Can message be set to look to my outlook contacts?

I love Messages on my macbook air --- but I want it to look at my contacts' names which are in outlook.  I know Apple wants me to use their Contacts program, but is there a workaround?

Getting rid of the long lines is easy -- go to Mail>Prefs and click on the Composing tab. In the lower section, under Responding, uncheck "Increase Quote Level" which, if checked, indents previous emails and gives you the line. Unchecked will give you no lines and no indents.
As for the full headers, when I Forward, all the headers are there. But when I Reply, they're not. I remember wondering about this a couple of years ago, but then it occurred to me that it actually makes sense. When you're forwarding an email chain, it's generally going to someone outside the chain, so they need the headers to follow the conversation. But where all replies are direct to each other, the single line giving the date, time, and previous writer gives you all that information, and the subject line of the email itself gives the last piece. In other words, it's more efficient to use a single line.
That said, I agree it would be nice to have the option of including a set of headers in a reply as well as in a forward.

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    Collegues! Have you any idea?
    Found this - [recommendation|] - how to, but there so simple scenario without details about standart functionality.
    Check In
    You can check in originals, which are saved in the local network, into a storage system. The following originals are indicated by the  icon:
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    Originals that have already been checked in, and loaded into the local network for changing.
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    You return to the data sheet. The original application file is indicated by the Checked In  icon.
    Save the document.
    Very simple, but not work, and no details. Castle icon are not locked. DELETE, CANCEL - work, but not CNANGE.
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    Howdy Meenatchi,
    I'd like to first reference you to the CAN Transmit - example VI located in the NI Example Finder under Hardware Input and Output»CAN»Frame API»Basic. It demonstrates how to transmit periodic frames via CAN objects and can act as an excellent foundation to develop whatever application you have in mind.
    Now to your question regarding how to configure more than one Arbitration ID using the I understand correctly in that you want to use ncConfigCANObj to configure more than one arbitration ID, then you could create an array of ObjName strings (i.e. Arbitration ID's) then auto-index that array through a For loop wrapped around ncConfigCANObj.
    I've attached an image forum_various-CAN-periods.png illustrating this idea.
    Message Edited by pBerg on 03-26-2008 10:28 AM
    Warm regards,
    forum_various-CAN-periods.png ‏13 KB

  • How do I update CAN messages being transmitted as a periodic waveform?

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    I looked in the Programmer's Reference Manual, and this is the procedure recommended. (A bit different, but I tried it and came up with the same results.) The Reference Manual claims ncWrite replaces the oldest data in the queue on page 3-30, but on page 2-40 it says ncWrite returns an error when called on a full queue.
    Does anyone see anyt
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    The "Transmit Periodic Waveform" section (pg 3-30) of the NI-CAN Programmer's Reference states, "Use this configuration to transmit a fixed sequence of CAN data frames over and over, one CAN data frame every period."
    The words "fixed sequence" denote that it was not intended to change as the program runs. I appolgize if this was not clear. Any suggestions for improvement to the documentation can be emailed to [email protected]
    If those two data sets do not change at run-time, they could be merged together. For example, make the buffer the size of both data sets added together. Start by Writing the first element of set one, then the first element of set two, then the second element of set one, then the second element of set two, etc.
    Randy Solomonson
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments

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    The thing is, the whole point of having separate accounts is to keep your data seprate from hers. So, any attempt to overcome this can be kludgy.
    For iPhoto 09 (version 8.0.2) and later:
    What you mean by 'share'.
    If you want the other user to be able to see the pics, but not add to, change or alter your library, then enable Sharing in your iPhoto (Preferences -> Sharing), leave iPhoto running and use Fast User Switching to open the other account. In that account, enable 'Look For Shared Libraries'. Your Library will appear in the other source pane.
    Any user can drag a pic from the Shared Library to their own in the iPhoto Window.
    Remember iPhoto must be running in both accounts for this to work.
    If you want the other user to have the same access to the library as you: to be able to add, edit, organise, keyword etc.
    Quit iPhoto in both accounts. Move the Library to the Users / Shared Folder. (I would note that some Lion users are finding Permissions issues with this.)
    (You can also use an external HD set to ignore permissions, a Disk Image or even partition your Hard Disk.)
    In each account in turn: Double click on the Library to open it. (You may be asked to repair the Library Permissions.) From that point on, this will be the default library location. Both accounts will have full access to the library, in fact, both accounts will 'own' it.
    However, there is a catch with this system and it is a significant one. iPhoto is not a multi-user app., it does not have the code to negotiate two users simultaneously writing to the database, and trying will cause db corruption. So only one user at a time, and back up, back up back up.

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