Can PQO been used in DML statements to speed up multi-dimension query ?

We have
limit dim1 to var1 ne na
where dim1 is a dimension.
var1 is a variable dimensioned by dim1.
This is pretty much like SQL table scan to find the records. Is there a PQO (parallel query option)-like option in DML to speed up multi-dimension query ?

This is one of the beauties of the OLAP Option, all the query optimisation is managed by the engine itself. It resolves the best way to get you the result set. If you have partitioned your cube the query engine will perform the same way as the relational query engine and employ partition elimination.
Where things can slow down is where you used compression, since to answer a question such as "is this cell NA?" all rows in the cube need to be uncompressed before the query can be answered and result set generated. Compression technology works best (i.e. is least intrusive in terms of affecting query performance) where you have a very fast CPU. However, the overall benefits of compression (smaller cubes) nearly always outweigh the impact of having to uncompress data to answer a specific question. Usually the impact is minimal if you partition your cube, since the un-compress function only needs to work on a specific partition.
In summary, the answer to your question is "No", because the OLAP engine automatically optimises the allocation of resources to return the result-set as fast as possible.
Is there a specific problem you are experiencing with this query?
Keith Laker
Oracle EMEA Consulting
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    Have you tried using iMovie?
    I know that iMovie HD '06 can do this, I'm not sure if '08 can.
    If you have iLife '08, you can download iMovie HD '06 from apple's site here.
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    PT 500 50.0 300 30.0 1000 10.0
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    Thanks for your comments.
    Ray Zachary

    Thanks to all who responded. You are all absolutely correct. However, this Ipad was a gift to my wife who was dying of cancer in the hospital and wanted some entertainment. So I started it out with her Apple ID. After she passed away I moved from Sacramento to Austin and eventually proceeded to get the Apple ID changed from my wife's to mine. Meanwhile when she was in the hospital I opened an Itunes account in my name to buy movies for her. That was the first mistake.
    Then during the move to Austin I lost track of the IPAD and later found it and tried to use support but could not remember the proper ID. Later the folks at the Apple store helped me create a new and novel Apple ID that was unfortunately unlike any other.
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    Thanks for your comments.

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    All the variables are in the free characteristics.
    When I open the query in Query Designer, it is ok.
    Any ideas?

    Hi Fong,
    PLease check the following link:
    It states that:
    You cannot integrate variables into the query directly.
    However, you can use variables in reusable structures, or restricted or calculate key figures, which are used in the Ad-hoc Query Designer
    Hope this helps...

  • Can anyone suggest me any other fax services that you have been used?

    I have used Popfax Internet Fax Service for few years, I know that Popfax is currently available in 23 countries, including France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Moldova, Croatia, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America and Georgia.
    I also know that Popfax -allows free receiption of faxes, and WorldWide sending for only 0.07 USD / page. As well as subscribing to the package "Send and Receive" for one year, is only 68.99 USD with 50 pages included with this Fax Service
    More than that recently was launched SMS service, by using it you can send a SMS to any direction of the world, directly from the Provider's web site or email. It offers a Free Trial without the necessity of including the details from your credit card number.
    My question is can anyone suggest me any other fax services that you have been used, and you think has more advantages from different points of view than the  Internet Fax Service Provider I've mentioned above?

    RingCentral is one of those internet fax service providers that deals with a lot of features, easy accessibility and wide range of services add-ons when it comes to online faxing.

Maybe you are looking for