Can we change the jdk on which oim is running

We have installed OIM 9102 on weblogic 10.3. The OS is RHEL 5.2 x86-64 bit, but weblogic is 32 bit and hence the jrockit which we are using is also 32 bit. Now we have an additional application (SAPJCO3) requirement of 64 bit jdk as the os which we are using is 64 bit. This application will run into OIM only. I am just wondering if we can point the JAVA_HOME to 64 bit jdk. If anybody face this issue in past or has any idea, please let me know.

OIM is an application which is deployed on an application server. So whatever JDK version is configured for WebLogic will be the one used for OIM. The additional application that you want to run, Runs in the context of OIM so that will use JDK being used by OIM.
So effectively you can have only one JDK instance configured for both the applications. Also check if weblogic being used is 64 bit then only you will be able to configure 64 bit JDK.
Kiran Thakkar

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    Hello So Hee,
    I am not a technical guy.
    But for your requirement i am building a logic.
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    If you are looking at the entire music library ("Music") you can sort by any of the columns by clicking the column header.  If there is a column you can't see, enable it by going to View > View Options.
    Within a playlist, you can do the same, and in addition you can click above the column of sequence numbers, which will then allow you to drag tracks up or down to get any order you wish.

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    Thanks a lot.
    Crane 1 (Master).vi ‏40 KB
    Crane 2(Slave).vi ‏35 KB
    Crane 3 (Slave).vi ‏35 KB

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    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    text-align: left;
    font-family: sans-serif;
    font-size: medium;
    color: black;
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    An MSCE in computing is like having a McDonalds Certification in World Cuisine, pointless.

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