public cDirInfo( File _r, String[] _d )
          rootDir     = _r;
          dirList = _d;
class cLineParse
     String L;
     public cLineParse( String _s )
          L = _s;
     public String nextToken()
          String ns="";
          boolean bStart = false;
          for ( int x=0; x < L.length(); x++ )
               if ( L.charAt(x) == '<' && ns.length() != 0 )
                    L = L.substring( x, L.length() );
                    return ns;
               else if ( L.charAt(x) == '<' )
                    ns     = ns + L.charAt( x );
                    bStart = true;
               else if ( L.charAt(x) == '>' ||
                           L.charAt(x) == '\r' ||
                     ( L.charAt(x) == ' ' && bStart == false ) )
                    ns     = ns + L.charAt( x );
                    L = L.substring( x+1, L.length() );
                    return ns;
                    ns     = ns + L.charAt( x );
          L = "";
          return ns;

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                          [ -apps <domain>[,domain]... ]
                          [ -libs <domain>[,domain]... ]
                          [ -all  <domain>[,domain]... ]
    Paths are searched for applications to register with the Launch Service database.
    Valid domains are "system", "local", "network" and "user". Domains can also
    be specified using only the first letter.
      -kill     Reset the Launch Services database before doing anything else
      -seed     If database isn't seeded, scan default locations for applications and libraries to register
      -lint     Print information about plist errors while registering bundles
      -convert  Register apps found in older LS database files
      -lazy n   Sleep for n seconds before registering/scanning
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      -R        Recursive directory scan, descending into packages and invisible directories
      -f        force-update registration even if mod date is unchanged
      -u        unregister instead of register
      -v        Display progress information
      -dump     Display full database contents after registration
      -h        Display this help
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    By using an appropriate library. JText, whatever.
    Google, man.I think Rene meant iText!Whatever. :) Never used it, I just remembered there was something named like that. Thanks.

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    You ll find plenty of examples for the abovesaid in tis forum itself ;-)

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