Question, Can anyone think of a reason why when I put a
CFFORM tag and CFINPUT tag on a page, before the page even loads it
prompts for a username and password for the ColdFusion
administrator? It's CF MX 6.1.
Additionally, if you bypass the user/password box, and hit
cancel it lets you into the form. Firefox and IE have the same

I have beating my head against the wall for the last week
trying to figure this out...
When I ran this code on my most updated cf8 box, I do not get
the “dropdown” of values I used to get when I click on
the state column to edit.
I am going crazy and I need to have some validation that this
is a bug.
You can see it in action here….
Do you have any idea if this is a bug in CF8? Is there any
technical help besides the support forums for developers like me
who are using CF8?
Thanks for you time.
--------------- Grid Test
Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Grid Test</title>
<!--- <cfquery name="getArtists"
SELECT artistId, firstname, lastname, address, city, state,
postalcode, email
FROM Artists
</cfquery> --->
getArtists = QueryNew("artistId, firstname, lastname,
address, city, state, email");
newRow = QueryAddRow(getArtists);
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "artistId", "1" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "FirstName", "Freddie" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "LastName", "Acker" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "address", "cowtown road" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "city", "gayton" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "state", "IL" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "email","[email protected]" );
newRow = QueryAddRow(getArtists);
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "artistId", "2" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "FirstName","Angie" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "LastName", "Acker" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "address", "friendship road" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "city", "jamestown" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "state", "TX" );
QuerySetCell(getArtists, "email","[email protected]" );
// etc.
<cfset args = structNew()>
<cfset = "ArtistGrid">
<cfset args.format = "html">
<cfset args.query = "getArtists">
<cfset args.stripeRows = true>
<cfset args.selectColor = "##D9E8FB">
<cfset args.selectmode = "edit">
<cfset args.onchange =
<cfset state_abbr =
<cfset state_name =
Columbia,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky,Louisiana,Mai ne,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada, New
Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North
Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,South
<cfgrid attributeCollection="#args#">
<cfgridcolumn name="artistid" display="false">
<cfgridcolumn name="firstname" header="First Name">
<cfgridcolumn name="lastname" header="Last Name">
<cfgridcolumn name="email" header="Email Address">
<cfgridcolumn name="address" header="Address">
<cfgridcolumn name="city" header="City">
<cfgridcolumn name="state" header="State" width="125"
select="yes" values="#state_abbr#" valuesdisplay="#state_name#"
------------------- Artists.cfc (in the same directory as
above file) ----------------------------------------------
<cffunction name="editArtist" access="remote"
<cfargument name="gridaction" type="string"
<cfargument name="gridrow" type="struct"
<cfargument name="gridchanged" type="struct"
<cfset myResult="foo">
<cfreturn myResult>

Similar Messages


    Dear Friends
    I write my new forms using CFFORM and format=flash it have a
    DATAGRIDE bind to a 3 tab form (add, edit and delete) and its
    working very nice but when even a single user run the page the CPU
    usage on the server suddenly jump to over 90% and I'm really scared
    to launch it live, does any body has any suggestion?
    Its a MX7 (7.0.1) Enterprise version running on a 4 CPU
    Windows 2000 Server (SP3) with IIS 5, I already installed all
    latest updates and hot fixes.

    "Does the instance with the high counts receive more traffic than the other instances? Is it possible that the load balancer not
    working the way it should be?"
    How can I get that information? I can't see metrics for a specific instance
    "Does it always happen to the first instance?"
    I will check it better, but in the order given by the Processes panel it's the second instance which has the issue. The scaling is at 2 instances for the most part of the time (it's the minimum).
    Maybe one time it was the 3th instance but I'm not sure, I'll give it more attention.
    " How long do these moment last?"
    The time can be 10 to 30 minutes, but I fix it as soon as I see the problem. It's not the down-scaling to resolve it because in these situations the CPU as well is high so the scaling holds or increases the number of instances.
    "- How often do these moments occurs?"
    It occurs quite often, 2/4 times a week.

  • CFFORM and validation widget

    if you use a cfform this normally overwrites the spry
    validation at submit. Call on your cfform the validate() function
    on submit action. You should have something like: if
    (Spry.Widget.Form.validate(form) == true)....
    On submit check if the validate() function returns true or
    false. If true, continue submission, if false trigger the spry
    Does anyone have a sample of the code, or more detailed
    information on the code reffered to above. I have included my code
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    <html xmlns=""
    <title>Admissions Application</title>
    <cfinclude template="/head/app.htm" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function ValidateForm(form){
    return true;
    <div id="container" style="background-image:none;">
    <div id="header">
    <cfinclude template="/templates/header.htm" />
    <img id="leafBottom" src="/images/rightNavLeaf.png"
    alt="" />
    <div id="content">
    <cfform method="post" name="app" id="application"
    action="" onsubmit="javascript:return ValidateForm(this)"
    <div id="box">
    <h1>I.D. and Name Information</h1>
    <p class="section">Section 1 of 7</p>
    <h3>Social Security Number</h3>
    <div id="thessn">
    <label for="ssn"><span
    class="required">*</span>Social Security
    <p><cfinput id="ssn" class="field" name="ssn"
    type="text" size="10" />
    <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Please enter your
    social security number.</span>
    <span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Please enter a
    valid social security number.</span></p>
    <div id="thessn2">
    <label for="ssn2"><span
    class="required">*</span>Re-enter Social Security
    <p><cfinput id="ssn2" class="field" name="ssn2"
    type="text" size="10" />
    <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Please re-enter
    your social security number.</span>
    <span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Please enter a
    valid social security number.</span>
    <span class="confirmInvalidMsg">Social Security
    entires do not match.</span></p>
    <p><cfinput class="field" type="submit" name=""
    value="Submit Application" /></p>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var thessn = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("thessn",
    "social_security_number", {isRequired:"true", validateOn:["change",
    var thessn2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("thessn2",
    "social_security_number", {isRequired:"true", validateOn:["change",
    var spryconfirm = new
    Spry.Widget.ValidationConfirm("thessn2", "ssn");
    <div id="footer">
    <cfinclude template="/Templates/footer.htm" />

    if you use a cfform this normally overwrites the spry
    validation at submit. Call on your cfform the validate() function
    on submit action. You should have something like: if
    (Spry.Widget.Form.validate(form) == true)....
    On submit check if the validate() function returns true or
    false. If true, continue submission, if false trigger the spry
    Does anyone have a sample of the code, or more detailed
    information on the code reffered to above. I have included my code
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    <html xmlns=""
    <title>Admissions Application</title>
    <cfinclude template="/head/app.htm" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function ValidateForm(form){
    return true;
    <div id="container" style="background-image:none;">
    <div id="header">
    <cfinclude template="/templates/header.htm" />
    <img id="leafBottom" src="/images/rightNavLeaf.png"
    alt="" />
    <div id="content">
    <cfform method="post" name="app" id="application"
    action="" onsubmit="javascript:return ValidateForm(this)"
    <div id="box">
    <h1>I.D. and Name Information</h1>
    <p class="section">Section 1 of 7</p>
    <h3>Social Security Number</h3>
    <div id="thessn">
    <label for="ssn"><span
    class="required">*</span>Social Security
    <p><cfinput id="ssn" class="field" name="ssn"
    type="text" size="10" />
    <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Please enter your
    social security number.</span>
    <span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Please enter a
    valid social security number.</span></p>
    <div id="thessn2">
    <label for="ssn2"><span
    class="required">*</span>Re-enter Social Security
    <p><cfinput id="ssn2" class="field" name="ssn2"
    type="text" size="10" />
    <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">Please re-enter
    your social security number.</span>
    <span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Please enter a
    valid social security number.</span>
    <span class="confirmInvalidMsg">Social Security
    entires do not match.</span></p>
    <p><cfinput class="field" type="submit" name=""
    value="Submit Application" /></p>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var thessn = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("thessn",
    "social_security_number", {isRequired:"true", validateOn:["change",
    var thessn2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("thessn2",
    "social_security_number", {isRequired:"true", validateOn:["change",
    var spryconfirm = new
    Spry.Widget.ValidationConfirm("thessn2", "ssn");
    <div id="footer">
    <cfinclude template="/Templates/footer.htm" />

  • CFFORM and scrolling browser window

    Having an issue with cfform where, after the form loads, I
    cannot select items in a cfgrid if the browser window is scrolled.
    It doesn't seem to matter where the grid is located on the page -
    items can only be selected in the grrid when the browser window is
    in its default position. If I scroll the page down, it ceases to
    function; scroll it back, and it works. This only seems to occur in
    Firefox - MSIE (surprisingly) works okay for the most part.
    Anyone know of a fix for this?

    For closing the browser window after closing a form you need to create an html file with the following code in it.
    for Internet Explorer:
    <body onload="closeit()">
    function closeit()
         win = top;
         win.opener = top;
         win.close ();
    </html>Place this file where Oracle HTTP server can read (virtual directory) and call in in a post form trigger with web.show_document.
    '_self');Make sure you use _self to the close the applet browser.
    You can sue the same method to maximize the browser window too with the appropriate code.

  • CFFORM and Simple Loop

    This is a bit strange...I can not see the form on the page,
    if i change the format to xml or just regular, it wokrs:
    <cfform format="flash" skin="haloorange" height="300"
    <cfloop list="#list#" index="i">
    <cfinput type="checkbox" name="item" value="#i#">#i#
    <br />
    Any ideas..

    I did some reserach and it said that i can not have sam
    enames for checkboxes in flash. The thing is the query I have
    returns the field summary as : Love, ambition, lust, cheating, war,
    politics, and refusing to eat. if i use repeater as below it may
    work but I need to have a check box beside each word: checkbox
    love, checkbox lust...
    <cfinvoke component="index" returnvariable="display"
    <cfdump var="#display#">
    <cfset list=#display.summary#>
    <cfform format="flash" skin="haloorange" height="300"
    <cfformgroup query="display" type="repeater">
    <cfinput type="checkbox" name="item"
    value="#display.summary#">#display.summary#<br />

  • CFFORM and CFUPDATE Problems

    have built a flash form that pulls information dynamically
    from a mysql db. everything but the edit feature is working. When
    the form is submitted, it is sent to submit.cfm. For some reason,
    errors appear as:
    The given fieldname "DBDATA.FIRSTNAME" could not be found in
    the table "table".
    Below is a STRIPPED down version of what we have. Is there
    something im doing wrong?
    <cfupdate dataSource = "datasource"
    tableName = "table"
    formFields = "firstname,lastname">
    <cfquery name="dbdata" datasource="datasource">
    SELECT * FROM table
    <cfform format="flash" action="submit.cfm">
    <cfformgroup type="vbox"><cfformgroup type="panel"
    <cfgrid name="dbdata" query="dbdata"
    <cfgridcolumn name="firstname" header="First Name" />
    <cfgridcolumn name="lastname" header="Last Name" />
    <cfformgroup type="panel" label="Edit">
    <cfinput type="text" name="firstname" label="First
    Name:"bind="{dbdata.selectedItem.firstname}" />
    <cfinput type="text" name="lastname" label="Last
    Name:"bind="{dbdata.selectedItem.lastname}" />
    <cfinput type="submit" name="submit" value="Apply changes"

    If the intent is to prevent multiple form submissions, there
    are a couple of other ways to do it. Neither is perfect, but both
    require a deliberate effort to submit the form more than once.
    1. Use an intermediate page. On this page, validate the form
    inputs, convert the form variables to session variables and
    javascript.window.location to the real page.
    2. At the top of the form action page, display some html
    content and cfflush it. Then process your form.

  • CFFORM and BASE HREF tag

    I am developing a web page with the <BASE HREF=""> tag
    and using CFFORM to do some form validation on the page. When I
    test the page, the CFFORM is not validating. I thought that maybe
    the <BASE> tag was throwing off the mappings somehow, making
    /CFIDE look in
    (which doesn't exist).
    Any ideas on how to make CFFORM work with a <BASE HREF="
    http://..."> tag?

    Specify the location of your cfform scripts inside your
    CFFORM tag. ie;scriptsrc="/cfscripts". Replace with location of
    your scripts by creating a virtual directory in your webserver or
    use application mapping.

  • CFFORM and onSubmit

    CFFORM puts its own ONSUBMIT property in when the form is
    rendered. I need to use the ONSUBMIT feature to disable my submit
    button. Is there another way to do this besides using ONSUBMIT?

    If the intent is to prevent multiple form submissions, there
    are a couple of other ways to do it. Neither is perfect, but both
    require a deliberate effort to submit the form more than once.
    1. Use an intermediate page. On this page, validate the form
    inputs, convert the form variables to session variables and
    javascript.window.location to the real page.
    2. At the top of the form action page, display some html
    content and cfflush it. Then process your form.

  • CFForms and Insert Record

    Ok, so I'm playing around with the cfforms tag and the rich
    text editor capabilities. But I noticed that after setting up the
    form, I wasn't able to use the "Insert Record" option from the
    Applications > Server Behaviors panel. When I try to use it, it
    tells me that I need toinsert a form onto the page first. Just
    wondered if someone can shed some light on this.

       As Javier said you can use the Merge Statement, and you can use the Merge Statement with dynamic sql. Please check the below merge statement used dynamic sql.
    SET @SqlStatement = N'MERGE Destination as target
    USING Source as source
    on (target.ServerName = Source.ServerName)
    INSERT (ServerName, ID) VALUES (ServerName, ID)
    UPDATE SET DateDeleted = GETDATE();'
    EXEC sp_executesql @sqlStatement
    Please click "Propose As Answer" if a post solves your problem or "Vote As Helpful" if a post has been
    useful to you

  • CFFORM and CFC usage

    I have form that is calling itself for submission, and at the
    top of the
    form, I have:
    <cfif structkeyexists(url,"m")>
    <cfswitch expression="#m#">
    <cfcase value="0">
    <cfinvoke component="" method="infoMail">
    <cfinvokeargument name="fName" value="#form.fName#">
    <cfinvokeargument name="lName" value="#form.lName#">
    <cfinvokeargument name="Address1"
    <cfinvokeargument name="Address2"
    <cfinvokeargument name="City" value="#form.City#">
    <cfinvokeargument name="State" value="#form.State#">
    <cfinvokeargument name="Zip" value="#form.Zip#">
    <cfinvokeargument name="Plus4" value="#form.Plus4#">
    <cfinvokeargument name="Email" value="#form.Email#">
    <cfinvokeargument name="Info" value="#form.Info#">
    <cfinvokeargument name="Events" value="#form.Events#">
    <cfinvokeargument name="Class" value="#form.Class#">
    <cfinvokeargument name="News" value="#form.News#">
    <cfcase value="1">
    The problem is that if a checkbox on the form isn't selected,
    then I get:
    Element EVENTS is undefined in FORM
    How can I get around this?? On the CFC I have it setting a
    value of 0, and it isn't required.....

    Steve G wrote:
    > The problem is that if a checkbox on the form isn't
    selected, then I get:
    > Element EVENTS is undefined in FORM
    > How can I get around this?? On the CFC I have it setting
    a default
    > value of 0, and it isn't required.....
    That is a standard problem with the HTTP standard and the
    check box and
    radio button controls. If they are not selected no key is
    sent to the
    server. Your default in the CFC is not working because the
    code is
    failing when trying to use the non-existent ''
    value in the
    <cfinvokeargument...> tag. You just have to code your
    form handler page
    to understand this might be so. The two most common solutions
    to this
    is to check for the existence of the field OR to default it
    to some value.
    The struckKeyExists() function works well to test for the
    existence of
    form fields as the form and url variables are structures.
    <cfif structKeyExists(form,"Events")>
    <cfinvokeargument name="Events" value="#form.Events#">
    The <cfparam...> tag is designed to provide a default
    value to something
    if it does not exists.
    <!--- at the top of the form action page --->
    <cfparam name="" default="0">

  • Cfform and regex question

    I'm trying to make sure that a email address is in the
    correct format, using
    this regex:
    <cfinput type="text" name="contactEmail" id="contactEmail"
    message="Email is not in
    correct format.">
    When the form is submitted, it still processes a incorrectly
    formed email
    address without a complaint.....

    > <cfinput type="text" name="contactEmail"
    > validate="regular_expression"
    > (([a-z]{2,3})|(aero|coop|info|museum|name)))?$"
    message="Email is not in
    > correct format.">
    > When the form is submitted, it still processes a
    incorrectly formed email
    > address without a complaint.....
    What examples of incorrectly-formed email addresses is it
    accepting? I can
    think of a number of perfectly valid patterns that one will
    reject, too.
    To be frank, attempting to validate an internet email address
    (as per RFC
    2822) is a fool's errand. You could possibly validate the
    domain name
    part, but the local part can pretty much be anything one
    likes, anyhow. So
    on the LHS of the @ symbol, there's no pattern to validate.
    And what about this sort of thing:
    [email protected]
    Are you going to check that the domain is actually registered
    and active,
    and has an SMTP server receiving email? No, didn't think so.
    So what's
    the point?
    I can understand forcing a person to enter SOMETHING as an
    email address,
    and maybe type it in twice so as to minimise the chance of
    typos, but if
    they don't want to give you an email address, they won't.
    If you want to force a person to enter a VALID email address,
    then make
    sure part of their registration is done via responding to an
    email to their
    designated address...

  • Cfform and CFMail

    I have the code below on my page:
    <cfif isdefined('form.suggestion') OR
    <!--- submit --->
    <!--- send email to ellison --->
    <cfmail server="#g_mailserver#" to="#suggestion_email#"
    subject = "Suggestion from">
    #chr(10)# The following suggestion was submitted
    #dateformat(now(),"mm-dd-yy")# at #timeformat(now(),"hh:mm tt")#
    Pacific time.
    Name: #name#
    Email: #email#
    City & State: #location#
    Comment: #suggestion#
    <TD class="BodyText1GreyD"><span
    you.</strong> </span><BR> <BR>
    Your comments have been sent to the Web Team.
    <!--- form --->
    <table width="550" border="0" cellspacing="6"
    <td align="center" valign="middle">
    <table width="500">
    <form method="post"
    <td colspan="2">
    <td width="150" align="right"
    class="BodyText1GreyD">Your Name: </td>
    <td class="BodyText1GreyD"><input type="text"
    name="name" style="width:200px" class="BodyText1GreyD" />
    <td width="150" align="right"
    class="BodyText1GreyD">Your Email Address: </td>
    <td class="BodyText1GreyD"><input type="text"
    name="email" style="width:200px" class="BodyText1GreyD" />
    <td width="150" align="right"
    class="BodyText1GreyD">City &amp; State: </td>
    <td class="BodyText1GreyD"><input type="text"
    name="location" style="width:200px" class="BodyText1GreyD" />
    <td width="150" align="right" valign="top"
    class="BodyText1GreyD">Your comments or suggestions: </td>
    <td><textarea name="suggestion" cols="55" rows="6"
    style="width:360px" class="BodyText1GreyD"></textarea>
    <td colspan="2" align="right"
    class="BodyText1GreyD"><input type="image" name="submit"
    value="submit" src='images/submit.gif' width="101" height="24"
    alt='Submit Request' border="0"
    onmouseout="this.src='images/submit.gif';" />
    As you can see the form sends the inf to itself
    (?p=suggestion) and the e-mail is sent (teorically).
    This is working fine on my both devservers but its not
    working on my prodserver.
    here is the error message on my prod server:
    The page cannot be displayed
    The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because the
    page address is incorrect.
    Please try the following:
    * If you typed the page address in the Address bar, check
    that it is entered correctly.
    * Open the home page and then look for links
    to the information you want.
    HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed
    Internet Information Services

    If the intent is to prevent multiple form submissions, there
    are a couple of other ways to do it. Neither is perfect, but both
    require a deliberate effort to submit the form more than once.
    1. Use an intermediate page. On this page, validate the form
    inputs, convert the form variables to session variables and
    javascript.window.location to the real page.
    2. At the top of the form action page, display some html
    content and cfflush it. Then process your form.

  • CFFORM and tabs

    I have a flash form with multiple tabs. When the user clicks
    the Submit button, I want the form to reload with the same tab on
    Example: There are two tabs: "Car" and "House". "Car" is the
    top tab. If the user hits submit while on the "House" tab, I want
    the page to reload with the "House" tab selected. Thank

    This might not be the best solution, but it works:
    <!--- set default tab to 0 --->
    <cfparam name="thisTab" default="0">
    <!--- selectedindex tells the form which tab to focus on
    <cfformgroup type="TabNavigator" selectedindex="#thisTab#"
    <!--- create a hidden form field and populate it with the
    currently selected tab's index --->
    <cfinput type="hidden" name="thisTab" value="">
    <cfinput type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"
    onClick="theForm.thisTab = tabs.selectedIndex;">

  • CFForm and Tabling

    How do I format text in the cfformitem tag. It does not like
    the <tabl tag and I need to do more than lists..
    So.. how would I make a 10 by 10 grid...?

    HTML only, I guess, I wanted the flash look I guess I'll have
    to go about it a different way.
    CFGrid, tried that.. part of app is a calendar. Don't want to
    be able to sort the columns on a calendar. Good thought though...
    Thought that maybe I missed something easy..
    Back to the ole HTML & CSS.
    Thanks guys.

  • Requiring selection with cfform and cfselect

    I would like to have CF enforce the required="yes" attrribute
    of the cfselect tag as the documentation says it should. I've seen
    this discussed before here, but no resolution. The documentation of
    the required parameter says:
    ============ quoted text ============================
    * Yes: a list element must be selected when the form is
    Note: This attribute has no effect if you omit the size
    attribute or set it to 1, because the browser always submits the
    displayed item. You can work around this issue: format forms by
    having an initial option tag with value=" " (note the space
    character between the quotation marks).
    ============ end quoted text =========================
    Yet it does not work. I can use additional javascripts,
    validate on server side, etc., but I would like it to work as the
    documentation says. Or to know why the documentation continues to
    say it will work, if it won't.
    Code below:

    Try putting in the closing tag
    <option value=" "> </option>

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    Hello all, As most folks know, we are hot on the heels of major new OS releases from both Microsoft and Apple. In these forums, some has been written about Windows 7 and various issues that have appeared and even some solutions for those various issu

  • SCEP last quick scan end times not showing up in console

    Hello My company is using SCEP to protect our environment with SCCM 2012 R2. We have schedule quick scans to run at 2am on Sundays, but when we look at any device collection and add the column "Endpoint Protection Last Quick Scan End Time", no time a