Can you slowdown the speed of a video in Imovie?

Have .mov files of 8mm film.  They run too fast.  Can Imovie slow them down?

katefromelkhorn wrote:
... Can Imovie slow them down?
double click the clip in your Project.
there's a slider ....

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    This feature is not built into iMovie 08. However, you can take a clip and use a third party app like JES Deinterlacer to change the speed. Then reimport the new clip into iMovie.

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    As far as I know - NO not possibly in iMovie
    You need either to
    • Export out as QuickTime movie - and in QuickTime Pro change size then re-import - or -
    • Do the job in FinalCut - where this is easy and straight forward ( BUT FINALCUT in it self can be tough to LEARN - rather steet learning curve - but when into it Very rewarding )
    Yours Bengt W

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    There are several way to do this;
    Replace with clip... .html#WSA009AFF1-4D78-43cc-B60D-5B46E5ACB117

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    InDesign's PDF export engine does not transcode your videos, they are embedded exactly as they were in the original file. The Flash Player runtime which displays video inside PDF files may not show a perfect match to Quicktime etc. because most video playback tools aren't designed for a color-calibrated workflow, but they should be close.
    The playback quality (blocking and aliasing) will be affected if the clip is not playing at 100% (screen pixels != video pixels) and in PDFs with the standard video player widget, that will only ever happen when you use 'floating window' mode. PDF pages have physical dimensions, so viewing them at "100%" does not make them match screen pixels.
    If you don't mind the video clip being smaller than the media annotation in which it's playing, then use my free upgrade to the Acrobat playback widget - VideoPlayerX - which maintains 1:1 pixel scale until the page is zoomed out too far for it to fit. You can install the widget into InDesign so it's used by default when exporting.

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    Is there anyone knows where it is?
    many thanks!

    Upgrade to iMovie 06.
    Slow / Fast Motion is easy with iMovie 06.
    iMovie 06 is a free download to iLife 08 owners. (THEY WANT YOU TO HAVE IT!)
    Much has been written about the differences between iMovie 06 and iMovie 08. I have found the below link to be helpful.

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    here it's how to use the writer
    char *stringhe_sorgenti[10] = {0};
    out = OpenFile(nfile, VAL_WRITE_ONLY, VAL_TRUNCATE, VAL_ASCII);
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*); i++){
    stringhe_sorgenti[i] = (char*)calloc(200, sizeof(char));
    sprintf(stringhe_sorgenti[0], "example1");
    sprintf(stringhe_sorgenti[1], "example2");
    scrivi_riga_csv(out, stringhe_sorgenti, sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*), formato);
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*); i++){
    here is the writer 
    void scrivi_riga_csv(int file_handle, char *stringa_sorgente[], int numero_stringhe, int formato)
    char delimitatore[2][2] = {{',', '\0'}, {';', '\0'}};
    char stringa_destinazione[1024] = {0};
    int index_destinazione = {0};
    int index_start = {0};
    int index_fine = {0};
    int errore = {0};
    int i = {0};
    //int k = {0};
    size_t lunghezza_stringa = {0};
    for(i = 0; i < numero_stringhe; i++){
    if(i != 0){
    stringa_destinazione[index_destinazione++] = delimitatore[formato][0];
    index_start = 0;
    lunghezza_stringa = strlen(stringa_sorgente[i]);
    // se la stringa sorgente
    if( (FindPattern(stringa_sorgente[i], 0, lunghezza_stringa, delimitatore[formato], 0, 0) != -1) // contiene delimitatore
    || (FindPattern(stringa_sorgente[i], 0, lunghezza_stringa, "\"", 0, 0) != -1) // contiene parentesi
    || (FindPattern(stringa_sorgente[i], 0, lunghezza_stringa, "\n", 0, 0) != -1) // contiene a capo
    // apro parentesi all'inizio
    stringa_destinazione[index_destinazione++] = '"';
    // metodo find pattern, piu' complesso ma piu' performante
    do{ index_fine = FindPattern(stringa_sorgente[i], index_start, lunghezza_stringa - index_start, "\"", 0, 0);
    if(index_fine != -1){
    // copio dall'inizio fino alle virgolette
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione, index_destinazione, stringa_sorgente[i], index_start, index_fine - index_start);
    index_destinazione += index_fine - index_start;
    // ne aggiungo una dopo
    stringa_destinazione[index_destinazione++] = '"';
    // aggiorno la posizione di start e riparto con il while
    index_start = index_fine;
    }while(index_fine != -1);
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione, index_destinazione, stringa_sorgente[i], index_start, lunghezza_stringa - index_start);
    index_destinazione += strlen(stringa_sorgente[i]) - index_start;
    // alla fine della riga chiudo la parentesi
    stringa_destinazione[index_destinazione++] = '"';
    // altrimenti la copio semplicemente e shifto l'indice della stringa di destinazione
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione, index_destinazione, stringa_sorgente[i], 0, lunghezza_stringa);
    index_destinazione += strlen(stringa_sorgente[i]);
    memset(stringa_sorgente[i], 0, strlen(stringa_sorgente[i]));
    errore = WriteLine (file_handle, stringa_destinazione, strlen(stringa_destinazione));
    if(errore == -1){
    errore = GetFmtIOError();
    MessagePopup("WriteLine -> WriteLine", GetFmtIOErrorString(errore));
     here how to read the file
    char *stringhe_sorgenti[10] = {0};
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*); i++){
    stringhe_sorgenti[i] = (char*)calloc(200, sizeof(char));
    out = OpenFile(nomearchivio, VAL_READ_ONLY, VAL_OPEN_AS_IS, VAL_BINARY);
    leggi_riga_csv(out, stringhe_sorgenti, sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*), formato);
    strcpy(, stringhe_sorgenti[1]);
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(stringhe_sorgenti)/sizeof(char*); i++){
     and here the reader
    void leggi_riga_csv(int file_handle, char *stringa_destinazione[], int numero_stringhe, int formato)
    char delimitatore[2][2] = {{',', '\0'},
    {';', '\0'}};
    char stringa_sorgente[1024] = {0};
    int stringa_in_corso = {0};
    int index_inizio_valore = {0};
    int index_doublequote = {0};
    int offset_stringa_destinazione = {0};
    size_t lunghezza_stringa = {0};
    int inquote = {0};
    int errore = {0};
    int i = {0};
    for(i = 0; i < numero_stringhe; i++){
    lunghezza_stringa = strlen(stringa_destinazione[i]);
    memset(stringa_destinazione[i], 0, lunghezza_stringa);
    do{ memset(&stringa_sorgente, 0, sizeof(stringa_sorgente));
    errore = ReadLine(file_handle, stringa_sorgente, sizeof(stringa_sorgente) - 1);
    // If ReadLine reads no bytes because it has already reached the end of the file, it returns –2.
    // If an I/O error occurs, possibly because of a bad file handle, ReadLine returns –1.
    // You can use GetFmtIOError to get more information about the type of error that occurred.
    // A value of 0 indicates that ReadLine read an empty line.
    if(errore == -1){
    errore = GetFmtIOError();
    MessagePopup("leggi_riga_csv -> ReadLine", GetFmtIOErrorString(errore));
    else if(errore == -2){
    errore = GetFmtIOError();
    MessagePopup("leggi_riga_csv -> ReadLine", "already reached the end of the file");
    lunghezza_stringa = errore;
    index_inizio_valore = 0;
    // metodo find pattern, piu' complesso ma piu' performante
    for(i = 0; i <= lunghezza_stringa; i++){
    // se come primo carattere ho una " allora e' una stringa speciale
    if(inquote == 0){
    if(stringa_sorgente[i] == '\"'){
    inquote = 1;
    index_inizio_valore = ++i;
    // altrimenti cerco il delimitatore senza il ciclo for
    i = FindPattern(stringa_sorgente, i, lunghezza_stringa - index_inizio_valore, delimitatore[formato], 0, 0);
    if(i == -1){
    // se non lo trovo ho finito la riga
    i = lunghezza_stringa;
    if(stringa_sorgente[i - 1] == '\r'){
    if(stringa_in_corso < numero_stringhe){
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione[stringa_in_corso], 0, stringa_sorgente, index_inizio_valore, i - index_inizio_valore);
    offset_stringa_destinazione = 0;
    if(stringa_sorgente[i] == '\r'){
    index_inizio_valore = i + 1;
    if(inquote == 1){
    // se sono nelle parentesi cerco le virgolette
    i = 1 + FindPattern(stringa_sorgente, i, lunghezza_stringa - index_inizio_valore, "\"", 0, 0);
    if(i == 0){
    if(stringa_sorgente[lunghezza_stringa - 1] == '\r'){
    // se non le trovo ho finito la riga, esco dal ciclo for
    // se incontro una doppia parentesi salto avanti
    else if(stringa_sorgente[i] == '\"'){
    // !!!! fondamentale non cambiare l'ordine di questi else if !!!!!
    // se incontro una parentesi seguita dal delimitatore
    // o se incontro una parentesi seguita dal terminatore
    // \r = CR = 0x0D = 13
    // \n = LF = 0x0A = 10
    // a capo = CR + LF
    else if( (stringa_sorgente[i] == delimitatore[formato][0])
    || (stringa_sorgente[i] == '\r')
    || (stringa_sorgente[i] == '\0')
    // salvo il valore
    inquote = 0;
    if(stringa_in_corso < numero_stringhe){
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione[stringa_in_corso], offset_stringa_destinazione, stringa_sorgente, index_inizio_valore, i - 1 - index_inizio_valore);
    offset_stringa_destinazione = 0;
    if(stringa_sorgente[i] == '\r'){
    index_inizio_valore = i;
    // se sono andato a capo scrivo fino a dove sono e poi procedo con la nuova riga
    if(stringa_in_corso < numero_stringhe){
    CopyString (stringa_destinazione[stringa_in_corso], offset_stringa_destinazione, stringa_sorgente, index_inizio_valore, lunghezza_stringa - index_inizio_valore);
    strcat(stringa_destinazione[stringa_in_corso], "\n");
    offset_stringa_destinazione += lunghezza_stringa - index_inizio_valore;
    }while(inquote == 1);
    // elimino le doppie parentesi
    for(i = 0; i < numero_stringhe; i++){
    index_doublequote = 0;
    do{ lunghezza_stringa = strlen(stringa_destinazione[i]);
    index_doublequote = FindPattern(stringa_destinazione[i], index_doublequote, lunghezza_stringa - index_doublequote, "\"\"", 0, 0); // contiene doppia parentesi
    if(index_doublequote != -1){
    memmove (stringa_destinazione[i] + index_doublequote, stringa_destinazione[i] + index_doublequote + 1, lunghezza_stringa - index_doublequote);
    }while(index_doublequote != -1);

    the format is CSV, i try to explain better what i'm doing.
    our client asked to save acquisition data with header description in an excel readable format, i've decided to use .CSV and not .TDM because it's a simple txt file and we never used .TMD but i will propose to use it.
    after some research on the internet i've found nothing to handle .CSV in CVI except from this csv_parse but i've found it difficult to be maintained so i've write it by my own hand.
    i've written two example of how to use my function to read or write and i've copyed my function used to read and write.
    in the write function i check with FindPattern if the string to be write contain some special character, if i find this i have to quote the string to respect the standard RFC4180 and if i find a quote i have to double it. aftere i've done this check i write the line in the file.
    in the read function, that is more complicated, i:
    check if the first character is a quote.
    if it's not i copy the string until the delimitier or until the end of the line.
    if it is i have a string with special character inside so:
    i find the first quote in the string. when i've found i check if it's follwed by another quote. this means that in the starting message i was writing a single quote.
    if it's not followed by another quote but it's followed by a delimiter or a carriage return i've finished the special line.
    if i don't find it it means that the special quote have a carriage return inside and i have to check the next line. before checking the next line i save this in my string.
    after this loop i check in every string if i have a double quote and i delete one.
    the main problem is in the speed of this, i'm acquiring data at 1000 S/s with 8 active channel for 60 second so i have 480000 data to be stored, divided in 60.000 row and 8 column. to read a file like that my pc stay "locked" for 15 second or more.
    i've tried to use the arraytofile function and it's extremly fast and i can also put header because the function can start from the last position in the file but the filetoarray function start from the beginning and i cannot read the header correctly. also if i'm using the european CSV with semicolon as delimiter with arraytofile i cannot select the semicolon but only the coma

  • Can I adjust the speed of my video clips?

    I would like to use slow motion and fast motion in the movie I'm making with iMovie '08, but I cannot figure out how. I am positive I was able to adjust the speed of clips in iMovie '06, but I just can't find where/how to do it in iMovie '08. Have I lost my mind or has this option been eliminated in iMovie '08?
    And as a bonus question, if it has been eliminated, WHY?

    I was able to adjust the speed of clips in iMovie '06, but I just can't find where/how to do it in iMovie '08. Have I lost my mind or has this option been eliminated in iMovie '08?
    You can within iMovie HD. You can't from within '08. (You can pre-edit a clip for fast or slow motion externally.)
    And as a bonus question, if it has been eliminated, WHY?
    It is not so much a question of why it might have been deliberately eliminated but a question of how to add it to iMovie '08. As has been said hundreds, if not thousands, of times already, this is an entirely new application editing in an completely new manner. Motion changes require re-rendering of the file to use it in a project. iMovie '08 does not do any rendering until the project (i.e., which is merely a set of instructions) is actually completed. In case you haven't noticed, none of the third-party special effect "plug-ins" are compatible with iMovie '08 either. Your best bet is to either use iMovie HD (v6.0.4 available free online to iLife '08 users). It is either that or learn how to create such effects externally with other applications like the JES Deinterlacer (free) or QT Pro ($30).

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    WireTap Studio did the trick. I downloaded a free Trial version and bob's yer uncle.
    Thanks Michael

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    half. I browsed several communities but it seems that noone has an
    answer so I am not even sure if this is possible I am not a flash
    expert but what I am trying to do is as follows;
    I have a movie with several movie clips. I have an animation
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    the right bags are added on to her. but what I am also trying to
    accomplish is to have her walk faster as the slider moves to the
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    How could I make this happen if it is even possible. I want
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    and Lady are movie clips.
    thanks in advance

    At present I'm not aware of any way to achieve this exact effect in Muse (where the first screen of a web page is resized to fill the browser window and the rest of the page, as you scroll down, appears to be fixed height layout).

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    Well, my question is, can iMovie 10.0.5 for the Mac let you actually edit and export this video, maintaining its 60 fps frame rate?

    I posted what I found to this thread iMovie 11 10.14 Exporting a 60fps file to Maverick?
    Hope you find it helpful.

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    Or must this be done in FCP?
    I want to speed up a clip.

    You can alter the FPS in the media pane, or play with the scrub filter - see: for Scot Walker's tip. Or you can use compressor or FCP, but you must send the self contained export/import of FCP to Motion. Timeline speedchanges are ignored.

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    No. And that would be nice in your type of example.
    I would recommend that you could TRY to use the "Map, Background & Animatics" earth icon> (next to transitions tool tab), scroll down> add RED background, and ADD Transitions inside some. That might help your example out.
    Hope this helps. Cheers

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    Or do I have to buy the same music over again?

    Hello RoyFeni,
    And welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Can you change the music video's *Media Type* to Music from under the Options tab of the *Get Info* window for the track in iTunes?
    I'm not sure if you can, but hey its at least worth a try. It's all I have though.
    Otherwise, this is not possible via iTunes. The only way you would be able to extract the audio is through the help of some third party application. Not sure how simple or complicated the process is.

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