Chaining a filter which intercepts a response.redirect()

I have a filter that intercepts any URL with /pdf , the purpose of this filter is to stop users from viewing pdf files in /pdf folder directly.
I have a servlet that calls response.redirect ("/PDF/dir/file.pdf"); In the filter, I am determining if the referer is the application and if so i chain it to the next filter/servlet which in this case is a pdf file, or else i display an error.
The fiter is called appropriately but I am getting a file not found error, when it chains !!.
     public void doFilter(
          ServletRequest request,
          ServletResponse response,
          FilterChain chain)
          throws IOException, ServletException {
     System.out.println("Filter hit");
     if(((HttpServletRequest)request).getHeader("referer") == null)
     System.out.println("ErrorPage will be called");
     System.out.println("Filter Redirecting to " + ((HttpServletRequest)request).getRequestURL().toString());
     chain.doFilter(request, response);
Am i missing something here.. Thank you for your reponse.

I tried to simulate your scenario. I am too getting
the same error, when referer is null and trying to
redirect to error page jsp.
But response.sendRedirect() worked vey well.
My situation is opposite, i cannot do response.sendRedirect(). Where is your pdf located, is it under web-inf folder or under some external url?

Similar Messages

  • PDF via Response.redirect or direct send does not work

    We have a web site which has a mobile section. We store some PDF's in a Database, retrieve them as needed and send the file to the client.
    IT works fine on a desktop/notebook, iPhone. but on Windows Phone it just opens the reader, "downloads the file and says "Tap to open", but won't. Saving the file and doing a Response.Redirect doesn't work either.Only saving the file and setting
    up a JavaScript href to do a location =
    Will this be fixed, or do I need the workaround.
    - Bill Surface Pro 128gb, Win 8 Pro 64 bit, MS Expression 4, Office 365 Home Premium, Visual Studio Professional 2013, SQL Server 2012 Express

    Never a problem in when NOT using phone. Always a problem when using phone (PDF Reader or Adobe Reader. The code that send it look like this:
    Dim PDFContent() As Byte = objCmd.ExecuteScalar
    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
    Response.Charset = String.Empty
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + FileName)
    Response.OutputStream.Write(PDFContent, 0, PDFContent.Length)
    - Bill using: Surface Pro 128gb, Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit, Office 365 Home Premium, Visual Studio Web Developer 2013, MS Expression 4, SQL Server 2012 Express

  • After click to print on toolpanel, response.redirect will not exit page!

    On the aspx page where in either the init or page load I execute the code for the report, it will display, and the toolpanel appears, and I can click the printer icon and the report will print.
    It merrily reexeuctes the init and page load for every page in the report, which is insane, but from what I see searching Google, that is just the way it works.
    I can live with that, but here is the real problem.
    I have three buttons at top of page, each an http redirect to leave the page and go to another. I mean, I have to give the user a way out, right?
    They will work if clicked on first entering the page before printing the report.
    However, once you have clicked the icon in the Crystal toolpanel to print the report, YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THE PAGE! It will not go away.
    I even put in code to trap the id of the control clicked, skip the crystal report loading code, included close and dispose methods on Crystal report AND the crystalreportviewer object, even set the objects to null.
    Does not matter.
    Execution will jump to the button code and hit the response.redirect command. And just stay on the page. The page is still live, you can click the button again and again. Occasionally maybe one out of 30 clicks, it will exit the page.
    Note also, because of how Crystal is executing the init and page_load on every page in the report, it executes the page_unload on every pass, too, I discovered that by adding a page_unload and trying to put dispose code there.
    Here is the entire aspx page behind code. This is Visual Studio 2010, C#, CR for Visual Studio 13 installed.
        public partial class ReportInvoicePackingListPrint : mmBusinessWebPage
            private ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
            protected bool leavingpage;
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Amazingly, clicking a control to LEAVE the page REEXECUTES THE PAGE LOAD!!
                // I do not understand why, but checking for the ID of the controls on the page allows you to return and skip the rest of the page load.
                Control ctrl = PageUtilities.GetPostBackControl(this.Page);
                // if (ctrl != null && (ctrl.ID == "btnMainMenu" || ctrl.ID == "btnNewSearchHeader"))
                if (ctrl != null &&
                            (ctrl.ID == "btnMainMenu"
                                || ctrl.ID == "btnLocateByCustomerInfo"
                                || ctrl.ID == "btnReportInvoicePackingList"
                    // We are going to redirect away to another page, OR we are re-entering and want to force !PostBack and Page_Load code.
                    // Skip Page_Load code and all the database calls and setup overhead.
                    leavingpage = true;
                    CrystalReportViewer1 = null;
                    report = null;
                string rpt_path = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Reports_Crystal/InvoicePackingList.rpt");
                report.Load(rpt_path, CrystalDecisions.Shared.OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByDefault);
                // Retrive BatchNumber passed to this page and set the parm for the report object.
                string batchnumber = SessionProxy.BatchNumber;
                report.SetParameterValue("BatchNumber", batchnumber);
                CrystalReportViewer1.ToolPanelView = CrystalDecisions.Web.ToolPanelViewType.None;
                CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;
            protected void btnReportInvoicePackingList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Response.Redirect("~/App_Reports_Pages/ReportInvoicePackingList.aspx", true);
            protected void btnMainMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Response.Redirect("~/App_Menus/MainMenu.aspx", true);
            protected void btnLocateByCustomerInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Response.Redirect("~/App_Pages/CustLookUp.aspx", true);

    I was too encountering the same problem. I had tried Uher's solution. It doesn't work.
    Plus in this QnA is there a resolution?? Below is my code.
    using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    namespace Report1
         //Current Code using Page_Init to pre-Renders the report
         protected void Page_Init(Object sender, EventArgs e)
             if (!IsPostBack)
                CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = (ReportDocument)Session["sessionCryRpt"];
       //Previous Code & this is not working so disable
       protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
       //  if (!Page.IsPostBack)
       //  {  LoadReport();  }
       protected void MainButton_Click()
       protected void CrystalReportViewer1_Init()
       private void LoadReport()
        ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
        connectionInfo.ServerName = @"server";
        connectionInfo.DatabaseName = "tbl1";
        connectionInfo.UserID = "sa";
        connectionInfo.Password = "sa";
        connectionInfo.Type = ConnectionInfoType.SQL;
        connectionInfo.AllowCustomConnection = true;
        string strParam = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["Param"]);
        label1.Text = strParam;
        ReportDocument cryRpt = new ReportDocument();
        Report1 crystalReport1;
        crystalReport1 = new Report1();
        SetDBLogonForReport(connectionInfo, cryRpt);
        cryRpt.SetParameterValue("Param", strParam);
        CrystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula = "{Param}";
        CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crystalReport1;
        CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cryRpt;
        //Create session & assign ReportDocument to session
         Session["sessionCryRpt"] = cryRpt;
        private void SetDBLogonForReport(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, ReportDocument reportDocument)
        Tables tables = reportDocument.Database.Tables;
        foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table table in tables)
         TableLogOnInfo tableLogonInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
         tableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
    //Report1.aspx code behind
    <%@Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Report1.aspx.cs"       Inherits="Project.Report" %>
    <td class="style5">
        <asp:Button ID="MainButton" runat="server" onclick="MainButton_Click"
           Text="Back To MainPage" Width="174px" CausesValidation="False" />
    <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
           <CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1" runat="server"
                    EnableDatabaseLogonPrompt="False" ReuseParameterValuesOnRefresh="True"
                    AutoDataBind="True" Height="1269px" ToolPanelWidth="200px" Width="881px"
                    oninit="CrystalReportViewer1_Init" GroupTreeImagesFolderUrl=""
                    GroupTreeStyle-ShowLines="False" ReportSourceID="CrystalReportSource1"
                    ToolbarImagesFolderUrl="" ToolPanelView="None"
                    EnableParameterPrompt="False" SeparatePages="False" HasCrystalLogo="False"
                    HasToggleGroupTreeButton="False" HasToggleParameterPanelButton="False" />
                <CR:CrystalReportSource ID="CrystalReportSource1" runat="server">
                    <Report FileName="CrystalReport1.rpt">

  • Is a Servlet-Filter which serializes requests in the same user session ok?

    The Servelt specification states that the Web-Application is itself responsible for synchronizing access to HttpSessions. It is from the serversite not possible to prevent multiple threads to access the same HttpSession (i.e. the user could always open a second window, retransmit a form etc). My assumption is that while this does not happen often it can happen and therefore I think each access to the HttpSession must be synchronized. For a further discussion see .
    Concurrent programming is generally complicated and errorprone. At least in developing JSPs it is inconvenient and easy to forget. My Web-App uses often HttpSession and it can be used in different not predefined places, so I had the idea to implement a ServletFilter which serializes threads which happen in the same session. This involves certainly some overhead. However for the advantages of easier code maintains and higher consistency I am ready to pay this overhead.
    My question is generally what you think of this approach and second whether the way I implemented the Filter works.
    The Filter actually generates for each Request an HttpServletRequestWrapper which intercepts calls to getSession and on call aquires a Lock so that other threads have to wait for the same Session. The lock is released when the doFilter method of the Filter returns. So threads run concurrently until the first access to the Session and from there they are serialized until the end of the Request.
    For the details I will give the code for the Filter and the Wrapper (that?s all the code needed except the ReentrantLock which is Doug Lea?s implementation )
    the Filter
    public class SessionThreadFilter implements Filter
      public static final String MUTEXT_IN_SESSION_KEY = "org.jaul.filter.SessionThreadFilter.MUTEX";
      //constructor, init, destroy methods do nothing
      public void doFilter(ServletRequest reqIn,ServletResponse res,FilterChain filterChain)
        throws IOException, ServletException
        //if req not instanceof of HttpRequest don't do anything
        if (!(reqIn instanceof HttpServletRequest))
          filterChain.doFilter(reqIn, res);
        } else
          HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) reqIn;
          //We use a HttpRequestWrapper each time a user accesses
          //through this
          //Wrapper a Session is Lock is aquired. The filter method returns
          //the lock if it exists is released
          //each thread needs it's own wrapper so the wrapper itself
          //doesn't have to be synchronized
          SessionThreadRequestWrapper wrapper = new SessionThreadRequestWrapper(req);
            filterChain.doFilter(wrapper, res);
            ReentrantLock lock = wrapper.getLock();
            if (lock != null && lock.holds() != 0)
    the Wrapper
    final public class SessionThreadRequestWrapper extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {
      private ReentrantLock lock = null;
       * Constructor for SessionThreadRequestWrapper.
       * @param arg0
      public SessionThreadRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest req){
       * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getSession()
      public HttpSession getSession(){
        return getSession(true);
       * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getSession(boolean)
      public HttpSession getSession(boolean construct){
        //this will get the session an the lock
        HttpSession session = getLockFromSession(construct);
        if (session == null) return null;
        //get a lock on the mutex
        } catch (InterruptedException e){
          throw new IllegalStateException("Interrupted while thread waiting for session");
        //now we check again if the session is still valid
        } catch (IllegalStateException e){
          //again we go recusively but first release the lock
          lock = null;
          return getSession(construct);
        //after you got the lock you can return the session
        return session;
       * gets the lock from the session
       * @param construct
       * @return HttpSession
      private HttpSession getLockFromSession(boolean construct){
        //test if it is a new Session
        HttpSession session = super.getSession(construct);
        //if is null no session was realy requested
        if (session == null) return null;
        //otherwise try to get the lock if necessery construct it
        //syncrhonized over session
        synchronized (session){
          //this migth throw an Exception if the session has been
          //invalidated in the mean time
            lock = (ReentrantLock) session.getAttribute(SessionThreadFilter.MUTEXT_IN_SESSION_KEY);
            if (lock == null){
              lock = new ReentrantLock();
              session.setAttribute (SessionThreadFilter.MUTEXT_IN_SESSION_KEY, lock);
            return session;
          } catch (IllegalStateException e){
            //the session has been invalidated before we tried to get the
            //lock we recursively call getLockFromSession
            //( assumption checked with Jetty: if the session is invalidated
            //and getSession is called on the thread a new valid session
            // should is returend)
            //I hope sometime you should get a valid session but I am not
            //sure. This is crucial for breaking of the recursion
            lock = null;
            return this.getLockFromSession(construct);
      /** used by the Filter to get the lock so that it can release it
      ReentrantLock getLock(){
         return this.lock;
    }As stated I would be very thankful if you could check the code and give some commends.

    synchronized (session){Are you sure that the session instance returned by two
    concurrent calls to getSession(...) are the same? I
    think that tomcat for instance may return different
    instances for the same "logical " session, which would
    break your scheme I think... Thank you (I did not know that on Tomcat). The same thing could also occur if another filter wrapped the Session.
    That's indeed a problem,which I have already adressed in another thread, but did not get an answer. ( The already cited thread adresses the same problem, but the discussion there ends with the recomandation that you should synchronize on HttpSession as I did it. Also in other forums I've read so.
    However like you I've at least strong doubts in this approach, so now my question is on what should I than generally for any access in any web-app syncrhonize the access to Http-Session as demanded by the Servlet specs.
    A few not realy satisfying answers:
    Synchronize on the HttpSession itself: I think still the best approach, but as you say is it guaranteed that the same instance of an HttpSession is given to each Request (in one Session)?
    Synchronized on the HttpServlet: This only works if no other servlet (or jsp) accesses in the session the value with the same key ( of course only if the session itself is threadsave). In case of ThingleThread it is not possible at all there can be multiple instances (you could use a static variable)
    Holding the object to synchronize on in applicaton scope or session scope: This obiously doesn't help, because somehow you have to obtain the lock and at least there you need another synchronize.Holding in application socpe is slow a static variable lock would be better there.
    Synchronize on some static variable: This will work, but is very slow (each request not only in the same session would synchronize on this).
    Hold a map in application scope, which holds for each Session-key a lock: Is probably faster than the static variable thing. However the access and the management of the Map (removing of unused locks etc.- Mabe you could use a WeakHashMap to collect the locks for not used keys anymore) is time consuming too and again the map must be accessed syncrhonasly by all requests.
    Syncrhonize on the Filter (only in my case): This is as slow as the static variable approach because each request will use the same lock the one instance of the Filter.
    So synchronizing on the session is propably the best approach if the same attribute name is accesed by different servlets. However if you say that some Web-Containers return different HttpSession instances for the same Session (which is legal according to the specification) this of course does not work.
    So I have realy no clue on what to syncrhonize than. Now help is not only neede on my Thread serialization filter but on my generally Servlet prgromming.
    May be you could help me for another synchronization aproach.

  • Failure: filter timeout; filter failed to finish response

    The proxy is now very slow and instead of using 512 process (as configured in the magnus.conf) and showing 100% of process utilization, it uses for example 400 process but with 100% of process utilization.
    I have a lot of this error message in the error log of iPlanet-Web-Proxy-Server/3.6-SP6 on Solaris 9.
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:01] warning: accept failed (Software caused connection abort)
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:02] warning: accept failed (Software caused connection abort)
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:02] failure: filter timeout; filter failed to finish response
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:03] failure: filter timeout; filter failed to finish response
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:03] failure: filter timeout; filter failed to finish response
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:03] warning: accept failed (Software caused connection abort)
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:03] warning: accept failed (Software caused connection abort)
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:04] warning: accept failed (Software caused connection abort)
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:05] failure: filter timeout; filter failed to finish response
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:05] failure: filter timeout; filter failed to finish response
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:06] warning: accept failed (Software caused connection abort)
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:06] warning: accept failed (Software caused connection abort)
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:06] warning: accept failed (Software caused connection abort)
    [07/Mar/2005:16:00:06] warning: accept failed (Software caused connection abort)
    This problem occurs only today and I never have this problem before.
    Has anyone solve this problem or have an idea how to solve it ?

    Please see information in this link:
    According to the guide above, we can view the Details of the event log, find its process ID (PID), then find the realted process\service with the PID which causes this issue, you can use Task Manager, it will be mostly cause by Windows Search service.
    You can also find some explanation in the following link:
    response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you.
    does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • I am using Telerik Web controls Q4 2006 and noticed linkbuttons inside an ajaxified radgrid do not allow Response.Redirects within the ItemCommand event. Is there a fix for this?

    Technology Telerik radcontrols for Q4 2006
    An ajaxified radgrid that is wrapped around a radpanel and radgrid has property of EnableAjax = true, Response.Redirects do not work. So basically our whole site is broken.
    Is there a hot fix for this?

    Hi Charlotte,
    You don't say what your version of Windows you have. Assuming XP, go to Start | Run, type DXDIAG and click OK. Click the Sound tab and run the tests to eliminate a hardware problem first of all. If you don't hear anything, check your cables first of all. Also make sure "Mute" isn't checkmarked in your sound setup. You'll find that in Windows Control Panel.
    Which browser do you use? If you have Firefox 4, sign up to the HTML5 trial @
    HTML5 is the latest video standard and doesn't require Flash player. Google is in the process of converting all its files to work with the new format. It may solve you problem. If you don't have Firefox 4, you can get it from here:
    IE8 doesn't support HTML5.
    To clean out your temp files, go to Start | Run, type: CLEANMGR and click OK. Click OK again to start the utility. Tick all the boxes except "Compress old files" because the latter takes too long, and then click OK. You can run this utility any time you wish by the way.
    The above steps will hopefully fix your problem. If not, post here again please.

  • Response.Redirect not working after printing CR

    Using Visual Studio 2010 sp1 with Crystal for VS 2010. Web app running as a web application in x86 mode  using .NET 4.0 framework.
    I recently created a CR with a sub-report and it previews and prints just fine.  However, after I PRINT the report, my code behind in the ASPX file is not recognized and thus fails. 
    For example, I created a 'Back' button to redirect the CR aspx back to the calling aspx file and it works just fine if I only view the report.  If I click on the printer icon located on the report viewer toolbar, the button stops working.  In fact, none of the code behind syntax is recognized and the aspx file just does a page_load. 
    I know this code works because it does work if I DON"T print the report:
        protected void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    I also have a 'Submit' button that changes the data parameters for the report and it works great but after I print the report, it will not work either.   (I've tried to upgrade to sp2 but I get an error with the installation process... so still trying to figure that out.)
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    To summarize,  All the code I listed works fine if I do not try to print the report and just view it.  After I click the printer icon, the code stops being recognized and the aspx page just refreshes. 
    I've searched for help on the web for a couple of days to no avail; so I am thinking it must be some issue with the report viewer. 
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Not a problem. Something like what is described in the following should help (from the easiest to the more complicated):
    [1411677 - Blank first page in Visual Studio .NET application using the Crystal Reports DHTML viewer|]
    [1625033 - Page navigation button does not work as required using Crystal Report .NET web application|]
    [1670041 - How to persist Crystal Reports using Cache in a custom .NET web application?|]
    - Ludek

  • Chaining two Extremes--which order? (part 2)

    Just reconfigured my home network after buying Cisco RVS4000 router and adding a second simultaneous dual-band AEBS. I followed Tesserax's advice in the previous thread (Chaining two Extremes--which order?) recently.
    The two db extremes are bridged and both use the same network name, passwords, and security levels.
    One odd behavior I can't figure out:
    When I eliminated the non-simultaneous db extreme from the chain and was resetting the existing sDB, it took on the profile of the extreme I eliminated from the chain. I have hard reset it several times, both manually and through the airport utility interface. Even though it says it resets, in the summary tab, it continues to indicate it is a (fast ethernet) model and not the (simultaneous dual-band) model. And the radio settings seem to mirror those of the older model.
    So, to summarize, hardware wise, I have two new simultaneous dual band extremes but airport utility indicates I only have one. The network appears to be working fine, but I'm wondering whether I'm getting the full functionality of the hardware.
    I don't know how to fix this.

    Couple of additional questions. Under your suggestion, what should the settings be under "wireless mode?" Assuming it would be:
    802.11n (non-dual)= "create a wireless network"
    802.11n (dual)= "extend a wireless network"
    Actually, you will want the following settings:
    o 802.11n (non-dual) = Create a wireless network
    o 802.11n (dual) = Create a wireless network
    The only reason to choose "Extend a wireless network" would be if the two routers were NOT connected by wire.
    Also, what about the checkboxes asking "Allow this network to be extended?" for each base station. Should they be checked or unchecked?
    You will want both "unchecked." Again, this would be because the routers are connected by Ethernet and this option is the "other half" of the "Allow this network to be extended"/"Extend a wireless network" pair to define a dynamic WDS. Neither are required (or desired) when the routers are connected by wire.
    The reason I was using WDS even though it was against my instinct is this paragraph from "Take Control" book by Glenn Fleishman ...
    Glenn provides an excellent reference in the Take Control series. I believe what Glenn is referring to here is in a situation where you had two AirPort connected by wire (like you do) and want to extend the wireless range even further. Using his instruction for your case would be if you wanted to add a third AirPort ... say an AirPort Express. You could then configure the 802.11n (dual) and Express into a dynamic WDS.
    Actually, in this case, it would be advantageous to switch the Extremes so that the dual would be connected to the modem and the WDS would be configured between the non-dual and Express.

  • How to add the cookie to the response/redirect?

    Can someone provide detail on how to add the cookie to the response/redirect?
    The current object I have is the UserSession object and the Session Token (string).

    Haven't worked on this but MOS Article: 1366005.1 probably talks about the same. Might help you.

  • Response.Redirect not working with parameters

    Response.Redirect("http://myurl/php/test.php?username=" + LoginHelper.userName + "&password=" + LoginHelper.password);
    Hi All,
    I am trying to redirect the user to different website with username and password. I am using the code above and passing user name and password as parameters.
    This works fine on IE when i run the code on my local machine.
    But when I push the code live this does not work, and user is not able to login.
    It is working fine on other browsers.
    Can someone please help, i am trying to wrap my head around this.
    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Hi SA260884,
    Do you use Response.Redirect function in a asp web application? If yes, please check this sample:
    If not, please make a sample html for reproducing this issue.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Response.redirect not working on IE when it is live but works fine on local.

    + LoginHelper.userName
    + "&password="
    + LoginHelper.password);
    Hi All,
    I am trying to redirect the user to different website with username and password. I am using the code above and passing user name and password as parameters.
    This works fine on IE when i run the code on my local machine.
    But when I push the code live this does not work, and user is not able to login.
    It is working fine for other browsers.
    Can someone please help, i am trying to wrap my head around this.
    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    This is a problem specific to ASP.NET 4.0.  I would either recommend upgrading to .NET 4.5 if possible, otherwise I believe you might have to create a custom browser definition. There is a bug in .Net 4.0 for browser detection.

  • 7912 and CCM 4.2. Response redirect not working. 7912 Bug

    I'm using response.redirect. All of a sudden we do receive support cases from customers using CCM 4.1.3SR2 and 4.2.
    It turns out that when using response.redirect (ASP) it does work anymore. 7940,60 still works. You have to press a button twice to be redirected. Can someone please help me with this.

    Do you have the same phone load as your customer? I'd tend more towards a load problem. What I found when using redirects is that phone loads play a role. For instance I had a redirect to a directory that has a default document defined. So I sent a redirect to
    It worked on the 7960/40 but not on the 7970 and IPC. If however I changed the url to
    then it worked.
    I don't have any 7912s so I don't know how they react, and I'm not using my 7905 for a lot of testing.

  • Mandatory filter which value depends on user choice

    I've just start my experience with SAP BO, and I have big problem to solve. Iu2019m using Universe Designer and I need a mandatory filter, which can have one of two values. The value of filter depends on user choice. Filter should have default value. Eg. when user choose "internal view" filter will add expression tabe.column = 'X' to a query, when user choose "external view" filter will add expression table.column = 'Y'. The main problem is that chosen value should be remembered in report. So user cannot be prompted every time to choose a value. Does anyone has any idea how to solve this problem? The best solution would be when one filter could reference to another. Or to use internal report variable, but I think there is no such thing. Thanks for any advice.

    It should be solved by using an @prompt in the mandatory filter.
    eg. table.column = @Prompt('Select internal or external','A',{'internal view','external view'},Mono,Constrained,Persistent)

  • Creating dynamic filter which shows next 30 days

    How to create dynamic filter which shows next 30 days?
    I've tried greater than or equal to TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY, 30, CURRENT_DATE) but it doesn't work.

    I think it should be something like below (inclusive of current month)
    You may have to test this out
    (YEAR("Close Date".Date) >= YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) AND
    MONTH("Close Date".Date) >= MONTH(CURRENT_DATE)
    ) AND (YEAR("Close Date".Date) <= YEAR(TimestampAdd(SQL_TSI_MONTH,11, CURRENT_DATE)) AND MONTH("Close Date".Date) <= MONTH(TimestampAdd(SQL_TSI_MONTH,11, CURRENT_DATE)))
    Hope it helps
    -- Venky CRMIT

  • The default value as "None" for the report filter which is Value List type?

    I want to know is it possible to make the default value as "None" for the report filter which is Value List data type?
    For example:The Project Classification Value List value type which have many value like "Supplier Rationalization" "Category Sourcing" "Contract Regegotiation" etc, and the value "Supplier Rationalization" is in the frist positon in the value list. When i use "Project Classification " as a report filter, the value "Supplier Rationalization" displayed as default value. And in the value list box in report filter of Project Classification , there is a value "None" which should be added automatically by system. So i manually filled the default value with "None" in Filter Prompt screen, but it does not work. After i display the report ,the Project Classification filter still use the ""Supplier Rationalization" as the default value.
    My current ESO version is 5.1. I tried other ESO version like 5.15, if i manaully give a default value "None" in Filter Prompt screen for filter Project Classification, then the default value is "None". It works well.
    Does anybody know if it's possible to do the same thing in ESO 5.1?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: David Gao on Aug 11, 2010 4:06 AM

    Hi David -
    This is possible, but the technique is not too obvious...
    To make "None" be the default choice for a query definition filter parameter of type value list type, you need to set the default value of the filter parameter to the following:
    <internal id of value list type>:616:NULL
    For example, I believe you will see that the internal id of the Project Classification value list type is 51, so the default value of the filter parameter would be:
    I hope this helps.

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