Can't create MDFORM based on detail table with upload field

Has anyone suceeded in creating a Master Detail Form based on a detail form which has an upload field (blob column)?
I created a table (workingorders) and I want to attach documents to these orders so I created a table (attachments) which holds the attached documents and created a FK between workingorders and attachments. When I create a MD-form based on these tables I get the error:
Exception from wwv_generate_component.build_procedure (WWV-01821)
Error creating module: ORA-01403: no data found (WWV-16042)
When I use a detail table without the BLOB column I don't get this error and everything works just fine.
any ideas?

Yes, there was a problem when there was a blob field only in the detail table. This has been addressed in patch (to be released shortly).
Till then you will have to put corresponding dummy blob columns in the master table to create the form.

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    Master1 table: PK and FK, BId
    Master2 table: PK and FK, AgId
    Detail table: PK, BId & AgId

    I believe you need to create the database foreign key relationship with "cascade on delete" set. Then ensure that your association in BC4J that models this relationship also has the "cascade on delete" property set (it should by default).
    With this set, deleting the master should automatically delete the children.
    Hope this helps,
    UIX Team

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    jdev 11 1 1 5
    these are the SQLs used
    Parent SQL Based VO Query
    SELECT to_char(d.status_date,'yyyymmddhh24') TIME123, count(DISTINCT d.c4)
    FROM t1 d,
    t2 w
    WHERE w.c1 = nvl(:ou, w.c1)
    AND UPPER(w.c2) = UPPER(nvl(:tt, w.c2))
    AND d.c3 >= :startTime AND :startTime IS NOT NULL
    AND d.c3 <= :endTime AND :endTime IS NOT NULL
    AND d.c4 = w.c4
    AND UPPER(d.status) = 'CLOSED'
    GROUP BY to_char(status_date,'yyyymmddhh24') ORDER BY to_char(status_date,'yyyymmddhh24') DESC
    Child SQL Based VO Query
    SELECT w.c1,
    w.c5 - w.c6 processing_time,
    to_char(d.status_date,'yyyymmddhh24') TIME123 FROM t1 d,
    t2 w
    WHERE w.c2 = nvl(:ou, w.c2)
    AND UPPER(w.c3) = UPPER(nvl(:tt, w.c3))
    AND d.c4 >= :startTime AND :startTime IS NOT NULL
    AND d.c4 <= :endTime AND :endTime IS NOT NULL
    AND d.c1 = w.c1
    AND UPPER(d.status) = 'CLOSED' ORDER BY to_char(status_date,'yyyymmddhh24') DESC
    view link is based on column TIME123

    Instead of doing the master-detail layout by dragging the details over, can you try a new page where you first drag the master VO over and then drag the detail VO over, and then set partialTrigger from the detail to point to the master?

  • Create Fieldcatalog based on internal table (dynamic)

    Hi ,
    Is there a way to create Create Fieldcatalog based on internal table (dynamic).
    while creating fieldcat we usually many give the fields "fieldname" and "tabname".
    is there a way to get the fieldname from the main table ?
    Eg ..
    I have i_tab as the output table. It has 3 fields "a", "b" and "c"
    Now when i created fieldcat manually ( in case i cannot use fieldcat_merge FM) , i have to append 3 throws in fieldcat table.
    These rows would have "a", "b" and "c".
    Now i want to know if there is a way in which i can find "a" "b" and "c" fieldnames from the createdd internal tables.
    i can then append the same to fieldcat.

    Hi Anuj,
    I created a FORM routine for this 4 or 5 years ago and made a couple of refinements. Meanwhile it has prooved as very useful.
    The disadvantag is that it creates the oldfashioned field catalog for the function calls. But I already used it for OO fieldcatalog of LVC type - there is a function module for this but I do not have the name here.
    You need the two forms (second called in first) to build the field catalog from any internal table that can be used for ALV display.
    *&      Form  ALV_FIELDCAT_FOR_ITAB
    *       Feldkatalog from (arbitrary) internal Table (c) Clemens Li
    *       * build field catalog from        type description
    form alv_fieldcat_for_itab                                  "#EC *
      tables   pt_outtab                      type table        "#EC *
      changing pt_alv_fieldcat                type slis_t_fieldcat_alv."#EC *
        lv_desc                               type sydes_desc,
        ls_alv_fieldcat                       type slis_fieldcat_alv,
        lv_longfield                          type text80."CRM<=R/3 fname.
        <typeinfo>                            type sydes_typeinfo,
        <nameinfo>                            type sydes_nameinfo.
      describe field pt_outtab into lv_desc.                    "#EC *
      loop at lv_desc-types
          assigning <typeinfo>
          where not idx_name is initial
            and table_kind is initial "no entries for deep table like color
            and back                          = 1. "top-level-entries only.
        read table lv_desc-names index <typeinfo>-idx_name
          assigning <nameinfo>.
        check <nameinfo>-name                 <> 'INCLUDE'.
        ls_alv_fieldcat-fieldname             = <nameinfo>-name.
        while not <nameinfo>-continue is initial.
          add 1 to <typeinfo>-idx_name.
          read table lv_desc-names index <typeinfo>-idx_name
            assigning <nameinfo>.
            into ls_alv_fieldcat-fieldname.
        endwhile." not <nameinfo>-continue IS INITIAL.
        read table lv_desc-names index <typeinfo>-idx_help_id
          assigning <nameinfo>.
        if sy-subrc                           = 0.
    * Caution: Help-ID may be Tablename-Fieldname and thus longer
    * than 30 Chars; ls_alv_fieldcat-rollname is 30 Chars only
          ls_alv_fieldcat-rollname            = <nameinfo>-name.
          lv_longfield                        = <nameinfo>-name.
          while not <nameinfo>-continue is initial.
            add 1 to <typeinfo>-idx_help_id.
            read table lv_desc-names index <typeinfo>-idx_help_id
              assigning <nameinfo>.
              into lv_longfield.
          endwhile." not lv_desc-continue is initial.
    * help id may be data element or <table>-<field>
          if lv_longfield ca '-'.
    * get data                                type for table field
            perform get_rollname_4_tabfield
              using lv_longfield changing ls_alv_fieldcat.
          endif." lv_longfield ca '-'.
    * No Help-ID: Use Fieldname as text
          ls_alv_fieldcat-seltext_s           =
          ls_alv_fieldcat-seltext_m           =
          ls_alv_fieldcat-seltext_l           =
          ls_alv_fieldcat-reptext_ddic        =
        endif." sy-subrc                      = 0.
    * Starting 4.7: get edit mask
        if not <typeinfo>-idx_edit_mask is initial.
          read table lv_desc-names index <typeinfo>-idx_edit_mask
            assigning <nameinfo>.
          ls_alv_fieldcat-edit_mask           = <nameinfo>-name.
          if not <nameinfo>-continue is initial.
            add 1 to <typeinfo>-idx_edit_mask.
            read table lv_desc-names index <typeinfo>-idx_edit_mask
              assigning <nameinfo>.
              into ls_alv_fieldcat-edit_mask.
          endif." not <nameinfo>-continue IS INITIAL.
        endif." not <typeinfo>-IDX_EDIT_MASK is initial.
    * assign length, output length and decimals
        ls_alv_fieldcat-intlen                = <typeinfo>-length.
        ls_alv_fieldcat-outputlen             = <typeinfo>-output_length.
        ls_alv_fieldcat-decimals_out          = <typeinfo>-decimals.
        ls_alv_fieldcat-inttype               = <typeinfo>-type.
        append ls_alv_fieldcat to pt_alv_fieldcat.
        clear:  "prevent anything 2 B  taken for subsequent fields
      endloop." at lv_desc-types where not IDX_NAME is in initial.
    endform.                    " ALV_FIELDCAT_FOR_ITAB
    *&      Form  get_rollname_4_tabfield
    *       Get Data                          type for Table field
    form get_rollname_4_tabfield
      using    p_fname                        type text80 ""CRM<=R/3 fname
      changing p_alv_fieldcat                 type slis_fieldcat_alv.
        <dfies>                               type dfies.
        lv_tabname                            type tabname,
         lt_dfies                             type table of dfies,
        lv_fieldname                          type fieldname.
      split p_fname at '-'
        into lv_tabname lv_fieldname.
      clear p_alv_fieldcat-rollname.
      call function 'DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET'
          tabname                             = lv_tabname
          fieldname                           = lv_fieldname
    *   LANGU                                 = SY-LANGU
    *   LFIELDNAME                            = ' '
    *   ALL_TYPES                             = ' '
    *   X030L_WA                              =
    *   DDOBJTYPE                             =
    *   DFIES_WA                              =
    *   LINES_DESCR                           =
         dfies_tab                            =  lt_dfies
    *   FIXED_VALUES                          =
         not_found                            = 1
         internal_error                       = 2
         others                               = 3
      if sy-subrc                             <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid                   type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
        read table   lt_dfies assigning <dfies> index 1.
        p_alv_fieldcat-rollname               = <dfies>-rollname.
    * Und wenn keinerlei Twexte gepflegt sind?
        if <dfies>-reptext is initial and
           <dfies>-scrtext_s is initial and
           <dfies>-scrtext_m is initial and
           <dfies>-scrtext_l is initial.
    * No Text: Use Fieldname as text
          p_alv_fieldcat-seltext_s            =
          p_alv_fieldcat-seltext_m            =
          p_alv_fieldcat-seltext_l            =
          p_alv_fieldcat-reptext_ddic         =
        endif." <dfies>-reptext IS INITIAL AND
    endform.                    " get_rollname_4_tabfield

  • Create graph based on dynamic table data

    Hi experts ;
    i have JDeve Version , i'm create dynamic table based on dynamic SQL query this query return by function in database by based on passing parameter .
    My question :-
    1- How create graph based on dynamic table and contral it at run time ?
    Thanks & Best Regards

    Hi Mostafa,
    You can retrieve the data from your sql query in a backing bean and pass it on to Graph using the setTabularData method.
    Here is the javadoc for the setTabulardata method:
    Hope this helps

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    can NOT be done.

  • Allow users to create reports based on their own selection of fields

    Is there a way to allow users to create reports based on their own selection of fields?
    And if there is a way, then how?
    In access we retrieve all demographic info on one screen and on another screen user can be able to choose specific fields from a list box to import data into file.

    This can be handled in various ways - but the principles are the same.
    You need to apply conditional displays to all of the columns that your user can select and base the display of a column on the value of a field on the page.
    You can have a series of Yes/No options - one for each field and base the display on the corresponding field being Yes. Or you can use checkboxes.
    However, if you wish to use a multiselect list (which is probably easier as you can dynamically generate the list of field names), you will need to have hidden fields that will store either Y/N or 1/0 (I use ones/zeros) and have the conditional displays watch these fields instead. Populating these hidden fields is a bit more tricky than just having fields on the page that the user can control, but is doable:
    1 - Create one hidden field for each field in the report that you want to show/hide. Put these fields in the same region as the select list in a region above the report
    2 - Set conditional display values to "Value of Item in Expression 1 = Expression 2" and use the appropriate hidden field for Expression 1 and in Expression 2 enter in 1
    3 - Create a page process that runs on submit, and create PL/SQL code something like:
    vField VARCHAR2(1000);
    :P31_SHOW_EMPNO := 0;
    :P31_SHOW_ENAME := 0;
    :P31_SHOW_JOB := 0;
    :P31_SHOW_MGR := 0;
    :P31_SHOW_HIREDATE := 0;
    :P31_SHOW_SAL := 0;
    :P31_SHOW_COMM := 0;
    :P31_SHOW_DEPTNO := 0;
    FOR i IN lFields.FIRST..lFields.LAST LOOP
    vField := lFields(i);
    IF vField = 'EMPNO' THEN
    :P31_SHOW_EMPNO := 1;
    ELSIF vField = 'ENAME' THEN
    :P31_SHOW_ENAME := 1;
    ELSIF vField = 'JOB' THEN
    :P31_SHOW_JOB := 1;
    ELSIF vField = 'MGR' THEN
    :P31_SHOW_MGR := 1;
    :P31_SHOW_HIREDATE := 1;
    ELSIF vField = 'SAL' THEN
    :P31_SHOW_SAL := 1;
    ELSIF vField = 'COMM' THEN
    :P31_SHOW_COMM := 1;
    ELSIF vField = 'DEPTNO' THEN
    :P31_SHOW_DEPTNO := 1;
    END IF;
    4 - Finally, add a button that generates the report - this just needs to submit the page and branch back to the same page
    I've used the standard EMP table for this example and my hidden fields are P31_SHOW_fieldname. The code resets the hidden fields to 0, checks if the user has selected the field from the list (P31_FIELDS) and changes the hidden fields value to 1 for all those selected. When the page is re-rendered, the report hides the columns where the hidden field value is 0 and displays those where it is 1. The export option will then only export those fields that are displayed.
    You can see an example of this here:

  • How can I create a form for users wherein the text field will expand to accommodate additional text?

    How can I create a form for users wherein the text field will expand to accommodate additional text?

    You need to use LiveCycle (PC Only) to create a dynamic form like that.
    The best you can do with Acrobat to view all of the text in a field is to set the field to multiline, and set the size to "Auto" (If you don't set the size to 'Auto', you can enter as much text as you wish, but the user will need to use the scrollbar to view all of the text.)

  • Can we create multiple billing document from delivery with single line item

    can we create multiple billing document from delivery with single line item

    Please check the link
    [can v create multiple billing document from delivery with single line item]
    and as Lakshmi said, check the forum before posting an issue.

  • Can v create multiple billing document from delivery with single line item

    can v create multiple billing document from delivery with single line item

    Dear Sandesh
    Go to VOV7, select your item category.  In this maintain K  for Billing Relevance
    Now go to VF01, give the delivery number and do not press Enter.  Instead click on Selection list on the next screen, select the items you want to bill and click copy and continue if necessary
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • I want to create a mail merge for address labels into a table, but when I fill a table with merge fields, it ends up creating multiple entries for the same address, rather than one table full of each address.

    ...but when I fill a table with merge fields, it ends up creating multiple entries for the same address, rather than one table full of each address. Please help.

    That is a quirk of Pagesthat  it applies only one record per page.
    There is a way around this: &mforum=iworktipsntrick

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    We have developed a beautiful weather app with Adobe AIR.
    Androd users ask us to create a live wallpaper and widget plugins.
    Is it possible?
    Can we create a live wallpaper for Android with AIR?

    Turned out it is NOT possible to create neither live wallpaper nor widget for Android with AIR.

  • How I can change visible property of an af:table with an af:selectOneRadio?

    How I can change visible property of an af:table with an af:selectOneRadio? Anyone can help me with a tutorial, example or link?
    Thanks in advance.

    After you add the required libraries to your classpath
    you can do your use case as explained in this sample
    page source
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <f:view xmlns:f="" xmlns:af="">
        <af:document title="untitled2.jsf" id="d1">
            <af:messages id="m1"/>
            <af:form id="f1">
                <af:selectOneRadio label="radio" id="sor1" autoSubmit="true"
                    <af:selectItem label="0" value="0" id="si1"/>
                    <af:selectItem label="1" value="1" id="si2"/>
                <af:table value="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.collectionModel}" var="row"
                          emptyText="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                          fetchSize="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.rangeSize}" rowBandingInterval="0"
                          selectionListener="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}" rowSelection="single"
                          id="t1" partialTriggers="::sor1" visible="#{ControlVisibilty.table}">
                    <af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
                               headerText="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.DepartmentId.label}" id="c1">
                        <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.DepartmentId.inputValue}"
                                      shortDesc="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.DepartmentId.tooltip}" id="it1">
                            <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.DepartmentId.validator}"/>
                            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
                    <af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
                               headerText="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.DepartmentName.label}" id="c2">
                        <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.DepartmentName.inputValue}"
                                      shortDesc="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.DepartmentName.tooltip}" id="it2">
                            <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.DepartmentName.validator}"/>
                    <af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
                               headerText="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.ManagerId.label}" id="c3">
                        <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.ManagerId.inputValue}"
                                      shortDesc="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.ManagerId.tooltip}" id="it3">
                            <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.ManagerId.validator}"/>
                            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
                    <af:column sortProperty="#{}" sortable="false"
                               headerText="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.LocationId.label}" id="c4">
                        <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.LocationId.inputValue}"
                                      shortDesc="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.LocationId.tooltip}" id="it4">
                            <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.LocationId.validator}"/>
                            <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
    </f:view>The managed bean code is
    import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent;
    public class ControlVisibilty {
        private boolean table;
        public ControlVisibilty() {
        public void onRadioSelected(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
            // Add event code here...
        public void setTable(boolean table) {
            this.table = table;
        public boolean isTable() {
            return table;

  • Can I create a newsstand app in Indesign with the single edition of the Publishing suite?

    Can I creat a newsstand app in Indesign with the single edition or do I need the Professional?  If I can't what is it about the Professional or enterprize plan that give the capability to publish a app using the Newsstand format?

    You need professional or enterprise. You can only produce single issue, non-newsstand, applications with Single Edition.

  • How to convert internal table with dynamic fields to XML

    Dear all,
    I met a problem like the following:
    The aim is to transform the following parameter to XML
    IT_FIELD stores the dynamic filed name of the internal table,with these fields, the dynamic internal can be created by cl_abap_tabledescr=>create(it_field)
    IT_VALUE stores the value of the internal table dynamically created with dynamic fields.
    For example
    IT_FIELD =>
    line1: FIELD1
    line2: FIELD2
    line3: FIELD3,
    three lines in this internal table.
    dynamically created internal table structure FIELD1 FIELD2 FIELD3
    And IT_VALUE=>
    1          2          3   (First line)
    11        22        33
    two lines of data.
    Do you have any idea about how to transform the IT_VALUE to XML here? And also the transformed XML to the IT_VALUE.( we may need remember IT_FIELD here for later XML to IT_VALUE.)
    Hope I describe the problem clearly.
    Any inputs will be appreciated.
    Edited by: Max Tang on Jan 12, 2009 3:46 PM
    Edited by: Max Tang on Jan 12, 2009 4:14 PM

    you need to implement a bit of coding for that.
    With the 'do varying' statement abap provides a loop over those fields. Within this loop you can build up a new internal table with one entry for each period and amount.
    kind regards
    PS: I am not very familiar with CO, but I guess there will be a standard extractor for that.

Maybe you are looking for