CFDOCUMENT Orientation

I need to develop a pdf which starts in portrait and changes
to landscape for some pages and comes back to portrait. I thought I
could use cfdocumentsection but, i was wrong. Please advice if
anybody achieved this

This should work for you with some tweaking of course:
change to landscape = [your page
change to portrait = [your page
<!--- default document orientation --->
<cfparam name="DocumentOrientation" default="portrait">
<!--- a list of the valid document orientation values
<cfset Variables.AllowableOrientations =
<!--- validate the chosen orientation is a valid choice
<cfif NOT ListFindNoCase(Variables.AllowableOrientations,
<p>Document orientation:
<cfoutput>#DocumentOrientation#</cfoutput> is not a
valid choice.</p>
<!--- create the document --->
<cfdocument format="PDF"
HTML and CFML code

Similar Messages

  • Cfdocument page orientation

    does anybody know if it is possible to change the page
    orientation ( from portrait to landscape) inside a single document
    using the cfdocument tag?

    Yes I know that.
    I want to have one pdf-file.The first two pages in "portrait"
    and the third page in "landscape".
    I tried to use the cfdocument tag twice, but it doesn't work.
    The second cfdocument tag is ignored.
    Here an example:
    <cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="portrait">
    ...first two pages
    <cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="landscape">
    ... third page
    I hope it's more clear now.

  • Help with PDF creation using CFDOCUMENT / iText

    Hi everyone,
    Finally made the jump to CF7 after sticking with 5 for way
    too long and now have an urgent need to generate PDF.
    <cfdocument> seems to do better than anything else at
    converting HTML styled with CSS, but falls short in a few
    fundamental areas. What I need to do ( to name 3) is:
    * Generate a table of contents - including page numbers
    * Have far greater control over the headers / footers
    * Swap page orientation mid-document
    I can get round the page orientation thing by creating each
    section as an individual PDF and gluing them back together using
    PaulH's excellent PDF concatenation code. Using <cfdocument>
    I can reserve space for the headers / footers, and add a table of
    contents with placeholders for the numbers.
    Now, my question: Will I be able to rewrite all the page
    numbers, finish off the table of contents and headers / footers
    using iText? i.e. traverse the concatenated PDF file, rewrite the
    headers / footers, work out the page numbers and rewrite the TOC?
    I'm not asking for sample code or even a how to - just a
    heads-up from some who knows iText well and can quickly say whether
    this is feasible.
    I hope it is because my alternative approach is to go down
    the xsl-fo route which I suspect will be more effort in the long

    as alternative solution you might check activepdf products.

  • How to use cfdocument  create a PDF file and save the file in server?

    I want to use cfdocument to create a PDF file and save it in
    the server for other people to download,can you give me a idea how
    to do this.Thanks.
    <cfdocument format = "PDF" pagetype="A4"

    <cfdocument filename="" format = "PDF" pagetype="A4"
    Give the physical path to the filename. You have write
    permission for this folder to create a PDF file.

  • Cfreport landscape orientation?

    Running ColdFusion 8. We're using the cfreport tag to bring up reports designed in coldfusion report builder. They were designed in landscape orientation. We have cfreport's format set to flashpaper. when the report is brought up on screen it shows in portrait and prints in portrait. if the cfreport format is changed to PDF, it gets brought up landscape and prints in landscape.
    We want to be able to show reports in flashpaper, but have it in landscape orientation by default. Is this possible? Why does cfreport not have an orientation attribute like cfdocument has? Right now users will have to change the printing settings everytime to change it to landscape; this is quite a hassle. Why can't cfreports be set to landscape through code?
    or, if they can, how can I do this? Thanks...

    I suggest just creating another CFR with the other orientantion.  If you created the CFR in landscape, and say you took full advantage of the width with where you placed all your elements, how could you expect all elements to fit when the orientation changes?

  • Cfdocument format = PDF - does not format correctly

    I am simply attempting to print invoices from a query that displays correctly on the cfm result page, but using cfdocument to render a PDF version (to mail out) does not format even remotely close to the cfm page.
    I tried every conceivable method I know of, including:
    Formating the cfm page (via CSS and hardcoded table width) to be 612 px X 792 px (8.5 X 11 in), and here is the cfdocument code:
    <style type="text/css">
    @import url(css/moorings.css);
    <html> blah blah </html>
    The rendered PDF file is 4.5 X 5 in- (both in IE and Firefox) What am I missing here?
    CF 9
    Thanks in advance, as always.

    Well, in answer to my own question, the solution is in the CSS, using tables and CSS:
    set table height and width to 100%
    set font-size:100%;
    set header font, bolder, larger :125%;, etc.
    Also using the cfdocument attributes as shown in the posting
    The PDF now prints correctly, margins are perfect.
    Now I have to figure out how to loop through the 900+ records, convert each to a PDF and print one copy of each-

  • Ttrfibute error with CFDocument

    Attribute validation error for tag CFDOCUMENT.
    It has an invalid attribute combination: filename,fontembed,format,formfields,formstype,localurl,mimetype,name,orientation,overwri te,permissions,saveasname. Possible combinations are:
    Required attributes: 'format'. Optional attributes: 'authpassword,authuser,backgroundvisible,bookmark,encryption,filename,fontembed,localurl, marginbottom,marginleft,marginright,margintop,mimetype,name,orientation,overwrite,ownerpa s sword,pageheight,pagetype,pagewidth,permissions,printallframes,proxyhost,proxypassword,pr o xyport,proxyuser,saveasname,scaletofit,scale,scaletofit,src,unit,useragent,userpassword'.
    Required attributes: 'format'. Optional attributes: 'authpassword,authuser,backgroundvisible,bookmark,encryption,filename,fontembed,localurl, marginbottom,marginleft,marginright,margintop,mimetype,name,orientation,overwrite,ownerpa s sword,pageheight,pagetype,pagewidth,permissions,printallframes,proxyhost,proxypassword,pr o xyport,proxyuser,saveasname,scaletofit,scale,scaletofit,srcfile,unit,useragent,userpasswo r d'.
    Required attributes: 'format'. Optional attributes: 'filename,formfields,formstype,name,openpassword,overwrite,pdfa,permissions,permissionspa ssword,saveasname,s...
    ========================================================================================== ===================
    Obviously, I'm making some mistake.  Here is the code I've written.  I don't understand where and what the mistake is.
    ========================================================================================== ===================
    <!--- <cfSaveContent variable="PaceInvoice"> --->
    <body class="body">
    <!--- <CFMAIL Server="#Application.MailServer#"
      subject="Invoice for #Month(V_StartDate)# #Year(V_StartDate)#"
      to="[email protected]"
      from="[email protected]"
      cc="[email protected],[email protected]"
      type="HTML"> --->
        format = "PDF"
        filename = "C:/ProgramData/Goldmine/Tmplinks/"
        fontEmbed = "yes"
        formfields = "no"
        formsType = "FDF"
        localUrl = "yes"
        mimeType = "text/plain"
      orientation = "portrait"
      overwrite = "yes"
      permissions = "AllowPrinting,AllowCopy,AllowScreenReaders"
      saveAsName = "Pace_Invoice_for_#Q_Person.Contact#_for_#Month(V_StartDate)#_#Year(V_StartDate)#.pdf">
      <!--- Headers --->
      <TABLE border="0" width="100%" cols="6" cellspacing="0">
      <TD width="50%" colspan="3" style="font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; font-size: 26px;text-align: left; ">
      <TD width="50%" colspan="3">
      <img url="C:\ProgramData\Goldmine\Template\Images\powersuasionlogo_125x26.gif" style="text-align: right;"><br>
      <TD width="100%" colspan="6" class="TDHeaderTable" style="text-align: left;">
      400 E. Randolph, Suite 503<br>
      Chicago, IL 60601<br>
      Phone: 312-777-1010<br>
      Fax 866-252-0048
      <TR height="16pt" style="vertical-align: bottom;">
      <TD width="100%" colspan="6" class="TDHeaderTable" style="text-align: right; font-weight:bold;">
      Invoice Number: #V_InvoiceNumber# <br><br>
      Date: #DateFormat(todayDate,"mmmm d, yyyy")#
      <!--- Client header --->
      <TD width="100%" colspan="6" class="TDHeaderTable" style="text-align: left; vertical-align: bottom;">
      Betsy Schilli<br>
      Pace <br>
      550 W. Alongonquin Rd.<br>
      Arlington Heights, IL 60005
      <TR height="10pt"><td> </td></tr>
      <!--- End headers --->
      <!--- Invoice table detail header --->
      <!--- Check to see if any records were available for this person --->
      <CFIF Q_Person.RecordCount GE 1>
      <TABLE border="0" width="100%" cols="6" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
      <TH width="10%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListHeaderLeft">Date</TH>
      <TH width="5%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListHeaderleft">Item</TH>
      <TH width="50%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListHeaderLeft">Description</TH>
      <TH width="5%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListHeaderRight">Qty</TH>
      <TH width="10%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListHeaderRight>Unit Price</TH>
      <TH width="10%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListHeaderRight">Extended</TH>
      <CFSET V_LineValue ="0">
      <CFSET V_Total="0">
      <!--- Output meetings --->
      <CFLoop query="Q_Person">
      <cfset V_LineValue = 0>
      <TD width="10%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListContentLeft">
      <TD width="5%" colspan="2" class="tdOutputListContentLeft">
      <TD width="50%" colspan="2" class="tdOutputListContentLeft">
      #Q_Person.Contact# Consulting
      <TD width="5%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListContentRight">
      <TD width="10%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListContentRight">
      <TD width="10%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListContentRight">
      <cfset V_LineValue = #V_Qty#*150>
      <CFSET V_Total = #V_Total# + #V_LineValue#>
      <TABLE border="0" width="100%" cols="6" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
      <TD width="100%" colspan="6" class="tdOutputListContentCenter" Style="font-size: 20pt;">
      Contract Number 215566
      <TD width="10%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListContentCenterNoBorder">
      <TD width="5%" colspan="2" class="tdOutputListContentCenterNoBorder">
      <TD width="50%" colspan="2" class="tdOutputListContentLeftNoBorder">
      <TD width="5%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListContentRightNoBorder">
      <TD width="10%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListContentRight" style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold; text-align: right;">
      <TD width="10%" colspan="1" class="tdOutputListContentRight" style="font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold; text-align: right;">
      <cfset V_InvoiceNumber = #V_InvoiceNumber# + 1>
      <TABLE border="0" width="100%" cols="6" bgcolor="##FFFFCC" cellspacing="0">
      <TD width="100%" valign="middle" colspan="6" style="border: 1px solid black; font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">
      Thank you very much for your business.<br><br>
      Please contact Elizabeth Kariotis at [email protected] or 312-371-9270
    <!--- </cfmail> --->

    Agreed with BKBK (whom I follow on CF Forums ) 21.html

  • Problem creating PDF ith CFDOCUMENT

    I am crying to run this code and get a pdf file. Explorer
    runs nothing in return and the PDF is not created
    <title>THis is the certification file</title>
    <cfdocument name="Certification" format="FlashPaper"
    pagetype="letter" margintop="1" marginleft="1"
    orientation="portrait" unit="in" backgroundvisible="yes"
    overwrite="no" fontembed="yes" bookmark="false" localurl="no">
    <table width="604" border="0" align="center"
    <td width="598"><div align="center" style="color:
    #333333; font-size: 14">
    <h2 align="center">Certification of the Applicability
    of the Substantial Harm Criteria</h2>
    <td><div align="left"></div></td>
    <td><p align="left" style="color: #333333;
    font-size: 14">Facility Name:</p></td>
    <td><p align="left" style="color: #333333;
    font-size: 14">Facility Address </p></td>
    <td><p align="left"><span style="color:
    #333333"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span
    14"></span></span></span>,<cfoutput></cfoutput> </p></td>
    <td><p align="left" style="color: #333333;
    font-size: 14">Does the facility transfer oil over water to or
    from vessels and does the facility have a total oil storage
    capacity greater than or equal to 42,000
    <td><p align="left"><span style="color:
    #333333"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span
    style="font-size: 14"></span></span></span>
    <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup1" value="1"
    id="RadioGroup1_0" />
    <br />
    <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup1" value="0"
    id="RadioGroup1_1" />
    <br />
    <option value="1"></option>
    <td><p align="left" style="color: #333333;
    font-size: 14">Does the facility transfer oil over water to or
    from vessels and does the facility have a total oil storage
    capacity greater than or equal to 42,000
    <td><p align="left"><span style="color:
    #333333"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span
    <td><p align="left" style="color: #333333;
    font-size: 14">Does the facility have a total oil storage
    capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and is the
    facility located at a distance (as calculated using the appropriate
    formula in Attachment C–III to this appendix or a comparable
    formula1 ) such that a discharge from the facility could cause
    injury to fish and wildlife and sensitive environments? For further
    description of fish and wildlife and sensitive environments, see
    Appendices I, II, and III to DOC/NOAA's “Guidance for
    Facility and Vessel Response Plans: Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive
    Environments” (see Appendix E to this part, section 13, for
    availability) and the applicable Area Contingency
    <td><p align="left"><span style="color:
    #333333"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span
    <td><p align="left" style="color: #333333;
    font-size: 14">Does the facility have a total oil storage
    capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and is the
    facility located at a distance (as calculated using the appropriate
    formula in Attachment C-III to this appendix or a comparable
    formula1 ) such that a discharge from the facility would shut down
    a public drinking water intake2 ?</p></td>
    <td><p align="left"><span style="color:
    #333333"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span
    <td><p align="left" style="color: #333333;
    font-size: 14">Does the facility have a total oil storage
    capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and is the
    facility located at a distance (as calculated using the appropriate
    formula in Attachment C-III to this appendix or a comparable
    formula1 ) such that a discharge from the facility would shut down
    a public drinking water intake2 ?</p></td>
    <td><div align="left">
    <blockquote style="color: #333333; font-size:
    14">  </blockquote>
    <blockquote style="color: #333333; font-size:
    14"> </blockquote>
    <blockquote style="color: #333333; font-size: 14">
    <p align="left">1 If a comparable formula is used,
    documentation of the reliability and analytical soundness of the
    comparable formula must be attached to this form.</p>
    <p align="left">2 For the purposes of 40 CFR part 112,
    public drinking water intakes are analogous to public water systems
    as described at 40 CFR 143.2(c).</p>
    <td><p align="left"><span style="color:
    #333333"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span
    <td height="37"><p align="left" style="color:
    #333333; font-size: 14">Does the facility have a total oil
    storage capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and has
    the facility experienced a reportable oil discharge in an amount
    greater than or equal to 10,000 gallons within the last 5
    <td><div align="left"><span style="font-size:
    <td><p align="left" style="color: #333333;
    font-size: 14">Certification</p>
    <p align="left" style="color: #333333; font-size:
    14">I certify under penalty of law that I have personally
    examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this
    document, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals
    responsible for obtaining this information, I believe that the
    submitted information is true, accurate, and
    <td><div align="left"></div></td>
    <td><div align="left"></div></td>

    Never mind.. IT looks like there is a bug in the Dreamweaver
    tag implementation. I erase all the attributes and just writed
    <cfdocument type="PDF">
    the HTLM code
    It looks like writing code using dreamweaver turns a bit
    problematic. Please, le tme know if anyone here has siomilar

  • CFDocument and pagesize

    Having issues since the install of Acrobat Reader 8 with
    I have a document that needs to be rendered 14x8.5 (Legal
    Landscape). I have tried pagetype="legal" orientation="landscape",
    I have also tried pagetype="custom" pageheight="8.5"
    pagewidth="14". No matter how I do this, it still is getting
    rendered in Acrobat Reader 8 as 11x8.5. When I try to print the
    PDF, it just centers the 11x8.5 rendering on the 14x8.5 legal
    Anyone have any insight?

    ok, i called a buddy and figured it out. i needed to include
    the CSS styles inside of the cfdocument tags.

  • Cfdocument and binary output

    I'm using the Fusebox3 framework.
    file: dsp_Invoice.cfm
    <cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="portrait"
    name="myPDF" overwrite="true">
    <cfcontent type="application/pdf" variable="#myPDF#">
    I get the binary results opened in Wordpad with the filename
    Any ideas?
    Tried using Foxit PDF reader on IE7 and Firefox2. Both
    usually open PDF correctly from anywhere on the web.

    <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline;
    <cfcontent type="application/pdf" variable="#myPDF#">
    in place of just the cfcontent tag alone.
    In any case, I would build the invoice document in
    dsp_Invoice.cfm. Then I would open it in a separate page,
    dsp_showInvoice.cfm, say, that contains just a cfheader and
    cfcontent tag.

  • Cfdocument font problem

    Hi all,
    I used cfdocument to create a pdf. Anfortunately the font
    used in the content isn't showed in the pdf. I define the font with
    css in the file itself. The font is installed on the server and
    fontembed (property of cfdocument) is set to yes. The strange thing
    is the font shows when a pdf is created via a report (.cfr).
    When I test the file on my localmachine it works fine, but on
    the server it doesnt work. My local machine runs om Windows, the
    server runs on Unix. Both machines are running Coldfusion MX 7. Am
    I doing something wrong?
    Thanx already for your answer!
    Best regards,

    Thank you for your answer and sorry for replying this late.
    We use the IKEA Sans font family. This is the corporate font
    (truetype). Yes I do mean that the cfreport generates PDF with the
    correct font on Unix box but cfdocument does not. Below you will
    find a short example:
    <cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="landscape"
    pagetype="A4" fontembed="yes">
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>Pdf test</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    BODY, TD {
    font-family: "IKEA Sans", Arial;
    font-size: 25px;
    Hello world!! Wel iets met een a-tje erin.
    If you need more information please let me know! Thank you
    for your time already!
    Best regards,

  • Cfdocument pdf

    Can someone tell me why my pdf is adding an extra blank page to my document?
    <cfinclude template="includes/include_1449_p1.cfm">
    When I run the include by itself it is just fine, no extra space or page.

    Never mind - I see that this has been addressed in Hotfix 1 -
    I installed it and this resolved the problem.

  • CF8 cfdocument tag has a few new bugs

    This discusses two new bugs in CF8 having to do with footers
    in cfdocument.
    ***FIRST BUG***
    With CFMX7, I could define a new footer by putting a new
    <cfdocumentitem type="footer"> tag in each cfdocumentsection
    of my pdf report. Each could have a different string, e.g., so that
    the footer could tell the reader which chapter she is reading. This
    does not work in CF8. The chapter name that appears on all pages is
    the one defined in the last <cfdocumentitem type="footer">
    tag in the cfdocument. Now only the page number changes
    dynamically. Sample code:
    <cfdocument format="pdf" unit="in" pagetype="letter"
    marginbottom="0.8" marginleft="1" marginright="1"
    orientation="portrait" fontembed="yes" overwrite="yes"
    filename="pdfbugdemo2.pdf" pageheight="11" pagewidth="8.5"
    <cfset footerContent="1. Introduction">
    <cfdocumentitem type="footer">
    <div style="float: left;">
    <div style="float: right;">
    <cfset footerContent="2. Body of Document">
    <cfdocumentitem type="footer">
    <div style="float: left;">
    <div style="float: right;">
    <h1>Body of Document</h1>
    *** SECOND BUG ***
    In CF8, you cannot cfinclude the same template multiple times
    in a given template - you get an error (at least sometimes). A
    workaround is to make multiple copies of the template, each with a
    different name. This was not necessary in CFMX7. Sample code:
    <cfdocument format="pdf" unit="in" pagetype="letter"
    marginbottom="0.8" marginleft="1" marginright="1"
    orientation="portrait" fontembed="yes" overwrite="yes"
    filename="pdfbugdemo2.pdf" pageheight="11" pagewidth="8.5"
    <cfset footerContent="1. Introduction">
    <cfinclude template="pdfbugfooter.cfm">
    <cfset footerContent="2. Body of Document">
    <cfinclude template="pdfbugfooter.cfm">
    <h1>Body of Document</h1>
    where pdfbugfooter.cfm is:
    <cfdocumentitem type="footer">
    <div style="float: left;">
    <div style="float: right;">

    re: If you claim didn't say that,
    No "if" about it - I made no such claim and never would -
    thats just you
    talking gibberish. Who in their right mind would say, or even
    suggest, that
    forums are not helpful. The only reason a forum exists in the
    first place is
    to be helpful!
    re: So what was your actual intention in the first place?
    Not sure you would undertsand, you seem to struggle to follow
    along. But
    just a hint for you - the forum posts, or quantity thereof,
    have been used
    by several people here, and by editors at sites such as, as a
    metric to use to gague interest and activity. A metric only
    useful when
    taken in context with other pointers (job market, book
    market, number of
    classes still running, so on and so forth)
    Again, nobody has ever said forums are not useful or helpful
    - I suspect you
    knew that much but felt the need to throw some nonsense about
    in an attempt
    at an argument - failed didn't it?
    RE: Maybe they realized Ben Forta writes such a good books,
    they felt
    ashamed? :-)
    The O'Reilly audience is typically seasoned developers, hard
    core coders.
    Their books are a tough read for beginners and O'Reilly
    delibertately do not
    cater to this audeince with many of their titles. And to put
    it bluntly, the
    main bunch of people to ditch CF early on were these "hard
    core" types. I
    belive this as the only CF developers I know are actually
    more "designers"
    than developers - I know of no professional coder/developers
    that would
    touch CF. Thats just my personal observation, btw.
    re: From what I read, people are telling I'm right.
    Are you crazy? They are all, at least 95%, in agreemenst that
    Tim Buntel
    needs to pick up the marketing act before CF dies. Seriously,
    you do seem to
    struggle to follow along at times - suggest you actually
    re: CF has always been "dead" in many places.
    How can you always be dead, doesn't make sense! You have to
    have lived in
    order to die. There used to be hundreds of cf jobs advertised
    here in
    Australia every day, literally every day. Now you may see 3
    or 4 each week -
    mostly for migrating old cf sites to new or java
    sites. And there is
    no longer any CF classes advetised or held in nearly all
    states - they
    literally shut them down. I'm confident enough that the
    comment "CF is dead"
    is accurate.
    r: Maybe you should be answering those questions, since you
    seem to know
    they're true, and I haven't heard of any such things.
    I know the answers to all of those questions - becuase CF is
    dying. If CF
    were living, then none of those questions would have been
    re: So you know they're not investing in one?
    Yes, I know that. They will never spend that kind fo money on
    coldfusion -
    it just wouldn't be vaible for them. We're darned lucky that
    still have
    small team of enginners to write tags around the java
    libraries and release
    new versions. They are not actually going to start
    "innovating" with CF in a
    market like this - and I don't blame them.
    "Fernis" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > >I never said you can't get help on the forums. Where
    did you get that
    > >from?
    > If you claim didn't say that, and if you didn't even
    mean that by saying
    > "Forum averages about 3 new posts a day and has very
    small community -
    > very
    > quiet.", why did you say such thing in the first place,
    if it's totally
    > irrelevant to all about getting help in the forums? So
    what was your
    > actual
    > intention in the first place? Are you not reading what
    other people are
    > saying
    > before responding? The rest of my post is really useless
    compared to the
    > finding that you just really do the trolling because you
    like nit-picking.
    > Unbelievable.
    > >Why did O'Reilly pull their once popular CF book
    from print and refuse to
    > write any further CF books?
    > Maybe they realized Ben Forta writes such a good books,
    they felt ashamed?
    > :-)
    > I mean, if they were popular as you said.
    > >No, its not not. Go here -
    > >- and see actual people tell you how wrong you are.
    > From what I read, people are telling I'm right. So what
    *you* say is
    > downright
    > silly.
    > >But you seemed to be thing that I based my whole
    argument that CF is weak
    > >and
    > dying
    > >( is already dead in many places)
    > CF has always been "dead" in many places. And it's been
    dying for 10
    > years -
    > they say. So what's new? You just don't seem to
    understand that random
    > sites
    > switching ColdFusion for something else doesn't mean
    that at the same time
    > there are likely new adopters of ColdFusion. You just
    don't know about
    > them,
    > while you can more easily track if some of them go away.
    You don't
    > actually
    > have anything but blind guesses about what's happening.
    > I'm seeing more CF frameworks pop up as ever before. And
    In Finland, I'm
    > seeing more ColdFusion hosting appear than ever before.
    > >Why did MM/Adobe pull an entire team of employees
    out of Australia? Why
    > >did
    > >they stop printing ads in all of the trade
    magazines? Why did MM push PHP
    > >more than CF on their website?
    > Maybe you should be answering those questions, since you
    seem to know
    > they're
    > true, and I haven't heard of any such things.
    > > Why don't they invest in an IDE to atract all those
    developers out there
    > that like a complete RAD platform?
    > > So on and so forth???
    > So you know they're not investing in one? And I thought
    DreamWeaver would
    > act
    > as one? Or third party products like CFEclipse? Or
    Adobe's IDE extensions
    > for
    > Eclipse? Sure, the CF IDE's lack behind the automation
    and insight
    > functionality of other IDEs, and that's something I'm
    hoping for too...
    > although I've always felt that strong IDEs are strictly
    necessary only for
    > programming languages where a huge number of
    non-user-defined libraries
    > and
    > classes are to be referenced. The level of automation in
    ColdFusion (lots
    > of
    > action with little code) make complex IDEs less
    important than with most
    > other
    > languages.
    > -Ari Ferneilus

  • Data not displaying inside cfdocument

    I am encountering a strange situation when trying to display data inside a
    <cfdocument> tag. I have constructed the code outside of a <cfdocument>
    tag and all displays as intended.
    However, when I insert the data inside a <cfdocument> tag and use the
    attribute of float: left, on the <div> tags the data associated with the
    <div> tag the attribute is applied to, dissappears. Remove the float: left
    attribute and the data reappears.
    This happens whether I insert directly inside a <cfdocument> tag or do it
    via the <cfsavecontent> process.
    Any ideas on where I should be looking to fix the issue? Also, I am using
    DW CS5, in code mode for this.
    Thanks - Leonard B
    -- Code Below --
    <div style="clear: both; border: 1px solid #000 padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px; width: 800px; height: 50px">
    <div style="clear: both; float: left; width: 400px">
    <div style="clear: both">
    <div style="float: left; width: 110px" align="right">Name:</div>
    <div style="float: left"> <cfoutput>#rs_get_time_submissions.emp_name#</cfoutput></div>
    <div style="clear: both; padding: 5px 0px 0px 0px">
    <div style="float: left; width: 110px" align="right">Emp. Number:</div>
    <div style="float: left"> <cfoutput>#rs_get_time_submissions.emp_number#</cfoutput></div>
    <div style="clear: both; padding: 5px 0px 0px 0px">
    <div style="float: left; width: 110px" align="right">Month / Year:</div>
    <div style="float: left"> 
    <cfif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "1">January
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "2">February
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "3">March
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "4">April
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "5">May
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "6">June
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "7">July
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "8">August
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "9">September
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "10">October
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "11">November
    <cfelseif #rs_get_time_submissions.mnum# eq "12">December</cfif>
    <cfoutput>~ #rs_get_time_submissions.ynum#</cfoutput>
    <div style="float: left; width: 400px">
    <div style="clear:both;width:300px">
    <div style="float:left; width:100px"  align="right"><cfoutput>#decimalformat(rs_total_approved_hours.total_hours)#</cfoutput></ div>
    <div style="float: left"> = Total Approved Hours</div>
    <div style="clear:both; padding: 5px 0px 0px 0px; width:300px">
    <div style="float:left; width:100px"  align="right"><cfoutput>#decimalformat(rs_total_pending_hours.total_hours)#</cfoutput></d iv>
    <div> = Total Pending Hours</div>
    <div style="clear:both; padding: 5px 0px 0px 0px; width:300px">
    <div style="float:left; width:100px"  align="right"><cfoutput>#decimalformat(total_hours)#</cfoutput></div>
    <div> = Total Hours</div>

    Hi Bhaskar,
    I deleted the request and again loaded with full load, still problem remains same.
    what do mean by how the data is stored in RSA3, I did get this pl clear to me.
    In the PSA I found "update Request is not genareted"
    in what case update request will miss, I think that is problem.
    can you help.

  • CFDOCUMENT "AllowModifyAnnotations"

    I posted this on the CFDOCUMENT page within documentation as
    well, as it seems like a bug.
    I just can't get permissions="AllowModifyAnnotations" to do
    anything. Every document CFDOCUMENT serves up has commenting
    On a side note, every document has Form Fill enabled, whether
    or not AllowFillIn is even specified.
    Has anyone been successful in creating a PDF that allows
    commenting with CFDOCUMENT (or even CFREPORT)?
    -- Trieste

    Sure. This problem came to me as a trouble ticket to resolve.
    As always "20/20 in the hindsight" this is an easily solvable
    problem. The issue is that the page seems to error if you specify
    the marginbottom attribute to be 0. If you leave the attribute out
    the page works fine, however in this case the bottom margin was
    desired to be as small as possible so it was set to zero by the
    original developer. Atleast it was an interesting issue...
    // of course these vars would be passed via a form but for
    this example...
    form.lname = 'Frank'; form.fname='Mark'; form.userid='1000';
    <cfdocument format="PDF" pagetype="letter" margintop="1"
    marginbottom="1" marginright="0.75" marginleft="0.75"
    orientation="portrait" backgroundvisible="yes" overwrite="no"
    <cfdocumentitem type="header">
    <span style="font: 8pt 'Times New Roman', Times,
    <cfoutput>#form.LNAME#, #form.FNAME#</cfoutput>
    <span style="padding-left:
    of #cfdocument.totalpagecount#</cfoutput></span>
    <cfdocumentitem type="footer">
    <span style="font: 8pt 'Times New Roman', Times,
    <cfoutput>#form.LNAME#, #form.FNAME#</cfoutput>
    <span style="padding-left:
    of #cfdocument.totalpagecount#</cfoutput></span>
    <table><tr><td>216 lines represent the
    lines of document display code</td></tr><cfset
    counter = 1>
    <cfloop index="a" from="1" to="216" step="1">
    <tr><td>row number
    #counter#</td></tr><cfset counter = counter + 1>

Maybe you are looking for