Change 'drive' that itunes looks on?

Ok here is my problem. All my music, videos, and some other things are stored on an external HDD. I don't always turn it on but when I do it comes up on my computer as drive E: I just turned my drive on and for some reason it is showing up as drive F: not E: There is nothing else attached to my computer right now, the drives go C: (internal HDD), D: (CDRW/DVD combo), and then F: it totally skips E: for some reason which I don't see why.
I have tried to reconnect the drive and restart my computer but the drive still comes up at drive F: Is there a way to change the drive itunes will look on since all my files are on the same one. Or does anyone know a way to change the drive designation within windows? Or do I have to reload everything, I would not like to do that since I would have to redo lots of settings on tons of videos and other stuff to get them to sort properly.

problem solved, I found how to change the drive letter manually.

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    Create and delete iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch backups in iTunes

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    pbay wrote:
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    welcome to the discussion area, pbay !
    1) launch iTunes with the option key pressed. choose to create a new library when prompted.
    2) in preferences > advanced make sure iTunes is pointed to the external drive and that +keep iTunes media folder organized+ and +copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to library+ are checked.
    3) from the iTunes file menu, choose +add to library+ and start populating iTunes with the tunes you want.
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    Windows - Change iPad default backup location cation.html
    Windows - Changing IPhone and iPad backup location location/
     Cheers, Tom

  • Edit code for change drive letters in paths for links, to also work with Fonts that have been moved.

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    Well I want to do the same but for fonts that have also moved.
    Thank you in advance for any and all help!
    if (app.documents.length == 0) {
        err("No open document. Please open a document and try again.", true);
    if (File.fs != "Windows") {
        err("This script is for Windows only.");
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myLinks = myDoc.links;
    var myCounter = 0;
    if (myLinks.length == 0) {
        err("This document doesn't contain any links.", true);
    var mySettings = CreateDialog();
    for (i = myLinks.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
        var myLink = myLinks[i];
        if ( myLink.status == LinkStatus.LINK_MISSING || (myLink.status != LinkStatus.LINK_MISSING && mySettings[2] == false) ) {
            var myOldPath = myLink.filePath;
            var myNewPath = myOldPath.replace(mySettings[0] + ":\\", mySettings[1] + ":\\");
            var myNewFile = new File(myNewPath);
            if (myNewFile.exists) {
                try {
                catch(e) {}
    if (myCounter == 1) {
        alert("One file has been relinked.", "Finished");
    else if  (myCounter > 1) {
        alert(myCounter + " files have been relinked.", "Finished");
    else {
        alert("Nothing has been relinked.", "Finished");
    function err(e, icon){
        alert(e, "Change drive letter in path", icon);
    function CreateDialog() {
        var myDrives = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "y", "Z"];
        var myDialog = new Window("dialog", "Change drive letter in path");
        var myPanel = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "");
        myPanel.orientation = "column";
        myPanel.alignChildren = "left";
        var myGroup = myPanel.add("group");
        myGroup.orientation = "row";
        var myStText1 = myGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Change ");
        var myDropDownList1 = myGroup.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myDrives);
        if (app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl1") != "") {
            myDropDownList1.selection = myDropDownList1.items[app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl1")];
        else {
            myDropDownList1.selection = myDropDownList1.items[2];
        var myStText2 = myGroup.add("statictext", undefined, " to ");
        var myDropDownList2 = myGroup.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myDrives);
        if (app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl2") != "") {
            myDropDownList2.selection = myDropDownList2.items[app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl2")];
        else {
            myDropDownList2.selection = myDropDownList2.items[3];
        var myCheckBox = myPanel.add("checkbox", undefined, "relink only missing links");
        if (app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_checkbox") != "") {
            myCheckBox.value = eval(app.extractLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_checkbox"));
        else {
            myCheckBox.value = true;
        var myButtonsGrp = myDialog.add("group");
        var myOkBtn = myButtonsGrp.add("button", undefined, "Ok", {name:"ok"});
        var myCancelBtn = myButtonsGrp.add("button", undefined, "Cancel", {name:"cancel"});
        myOkBtn.onClick = function() {
            if (myDropDownList1.selection.index == myDropDownList2.selection.index) {
                alert("Both drive letters should not be the same.", "Change drive letter in path");
            else {
        var myDialogResult =;
        if (myDialogResult == 1) {
            app.insertLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl1", myDropDownList1.selection + "");
            app.insertLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_Ddl2", myDropDownList2.selection + "");
            app.insertLabel("Kas_UpdatePathNamesAfterDriveLetterChange_3.0_checkbox", myCheckBox.value + "");
            return [ myDropDownList1.selection.text, myDropDownList2.selection.text, myCheckBox.value ];
        else {

    ok, so I have discovered where the issue came from...
    The code you helped me with before, were I removed all links and my link character styles that I had (found here:
    Well it set all the items I was finding/replacing to unknown fonts that my machine doesn't have (Like Helvetic Neue Bold, instead of just Helvetica Bold, etc).
    Is there an easy way of fixing this?
    The only way I know to fix it right now is:
    Go to Package >> go to Fonts >> Select the the font that says it's missing >> Select Find First >> CLOSE ALL OF THIS, then use the eye-dropper to select the text around that font which copies the formatting and then apply it to the text who's formatting got messed up.  And then start the process all over again for the next occurence of that word whose formatting got stripped.

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